tv Markets Now FOX Business March 24, 2014 1:00pm-2:01pm EDT
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warns russia on troops. the g7 is meeting without russia. we are live traveling with the president get adam: racing against the clock. delivering some difficult news for the families of those on the missing airliner, malaysian flight 370. cheryl: move over netflix, there is a new company trying to reinvent television. apple reported arrangement with comcast to help them bypass typical web congestion. adam: closing one of the world's busiest waterways shut down after a barge crashed into a ship. the scramble to clean up a significant spill in the houston shipping canal. cheryl: we start with a stock alert, new skin shares a rocketing up after the antiagig skin company received a penalty from china where the sales promotional practices were being probed into the ponzi scheme allegation. adam: it is helping to boost
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herbalife shares. they have been facing similar permit scheme criticisms from activist investor black men who by all accounts won't finish his fight against the company until it is out of business. cheryl: a move to show a herbalife is not backing down, they are now meeting three new members to the board, all of whom are carl icahn approved. he has publicly sided with herbalife in the battle. charlie gasparino is here now with exclusive details of what has been happening. charlie: this is over the past couple of days what they say his intentions are. here is what they are saying. i actually did ask some of these people does carl icahn believe, does he have any doubt whatsoever herbalife is a company that is legal, it is not a pyramid scheme. their words, carl is 99% sure herbalife is the real thing, it is not a pyramid scheme.
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a 1% possibility? it is impossible to have 100% certainty, but he tells people he is 99% sure this company is legal and it will survive. herit is also what the company close to icahn. you can listen to us and get the real answers, that is all i'm going to say about this herbalife back and forth. here's what we know he is telling people, he is unhappy with the management, herbalife management response to the threat. the things they have not been aggressive enough, they allowed him to get the upper hand, hence those members will be playing some role in a p.r. defense of herbalife against his claims, which now those claims have made it to the ftc launching an investigation. we should also say carl likes
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the way management is running the company. he just does not think that they were strong enough and aggressive enough, they will be more aggressive apparently that is what this is all intended. three new board members will be more aggressive and attacking his claims. we should also point out carl icahn according to these same sources will still push for a more robust buyback buying back shares. we should also point out he thinks shares in the long-term are going to be okay. he is still a long-term investor, but here is the key if you are an investor out there, from carl himself telling people he really believes there will be a lot of volatility in the stock, you could see this thing go up as it is today, down tomorrow based on a lot of factors including the fact,
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including the very real possibility according to icahn that herbalife will be investigated by state ags with probes and top of the ftc. that is at play right now. i guarantee this, you do not get from the other network showing you what really reporting does. adam: he spent millions of dollars essentially to buy the investigation. will herbalife, could this be the bottom line, was start spending millions with the board members fighting those regular readers with their own war? charlie? charlie: have a large budget and herbalife. it is the public stuff. what he wants is a much more scorched earth attack against ackman. there is sort of a guilt among them that said we will not
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dignify his speeches and presentations with a direct response other than a three word paragraph. i don't know what else you do, but he wants a much more robust, vigorous response. the other thing is a buyback. there was a lot of speculation he might buy more shares. he would increased his stake. he has the option to buy more. what he really wants is them to buyback more shares. to help him, to basically put more pressure on ackman's short position. adam: the other side of the complaint is new skin. both of the stocks were impacted. charlie: when you read a headline herbalife is being investigated or looked at in china,-- cheryl: this is the sec.
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this was the ftc came out and announced it. charlie: think about the new skin. all of these various investigations weighing on these stocks. investigations way to dramatically on the stock and on herbalife, but what you see today is this chinese investigation, we don't know what they do in china. this investigation seems to have much less teeth. the ftc can shut you down, but that is a long way off. i would say this is a great stock to play if you are a reporter. an average investor should be prepared. if carl icahn his tongue people short-term volatility meaning up and down, the prepared for that. adam: you can follow him on twitter. cheryl: thank you, charlie. one of the nation's most oil shipping routes remains closed,
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houston shipping channel shut down after a barge crashed into a ship on saturday, 170,000 gallons of oil spilled into the busy waterway and has moved 12 miles offshore into the gulf of mexico. this is a particularly sensitive time for the spill. the peak season while 80 ships have been forced to leave the bay the coast guard hopes to reopen part today. phil flynn at the trading pits of the cme. while this is happening on the domestic front, internationally russia and ukraine tensions have oil hovering above $100 right now. where is the stronger play for you today? >> above on the day, lower on the day back and forth. it is a big deal. shut down for an extended period of time, to play havoc on the gulf coast. there taking more down to the gulf coast so it is not as bad as it could have been, but the
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coast guard going to get some of the ships moving today eased off the spread. we are seeing the spread. also if you look at what is happening with the russian, ukraine situation. because no disruption of oil supply right now it looks more of a risk to the demand side of the equation. which is accentuating that is in his we had out of china with the manufacturing data as well. u.s. manufacturing data was down a little bit as well. we are not seeing demand expectations really rise but heu still have the risk premium. recently a meeting between the g7, what type of sanctions will come out of that. that is keeping the market on edge right now, and you cannot forget about libya. it is all playing in the big pie. we're close to even on the day. cheryl: as far as houston shipping channel goes, will we learn more information later on in the week for what that will do?
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>> absolutely. this will impact not this week's inventory report, but next week inventory report. the one thing you want to look real quick, the houston shipping channel is getting overused right now. they can barely fit in their the way it is. because of the u.s. oil boom. we have to get keys to moving or else we will see more of this in the future. cheryl: no kidding. thank you be at adam: able injured early this morning when a train derailed at chicago o'hare airport. crashed into a barrier as it failed to stop jumping onto the platform and partwa partly up an escalator. investigators are trying to determine what actually started the crash but they believe the train was traveling too fast. cheryl: president obama in the netherlands meeting with the g7 counterparts. the growing threat from russia and the crisis in ukraine dominating.
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all of this attention in eastern europe continues to escalate. ukraine interim president is demanding a troop withdrawal of forces. ed henry traveling with the president joining us from the netherlands with the latest. >> great to see you. the president is here the netherlands 1600 miles from crimea were all the tension is. he will be meeting on the sidelines of a nuclear security summit that was already planned here. tried also battle an image he is weak on the world stage republicans are pushing mitt romney, charting the president has been naive in his dealing with the russian president vladimir putin. and with the dutch prime minister, chen's president on the sideline of the summit trying to make the case this second round of u.s. sanctions he announced a few days ago is having a bite, putting pressure on the russians and their economy. take a listen.
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>> we are united in imposing a cost on russia for the actions so far. as he rightfully pointed out yesterday, the growing sanctions would bring the music and the russian economy. >> now you mentioned in the last segment that the market is watching very closely this sanctions debate with a president is really trying to do in europe is get some of the european leaders to come around with even tougher european sanctions. i have been reluctant to do that fearful sanctions may boomerang on the still struggling european economies. the others in the market is watching, the russians have 20,000 troops along the ukrainian border, and if you listen closely to what ukrainian officials are saying, they are warning that could be an all out war. listen. >> we don't know what putin has in his mind and what would be his decision. that is why the situation is becoming even more explosive
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than it was a week ago. >> very packed agenda for president obama. and a couple of days he will be in brussels for the eu summit talking a lot about trade. and then on to italy to meet with pope francis, wrap up at the end of the week in saudi arabia to deal with syria, iran, lot of global hotspots the market is watching closely. cheryl: we are so glad you could join us to give us an update from over there. adam: another part of this story keeping in line with the orders, the brooklyn that's owner is planning to relocate his company that runs the team back to russia. he claims he was going to relocate the company before the u.s. and european union imposed sanctions on russia. but he echoed support for his country when he reiterated the team will be owned by a russian company.
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cheryl: a breakthrough in the flight for flight 370. new sightings off of the coast of australia. malaysia airlines send it takes message to families. adam: what did they know and when did they know what? as the u.s. carmaker actually had an ignition switch defect when it filed for bankruptcy. cheryl: as if going to the dmv cannot get any more fun, just got a whole lot worse for drivers in california. can you start tomorrow?
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yes sir. alright. let's share the news tomorrow. today we failrly busy. tomorrow we're booked solid. we close on the house tomorrow. i want one of these opened up. because tomorow we go live... it's a day full of promise. and often, that day arrives by train. big day today? even bigger one tomorrow. when csx trains move forward, so does the rest of the economy. csx. how tomorrow moves. we asked people a question,ey dk you'll need when you retire? then we gave each person a ribbon to show how many years that amount might last. i was trying to, like, pull it a little further. [ woman ] got me to 70 years old. i'm going have to rethink this thing. it's hard to imagin how much we'll need for a retirement that could last 3years or mor so maybe we need to approach things dferently,
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if we want to be ready for a longer retirement. ♪ if we want to be ready for a longer retirement. but with less ergy, moodiness, i had to do something. i saw mdoctor. a blood test showed it was low testosterone, not age. we talked about axiron the onlynderarm low t treaent that can restore t vels to normal in about two weeks in most men. axiron is not for use in women or anyone younger than 18 or men with prostate or breast cancer. women, especlly those who are or who may become pregnant, and children should avoidt where axirons applied as unexpected signs of puberty in children or changes in body hair or incased acne in women may occur. report these symptoms to your doctor. tell your doctorbout all medical conditions and medications. serious side effects could include increased sk of prostate cancer, worsening prostate symptoms, decreased sperm count, ankle, feet or body swelling, enlarged or painful breasts, problems breathing while sleeping and blood clots in the legs. common side effects include skin redness or irritation where applied, increased red blood cell count,
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common side effects include skin redness headache, diarrhea, vomiting, and increase in psa. ask your doctor about axiron. adam: wants to bring the latest on the search for malaysia airlines flight 370. prime ministers as investigators believe the airplane crashed into the indian ocean. malaysian airlines is reacting to that grim news sending a text message to the families of passengers on board the doomed plane saying "the airline deeply regrets that we have to assume be on any reasonable doubt that the flight was lost and none of those on board survived. chinese australian airplanes
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spotted airplanes research zone. a navy ship is in route to confirm the wreckage is indeed from flight 370. we bring in aviation expert and ceo, thank you for joining us. if it is not wreckage from this aircraft, where do they look next? >> that is the big question, if this turns out not to be the 370 airplane, we don't have a clue. we are absolutely all lost as to where to go next. adam: if it is to break him it would indicate what is left on the plane is somewhere in a radius from that area. when they start detecting the pain from the black box? >> you need certain kinds of equipment to go beneath the water to be able to hear those pangs because of the depth of the water. they are strong enough at least for another couple of weeks if
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they are down there and this turns out to be the wreckage area, they should be able to at least locate the black boxes. does it mean they will be able to retrieve the necessarily right away, but they might be able to detect them. adam: when they do find the debris, they will be looking for telltale signs that could have indicated purely speculation, perhaps a fighter, some sort of a scorching looking for all kinds of clues of what happened, correct? >> absolutely. depending on the size of the debris, the shape it is in, from the airplane, they will be able to get initial ideas of what may have happened. the final record will really only rest in the data records. if it turns out to be pilot error or something going on in the cockpit that shouldn't be a
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big issue, the turns out to be lithium ion batteries have been hearing about and unable to determine the quantity of the batteries in the cargo hold, that isn't a boeing issue. if it turns out to be some other mechanical problem, that can be an issue. adam: you cannot determine if it was an issue, can you? >> we cannot confirm it. adam: is that an earlier version or is it still in production? >> i believe the 200 is still in production. i am not certain of the date of this particular airplane manufacturer. a 200 a 300 version. adam: an a final thoughts as thy try to determine if the wreckage is from this aircraft? >> i do think the next 4 48-72
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hours will be critical. they have to get this piece of wreckage, whatever it is, in their hands. they have to haul it up and take a look to see what it is for sure to know whether anything we have been talking about makes sense to anybody. adam: thank you very much. cheryl: nicole petallides on the new york stock exchange. it is really hurting the nasdaq right now. nicole: the selloff is the worst we have seen since august of 2011. take a look at the biotech stocks today. down almost 3% today, and the question is whether or not there is a bubble forming or has formed. they say no, requirements are
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not to be worried. they call the sector attractive. they see the pullback as everybody else is. back to you. adam: apple wants to deal with comcast, the details of the set-top dvd box getting special access on broadband network. cheryl: duck in the middle. we will tell you where folks are worried about the most. peace of mind is important when you're running a successful business.
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so we provide it services you can rely on. with centurylink as your trusted it partner, you'll experience reliable uptime for the network and services you depend on. multi-layered security solutions keep your information safe, and secure. and responsive dedicated support meets your needs, and eases your mind. centurylink. your link to what's next. does it end after you've expanded your business? after your company's gone public? and the capital's been invested? or wn your compan's bought another? is it over after you' given back? you never stop achieving. that's why, at barclays,
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cheryl: here's a question for you, apples eye on tv. the market buzzing about a potential apple-comcast tv deal. >> steve jobs did not want apple to go down the tv road and it is going very much so according to the "wall street journal" and talks revolutionize the way you and i watch tv. the streaming service would link apple with comcast cable giving apple direct access to
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television. it would allow users to stream live and on-demand programming plus digital video stored in the cloud, customers would get special treatment on comcast to bypass the web traffic that gets backed up. comcast could certainly use this deal, cable tv operators saw their first full year drop in subscriptions last year ever. subscribers fell by 251,00 251,s customers cited rising prices. pushing them to cut the cord. comcast stocks just about even down a tenth of a percent. they are up .68%. perhaps a threat being built up here. this could be serious competition for xbox, microsoft and roku but no option provides
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full to the service. cheryl: jo ling kent, fascinating. adam: another thing that is fascinating is how many people are glued to their smart phones because of "candy crush." the maker will go public this week. ballin the company at just over $7.5 billion. the "candy crush" make it will trade the new york stock exchange. genetic technologies and a slew of others will make the trading debut. cheryl: people are obsessed with "candy crush." time for your west coast matt. eight desk confirmed in washington state of a massive mudslide hit. the debris slide destroyed at least 30 homes be had at last check, 108 people were unaccounted for. we just got back news in the last hour.
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department of motor vehicles in california and missed getting a data breach in the processing system. the dmv responsible for 24 million licensed drivers, 32 million registered vehicles. the agency only said there was a potential breach. officials working with banks to learn more. we will have to keep you posted on this one. in northern california have omitted not just get her fortune from her fortune cookie, she won a fortune, literally. she used the numbers found inside a fortune cookie to play mega millions. her mega number was nine. if she had picked 10, she would have walked away with $240 million, but her $421,000 win not a bad consolation prize. that is your "west coast minute." take the numbers offer fortune cookie, play that way. adam: i always play my birthday and the birthday of others in your life. quick pick.
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flyover country's feeling more like it is run over. the dismal ratings on that cap next confidence and what governor rick perry has to say about it. cheryl: a warning sign. and a red flag he thinks investors are missing right now be at adam: meant to the we hit the gym to work off the beer belly. cheryl: good news, finally.
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so our business can be on at&t's network for $175 a month? yup. all 5 of you for $175. our clients need a lot of attention. there's unlimited talk and text. we're working deals all day. you get 10 gigabytes of data to share. what about expansion potential? add a line, anytime, for $15 a month. low dues, great terms. let's close! new at&t mobile share value plans our best value plans ever for business. iwe don't back down. we only know one direction: up so we're up early. up late. thinking up game-changing ideas, like this: dozens of tax free zones across new york state. move here. expand here.
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and his new boss told him two ings -- cook what you love, and save your money. joe doesn't know it yet, t he'll work his way up from busser to waiter to chef before opening a restaurant specializing in fish and game om the great northwest. he'll stt investing early, he'll find some good people to help guide him, and he'll set money aside from his first day of work to his last, ich isn't rocket science. it's just common sense. from td ameritrade. it's now more than five years since the financial crisis and americans remain haunted by its aftereffects. new gallup poll measured the economic confidence of the 50
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most important cities. our own sandra smith has the highlights and low lights from across the country. sandra: that's right, adam. topping the list, washington, d.c. that's right. it share the top spots with san jose. each spot averaging plus four on the economic confidence index over the last two years. san francisco hold the number three spot. while silicon valley, d.c. and san fran are feeling good, the rest of the country is worried, very worried. jacksonville, florida, had the lowest confidence reading with a negative 25. pittsburgh and oklahoma city also at the bottom of the list. even energy rich texas is concerned. texas governor rick perry joined maria bartiromo on "the opening bell" this morning talking economy in his state. maria: it seems job creation has not been a priority here. if there was one policy decision that can be made on the federal government's level, what would it be?
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>> open up the xl pipeline. that is a quickest in the president can do to put people to work and impact the economy. sandra: two cities in his state, austin and dallas, each had negative readings in this gallup poll. welwhile economic confidence is still negative, in most metropolitan statistical areas, most areas did see slight increases when factoring in the 2013 data. cheryl, adam, most of the country still feeling a bit loonie. cheryl: thank you. our next guest will not help the mood very much. the economy could be picking up steam. some big warning signs in housing and the labor sectors that many are missing out on. james joins us now. you are always so bullish, and you are saying housing in particular, you are really worried about it in 2014. what is going on? >> just giving people a heads up.
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it can't be understated, it was one of the bright spots of us coming out of the recession but a lot of easy money, if i can call it that, has been made. cheryl: all the institutional money. what you are saying, that is where the money came in for 2013. it wasn't really americans buying homes. >> that is the disconnect in 2014 where the mortgage-backed security down 50% year-over-year, also seeing just a lack of first-time buyers with affordability. prices up, new mortgage borrowers, disenfranchised because of the expense of housing plus the inability to get loans right now from the banks. adam: i have to ask this question, won't races then come down as people aren't buying and what that open the door for first-time buyers? >> they are buying up becoming the largest homeowners are landlords throughout the country
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feeling and reo to rent strategy. the ability for them to buy the homes is challenged. cheryl: the job story is something else you are talking about. low wages, consumers are loaded up with debt right now and two adults point the first time buyers are not coming in. more of a jobs and real estate story. >> that is absolutely correct. a lot of people are blaming the market on the spike in rates. it is more about the jobs, the job growth has been anemic as you just said, part-time lower wages, and you have a whole generation of people coming out of school right now with massive debt not qualified for a mortgage right now. a group basically shut out from the mortgage market forcing them to rent. prices will go up and affordability issues will be challenged for this group. adam: a lot of people blaming china because of poor economic
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growth. in the united states you still see an opportunity for those who want to invest in stock and you say garden restaurant is one of them. i thought they were settled with problems of red lobster. >> having to dump red lobster for it lack of underway to put put it has settled them. there is a group pushing them to help extract greater value and i think there is a scenario where this company can be split up into the mass market appeal as to the specialty brand and there is value in the real estate holdings. cheryl: the stock is down year to date about 6% based on the pressure adam is talking about. do you think it is a turnaround story by the end of the year, what is your timeframe for this? >> we are talking about this year, we think the restaurant trend is very positive. 50% of meals are people eating outside looking for discounts, promotions and eating more with their family, so we do like the
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fast casual, and also mentioned in era. we are betting on the jockey here. a hit when customer satisfaction because they were so popular people could not get in and out of the store fast enough they invested in kitchen supplies, technology, training labor and putting great food and good service, fixing what was the hit. cheryl: up 14%, looking at a chart of that one. some big economic reports you have your eyes on really quick. gdp, jobless claims and a lot more housing data. what is the biggest report on the docket for you? >> we narrowed it to three. gdp would like to see come in line with a lot of enthusiasm for this growth story to continue. and consumer confidence entered the week up coming out of a very
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tough winter, and the strong gdp number hopefully will feed through. cheryl: balance off what you see in the pending home sales. adam: sports and entertainment collide. robert deniro deal with the madison square garden. a win-win. cheryl: latest turn in the general motors recall scandal as government safety regulators performance on gm is about to get an official audit. ♪ it's a growing trend in business:
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do more with less with ss energy.hp is help. soon, the world's most intelligent servers, designed by hp, will give ups over twice the performance, using forty percent less energy. multiply that across over a thousand locations, and they'll provide the same benefit to the environment as over 60,000 trees. that's a trend we can all get behind.
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>> i'm tracy byrnes with your fox business brief. disney announcing abc news president ben sherwood will begin a succession to succeed anne sweeney, president of abc network and television group. sweeney announced this month she will leave disney next month to become a television director. nokia says the sale of vodafone unit to microsoft will be delayed until next month. the deal needs approval by regulators in asia. nokia expected the sale to be completed in first quarter. blackstone sold 15 million shares of seaworld cutting its stake to 25% and relinquishing majority control over the theme park operator. blackstone could raise $500 million from the sale. that is the latest from the fox business network, giving you the
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, more headaches for general motors. new reports say federal authorities are looking into whether the company covered up the ignition defects when it filed for bankruptcy back in 2009 and even more damaging for, damning for regulators, nhtsa may also be held accountable for failing to flag the defects going as far as back as 2007. to explain all of this, elizabeth macdonald. >> now we've got anthony fox. he is the secretary of transportation. he is calling on the inspector general of the d.o.t. to do an audit of the national highway traffic safety administration. that is what adam was just citing. that is a big deal. what is happening now, congress is gearing up for hearings, big hearings coming april 1st. the acting administrator for the
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national highway traffic safety administration will testify. david freeman will testify. mary barra is going to testify. so we've been tracking this story. how will the hearings unfold? what could gm say? what could the head of this safety unit in the government say? they're going to say essentially, lack of evidence. we weren't aware of it. we didn't know about it. that's what we're hear something how this is going to unfold. the pushback will be this. that hey, so you really didn't have the evidence when gm issued service bulletins about the safety defect in 2000, 2005, 2006? that gm knew about the problems going back to 2001 and we have this quote from watch this, from clarence dillow, runs the center for auto safety, that is ralph nader's group. he is saying quote, they had more than enough information. they could have issued a recall as early as 2007. cheryl: we're now getting stories that go back as far as 2006 when there were crashes that were investigated and reported. here's what happen. the ignition switch turned.
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the airbags didn't deploy. people died. >> that's right. cheryl: those reports went up the food chain but again for some reason in twix -- >> that is such an important point made. gm will say, mary barra is expected to say that the information did not come up the corporate food chain. i have was not made aware of it. why did it take 13 years for them to do a recall recall? the other thing we're hearing, this is really important, that the center for auto safety study. they got the outside group, to study the federal government's own data which found there were 303 deaths related to airbags not deploying in recalled, recalled gm cars. so we'll be tracking this story and all throughout the hearings as well. adam: gm shares down. will the congressional hearings just be a an attempt by congress to beat up gm? >> that is an important question. here is what is going on they're watching what mary barra says. as key here what the "new york times" cited, bankruptcy fraud. any criminal negligent.
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any signs that they knew about it and covered it up. if that happens the bankruptcy she had, the immunity shield from 2009, gm went bankrupt in 2009, they're saying this is old gm's problems. that bankruptcy shield goes away if they find any indication of a cover-up. new gm will be hit with a cascade of lawsuits. already getting hit with lawsuits. cheryl: they will be looking for it. lizzie, thank you. >> yeah, sure. cheryl: we have a deal to tell you about. madison square garden has bought a 50% stake in tribeca enterprises, valuing the company as $45 million. tribeca enterprises was co-founded by robert de niro, runs two international film festivals a two-screen theater and decision that releases movies in digitally and theaters. this brings two entertainment companies looking to expand. big news there. especially for southern manhattan. anyway. news you can use from the friends that you trust. creator of friendster's new
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[ chainsaw whirring ] humans -- sometimes life trips us up. sometimes we trip ourselves up. and although the mistakes may seem to just keep coming at you, so do the solutions. like multi-policy discounts from liberty mutual insurance. save up to 10% just for combining your auto and home insurance. call liberty mutual insurance at...
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[ thump ] to speak with an insurance expert and ask about all the personalized savings available for when you get married, move into a new house, or add a car to your policy. personalized coverage and savings. all the things humans need to make our world a little less imperfect. call... and ask about all the ways you could save. liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy? adam: cisco system is the latest company to begin offering cloud service to its corporate customers. the company will spend more than a billion dollars creating cisco cloud to compete with amazon, google and microsoft. cisco plans to focus on big companies and government agencies that want their own computer server farms. cheryl: all right. so many tweets, so little time. my next guest's company hopes to
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have a solution to solving what they call social overload by organizing all the top names your facebook and twitter friends are discussing. we have the chief operating officer with noses sell. you just launched last week, correct? >> that's right. we came out of private beta after about a year of being in private beta and it is boeing pretty well. thousands of people signed up in past week and we feel we might be on to something here. cheryl: why do i need this? why do i need this? it is just a website. you don't have an app yet. >> it's a website. there is explosion of opportunity in news across the world. any editor, any producer, any news organization can put out news that can go to any person on the planet or any person with access tote internet or mobile device. and that is a transformative thing. if you follow politics in norway or medicine in india there is so much you can follow but it's very analogous to the early web. when there was enormous
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opportunity but no real way to absorb it in a meaningful. so what johnson abrams our founder did -- cheryl: what if they don't follow anything interesting though? i love my friends but we may have completely different tastes? >> you would be surprised. putting that aside, take twitter for example, the people you followed on twitter over time, who in the moment, moment after moment you decided are interesting, actually do create fairly compelling muzzle feeds. they loaf it and consider it magic with the results. nuzzle feeds are actually public, if you choose them to be. so the nuzzle feed of somebody like mark cuban or gavin newsom, lieutenant governor of california, for example, gavin newsom's nuzzle feed if you're interested in california politics is most interesting perfect news you could get about california politics. so there is two ways to use
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nuzzle. cheryl: you mentioned early on adapters, cuban and lieutenant government newsom. the way for this to work, don't i have to give you access to my facebook account for to you. >> yeah. cheryl: to make the content based on my facebook friends if. >> right. and it is like, you know, the thousands or maybe millions of now apps based on facebook and based on nuzzle. i'm sorry, based on twitter. we don't take anything that is private and make it public. anything that somebody could see by going to your twitter account, we can see that if something anybody on the web can't see, we're very careful about privacy and don't reveal any information you don't want to reveal. cheryl: more and more, again with cyberterrorism, you name it, privacy concerns, nsa, where everybody is getting a little protective about their their accounts, frankly. >> yes. cheryl: let me ask this really quick. you raised about $1.4 million. mark an address sown is one of the -- marc andreessen is one of the main founders. what is the goal of company?
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will you solicit advertisers from say like news companies? or are you trying to go to the twitter, you know, build it they'll come and what is the business plan here? >> i think we need to build it first. any investors, people like marc andreessen invested the reason they invested, the round came two weeks, the reason they invested, they were using app themselves. they came to conclusion how many apps i use every day that are not worth a billion dollars, whatever the new standard is. $19 billion i guess. cheryl: okay. >> we're focused on building this thing and sort of transforming how news is delivered across the web and across mobile devices an transforming how people consume the news. cheryl: right. >> we think that is profound thing, if we accomplish that, we'll look at market and see what add models most respectful of your users. we'll do that at this time. we're focused making a great product for people to love. cheryl: jonathan abrams. two of you made, creative
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friends together. we know how that worked out. we'll see what this does. kent lindstrom chief operating officer for nussel. thank you very much. >> thanks. adam: even with no perfect brackets left in the "million dollar challenge", dayton, yeah, dayton, keeping momentum going beating third seed syracuse in 55-53 nail-biter. get jim boeheim in my office now. dayton flyers play on thursday. speaking of stanford, the cardinal pulled off upset of their own, number two-seeded cans say jayhawks. 8th seed kentucky, shocking top-ranked wichita state shockers, handing them with one-way ticket home. kentucky headed to the sweet 16 and squaring off against long-time rival louisville which is definitive must-see game friday. i know one guy watching that
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kentucky-louisville match up, tyler black, knows what the match ups and he went ahead predicting kentucky is the winner ahead of the tournament. good luck when you're 80 trying to get that thing removed. billionaire dallas mavericks oh owner has advice for nfl. stop being so greedy. in a pregame conversation with reporters, cuban predicted decline in the popularity of nfl due to the league's greed. want to talk about baseball, mr. cuban? the league recently agreed to one-year deal with cbs and nfl network to till advise the sunday night games with the unusual. they shea nfl is trying to take over every night of television an will eventually dilute its own viewership. cheryl: adam, this gives whole new meaning to the term beer run. the ale made for athletes with a mix of electrolytes, vitamins, caches, protein. carbs. what you need after a big workout. ♪
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adam: canadian beer company is coming up with what it calls the first-ever recovery ale meant as a pick me up as you hit the gym. it has antioxidants and vitamins that promise to keep you fit when you workout. france perhaps, you -- melissa francis, you buy it? melissa: i don't know. charlie gasparino, sitting next to me and immediately cost his attention. adam: who wouldn't want to drink beer at the gym. >> herbalife sheikhs. melissa: could be a new product for herbalife. our top story. anyway, big news coming up on herbalife. here's a hint. cark icahn is winning again. if you own shares you are too. do you think you know the worst companies in america? we are weeding them out all this week starting now. even when they say it's not, it is always about money.
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