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tv   The Willis Report  FOX Business  March 20, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT

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ew jobs, new opportunities and a new tax free plan. there's only one way for your business to go. up. find out if your business can qualify at gerri: hello, everybody, i'm gerri willis. right now on "the willis report", if you or a family member are not on cholesterol drugs, new guidelines may change that. also, want juicier returns from the stock market but not sure how? we'll dig into a hot new investing trend. how do you do that? asking your boss for a raise. we're watching out for you on "the willis report." gerri: welcome to the show. good to have you here. tonight alzheimer's, could the solution to the disease be found inside of ourselves?
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that's a question researchers are asking today after they found a human gene with a power to protect brains from the dreaded disease. here with more, dr. robert malilo, president of the international association of functional neurology and rehabilitation and he is cofounder of brain balance achievement centers. great to have you here, doctor. >> great to be here. gerri: tell us about this gene. >> for all of us aging babe bp boomers i think this is good news. this is good news. basically we've identified a gene that regulates basically self-destruction of our brain over time. meaning that this gene, when it is turned on it protects us against what we call oxy date tiff stress, which is basically stress on the brain and that causes degeneration. gerri: good news, it is inside your body. when you're a baby you have this bean. it is inside your body all the time. could we find a way to flip it on and off? >> i think so. that is really the key thing. you're talking about non-gene
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mutation where the gene is damaged but where the gene may be turned on or off. yes, there are environmental factors that will lead to this. there may be environmental factors that trip it off. we can find those out and prevent this disease. we might be able to use different things like drug or exercise or brain stimulation to actually turn it back on. gerri: amazing, amazing. i know at love families out there are desperate for some kind of a solution. what kind of proof to we have now that this might work? you. >> know i think that there's a lot of proof what we believe are risk factors for the disease, if you're unhealthy. if you have diabetes. if you have hypertension. if you had brain injury. or an athlete and had a concussion, if you have adhd as a child, these lead to risk of dementia and neurodegenerative disorders and we know what kind of triggers it. in functional neurology a lot of my colleagues are doing things with brain stimulation where
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we'll publish some research soon that will really show that we can change this dramatically. gerri: that's very exciting. >> it is. gerri: i understand there is also research, research with people? research with mice, on this idea, this gene and changing it and making it do different things. >> right. gerri: is that convincing? >> yes, absolutely. i think that you know, it makes sense, really. when you look at it, it has got to make sense. this makes sense. we know that increased stress, a stress response, is related to increased neurodegeneration. we see this gene regulates that stress response. it basically turns it off. so if we have things related to stress like hypertension, diabetes, you know, obesity, these things elevate the risk and also increase your stress response. gerri: so if we take care of those things maybe we take care of the alzheimer's. as you know it takes a long time to come up with a solution you can put in a bottle or market to folks. how far are we to something that can really help people?
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>> if we're looking something like a drug or something like that, it is probably a while. what this tells us, doing things that are lifestyle oriented, increasing our health, increasing our exercise, diet, nutrition, what we eat, these things may also trigger this gene naturally which makes more sense, right? we don't have to worry about side-effects. i think we can do that now and look at this information and i think it can have an impact right away. gerri: that's very exciting news. i know a lot of people out there desperate for some good news on the alzheimer's front. thank you for coming on the show tonight. great to have you here. thanks so much. >> you too. gerri: wow, that is good news. more gifts from an unlikely source, the irs. attention, taxpayers. there are $760 million in unclaimed tax refund up for grabs. maybe some of your money. free money from the irs. not kidding. here with the details, the director of budget and regulatory policy for americans for tax reform. mattie, welcome back to the
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show. who are these people that leave money on the table with the irs? >> gerri, i disagree with your categorization of free money. it is actually taxpayers money they have not yet claimed from the irs. gerri: it is unclaimed though. it is unclaimed and just waiting to be claimed. >> yes, crazy. almost a million taxpayers who are actually missing out on their refund from 2010 and irs statutes state that you can actually hold on to refund for three years after the actual filing year without any penalties, without any problems with the irs. all you have to do is go back and get it. >> whoa, wait. no penalty? so i forget to file, i don't file. they oh me money and i don't get in trouble for not filing? >> well, a lot of these people too, you have to remember, who have some kind of a liability but maybe don't realize it and they're getting a refund on top of that are probably people working part time jobs or kids in college who don't realize there is money being with held
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from their paychecks or don't think they have enough money to qualify for tax return f you're making money you're required to file. doesn't mean thaw owe. probably a lot of people out there don't really understand the difference. gerri: be honest, if you owed the money they would be coming after you. >> exactly. gerri: because they owe you money, they're not calling you or writing a you letter, saying hey, gerri, remember 2010? you forgot to file. we owe you some money but doesn't happen but it should, shouldn't it? shouldn't they be calling you and say, hey, we owe you money? wouldn't that be the fair thing to do? >> listen, taxes are very confusing for the average american but one thing we do know, treasury doesn't want to part with any money it doesn't have to. that's why they're not about to let you know. unfortunately the burden of proof essentially here is on the taxpayer to make sure they're getting their money back. this really speaks to the complexity and just kind of the ridiculous nature of our tax code. if it is so complex you can't even figure out how much of your own money you get hold on to, obviously there is time for a change. gerri: well i couldn't agree with you on that more. and i know our viewers agree.
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it is time for a change. got to simplify that tax code. that's for sure. astonishing to me though, that people walk away from money that is owed to them. you can check it out on the website, right? where do they go? >> the irs website, actually for all of its, all of its complexity, is not so bad. you can go to they lay out for you how to check status of your return or this year or years prior. they have a help number you can call too. a lot it is very confusing for people who are not starting to make money or working part-time jobs. don't really understand the tax code. there are at love other things behind having a refund. maybe your status changed for child filing and you didn't know your with holding changed with it there are a lot of nuances people don't understand and don't think about until april 15th he have year. if you filed something or forgot to file something and you never had a letter from the irs, it is probably not on the forefront of
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your mind. gerri: if you can't remember what you did in 2010 and want to know if you're owed money, go to if. >> that's right. gerri: end r don't call them and ask them a question because they're not really answering questions this year. thanks for the help. great to see you. >> you too. gerri: and remember, we are here for you. if you want to sound off about something in the show tweet me@gerri willis fbn. go to we have more coming up in the show playing off office politics and getting that raise you've been hoping for. a look at new guidelines regarding heart disease and why 13 million more americans may be looking at taking meds for the rest of their lives.
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gerri: so new guidelines on who should take cholesterol-reducing drugs. these rules are raising the question, are we protecting americans hearts or are we overprescribing? the new rules would put nearly half of all americans between the ages of 40 and 75 on statin drugs like lipitor and crestor. great to see you, dr. steve, always good to have you on the show. tell us what these new rules
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would do. >> these new rules are really getting away from following cholesterol blood levels and looking at risk. if you fall into a high-risk category we'll treat you no matter what the cholesterol levels are. gerri: what does that mean? >> there are several high-risk cholesterol groups. high ldl over 190. diabetes over the age of 45, 50. people with known cardiovascular disease and people who also fit into this risk calculator of calculating overall risk, over 7 1/2%, if you've over the age of 40. that is the group that really all the controversy is in. that is the group that really, they talk about increasing, that number of people being treated by potentially 10 million people. gerri: well, you know, we'll show that website if we can a little later in this segment but here's, we have the website? let's show it. you will go to the website and what will you see and what will it tell you? >> this is risk calculator. female, age, high blood
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pressure. cholesterol level is. and it will automatically calculate your 10-year risk for cardiovascular disease. and that is helpful in motivating people to get treated. when you bring in patients to your office and show t computer what their risk is, 10%, they will be a lot more motivated. we still want to start with lifestyle modification. gerri: all right. >> we want to talk about diet. gerri: we'll talk about lifestyle mods in a minute but i'm still trying to understand how the rules have changed. sound like to me what they want to do is put everybody on drugs? >> what they want to do put people on drugs with increased risk of cardiovascular events. also included stroke, not only heart attack so that also increases numbers. gerri: in some age groups it is most people they recommend putting on these drugs. this is my question to you. i always thought say doctors say first, if there is not a problem let's not treat it and give drugs to people who don't need them. are there downsides to statin drugs? do people have reactions to them? >> there are is risk benefit to
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statins definitely. we look at other things besides risk categories. gerri: what are the risks? >> main risk factors are hypertension, high blood pressure, diabetes, lipids, smoking, family history of obesity, those are important cardiac risk factors. you do other types of testing. look for dysfunction, stress testing. gerri: wow. >> could further subcategory rise these people. maybemaybe you're right, not everybody with a higher risk needs to be treated with statins. somebody with high blood pressure and smoking attack those issues. don't necessarily treat with statin that is not the way it goes. it has to be individualized treatment. gerri: my question some of these statins have side-effect. headache. people can't sleep. muscle aches. nausea, vomiting, on and on. does it make sense to give everybody these drugs? >> obviously if they have side-effects you try a different drug. moring a gross sieve with lifestyle modification. eating foods that lower cholesterol. diet. exercise. these are things we'll always start with first. statins are not only way to go.
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they may be overprescribed if you fall asleep at wheel and speak to each patient what is going on. >> i like that. you're coming up with something specifically for me. i'm not relying on some formula from some study somewhere to figure out how to get treated. you're telling me you're designing something specifically for me based on who i am what my health risks are. >> that's way we do it in the office. if we need to do stress test we do a test stress of the if we do a test functioning of arteries we'll do that it has to be individualized. special diet. walking 30 minutes a day. weight loss. those are more important to start with than starting with the statins. gerri: get a good dr. like steve reese manifester. >> thanks, gerri. gerri: thanks for coming on the show. later in the show, why are professional investors getting out of the housing market? is this good news for bad news for the rest of us? we answer the question, how do you do that. we have advice how to get ahead at work and best time and best way to ask for a raise.
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i know you're ready. ♪ so ally bank really has no hidden fees on savings accounts? that's right, no hidd fees. it's just that i'm worried about, you know, "hidden things." ok, why's that? well uhhh... surprise!!! um... well, it's true. at ally there are no hidden fees. not one. that's nice. no hidden fees, no worries. ally bank. your money needs an ally. improving everything from booking to baggage claim.
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we're raising the bar on flying and tomorrow we'll raise it yet again. you really love, what would you do?" ♪ [ woman ] i'd be a writer. [ man ] i'd be a baker. [ woman ] i wanna be a pie maker. [ man ] i wanna be a pilot. [ woman ] i'd be an architect. what if i told you someone could pay you and what if that person were you? ♪
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when you think about it, isn't that what retirement should be, paying ourselves to do what we love? ♪ gerri: next, what george costanza can teach you about the work place. we have need to know advice on asking your boss for more money.
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gerri: negotiating a pay raise. i know you want to do it but it is tricky. tonight we have expert advice getting the raise you deserve even in today's tough economy. a business communications consultant. thanks for coming on the show. before we get with on with your advice i want to show you how upset, frustrated, angry people are out there with the job.
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look at worker pay satisfaction screen. people, 58% of people want to change jobs this year. 39% feel under employed. 28% didn't get a raise last year. there is a lot of grumpy people coming into work every day. what do you tell people who are frustrated with their pay? >> well, here's the thing, most of us feel like, oh, my gosh, i'm doing the work of three people. what the heck am i going to do here? i can't ask for a raise. it is too hard to do this. you really have to have a gameplan a serious gameplan moving forward. that is what i'm here to talk to your audience about today. gerri: you say he plan ahead. do legwork. what do you do. >> set up appointment three months before formal review. ever company is different. you're ahead of the curve. wow this guy or gal for that matter is really, really focused on their career, that's a good thing. you know where you stand and
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perhaps get a raise before anybody else does, gerry. gerri: come on, i go in three months ahead and give me a raise in three months? what do i go in with? what do i bring to convince people i'm very worthy. >> you will not say, hey, give me a raise. let's discuss my compensation package. those are the words that i want to you use. if you say, get a raise, you're kind of drawing a line in the sand and you don't want to do that. so let's discuss my compensation package. also, gerri, important for your listeners to know, make a list of all the great things that you've done. make sure it is quantifiable. very exact, very specific. and relate it to all of the goals, objectives and the mission state of your company. if you do that ahead of time and print out a sheet of paper, you say, you know what, boss? look at some of the things that i've done, take a look at this, what do you think about my compensation package right now. and then, pause, don't say anything. because most of us talk to much.
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we don't listen. gerri: that's so true. you know, i think lot of people lose sight too, of the fact that you're supposed to be executing your boss's goals, right? so maybe you think you're doing a great job. >> exactly. gerri: but are you doing what your boss wants you to? are you advancing what he has on the schedule, the again today for you? any other tips about the meeting? let's say the initial reaction you get is not so positive? all right, how do you handle that? what do you say? >> you're going to have to expect a no. that is going to happen. if you do get a no you need to drill down and say you know what, i'm curious why is that? are there maybe some things i can do to further myself with the company? are there some workshops, are there things that i can do to improve my skills and value to the company? what can i do to move forward? that is actually the key thing. the other thing, gerri. timing is everything. if your company has just downsized it is not a good time to ask for a raise obviously. gerri: no. >> but if your company is moving forward, maybe it's a good tile.
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tough ask around and investigate that stuff online which is real easy to do. gerri: so we have a fact here. and i want to see if you agrowth wit it. >> okay. gerri: 31% of employers are willing to negotiate. career builder is the source. does this jive what you see in the work place? >> absolutely about a third, are open to it. that is why you need to move forward. you have nothing to lose and as long as you're professional. remain positive even if you get a no, especially three months ahead of time like i suggested, you're ahead of the game and you will eventually get that raise a lot of people i work with do. gerri: fingers crossed. that's what i say. >> yes. gerri: do it the right way. get prepped, start early and convince your boss. thanks for coming on. good stuff. appreciate it. >> great to be on with you, gerri the thanks. gerri: most welcome. we want to know what you think. here is our question, will you
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ask for a raise this year? log on to rote on the right-hand side of the screen. i will announce results at end of the show. we have more, more. >> volkswagen recalling 150,000 passat because the headlights could be damaged if the hoods are closed too roughly. vibration could cut off electricity to the headlights. car impacted are 2012 or 2013 model years. if you think your car is one of these involved, vw dealers will adjust a new bulb fitting and adjust the hood. good news, the volkswagen says the problem hasn't caused any crash or injuries. good stuff. coming up, latest on potential break through for the missing malaysian airlines plane. consumers like you and me may have a better shot jumping back into the housing market as professional investors drop out. we'll have all the details coming up. ♪
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you those litt things still get you.
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like this: dozens of tax free zones across new york state. move here. expand here. or start a new business here... and pay no taxes for 10 years. with new jobs, new opportunities and a new tax free plan. there's only one way for your business to go. up. find out if your business can qualify at ♪ see what's new at ♪ [ female announcer ] you're the boss of your life. in charge of long weekends and longer retirements. ♪ ask your financial professional how lincoln financial can help you take charge of your future.
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♪ gerri: hedge fund operators, private equity investors, the wall street pros have been scooping up on seasonal -- across the u.s. but now they are packing up and moving out of the market according to my next guest welcome to the show, steve. it's great to have you. let's start by talking about these february existing home sales the lowest level since july of 2012. i have to tell you that this was an ugly mutt and you say it was because? >> they're selling some of the houses in 2011 and 2012 in 2013.
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but i do think but i do think that is going out the effect. gerri: i don't think the prices are back to 2006 levels yet. >> are not quite back there yet, but what's happening is when they win and into maybe the first half of 2013 and then prices went up as you know center 12% so let's get out of dodge. >> into the province and they they're locking in an american now. what is this going to do for the real estate market that we play and? individual homebuyers? maybe first-time home buyers and the prices will come down again? >> would you say that and that's
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going to depend on the area of the country they went into the overheated market like phoenix and california and florida. the thought of those areas until 20 become our were talking about. but i do think there is some pressure on the housing sector. gerri: that's good news where pension coverage of the most. so net that, it's going to be a squeeze and sort of interruption. prices may come back down. gerri: one of the big questions is will wonders be free with money? >> i don't think they're going to be as free or maybe that's not a bad thing. being too free with the money
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fuels the crisis. we also discussed the first-time home buyer which is the beginning of the food chain, very high that and that's impinging the market will that. gerri: i think people saw prices go through the request are. they're they're watching to see what happens. what do you think happened to that home price everyone watche. >> 12% year-over-year gains. they're not going to see a tapering off as it cruises off. the real unemployment rate is nothing pretty to look at. there's nothing like jobs to boost the housing market.
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gerri: you have to be in it to win it and a great salary. now the missing case of flight 370. herewith details, adam shapiro. >> necessity with debris a thousand miles off of australia really coastline. new satellite images show that possible debris from the missing jetliner shows search teams scouring the indian ocean. search crews are trying to get close to the objects they can be them up close and one of the pieces spotted was believed to be almost 80 feet long.
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it's important because this bowling tribble seven has a wingspan of about 200 feet. and it was found in the recently expanded search area. investigators are looking into the disappearance of the plane also focusing on the pilot and his personal flight simulator. the fbi is involved in the investigation. gerri: will the fbi do? >> they're bringing the flight simulator to the united states where they will take it apart. even when you delete a file on your computer, i.t. friends or folks can find those files and rebuild them. so that is what is to happen with the flight simulator that the pilot had. the malaysian authorities say that his family has been cooperating with them and they reiterate that he is innocent
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until proven guilty. but the headline is focusing on the search about every 1000 miles up the coast. it's a shipping lane, it could be something that fell off we will tell you why and how hackers are coming after your medical records. and next, looking out for you and your money on a debate on a new trend in investing. we will tell you more coming up next. [ telephone rings ] [ shirley ] edward jones.
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[ male annncer ] with nearly 7 million investors... oh hey, neill, how are you? [ male announcer'd expect us to have a highly skilled call center. kevin, neill holley's on line one. ok, great. [ male announcer ] and we do. it's how edward jones makes sense of investing. [ male announcer ] and we do. iwe don't back down. we only know one direction: up so we're up early. up late. thinking up game-changing ideas, like this: dozens of tax free zones across new york state. move here. expand here. or start a new business here... and pay no taxes for 10 years. with new jobs, new opportunities and a new tax free plan. there's only one way for your business to go. up. find out if your business can qualify at
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gerri: a developing story this afternoon. all major u.s. bank are getting a passing grade from the stress test of the fed. all but one of the largest banks
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are in a better position to withstand a severe recession for the u.s. and global downturn since 2008 crisis. that's according to the federal reserve. the bank war was the only one that failed. they were unable to make this a minimum level of capital to withstand a financial crisis. and they have a smart beta strategy to boost returns and we have rick perry, founder of portfolio solutions with us. what do you mean by these smartmedia etf's? >> smarmy doesn't really mean
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anything beyond putting an index together and not using this area >> we are overcoming the difficulties that we have a standard capitalization in the year 2000, the s&p 500 was significantly overweight. the reason why. a lot of times it up one more money into the various stocks are overvalued and i can create a problem and it can also impact performance over the long term. gerri: what you find is that apple is all of the performance
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and sometimes over the past. we used to talking about etf's because they're less expensive typically divide. but are the smart ones a good deal? and the strategies and anything new. you're taking more risk doing this. and so you're expecting it to get a higher return but it doesn't happen every year where these things worked well especially coming off of the tech boom in the 1990s. but there are long time for the judges have not worked and so you have to be careful about these other side of smart enough.
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>> they are utilizing this and making it less expensive than actively managed mutual funds and it depends on what you're comparing specifically and currently and is probably more expensive than the standard indexing is more and more interest build in that area and the cost will come down. gerri: rick, what the sacred is there a dirty secret looking in the back? >> it's not a secret of the etf, it's simply a pipeline for managing the strategy. so it's really not a debate and have an underlying strategy.
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>> the strategy is more risks when you diversify the and you overweight this and you're taking more risk in your portfolio and there have been long time since 1983 to 2001 where the strategy significantly under on to get the rate of return that you're looking for and there's nothing magic about this. it was called bionic data if you remember the ionic man and woman. now they are called smart data and its new packaging from an old idea. gerri: how do you respond? >> no one would buy them as is a
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better describes a we are actually doing. the primary benefit of the types of investment. >> saying something about that, duchenne did not outperform if you look at the average entitlement and they have underperformed grateful it's not going to say that they are really smart and therefore it's a good idea for you and there's no data to support that at all. gerri: there's been so much innovation in the index.
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raymond, thank you so much. >> thank you. gerri: gerri: aus round of sanctions on russia in retaliation to the ukraine. obama says he if he has key sectors of the russian economy. and stocks closing higher today in interest rates may start to rise. suggesting growth will accelerate following a severe winter. microsoft employees are related
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to the pre-release of software updates for windows eight. the individual was a russian national who worked for microsoft for seven years. and starbucks planning to turn swords into buyers. the company says it's looking to know alcohol over the next years. and those are some of the hot stories right now on fox we have more to come and my "two cents more" and a warning about your medical privacy and how profitable it is for criminals to do it. 24/7. i'm sorry, i'm just really reluctant to try new things. really? what's wrong with trying new things? look! mommy's new vacuum! (cat screech) you feel that in your muscles? i do... drink water.
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it's a long story. well, not having branches let's us give you great rates and service. i'd like that. a new way to bank. a better way to save. ally bank. your money needs an ally. a short word that's a tall order. up your game. up the ante. and if you stumble, you get back up. up isn't easy, and we ought to know. we're in the business of up. everyday delta flies a quarter of million people while investing billions improving everything from booking to baggage claim. we're raising the bar on flying and tomorrow we will up it yet again. gerri: stop worrying about your credit card. it's not just your credit information at risk
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the one we have another consumer alert for you as the deadline fast approaches. thousands of taxpayers sure government watchdog is warning about a phone scam or con artists claim to be demanding payment. the irs is saying this is the biggest thing they have ever seen with more than 10,000movinn dollars. the irs is not calling you at home. and more news about your privacy. your medical data is a hot commodity for hackers. it is surging in the u.s.
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accounting for half of theft reported that reported last year. with more on this we have the chairman of identity theft 911. always good to have you on the show. this is a huge that most people don't know about it. why do hackers on your medical data? >> they want access to medical services in your name or your medical or health insurance. because many people in this country are still struggling to gain access. >> they are hoping to gain prescription drugs. what they won't? >> about prescription drugs and to be able to get treatment. someone will ask to be pre-certified for insurance coverage they are told the early have this treatment. >> is amazing to me what these guys are part of this.
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and the files are ocean. gerri: at the end of the day they are not very sophisticated about the technology? the truth is they have federal and state laws are much tougher than they have ever been on. the fact of the matter is that they aren't till having enormous problems. estimate that somewhere between 20 million and 16 million sumer medical files have been improperly accessed 2009 oh, my
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goodness. i've heard that your medical data is worth more on the black and your social security number. >> us away. because social security gives him one number to actually gain access and this is the mother lode plus health history and family medical history. >> would like you to protect myself and i. >> them only as good as the city in my doctor's office. >> women ask about it, ask them why they really needed the.
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gerri: keep your social security to yourself. is there anything else i can do any fact i can check and record a i can check to make sure that i haven't been a part of this? >> you may see a debt collector coming after you. you also did explanation because it may well be that wasn't you that have the service or treatments director really have to check that. but also because the hospitals and doctors don't even get it right. >> what's really scary is if someone gets a treatment in your name. their health information could get mingled with your help information in your blood type changes and your allergies change and we've never had the knowledge it will and treatment is prescribed based on the data in the senate could actually cost you your life.
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>> if someone gives you the wrong blood type and emergence for them, back in the a disaster. great to have you here and thank you for the information. >> you're welcome. >> march madness is officially underway. but it's not just us players. school mascot for the big stage as well. sports illustrated has put together their favorite ones and that is not top five. number five is the stanford tree. he came up with one of the most bizarre mascots albert. number four is puddles the dock. ann smarty the michigan state mascot. and then we have the blue devil
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mascot out there. and the number one favorite is on the orange. now he doesn't spark fear in his opponents, but you can't have this without a blonde lovable creature from syracuse. our producers just love it. we'll be right back with my "two cents more" in answer to the question of the day, will you ask for raises here. stay with us. n a ribbon to show how many ars that amount might last. i was trying to, like, pull it a little further. [ woman ] got me to 70 years old. i'm going have to rethink this thing. it's hard to imagin how much we'll need for a retirement that could last 3years or mor so maybe we need to approach things dferently, if we want to be ready for a longer retirement. ♪ if we want to be ready for a longer retirement. predibut, manufacturings a prettin the united states do.
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means advanced technology. we learned that technology allows us to be craft oriented. no one's losing their job. there's no beer robot that has suddenly chased them out. the technology is actually creating new jobs. siemens designed and built the right tools and resources to get the job done. maestro of project management. baron of the build-out. you need a permit... to be this awesome. and from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle... and go. and only national is ranked highest in car rental
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customer satisfaction by j.d. power. (aaron) purrrfect. (vo) meee-ow, business pro. meee-ow. go national. go like a pro. iwe don't back down. we only know one direction: up so we're up early. up late. thinking up game-changing ideas, like this: dozens of tax free zones across new york state. move here. expand here. or start a new business here... and pay no taxes for 10 years. with new jobs, new opportunities and a new tax free plan. there's only one way for your business to go. up. find out if your business can qualify at anbe a name and not a number?tor
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scotade. ron: i'm never alone with scottrade. i can always call or stop by my local office. they're nearby and ready to help. so when i have questions, i can talk to someone who knows exactly how i trade. because i don't trade like everybody. i trade like me. that's why i'm with scottrade. announcer: ranked highest in investor satisfaction with self-directed services by j.d. power and associates. gerri: earlier this hour we gave you advice on when and how to ask her recent work and we wanted to know if you're ready to take the leap. we asked the question on, will you ask for raises here. 27% said yes. 73% lead now.
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the better question should be to the irs. are you cheating me when you tax me? and rich says this about the recent car recall. profit are the first priority for automakers. >> finally i like to look for the next big opportunity out there. the most recent home sales report in the northeast and midwest rational investors and prose are backing away from the market. prices are the number one penniman for individuals in this signals a cooling on what has been a rip roaring market. there are plenty of folks that have never recovered from the mortgage meltdown or maybe their confidence has never recovered. others are worried about higher interest rates. i think housing is one of those cyclical markets that will tour
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again in the future. it's about time to give this market another look if you haven't already and that's my "two cents more". and that's it for tonight "willis report." thank you for joining us. don't forget to record the show. have a great night and we will see you back here tomorrow. ♪ ♪ neil: hooted of spy next door with your pharmacist. if i bet this privacy thing gets weirder and weirder. the large pharmacy chains getting to a close and personal. specifically newly remodeled stores not only get your pharmacist out from the counter but your medical history and here's how they could do it. by talking this phase of you in the living room like setting about prescriptions.


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