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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  March 31, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm EDT

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good night. the original obamacare deadline for enrollment has arrived in the white house could not wait to congratulate themselves despite another major malfunction despite another glitch john of web site preventing applicants from completing their applications or even beginning the process the department of health and human services telling fox news today the tech team monitoring has identified an issue and the tools are available to
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new users at the moment. as you can see the website with bias to check back later said there was too many visitors but that did not stop spokesperson jay carney to claim it a success even with help philippi's for the press corps. >> no one expected us to come back or to surpass the revised projection as 6 million would sign up but we have. and we have merit's noting in your reports. lou: i'm sure there were very appreciative. white house ezekiel emanuel trumpeting the new website and able to handle all the traffic just before he was
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informed on the air live that the web site crashed once again saramaccan notice with the big surge that was pointed out no problem with the web site it is working. so that is another real surprised that they have it working mechanically with sir capacity civic we should point out it was down as of midnight. >> really? >> yesterday i love don denton:00 p.m. >> is still down. >> timing is everything. >> there would be as a greater sense of humility about the administration with in obamacare itself but not. here is another bizarre exchange with hhs secretary sebelius a handle local newscaster in oklahoma. the house knows obamacare is
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wildly unpopular with a majority oklahoma residents leaving sebelius speechless. >> dash last check 64 percent turnout buying into the plan didn't like obamacare and they have been pretty vocal about it. know about will still continue to be a tough sell but we will see how that plays out over the coming months. okay thank you for being with us. i think we may have lost sound. >> i can hear you. think you for having me. lou: obviously not concerned about dead air and claiming 6 million sign ups for obamacare former adviser says it is well over 10 million but we don't know the real number of enrollees that actually paid for the
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insurance or how many have previous policies that were canceled or the ratio of subscribers from the low-cost customers. to experts joining us tonight. from manhattan institute and former adviser to the romney campaign and for a contributing editor, a good to have you with us. here is another deadline. it is big. how confident are you there will not be further delays we will not see other deadlines resurrected? >> we will see other ad hoc in improvisation but it is important to give them credit compared to where they were in october it is impressive pelmeny they could sign up for obamacare but jay carney was misrepresenting the number 6 million people he claimed
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that has signed up but probably only to a million were previously uninsured but only half of actually pay for coverage. >> do you feel the same way? >> absolutely. what a cynical definition of success they drive 6 million people out of the policy if they threatened with fines now driven in tuesday exchanges talking about the millions more that has been harmed by the law. lou: there was the peace in "forbes that said those that have signed up for about one-third were uninsured previously. that is 2 million.
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this administration talked about 50 million were uninsured. could we add more than 6 million because insurance companies canceled policies because of obamacare. where do we stand? >> 50 million uninsured includes 11 million illegal immigrants it is more like 39 million. number two. the cbo projection jay carney was referring to in his press conference predicted the vast majority 80% or more would be people who are previously uninsured. according to the cbo but the vast majority enrolling would be previously uninsured deterrents out is previously insured and that is the key difference between but the cbo projected in what has happened.
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lou: what was projected as a ratio was inverted from the actual projections. and maryland is now shutting down its steel, it's insurance exchange because it is so screwed up. to get the software to start again adding another 30 million. >> and many other states also. massachusetts, hawaii, minne sota that have spent several hundred million dollars of taxpayer money to build the web site that has blown up and to enroll anyone to process the applications by paper but when you cannot even run a website our people supposed to have confidence they can
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reengineer 1/6 of the american economy which is what they are trying to do. lou: one other aspect is the effort of obamacare to register voters that people have talked about it. it turns out it is of major motivation. >> a story today in california of a couple that was a registered republican who got a notice in the mail after signing up that they were registered it had already checked off democrat on their behalf. lou: government is helpful with that. at what point should people be concerned about the registration process? >> and it says right on the application are you registered to vote?
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would you like an application? issues write-up front and people will think we better answer this the right way if we want to keep our subsidy for health insurance because the present who are signing up for health insurance are getting subsidies. just one more example of the dependency of the society. lou: least it is not a deduction from your premium in -- instead of the edition that was generous on their part. tell us what you think about the deadline. we would love to know what you think of it to.
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and the promise to keep your health care plan and dr. is labeled the light of the year but a little reminder he has given his detractors a lot to choose from. here is the president last summer touting the enforcement record. >> we focused enforcement efforts on criminals who were here illegally but today deportation of criminals is set the highest level ever. >> despite the assertion the internal documents from department of homeland security the department of homeland and registration released emigrants with criminal record last year instead of deporting them. that document from the center of the immigration studies, he would think they would restrict enforcement. but 720,000 immigrants were charged only 17 percent of them with immigration
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violations. take a second to vote with our online poll. is president obama in your judgment in forcing emigration and immigration laws? a triple digit gain today the final day of the first quarter up 135 points procopius' and pieta 15 the nasdaq rose 43. snapping the fourth quarter winning streak closing down three-quarters of a percent and the nasdaq is up half a percent. crude oil was down $0.9 saddling $101. told -- gold selling $1,283 per ounce and with technology the two-for-one stock split happens on tuesday one class a share
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than the other under the traditional goog. the latest court fights under apple and samsung if apple wins samsung could be out 2 billion if samsung winds apple could be out 6 million that could be more expensive devices with google's waiting in the wings. virginia couple having the best month ever winning $1 billion and ended march powerball drawing dead $150,000 in the big four game than one another billion from scratch tickets three winning tickets in less than a month. we are coming right back. senator russia's refuse to back off the borders of the ukraine.
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k.t. mcfarland is next.
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[ male announcer ] it's here -- xfinity watchathon week, your chance to watch full seasons of tv's hottest shows for free with xfinity on demand. there's romance, face slaps, whatever that is, pirates, helicopters, pirate-copters... argh! hmm. it's so huge, it's being broadcast on mars. heroes...bad guys... asteroids. available only on mars. there's watching. then there's watchathoning. ♪
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lou: net this point the futile search for malaysian airlines yielding nothing. i cluster of objects found in the current search zone of the indian ocean was only fishing equipment. we're not told what kind of frustrating the families leaving them in the darfur more than three weeks. with very little information and none of that satisfies the families better so desperate to learn more about what happened to their loved ones. authorities say they may have as little as six days
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to find a box before the
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it. lou: meanwhile in this status quo the russians have pulled fact -- pulled back troops at of an estimated 80,000 troops. aren't you surprised we don't have a better count on the russian troops of the eastern border on the ukraine? the number varies from one account to the next'' fully that is us with our sophisticated intelligence rather than not knowing. >> some say 30,000 some say 80,000. lou: hopefully it is news media over intelligence. >> we're not acting very intelligent about it. so right at the zero long supporter because i think
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the putin goal is to take all whole band along a the russian border in each chassis ethnic russian speaking population at the border. >> he has to cross the borders. the troops are signed up the ukraine fell into the lap but at the end of the day to move the troops. what happened if they did? i think the ukrainians would fight. lou: you do? but they have no real reserves no battle tested troops, it would be a futile sacrifice. i would hope the of leadership would be wiser than that and president obama and european leaders
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could be effective enough. to forestall such see evaluation i don't know what that possibility is. john kerry williams in israel tonight to straighten things out. harry comes up with the idea or testing via idea that israel should try not to being a jewish state. may be a cultural center is in jerusalem. surely that is not true. >> looked around the world if you have a house the roof leaks there are termites and colson the basement but he built redecorate the pool house because the center of american foreign policy is what is happening in russia russia, china, with japan
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and really the of the least what is kerry doing? of utile effort to bring the palestinians and israelis together. that to people could sabotage the deal i always thought the israelis and palestinians problem is the last piece of the puzzle got the first. lou. .gov. so much for the france socialist revolution president hoglund sufferers say brutal defeats in local elections losing more than 100 towns. europe going conservative friends, spain, germany, as soon we will know if the united kingdom is joining. there have elections in may.
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stable if the spinet to triple digit rally as the first quarter and. bob doll
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lou: more recalls for
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general motors adding another 660,000 trucks and small cars to the massive recall list for oil leaks and axle issues. so far it has recalled 5 million vehicles about six times recalled last year. the ceo will testify on the faulty ignition switch tomorrow lead defect of federal regulators twice were aware of but failed to investigate 2007 and 2010. the federal government announced carmakers will be required to install backup garrison most new vehicles by 2018 according to the end teeeight to save 220 people died in a vehicle back up accidents each year. stocks are rising today after janet yellen as concerns of the are of great height among investors. >> the recovery still feels
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like the recession and to many americans and looks that way with economic statistics. at 6.7% the national unemployment rate is still high of '01 dash higher than it ever got in the 20 '01 recession. lou: that'd is striking. joining us now is bob of the senior portfolio manager, a good to have you with us. i thought that was an amazing statistic for i had not thought about that. >> you are absolutely right but it points out how deep this last recession was at now but it was over 10 not that long ago so much deeper recession which a much slower recovery. lou: the fed chair says she
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will accommodate, positive and embracing the market's. the market cheered with the triple digits rally. the right medicine and response? >> generally. she had the tough go round with her first press conference and she is trying to clarify that to say the fed bill will complete the tapering process of buying the bonds in the fourth quarter last year and as the economy hopefully end slowly gets better shape will begin to normalize the short-term interest rates sometime in 2015. lou: the market today the triple digits move a solid quarter, my question is where do we go? i am not a fan of the expression but will pc money
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move to the equity markets? it does not change the fundamentals that investors have to deal with senate you are bright. the market has acted tired we get a rally then a pullback and we are stuck at current levels for several months. the big fundamental question this slowdown is a reversal of the inventory building and it is a slowdown of final sales it is not much of any such people get economic improvement as spring begins to show itself lou: i think the market would respond favorably. >> yes the "upheaval" hundred with today's rally
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is up multiplied by for that is 5.two at two points for the dividend on top of 30 last year not a bad year. lou: then immediately that is than. -- 10. that is optimistic. we appreciate it. listen to my financial reports three times a day on the salem radio network for markets and business news. now to the box office where no one moved to the top spot earning 44 million for paramount with the debut weekend, last week's champion divergent dropped into second place. and moppets most wanted third place 11.4 million.
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their oscar winning movie frozen was the highest grossing animated film 1. $1 billion of world wide box office. v are coming right back. stave with us. >> obamacare final deadline day is here. and the website still is not working. our guests this is the quicksilver cash back card from capital one. it's not the "limit your hard earned cash back" card . it's not the "confused by rotating categories" card. it's the no-category-gaming, no-look-passing, clear-the-lane-i'm- going-up-strong, backboard-breaking, cash back card. this is the quicksilver cash back card from capital one. unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, every single day. i'll ask again... what's in your wallet?
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lou: joining us now is the "a team." co-founder of the of magazine of rooster new york good to have you with us. obamacare this day has arrived.
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obamacare final deadline this is it. >> until the next to delay for it is amazing the website still had problems is there no level of a garrison that is too much? still the proper testing was done a matter how many people log dawn there would not have the issues? this was there opportunity you had one day and still could not make it happen is amazing. lou: hi watteau the national media treats this as the republican party keeps saying repealed we will fix it but the american people seem to be anyone to all this with no outrage or cry for help. what is going on? >> can you blame them?
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title think the idea is that it of served if the illegal goes to the e.r. behalf to pay for it. the already have national health care in that sense so yes it is a good idea yes it does work in other countries but this administration is not competent enough to handle its and every day we see that is a fact. no matter how honorable the motives are they simply are not smart enough to pull him off. >> also people are not on the site. young people, people have not paid for the cerebus. >> to save their all to dawn how to get there anyway. >> let that other people buy it then i will get the next one. >> don't you love that rationalization? hear rave reed blames the stupidity of of older people unable to get on the site to buy really young people cannot get on and i am a lot
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more proficient than you. and then to say the reason it is broke is so many people it is a measure of success not failure. this is the upside-down world of. >> if you were so interested to promote the success how many people paid or had insurance before? how many that this whole system is about to collapse? if you want to promote obamacare of bank is specific. >> click amazon. they are prepared. every other but site can handle this. lou: there are two areas in our society but never a discussion of the efficiency or productivity. one there is never that discussion and the other is government.
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it is a metric that is alien that they but have to be efficient. >> that is the problem with government. there is to separate worlds we're not getting enough funding we barely have this much but then in another universe there are test scores over here and they are exclusive window understand that productivity and success have to be linked to how much money we get. >> also people are not outraged there seems to be a lack of awareness this is there money that is our money. for some reason i don't know that is the way taxes are taken out but people are not aware. >> what has obama ever done? as he worked at a gas station? he has only raised other people's money or community
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fund-raising. lou: with each passing year with a smaller and smaller foundation for the very nation because the american dream presides with the middle-class. they are losing jobs. there is no one speaking to them. republicans are talking about big business. not working men and women but multinationals as $3 trillion are not invested to create jobs in this country. the democrats talk about bringing in more voters across the border or registering more voters by spending on obamacare. i cannot believe they're not registering. [laughter] the black market will thrive van these people will get of bill and say no. then refuse to pay whether
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big point or another barter system they will do this off the books. those ridiculous government pensions is not going to happen because young people will cool way. lou: hoping to get there that resilience or innovative but those that cannot get the job right now cannot find a job. frustrated with the high price of education are not learning trades there is a stifling of the american spirit right now and the president in the republican party that seems content that this is of malaise that will pass we will just watch and see. >> but the democrats to a much better job of
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pretending to care how they are that ally of of the little guy of the pork and to a marketing campaign. lou: they have a lot of money. >> but they do not do a good job about reached the bravery stand up for that the loci paul brian has tried there is a better way to do with. somebody has to step up these are the policies. >> these people have mets underground if they are call barbara bullion's. i have seen you it is like the matrix. with the double on audience. they knew that night they carry the constitution everywhere they go and don't worry about the future rebel
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alliance. [laughter] you have brought hope to a nation. [laughter] >> the commission on civil rights be released today should be a national holiday by sending a letter to the president urging the federal government to recognize march 31st has national cesar chavez day bonne extra red day off. the also want january 30th to be all the day to honor japanese-american to battle against the internment camps during world war two. up next "new york times" best selling author with a preview of his new book that comes out tomorrow. this by he tries desperately to prevent chinese nuclear to prevent chinese nuclear war is next. so ally bank has a raise your rate cd
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that wothat's correct.a rate. cause i'm really nervous about getting trapped. why's that? uh, mark? go get help! i have my reasons. look, you don't have to feel trapped with our raise your rate cd. if our rate on this cd goes up, yours can too. oh that sounds nice. don't feel trapped with the ally raise your rate cd. ally bank. your money needs an ally.
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lou: a the newest book of the acclaimed series comes out tomorrow with the latest installment of mr. hawke is tasked with the rescue of an american scientist as united states and china move conspicuously close to the all of nuclear war. joining us now york times best selling author ted bell. congratulations on the book. i was thinking it has been over a decade since i started to read you and talk in particular he was always one of my favorite characters. how did you select china? as the menace in the tail? in it that came from a very
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lucky circumstance. about three years ago i was at a book signing from a friend of mine from cambridge to brodeur friend and real flint out to dinner and we talked about china and russia i got into my theories of my books and the french -- friend said would it be fun to be at cambridge that was the former head of mi six. and had me elected as a visiting scholar for one year. i was in spy heaven. lou: the character and context, china is one of those that i worry about and what i perceive as reality
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is the unintended consequence the way this government and in europe pushed russia toward china and the and forseen, unintended consequence china and as you represent a significant threat for the rest of the world does not see it that way. >> if you put talk to the pentagon right now, this is cambridge stuff but most people would have said we are 10 years away from a serious confrontation so the plot is the brogue chinese general who identify as the scientists to is in charge of all future weapons design and instead to taken out they kidnapped him and his wife and children and put them on their side.
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well the families in the north korean death camp he does science weapons higher than anything we have but we don't know. lou: there is the tale. you talk about alex hock for i do as my favorite character. has you talk about the book itself how to deal without giving too much away but it ties the reader in 30 seconds? >> it is a lot of fun to read. i remember treating my mind as a temple i would treat it as the amusement park. [laughter] lou: i would corroborate that. absolutely. good to see you. the book is warriors for i could not recommend it any
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higher it is available for pre-order nationwide tomorrow. pull the trigger and have fun for crop next my commentary of the establishment of both parties hell bent to create political family dynasties. what a terrific idea. we will be right back dentures are very different to real teeth.
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lou: time for a few of your comments. senate conservatives will love so for jeb bush and held three is the easy win if republicans dominate another bundle. a. >> guess my family will stay home 2016 so disgusted
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hearing these two names. >> 6 million of obamacare? what about the millions of others who were uninsured? we were told how they were languishing. where are they? they love hearing from you. follow us on twitter or go to we're sending free copies of my new book "upheaval" to the authors of the comments that we've read in a few of my thoughts the american dream the matter the circumstances can grow up to be president of united states. especially if the last name happens to be clinton or bush that is where i was not surprised to learn the leaders are working hard behind the scenes to get
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jabbed bush -- chad bush has a candidate of chairlady establishment is upset that governor huckabee both supported by the teapartier are leading the polls right now. the establishment is so desperate to hold onto power to do whatever it can to stay close to power. the g.o.p. came up with the draft ideas suggesting they will have to retract jeb bush to the republican national convention for his coronation but what will hillary clinton to? will she see -- seem to politically ambitious or thirsty for power if she runs for the nomination? will she have to make herfor the of the land would like she
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is being vigorously pursued by the grass roots the rank-and-file? i am sure she is not that way at all to serve homily as our commander in chief. but i am not too pleased that this society of ours is putting up with the likes of folks that think one of their qualifications to hold the highest office is the family tree. we started this country by seceding and brief on hard to get it away from their rails and those that were fortunate enough thank you and i are okay to perpetuate hold on power by allowing them to turn politics into a family business. can you imagine the 2016
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presidential contest between hillary clinton and it jeb bush? the two. that is why i talk about it now. did you know, former president bill clinton will be in philadelphia next month? chelsea mother in law is running to regain her seat in congress after losing it 20 years ago there is plenty of speculation and she is setup to run for office and the bush family is every bit generational next in line for the bush political dynasty? georgia press got the son of jeb bush now running for land commissioner in texas in november. the establishment of both political parties and the deletes are united around one idea. stay close and keep it all
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neil: forget about a health care deadline. not because of health care. i know everyone is still busy adding up a so-so quarter for stocks. i'm busy or adding of some very scary global shocks. china rattling all


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