tv Bulls and Bears FOX Business March 30, 2014 8:00am-8:31am EDT
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rick. that and more. >> have a great day. join us on fox and for after the show. delaying the obamacare deadline because we're too dumb? >> there are some people who are not like my grandchildren who can handle everything so easily on the internet. these people need a little extra time. people are not educated how to use the internet. >> so it's our fault not the law's fault? just ignore the 37 delays and changes to the law, the botched rollout of the law and what many see as the sloppy execution of the law. so is harry right or not? hi, i'm brenda buttner, this is
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"bulls and bears." gary b. smith, tracy burns, jonas max ferries along with mark hannah. the problem is us and our internet skills, really? >> it's enough to make you pull your hair out, brenda. here is one of the leaders of the country, if you will. he's basically saying we are just too dumb to figure this out. meanwhile, it's like everyone's grandparents are on facebook, everyone is using amazon to order things. who are these people who don't understand the internet? i would like to find those three people in the world that have access to the internet and say, i can't understand it, it's too hard for me. that is that ludicrous. the other thing that annoys me is the pushout on this deadline. people can opt out via some honor system. they hit a check box saying, dog ate my homework, i didn't feel
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like it this day, i didn't understand it. i would like the irs to adopt that same policy in paying our taxes. i just didn't feel like it. let me have a few more months. it's an insult to the american people. >> jonas, you actually think you know or you don't know, but there are a lot of people out there that don't know how to use the internet. they are the ones late in enrolling. >> i think harry reid is partially right. they are not used to web pages taking two hours to load. 25% of poor people don't have internet access. a lot of poor people don't have insurance. the target audience is people often without internet are not very good, they have dial-up internet making the problem worse with the website. i think when they framed this thing they underestimated how difficult it is going to be to get uninsured people in america, a subpopulation of people, some
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don't want insurance, some don't have a computer or a phone, to get insurance. it's not like social security. we walk into an office and get check in the mail. it's hard, complicated. you've got to pick all these different plans. i think that was underestimated. addressing an important issue why it's going to be slow going. >> john, you buy that? >> no, i don't. i don't know if p the granddaughter harry reid is talking about is smarter than the rest of us, the one he gave $17,000 to out of campaign funds. don't worry about that. i'll just pay it back. i guess that's how it works in d.c. i don't think the american people are dumb. politicians underestimate the american populous. they think they are smarter than americans and above the law. that's why they can say stuff like you keep your doctor, you like your plan, you keep it. this is the law, they change the
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law. when asked if they would go past the date, they said no shg, the said yes. to blame it on the stupidity of the american people, that's an outrage. >> can we blame it on the fact we can't handle the internet? >> there is a lot of outrage, phony outrage coming from the republicans. i don't know where they were when george bush extended the medicare part d deadline for seniors to have more time to sign up for this. >> he didn't say the americans were dumb. >> nobody is saying americans are dumb. harry reid said people don't always have great access to the internet or might need extra time. you don't kick somebody out of line when they are getting ready to vote because the polls close
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while waiting in line to do it. there's been a major surge the past couple of weeks on these health care exchanges. over 6 million people signed up now. there's a surge happening here. you don't kick somebody out of a restaurant because their dish isn't ready in time when the restaurant closes. people deserve the right to sign up if they started the process of doing so. i don't see where all this outrage is coming because the obama administration wants them to do that. >> how in the world your only defense of obama is bush was bad, too? that is your defense? bush was a terrible president, look at bush? i agree with you on that premise. we had 14 years of presidents that are not very good. we can't find any transferancy in this. >> to say certain people who aren't as computer literate or need help and extra time getting these forms submitted online are
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dumb is not what harry reid is saying. >> i don't think anybody is saying they are dumb. the irony here is that this is the administration that wanted to bring wi-fi to rural areas, so they knew -- >> they are still working on it. >> so why make the way to sign up for this on, i don't know, the web that is not in rural areas? this is just stupid. that's dumb. you want to talk about dumb? there it is. that's the whole thing behind this administration. they keep back tracking and realize how dumb they are. this is not the american people's fault. >> gary. >> brenda, tracy made a great use of the word irony there. it's in spades. this administration, they think they're too dumb to figure it out. how many delays and flaws have we seen in the obamacare website. after all this super duper programming, they still can't
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tell if people paid, if people had insurance policies before, if people just had to move from one policy to another, how many young people are signed up. they have no metrics. yet their stance is you minions out there, you do it our way. you're just too stupid to figure it out on your own. >> gary, here is the double irony, the only people that signed up are the people who lost their cancellations in the first place. >> that is completely inaccurate. >> don't call her a liar. >> where is your data? where is your evidence? gary does not make the most articulate spokesperson. >> you can't sit there with a smile on your face and get ae wway with this. >> guys, guys, listen for a minute. mark, i want to respond for calling tracy a liar.
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in fact, mckenzie and company study shows 27% of those who have enrolled didn't have insurance before. they were uninsured. >> she said "all." i haven't seen the report to which you are referring. tracy said all the people. >> you're right. all your facts have been dead-on factual ever since you've been on this program. we could take yours to the bank. let's be clear here. >> go through the tapes. i never said anything that's been dishonest. >> there is no exaggeration going on whatsoever. >> let me bring in jonas. >> there is a phone number you can call to get your obama care. you don't have to use the internet but it is an internet-based thing. they did overestimate -- call it the intelligence of the uninsured poor in america, but be politically correct about it. the average person who doesn't have internet access is probably not as smart as the average google worker, right? they made a product for that audience which is complicated.
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obama probably didn't want it that way. he wanted it to be medicare for all which would be easy. all the lobbyists got in were multiple plans. it is not easy to understand how it works for employers or employees. >> guys, we've got to cut this off. a lot of heat there i bet we are going to get a lot of tweets. tweet hash tag bulls and bears. here we go again. another irs hearing. still no answers in the irs targeting scandal. is immunity for her or a special prosecutor from him the only way to go? >> if you were in the private sector and somebody was issued a subpoena and you didn't comply with it, what would happen to you? >> for this subpoena the court would rule that it's far too broad -- >> you're
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that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. you're watching the most powerful name in news, f news channel. >> whether or not you think we need something or ought to have it or we are on a wild goose chase, frankly, i could care less what you think about that. our subpoena is our subpoena. if you don't like it, move to quash it. otherwise comply with it. >> 14 hearings on the irs targeting scandal and counting. the administration still not handing over all the e-mails to house investigators.
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now the irs commissioner said it would take years to hand them over. you say time to bring in a special prosecutor to get some answers finally. >> most importantly, get congress out of this. this congress was investigating steroids in baseball while the housing crisis was falling all around them. these guys are a three-ring circus. it is an embarrassment to the country. he said, she said. that is why you have 14 different hearings and nothing has been accomplished. get a concern prosecutor. they admitted certain words like conservative targeted the irs to that group. was that malicious or not? that is something lois lerner needs to be able to testify to. this congress will never get anything done. >> mark, is a special prosecutor the answer? why not take politicians out of
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this? >> i agree take politicians out of this. irs is an easy target right now. there is no question what dar darrell issa is doing is making hypocritical calculations. >> we just want to know if we should have a special prosecutor. >> the only results his investigation has turned up is it has not been politically motivated. that was the ig report and it wasn't conservative groups targeted but groups that had the word "occupy" and "progressive" in their title. i don't think it warrants the taxpayer dollars that would pay for a special prosecutor. >> overwhelmingly, the number of cases that were audited were conservative ones, right? >> exactly. i kind of agree with john.
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i agree surprisingly with mark on this. i think this just doesn't pass the sniff test. they had 14 subpoenas. there's obviously political shenanigans going on here. anyone would be stupid not to think that. we spent hundreds of thousands of dollars trying to gather that data. we know what is going to be the answer. there is going to be political shenanigans went on. fine. we get that. some people get thrown out, fired, whatever. what we need to do is separate out the irs like the federal reserve and make it an independent agency. let's just acknowledge that the political stuff goes on whether it's republicans or democrats in charge. that's been going on since the irs has been created. let's acknowledge that, move on and fix the problem. >> jonas, what do you think? >> this is one of the rare cases where we need a politician more like real politicians that have
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legal backgrounds and less like darrell issa. he is a successful entrepreneur, was in the military and he is not going to negotiate -- he treats lerner who is an employee he can fire. we need somebody with a legal background to lead this, not somebody who has a great business career, but treats everybody like they are employees. he kind of got outgunned. he could have talked to her twice. her lawyer told her not to talk. end of the day, i don't think there is anything to get out of this. >> no way. we spent enough money. i agree it should be stopped. at the same time we have the right to know why keep taking the fifth if you have something to hide? president says no corruption here. give me a break. >> thanks, guys. russian troops piling up on the ukraine border as we are paying the russians to hitch a ride to space on their rocket. no wonder more than half of americans think we are losing
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how so? >> tuition is going to go up. how are you going to pay for all this? union will demand these kids get way more than they get now. many of them are on scholarship. they get hurt and are looking for insurance, but that's not the way to do this. they deserve maybe to be paid but put the money in a fund until they graduate. union is not the way to do this. then you know what? nothing good comes out of use un-on these days. >> the only football player on this panel, what do you think? should we pay athletes but maybe not unionize them? >> absolutely. there is nothing wrong giving these kids a stipend. you're not allowed to do anything except eat at the cafeteria school. they should be allowed endorsements that are in a trust fund. they are going after profitable
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revenue-making sports here. these guys are classified as employees. then their scholarships are taxable. that goes down to the swim team, track team. that makes certain kids not able to come to school because they don't have the money to pay taxes if classified as employees. unionizing is a complete disaster for this. >> you agree, mark. >> no, i don't. grad students get together unionize. they have a similar transactional relationship that student athletes do. i'm doing my ph.d. at unc, a big football school. one former player was telling me he was buying a pizza and scrounging through his couch cushions to pay a dollar or two. it's his image on the cover the pizza box while he is a star football player. that just illustrates how broke these students are, but they are participating in a multibillion
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dollar industry. >> jonas, you're the sports fanatic on this panel. >> i don't understand why they are not treated like pro ball players. unions, contracts, sponsorships, agents, whatever. at the end of the day they are getting paid by the school to go to the school. they are giving them a quarter million dollar degree. they don't get into the school for academic reasons, let's be honest. they get injured, their careers get ruined. tuitions go up in almost every school because of the athletic department. you can't say this will raise tuition, but it will raise ticket prices like in pro ball. >> john was a student athlete, gary b., weigh in here. >> i think i agree with tracy. i don't like this at all. how is this different than mark getting a scholarship to study whatever he is studying at usc?
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one of the stipulations was the amount of hours they put in. i bet mark is putting in 50 hours a week. substitute the word professors for coaches, he is under control. he can't not study, not do the work. isn't every person at a university on scholarship, they could be unionized also. it's too hard. i don't feel like working saturday, studying. this is the wrong approach. >> that's got to be the last word. >> doesn't say unionization is a good word. >> thank you, mark. guys, sorry. thank you for joining us. be sure to tweet us about this though. are we that hard up for cash we are raiding our kids' piggy are raiding our kids' piggy ba i've always kept my eye on her...
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predictions. >> battle of the titans. walmart is suing visa ov these transaction fees. avoid the whole mess. buy mastercard, which i own, 20% index. >> bull or bear? >> bear. >> your prediction? >> forget the stress test. citi has a wonderful ceo. up 20% the next six months. >> bear. facebook spent $2 billion on virtual reality, oculus. they are not cool.
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>> bear. >> one in three parents admit to stealing or borrowing or taking money from their kids' piggy bank. i one of them. every parent does. keep the lights on somehow. i get it. >>. >> we have a lift-off. lift-off of steve swanson. on a six-hour journey to the international space station. >> from russia without much love. we are hitching a ride up and their troops keep building up. no wonder so many americans are fed up. i'm neil cavuto. the russians are taking us for a ride and we are paying them $71 million for the seat. they are the only way we can get to space so we cut the check because beggars can't be choosers. no wonder americans
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