tv The Willis Report FOX Business March 12, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT
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financial services companies in the country? hey. yours? not anymore. come on in. [ male announcer ] by meeting you more tn halfway. it's how edward jones makes sense of investing. gerri: hello, everybody, i'm gerri willis. right now on "the willis report", controversy over target's new swimsuit ads. is it feeding a dangerous new obsession among teen girls? also i'm hitting the road with "consumer reports" and the best new cars for 2014. >> $90,000 car. see ya. and our special report, a user's guide to taxes. don't be one of millions of americans giving irs more than you have to. we're watching out for you on "the willis report." gerri: following the recall of
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1.6 million vehicles and a dozen deaths, general motors is now offering $500 towards the purchase of a new car for owners affected by the controversial ignition switch recall. joining me now a former senior enforcement attorney for the national highway traffic safety administration, the regulator of gm. great to have you here, alan. thanks for coming on. i want first your reaction to what gm is offering to consumers? >> well, the $500 credit toward the purchase of a new vehicle does nothing to remedy or fix the old vehicle which is defective. and they're not offering to repurchase the old vehicle. so, you know, i don't, view it as constructive from a safety standpoint. and they have had some strategic reason for doing it, kind of a, you know, a non-buyback preemptive strike on class actions or try to create some goodwill for their customers who have been driving around with defective vehicles.
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frankly if i was a customer, had a defective vehicle i would be less inclined to buy another vehicle from the same manufacturer. gerri: you make a good point and you told one of our producers you saw their move today as a gimmick. >> well it is a marketing gimmick, sure. gerri: it is a marketing gimmick. here is what they're offering. $500 purchase or lease of new 2014 chevy, buick, gm. c or cadillac. only available through april 30th. the company is very careful to say, the dealers should not use these as incentives. this sounds a lot like incentive money frankly. this is the level you would see incentive money at. is this going to be misread by a public angry about the 10 years it took this company to recall these cars? >> very possibly. the issue should be why did it take so long to recall them and what are they doing to fix them or compensate owners of these vehicles, those who have been injured and those with
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diminished value of their vehicle. simply giving them a $500 credit on buying a new seek without taking the defective vehicle off the road, doesn't serve any safety purpose. so i would be pretty skeptical about gm's motives here. gerri: there are questions of liability here and given the fact that gm went into bankruptcy, reformulated and basically became a new company, they might be willing to argue that it is not their problem. what do you say to that? >> well, that is not entirely true because if they should have conducted the recall earlier, the earlier time period covers not only the time of the pre-bankruptcy old gm but also the years since the bankruptcy. why was this recall first initiated in february of 2014 rather than a year earlier, two years earlier, let alone 10 years earlier? gerri: good point. lear are some cars being recalled as we said many times.
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chevy cobalt. pontiac g5. we have a full screen to tell you cars we're talking about. if you own one of these things you need to get to the dealer pronto and ask for this thing to get fixed. i'm sorry, alan, another commentary we had this afternoon from a consumer activist, ralph nader, saying there has been a cover-up here. there needs to be an investigation. do you think there has been a cover-up? >> the preliminary information certainly seems to suggest that general motors should have recalled the car a lot earlier. now why they didn't and who the individuals were who were involved remains to be seen. the national highway traffic safety administration recently sent a very detailed special order to general motors with 107 items on it. essentially saying, what did you know and when did you know it and who were the individual involved? so i think the agency will make a very good effort to get to the bottom of this. gerri: that's interesting. now you worked for nhtsa.
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this kind of thing, how far up does it go? is this something that the ceo knows about, the board knows about, or is this middle management decision making? >> in this instance i don't know. you know we'll have to see what the evidence shows and what the documents showed. in my experience off the times they, offtimes, when there is egregious failure to do recall earlier the company will say some lower level person or middle manager who was responsible, usually someone about to retire but the evidence sometimes suggest that is the corporate knowledge went somewhat higher up. gerri: well, alan, thanks for coming on the show tonight. >> my pleasure. gerri: hope you can come back soon to continue covering this story. thank you. >> thank you. gerri: unbelievable. well the gm scandal isn't the only headline rocking congress today. the leaders of the senate banking committee announcing bipartisan plans to dismantle fannie mae and freddie mac nearly six years after taxpayers footed their multibillion-dollar
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bailout. so will government finally get out and stay out of housing? joining me "first on fox" interview, the ranking member who is helping draft the legislation, senator mike crapo from idaho. welcome to the show. tell us about your legislation. what does it hope to do? >> frankly, gerri, the today the tax payer is in first loss position on virtually 90 to 100% on our mortgage debt in the united states. private sector involvement, capital formation is stifled by the system we have in place. what our legislation does is wind down fannie mae and freddie mac, create a strong system of underwriting so we don't have the kind of risk of toxic mortgages that created the last crisis. and then put together a government backed reinsurance program that will put private capital back into the marketplace and put private capital in a first loss position as we move forward in our system protecting the taxpayer. >> senator, i was read about your bill and from what i
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understand there would be a backstop as you say of money from the companies themselves, the money, companies that actually make the loans. of 10 cents for every dollar of mortgage debt. so if you're repackaging mortgages out there, this could be a lot of money. what is to say that banks stay in the business of mortgage lending if they're facing what is essentially a huge tax on the business? >> well, it is not necessarily a huge tax. it is just means that they have to have skin in the game. it means that the taxpayer can not be looked to be the first loss position if we get into a crisis. but remember, as i said, we're putting together an underwriting system that will assure that we avoid the toxic mortgages that caused this crisis. we are putting together a requirement that there be an ability to repay by borrowers. that there be adequate down payments. that there would be adequate mortgage insurance in the front position that would even protect this first loss position.
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but we frankly are requiring that those who want to get into the business of marketing mortgages in the united states can be, must be a part of the risk. that there must be some risk on the part of the private sector rather than putting it all on the government. gerri: one of the big concerns from consumer advocates frankly we might lose the 30-year fixed mortgage. we're one of the few western societies who frankly have one anymore. dick bove, well-known financial analyst on wall street today said, if you get rid of fannie and freddie, if you downsize them, if you do away with them, you essentially get rid of 30-year fixed mortgages. does he have that right? >> no, he has that wrong. the fact is that our plan, and our proposal will protect the 30-year mortgage. that is the government backed reinsurance system that we are establishing. we are requiring that the private sector have a first loss position of 10% as you indicated but there is a government-backed reinsurance program, similar to
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the fdic for deposit insurance protection. and that will preserve the 30-year mortgage in the united states markets. gerri: what are going to be the new requirements for homebuyers and what do i say to critics who say there is not enough protection of programs that would help lower income folks get houses? >> we do have programs in place in our legislation that would help to protect for low-income and underserved markets. and as a result of that, i think that those critics are just not correct. there are some who would like to go back to the days of the past when we had the kind of housing goals and mandates put on the private sector that literally drove fannie and freddie to help push this market into the toxic assets that generated the crisis and it's correct that we are avoiding that. we're going back to system of strong underwriting, solid mortgages and protect put into place but we are providing a
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support base for underserved markets and for low income. gerri: you know, people who watch this network were unhappy to see fannie and freddie bailed out to the tune of 102 billion -- i'm sorry, 187 billion, they paid that back and then some. essentially all the profits are going to the federal government. >> that's correct. gerri: professional investors are starting to beef about that. it is not right. it shouldn't happen that way. what do you think, senator? >> that issue what should happen with the profitability much fannie mae and freddie mac today is one that will be decided in court, not by our legislation. the question that is being raised i think it is a legitimate question. right now all of the profits of fannie mae and freddie mac are going to the u.s. treasury. remember though, there was a time when the taxpayer put $180 billion out and the question is simply whether the
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taxpayers should get repaid for that on a dollar for dollar basis or whether the taxpayers is entitled to have some of that profit at least interest as we get into a profitability posture. like i say that issue will be resolved by the courts. it is not an issue our legislation resolves. gerri: profitability posture is always a good place to be i guess. do you think this bill is going to pass, and do you think you can get real momentum behind it? because i think there is lot invested in having fannie mae and freddie mac stay. there are at love critics who say these two entities must go, have to go to have a safe and secure housing market but do you think you can fight back against that? >> yes i think we can. i think the majority of the momentum is against sticking with the current system because as i said, it puts the taxpayer in a first loss position. frankly it stifles private sector capital formation. i think we have a strong bipartisan coalition. i believe there will be very strong support from the private
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sector and from those who are taxpayer advocates and i believe that we have a good chance of passing this legislation. gerri: senator crapo, thanks for coming on the show tonight. great to see you and i hope you come back as you work on the legislation. >> we'll do it. gerri: thanks so much. >> thank you. gerri: we've got more and to come this hour including why lady gaga's charity is under fire today and how you can avoid donating to the wrong cause. target also feeling the heat. again this time for photoshopping adings of young girls. this as fewer people shop at the retail giant. the latest coming after the break. can you start tomorrow?
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yes sir. alright. let's share the news tomorrow. today we failrly busy. tomorrow we're booked solid. we close on the house tomorrow. i want one of these opened up. because tomorow we go live... it's a day full of promise. and often, that day arrives by train. big day today? even bigger one tomorrow. when csx tins move forward, so does the rest of the economy. csx. how tomorrow moves. are you still sleeping? just wanted to check and make sure that we were on schedule.
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gerri: target data breach is causing wary customers to keep their distance. customer traffic in january online and on stores tumbling to the lowest point in three years. according to the consulting group kantar retailers, 33% of people shopped at target in january, compared to 43% earlier. again x, shoppers ages 3to 49 are or were one of target's core customers groups. these customers declining to 38%
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from 53% last year. many customers are leery shopping at discount retailer, target is not doing much to win them back of the company tonight under heavy fire because of its heavy-handed photoshopping ads aimed at younger girls. they're blasting online ads of bikini models with thigh gaps. you can see this. very thin arms. hear to weigh in, kristin benz, pmc venture here on set. >> thank you. gerri: what do you make of the ads? >> what do you not make of it? it is horrible and photoshopping gone wrong and bad he had iting. gerri: this something they would do all the time putting on this advertising. any mom looking at that would be appalled. forget the girls. i know there is lot of conversation about the impact onioning women's psyches, et cetera, but moms will be particularly perturbed. >> absolutely. we all like a little note shopping here and there but that
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is taking it to the extreme. gerri: it seems -- >> unseemly. gerri: yeah, it is kind of gross. i'm going to talk to you a little bit what is going on with target's traffic. we've seen the foot traffic decline. i get tweets all the time from viewers, i'm not going there anymore because of what happened in december. does this problem linger for them? is this something, an image they can't get rid of, that they can't keep your information safe? >> definitely another nail in the coffin for them. they can't get out of their own way. when they had the data breach they violated number one rule, apologize early and apologize often. they waited and gave people free credit reports. who wants another one of those. they can't get out of their own way. gerri: 40 million accounts were breached and 70 million had personal information taken. unbelievable what happened. we'll give you some credit protection. people rightly said that is not really all i need here. clearly this is something that all of retail is struggling with but target really got the black
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eye here. it impacted earnings. what kind of outlook do you have for this company? >> target is severing just like a lot of other middle class retailers like walmart f you look at transfer payments. lack of food stamps and people receiving that is affecting them. shoppers are trading down to shop elsewhere. there is so much choice. gxers have forever 21 and amazon. they don't need target. gerri: i wonder degree some folks are making decision to be less consumerism they used to be. do you see that trend. >> i'm writing a book on that. as consumers we're becoming less consumers of apparel and consumers of things. more consumers of technology. that is what is hitting most of these companies. gerri: frankly i think what is going on with technology is hurting car sales and long term even home sales. >> i agree. gerri: because the prices are so high. you upgrade every 20 minutes. >> exactly. i was there yesterday, in fact. you're right. gerri: i'm glad you're putting
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money back into the economy. >> my civic duty. gerri: thanks so much for being on the show. thanks for being here on set. >> thank you. gerri: time for a look at stories you're clicking on herbalife is facing an investigation from the federal trade commission. the supplement-maker plans to cooperate fully and believes it necessary compliance with the law. hedge fund manager william ackman repeatedly attacked company calling it a pyramid scheme. the company behind "candy crush" believes it wan raise $640 million in ipo. king entertainment said in regulatory filing plans to sell 15 million shares at $24 each. "candy crush" was the most downloaded app in 2013, beating facebook and google maps and youtube. stock today with little to show for it. investors are focused on china's economy aptensions in the ukraine. president obama telling the labor department to increase overtime pay protections for millions of workers. missing out salaried workers expected to work more than 40
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hours per week with no over time pay. current liver workers make 455 a week are exempt from overtime rules. to are some of the hot stories on coming up later in the show, day three, day three of our users guide to taxes with a look at deductions you won't want to miss. next we answer the question, how do you do that? celebrities like lady gaga run charities that can sometimes get in the way of good health. how do you avoid that? ♪ announcer: where can an investor be a name and not a number? scotade. ron: i'm never alone with scottrade. i can always call or stop by my local office. they're nearby and ready to help. so when i have questions, i can talk to someone who knows exactly how i trade.
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gerri: celebrities and charities, not a great mix. lady gaga's fans are bringing in monster donations for the singer's born this way foundation. too bad most of the money went to the charity lawyers and their consultants. according to the charity's 2012 filing. here how to spot red flags before giving money to celebrity charity, david kaplan, entertainment reporter. david, thanks for coming on the show. i was blown away by the numbers. not even embraers a little bit how the people they want to help are not getting helped here. what do you make of this? >> this is a trend with celebrity-backed charities. another popular charity, the one charity by bono, that is huge. everyone knows about it. in 2010 it came to light that they also had $15 million in revenue and only 1% of bono, he is perceived as great guy, were going to people in need. so this is actually, it doesn't surprise me. gerri: it happens all the time. >> happens all the time.
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gerri: jane fonda, go on and on. >> yeah, it is multiple. especially with personality and celebrities who are vocal about the cause. lady gaga, her foundation was empowerment. getting youth involved -- gerri: wait, wait. i want to read the foundation's mission statement. you tell me exactly what they're doing. born this way foundation was founded in 2011 to foster more accepting society where differences are embraced and individuality celebrated. the foundation is dedicated to creating a safe community that helps connect young people with skills an opportunities they need to build a kinder, braver world. kumbayah, my friend. i have no idea what that means. are they giving preschool dollars to kids in need? feeding people who are hungry? what the heck is going on? as somebody who work loo to make a charitable donation i have no idea. >> you need to sit on the board, those are great ideas, none of which they're doing. i read the response from foundation when they said, we're all about empowering youth to get involved in civics.
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and thing is though, in reality it is i don't find that is what it does. the strong message is this anti-bullying message. she is very active with that in teens in schools and see that manifested through her tweets and they do online psas. gerri: but that is not giving charitable money. >> exactly. there was one 5,000-dollar grant of all nearly 2 1/2 million dollars. gerri: look at numbers. legal fees, show the numbers. this is money they collected. 406,000 went to legal fees. strategic development, 300,000. philanthropic consulting 150,000. bus tour production, always important, 348,000. travel, 77,000. it goes on and on. stage production. research, publicity, social media development, meeting and event coordination. to be fair here, and we want to show the other side here, apparently gaga herself gave a lot of money being used here. >> she really started foundation with a million 1/2 dollars. this is million dollars to hurricane katrina victims at the time. what you see a lot of times with
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these celebrity-backed foundations and charities for them they always claim it is message. we're raising awareness, right? finally statement that lady gaga announced today was similar to the one bono's foundation said, listen we know we're not giving money but raising awareness. they see that as a stepping stone. this is lot of money. this leads what you should watch out if you want to donate to one of the charities. one of the key things, you want to make sure leadership of charities who are run by experience in non-profits. who have experience in reputable charity organizations. for example the lady gaga foundation -- gerri: run by her mother. >> run by her mother. gerri: lovely person but -- >> i'm sure she is amazing but you may feel more comfortable this person worked for, i don't know, united way foundation or something like that. gerri: you have to do your due diligence. at end of the day i think raising awareness is not enough of a goal. >> not for that much money. raise awareness, second quarter
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to twitter. >> wouldn't cost anybody a cent. >> exactly. that is the power of social media, can do, this is acceptable. you don't need to have budget of 2 1/2 million dollars, hey, stop bullying kids or hey, teens, get involved in civics. you don't need that money. bus tour productions and pr that goes into it. she is her own pr machine by her mere existence. gerri: thank you, david. something our viewers care very much how we spend our charitable dollars. we want to know what you think. here is our question tonight. does celebrity endorsement after charity make you more likely or less likely to give money? go to vote on the right-hand side of the screen. i will announce results at the end of the show. we have more, more coming up. find out which cars "consumer reports" considers best in class. and look at deductions not to miss and loopholes you need to know about. don't go away. ♪
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and margaret here thank you for coming in. there is something like $1 trillion worth of deductions and that is real money for people who want to save. you have to be aware what you are eligible for. >> especially this year it is hot shower and he poured the taxpayer their rates have increased at the same time set a deductions have decrease but we need to take the time to inform ourselves about the deductions that are out there because right now information is our most powerful ally. ngerri: the irs expects you to take everything you can. start with a deduction that is important for the boomers taking care of elderly parents that caring for dependents as a tax
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deduction for parents? >> it is huge estimated 30 percent of all baby boomers are provided some type of support so determinedly can benefit at tax time with the percentage of health giving to parents. it is 50% or bore whether or not the parent lives with me i can deduct that as a dependent. if you provide more than 50% of their total support you can deduct them as a dependent that also entitles the taxpayer to deduct and reimburses medical and dental expenses beyond that if the parent does live with you and you need to work and watch them because they need help with the activities of daily living like eating or
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bathing or they'd be but supervise because of dementia in new hire a caregiver, you can deduct 35% with a total of $3,000. ngerri: also student loan interest loan deduction this is one benefit to take advantage. >> very important for the taxpayer who paid a student loan interest in 2013 they can deduct up to 25 and under dollars -- $2,500 it is a puzzling deduction -- above the line deduction but you do not have to itemize. ngerri: the job search costs not everything but something's. >> you can deduct all reasonable job-related search activity as long as
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it is within your current occupation i could deduct job search cost to become a teacher but the irs looks carefully i cannot go to disney world and look at the classified ads to deduct the cost of the old trap -- tripp. ngerri:, equity? >> there is not a dollar limit. with the home equity line of credit i can deduct all interest paid calendar year 2013 with a maximum loan value of $100,000 if i have to a home equity 50,000 per piece i can deduct all of that interest because we have seen the past couple of years we have lost interest
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deductions we used to be able to deduct credit-card interest. so now they have financed their home to retire that debt. also if you have lived in your primary residence to ratify years you can deduct up to do to reduce $50,000 of capital gains so together they could deduct 500,000 provided they live there to out of the past five years. gerri: i would love to think that i have that but not until years later. what about the home office deduction? >> sba estimates that 52 percent of all u.s. businesses are home-based with this deduction many people don't benefit because it was a red flag for an
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audit. a lot of taxpayers say i will not even bother taking it because they don't want to go through the audit but they had issued full guidance we can deduct $5 per square foot the portion exclusively for our business gerri: you have to pay attention everything documented well. >> you have to come back to do all the ones that we messed. coming up will look at what the irs will not tell you. how do they decide who to audit? also if you have other questions we will have our favorite experts helping you out just send questions to
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we will tell you about a test that could predict the onset of alzheimer's. and finding out the best in class of four vehicles all shapes and sizes. food made the list? next. i ys say be thman with the plan but with less ergy, moodiness, i had to do something. i saw mdoctor. a blood test showed it was low testosterone, not age. we talked about axiron the onlynderarm low t treaent that can restore t vels to normal in about two weeks in most men. axiron is not for use in women or anyone younger than 18 or men with prostate or breast cancer. women, especlly those who are or who may become pregnant, and children should avoidt where axirons applied as unexpected signs of puberty in children or changes in body hair or incased acne in women may occur. report these symptoms to your doctor. tell your doctorbout all medical conditions and medications. serious side effects could include increased sk of prostate cancer, worsening prostate symptoms,
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chief director of operations and i will start with a small suv. >> it was the super group the nice thing about the vorster was easy access tough fight is perfect with kids and family it makes subaru and better fuel economy. >> did just relax a little bit of technology. gerri: midsize right here this is the up dash day -- hyundai it drives very nicely 21 miles per gallon. many use the hyundai vehicle
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because it has a reasonable price and a great overall hit. gerri: but looking at this massive dodge ram impresses. >> a when you walked up to it. the nice thing with the truck now it looks like a luxury ride. its rides beautiful and it is quiet but still tonneaus everything you want your truck to do. fuel economy this is not where you go only 15 mpg. but the shabby silverado allosaurs -- out scores but there was a liability factor.
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we cannot recommend it but the florid f-1 50. it does very ball is a recommended vehicle. ford is coming out with the new for deaf and 50 with the new model year. and this is the zero goldilocks it does everything right not to beg your not too small a nice ride and handling is the honda accord and has some of the safety fitch -- pitchers blind spot get the 30 miles per gallon overall. >> this has gotten a lot of publicity this is the top pick overall.
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not only the premier of technology zero emissions but it does not clean bath house. [laughter] solyndra 25 miles is the range. >> is as a much larger battery it takes five hours for a full charge also tax law has the supercharge. >> that is the other piece. it has the 17-inch screen you can do everything from
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gerri: a blood test to predict alzheimer's? georgann university said they have a new blood test it as healthy person will develop alzheimer's within three years. here with more board certified internist welcome to the show. this would be a big breakthrough? because the tests are in phases. >> there is not a clear predictors' so now for the first time a blood test that has greater than 90% accuracy will develop within three years. gerri: i was surprised i that they would look at dna. >> you would think that but they both have five petitions -- 500 patients
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they looked at the lip bids that they were lower and they were validated than just compared to the controls. these 10 lip bids are the by markers to predict if you will develop alzheimer's. gerri: 90% accurate. go to your doctor's office to have a blood test? limit because screening tests are so important we have mammograms, psa for the prostate this is so important because institutes therapy early so imagine if you have a blood test that say you might get it but now 90 percent accurate you no symptoms will progress so they can start experimental therapies early. people already had the
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symptoms or progressing maybe if you started 30 years lee. >> maybe you could cure it is very people say i don't want to know but it could be a benefit. >> who wants to know they both have a progressive disease with no cure? but the burden is on the family the primary care givers. think so if i knew i would have alzheimer's as a progressive disease under able to take care of yourself i made one to establish protocol for my family not to give them the burden they make the critical decisions i would want to help them. gerri: 4.5 million americans have the disease. maybe we are closer to predict if you will get it or not. how soon could this be in the doctor's office? to make you could imagine to were three years the test
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will be available. we can do the test and it is a good predictor preventative health protocol and if you have a strong family history and female and elderly. gerri: the mail? >> it is sexist i know. all they know there is a genetic predisposition. gerri: i will take that under its advisement thank you so much. we will be back with the answer to the question of the day. does of celebrity all lined with a charity make you more or less likely to donate? not just a start up. an upstart. gotta get going. gotta be good. good? good. growth is the goal. how do we do that? i talked tups. they'll help us out. new technology. smart advice.
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iwe don't back down. we only know one direction: up so we're up early. up late. thinking up game-changing ideas, like this: dozens of tax free zones across new york state. move here. expand here. or start a new business here... and pay no taxes for 10 years. with new jobs, new opportunities and a new tax free plan. there's only one way for your business to go. up. find out if your business can qualify at
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i love hearing from you. go to finally we talk about gm at the top of the hour with the culpability of said deaths of 13 people with faulty ignition is which is fair to them 10 years to recall their makes and models but the $500 check for eight new car is cold comfort for those who died it even those who took their risk to drive the vehicle without knowing. the federal government drops the ball of failing to connect the dots with scores of complaints from consumers there needs to be a real investigation of this cover-up not just from politics so we know the real story behind the problem with the gm vehicles. tomorrow our users guide continues to what the irs will not tell you how they handled refunds how they decide tutus audit -- who'd
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to audit thank you for joining us have a great night we will see you tomorrow. >> get ready what happened in florida last night i am telling you could be a preview of coming attractions. i am a neil cavuto. let republicans dismiss with the election in central florida let them say it was already a republican district even though barack obama of bonn and its allies then democrat said it was a very big deal but it had nothing to do with the health care law although the special election was based on that health ca
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