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tv   Cavuto  FOX Business  February 25, 2014 6:00pm-7:01pm EST

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fall by 5% that is in a storage of willis report. we will see you tomorrow. lou:. >> to a fourth thouuht to those who weigh in have a clue? welcome to everybody i am neil cavuto should they just arrest them selves? marketing everything we eat because we don't know what we each. what is 80 me they are not changing labels but not very big to provide the labels that they screwed up. now doctors say not so fast.
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that cup of coffee is loaded with anti-oxidants that are good for you. just like whole milk kids would get fat but it turns out low-fat is indulging in the junk food. go figure. now to just a little salt could do you in. and chocolate apparently is loaded with enough in dioxins. anti-oxidants. we are urging caution when the government comes cracking down they are at it again the white house set for a major food standard overhaul to force manufacturers to relabel everything from cereal to microwave popcorn and everything else.
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leave aside that experts find it is no longer giant food but not a whole grain. this will keep them busy. to you think the fda could save the botched it label? maybe all cigarettes are not the problem. maybe not doing it endangers america with those rigorous standards stopping things that work can costing those who want to work and who want to eat and eat and who want to live a better life without being dictated to wiih every facet of their lives. with the changes being plant
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you have to complete the reconfigure 1600 vending machines since many have posed i said i would personally stand guard as he reconfigures but it is good to have you. it will cost to a lot of money had to factor this out to? image as the vending machines will be over $1 million does it include the waiters who have the orders to tell how many calories? it is out of control. neil: what about the vending machine? >> to explain how much nutrients with every item that you sell. if it is said bag of chips
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is says how many calories or salt or sugar. and then to throw off will hold information board i don't know what to do. neil: if they get peanut butter cups they know that it is not a low-calorie snacks item. but the government says people are confused but if you don't grasp that you are an india. i will not spend billions of dollars to educate you to make you not eat it.
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but to clarify a you are about to take out of that cpac machine is not a salad spinner exactly. it is a snap machine. they wanted a chocolate bar or a bag of chips. that is what they will have. we will not change their eating habits by giving more information in. neil: so if people saw the calorie count then they might think twice. >> they take on the little guy. why not the big guy? let them do this but the calorie count on labeling instead of the machine?
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neil: they can absorb it but it's you could get the alfalfa samba from the machine? but you can. thank you very much. neil: by the way they do not have alfalfa us nec machines. i know the heart is in the right place but it is the government of overdoing it? >> i know we all want to lose weight from time to time. to right have healthy cookbook for my doctor? i don't turn to the federal government to look at the pyramid for advice. the marketplace that voluntarily provide information for years and
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good information does not necessarily equate into good choices. neil: we are better informed to eaters but we are better informed. >> i am not sure we are better informed and given the record with respect to the rollout this has the potential for disaster for average americans. the nanny state science it is not exact. said years ago it was bad now it is good. i am not sure people in need of stable but take some personal responsibility. neil: what is the vice food today? growing up at was trans fats but because of the change.
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i could never keep track to remember my italian grandmother who was the big believer everything was fair game. and she had the eighth grade education but understood life. >> everything in moderation. don't set out of the deserts of. neil: don't go crazy. >> the usda and regulations are up for review in 2015 so they are sitting down and it is not just nutritional value but are we providing green fruit, sustainable food it is all sorts of areas from snapple or food stamps to use school lunches , military, a prison, a blighted ranging implication. neil: petri botched on a san
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butter and coffee but we have to revise the labels but they just find new labels. >> well looks good jay may not look good tomorrow. viewdata label to tell you the movie theater size then guess what? gets some personal responsibility. [laughter] thank you. "fast & furious" about this very subject keep it coming because i promise we will hear from you. your chance to sound off of the regulations. six years after mohammad of the it turns the boxing business on its head. larry holmes who came after
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the legend. era coulter is catching up now focusing on identity theft. better late than never. or is it? announce where can an investor be a name and not a number? scotade. n: i'm never alone with scottrade. i can always call or stop by my local office. they're nearby and ready tohe, i can talk to someone who knows exactly how i trade. because i don't trade like everybody. i trade like me. that's why i'm with scottrade. announcer: ranked highest in investor satisfaction with self-directed services by j.d. power and associates. my dad has aorfib.fibrillation, he has the most common kind...
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57 back to the food labeling overall was just stay this is stupid ben will so companies will just pass the cost onto consumers? effendi wineries these nothing like additional cost on business to make the nanny state feel better. keep those coming. we are listening. because whenever a highlight that nobody else is talking the administration is talking. attorney general walter of the economic scene today identity theft and hacking are a problem why now? is a problem? it is so out of control the justice department is finally giving it a look for
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a protest says it is about time with the minimum wage that businesses don't like have we missed the threat? neil: there were a little preoccupied this was just a -- definitely under their purview but they just woke up to it? >> the administration has not been overly concerned about citizens' privacy as he has been in the white house because of his policies. with the nsa if they were really concerned and remember, of the government works with these big companies which would be hypocritical to punish target that has of privacy breach but they work with them to get information that they say are to prevent terrorism. neil: but the justice
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department says we are looking into it. i know the irs is looking into targeting conservative groups. with the state department looking at benghazi. that sounds a lot like my dad i both think about it. you never got any answer. do they deliberately plotted out there that they are on top of it? >> i agree i don't know if they will do anything. looked across the state level they're prosecuting they don't want the fed to get involved that makes a harder to prosecute identity thieves at the local level. as you have seen from the state level prosecution is better to get results.
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they probably need a pet project taking focus of other things but maybe they have not been paying attention because they promote policies that encourage it in the theft whether signing up for obamacare or fighting voter identification. neil: but there seems to be something going on here. nothing happens a. a good chuckle. that's it. president obama just channeled cliff from cheers. ♪ ♪ dentures are very different to real teeth.
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ty're about 10 times softer and may have surface pores where bacteria can multiply. polident kills 99.99% of od causing bacteria and helps dissolve stains. that's why i recommend polident. [ male announcer ] caner, fresher, brighter eve day.
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neil: better late than never a the president acknowledges what class has spent screaming about for years. manufacturing matters it is not a bad thing or look down on the people who do. the star who has been saying as long as i can remember trade skills are important in trade schools are important. not that college is right for some but not for all. there is another alternative and has been talking about it more than anyone i know. >> how are you? neil: your impression of me is not too bad. if i go to disney world your voice is everywhere. >> especially if you have children under 12th.
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neil: even people my age it makes the children were a. but you must be of little happy about. better late than never but the president says we have to focus on the proper training and proper skills that are chased a broad? >> but also the infrastructure. a survey came out we are 25th in the world behind barbados. not just in manufacturing but children especially are not allowed to work with their hands any more. you have to have people who can take with the -- take care of the electrical system, water system manufacturing is another issue. but every industry started with one person inventing
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one thing and they usually started off as a child tinkering. that is what i am trying to do do. to reinstate a shot glasses and home eric class's you learn how to measure, cut measure, cut, and goals, hygiene, but the time you get into math you already have it. when manufacturing disappears if they don't do something about it then be are a slave nation. neil: we tell our kids we want the best one is a machinist one fixes cars but they are doing very well and very much in demand. to get to the plumber is
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something we don't appreciate. but in immerse society we frown at the skill set that made us a great nation. >> i spoke at a trade school in pennsylvania and one of the graduates is making over $200,000 per year as a builder. a company in new york, the cl1 his way to argentina to a higher vaulters. -- to higher welders. as the manufacturing initiative is set up someone at the head to organize it to put it together give them the tools and some materials
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that save make something. if they can then they are not qualified to set up the manufacturing system the white house wants to set up. neil: but that is the problem. neil: you have then a voice in a relentless on this and i think it is finally tipping it your way. congratulations. >> it is like warning people of an asteroid 20 years ago the flaming ball will hit the earth and just now people say it is getting a little hot. [laughter] neil: john, a pleasure. thank you very much.
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>> if i have a problem getting a job then what will those hundreds of thousands the play in prison every year what will they do? they will go back to streets. back to society. is that what we would want? somebody has to fix the system fast. neil: he hit a chord. right back into his accusers face. in theew new york, we don't back down. we only know one direction: up so we're uearly. up late. thinking up game-changing ideas, like this: dozens otax free zones across new york state. move here. expand here. or start a new business here... and pay no taxes for 10 years. with new jobs, new opportunities and a new tax free plan.
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there'only one way for your business to go. up. find out if your business can qualify at
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(voseeker of the you can separate runway diculousness... from fashionhat flies off the shelves. and from national. beuse only national lets you choose any car in the aisle... and go. and only national isanked highest in car rental customer satisfaction by j.d. power.
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(natalie) ooooh, i like your style. (vo) so doe, business o. so do we. go national. go like pro. neil: talk about doing time, newly released ex-con bernie kerik wondering if it is really worth the time. >> this is one of the biggest imbalances of justice.
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the guy paid $167 million in finds and restitution, is that not punishment? you convicted him in court, is that not puppishment? but den take some guy in for attempted murder, do 10 years, he was out in 4, he went out and killed a nassau county cop and a civilian in his route to escape. neil: tonight sandra on bernie talking about dennis, talking about those who spend a lot of time stewing in jail, whether they could do something more productive. either in jail or something like jail. sandra, what you know, it is uneven in some very much so, he is saying no one has experienced like i to.
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and has been in jail and experienced this from perspective. he says, i love the way he said, if i can't get a job, after being convicted and doing my time, what abouthese other folks to 18 and 19-year-old kids in for drug charges they go in for 15 years they come out in 30s. they can't -- so to use his words, punishmentsen to fit the crime, this is too long, collateral damage he talked about stayed with me, how can we put these people to our world and expect them to be you know useful atditions toure country and our economy, if we're punishing them, and the punishments don't fit the crime. that interview stuck with him, of all people that could do something in this, is he in a position. neil: maybe too.
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their whole idea, in his case he is banned from a government job for life, and casow ski case, they are beened from security for life, this is what they knew, they served time and for the rest of their lives they are serving time. >> is there any publish am -- punishment they could do thetime and the crime goes away? they are not murderers, they didn't kill or rape anybody, he is bringing up a valid thing in ours so too. neil: a very up hill battle to wage, they automatically hate you from the get go. j.p. morgan announcing thousands of layoffs could the billions in government finds have anything to do with it they are mostly in the mortgage business that is not a big surprise. >> we're in the business of reports on companies, they have
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an obligation to improve shareholder value, they incurred $23 billion in legal costs in 2013, they are cutting costs, this is not personal, they have to cut costs to improve shareholder value. they are actually addy 3,000 jobs in compliance and risk management. neil: that would have come in handy. handy. >> ironic. neil: a lot -- we have e-mails from the people who are go to be laid off, they say, yeah, and jamey diamond got as there are -- jame dimon got a $20 million pay package. >> he has run the company for years, these guys are paid to be the heads of their companies, it is a very exof environment, when
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it comes it guys who are accept alely run large corporation, jamey does that, to say, they are laying off guys and his bonuses are going up, not a fair argument. neil: if is based on performance. final subject, don't say we didn't warn you, government is now saying that two out of three businesses will see healthcare premium hikes under the new health care law, sandra? that does not shock me. >> speaker boehner, to quote him said had is another punch in the gut for americans already struggling in president obama's economy. this is mostly going to be younger people whose premiums are going up, of the fact with new law, premiums can no longer be paced on your age, younger folks are paying more older folks likely less, but at end of the day people are going to be paying more period. not what we want to hear.
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neil: why is this a fox alert? think about it, everyone is for keeping kids on your policy longer, that is nirvana. >> that is not what the president told us would happen. neil: you can expect to get that not pay for it,,that is reality. >> affordable care act. neil: is not affordable. >> we're learning, back to nancy pehl owes -- nancy pelosi's thing w we didn't know what was in it when it passed. neil: i think we did. >> 50 years ago today, boxing changed forever just weeks after the beatles came to america, a guy who floated like a butterfly, s st and stung like
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>> he will end up in the ring side seat. neil: a 7 to 1 underdog he talked like he was the top dog, cashous clay then, stepping into ring with boxing champ sonny liston, some sports reporters feared for the 22-year-old challenger life that he taunted liston so much that liston would let loose. did not happen, clay won that title, 50 years ago this evening announced he would change his name to mohamad ali turiano h awell,i, he was a muslim, some say that was ale who prompted
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professal wrestling to itself get to more theatric call. tonight, we look back on the sport and country one very loud boxer changed. 50 years ago tonight. with me now, the former heavyweight boxing champion of the world. larry holmes. and jim gray from my money, the best guy who ever covered poxing, ever, two champs with us, larry, you to first, i always said you were rodney dangerfield of boxing you came after moment muhammad al ale a, i, did you not dodge anything, looking back at ali , and at clay, and what he did then. and how he changed boxing then, what do you think? >> i think that is done a great
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job, he was the martin luther king of boxing, he gave boxing opportunity, and pride, he went on fought the ones they put in front of him, as far as sonny liston, i was an ali fan. i think what he did was fantastic, because i was young, and i was rooting for muhammad ali, he could do no wrong in my book. neil: you used to be a training partner. >> i sparred with ali for four and a half years, he beat him up a couple times, i got even with him at the end. without anger. neil: but jim, i was not blowing you smoke to talk about your contribution, someone who watched and analyzed this i thought, you asked the nast yost questions of fighter -- nastiest questions of fighters, i always thought someone was going to hits you right now, i machinetioned ali, and how he
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made it certainly changed boxing as we knew it and has since come to know it, we're almost disa.ed after the fact. >> he was so great, and he was so much fun, neil, he made it fun for everyone. larry talked about what he did for the business, but he was a goo that changed paradigm for all of sports, he was brash when people were not brash. he was outgoing, hh started all of this track talking, people at the time -- trash talking people at the time some were offended by it later they have come to love him, the greatest institution in history of boxing perhaps sports, he lit the torch in 1996, he school for social justice and change -- see stood for social justice and change, there will never be another one. neil: the big thing that when jim was talking about there he lost his title because he said he was not going to fight in
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vietnam, i think he said, high would beat him up about the not kill him, what do you think, larry as a young boxer in those days, and that struggle, when whether he was sending mixed messages to the world? >> well, he was sending mixed messages, but i think he did the right thing for ha he believed in. he did not believe in the war, i think he should stand by, that i don't believe in, that i don't think we should go over there and fight people we don't know, kill people we don't know. i mean, i think ali did the right thing, as far as booking he was the -- boxing he was the man of boxing, i would ride down the street with ali he would realm sis all he would say to his opponent, he would talk to his self, i thought he was crazy, he would say, i'm bad, i'm bad, i'm pretty, i'm this and you are ugly, he would say
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that stuff with nobody else in the car, i thought he was crazy i thought maybe too many fights, maybe i should not fight because i might be talking to myself like that one day. i didn't want that to happen. neil: jim aual us wonder, with the way he was, you know he would actually pick a round, and an open op woul opponent open would fall, reporters fall following him, did they find him a around val act or what? he was changing boxing, he put pressure on other fighters, joe frazier is famous for saying, old uncle tom remark that ali used against him that never left him. >> well, it was very tough for joe frazier, and but, ali can vated and enamored all of these guys he brought the public with him, high put the rear ends in
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the seat, he made the cleaa of one howard cosal . >> i am asking you this. i was in awe watching you as a young guy, and i always wanted to know if you recented coming after someone like, that you fought that epic battle with ken norton, they said you have to fight the next mandatory challenger you did, you did not avoid anybody, there were no tin can fights for you, you fought them. i always felt you were never given your proper receive, maybe because -- proper respect, maybe because you came after. >> neil i want to thank you for saying, that i be tame like the forgotten fighter, i got was not supposed to make it but i had fun out there, i had fun being with ali, a sparring partner, i
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had opportunity fun listening to the way he said thing, ali of good at he would brings reporters with him, there was guys he would pick on like howard cosell. he made the reporters known that you done know, whoever thought about a dirk young or someone like, that they thought about him. they called him names. ali brought all these guys along. >> same thing with the fighter. neil: thank you, thank you both. yeah. >> thank you in all right,. neil: i can interrupt you now, -ou are on remote. >> thank you, neil. >> jim, and larry, and 50 years ago, this evening, everything about boxing changed. >> thank you, neil. >> then came that darn pay-per-view, destroyed it? 7 tax bracket? how would you like 2?
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the plan to maker tax code - super simple is already doa, it is guy the g.o.p., wtf? predicting the future is a pretty difficult thing to do. but, manufacturing in the united states means advanced technology. we learned that technology allows us to be craft oriented.
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neil: do not expect the president to sign if but it has not stopped a growing number of republicans from pushing it two tax rates, not 7, but two. 10% and 25%. odds of that ever happening, i'm putting them at '0%, but grover fore queser more quest said this is about republicans making a staple, grover, what do you make of this, others have been talking in press, and opinion pieces, like now is the time.
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i hear that. when the great ideas are mentioned, then nothing happens. >> we should have done this a long time ago, now is not the time because it was the wrong thing to do last week or last yeaa. we have allowed our marginal tax rates on independent side to creep up -- individual side to creep up over 40%, corporate side 35% at federal level, 4.8%, at state level. 5%. so our cor corporate rate is 40% given state corporate income taxes. neil: i think you are being conservative on that. i think what people realize with surtaxing and health care related taxes, i am leaving state taxes out of it, you know we're in mid 40s here. but you are right, the fact is that it has been creeping up and up, and when you ask those on left, or maybe about the rich paying their fair share, i say, what is it? if it's not 45 or 50% what is
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it? what are they of? >> more. more, more. neil: very good. more. >> obama and harry reid, leader of democrats in senate from nevada, said they are not interested in looking at tax reform unless is includes $1 trillion in higher taxes. to 1.4 trillion, what the republican ways and means chairmen camp tutt pu putting it a revenue neutral tax reform, when says let's get to the lower rate, become internationally competitive, again. that we're not now, either on the individual sydor on the business side. let's get less stupid than europe, not more soup edtha study ed, we -- stupid, we can do that without raising total
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tax burden, obama has been talking, talking, talking for 5 years, he really meant he want a tax increase in middle of tax reform, this slopes out democrat position they want a tax increase, and they want to call it fax reform. neil: they don't want revenue neutral in. >> they want a trillion over a decade. neil: grover thank you very much. >> good to be with us. neil: i'm not saying that macy's is hurting, i'm saying don't be surprised if the parade goers are going to that shindig they are passing around tin cups. in the new new york,
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we don't bacdown. we only know one direction: up so we're up early. up late. thinking up game-changing ideas, like this: dozens of tax free zones ross new york state. move here. expand here. or start a new buness here... and pay no taxes for 10 years. with new jobs, new opportunities
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at's right for you. with easy step-by-step guidance, we're here to help you turn your dream into a reali. start your busess today with legalzoom. we're here to help you turn your dream into a reali. (announcer) scottrade knows our and invest their own way. with scottrade's smart text, i can quickly understand my charts, and spend more time trading. their quick trade bar lets my account follow me online so i can react in real-time. pl, my local scottrade office is there to help. because they know i don't trade like everybody. i trade like me. i'm with scottrade. (annouer) ranked highest in investor satisfaction with self-directed services by. neil: in biz blitz, forts blitz, automaker ditching microsoft in car technology and hooking up with blackberry, blackberry? the company that is now left for dead? i'm just saying, could be
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getting a good deal, but i don't know, i'm saying i don't know. >> i spoke to ford, i spoke to blackberry, neither would comment but this is great for blackberry if it is true. not just this but black berry is returning to their roots with a new phone coming out with track wheel and keyboard, bbm is popular, black berry is back. it you know making a come back, they are -- this stock up this week. neil: i think she is on something. i don't know. >> you don't like blackberry? >> i think this is a marriage made in headline. >> ford is hooking up with qnx, the vision of blackberry, they have been in the car
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connectionivity stases for 1 ivity space for 10 years, that is good they were having malfunction problem with microsoft, blackberry acquired x, qnx a new years back. >> ford has 8 million cars on the road using the sink technology. there has been a lot of complains because of the number on the road. they have to fix and improve the sink technology which they had since 200 2008. neil: you might want to put a freeze on investing in retail, macy's saying that the snowy weather hitting sales hard, i never noticed the retail guys. with a good quarter say that the sun thank god. >> the weather was terrific, up
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know very soon they will not be able to blame it on winter, macy's had a decent november and december, it was january where sales fell off the map, so, you know we'll be through winter soon, we're either facing. neil: no we're not, not any time soon. >> either larger ik kim crisis, that consumer seems to be indicating. with weak jobs numbers maybe there is a bigger reason that people are pulling back, or weather. we'll find out in 6 weees. neil: i wonder in macy's case, maybe traditional retails get hit, me thinks you have to get our on-line act together? >> i do are, macy's cutting 2500 jobss but they are adding workers online division, they are making moves there but, it is yoor traditional retailer, at one poin in february cold they had 30% of their stores closed, they will take a hit, but bigger
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question, in 6 wookie time, will this -- in 6 week's time will this economy --? >> well, all right. we focus on what you are focussing on tomorrow. lauren? >> december number is down big time, november number was down, can you blame it on weather? and it was not snowing in california. neil: sales are not up to snuff. >> i'm with lauren, new home sales, they are mull flyer effect for the economy, it puts construct people to work when yoo buy a new house, you have to buy refrigeratorrand tune fur, it is -- furniture for the house, it is a huge impact for the economy. >> never knack or that in, they have to furnish the house.
7:00 pm
>> or employee that construction worker. neil: thank you both. that is it, we'll have more, those numbers tomorrow. lou: good evening, obama administration caught on tape, lying about obamacare again. he'll and human services secretary kathleen sebelius today denied that the white house had set a goals of 7 million enrollments by march, a project several obama administration officials triid to deny since december. here is secretary sebelius misstates and misrepresenting the record and the truth to the huffington post disb. >> first of all, that was a cbo congressional budget office predict when was bill was signed, not sure where they got their numbers, they are


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