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tv   Markets Now  FOX Business  February 25, 2014 1:00pm-2:01pm EST

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be really careful. cheryl: he is going to make money all the way to the bank in the next hour, and hopefully will make money in the next hour of "markets now." adam: home depot whips, toll brothers warned. pointing the finger at mother nature. the broader market so for weathering the storm. cheryl: the bowls are not the only ones losing momentum. the house recovery is running out of steam after the best unit again since 2005, home prices slipping in the month of december, the second straight month over month decline in moments. robert shiller, the co-author of the case-shiller index joins us on if the recovery at home values is over. adam: uncertainty in ukraine, venezuela and egypt driving trading in gold. prices are holding at levels not seen in four months. jim rogers on whether or not he is buying at these levels and what he thinks will help outperform medals at this pointñ
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cheryl: the high profile exchange goes off-line and reports of a massive theft. lot happening in the next hour of fox business. but first, the dow up 19 points. major averages in a bit of a roller coaster ride, volatility is back, nicole. nicole: putting out a note today saying how the market was testing his own vital signs. we held since they balanced off the levels, we do have that back-and-forth action. that is seeing his own back and forth. one thing worth noting also is the floor type of look at the
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big board, they see stocks higher, gold higher, treasuries higher. now that is an unusual mix. back to you. cheryl: watching the s&p. that is what we need.g close. adam: big names reporting quarterly results, sandra smith with the trading. >> things warm-up, things will head outside and repairs on the houses. six straight years of beating expectations, that drove sales in the quarter. better-than-expected earnings driving the price up there.
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macy's doing quite well, up 5% in today's trading session. the stock has gone up 45% over the past year. profits up 11%, sales however did miss forecasts, but they provided a little outlook on that. the whether impaired their sales, but when things warm-up this spring this pent up demand j shop benefiting them at macy's. report of the best years are still ahead. that sucks getting a nice boost. the guidance has been good for toll brothers. they lowered the top end of the order forecast for 2014.
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they did point to the weather as one of the concerns. they were blaming it on the weather, the others were able to buck it. adam: he said you cannot blame the weather. their margins are getting slimmer. thank you, sandra. cheryl: she was talking about toll brothers. the leading measure of u.s. home prices is the case-shiller index report, and we got it today. 25% of the early 2012 lows, but get this, still remain 12% off the peak from the summer of 2006. joining me now, the co-author of the case-shiller index, yale university, great day to have you. a rough report, i guess the overarching question they have
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is the price issue, is a dangerous we have seen these prices do so much in 2012. >> looks a little bit like 2005 with the peaks in the permits. the homebuyers are down. with a negative signals. we have over 13% year on year growth. cheryl: the question is is this a real recovery. on the percentage terms, blockbuster numbers, jpmorgan coming out and laying off mortgage bankers. cuts like that at citigroup, is this a real recovery or is this a housing market ready for a fall this year? >> it is part of the reason why
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new york is practically our weakest city. financial sectors looking iffy. the other thing is that i have been collecting survey data, people's expectations are not strong like they were 2005. cheryl: do you think prices are hurting sales? we have seen sales data declining, some of it on the weather. it has been week. >> we know people don't have high expectations. a large part the sales volume we saw in the last year or so was
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because of the record low mortgage rates which occurred in the late 2012, but then they shot up in early 2013 by almost a percentage point. that has kind of cooled the homebuyers. cheryl: what can we see if the challenges of the first-time homebuyers? the data we released today good for existing buyers the free first-time homebuyers they have tough lending standards when they go to get a loan, a lot of lenders are facing student loans and of course the income growth which frankly wage growth has been stagnant in this country. does it worry for you? >> yeah. there is a shift among young people toward wanting to rent. this dream of buying a house,
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which was partly a bubble, people thought home prices were going to go up forever, and we have learned that is not assured. someone who has is great mansi mansion, he used to feel impressed by it, now you think i'm not so sure. cheryl: go ahead. >> there is a shift toward rentall investment properties might do better as apartment buildings in a city rather than homes in the suburbs. cheryl: if you look at the landscape for 2014 moving forward here, do you think we will see mid-single-digit growth for prices, this is your area of expertise because that is the concern we will not have what we had last year. >> if you look at the futures market for single-family homes, chicago mercantile exchange for the nation predicting 5.3% increase between 2014-2015.
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the target inflation rate is 2%. it is not much over that. nobody is expecting to do as well as it did last year. cheryl: the question remains to be answered, we will see what happens. thank you for being here, thank you, bob.&ñ >> my pleasure. adam: breaking news, jpmorgan chief compliance officer is leading the nation's largest bank after one year according to the "wall street journal." she announced her departure as the firm is grappling with a variety of regulatory headaches, lawsuits and investigations. this news comes as jpmorgan announced its plan to cut 6000 positions within its mortgage banking division as demand for refinancing has fallen due to rising interest rates. that news, during a presentation ahead of the financial giant annual investor day where jpmorgan also dinged the profit
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margin detailing a sharp slowdown in branch growth. they will reformulate their whole model for the branches. cheryl: there is so much change obviously we will be talking to charlie gasparino about that coming up. >> we will hear from him on this as well as jpmorgan investor day and the scoop the charlie got and the fallout following interview with carl icahn yesterday. cheryl: there is a friendship there. it is the best. the bitcoin shut down. users looking for answers, protesting outside of the headquarters, unable to access their funds, this is the future of the virtual currency potentially in doubt. adam: tesla looking twice as nice, why it is doubling its price target on the electric automaker the new 52-week high today.
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adam: cheryl: can google glasco around the roadblock? controversial news. you are watching "markets now." [ tires screech ]
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for the nexnew owr. [ car alarm chirps ] hurry in to the mercedes-benz cerfied pre-owned sales event. visit today for exceptional fers. ♪ visit today for exceptional fers. ♪ see what's new at
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adam: after a year with a failed to agree on almost everything, resident barack obama wrapping up an hour-long meeting with house speaker john boehner, this is a rare one-on-one meeting, and a john boehner aid says they spoke about manufacturing, the health care law, afghanistan and california drought relief. classify most discussion that "constructive." last time the president met along with speaker john boehner was back on december 17, 2012. cheryl: we have a news alert for you right now. bitcoin exchange banishing. it may have been stolen, jo ling kent following the story, you have to wonder if this is the end of this agile currency. jo ling: reputation is on the
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line. it has plummeted after they shut down late yesterday, deleted the entire twitter feed and lost the confidence of its fellow exchanges. a few hours ago they resurfaced briefly, with the potential repercussions on the operations in the market, the decision taken to close all transactions the time being to protect the site and users. this come after very volatile week in history. the ceo it was a vote of no-confidence. the tragic violation of one of
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the companies, their actions were problematic in this is not reflect resilience or value of thadecline in the digital currey industry. after that, mount gox's website went down. they are concerned about the money they have expended in this on related currency. a handful of protesters outside the mt. gox headquarters saying they lost their money. they're taking a response ability because they don't regulate the currency. look at bitcoin and others here. they have had their ups and downs. the volume is down 33% month over month. the bitcoin foundation currency traders tried to reassure investors saying the chain of events opens the door of opportunity for responsible members of the bitcoin community to take over. they insist bitcoin is alive and
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well, they simply couldn't provide. they simply couldn't provide the essential requirements as a financial services provider. we will see if it resurfaces. cheryl: the overall conversation of bitcoin. jo ling kent, thank you very much, appreciate it. adam: there are additional ways to make money so people can understand. charles payne joins us. charles: bitcoin is new and going through deep patches. this has been around for many years. set up shop in the garment district and the rest is history. these guys are absolutely amazing. the license and to manufacturing, calvin klein, yvonne cattrall, levi's, the list goes on and on. sports teams, nfl, mlb, nba, 100 colleges and universities.
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the execution has been phenomenal, growing their base. they make acquisitions and fold them in really nicely. they took them over in 2001, a footwear company, i know you are a trivia guy, they are the creators of the original penny loafers. and it will come back. i do like this stock, pulled back recently. i still think it is worth holding. i never got my hands around the
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idea of guaranteeing x amount will be mine. that is the one angle of it that has always bothered me. it started as an exchange, you have some real funky players no space goo. adam: they will put in quarters. cheryl: i mentioned this a few moments ago, job cuts at jpmorgan mortgage banking unit taking demand, driving the layoffs. you heard it from charlie gasparino first on fox business, charlie's coming up on that and the other big scoop. cheryladam: history repeating if
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adam: it has been widely reform that hurts was the next target of carl icahn, but in an interview with charlie gasparino, he confirmed he does not have a major stake in the company. listen to this. >> i want to be clear can we do not have a major ownership position in hertz. >> looks, i will tell you i do not. adam: charlie gasparino joined us morons in the record straight because a lot of people who thought otherwise yesterday. charlie: not only that, four weeks now it has been kind of a common knowledge, alleged, knowledge, maybe urban myth carl icahn had a major stake in hertz and would create a battle for the company as he's going after other companies. they just did thereby back, that is what he wanted. ebay was a major target. it was reported on cnbc maybe they were a major target. so much so carl had bought
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between 50-40 million shares and out there ready to launch some sort of proxy fight against them to change the management and do whatever carl does to get the stock price up. we did get into the ebay situations, but one of the questions i had asked is set the question straight on hertz. you may have a small ownership position, does not have a significant ownership position. we should point out the story was not totally inaccurate in this sense. why did they do the poison pill. they did a preemptive action. that part is not inaccurate, inaccurate as he holds a major
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position in the stock. we should point out one of the public, he is one of the straightest shooters we know. this would come out, we know by now if he held a fairly significant stake. the crown jewel, the paypal, spin it off. he does think he is an incompetent matter. he thinks some of the stuff going on with the board invest
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in companies that are competitors of ebay, that is not kosher essentially. someone else bought 70% stake in this and spun it out, maybe do an ipo on it, we should point out ebay denies this, they will point out a lot of this has been out there already. some guy that is very competent, they would say in his defense, being where he is in the center of the silicon valley stuff would have multiple roles, that is what they said. you are screwing shareholders.
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this is what i found fascinating about it. bringing you inside the company. what you believe he is right, ebay and them are right. back in december, nobody should be surprised about layoffs the mortgage epartment given all the stuff going on with interest rates, other firms will do that, that is our report back in december. this is like where the cuts on wall street are going to be most significant this year. cheryl: you were on fox business, said it would be major, major job cuts. bring it all back to charlie
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gasparino. cheryl: ukraine search for presidents new and old to form a new government delays. >> it is helping to drive gold prices to levels not seen in four months. rogers holding chairman on whether or not it is too late to get in n the metals trade at these levels. [ male announcer ] these days, a small business can save by shing.
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problems breathing enlargewhile sleepingreasts, and blood clots in the legs. common side effects include skin redness or irritation where applied, increased red blood cell count, common side effects include skin redness headache, diarea, vomiting, and increase in psa. ask your doctor about axiron. cheryl: dow is higher by 34 points. mentioned earlier at the top of
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the show. there you go. impact on the dow is 15 points. certainly the weather was not an issue. they said that when they came out and beat on revenue side. i have to watch the s&p and show what you is going on with the s&p. that is the story, 1348. we hit a record close. we have to close above 1348. we're above it now. 1348 is the magic number for the s&p 500 today. we'll keep a close eye on with the closing bell with liz claman of course. time for stocks now. we do this every 15 minutes. go to the new york stock exchange. nicole, you're watching zulily. >> we watch the stock, cheryl. it was a $22 ipo. today after they released the numbers, new record all-time highs. 63 bucks was the high today. you still see it jumping big-time as it moves to the upside. this is because of the numbers they released. first of all they reported fourth quarter sales that doubled from a year ago.
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when you think of zulily it is online e-commerce, clothes, home goods, really geared towards moms and kids. that is what we look at when we think of this particular company. but they continue to grow subscribers and email all the time. pitching what they're selling and apparently wholesale prices as well. back to you. adam: nicole petallides, thank you. with gold and siller up 10% already this year, our next guest is holding on to precious metals in anticipation of a inevitable market bubble. there is another sector he thinks will create even more investment opportunities. joining us, jim rogers, rogers holding chairman and the author of "street smarts ." good to have you us here. you're joining us from london. why are you not selling gold and when can we get on this. >> no, adam, don't sell gold out. there may be another chance to buy it t may be here or next. gold will end in a bubble, some day by end of this decade, if
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not two or three years from now. no, no. do not sell your gold. adam: let me ask you a few things looking forward because people look at gold and silver. you prefer silver to gold. why? >> on historic basis silver is down much more than gold. silver is down what, 60% from its all-time high, whereas gold is only down 30 or 40% from its all-time high. no, i prefer to buy silver. i'm not buying either at the moment but if i had to buy one i would buy silver. adam: let's move away from metals. you see opportunity for people that might want to trade, may be more boring but much more lucrative. we're talking about food. what are you saying about agriculture? >> wait a minute, addm. when you're making money i don't think it is boring. i don't think it is boring at all. the world consumed more than it produced for the last 10 years. which means that inventories are near all-time lows. we'll have serious problems facing us in food prices in the next two or three years. so you should go long wheat,
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corn, rice, things like that. serious problems are copping and prices have to go much higher. adam: let's talk about that not only because we have drought in california, texas considering cutting off water to rice farmers. in 2008 we saw riots overseas over the price of rice escalating. now when you add to the drought problems in the united states, the dollar perhaps strengthening isn't that going to create a scenario where rice is just going to skyrocket? >> that's my point. all food prices, agriculture prices, cotton, rubber, everything, sugar, everything will go up because we're running out of this stuff and maybe the weather will be bad. i have no idea. i'm not a weatherman but there are problems all over the world and you make a very good point. it will cause more social unrest. it is going to cause more governments to fail but prices have to go up or we're not going to have any food at any price. we have to have somebody
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producing more food. adam: i want to bring you back to things we talk about on regular basis on "markets now." that is the stock market. you're expecting a correction of 10 or 20% and collapse? how would you define that? you think by 2015 we need to reset all of this? >> of course we do. the market is making all-time highs as you know which is wonderful news but the economy certainly doesn't support it. it looks as though, some sectors are getting overpriced as you probably know. biotechnology, how can anybody defend the pricing of biotechnology? i have no idea what is going to happen. i'm not sure i said 10 to 20% but certainly can happen, there is no question about it. i would prefer to invest in overseas markets. by the way you say things we don't normally talk about, you should talk about rice more often. you should talk about sugar more often. >> i've been pushing story on those, cutoff of water. a lot of people getting wrong on china. calling for correction in china.
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you say no, still invest in china. why? >> china will have setbacks. no question in america we had many setbacks as we rose to power and glory, plenty of setbacks. the chinese government is trying to cut back, stop its bubble in property. they will probably be successful. basically you need to invest in china because it is going to be the great success of the 21st century. that doesn't mean there won't be problems. of course there will be problems. adam: jim rogers, we have to cut it short there thank you very much for joining us. >> my pleasure, adam. cheryl: love talking to jim. after the revolution in ukraine the infighting continuing to hold up plans for a new country scrambles for money. adam: google in the driver's seat? tech giant campaign to allow the high-tech glasses behind the wheels as states design laws to ban it. ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ [ tires screech ] chewley's finds itself in a sticky situation today after recalling its new gum. [ male announcer ] stick it to the market before you get stuck. get the most extsive charting wherever you are with the mobile trader app from td ameritrade. wherever you are with the mobile trader app iwe don't back down. we only know one direction: up soe're up early. up late. thinking up game-changing ideas, dozens of tax free zones across new york state. move here. expand here. start a new business here... and pay no taxes for 10 years. and a new tax free plan. new portunities there's only one way for your business to go. up.
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>> i'm david asman with your fox business brief. internet gambling is crossing state lines of the governors of nevada and delaware announcing the first multi-state internet gaming agreement. online gamblers in both states will be able to play against each other in virtual poker rooms. disney partnering with apple to launch an online digital movie service. disney movies anywhere is an app
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linked to itunes for purchasing movies and storing them on the cloud. more than 400 disney movies will be available from animated classics to live action films but no r-rated movies included. linkedin is expanding with a new chinese language website. china is the world's largest internet market by users but the professional networking site's ceo's says the company will have to censor some content to comply with chinese rules. that is the latest from the fox business, giving you the power to prosper.
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adam: update for you on the delicate situation in ukraine. riot police are apologizing to crowds saying they were not the ones who opened fire last week claiming they are ashamed of what security forces did. this took place as opposition leaders look to send ousted president viktor yanukovych to the hague to stand trial.
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the formation of a new ukrainian government has been delayed until thursday and once that takes shape the west says it will consider financial aid for the country's battered economy which is in dire need of assistance. we want to go to washington. rich edson is standing by. he has more how that will all play out. rich. >> good afternoon, adam. the finance minister says the country needs $35 billion by the end of next year. treasury official says jack lew supports international monetary fund loan as soon as ukrainian parliament elects an interim government. they would have to quickly establish economic reforms and likely cutting budget deficits and massive energy subsidies and allowing the exchange rate to fall. still a imf loan could take weeks, if not longer and reports say the country needs financial help within weeks. white house says the u.s. would work to compliment an imf program goinn forward though any aid from the u.s. would likely go through congress.
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one analyst says there could be enough support. >> we've seen some very good, strong statements coming from the senate, senator corker, senator mccain and others. i think there's, there is a strong will, particularly on capitol hill to support the aspirations of the ukrainian people and their european western orientation. i think there's a strong will from washington. the question is how much assistance can we really put forward? >> aides to congressional leaders say a loan to ukraine is not quite on the radar yet in congress. meanwhile russia is mulling the remainder of the 15 billion-dollar aid package to ukraine waiting to see what the interrip government looks like and presidential elections on the 25th. imf loaned billions to ukraine after the soviet union collapsed t suspend ad multibillion-dollar aid package a few years ago after the government failed to follow through on reforms. back to you. adam: rich edson in washington, d.c., thank you.
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cheryl: here at home we're watching oil prices. prices are sliding lower as they fear tomorrow's eia data will show higher crude supplies than expected. phil flynn, price futures trading group in the cme. lower demand from china pushing crowd lower, phil. what do you make of this? >> it is. amazing from focus yesterday about concerns of ukraine from the possibility to russia would cut off supplies to focusing on the supply and demand aspects. really that is why we were lower earlier. when russia pledged to keep the natural gas flowing to the rest of the e.u. and keep the ukraine's prices at a level price, that eased some concerns in the marketplace but we did come off the lows a little bit on this report from, about venezuela. that the u.s. just expelled three of their diplomats that brought us back up. you brought out inventories. most people expect a build in crude oil supplies today. if you look at the gasoline
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market, in different parts of the country we're seeing prices go up and going back down. look at natural as today. what an options expiration. we've seen a dramatic drop in the march contract but a big rally in the april contract. not as big but seeing widow maker really come in. that spread went out to the highest level in over a decaae. it is collapsing right now as these options expire. natural gas on the front end, down 50, up 10 in ape, coming back together. back to you. cheryl: just above $60, phil, that -- $6. that chart amazing phil. adam: inside pimco. of the tension between the top bosses at world's biggest bond fund that drove ceo mohammed el-erian to leave. cheryl: gossip pages. the fda is working on new regulations may have you thinking twice what toppings you pick for your pizza. fox's peter doocy has details on that coming up. we'll be right back.
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adam: the fda is following rules set by the affordable care act. and they're set to roll out new guidelines that could affect the way you order food. fox news's peter doocy is at domino's pizza in alexander, virginia. don't mess with my pepperoni. >> i'm not going to but listen to this, if your favorite restaurant has more than 20 locations the next time you go out there is a chance on the menu right next to whatever you are deciding between you will see how many calories are in it, whether you like to, whether you care to or not. that is what restaurants are going to have to do to apcomply with the regulation in the affordable care act. and that's a problem for places like dominoes including one here in old town, alexandra.
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because domino's offers 34 million possible combinations of pizza. where is there wall space to list calorie counts for 34 million different pizza possibilities. so executives at domino saying this regulation would cost a lot of dough. >> our company, like many pizza enterprises is, individual, small business franchisees across the country. so, these are people that own three or four or one or two domino's pizza stores. to have to redo the menu boards every time something changes on a calorie count would cost them several thousand dollars a year in profits. to do something that would not be beneficial for consumers. >> dominoes says that 90% of their customers orders never set foot in the store of the because of that, for 13 years they have been offering calorie counts online where their customers
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actually see it. they want the fda to accept that as compliance with the regulation. now there is a bipartisan group of lawmakers who are with dominoes on that. we have asked the fda for details when to expect these still waiting to hear back. i e-mailed yesterday. i e-mailed and called today. as for whether or not this works, recent research out of drexel university of school of public health says only 08% of the customers actually notice when there are calorie counts on the menu. of the 80%, 26% changed their order accordingly for an average of about 151 fewer calories. back to you. adam: then you get theechocolate ice cream. as for the 34 million different types of pizza, as a teenager i'm sure i sampled all of them. peter doocey, thank you very much. cheryl: time for your west coast minute. apple and american airlines are getting involved in a brewing arizona controversy.
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sb 1062 would allow state businesses to deny services to lesbian and gay customers based on religious preferences of that owner. marriott sent a letter to governor jan brewer saying she should veto the bill because it would have profound negative impacts on hospitality industry and arizona and state ace overall economic climate for years to come. protesters are out. looking at video. tensions between california based pimco cofounder bill gross and mohammed el-erian, at newport beach headquarters got so so tense they fought in front of colleagues with several curse words flying between the two men. pimco announced el-erian would leave the firm to write a book and spend more time with his family. finally the loss lo economy is getting a shot in the arm as the convention center booked 29 events. big increase in since 2013.
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firefighter and engineering conferences and more expected to boost visitor numbers and help economic growth. 10 new hotels are expected to open this year in l.a. that is the minute. adam: ahead of public rollout of google glass according to a new report from reuters. at least eight states are considering restrictions on using that new technology when you're driving. certain groups are concerned google glass will distract drivers and cause serious accidents. now the tech giant is reportedly trying to convince legislators in illinois, delaware and missouri that it isn't necessary to regulate the use of glass behind the wheel because the cell phone and radio is what is going to distract drivers. cheryl: my tunes. bullish on disare up shun. morgan stanley's call on tesla as we await word on production of the electric automakers new battery plant. just getting details. adam: a truck fire-sale for automakers, a live report as
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general motors and ford wrestle with overproduction. we asked people a estion,
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how much money do you think you'll need when you retire? then we gave each person a ribbon to ow how many years that amount might last. i was trying to, like, pull it a little further. [ woman ] got me to 70 years old. i'm going have to rethink this thing. it's hard to imagin how much we'll need r a retirement that could last 3years or mor so maybe we need to approach things dferently, if we wt to be ready for a longer retirement. ♪
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cheryl: got a stock alert for you. shares oo electric carmaker tesla hitting another record high for second day in a row. morgan stanley coming out with a note on this name today, raising the price target to 320 from. this stock is up 79%. this is, that stock is up 500% over the last year. here is what morgan stanley said. the potential to disrupt industries outside the niche of automotive batteryies, electric vehicles is plus for this company. just in the last hour, tesla and panasonic announcing auto battery plant they will build in the u.s. that plant will function by 2017. consumers reports, tesla model s, top overall pick in its annual automotive issue. adam, tesla is on fire.
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adam: something else on fire, truck sales if you want to buy one. deals are out there but may not be good news. jeff flock live in gary, indiana, what is going on? >> exactly, adam. i'll tell you, we are worried that perhaps the big three in detroit once again getting into a problem where they may in fact be discounting and overproducing. we have joe of, executive editor, what do you think? >> i think it is a possibility. they run the risk of falling back into bad habits of building too many vehicles and then putting cash on the hood just to get them moving. >> take a look at average sales. average sales, gm and ford. when you compare all of the bm trucks that they sell with the f-150, look how close it is. these guys are really locked in a battle. it makes it very tempting for them to go ahead and incentivize. >> this search for market share which i think was always ill-advised, gm, chrysler, ford, all would have been better being
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profitable past several years. that is what they should be going for. instead they're trying to beat the other guys. >> real quick, we're test driving a ram 1500 here which i just managessed to get stuck. you wonder why we're not driving around. i got stuck. four-wheel drive. >> that one. >> we'll be back to you later. i promise if i get it out. there you go. adam: jeff flock in gary, indiana. cheryl: melissa francis taking you through the neck hour of fox business. melissa: bitcoin today. ron paul sounding the alarm. plus dreamworks animation report earnings after the bell. we have got the scoop from jeffrey katzenberg before the results hit. he reveals there is a fifth "shrek" film on the way. ka-ching. we have latest gossip on wall street. even when they say it's not you know it is always about money. all right the fed will announce results o


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