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tv   Cavuto on Business  FOX Business  March 9, 2014 1:30am-3:01am EDT

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masters, now, yellow recipes. >> who do you like? >> bam, stocks up 20%. >> john bull or >> bears, ibp. >> on barbie. >> definitely a bull on barbie. the affordable care act has gone through every single branch of the government. it's the law of the land. >> the fact is it's the law of the land. >> affordable care act is the law of the land. >> that doesn't mean we can't change it. >> thousands of health care cancellations will land right before the mid-term election. all bets are off. hi, everyone, i'm neil cavuto, a bunch of democrats on shaky ground helping the white house scrap the plan to put these cancellations off. i mean way off i mean mid-term.
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now they won't be coming up until the next presidential election is overwhelm. so when they delay, who pays? charles payne. >> i don't know who will pay. businesses, now here's the thing, it's not a full fledged vehicle from the administration stance. we know we made mistakes in the plan. it's a political endeavor. we got 34 changes, arbitrary changes mailed by the winds of the president of the united states, most are temporary. so if you thought these were bad ideas, you'd say let's scrap them or redo them. maybe let's extend it past the next presidential election. it's toxic. it's destroying the company and confident. >> taking the idea of what it was and insurance companies, if you have a plan that doesn't comply with the requirements at healthcare law, you can hang on it longer to succeed, so
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republicans wanted that, they said they weren't interested in that problem. so what's wrong with the brought doing that? >> because the way they should be able to fix this, right, they're just doing this. it's very overt political move. they are why you doing it. >> they should have been doing that. i would have said touche. admit it. >> they kind of did that. they distributed talking points, our background to reporters. they had the list on it and there were nine democrats that helped out with this change, so with this win, some democratic members of congress are working with h.h. johnson in a very obvious way. they are doing it so there aren't cancellations in the mid-term elections, number one. i don't think the democrats care what the law looks like two years from now, four years from now. it's very swiechlt it's a victory for them. >> it has been changed. it doesn't even resemble the
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bill that the president signed into law. >> you can't do anything this insane without changing it a little bit along the way. >> what's a little versus a lot? sample that's the whole thing. let's be clear, they took a really crummy system. they quadrupled. the insurance system wasn't that great. they took that, that was the modem. they made it bigger. this will never be fixed. >> don't you think republicans are in the box saying, look, you did what you want. you put these provisions off. >> somewhat politically. here's the bottom line. the end i don't think it's going to work. i think it's clear the system it created -- >> it's not fair. >> no, he's not. >> i don't believe in conspiracy theory. >> adam, to that point the administration argued, a lot have been on the show argued, give us time, this thing will
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get better. giver it time, give it time. what do you think? >> first of all, i think you assessed it correctly. i have no problem calling this a political process. everything, all these things that we discussed are political process. sometimes they're more trance parent, sometimes less trance parent. >> even if you are a renaissance man, this is beyond transparent? zblits totally obvious. as is always the case, there is a perfectly good rational for it. we need more time. it's not working as well. >> we need more time to control the city. we need more time hold on. i make this case frequently. will is nothing wrong with the political process being in charge here. we would rather that to the all
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te terntive there is a monumental chan change. >> that's why there is nothing wrong with it. >> i don't want to give you your answer. i gave more than enough time. i did want to pick your brain on where we go from here. obviously, the democrats, four in the house pushed for this, they were relieved about it. i don't think they get away from the burdens that are real from the americans who might delay the paying, what do you think? >> i think we have a government of grownups, of children overpromising eventually who don't have their act together. i would wish dollars to do nuts president obama still never read this bill i don't know that anyone has. >> i'm not feeling that. i actually read it.
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>> he loses do nuts. >> it was like in high school. >> okay. then we haven't got a habit of overpromising. being extremely vague. yet this has a real impact in ordinary people's lives. the fact that they're making bold promises, changeing them again and again. >> that's why i made a nice point about politics. politics explains everything. >> we have lots of people on the menu. >> this is a very complicated piece of legislation. >> definitely. definitely going to take time to get it right. when. it didn't work well. it was complicated.
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it had to fit. >> literally, charles payne, where are we going? >> i think people need to realize again that these are all temporary fixes, the president believes in this wholeheartedly. all the aspects we talk about that will hurt people they are still in place. >> shoung that going to go on for years? >> they take individuals and they said, look, okay, you can't have the health care, oops, now you can, yes, you can. i seen this, i have friends who are not billionnaires unlike the people on this panel. they are really screwed up around this. >> there will be 30 million americans uninsuredpy 2020. >> that's the kicker. >> that itself the secret little fox news alert here. when all is said and done they
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don't want it. what's more, they won't be a part of it. so, adam, do you feel guilty? are you ready to -- >> ashamed, ashamed. >> first of all, we haven't upended our health care, second of all, people who didn't have insurance will be getting insurance, more and more as we fix this thing that's broken. i believe we will fix this thing. >> i want to point out that 30 million uninsured number, i didn't pull that out of my fannie, that's from the congressional office. >> we had it now. >> centuries maybe. >> the problem will solve itself. the people will be dead. >> that's a lovely thought.
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>> no way. a new study saying that our economy is taking a 2r8 hitch because of the agency global warmin warming. up next, no one is going to get the guy in the end. .
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keep it on fox, i'm jamie colby. >> when you look at russian stocks this past week, they were harpooned. the russian market losing $13 million since it began. it's interesting, even though vladmir putin toutles himself as a report lead er he has all thee other concern, all these other documents are we are getting killed that will get them to calm down when you are losing money like that. >> it will get anybody's attention, part of him obviously goes back to the whole old
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russian thinking. we will do what we got to do to win. this guy is taking the cash as well. believe me, when you blink after you won something without firing a shot. does the markets matter? >> not the markets in russia. the markets in investment by russian billionaires in the west. in miami real estate, in u.s. stocks, in european stocks. hidden in swiss bank accounts. that's how you toppling. you make them angry. you make them toxic. >> you go to putin and say we don't like what you are doing. >> you are messing with our money. shoot, he owns the brooklyn nets. >> that's his problem. >> he had a problem with putin because he got caught with the hookers in switzerland that time, that saved him. >> remember the hooker scandal? >> this gets down to having
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kwuts, it's really free their asset. it will go down 400 points and squeeze them. the only way to put that move n in. >> there is an urban legend. . >> we want to do to them what we want to squeeze them, we have to take some pain. >> we have ways of dealing with this. >> inside, i'm wondering, though, if you think of putin, he is losing a lot of money or was at the beginning of the week. as soon as things calm down as it looks like it's not coming to
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immediate blows. is that entering the equation for him at all? >> no, i think this man does not want the u.s. markets to go down. let's remember, this is a man in late middle age, he has a young woman around his neck. he isn't scared about the money. >> you know she can put her foot behind her neck and that what? >> that shows she is a person who perhaps is interested in a virl older man he's concerned about the russian market. he's a great leader. i think inten saying, adam.
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it's the world. >> charlie is sounding reasonable all of a sudden. i think you are right putin's economy is shaky. charlie we do not need to crater this out. >> if you want him to agree to our terms, you have to do very swift economic sanctions that will squeeze his economy today. you will. >> i mostly agree with you. what i'm saying -- >> we can do it slowly >> it's about stocks and yachts and mansions in the west. >> say that again. >> it's about stocks and yachts and mansions. >> here's the real co 91 drum,
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guys. europe can't. they get so much from russia. they really cannot do anything. >> some are much more aggressive. >> it's a conundrum. i wonder how that goes when they meet with him. they're not going to ask that. >> they will rush him any time they can. >> that's excellent. >> what makes them a super star? all right. guy, up next. washington can send, it cannot hide. we'd like to get some better answers. >> are you spending more? >> senator, i believe it makes
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it. >> well, you had your technical nature. now she's
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. >> you know, this is the way the white house is running out its new budget. here's the point i want to illustrate, the budget itself is spelled out here in this book. the appendix for all the
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spending is spelled out in this book. >> there is absolutely no way we're going to cut spending. there's no more cuts to make. >> game over. ben, game over. they've already said in these hundreds of thousands of pages and footnotes they can't cut. >> it's unbelievable. it's unbelievable. absolutely unbelievable. where did nancy pelosi come from? i mean what planet -- even in northern california where the people are fruitcakes x where did she come from. >> baltimore. >> the bottom line -- >> no, no, her father was mayor -- i know but she is a fruitcake. >> if you're looking at this and saying there's no room to cut in the budget and you're saying
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this is the best you can do, i don't know. >> i don't know. she clearly does. they don't have to cut because u.s. can still keep borrowing money until the cows come home until we can't. that's why there's zero urgency. >> this notion that we're relieved now that the deficits are five or $600 billion, forgetting the fact that that's still a lot more than we're spending and saying we're back to fiscal discipline. >> if you add up all the ones they printed up, that right there might give you the first billion. it's absolutely ridiculous. why does it so far outpace inflation? i would agree, we need an army, we need doctors, but they're pay doesn't increase at the rate
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that somehow -- >> and their idea of cutting -- it's like shave off the rate of increase. >> this is why i'm against tax increases. >> well, you're selfish also. >> i'm selfish and i'm greedy and they waste our money so badly they don't deserve it. >> adam, you should be happy if there are a trillion dollars worth of tax increases. >> you already pointed out, the deficits are moving in the right direction. this is a policy document. >> that would be like me saying ten years from now i'm targeting gaining 05 pounds but i only gain 40 and i say i lost ten. you don't know. >> good luck. >> he's thin. he doesn't know about these
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things. we have no bull here five
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all right. happy pit bull market. charles, what do you got? >> big money on big data cloud computing. >> adam? >> the new bull market leader. >> csx incredibly well run
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transportation company is going to be the way to go forever. >> all right guys. that will do it. more than $2 trillion getting yanked out of the economy. that's exactly what a new study shows will happen from the epa's global warming agenda. they're planning an all-night session this week. is it time to put all of this on ice? welcome everybody to 'forbes on fox". steve, bruce jackson and mike. rich, is it time to put this on hold? $2 trillion. >> that's a lot of money and that really it hads economic growth. the only way we


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