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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  April 9, 2014 7:00pm-8:01pm EDT

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server, hal, and i will, server, pod server door closed. see you tomorrow. >> this is "lou dobbs tonight." >> the house ways and means committee referred former irs official lois lerner to the department of justice for criminal investigation. committee found that lerner used her position is improperly en flew inirs agency actions again conservativein organization, impedeing official investigations by making misleading statements and may have exposed confidential taxpayer information and provideed evidence that shows miss lerner was looking to take a job with president's nonprofit
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group, organizing for action, creating the appearance of a conflict of interest, because at the time she was responsible for official oversight of their tax exempt status. a letter to attorney general eric holdesh, during th holder,e time -- document show lerner had a favorable disposition toward left leaning groups, including future. am with one -- am with one in response to a news story about organization for action, learner remarked, quote, oh, maybe i can get the dc office job. committee chair congressman dave camp indicateed that laws have been broken that no one is administration is serious about holding anyone responsible. >> this was a career employee in the irs. potentially who did all these.
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so, we have to make sure that the signal goes out that this condition happen again. again, if we don't stan up, for people's constitutional rights on behalf of the american people, who else will. will. lou: lerner tomorrow will be subject of a contempt of congress vote in house oversight committee. that committee today released what they call evidence of colusion between lerner, and the staff of ranking democratic committee member elikea cummings, darrell issa claims that the irs released e-mails showing members of staff contacting miss lerner correctly inquiring about specific conservative nonprofit applicants as far back as august of 2012. a claim that has cummings, repeatedly, denying most recently he denied charges in february of this year.
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>> we want to get to bottom how these happen, we're try to figure out whether any staff of this committee that might have been involveed in putting through vote on radar screen of some federal agency we don't know that. but we are going to do everything we come -- we can. >> when she said is in correct, and not true. >> this is the same congressman who compared chairman issa on joe mccarty in a press release before the beginning of today of's proceedings, our first guest will vote on contempt charges against lerner tomorrow, he said it is simple, when you have a duly issued soupine a must comply with it that is law and it is not optional he said. joining us now, congressman jason -- member of house
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oversight,. >> you disjudiciary committee, this vote tomorrow how do you expect it to proceed, and what will be result? >> we'll get kicked off at 9:00 a.m., i am sure there will be a lot of verbal jousting going on back and forth a lot of flailing of arms, but, it is about this 21 page document that i have in my hand that demonstrates clearly that lois lerner waiveed her fifth amendment right when she testified before congress then tried to evoke the fifth as my cleg colleagues have pointedt she had wave waiveed her fifthment in right, she will not comply with a duly issued souqina we're left -- soup ani anina. -- soupinea. >> congressman cummings saying that darrell issa is general
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mccarty 2 2014, and still comings charged with intervening with affairs of the committee going to lois lerner your reaction? >> i don't like it when it gets too personal. i remember speaker boehner said, you know you can disagree just don't be disagree able, i think when it gets too personal equateing someone to joe mccarty and that era, that is steps over the line, we just need to look at facts and facts remain that these conservative groups, were targeted repeatedly, when you have through the vote anding or swroeuring --organizations, she. you have correspondent with lois lerner saying tea party groups are quote unquote dangerous,
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those things, you have to deal with a seriously. lou: serious treatment. we talk with her on this show, and she is credible, and it has been remarkable the failure of the government to respond in a positive way to her she had to endure, with so many other leaders of organizations, conservative organizations over such a period of time. lois lerner, talking about a job with president obama's organizing nonpractic nonprofitn charge of oversight at irs, for those tax exempt organizations. >> i think that ways and means committee under taif camp, and -- dave camp has done the right thing this is a criminal referral, dealt with, if this case is not dealt with in a serious way by department of justice nothing will be. this -- clearly there is just a
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pattern of prejudice here, in something that is supposed to be nonpartisan, irs was suppose to be separate but it is not, a . to where she made this exclamation perhaps she could get this other job because of it she was at federal elect committee, commission, then brought over to be in to irs, then they have citizen's uniteed ruling then, her attitude for conservative groups, just shows up in day-to-day paperwork, we heard testimony months ago from people who were in irs, two people one person had been there 50 years, or something unbelievable like, that with never seen anything like this it is despairageing a lot of good people, we need to root out this bad apple, and i think chairman camp did the right thing. >> irs the dallas office, they had a shoul extinguish council t -- special council investigati
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investigating. dhs, department of homeland security, with backdoor jobs trying to subvert federal hiring rules there seems to be a disregard of regulation, common sense and good judgment at the veryly the. and yesterday's hearing -- very least, yesterday's hearing, eric holder wagging his finger at congressman gohmert saying you don't want to go there, buddy, saying that the did not seem attorney general was particularly, he said not a big deal, it did not appear to be, your thought? >> if you go back to stesiveic to this case, it was president obama who went i believe it was in east room said they would root this out if there was anything wrong we'll find if attorney generalal holder who started a criminal investigation, and then before the criminal investigation, completeed president goes on and
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he in a interview, and says therefore no smidgen of corruption, highway did he come to that conclusion before the attorney general and department of justice did. it does not add up. there was a lot of smoke there, committees have done proper investigations, they are getting a criminal referral, and properly tomorrow we'll vote a contempt, preceding here in the house, that will then go to full house, come on, this is so this is something that affects democrats and republicans, principle is principle, if is right one way it is right the other way, and the house is doing the right thing. lou: congressman, good to talk with you. >> thank you ulou. lou: we will be following congressman and his colleagues, with committee, hearing beginning at 9:00 a.m., tomorrow morning, contempt, or lois lerner. president obama and first lady today paid tribute to three
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soldiers killed in 16 injured, in the shooting rampage at fort hood last week, president noteed ceremony took place in same lawn where a similar vigil was held 5 1/2 years ago, where 13 people were killed by nadal hasan. >> what makes this so painful is we've been here before. tragedy tears at wounded still raw from 5 years ago, we must honor these men with a renewed commitment to keep our troops safe not just in battle but on the home front as well. >well. >> president's agenda today, creating some criticism, for at very best poor optics he is mixing his morning with money. >> right now she attending first of two democratic fundraisers, tonight in houston and washington post fact checker hitting president as well for
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his claims yesterday there is a 77 cent wage gap between men and women, they awarded him two pinnochios for the lie. according to labor department, you take into, count hours work, job, education, back ground, wage gap is between 5 to 7 cents not 23 centss. a triple digit move to the upside on wall street, we call it a rally, dow surging 181. s&p up 20, nazdaq up 91. are you kidding. no. i'm not kidding. wilshire 5,000, crude oil up, eye wil$1. gold down 3 dollars.
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yield on 10 year, unchanged. 2.68, lao la quinta shares up 1% in bank of america reaching a settlement with recession lawsuit or over claim its useed deceptive credit card practices. kristine short will be here to tell us what is driving this market today higher. >> a doctor under investi for medicare fraud, the doctor tieed to new jersey senator bob menendez, john gibson, tammy bruce in just moments right here. i'm nathan and i quit smoking with chantix. when my son was born, i remember, you know,
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lou: toyota is recalling now more than 6.4 million vehicles world wide because of airbags that may not deploy, seats that could move in the crash, they involve corolla matrix, highlander tacoma, rav 4, and yaris compact cars, i cheer on the japanese because of the tsunami, earthquake, fukushima dai-ichi plant, i hate to see them get hit like this. they have worked so hard to get back, volkswagen recalls about 150,000 passat mid size cars, headlinheadlights can be damagef the hoods are closed too roughly. >> so be careful. >> a word of the day equalty --
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quality. standard of excellence. measures in construct of a thing, house, paintsing car or truck. quality, an essential characteristic of all we do, for you toyota. stocks rallying after minutes from fed's policy meeting reassures investors that a rate hike is not around the corner. joining us now, kristine sharp. >> great to be here. lou: you brought us 181 points rally, you and janet yellen and her colleagues who agreed, 6 1/2% unemployment. rates are not a proper metric for setting monetary policy. >> right, the market responded well, they reiterating the fact that rates will stay low, into fore ceasforeseeable future, chn
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saying we're not raising rates until see see unemployment and inflation back to better levels. lou: almost makes one think, maybeon y there thing that matters is fed policy, if rates are low, they are expandive if their views on loose money, easy money, what in the world is an investor to do but push money into this market. that would not be very prudent. >> we think, interests at this level wil will encourage a rebod in housing market and the gdp, we should not expect a change in rates until 2015, a year out of the way, visitors are not focused or concerned about interest rate matter, and you know hopefully we'll see certain indicators suc such as housing k
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up during that time. lou: housing has become problematic, almost a sure thing, one would think about 8 months ago, sort of dissipateed into you know ern serty, and -- uncertainty and disappointment. you see is restoreing. >> last couple of months february new home sales were not as strong as they were in january, you have to factor in weather. everyone citeing bad weather. >> reporter: we did. >> you do have to take it to, count, investor will look for is thing thaw. will we see improving numbers, to spring and summinger? lou: bounce back today, in biotech, in technology. some impressive bounces, are we talking about a dead-cat-bounce? >> you know, i think it was over exaggerateeed sell-off in last few days, you have to consider
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that you know, last week, early this week, tech stocks were selling off they were trading at lofty valuations, you have to expect at some points there would be a correct they were overstretched that is what we saw, now last two days they rebounded. lou: our outlook for the year? >> positive, you know, again looking at inflation, if it stays at these reassureing levels we could it could ib flew en housing -- influence housing and gdp, skpeupb rate -- and is sets backdrop. if you look out rift of 2014, and into 2014, we're seeing record levels of earnings per share for s&p 500. lou: we can say so far, so good. kristine thank you. >> thank you. lou: a reminder to listen to my financial reports 3 times a day coast-to-coast on sal salem rado
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network. looking at results from last night's polly question. do you believe john kerry? vote in the poll. question is, do you think that this administration will stand as a beacon of integrity for all-time? vote at, later the kwoeutation of the day. -- quotation of the day. tied to atmosphereics in our nation's capital. >> 2000 residents of moore, oklahoma, chaseed west borrow baptist church members out of their town. claiming that the tornado was a punishment from god for the world's condoneing of homo
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homosexualty, they town let them know they were not welcome. >> tensions rising in ukraine and black sea, politicians fighting, demonstrator cal callg for reform, u.s. sinning a guideeeded missile destroyer ino the black sea, our fleet numbers, one. it and we're just . (agent) i understand. (dad) we've never sold a house before. (agent) i'll walk you guys through every step. (dad) so if we sell, do you think we can swing it? (agent) i have the numbers right here and based on the comps that i've found, the timing is perfect. ...there's a lot of buyers for a house like yours. (dad) that's good to know. (mom) i'm so excited.
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when folks in the lower 48 think athey think salmon and energy.a, but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. thousands of people here in alaska are working to safely produce more energy. but that's just the start. to produce more from existing wells, we need advanced technology. that means hi-tech jobs in california and colorado. the oil moves through one of the world's largest pipelines. maintaining it means manufacturing jobs in the midwest. then we transport it with 4 state-of-the-art, double-hull tankers. some of the safest, most advanced ships in the world: built in san diego with a $1 billion investment. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. and no energy company invests more in the u.s. than bp. when we set up operation in one part of the country,
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people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. a short word that's a tall order. up your game. up the ante. and if you stumble, you get back up. up isn't easy, and we ought to know. we're in the business of up. everyday delta flies a quarter of million people while investing billions improving everything from booking to baggage claim. we're raising the bar on flying and tomorrow we will up it yet again.
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♪ lou: tensions continued to run high in ukraine. the country's interior minister warned the eastern part of the country will be resolved by force or through talks with in the next 48 hours. dismissing concerns about its intentions insisting its troops on the border with ukraine pose no threat. the russians, again, accused the united states of bribing. the u.s. navy, meanwhile, a guided missile destroyer to the black sea in an effort to reassure allies in the region. joining as now former pentagon official, fox these national security analyst.
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you believe this administration foreign policy is absolutely -- >> collapsing. lou: at this point are you focused primarily on the middle east, russia? >> i think, you know, all of the above. they start with the middle east. uranium for nuclear weapons. there will be dire consequences if they break the agreement. the sanctions have been lifted. there is no ability to get more sanctions put on. so in effect they have a booming economy. let's look around the rest of the region. israel, egypt, saudi arabia, traditional american allies don't trust this anymore. europe, well, the european leaders with the united states. we had somehow not been able to bridge that gap. the russians are moving. they already have crimea. they're moving potentially to take political control over
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eastern ukraine. imago all the way to challenge nato, and i have not even gotten to china yet. lou: i thought personally, it's just confounds that suddenly crimea is no longer part of the discussion. it is like it is now russian territory. how can that be? >> remember, i mean, six weeks ago, dairen serious consequences if russia does a step back from crimea. as you pointed out within two weeks of a sudden the problem is a bigger one than all the things is the sense that we have an administration, dire consequences, serious consequences and never backs off it would be better not to put those red lines out there. as a result we now have allies that don't trust us and adversaries that certainly don't fear arrest.
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lou: how can this administration , the world is fraught, not to coin a phrase, with peril. this administration seems to be utterly in sensitive. no antenna. the intents of the motivations of the nations that like russia who can become very quickly our geopolitical enemies. >> you bring up a really good point. why are they surprised? i think why they are surprised, first i used to think it is a learning curve. they will learn from them. i have not concluded it is deliberate. there's a mindset that says america, presidents should not be this superpower. we will all be equal, in the same playing field, international governance. there is no one country.
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i think that goes against surf really history where we had thought. lou: what you are describing, treasonous if that were to be the intention in my judgment. secondly, it is madness. one would turn over one's destiny to china, russia, the nation states that support terrorism and abandon simultaneously and contemporaneously our obligations to our allies, whether they be native, israel, saudi arabia, japan. >> japan, south korea, our allies. how else do you explain? the administration says it will give up control of the internet and let some big internet sneak teeseven national committee deal with it. lou: turning over open source on various programs. how do you explain that? the vast transfer of knowledge to china in particular.
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>> and not standing. lou: seemingly are unwittingly or consciously being compliant and implicit. >> i don't explain. i think that these guys are not that dumb. it is a deliberate sense. there will be a better place if the u.s. is taking down a path to. lou: when people preface about a person not being stupid, that is precisely often what they are. >> you can say that, i'm not going to. well, let again. ordered to pay more than $50 million to a company after losing a lawsuit. slick audio claimed the rapper stole the conceptual designs as
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designs of want to be for over the year headphones. he then took those designs to another manufacturer. the case bears some resemblance to the legal boss twins lawsuit against mark sucker burke. the twins, however, settle for $65 billion after climbing he stole their idea. well, times are different. we will be right back. a major medical breakthrough. some even call it a miracle. the scientists and paralyzed patients who can now move us again. they join us in studio and just they join us in studio and just one moment. gunderman group.
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gunderman group is growing. getting in a groove. growth is gratifying. goal is to grow. gotta get greater growth. growth? growth. i just talked to ups. they've got a lot of great ideas.
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like smart pick ups. they'll only show up when you print a label and it's automatic. we save time and money. time? money? time and money. awesome. awesome! awesome! awesome! awesome! awesome! awesome! awesome! (all) awesome! i love logistics. why relocatinganufacturingompany to upstate new york? i tell people it's for the climate. the conditions in new york state are great for business. new york is ranked #2 in the nation for new private sector job creation. and now it's even better because they've introduced startup new york - dozens of tax-free zones where businesses pay no taxes for ten years. you'll get a warm welcome in the new new york. see if your business qualifies at ♪ lou: time for tonight's online poll. to you believe this
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administration will stand as a beacon of integrity for all time cast your vote, tweet your response. leading us to our quotation of the day, chosen in part because of all going on in washington these days. awful misconduct from elected officials. some tortured truth, if it can be found anywhere near our nation's capital, that is. henry kissinger brought high intelligence to his service to the nation as national-security adviser, secretary of state, and he managed to work in a corrupt administration at the center of power and still maintain about his integrity and reputation. kissinger said of washington, corrupt politicians make the other 10 percent look bad. the percentages have improved in this administration. joining me now, the "a-team" with some of our favorite radio talk-show personalities and los
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angeles, tammy bruce, talks tree live radio host. good to have you with this. kate prc, katie our age, radio talk-show host, from dallas texas, fox news radio talk-show host jon gibson. great to have you guys here. gentlemen, starting with you, two fund-raisers and one memorial service. how does a play for you? >> par for the course. i mean, it is shocking. squeeze some fund-raisers in on a day you're going to deport him memorial. to we really expect anything different? i want to know if wendy davis, if she is going to get any of this money, she will think texans will appreciate obama raising money while he is here for the memorial for those killed. i think it probably will be an embarrassment. lou: what do you think? >> i think it is foolish.
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actually, when you think about it, this should be a no-brainer. if you are morning another slaughter of our military, our warriors, and you don't even consider canceling or putting off fund-raisers, it is strange. this transcends party politics, it transcends every other issue we are dealing with, and it just does not occur to them. that is what is so bizarre. when it comes to the perspective it is another indication of a disconnect between humanity and what is right and wrong verses this guy thinking he just uses everything through the lens of how it benefits them. lou: patrick, you are there enough money central, houston, texas. your thoughts? >> my thoughts, i am embarrassed for houston that there are democrats in this town, that there are texans, houstonians that are still willing to give this guy $64,000, $64,000 to sit
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down and have dinner with the sky. for $64,000 i better be having dinner with somebody way above the president of the united states. it is ghoulish, disgusting that this president would go to a memorial service and get on an airplane and come here to houston, screw up our traffic here in houston and go around glad handing, collecting money for the likes of sheila jackson lee and congressman al green. i am embarrassed for houston right now. lou: i want to try its the to elijah cummings, their ranking member today. the mccarthyism even as the committee has evidence that his office had gone directly to ms. lerner for briefings on issues relevant to the committee. your thoughts? >> you know, he is squealing like a little critter that has been stock. it sounds like elis a cummings'
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knew that sooner or later it was going to come out that he was trying his back and moved and that he lied about it when asked about it and has been trying to cast blame and trying to shift the blame. you know, so it comes out. oops. eliza, little embarrassed at the moment. probably not. once again, it is par for the course. lou: par for the course, it turns out texas getting a lot of air time tonight. dallas, irs office apparently looking like a campaign office, not the address is as the office of because of all of the obama screen savers, the bumper stickers, whatever it may be. this and t-shirts. how can this be happening in the federal government?
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>> well we will be seeing with the irs, that's all it's of the iceberg. suddenly it becomes as interest to facilitate and support the big government party is physically impossible, and natural shifts to self preservation. as a result automatically it just begins to break the law, that corruption becomes automatic. when you are looking -- that is just the dallas office. it will be everywhere. they are walking in, t-shirts, clearly a campaign dynamic. people were on the phone in one instance, the irs workers were campaigning over the phone to taxpayers they were talking to. these are things that we have to see and not isolated incidents is any more and especially when they see no one in washington is being held accountable either. that is kind of that green coat button. >> i want to turn to the
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president getting to pinocchio's today. women are making $0.77 and men and dollar. there is this huge gender gap. turns out the best number is somewhere around $0.5. >> and listen, if you go part-time jobs and take out, you know, women that are married, raising children, in many cases they're making more than men, but that was conveniently left out. jay carney, the carpet because the white house was paying women to work in the white house $0.88. it is aggregated. well, he is right. this is exactly what the semesters and does. they don't care what the results are. they don't care what is actually going on. they want you to feel something. lou: i am feeling the pressure from my control room saying that we have to wrap. thank you. thank you. we are coming right back. >> of pleasure. lou:
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so i can reach ally bank 24/7, but there are no branches? 24/7. i'm sorry, i'm just really reluctant to try new things. really? what's wrong with trying new things? look! mommy's new vacuum! (cat screech) you feel that in your muscles? i do... drink water. it's a long story. well, not having branches let's us give you great rates and service. i'd like that. a new way to bank. a better way to save. ally bank. your money needs an ally.
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♪ lou: is a exciting, almost incredible medical breakthrough that made the difference for millions of americans who are paralyzed with spinal injuries. team of doctors were able to restore some voluntary movement for four men who were told there would never move their legs again. a complete understanding of his ground-breaking development, we are joined by one of the senior researchers, a sister professor at the university of louisville, kentucky century research center . rob summers who was paralyzed in a 2006 accident. great to have you here. i want to say congratulations. you have to be wondering what this really means. those who were paralyzed could
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suddenly have movement, have sensory feeling returned. tell us about it. >> that is correct. one of the very and expected results was when we implanted for a strong. he is the one that found out for us that he could voluntarily move. we were doing the testing for something completely different. he was a little bored at the time. he tried to move his toe. it moved. lou: did you think he was messing with you? >> yes, we did. bsn to do it again and again and again. he moved every time we ask him to. lou: will was coursing through your mind? >> i was sitting there with my head trainer. we were in the middle of an experiment. we started laughing. on command he looked over me,
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this is serious time. a think this is pretty cool. you guys might want to check out they said, no, you can't. lou: what was different that day in that moment than any other day? >> the initial study was developed. we never thought that the activity would give restored. we never thought about asking them. it was something that ron adjusted at the time. lou: what is the difference in treatment? what is the specter? what is it too and have is to it ? >> the difference that we know now with the additional individuals that we implanted was that you actually do not need to add training to regain a voluntary activity. so the next three individuals were able to move for the first
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time. lou: the first time? >> on the simulation was on. what we are doing is pretty much working out since and making it a where of the signals that are coming down. the brain only has to send a very simple command. and then it takes care of all the details. lou: how much of your body functions have been restored that previously were paralyzed? >> previously i had no movement from the chest down. very little sensation. stand independently, with the stereo and ron regain movement and even most recently have been able to do situps. regain the sensation of hot and cold, sharp touch most recently
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been able to feel the breeze against my leg. a tickling sensation. a lot of people don't necessarily think about bladder function, bowel function, sexual function. all restored. there in the course of the day throughout, how does that work. >> now, for the functions that he just described as a secondary functions that are showing improvement. those improvements are lasting even after some lenders stop. lou: and i was just thinking, secondary function. lou: a great, great congratulations and thanks to you. >> and it is leading to a greater quality of life.
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ultimately some many others. it. lou: and how four very fortunate people were selected for this initial research, how quickly can it be expanded to those? >> we are going to increase by another four. and then we are going to slowly tried to move this. we have some hurdles in terms of technology, but we are trying to address those as well and try to develop a new simulator. hopefully this will become a chemical treatment. lou: how much help, raised hopes for those who are and have spawned or injuries this represents the breakthrough. >> well, i think that we were in this path right now.
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we will continue to look into expanding our population. we can be more sure that this is truly going to work for everybody. lou: you have our support, thanks. god bless. appreciate you being here. up next, my commentary on the significance of the medical breakthrough that we just talked about. that and your comments coming right out. stay with us.
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lou: we are all grateful for the opportunity to meet and to talk. it is wonderful to watch the
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mayor created by some much and so many, the commitment of brilliant doctors, scientists and so much money that we have donated and paid in taxes. the lives of 6 million americans who have suffered spinal injuries, to those patients to persevere, courageously in door and maintain their spirits and sustain there hopes that a cure will be found. that day, that day is approaching. and it will be making a lot of money. i cannot think of a much worthier costs than providing support for what has been created by dr. angeles and all of her colleagues and what has culminated in a real breakthrough. to take this break through to all 6 million people will take a lot of money. we hope you will support their efforts. it will change the lives of millions or ever. we all pray for that miracle. well, for a few of your comments
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jack in georgia e-mail me to say ms. lerner may be held in contempt, but this is a fruitless exercise unless there is jail time or a large fine. well, they are trying. bob tweeted me to say if the gop wants to lose in 2016 have a bullish and christie ticket. that is what they need, one more recipe on how to lose the 2016. ed tweeted me to say, give us a man with a visit to restore liberty, rights, free market, and has no family ties to the existing politicians. interesting way to put it. we love hearing from you. e-mail us. follow us on twitter. go to our facebook page. the links for everything. the author each and every night receive a free copy of my book, of people. that is it for us tonight. thank you for being with us.
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mike huckabee, a conservative author and the five co-host's. we will see you then. good night from new york. mine was earned in korea in 1953. afghanistan, in 2009. orbiting the moon in 1971. [ male announcer ] once it's earned, usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protecon. and because usaa'commitment to serve current and former military members andheir families is without equal. begin your legacy. get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. i have a great fit with my dentures. i love kiwis. i've always had that issue with the seeds getting under my denture. super poligrip free -- it creates a seal of the dentures in my mouth. even well-fitting dentures let in food particles. super poligrip is zinc free. with just a few dabs,
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ameriprise created the exclusive confident retirement approach. to get the real answers you need. start building your confident retirement today. neil: more than a week, those 7 million new health care enrollees. why hasn't anyone in the media bothered to read that is the real story. not the numbers we have already proven are bogus. more than a week later complained mainstream media has not even bother to check. welcome everybody. i'm neil cavuto. that is our top story tonight. it is almost as if they don't care or maybe they knew and adjust board. the nonpartisan research firm now estimates that 9 billion americans get insurance coverage since the affordable care act came to be. it sounds great. well, not quite.


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