tv Varney Company FOX Business March 12, 2014 11:00am-1:01pm EDT
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politics. republicans win in florida besides being outspent four-one. business. a vast expansion of government power. the president commands a salary increase using executive power. if you had to invest in a videogame maker, a yogurt company or an online car dealer, which will would they be? "varney & company" is about to begin. ♪ don: what happened to the malaysian airlines flight? the plane disappeared on
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saturday. four days there has not been a single piece of wreckage found and linked to that plane. what makes it even more confusing is the passenger cell phones are still ringing. if they were submerged, they would not be ringing. tom sullivan is here. he is a pilot. you have some technical information. stuart: if the plane was under the ocean, does the black box send a signal? >> 30 days until the battery runs down. stuart: if it landed in a concealed location, does it have a signal? >> there has to be a crash. the sick will would not go off
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if it landed correctly. my money is it is down in the ocean. the problem is the conclusion coming from the malaysian air force. they are making this total confusion look like a little bit of the keystone cop. stuart: so they are not looking in the right place? >> that is what i am afraid of. they can go over about a 20-mile swath. they go in a lawnmower pattern back and forth. they have gone over the area where it was last seen on radar. there is nothing. stuart: why it's the black box not sending out the signal? charles: it does not necessarily
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have to send out the signal right away. >> the signal goes right away. charles: it feels to me that malaysia is trying to massage the terrorist aspect of this. you have two iranian guys who somehow got false passports. that really worries me. >> there is another device on their. it sends out messages so that the company can keep track of what is going on maintenance wise. this plane, there was no adverse message. it is sending out a message. there was nothing that that the plane was having a problem. stuart: they are getting a ringing tone.
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that could be the telephone network calling the phone number and hearing that ring tone. your money is that thing is in the ocean. >> it is in the ocean. the malaysian air force is causing more problems. stuart: thank you for your expertise. let's get the financial news of the day. a couple of big names in thea ce news. it is bad for both of them. general motors. congress is investigating. gm allegedly has a slow recall two cars. from an investor's point of view, charles, when you get this kind of bad for felicity, is it a time to buy? charles: if there was an adverse impact to the stock. it is not down so dramatically. ironically, one of the stocks we
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will preview is bored. i think general motors looks a lot more attractive right now. what has happened over the last six-seven months. stuart: target. it's customer traffic at its lowest point in three years. still trying to recover from the data breach. charles: i was not a big fan of target even before this came up. melissa and i had fun with this. she likes target. as soon as i go, the plastic is so heavy and it slams. i have never had a part where all four wheels work. i am trying to go straight and it is going right. already my shopping experience is bad. stuart: all shopping experiences are bad. to the markets. down today. ontrack abe for the third day in
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a row. down a fraction right now. do not forget about gold. this is a six-month high. 1366. a nice game today. let's go to nicole. score one for the car dealers. tesla will not be allowed to sell cars in new jersey. they decided you have to have a middleman. a dealer to buy a car. nicole: the stock right now is higher. it had been to the downside first. after april 1, you will not be able to go to a tesla dealer and purchase a tesla in new jersey. however, it has since turned around. tesla was worried it hurt their model. it will happen in other states as well. arizona and texas are the two other states that does not allow tesla to have freestanding.
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other analysts do not think it is that big of a deal overall. nicole: some things are priceless, stuart. you on the tractor. that vision. some things really are priceless. back to you. stuart: are we done yet? are you finished? to politics. republican david jolly. he won a special election in florida last night. he was outspent four-one by a democrat that was better known. what do you have to say about that, charles payne? charles: i think it is absolutely amazing. if i am a democrat, i am nervous. stuart: waking up this morning
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-- charles: in a full sweat. they woke up in the middle of the night with a full sweat. stuart: not that bad, charles. political prospect editor is with us. kaylee, you are from florida. the significance of david jolly. >> they voted for obama in 2008 and 20012. they voted for alex sink in 2010. what changed in two years? what is the difference? obamacare. the great equalizer. obamacare is just that that. stuart: i have the latest on obamacare enrollment numbers. they really are not that good. it just does not appear to be working. do you remember this? >> have you heard of the affordable care act? >> yes. i heard about that.
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is that the thing that does not work? >> it works great now. what we want is for people to know that you can get affordable health care. most young americans right now are not covered. stuart: i do not know whether the president is right or wrong about most young americans. i am not sure about that. kaylee is still with us. first of all, do you think that the president is doing the right thing? >> i think it is a way to get young people to laugh. is it a way to get them to sign up for obamacare? no. stuart: he sent a lot of people to obamacare's website. >> are they going to sign up? are they going to enroll? the answer is no. just 25% of millennial's. they are not going to sign up
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because they will not sign up for a bad deal. stuart: they get a subsidy. >> if they are unemployed. if they are not, they do not get a subsidy. stuart: a whole lot of young people who do not have high paying jobs or do not have jobs at all. they will get it either free or subsidized. why don't they sign-up? >> you cannot push them there. you cannot force them. bolan kneels do not need healthcare right now. it does not help the solvency of the system at all. stuart: you have to have more young, healthy people. charles: i keep hearing i can just chill out with mom and dad. why be interested in this until i am 27 years old anyway. stuart: don't you have to be a student in full-time education to get coverage under your mom and dad?
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>> no. up until 26. it does not matter. charles: it is a. thing. >> if you are healthy, it is not economically smart to spend $1700 to sign up when you can just pay the penalty. stuart: i thought the experience with the comedian was rather funny. i thought it worked as a venue for the president to get the message out to young people. i think that is what you have to do these days. >> this was an act of pure desperation. charles: the problem is the way this was touted as a signature achievement. there should have been a line of 30 million people.
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stuart: thank you very much for joining us in new york. three very modern companies. three different businesses. which one would you buy into? shibani. andy grosz. valued at more than $7 billion. we knew we just had to talk about it. right, charles. which one would you buy? charles: it would be between chibani and auto trader gets me on single-digit leads., i get 30 times that each month. that will be good. chibani i love that. they created the market out of
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nothing. candy grosz. they are making money. they have profits. i see the prophets starting to decline as they want to share the company with me. >> chibani. definitely. love it. stuart: we have an update for you on the gm story. an iphone case that measures your vital signs. you cannot get it just yet. will it be taxed as a medical device? the creator after this. ♪
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this is what i would call it a go nowhere market thus far this morning. down 22. move on. here is where the action is today. gold up $17. after the price of oil, there is action there also. i can expect maybe a little bit lower gas price in the near future. the fda has approved a new head and as the first medical device to help migraine headaches. you wear it across your four head. here is the point of the story. this is wearable medical technology. this is an expanding field. this one coming out at the south by southwest conference. it is a case for your iphone. i do not have it with me. you just grab hold of the case
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and it measures some of your vital signs. body temperature, blood oxygen levels -- that is what it tells you. we are joined now by the ceo behind this. i will give you a commercial. out of the joy of my heart, i will give you a commercial. why should i buy this thing? tell me in 30 seconds. >> there is no device that lets people attract their health. whether it measures your blood pressure or the oxygen levels, your heart rate, you're eeg -- it is on you all the time.
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your phone is with you all the time. you have it with you all the time. stuart: okay. you can measure your heart and lung functions. you dd not yet have fda approval. you tell me, what price will you sell them out when they are on the market? >> we actually started pre-orders in 24 countries. they are selling right now at 199. stuart: okay. is it okay? is it heavy? >> it is much lighter or as light as your phone. this is how it looks. it looks like a very high end mobile phone case. we wanted it to look normal. it disappears when you are not using it. stuart: i think you did a pretty good commercial performance there. you kind of sold me.
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i do not necessarily want my body monitoring constantly. thank you for joining us, sir. we do appreciate it. >> hanky very much. stuart: did not charge him a penny. the carnival triumph. that is the name of the ship. the crews from hell. a group of passengers suing for emotional distress. they are demanding $5000 a month for life. do they have a case? [laughter] stuart: you kind of win the lottery. we will call a lawyer for an answer in a second. 3 d printing has been used at every stage in surgery to reconstruct a patient's face. it is amazing stuff.
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we call it the x1 entertainment operating system. it looks like the future! we must have encountered a temporal vortex. further analytics are necessary. beam us up. ♪ that's my phone. hey. [ female announcer ] the x1 entertainment operating system, only from xfinity. tv and internet together like never before. stuart: i wonder if the nasdaq can avoid a fifth straight
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losing day. the stocks went down earlier. look at them now. some have come back a little. all of them have now moved a little bit higher. the carnival triumph. the crews from hell. a fire in the engine room turned the ship into a trip of horrors. now, a group of passengers want $5000 a month each for life. charles: -- stuart: let's bring in an attorney. are you there, randy?
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do you think that they will get any money at all? >> every litigation has a cost. value getting rid of it. keep in mind, for the privilege of going on a cruise, you give away your ability to soothe the cruise line if things do not go to your expectations. read the back of your ticket. stuart: do you think it is right if you suffer an unpleasant experience, should you be, basically, winning the lottery. >> it does sound a lot like winning for life. i think the answer is no. the very interesting way of looking at this, imagine saying to each of the people, tell you
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what, every year on december 31, submit us your medical bills. show us what you have incurred and show us that the injuries were linked to your experience on the cruise line and we will pay for it. these people are not interested in just having their medical expenses reimbursed. they are looking for the lottery. >> yes, they are. thank you for joining us. why are you groaning, charles? you have to link the medical problem. charles: depression. i have been depressed. i have not been able to work since this thing. stuart: you cannot prove it. right.
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in the new new york, we don't back down. we only know one direction: up so we're up early. up late. thinking up game-changing ideas, like this: dozens of tax free zones across new york state. move here. expand here. or start a new business here... and pay no taxes for 10 years. with new jobs, new opportunities
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stuart: new jersey bans the sale of tesla cars in that state. governor chris christie, a republican, all for it. he says this administration does not find it appropriate to unilaterally change the way cars are sold in new jersey without registration. tesla has been aware of the position since the beginning. all rise, judge andrew napolitano is here. >> it is dreadful, directly violative of the prohibited a show in of states interfering with lawful contracts. between tesla and the consumer.
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you don't need the middleman, the dealership. stuart: the law in new jersey says you have to have a dealer. >> nothing but protectionist legislation to protect business for the dealers in response to their lobbying. stuart: the dealers association gave a fortune to politicians. >> there you go. without picking on governor chris christie, this is one of the reasons conservatives have problems with him. it would make much more sense the people on this board appointed by governor chris christie. with a phone call he could have said let's try it out. it may bring more choices to consumers and lower prices. presented atmosphere at the free market can flourish, not protectionism. stuart: president obama will order an executive order today
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to expand the number of people who qualify for overtime pay. this is the president using his executive power, telling business we are expanding the area we can tell you what you have got to pay. >> exactly what he is doing. his executive order is directed toward the department of labor to craft new rules published in the state of florida. those rules will redefine who must be covered by overtime. does he have the authority to do it? yes. did the congress give it expressly to him? no. they give it to george bush down as president is using it in a way they don't like. i don't like it, not something the president should be doing but as much congress fouled as the president. stuart: a vast expansion of power. >> they can tell you who you have to pay overtime to an employee and the employer have
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already agreed these are celery people, we will work for this celery, 36 hours per week or 48 hours per week, suddenly they have to punch a time clock and paid by the hour? this is the government radically altering the narrative. charles: even barack obama understands the welfare society he built is so expensive have to find a way to take the balance sheet, the cash flow from corporate america to keep it going. >> fortunately this to be undone with the stroke of a pen by another president the soonest that could be is three years from now. in that time fewer people were work, more capital has to be done or prices will go up or both. stuart: a lot of people will get some more money. and they will vote for the next democrat president.
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look, the whole bunch of people get a raise because of what they did, they will vote for the president. >> they're not stupid. it is because the president put some role in washington to be changed. stuart: it is politically potent, isn't it? >> yes, it is. starbucks coffee cosmo $0.25 you will not grumble, it is only a quarter but multiply that struck the country as a radical shift in wealth. stuart: another blow to the unions, the sei you is paying $200,000 fine. they funneled my's of dollars to get a prounion pellet in michigan. liz macdonald. liz: this is such a hypocrisy,
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they want to unionize home health care workers, you have to think of they try to unionize abc is next. they funneled money through a nonprofit to get the ballot measure through. now, have senator harry reid taking the floor of congress saying the coke brothers are funneling money to rig the measures. while the irs is silencing nonprofit questioning government spending. stuart: do you know if it got onto the ballot? >> we are still sorting that out, i will report back to you. stuart: an example of unions spending their money getting a very specific result politically. >liz: the judge smacking it dow. stuart: thank you very much, indeed. californians i will say taxed to death. harvey weinstein wants more tax
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see what's new at (voseeker of the you can separate runway diculousness... from fashionhat flies off the shelves. and from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle... and go. and only national isanked highest in car rental customer satisfaction by j.d. power. (natalie) ooooh, i like your style. (vo) so do we, business pro. so do we. go national. go like pro. stuart: general motors trying to recover knows it will offer owners $500,000 credit for the
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purchase of a new car. gm says the offer will be good through the end of april. look at progressive corporation. a big drop in year-over-year income, 2% lower. "wall street journal" confirms what we reported last week, amazon is working i video service service to compete with itunes and pandora. and talks of major record labe labels, amazon up slightly at $3.69. they will have to redo the financial segment because it incorrectly reported its revenue. down 11%. , will sky high taxes kill california's film industry? not if you get a tax break. quick look at the weather. nice day, beautiful tomorrow. tomorrow is full of promise.
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we can come back tomorrrow. and we promise to keep it that way. driven to preserve the environment, csx moves a ton of freight nearly 450 miles on one gallon of fuel. what a day. can't wait til tomorrow. ameriprise asked people a simple question: can you keep your lifestyle in retirement? i don't want to think about the alternative. i don't even know how to answer that. i mean, no one knows how long their money is going to last.
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i try not to worry, but you worry. what happens when your paychecks stop? because everyone has retirement questions. ameriprise created the exclusive confident retirement approach. to get the real answers you need. start building your confident retirement today. stuart: a couple of weeks ago we told you about disney launching a streaming service, and now alibaba. china's amazon buying a stake in china vision. getting into the second act. giving them access to tv and movie content. we show you yahoo stock because yahoo owns a stake in it. $37 on yahoo. disney and talks to buy the web producer named maker studios. holding very close to the all-time high at 81. shares of express a 52 week low.
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disappointing profit forecast, so how bad is it, nicole? nicole: it is not good news, down 12% right now. they give a forecast weaker than expected doing so many other retailers we have covered. american eagle, urban outfitters, the severe winter weather hurting their numbers overall. down 12%. stuart: do you know that store? nicole: it is for young adults. stuart: what would i know about young adults. california taxes are the highest in the land. harvey weinstein, movie producer, liberal, he wants tax breaks. former reagan administration general counsel and author of "taxifornia." california taxes highest in the land. along comes harvey weinstein, he
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wants a tax break for hollywood. >> jerry brown and democrats have a proposition in 2012 called proposition 3 30 making california income tax the highest in the nation. the state sales tax is the highest in the nation. they responded by the gas tax at the pump at the highest in the nation. all these taxes are making california poorer and poorer. now california leads the nation in poverty for the first time in the history of the country under the obama census bureau. and the liberals who have put these taxes on california now in the film industry are saying they want special exemptions for the same taxes are pushing others to make more movies in california. while they do have a point, recently the iconic "the tonight show" has been moved to the blue state of new york because of tax credits. new york has got it right.
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they are in fact bringing in jobs and growth by lowering taxes. >> everybody should have their taxes lowered. not just the film. stuart: haven't heard ho hollywd liberal yet he doesn't say taxed them. here is the question, why doesn't california keep voting left? they both left on every single issue. >> we have proposition 13 which greatly lowered property tax. the citizens of los angeles in 2013 turned down a sales tax increase. if the citizens have the right information, they will respond. >> the problem is public employee unions. stuart: you will never elect a republican a statewide basis,
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never elect a republican president the state of california. not in my lifetime, will you? >> his governorship was a failure. it was a failure because he made a deal with the california teachers association to protect public interest. remember we had a president who said if you want your plan coming in keep it, if you want your doctor, you can keep it. that is what arnold schwarzenegger did. stuart: i want to talk about the future of california and whether they will elect a governor by white house republican. >> do think it is a chevron oil? at&t, big tobacco? the biggest special interest in california is a california teachers association. since 2000 spent $290 million on politics. stuart: in my lifetime will they
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be a statewide republican who wins in my lifetime of california voted republican for the white house? >> it is very dubious because the situation in california is so dire because the swamping of the political system by other public employee unions have literally crushed the ability of right thinking people to be able to win elections in the general sense. this is only going to continue until people in california and the united states understand public employee unions are special interest just like tobacco and just like big oil. stuart: i read that as no hope. >> there is a glimmer of hope and that california has always been able to rise up even against the odds of liberal democrats control. stuart: how about as more peoppe become more poor, people become on food stamps.
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the state is spiraling out of control with people becoming poor. one of the poorest if not the worst conditions, cap the republicans so you have tried it this way for a couple of decades, this is where you are on the map, this is where we can take you. >> republican party has to take small strides. >> y for decades the democrats and liberals have such a loss in sacramento? california is so asleep they don't get what is going on in their state? stewart's point. >> i felt little defensive when i share your view. my whole point of "taxifornia" is to point out the taxes are too high and liberal democrats are messing up the state. then his be translated to the general public. the general public is not able to get the message because of the fact public employee unions have swamped this a the networkd have a complete grip. if republicans jeb away at the
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two-thirds majority in the house and legislature, that can change. it will take time but probably california needs a catastrophic event like bankruptcies across the state only the public employee pension system completely eviscerating itself to make a change. stuart: will they get a bailout in washington? >> they shouldn't. when the implosion comes, people look at the point liberal democrats are bankrupting california. stuart: don't get me wrong, it is very good. >> "taxifornia." it is available on stuart: "taxifornia." i give you a hard time. i slam my fist on the table demanding an answer and give you a hard time. >> california is a very important state. stuart: i started out in television in san francisco 35 years ago.
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>> it is the state of richard nixon, herbert hoover. we had three presidents in the last century, a chief justice of the supreme court of the united states. as i say in the book how can we be a situation where that couldn't even be envisioned where our best shot would be for jerry brown to take on hillary rodham clinton. it would not be a bad candidate controlling the democrats from the california delegation's as well. we don't need bullet trains around the nation. stuart: your time is up. a great commercial for your book. >> i appreciate it. stuart: turns out your messages were not private after all. the full story next.
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that can access your chat. look at facebook because they bought whatapp. no reaction to the news at all, up $1, close to the all-time high. dropping more than 30% just yesterday after a short sellers of the stock was worth maybe $0.50, and it is down again today. look at charles pick. fuel cell energy down earlier today. if you listened to charles yesterday he said sellmac fuel-cell. before the close of trading yesterday on this program said sell fuel-cell. he said was time to take profits off. charles: when i'm up 56% in for days as a viewer's work you have to take it. certain stocks you by built on potential. these are hypotension and mindy
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grossman may the potential down the line but until they can back it up and you have those kind of moves. in one year up 6400%. 6400%. even today 3900% in one year. when they start to go straight up like that you have to contain the level. stuart: would you buy back into fuel cell? charles: absolutely. >> contain your grade level. stuart: you really have to. check the big board, the dow trying, write about a breakeven point. i call that a dead flat market. here's what we have for you knew at noon. an advancement in 3d printing. a man who had his face reconstructed piece by piece thankthings to 3d printing. plus i've got a bone to pick with warren buffett.
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i would like someone, anybody to ask him, and i want answers, we're fired up for a new hour of "varney & company." it is two minutes away. sometimes they just drop in. always obvious. cme group can help you navigate risks and capture opportunities. we enable you to reach global markets and drive forward with broader possibilities. cme group: how the world advances.
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so our business can be on at&t's network for $175 a month? yup. all 5 of you for $175. our clients need a lot of attention. there's unlimited talk and text. we're working deals all day. you get 10 gigabytes of data to share. what about expansion potential? add a line, anytime, for $15 a month. low dues, great terms. let's close! new at&t mobile share value plans our best value plans ever for business. [ male announcer ] evenore impressive than the research this man has at his disposal is how he puts it to work for his clients.
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morning. morning. thanks for meeting so early. co on in. [ male annncer ] it's how edward jones makes sense of investing. stuart: welcome, everyone, to our second hour. would you believe a 3d printed face? it has been done and we have the story for you. 25 years old today. what is next? try 100 times faster. and this is how you rile up the left. you thirtysomething women, get married soon. we will introduce you to the man who runs one of the very few publicly traded companies in the marijuana business. and for what it is worth, i wanted warren buffett to come clean on the pipeline, death and
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taxes. ♪ if you didn't think technology could change lives, you need to hear this. a british man disfigured in a motorcycle accident. he just received a life-changing surgery to repair his face with the help of 3d printers. using scans to make a 3díg5! prd model of his skull. they then printed out plate that matched the damaged area of his skull. the results were in a different league from anything that has ever been done before. so, you ask, the 3d printers that were used, they were made by 3d systems. it is down a little bit today. charles, liz, this program someone called that a company
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like a play-doh factory. liz: this is life-changing stuff. it is heartbreaking what they have to deal with. he said i had to disguise myself. now i will not have to hide away, shunned by society. this changed this gentleman's life will change the lives of other people as well. charles: bank of america had cautioned the product of this. there will be growing pains when i heard him say that, i can envision him 100 or so years ago saying the horse carriage is nothing but a noisy box. hard not to fathom how great this industry will be. you can argue about the stock and work will go day today. but will change manufacturing, no change a lot of things.
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stuart: i want a mutual fund that buys a range and share the risk between all of them. take a look at tesla. the stock want to go up all the time even though tesla will not be allowed to sell cars in new jersey. they call it a minor inconvenience. another winner, jcpenney positive comments from some of those analysts. we put it on deathwatch, now $9 per share a couple of days ago. look at the big board come another do down day. it'll be 33 days in a row the dow has gone down. look at facebook because they are coming close to another new high. nicole: always exciting to take a look at a winner on a day with down arrows. not too far off the all-time high of 72.59.
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raising the price target of $85 up from 70. they love what they're seeing with instagram, advertising on facebook and of course the acquisition of whatapp. stuart: i have tw to go politicl headlines for you. republican david jolly when the congressional race last month even though he was outspent 4-1. he had campaigned against obamacare. also, the president's approval rating another low, 41% approve of his performance. charles, what do you make of all of this? david jolly was outspent 4:1 but he wins because he opposed obamacare. charles: that obamacare number, people who say it is bad is
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substantially higher than people who think it is a good idea. nancy pelosi said once we got a chance to live with it for a while we have all come to love it. they changed the rules 34 times. he does not even really have to market it because every time president obama made another arbitrary change in the policy is more or less admitting what republican said from day one. your ram it down our throats. liz: even though mitt romney outpaced him in that time. the other thing is about the approval rating story. we have to talk about the president lunging approval rating occurrences latest poll. says just above george w. bush going into the terms of 2006, so that is why you are seeing moves like raising the minimum wage or the other executive order the president is talking about for overtime pay. charles: do you run a obamacare
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and not committing out of the way or do you take it all in and set yourself up? it looks like you could run on a single issue and take back washington, d.c. a lot of purest don't like that idea. stuart: they have obamacare around their neck this election year. a new study from oxford finds technology could make half of all jobs in the u.s. obsolete within the next two decades. are we doomed? lauren: it seems like it, robots are becoming smarter, they can learn and predict human behavior. 47% of u.s. jobs in the next decade or two will be replaced by robots. what should you do in the meantime? focus on social jobs, learn skills, caregivers, things like that where you cannot be quickly
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replaced by robots. the number might be a little bit exaggerated once you put a robotic driving a car, the entire model has completely changed. stuart: it will never drive my car. i love it. now to the money and recreational marijuana. colorado brought into my in dollars of tax revenue in january on $40 million worth of pot sales. i am not so sure that is a lot of money, but it would be more, honestly. now we're joined by the ceo of the first publicly traded company to apply for license to grow and sell marijuana. welcome to the program, good to have you back. the $14 million worth of sales of marijuana in colorado in that one month. i thought it would be more than that, quite frankly. what do you say? >> thank you for having me on. this is the first month of
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recreational sales so i think it was less than 50 retail shops were actually up and selling an accommodation with the first couple of weeks or three weeks they were running into supply issues. i think that is why the number was on a little bit of a lower side. it still came in as far as expectations were concerned. people tied up in the licensing process and all that is taking time to get up and running. stuart: i described your company as essentially picks and shovels of the marijuana industry. you produce growing equipment? >> we do that, but we also grow in line of produce around the country so we have farms that we grow dutch style hydroponically throughouthroat the u.s. as wel. hope we can convert those. >> did not want to enter the
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industry is concerned as it was about the longevity at the time having one single approach. we knew down the line if legalization takes hold we can convert the greenhouse and converted grow marijuana as well. stuart: i want to get back to colorado. 40% of the marijuana sold in colorado in that first month, january, was edible. people bindweed or rolling joints, it was people buying oil infused brownies. 40%. is that accurate? >> i'm not sure o the number toe frank with you but i own a medical marijuana dispensary in california as well and the edibles and concentrate side is expanding very rapidly. a lot of people looking for alternatives. at the end of the dat day it cos from the base product. but you are seeing a broadening out of this tradition methods people utilizing.
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stuart: give a publicly traded company growing paraphernalia. a pot dispensary in california. the people ever have a go at you because you are a pothead, you are selling drugs, do they say that? i have heard that a lot. >> i left a 10-year career in wall street's to get into this business so i worked for will kobe and morgan stanley. i understood the economic expansion that would take place. i don't get those comments as much as you think. stuart: do you think recreational marijuana will be available nationwide because the fed change the law which mark do you think? >> talking to you from las vegas, out certain put my money on that. stuart: got it. , and visit us again. curious about a stock? we told you to tweet us.
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today charles has ford motor company and general electric. because you asked about it. we don't cover these stocks very much. charles: ford i have to tell you this is a tough one for me because it beats the street each of the last four quarters but every time you see the trend. numbers have come down dramatically. i think they are losing market share since september 2013 general motors with market share their taking off. the next five years toyota will grow 34%, forward only 11. i hate to say it but i would be a seller of the stock. stuart: general electric. we hardly ever out of those two words on this program. charles: he made mention of his
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entire boys and bought ge stock, 146,000 shares. to me, that is not enough. net income in the december quarter was down 500,000, 500 million year-over-year and profit margins collapsed. liz: may be below where it was. charles: you have that kind of global footprint and cannot take advantage of local wealth in the last decade, i am worried about it. they want 70% of their business to come from industrial but that will take a couple of years. stuart: happy birthday, internet. 25 years old today. now play-doh is the name of the game and we will explain it next.
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in the new new york, we don't back down. we only know one direction: up so we're up early. up late. thinking up game-changing ideas, like this: dozens of tax free zones across new york stat, move here. expand here. or start a new business here... and pay no taxes for 10 years. with new jobs, new opportunities and a new tax free plan. there's only one way for your business to go. up. find out if your business can qualify at
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stuart: the creator of the famous "flappy bird" app is having second thoughts. "flappy bird" is coming back hashtag >> perhaps, but it will come back with a warning to please take a break. a vietnamese young man computer programmer lives with his parents. he creates this "flappy bird" and it blows up and he is not used to the fame or the money. making $50,000 per day. downloaded at least 50 million times. he says in the next 22 hours i'm going to take "flappy bird" down. 10 million people downloaded it. he is getting all this attention to what might be back. if you already have the game you can still play it so it is not
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affecting that many people. stuart: great piece of marketing. >> you should get him on your show. he just got a passport. stuart: albo kim. remember that sound? we are playing it because today marks a big milestone, 25 years ago computer scientist wrote a paper that laid out the framework for what would become the modern-day internet. that's changed a lot of lives. sandra smith, first question, do you remember the first time you log on and went online? >> yes. not only did you hear that sound, but that was your home phone line. you are eating up the ability for anybody in your house to use the phone. i'm the youngest of six kids so
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that pose a big problem in my house. my dad was very tech savvy so we were logging on but remember how long it took to download a picture for example? you didn't know any better so you waited for a picture to dell download. stuart: let's bring in from social 25 years of internet, do you remember the first time you log on? >> high. i do remember vaguely. it was quite a bit of years ago as you know. i was at my dad's house. one of the band members was very tech savvy. we log onto the internet and i had no idea, but 25 years later and we are still connected.
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stuart: was her dad's rock band famous? the daughter of a notable? >> it was east coast famous. quite a great collection of photos of him sliding across the stage with a bass guitar. i will look it up on the world wide web today for you. stuart: google fiber high-speed internet network is going to spend this thing to 34 seas. google says about 100 times faster than the broadband we have got now. this to me is the future of the internet. looking back over 25 years. 100 times faster, that is the development to me that is most important. how about you? >> that is a really important development. they are doing a lot to make the internet more accessible and faster. it is going to give a lot of these companies and a lot of these more established folks a
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run for their money when it comes to streaming content. yesterday the softbank president talked about the wireless speed of internet, that will be an important play as well. stuart: i don't know what i would do with 100 times faster speed. what would that do for me? i don't know. >> it is really hard to go back. we can't remember what it was like to download that picture. it will be harder when we don't have the excess we will be a little bit more impatient. stuart: we have something called king games. 3 billion. now i am looking to the future for my grandkids the kind of company i want to buy into. a yogurt company, and game maker, which one would you buy? >> i have to go with the game maker. this disruptive world of mobile
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apps king with the candy crushed saga and farm bureau, getting thousands everyday. they will continue to release new games as addictive as that in that stock will have a lot of promise when they ipo. >> you have to show me that again. >> chibani. they are eating smarter, making healthy decisions. the junk food aisle is getting smaller and smaller. chibani hits a sweet spot. i like that a lot. stuart: you're one of the younger people who appear on this program. if you invest, do you invest in the stock's that we mentioned a lot like futuristic companies? facebook, twitter, that sort of
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a thing? >> i do invest. hopefully i will have more means after social radar blows up but i do invest they take advice from shows like yours and things i am searching online on the web, it is exciting new technologies to be investing a great way for young people to be involved. that is why chibani and is not as appealing to me as the king. stuart: thank you for joining us, see you soon. i have a bone to pick with warren buffett. my take is next.
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making this total confusion almost makes it look a little bit like the keystone. stuart: talking about the malaysian airlines mystery in our last hour. the authorities have not ruled out mechanical failure, pilot error or terrorism. get this, malaysian officials just confirmed the last words heard from the jet were all right, good night. that message was reportedly a response to entering vietnamese airspace. the search continues, we will keep you updated with so far no or debris located at all linked to that flight. the author who says women need to marry young, get while the getting is good. it is okay to settle. plus, $85,000 belt buckle. what is so great about it? warren buffett is back in the
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media. several interviews, but he is rarely challenged. he gets lavish praise at the greatest investor and he deserves that kind of praise. he is brilliant. but few questions that are rarely asked. first, you are playing your own book, aren't you? you oppose the keystone pipeline. he turned around a little bit, but you oppose for a long, long time the keystone pipeline. doesn't that help your railroad business? railroads carrying oil and you made money by opposing keystones. and don't tell us pipelines are not safe. people have been killed recently by trains carrying oil. second, you want the rich to pay more income tax. why don't you pay yourself a bigger income so you would pay tax like the rest of us. instead you hide from the tax
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everybody else pays and you want us to pay more. thanks, warren. third of the government is so great a spending our money, why don't you pay your fair share of estate taxes. when you pass, the vast portion goes to charity. how can you be for the estate taxes that you yourself will not pay? so yet again the super rich, the guys with early in the dollars with legions of lawyers will escape the tax fight the rest of us have to pay. those of us try to climb the food chain are getting a little annoyed. we strive to move up in the world and when we make good money, the government takes half or more. there is something not right here. warren buffett affects policies and makes money doing it. he affects tax policy and sticks us with the bill. here's what i want. the next time he is interviewed
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pipeline. sandra is here with something to add on warren buffett's position on the pipeline now. sandra: it has changed. he used to defend environmentalist's and say he came under fire for them owning railways which recently we have seen some major spills from railroads. stuart: what about now? sandra: while we'd begin to his portfolio he would be in favor of the keystone not because he would create jobs of the build anything that creates jobs, he thinks this would be a good thing for the country, good for business in this country but here is the thing, he is only -- deegan to his portfolio he has been acquiring some companies that would benefit from the approval of the keystone pipeline. case in point company acquired that would help the oil moves through the pipeline faster. in general pipeline faster but it would work with the keystone as well so let's not forget he is always positioning himself
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for profit and always talking to benefit his books. he stuart: you affect policy because he is warren buffett and churns up with a parent or the president and then is buying into companies which will benefit from his teaming up with the president and affecting policy. there is something wrong in my opinion. sandra: has no idea if the president will approve it but nonetheless speaking out a changing his tune. stuart: those europeans are at it again. they have their noses out of joint covert cheese. they don't want us using the words parmesan or fed up. >> you put the at how yet on this story so there is an international debate on how to save cheese. when you buy palmer shot which is from pablo, italy, a european country or feta from greece, will gorgonzola from the lawn there are american companies that sell those cheeses often in that familiar green cylinder
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bottle that you shake, hopefully that doesn't come from a can. they are saying you are stealing our cheese and our name. this is not american she's even though american companies are making it. u.s. dairy farmers are up in arms. is a $4 billion domestic industry and if you change the name consumers will get so confused by this what will be the next industry? it will be great yogurt, it could be oranges. stuart: are they suing? >> they expected to be discussed this week in european trade talks in brussels. stuart: fascinating. i would be glued to those trade talks. >> you shake your cheese on your pasta? stuart: i don't eat pasta. i should never have said that. thank you very much. wait a second. do you remember susan patent? she is the so-called princeton mom who wrote the article suggesting women should find a
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husband on campus before they graduate. she turned that into a book which was released yesterday. this is very smart, who is with us right now. first of all, the left is so riled up, as they hate you. which button did you press to get them so mad. >> i understand there are certain truths that we don't want to confront and what i have done is tapping on the door of the x-ray saying we have a serious situation to deal with here if you focus on nothing but your career you will find yourself in the mid to late 30s with nothing but your career so reject what the feminists are telling you, you have all the time in the world because you don't. stuart: so get married quickly. women, you go on to say why not settled? if you are in your early 30s just settle. doesn't have to the mr. wonderful. the right guy for the moment.
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>> what i am saying is if you know the very top of your priority list of things you want to accomplish in your life is to get married and you are 31, 32 years old and haven't found mr. wright then yes, may be settling for mr. good enough is not a bad idea for a couple reasons. mr good enough maybe will turn into a prince charming. how many women marry mr. wright hit turned out to be mr. wrong. no guarantee. and if you settle for mr. good enough and have children at least you have your children and they will be with you forever. sometimes -- >> appreciate you having an opinion on this. i can say is that much but i think this is horrible advice. stuart: selling? >> with this kind of advice because all of us are so unique and so different. to settle with someone you don't
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find -- >> you are dealing with divorce and children, being raised by -- >> you will be divorced 50% of the time the matter what. we can cut those statistics anyway like. only if you are a woman who knows you want children, you are 31, 32 years old, i am saying yes, settle. doubling down on that. stuart: next case. more to come. >> take it away. stuart: facebook and cheryl sandberg wants to ban the word bossy. calling the girl bossy not only undermines her ability to see herself as a leader of the influences how others treat her. your comments on bossy? >> so completely nonsense. when a little girl is called bossy doesn't impede her leadership capabilities. it is saying she probably is dictatorial, nasty, tyrannical,
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and yielding little girl. and maybe that is something we want to take a look at teaching our young women to be a little nicer, a little more welcoming, a little more accepting of opinions other than their own. this is a good thing. banning a word? maybe we should ban the word pretty because it objectifies -- ridiculous. banning words? stuart: the use of the word bossy to a little girl isn't bad because it might make her straight how you should behave with other people. >> maybe it will. being called names i can tell you about being called names. certainly this past week i can tell you. stuart: we are out of time. thanks so much for joining us. i bet this book does well. >> a pleasure to be with you. stuart: gold at a six month high, smart phone gamemaker valued at $7 billion. continuation may be of a three day losing streak.
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all of that discussed on the real halftime report which is next. when does your work en does it end after you've expanded your business? after your company's gone public? and the capital's been invested? or wn your compan's bought another? is it over after you' given back? you never stop achieving. that's why, at barclays, our ambition is to always realize yours.
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sometimes they just drop in. always obvious. cme group can help you navigate risks and capture opportunities. we enable you to reach global markets and drive forward with broader possibilities. cme group: how the world advances. stuart: let's update the general motors story. gm offering owners of the
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recalled cars $500 cash towards the purchase or lease of a new one. that offer last through the next month. gm stock is down $0.30, $34 a share. security flaw in the messaging platform what's app could be a blow to the company. messages may not be private because android apps against access, look at facebook, they bought what's app, no impact on facebook stock, it is up $70. remember the carnival triumph? the cruise ship that was a drifter days with no working toilets or power, it was real bad. a group of passengers suing for emotional distress and demanding $5,000 a month each for life. carnival, $39 a share. that halftime report is next.
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stuart: love that graphic. time for the real halftime report. scott kennedy from new york, nicole petallides on the exchange. sandra smith next to me. kyle herring to in san diego. gold at a six month high. or forecast please. >> after the excessing bowl last year it became a value plan. technically speaking a lot of guys behind me love the look of these charts, it goes up to 1400 and i think we get out because then it gets too expensive because the world doesn't have a
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lot of money anymore. the economies are not doing well enough. $1,400 gold is a sell. stuart: how high for gold in this cycle? >> gold goes higher, makes total sense to me. the united states currency, the dollar continues to be in my mind challenged and credit rating as a country and diversifying a portion of one's portfolio into the precious metals area which include gold makes a lot of sense. stuart: back to you in a second. three big names you know, each of these companies worth billions. this is for the future. values $3 billion. shibani joshi, yoga, can the crash, the maker, the king, $7 billion value. earlier we asked everybody who would you buy? kyle, with a view to investing in the future, which of those three would you buy? >> got to sit down with each
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individual measure of risk tolerance but i think all of these companies in this economic environment are overvalued. if i had to go with what i would look at because it makes sense to me in terms of going online, looking at and shopping for car and going to dealership but it gives you a good window into what is available and what you are searching for. that makes the most sense to me. stuart: what do you say? nicole: i will go with the candy crushed to be different and make a fast buck if it is something that goes well, take a chance. stuart: i you involved in or yoga? which one do you like? >> doesn't look like i am involved with yogurt. take it on board that can be crushed thing. they have done some good things technologically speaking about getting those cars to their public. i will go to the oldest one,
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candy and gin and yogurt changed by the day. stuart: you are right. i am with you on this one. next topic for kyle, another down day for the dow will make it 3 in a row. tell us what you might think will turn the market around. >> i can tell you. at some point in the near-term wall street and main street's numbers are going to match and what will turn it around is a jobs report in my opinion that showed a six months period of time where there was an increase sustainable job market with real, well paying jobs. that will create a confidence level in the stock market that would turn it around significantly. stuart: what would turn the market around? >> it would be great to see a good jobs number but i don't think we will see that. we will see more, something more of a stimulus to the market and that comes from the fed because we are throwing money at this bubble because we don't have an
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answer, we are not getting that. jobs are not coming through. it will drive the stimulus higher or really bad news that makes people think we will get a stimulus. stuart: two names you know, both have problems, congress and doj investigating gm, customer traffic hits a three year low. nicole: not good news for european companies. their offering -- and giving them $500 and try to get a new one. they are being investigated, and so many retailers, foot traffic in stores, freezing winter weather, no one wants those wars. stuart: big problems for both. that is it for the halftime report. we thank everyone involved. google is really getting into everything. they reportedly bought a part of
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something called green throttle gains, little knowing gaming hardware company but according to reports this could pave the way for google's that hotbox. i am lost. you want to explain? sandra: it could be used to play the games through mobile operating system and a larger screen. it will take all those games they want to play on line and put the lot of bigger screen with a proposed set top box. in my mind, google buying this company, who needs a company like this when you can print this on a 3d printer nowadays? google is putting themselves out in so many faces and that is the key. google is everywhere. and stuart: would you pay $85,000? probably not.
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there are people who most certainly will. why on earth is it so expensive? don't get that but we will show them to you in a moment on this set on this program. stay right there. it's a growing trend in business: do more with less with ss energy.hp is help. soon, the world's most intelligent servers, designed by hp, will give ups over twice the performance, using forty percent less energy. multiply that across over a thousand locations, and they'll provide the same benefit to the environment as over 60,000 trees. that's a trend we can all get behind.
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bring the latest in luxury on this program and we are doing it today. would you pay around $85,000 for a man's belt buckle. joining the company is roland who has with him what he is selling. before we get to you, i will show the audience what they get for $75,000, that is it. at has 102 moving parts. if i click it and built it that is what moving parts move. >> the whole thing is designed to be on hand. stuart: it takes $70,000 to
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close the belt buckle. >> it is my clientele, collectors who have 2,000 particulates and the whole thing is made more of the same machinery, if you watch this it has two sides or makes this -- and the other one, the kids in the right place and then you have the movement. stuart: so what would be -- hold on a second. this is a financial program. how many belt buckles at $75,000 will you sell? >> this one is 22. only 22. stuart: it is that. >> only the solid gold ones are 22. stuart: i want to see the coupling, don't pick them up. fade in on the cufflinks there. these are listed as about $32,000. do they have moving parts?
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i don't know whether we can get a shot of that. so you flick a little switch and that comes out to make it easier. >> not only that but the cufflinks, the best clothing, for a shirt, is a button that is tight. when you use the classic, flint you need to make a stand on middle longer otherwise you to in the bar. stuart: what is the name of the country? >> roland even. stuart: where are you based? >> chris tidland. stuart: you are selling these in america? you sell to anybody anywhere in the world? >> it is international. stuart: they are superrich. sandra: did you catch how much abe vehicle costs? >> we open -- the prize is there. stuart: got to go. thank you very much indeed. we are fascinated.
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stuart: i you involved in or yoga? >> clearly doesn't look like i am involved with yogurt. stuart: we asked everybody on the show which one would you buy? the one in the middle? yogurt company or king games which makes the candy crush game? the clear winner looking all the people we asked was basically an online car selling operation. that was the place to go for the future. thanks for participating. we are out of time.
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>> loving the automobiles. >> another lane closures speaking of cars for new jersey governor chris christie but this time it is tesla. i am adam shapiro. gerri: cheryl casone. the automaker no longer able to sell its cars in new jersey under the ban on sales to consumers. we will hear from the man who led the charge to stop tesla. adam: jim apples and on why he says tesla should never have been allowed to sell cars in new jersey plus the analyst take on tesla stock, and calling rush on why he says by now. cheryl: eliminating fannie and freddie, shares of the mortgage buyers in free-fall, charlie gasparino will talk to dick bove as congress and the white house move to reform the u.s. mortgage market. adam: many falling from the sky in the form of an asteroid. we will introduce you to the man behind a plan to mine asteroids for astronomical profit.
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