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tv   Stossel  FOX Business  March 2, 2014 9:00pm-10:01pm EST

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>> day realize how hard it is to get them out of the house? >> there called millenials. >> our young people entitled slackers isn't there culture raunchy? >> certainly. smiy cyrus is sleazzer than my generation? madonna and i are baby boomers. they should be more like us. maybe not. >> queer the trip on dash
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generation that has the excuse for evything. >> not to mention government programs that allows us to take money. >> excuse me? i haae to take some of these. i of the old person. battle of the ages. tonight. >> ice titled the show battle of the ages because it is a conflict between my generation says young people attention spee in our short we would get to her later but first my generation is running a scam we steal from the young people.
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>> i need to take this i need this. and the scooter. >> giveback. >> did don't normally grab things but because of medicare and social security government takes money from the young and gives it to people may age and older. and most older people are richer. look at this chart people my age have the average net worth nearly double in 27 times the 30 year olds have that yet they are taxed to pay for my health care. this is why i say americans should cut entitlements then medicare and social security will suck every penny from young people like jonathan.
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obviously you want spending reduced but at the wrestle institute they say the government should spend more. more? are you kidding? >> this is house social insurance works. with young people regardless of might be cyrus someday they will not be young people they get older every year someday they will be old people baby retirement security and health care. john: we take too much. >> is sustainable if we don't do anything with medicare will bankrupt the government. if we don't it will bankrupt every individual person. like turning medicare into a voucher increases health care cost. >>. >> those think tanks confused me.
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i think we should spend more with social security. they are working how they are supposed to. john: i want to scream at him. >> but the irony is they have less accumulated wealth and less savings. talk about income inequality but we have government programs that are set up to take from the young people who have less wells to give it to those in a better position which is the der generation. their antiquated met for the age when people do not live to the same age that we do today. john: when social security was passed people did not en reach 65 now i refuse to die. i want everything medicare will pay for. >> nobody wants to throw that older generation on the street but the question is what is the best way to do
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that? looking where cost goes down generally government is not involved. john: then prices come down. >> compare that to education or health care. >> the market for a cell phone is not the market for insurance. >> market is a market. >> there are unique groups and risk pools and a lot of reasons why they think it will function differently. >> how much more should the rich pay? >> they already paid 50. >> not the top three. john: total taxes is 50. >>'' we need to do is provide retirement security for old people in health care for americans. john: we ran the numbers if you take every penny from
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millionaires and billionaires, every penny penny, $660 llion. that just covers today's deficit does not touch the $30 trillion unfunded liability. >> it is the attention of the people. everybody can take advantage same thing with medicare. john: what if we phase out the unsustainable entitlements letting the young people opt out? from paul propose that. >> would you consider opting out of the whole system under one condition that you pay 10 percent of your income but you take caref yourself and don't ask the government for anything. [cheers and applause] john: he got a standing ovation. >> that is the liberty to star in the streets as an elderly person?
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>> i am responsible for myself. >> we're doing real-time experiment you can see the for a 1k programs they have been pretty much a failure. there is a lot of the tax breaks that go to the rich. john: people have been since they can control. >> they are not saving even enough basically and it is difficult for people to save that way. >> people suffer. a bunch of towns have already gone bankrupt one was pritchard alabama. john: recently retired from the fire department after working 35 years. he hoped to relax and travel but now he is a security guard at the local mall. >> we put the e money in every pate day they are supposed
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to pay us but they did not. >> that is why tse should be federal programs. the trials of any city well come and go with the economy. detroit used to be a powerhouse. john: but politicians federal or low coal or good or responsible? >> we could have a productive future when we totally meet the requirements. >> all of them say health care cost or if we don't do it they will bankrupt every individual person. we're going hard to cut costs for medicare which is the right solution. >> the way you cut cost is by injecting competition into the system. because we don't have th same competition.
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john: most don't know about places like pritchard alabama or know that america is now $17 trillion in debt. >> how much is america in debt? >> i don't know. [laughter] >> i'm not sure exactly. it is a lot. >> decoupled trillion i think. john: this ignorance helps your argument. >> translator: understand they pay when they are young and middle-aged and collect when they are old that is how it works and it is a good system spinning it was meant for a population structure that is not exist and now. that will not change for the better going forward. john: thank-you. to keep the conversation going on facebook or twitter
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use the #gewarfare. an hour birth rate is down now below replacement level. some people think that is a good thing because they worry about overpopulation. >> humans are over carrying capacity. john: why? >> because there is not enough electricity electricity, water, food, sh elter, and many -- many. john: the opposite is true and the author of this bk to understand is what to expe when no one is expecting. >> population could increase by 400 percent terrible things should be happening expect -- except per capita income more than double in
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commodities prices about 2 percent per year we are less scarce with more of everything. john: that means people invent new ways to bring things to people. >> technology helps us to decrease we have innovation over one another. john: hong kong has 20 times more in hong kong is rich. >> is a big world out there. john: button in rich countries people cannot pay for people my age. >> close your eyesnd do it for stossel. the entire social security medicare problem is not old folks bu young people not mang more future taxpayers. when originally conceived we had five kids in every family now it is 1.9%.
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below replacement level. john: immigration? >> is a ban with the problems that causes real lucky to have had it but then they start to act like everybody else did not have babies. you have to change the culture. john: you say these entitlement programs discourage people? >> get the most basic level you have to if the kids are not brought to and they will take care of you be and social security is a competing program we do the same thing so why go to the trouble? this studies bear it out with good research that shows it depresses by almost half a kid. john: thank you.
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all i can say is to save america you people need to start making babies. right now. go to it and be quick because in a couple of minutes we will be back with p.j. or rourke my generation natalie steals from kids that we are self indulgent also. friday night, buddy. you are gonna need a wingman. and my cash back keeps the party going. but my airline miles take it worldwide. [ male announcer ] it shouldn't be this hard. with, it's easy to search hundreds of cards and apply online.
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john: ♪ ♪ john: * special. i am a baby boomer there are a lot of us born after world war ii between 1946 and a 64 because lots of soldiers came home after the war and boom. made babies like me also p.j. o'rourke author of the new book the baby boom. itasn't my fault? what do you mean? >> diana 66 i will never do it again. [laughter] we are the generation that has an excuse for everything
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which was one of our greatest contributions. we are completely self-absorbed, we think about ourselves all the time, it is all abou me. john: is this unique to us? >> we could afford to exercise this. we had the plenty, the stability to be spoiled plentyho wanted to be but they kept having depressions and world war ii. they did not get the chance. we got the chance. it turns out when people are able to do what they want in life it is libertarian and turns out pretty well. looked at the number of foreigners and the technological innovation since the baby boomame of age it is amazing. john: we did that? >> not you and me.
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[laughter] but bill gates, as steve jobs, they are baby boomers. john: but we take credit for stuff we shouldn't? the civil-rights movement, the feminist movement. >> we do have a tendency actually older people did civil rights and the feminist movement older people who led the opposition and successfully to the viet now more. we were the tailgate party. we were not on the field. we are spoiled brats. you cannot get as organized. [laughter] john: we were indulged our parents said he gave a certain way we said no costs d you were a lefty but what changed you? >> i got a job. i was paid every two weeks.
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i've looked forward to my $150 and so did my landlord. my first paycheck $86. i was demonstrating for communism and writing for communism than i did it job and i figure we have it already. they took half of my many. john: that changed you. you write our depth and breadth of prejudice against our parents would shock 21st century sensibilities. >> there was up period at the height of the baby boom adolescence in the '60s and '7 where we so detested everything about the square of world, the straight world everything our parents did and said. not personally we thought that kind sell things that
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we set about a parent's in the '60s. we would marchers' sells out of the room. john: kids don't vilify their parents the way we do. >> they are us. they vilify us spinet we are so sweet and understanding drugs there are lots of drugs at school we say yes. how much do they want? [laughter] john: what every good thing as we did we are now the problem for america. retiring, wexpect to collect medicare and sociall security. >> i am already on medicare. john: we are living longer. >> the systems were predicated on the idea that everybody died at 67. john: 78 years old on
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average. >> that will use up all the money fothe kids. [laughter] john: we want the good and expensive stuff so we voted against politicians who say we will try to make it work out. >> we behave like normal human beings and always have. selfishly for:people are selfish. this is not our fault we did not set up these two systems of social security and medicare. john: will you give the social security back? >> sure. sure i am. [laughter] body will do that. it wl take a major crisis. we have to turn into greece first. john: thank you. p.j. o'rourke. an amazing development to be
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reincarnated in the body of below ready to explain why america bus stop kids from doing dangerous things like texting and smoking weed. what? ♪ ♪ ♪ in the n new york, we don't back down. ♪ ♪ we only know one direction: up so we're up early. up late. thinking up game-changing ideas, like this: dozens of tax free zones across new york state. move here. expand here. or start a new business here...
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and pay no taxes for 10 years. with new js, new opportunities and a new tax free plan. there's only one way for your busess to go. up. find out if your business can qualify at
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john: ladies and gentleman this woman who died 100 years ago has come back to life. of the temperance union helped to bring alcohol prohibition she would call drinker's names and march in the bar with h hatchet. people would fear her.
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x-foot tall and 180 poun even the men ran from her. now her obituary says she died years ago but i say she lives on in the body of bill reilly. [laughter] i say this because you say things like this. >> is america going to pot? it is hard to make a living. you will be a terrible citizen. john: pot. texting. video games. thee'd make for terrible citizens? >> number one if you do it beyond recreation. i don't like pot but i don't care what kind of games or tweet this but if it takes a pro-life thatis what it takes up theimind with
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these urchins and it will hurt you. john: you were the curmudgeon crusade. john: epidemic that leads to a weaker america? >> absolutely. if you devote your life to the internet as so many are, you are not learning about the world, a personal injury action but tweeting and texting your life away. it is not a challenge. i am afraid someday we will be up against the chinese. they both kit and dash kick the americansut some. john: have you seen halo? earphone's talking to kids in other countries. >> a understand there is say educational value but if it
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takes er your life because it is addicting to children. then you are a person who does not live in the real world with no challenges. do know how hard it is to get them out of the house? because it is instead gratificatio you don't have to practice practice, you don't have to weie this. john: communicating? >> they're all getting soft and stupid because you solve problems by doing things out of your environment. john: terms of people texting? on the trade they would read papers they were not communicating either. >> but they were reading about the wld. john: they are commicating. >> about their socks.
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are they cool? day you know, what they're texting stossel? john: not all of them. >> they are not talking world leaders. john: of 320 million people live tha there are a few. >> no. what they had for dinner and whe are the best tacos. john: any chance you just are grouchy old man? i was a grouchy little kid and teenagers and adults of would not say i am old. you are old. i am not old. john: a lookt what they create. facebook is wonderful. >> it is if you can control it. john: it is this cyberspace addiction an epidemic. >> leading to a weaker america. >> no doubt.
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john: socrates said love for the tree they have bad manners old pele complained about the young people. so what? >> socrates said that then he drank and died. [laughter] was so depressed the young degenetion agrees. >> in this case we will find out. >> they are smarter than you but t smarter than me. john: thank you. bill already -- o'bri a. he has always complained about the behavior of the younger. now people complain about my the cyrus -- miley cyrus is a raunchy for a teen idol to do this? come on. but what about this guy?
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he was once criticized. ♪ sova she -- was she. ♪ but next are you unker people lazy entitled losers? i am told that you are. >> i don't think so >> i don't think so honestly. my dad has aor afib.brillation, he has the most common kind...'s not caused by a heart valve problem. dad, it says your afib puts you 5 times greater risk of a stroke. that's why i take my warfarin everyay. but it looks like maybe we should ask your doctor about pradaxa. in a clinical trial, pradaxa® (dabigatran etexilate mesylate)... ...was proven superior to warfarin at reducing the risk of stroke. and unlike warfarin, with no regular blood tests or dietary restrictions. hey thanks for calling my doctor. sure. pradaxa is not for people with artificial heart valves. don't stop taking pradaxa without talking to your doctor.
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john: a new type of worker has enter the workforce. they're called millenials and terrible. >> different generations and to have their quirks as is bill o'reilly complains about the untitled young people that cannot communicate and lots of people agree. >> he is right about
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everything. >> too many video games they're not engagi what is going on around. john: are millenials please see? >> they don't do anything. they don't work. john: if they don't work that is the reason why this author wrote when did white trash become the do normal? our other guests says cut the young people some slack you could make a living researching millenials? >> yes. in the market force and the marketplace and people cannot figure it out. john: and first the baby boomers then you. if there are more of you
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that you are the worst deeeneration. idle trophy kids says "the boston globe." >> at the end of the day every betty griping entitlement is a learned behavior. you are not born entitled. >> he does have a point this is the generation that has been spoonfed so the todd it to them. and. john: yes. self-esteem. >> the parents hovered around they are not allowed to fail or never have to sink or swim. john: i was surprised other young people said we are slackers. >> i think we expect everything to be handed to us. when you hear your grandparents talked it is different now.
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>> my parents' generation was more hardworking in general. john: yes. >> when stuff is not working out for us to parents let us move back home and do we expect someone to save us? there is a term staying home to long. it is called a failure to launch. john: looked at the data. >> failure to parent. >> 36% live with parents. john: it used to me 32%. what is too terrible? >> going out on your own is how you become an adult if too many people live at home or they welcome their kids we are in trouble as a society. we never had a large group that failed to grow up. john: look at what they have created. firefox, facebook, groupon
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simic they're wonderful with the internet. >> all we have done is create internet jobs we create restaurants and construction companies. >> the department of labour did a sty and they found two years ago the 26 roles 14 percent were not doing work for pay. that is bad news. not inventing facebook. that is great but not the whole neration. >> day work-force participation s 81 .7% which is pretty good. historically that is fantastic. with t employers a settlement to take on the 19 yearld we are seeing this.
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john: the assumption is you will not get there. >> so have extremely valuable skills. >> every generation is different. >> guy communicate differently. i got to see how you communicate. you want to make a phone call and leave a voicemail. that freaks -- freaks me out [laughter] john: the employer says maybe they have a better way? >> it depends if they need the skills that. in the market absolutely such as technology or retail. to do one or two things that are free. >> jeanette's people sam want to make a difference today. i want to be a manager today. but you know, you are supposed to understate? probably file papers and
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they do not even know what that means to pay your dues they did not know what it means. >> it is worse than i thought. >> had a conversation into all the things that you talk about. john: shaking hands and looked in the eye? >> nobody teaches how to tie at tie. 50 perrent come from a divorced of the parents are not teaching us. john: dat is that they want the right job. >> reminds me of myself 10 years ago. >> i don't want to be here in tenures. >>here is a lot of other people who would love to have your job. >> that sets? to make that ticks me off you learn to climb by doing the low level jobs.
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of course, alcor invente the internet that is great but you have to do the grunt work to say that we agree. >> a short video that i could watch if you don't you will youu eyes like that there you go. [laughter] john: and as "battle of the ages" continues what ithe difference between miley cyrus and madonna a elvis? in america would not put them in the same category. are you flo? yes. is this the thing you gave my husband?
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well, yeah, yes. the "name your price" tool. you tell us the price you want to pay, and weive you a range of options to choose from. careful, though -- that kindof . at explains a lot. yo, buddy! i got this. gimme one, gimme one gimme one! e power of the "name yourrice" tool. only from progressive. (announcer) scottrade knows our and invest their own way.
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with scottrade's smart text, i n quickly understand my charts, and spend more time trading. their quick trade bar lets my account follow me online so i can react in real-time. plus, my local scottrade office is there to help. because they know i don't trade like everybody. i trade like me. i'm with scottrade. (announcer) ranked highest in investor satisfaction with self-directed services by j.d. power and associates.
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john: ♪ think that is gross? that is miley cyrus. she used to look like this. aid will disney child star named he and a montana now what a sleazy message to send her fans. >> it is a bad example.
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>> i teach my kids to stay off of that internet wireless stuff. john: is no psyche was out of touch curmudgeon. but i understand how we feel about her twerking on national tv. it is boulder or mia a cranky old man? is it that different from madonna? ♪ even mtv refused to run that big deal. @%dest? the york gave the jews called it a animalism confined to bordellos cement his music is deplorable if foster is destructive relations in young peop. >> do we just adjust to increasing levels of public
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such a reality? some say that will decay and tell me drowned. michael moynihan says we should chill out a columnist for the "daily beast". this is mu more sexual than anything my generation did. >> in that madonna was creating sexual acts. >> but she is 21 years old. what has been the effect? teenage pregnancy rates are down precipitously an aristide rates are down. to talk about we are offended people say i turn it off lacey is a beautiful thalmann naked on television. you do? what is the fact? maybe we are overly
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centralized what is it doing to them? >> if they are mor likely to have sex young and not for a healthy relationships. >> garett is a truce to that with young people. look at the studies and the trend line is going down. john: the oldest -- l. this balash and sullivan. but then later he did the "washington post" says no respect for customs and berliners year revealing the is generational people were disgusted by elvis presley. >> you can write these columns if there is nothing to be panicked about we think we are unique. the people are being with us doing something we've never would have done. it is nonsense.
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john: i don't think most kids word twerking. [laughter] >> it is said to do is move just like the isuzu riot was sexualize. but now we have a way to where the kids can see it. miley cyrus is not the problem but every internet connection has access to pornography. so why attacked miley cyrus? pour girl. john: one more example the deere post ran the headline white parents are terrified of miley cyrus to say that she is obviously deeply troubled. clearly has confidence issues sandy dean disorder. that was not attractive. that was not fun. it was not funny or anyone bad and impressionable. >> she did not seem to have
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confidence issues with me she seemed to be confident with her body. john: one is writing and the other is wrong? in the new new york, we don't back down. we only know one direction: up so we're up early. up late. thinking up game-changing ideas, like this: dozens of tax free zones across new york state. move here. expand here. or start a new business here... and pay no taxes for 10 years. with new jobs, new opportunities and a new tax free plan. there's only one way for your business to go. up. find out if your business can qualifat
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i ke prilosec otc each morni for my frzero heartburn.n. becat wohoo! [ male announcer ] prilosec otc is the number one doctor recommend frequent heartburn medicine for 8 straight years. one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. john: is the younger genetion not as good as we were? >> no.
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too many video games. total disregard. >> can now with their self loans. they don't know how to communicate. john: they don't know how to communicate? its sure they may spend hours playing with their phones but so what? that is commications. they share information. >> is this a better way to spend time? i don't claim it is better. is what i usually do. today the media says they will be injured because they taxed while walking. >>. [laughter] you may fall into a pool or get hit by a car some people wonder what is past texting and walking. people can do two things accidents will happen but they always have. my own grandfather was killed by a bus when he
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crossed the street while a reading a book. i am surprised they have not been an brooks. below riley -- bill o'reilly says now there are more school shootings and violence. is true to see that access a and nasty stuff but where is the evidence of harm? there isn't any. if japan can spend more time playing violent games with there is less violent sanded america internet use has grown of violence is down. it dropped 55%. despite the media hype there e fewer school shootings. if bill o'reilly were on tv in the '50s he would talk about comic books causing juvenile delinquency. superman embodied sadistic
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fantasies particularly injurious to children. maybe you should just ignore the older generation. ♪ yethe culture that when sex is pushing i kids i cringe so i am surprised by what this grandmother said. >> no. i think she is wonderful. john: really? the granddaughters are twerking? i think it is over the line but where is the evidence of harm? >> teen pregnancy has dropped by 50 percent now teenagers wait longer befo having sex. all people talk about the good old days. when i was shown people were hummel fullback, tolerant --
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and tolerant and racist. today kids are better. not worse. that iour show. see you next week. gerri: hello, everybody, i'm gerri willis. right now on "the willis report", eat this, not that. nutrition labels get the first of ever makeover. will it change the way americans eat? also a big win for drivers. cities put the brakes on red light cameras. fast-food wars, we put the new breakfast menus to the test. we're watching out for you on "the willis report." gerri: nutrition labels are getting a makeover for the first time in 20 years. the fda is touting the


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