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tv   Stossel  FOX Business  March 16, 2014 12:00am-1:01am EDT

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>> the war on women is alive and well. >> all those attempts to curtail women's rights in area after area. john: not fair, republicans are at war against women. >> one in three women is living on the brink of poverty. john: because sexist men pay women less. >> it kills me not being paid as much as my male counterparts. >> it is wrong. john: government will fix it. >> now it the time for congress to step up and pass the paycheck fairness act. act. john: because men and women are the same. >> there is no difference between girls and boys. john: why do we play with
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different toys, if that true. >> we gave them each trucks, she would not play with the trucks, he would. john: and why when disaster hits do they say this? >> only women and children? john: and why do we have different attitudes about sex. >> more men look figure are sex than women. >> and why until obamacare made it illegal did health insurance company charge women more. >> finally, being a woman is no longer preexisting medical condition. john: the war on women, truth and lies, that is our show tonight. john: democratic party leaders have decided to way to win votes this november, to shout loudly that republicans wage war on women. political report that this elect season democrats will make the war on women bigger, broader and
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more central to white house, and democratic messaging, this is a proven persuasive argument. others in liberal media onboard, steven colbert, playing role of a antiwoman conservative. >> eva braun, fergie, that serial killer, mrs. butterworth, all of them are women. equally special. john: what is this republican war on web? what do republicans want to do to women? democrats points to crude language used by some republicans, rush limbaugh called activist -- a slut, and the phrase, if it islyit legitimate rape when asked if abortion should be legal in cases of rape. >> and democrats say that anyone who wants to restrict abortion is ain't women, and also antiwomen if you are skeptical about government fixing the pay
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gap, in the state of his union address. >> -- they still make 77 cents for every dollar a man earns, women deserve equal pay for equal work. john: we'll bet that that pay gap later, democrats are proud they ended sex discrimination in health insurance. >> he woman can of -- no woman can ever be charged more just because she is a woman. john: i think that would stoped goosound good to my guests, this is an all woman show, but for me, ending insurance price, discrimination sounds good to former president of the women's media strrk jehm, jehmu greene but consider heather higgins say this full of lie. >> there is no war on women, but if you want to call obamacare wear on women, they are losing their doctors, and access and choice are constraind. >> come on, it is not just women
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who embraced fact that they are no longer being charged more, it is the me men in life also, women turn out, in much larger numbers for democrats they look at two pairs and they say, who is representing my interest. and it not the party that wants put a politician in between the conversation that you have with your men in your life, doctor in your life, and the god in your life, that is what republicans are doing. >> oh, the government is largely interested in replacing men in your life with the government in your life that has been unfortunate that constrains your choices for further. john: let's do one issue at a time. >> okay. john: reproductive rights, how do the republicans attack women? >> well if you look at various pieces of legislation, i think in the past year we should over a thousand bills infrom deuced, to -- introduce to try to curtail a woman's reproductive
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right. john: anti-abortion? >> yes, they couch it in terms of a 20-week abortion ban, it is about closing as many clinics in the state, this is is a cross the country where we've seen rights pulled back. in texas it is much harder to get an abortion. john: rough lee the same number of women are anti-abortion. >> why should we allow the government into the decision we make with our doctor, then when you you look at insurance -- -- >> only -- >> birth control, folks up in arms because insurance plans are covering birth control, but since the day that viagra came out, vurng insurance plans have been covering it. john: a big difference, some cover it you can buy it or not, but obamacare retires me to -- requires me to pay for birth control. >> birth control in and of itself is health care. >> no. >> it is -- is -- >> $12 a month at wal-mart.
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and government has to pay for this. >> the women and men in their lives are able to plan -- >> yourself. >> they want have to a babe. john: heather hang on. >> why is this government, that has to pay? why can't a woman pay -- >> they believe you can do anything you want so long as they approve of it. john: jehmu, democrats complaint when returns use course language talks about women but you don't complaint about bill spadea marr, who said this about -- bill marr who said this go sarah palin. >> a know it sul, a choiceler, a bully. >> and crazy people. john: if a republican said that -- >> you are right. that is repulsive there are a lot of fair whether feminists
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who have not called him out on that, we need to definish sarah palin in the same way we defend hillary clinton for this reason, there are many, but unless we defend and address our own liberal message annie it -- mess economy it stops more women from running for office. to lead to equal pay will lead to leaving politicians out of our doctor's. >> who you are matters to what you can say, beyonce is one of the leading voices on the shriver report, married ted jay-z, he makes millions of dollars because he calls women, bitches andors who. andores and whores. >> where are the women? i look at this panel i don't see one single woman,. john: panel on contraception. >> from back in 2012. it was not supposed to be a
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panel on contra sivetion it was on relynn owin religious liberties. they thought it was a conversation about religious liberty. they did not that darrell issa had been explicit. it was used as a staged opportunity to say we have a war on women, the war on women of predetermined to be a useful campaign strategy there a group that nancy pelosi runs weekly, they looked at own be sinking numbers and said if we're going to may we need to have a mean they came up with war on women, that is why you saw issue after issue parade praised. john: to next topic, jehmu, i assume you are happy no longer legal for a health insurance company to discriminate against
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women by charging you more than men, and president obama likes to points that out. >> you can't be charged more if you are a woman, though days are over. >> yes, of course i am happy. and as i said, before, as are the men in the women's lives, now, i come from a family, i think many people do who my mom, put our health care before hers, my dad's before hers, i think there are many women, we're not going to the doctor more. and we -- >> yes you're. >> we are. . john: hold on, cdc says that even exclusive pregnancy visits, women were 33% more likely to visit a doctor. >> do you want to live in a country you charge women more than men? john: yes. >> is that what you want to live? john: yes with insurance. >> wow. that is not country most families and men who support the women, want to --
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>> we should pay the same car insurance, rates and life insurance rates. >> i don't know if you are as good as a driver as i am john. john: i am charged more because plen on average have more accidents, and you live 7 years longer, so, you payless. >> the gap is coming down which is concerns. >> the price exists a mechanism of reflecting a certain reality, supply, demand, need and expense, just as when you go to work for somebody, what you get paid is a function of whether you add more value than it costs to hire you, similar with insurance, is what you are going to cost the insurance company more or less stativityicly speaking -- statostocly speaking. >> we're saying that a woman tending to use a doctor more, but you know that a welcome pays less for her car insurance, and less for life insurance,.
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john: should this be illegal. >> maybe awarding to you, we should may pore car more car insurance, and so young men don't have to pay as were as they do and older men don't. because -- under your. >> it has nothing to do with it. >> it has everything. john: car insurance is not similar. >> it has nothing to do with pursuit of life, liberty and happiness. >> jehmu is willing to stick men with additional cost without parody butly wants men and children to pay for costs of older people and women. >> i thought you represented women. >> we do. >> i am glad you are spokesperson for why men are being so screwed by hour health insurance. >> what screws up is inaccuracies reflects of prices, it isb being required to pay for things you don't want, and covered in a way that gives you no responsibility.
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>> we have access to affordal health care. >> we don't have to agree on. . >> this is one of the most well supported parts. >> because people who den don't understand insurance are supporting it. john: when the titanic went down, there is a part that says women and children first. >> yes, i am from texas, i will sit here and admit i do like a door to be opened for me, i hope that is okay. john: thank you jehmu and heather, to keep it going, on facebook or twitter, use that hash tag. war on women. let people know what you think. >> coming up difference between the sec sexes, when are they? you on real are they? but next, the pay gap. women are earn 77 centss for
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every buck men earn doing the same job. that seems wrong.
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john: she works hard for her money, you better treat her rate, in in year's say the of union, president obama said it was terrible for every dollar a man makes women make 77 cents. >> she deserves because i believe when women succeed, america succeeds. john: applause from both parties, john boehner, applauding, he does not stand up like joe biden. everyone seems to, agree that government must do something, amy holmes, a student of economics, you must agree that government needs to fix the wage gap. >> i don't. and that 77 cent number is misleading, if you control for the apple to apple comparison, harvard economist claudia goldman, have founded that wage gap shrinks. >> what -- upset me is that
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president knows this he is department of labor said after controlling for occupation, experience, other choices, women are 95% as much as men too. do. >> correct, reason why the 77 is false it compares all full time women to all full time men regardless of occupation, and term full time is misleading that refers to a 35 hour workweek, and men work longer hours than women. and so they get a higher wage. john: my understanding we men attend to work not just longer hours, be more willing to move for a job, be willing to go to unsafe places, i assume you women are smarter. we have less balanced lived, we are willing to give it up. >> we are different, one study of university of chicago they
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look add over 2000 people, who had graduated from university of chicago, very you know, elite university. with their mbas from 1990 to 2006. and they found was in the beginning of the grat yeah, the career -- grad yat graduate careers the wages were close, you saw it widen up overtime, women were more likely to take time out of workforce to have career pauses and work shorter hours, during that time, only 10% of the male university of chicago mbas, took 6 month or more out of workforce, women, 40% of women took 6 months or more off that has big ramification when it comes to salaries. john: menner more than likely to asked for a raise? >> they are, men are 8 times more likely to yeashiat negotiate your salary than
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women, imagine that. you can raise it by 7% every prime. >> and at the top in 147 of 150 of the biggest u.s. cities, full time salaries of women are 8% higher. >> that surprises me that is a statostoc you don't know, but perhaps speculate that is scientistic on my part, looking at cities that tend to be a rng economy rng knowledge economy. and education, women -- a majority of masters. you would think if you concerned about gender gap, you would kick women out of college to get more men in. john: majors they choose, high page college major petroleum, magmatic computer science, and mining, and these are 90% male, 87 first male, 67% male. >> right, low pay majors, early
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childhood education, overwhelmingly foe mail, human services, social work, these are people who help me, address my studerring, i am thankful for them, but they payless, it should not be a surprise there is a difference. >> a lot of feministing would look the that list of majors say reason is, that men are encouraged to as boys to be engineers and play with trucks, and girls are given dolls, and it is sexism, how we raise our children, but you get to college we've been you pick your own major, i chose economics, maybey would have liked art history too. john: we went to the statement college. >> w withlacoochee did. john: we -- we did. john: we can't 2 -- when i can't women were not allowed. >> we don't know government to change it, sulture has changed,
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we dean need government to enlist women to go to college. john: thank you amy holmes, coming up, in school, do girls need special protection? >> the boys like they just, they loudly say what they think, if they are wrong they don't care. >> those boys. john: next, the woman argue it is feministing who wage a war on women. >> we have a plight. split. >> and one carner where people are pursuing marriage. >> there are more men looking for sex than women, more women looking to marry than men.
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>>john: what if there is a real war on women? they are criticized for being full time bombs led mitt romney ran for president a democratic
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strategist said that. >> she has never worked eighth day in her life never dealt with economic issues that a majority of the women are facing. >>john: she was rich but she did raise five kids with significant charity work despite having multiple sclerosis but the answer is to some the only fulfilling role for a woman is full-time work and also pursuing like men do. that is the real for. >> the sex issue goes under their radar but gender is a social construct. there are no differences between men and women so they should pursue casual sex just like men and their attitudes should be the same >>john: what is wrong with that?
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when i boyle is a young be and i thought that was a great idea. [laughter] >> you are abm. i think the sexual revolution. >> now we can have sex without getting pregnant. it is not what men looking for. commit -- they want a commitment. >>john: more cash joel sex. >> they find it more filling inside a committed relationship. >>john: the economics of sex >> it might cost them nothing but a few drinks and compliments or some dates and respectful attention or the lifetime promised to share all of his affections
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and earnings with her exclusively. >> and the pastor was not the patriarchy it was women but that unspoken pact has all but vanished. >>john: you want to go back before the sexual revolution ? >> there are trade-offs. before the sexual revolution men had to have a commitment before they got sex out of women. the price of sex has been driven down. >>john: they should demand more deaths? >> issing commitment is the point. if they have casual sex very early they had huge emotional scars. they are more likely to be depressed. if feminists were concerned about the happiness they would think trying to portray casual sex as well we should embrace with the
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same interest. ultimately we are the people that said they'd need to have commitment for civilization and to work out now you have women who not only are encouraged to have casual sex if you read stories on college campuses literally all lots of them have to get drunk to participate. they think it is a bad idea. i better get drunk before i go skydiving but it is better fiat not aware. >>john: they should have opec of sex? >> that logical conclusion the idea that you could have collusion. other women are driving down the price of sex for growth of government is willing to go to bet with one treaty and you say i want commitment you will lose. the women could get together we have decided to raise our prices.
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>>john: once said she was doing porn to pay for college and into the objective is uncovering? >> it is horrendous. she is a woman studies major of course, she explains it disempowering for her. >>john: she makes money doing something that is not difficult. >> summer aristide said is not an argument of legalized prostitution. >>john: it is born. >> they are paid for sex it is just on camera but women are suggesting that she bill be happy to have a degree having spent four years being used by men on camera. ultimately that is not in her best interest. >>john: thank you. feminism or not why are most business and political leaders still men?
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here is one answer. >> if you ask men why they do a good job they will say i am also. [laughter] why are you even asking? if you ask women they will say that somebody help to
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>>john: our all ullman show with "war on women" continues. the chief operating officer of facebook gave a talk saying winded need to leave in to work their way up the corporate ladder you need to do that. >> because women are not making it to the top of any profession anywhere in the world. >>john: she went on to rht to a booker named lean in it is a best seller in will be
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a movie. she inspires many woman including the author of navigating the lipstick jungle. in the author of war on than says she sends the wrong message. >> most women do not choose to be as ambitious as a cheryl sandberg type of person. >>john: most women spinet most women do not. most who have children and most women with children choose to work part-time if at all specifically so they can be there for their children to make that the nucleus of their life to plant worker around that. >>john: what is wrong with that? >> veterans is in the real world women have to work
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80 percent of men died very 80 percent of women dicing will at some point in a woman's life she will have to be responsible for herself economically. what cheryl sandberg is doing to identify a problem to come up with some solutions how women can get what they want, indeed, and deserve. >> the larger message she has gone on the record the world would be better if there were 50 percent of men at home and 50 percent of women in the workforce. the number of wind or wrong thing it ignores the nature to pretend to? is are interchangeable and essentially the same creatures talent the same thing to operate with the same sorts of tools. they don't but the idea that they are supposed to is what the notion of equality i
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take issue with. i don't know why the quality has to be proven by living identical lives and that is urgent. >> but then have to work as well so what cheryl sandberg is staying with her success is because her husband partnered with her. >>john: a lot of people don't have that. >> a lot are single. >> she does not represent the average woman she is a billionaire. nobody could relate. >> don't sell her short she had to work to get where she is. >>john: when men and women are successful they attribute to different things. >> did you ask why they did a good job to ben they will say i am also a. [laughter]
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obviously. if you ask the woman they will say they got lucky, they worked really hard or somebody helped them >> because of the way we are offered something before accepting it when people tell us we have done a good job to say thank you ironclad you notice they will save the q but i also have to think my team win it very often will not take full credit or responsibility or ask for a raise but what happens when they do that is the boss will promote them to give them another job don't understand all the things that they have achieved the will live has to be taking credit so she will be valued spinet bet that intersection of working in family is where i come in. she skips over the details
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about the new world would operate in realtime. there is the reality than there is vision. >>john: obamacare up to her. >> how do juggle work and family? she said are you married? no. you close? no. i don't have a boyfriend jack. and cheryl thought that was disparaging to think about that before you even very i think it is brilliant. mapping out your advice based on the fact if you are someone who once marriage to map out your life according to that being a center value to work to everything else a round that some of the smart as women have done that so they will have little to sequence their life to understand all woman's life
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has seasons the time for this or that. >>john: maybe there will be more stay at home dads. with the movie mr. mom. >> time to change your diapers. cowards. >>john: the version of men running half the homes? but we are less good we are less interested in parent seeing more interested with cutthroat competition. >> i do not agree. >> men make marvelous dad's when they want to. >> that is at the heart of the debate we don't except the fact there are biological differences between men and women but to be proud of them and celebrate. >>john: every betty a. is fearful to put them back in
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the economic prison. >> it is the fear to go back >> what you mean by economic present? been acquitted had to ask permission. we are out of time. [laughter] talk about a war on women makes me feel left out. they say there is a war on boy is? so ally bank has a raise your rate cd that wothat's correct.a rate. cause i'm really nervous about getting trapped. why's that? uh, mark?
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go get help! i have my reasons. look, you don't have to feel trapped with our raise your rate cd. if our rate on this cd goes up, yours can too. oh that sounds nice. don't feel trapped with the ally raise your rate cd. ally bank. your money needs an ally.
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fifty-seven. >>john: we have been talking about the war on women but when i visit schools and i see they get the best grades in the advanced degrees and boy is struggling to telling them to sit still or stop disrupting the us deals what dash class the war against a boy is? but if they are neglected and second-class citizens if it shows up in their grades and college reticulation rates. >>john: the policies that caused this are zero
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tolerance? and across the country hardly a week goes by without a of little boys suspended because he chewed a pop t.a.r.p. into the shape of a gun and was suspended or they will play bang bang with the bad guys and it is the precursor of sociopathic behavior. >>john: a seven year-old was suspended for zero wayne d. imaginary grenade at the bad guys. >> to save the good guys it is typical and treated as a pathology in need of intervention. >>john: i cannot sit still i have this chair that moves and i remember struggling. >> as a disparate impact on the tallboys. >>john: the books by women they are girl box? untypically you do have
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female teachers see a lot of little boys reading little house on the prairie when they may be more interested with captain underpants. >>john: do say that more than "charlotte's web" more than little women or an of ring cables -- and of green gables. they have no choice? to read the british tried to close that reading gap they found ways like nonfiction or newspapers or comic books girls will read blocks or poetry so they instructed those that are the best writers for the boys it is unimaginable that could be done here now. >>john: years ago i was acre
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liz some reporter i fell for the propaganda of the girls being victims. >> at co-ed schools the boys get the better deal. >> boy is. >> they talk more than the girls. the girls do not get called on to much. >> this girl had a theory. >> the boy will think -- say what they think and to they don't care. >>john: that is my daughter. [laughter] she is right girls on average care about getting the right answer and are engaged in doing a better. f what was really happening
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is curls were moving ahead of boys that was unprecedented in of the college gap the literacy collette gap is already a chasm. >> 57% of bachelor's 60 percent of masters go to women. the dean of william and mary admissions are worried. we are the college of william and mary not berry into very. >>john: the truth about the difference between boys and girls. the girl's care more about playing with each other what does everything mean to you? with the quicksilver cash back card from capital one, it means unlimited 1.5% cash back on everything you purchase, every day. it doesn't mean, "everything.. as long as you buy it at theas station." it doesn't mean, "everything... unl you hit your cash back limit." it means earn 1.5% cash back
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>>john: the idea of a war on women seems as silly as a propaganda. the only reason men and women paved differently society in parents raising boys and girls the same behavior differences will vanish. i believed it but then i have kids provide tried to eliminate six schism -- sex's some i tried to change pronoun's fom keith tucci and the videos had female heroes. there was the female role
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model i would not give my son and guns but it did not matter he would still play for a and my daughter dressed up i know why a simple proves nothing but other parents reported the same thing so i did a tv show to talk to scientists and other parents civic refuse to give him guns but he made dozens out of carrots and cucumbers. >>john: to encourage him to be active. >> no. we gave them trucks and she but not play with them. >>john: the girls are more civilized they look you in the eye and talk to you and care about your feelings. the boy is? they want to go to more. -- more. there were exceptions but they just behave differently than to it shows up when
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study was done at the university of rochester. >> students are blindfolded then walked through the maze of tunnels under the campus they are guided with the tap on the shoulder when though women are asked where a college building is but ned retained as sense of what direction. >> left then writes then laughed. >> we did have a better memory for detail. students are asked to wait in a cluttered room while they are asked to get ready but this is the experiment. how much of the rule will she remember? after two minutes she is moved to another room. >> tell me every object typically on the right hand
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side was a briefcase with the initials, and a button and immense there were envelopes, clear wrestle -- claris ill and went on in a dawn and guys were more likely to say i don't know. stuff. we are different this was controversial. 2020 correspondent went by producers said how could you do a special of that? feminist icon said they should not even be studied that it is anti-american in crazy thinking to do this kind of research. and fire departments drop to the strength test when somebody complained about being dragged down the stairs with the head hitting
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each stair gloria said it is better there is less smoke down there. really? she said that. the mindless egalitarianism is dangerous but it feels good so government keeps doing it. obamacare forces health insurance companies to charge men into women the same price. colleges must have equal sports participation. all pay gender equal and hooters must hire a male traders. yes the government did sue hooters demanding that but it dropped it after they've ran this commercial blocking the government. >> hi. welcome to souders. good for them. they dream of genders being a seat -- exactly equal but we should celebrate that rather than claiming women are victims equality means equal opportunity not equal
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everything. difference is good. that is the show. see you next week. show, show "fox and friends.", >> cooking with me lucky charges. did you get that? pulling out the executive hand, to force more overtime pay. >> today i will use my pen to give more americans a chance to earn the overtime pay that they deserve. if you go above and beyond to help your employer and your economy succeed, then you should share a little bit in that success. >> some job creators are saying this overtime push will push workers to the unemployment line. are they right? hi, everyone, i'm brenda butner. this is "bulls and bears." here they are. the bulls and bears this week. welcome to everybody. so, john, an executive order


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