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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  April 14, 2014 7:00pm-8:01pm EDT

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in english, we are on your side. we don't take ourselves so seriously or find ourselves married to the prompter. see you tomorrow. >> this is "lou dobbs tonight." lou: good evening, everybody. a dramatic withdrawal by the federal government after meeting armed and determined resistance by nevada rancher bundy, his family, friends, hundreds of supporters from neighboring states. but this is more than a simple story of a western rancher standing up against an abusive power and use of overwhelming force by the federal government. and it certainly is not about the federal government stewardship of western lands and preservation of wildlife on the high desert. in this instance, merely doing what it must to protect a
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tortoise. one that isn't endangered and one which the u.s. fish and wildlife service has admitted to euthanizing them. the cowboys in freedom won this weekend and overreaching federal bureaucrats were forced to turn tail. what has the most powerful man in the united states senate, however, majority leader harry reid and his son who failed in a bid for the nevada governorship involved themselves in this effort to crush one individual citizen. there are reports tonight chinese energy giant is actively targeting the land in question for solar plant project with roy reads help. and the principal director of the bureau of federal law management, the bureaucracy of the center of this conflict is the senior policy advisor. we turn now to fox news
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correspondent live on the ground in bunker ville, nevada, with the latest for us. william. >> the bureau of land management problems began thursday after this video hit youtube. reaction was swift, self-described patriots and hundreds of armed militia members began streaming into bunker bill, nevada. >> we care about our country, we care about our land, our fellow countrymen. >> get out of here, government. >> he has grazing rights he claims predate federal authority established here in 1934. >> our united states government think they can rule in a state of nevada clark county with unlimited power. >> so in 1994 when it was listed as endangered and withdrew his grazing rights, and he refused to comply. losing court appeals three times.
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last week federal agents executed a court order rounding up nearly 400 cows, that's when things get heated. bundy supporters closed a freeway and threatened to free his cattle using three dozen cowboys on horseback backed up by militia in firing positions. >> it is not just about guns, throws out a well related militia for the security of a free state. if that's not what happened yesterday? >> after a 30 minute standoff, the fed released the cows. >> those cattle are ours. they stole them from us. >> is separated the caps from the mothers. 18 orphans as of monday. >> they were drawn up. obviously they hadn't had any milk to drink from the mothers for several days. >> as the last rancher in clark county, bundy claims they're using the tortoise as a ruse to force him and others off public land to make claim for the solar
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zone adjacent to the grazing land. they call it more than a coincidence. the new director is a former policy to senator harry reid. he endorsed the judge originally ruled against bundy for a seat on the supreme court. while his son is a lobbyist for chinese energy giant, which proposed building a $5 million solar plant in clark county. so here's the irony. turtles and solar also don't mix according to environmentalists who are suing for approving solar permits in tortoise habitat is. the blm considers him an outlaw and did beat and will go after him in the court. senator reid said late today this is not over and that clyde and monday should not be permitted to break the law. lou: thank you very much.
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no one should be above the law. our first guest tonight says the problem is and that he didn't pay user fees or fines, it has nothing to do with whether his cattle were bothering tortoises, it is simply he is not a harry reid donor. joining us, conservative radio talk show host, anchor of the show on the blaze tv network. good to have you with us. you have been following this story. i mean, these relationships amongst senator reid, his son, rory, the federal government. even governor sandoval has been to china to glad hand with the group's executives. what is going on here? >> that's the million dollars question, isn't it, lou?
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if there wasn't this sort of in such with relationships between all of these donors and these individuals who had worked with senator reid, it would be fair to say there is probably nothing going on here. but unfortunately there is precedence which otherwise. we know for a fact there are a number of projects of harry reid donors that have received the golden stamp of approval from the bureau of land management and the same particular area. one of those was harvey widmar. he was convicted of illegal campaign contributions by the tens of thousands of dollars to harry reid. he had a development in the same area. the desert tortoise was in the way, very conveniently senator harry reid after he reportedly approached the senator the bureau of land management conveniently moved the boundary line of the tortoise habitat to better accommodate harvey widmar who was convicted of campaign contributions. the law is the law. it needs to be consistently applied because what is the law
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if it is inconsistently applied and what is the law if this is the law that is sort of based upon a bastardization of constitutional law and what state lies dictating regarding private property. these are all questions finally coming up because it is not just nevada, lou. there is this situation unfolding in new mexico, private property in colorado, the same thing in utah. it is kind of the battle in the west. lou: a classic struggle. what we are also watching here is without question whatsoever when you bring 200 federal agents and law enforcement agents up against one man in what turned out to be more than a few hundred of his friends, they started out with a ratio of 200:1. that is just repulsive, repugnant as it can be for any american whether they live in
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nevada or new york city. >> it is very heavy-handed indeed. i don't know why it was on the left of the state and law localw enforcement to handle this. i have spoke to cliven bundy. he stopped paying fees and all he wanted to pay the county after they were essentially using his money against him to wage a terror of running them out which they succeed with everybody else. you raise a good point, how much did it cost to you think for 200 agents and for helicopters to stampede these cattle into holding areas? i think they spent double be a couple million dollars on this operation. lou: the most recent number i saw was over $3 million, which makes no sense until you realize harry reid's former senior policy advisor. the in situ is in her
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relationships here seem to speak to something much larger and frankly sinister beyond simply a government trying to parch one citizen as if that weren't enough. where do you think we go from here? >> i it's going to end up in the court. harry reid just now later today finally mentioned while this isn't over, you can't have individuals just sort of ignoring the law. that is interesting because it comes back to consistency. people who donated to harry reid inconsistent, so it will be left up to the court opening up this big battle as to what the bureau of land management role is. will this be something owned by the state, managed by a federal entity? that is what the fight is going to be about. i think we're going to be see the battle go on for a long time. lou: we appreciate it.
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the "washington post" reported on what they call a beneficial relationship between hillary clinton and pulling. the poorly served as a powerful ally helping the company secured $3.7 billion deal with russia buying a dozen aircraft octobe october 2009, and part of that is just business as usual. a month later they helpe out by passing ethics guidelines passing $2 billion to host a pavilion at an upcoming world fair. in 2010 bowling donated $900,000 to the clinton foundation. they were grateful and helped rebuild schools in haiti. they describe the ties as mutually beneficial. but does not go beyond that. on wall street, stocks snapped a two day losing streak.
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up 146 points, s&p up 15, the nasdaq rose 23. crude oil above $104 per barrel, gold up $8 closing above 13.27 per ounce. the yield on the 10-year at 10.64% tonight. retail sales rose 1.1% last month, that's the biggest monthly gain since 2012. citigroup shares up more than 4% today. reporting better-than-expected earnings. and announcing it will acquire investments at $6.3 billion de deal. general motors announcing a departure of two senior executives as ceo mary barat calmest accountability. in the ignition switch recall scandal. former president bill clinton is back in the idea of adding photos to social security cards so people can use them as voter id. mr. clinton i'm sure is not
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aware social security cards are among the most easily replicated unlawfully, most common financial fraud in america using them and security experts recommending never keeping your card on your purse, storing it in a safe place. words to live by. stay with us. >> a russian fighter jet over the uss donald cook and the black sea, is that provocation or is it reckless to send one ship into harms way? kt mcfarland is here next. peace of mind is important when you're running a business. century link provides reliab it services like multi-layered security solution to keep your information safe & secure. century link. your link with what's next.
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lou: rush ignoring the obama
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administration warnings about engaging and provocative actio actions, military officials say russian fighter jet made a number of close range passes near a u.s. navy warship in the black sea. the ship uss donald cook. it was 1000 yards distance, it lasted more than an hour and a half saturday. the crew aboard the donald cook made a number of efforts to radio the jet fighter asking the pilot about his intentions. sending warnings to remain at a safe distance. the russian pilot however apparently trend of vladimir putin himself, never responded. president obama called putin earlier as activist taken their control in eastern ukraine. they say the government buildings and other cities. joining us, fox's national security analyst kt mcfarland. great to have you here. i have to say i was a little surprised today when the u.s.
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military determine this provocative. it was 1000 yards offshore and about 500 feet above the surface. so what's the big deal? >> the big deal is you're not supposed to be doing that sort of thing. when our ship asks what they're doing, they got no response. it is provocative, but it is far less provocative and everything else. seeming to make a lot of speeches, threatened consequences not deliver any consequences. lou: who is being provocative here? we sent a ship into the black sea. some might consider that to be certainly within the reasonable if unpleasant power of russia rather than the united states. suddenly they had deposited a
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ship between cuba and our gulf coast. >> we have a long-standing agreement with russia how many ships can be in the black sea. this is something we have done in the past. i have talked to captains who have gone into the black sea. this is nothing new. lou: thank goodness the russians haven't made an issue of it or we would have real trouble. because if we're going to do this sort of thing, seems to me we sort of ought to send, don't know why we should hold hostage by our own volition and hair group of ships or a fleet in the black sea. why would we create such vulnerability of our power and our naval? >> i agree with you and everything you say. this time i disagree. the united states has a right to be there, we should not run and
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hide. that is what we are doing throughout this entire crisis. we did not want to be provocative, we don't want to share any intelligence with ukrainians. in advance telegraph to everybody what we are not going to do. to the point we now have a crisis. lou: it seems to me if you want to start a war, put a destroyer and give them a clean shot of it because that is exactly what we have done. are we trying to be provocative? i hope not but that could be the interest on the part of the russian. the other part of this, if we need to do something, why do we take such baby steps? i would think you'd be upset they would sit there and put at risk one destroyer and everybody aboard that so somebody could give lip service to the fact they are not just rolling over here. this is such an inconsequential threat to the russians that they
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are quite happy to ignore it. i think they look like fools. >> i think we look like fools so much for this putting the ship we have every right to have in the black sea, but we look like fools where the administration keeps saying they will have serious consequences if you don't get out of crimea. lou: does anybody really listen to this president? he is speaking is total nonsense way talks about consequences because everyone, most importantly the russians, now he is full of beans. >> here's why it's important. if we make these are serious threats and don't carry them out, that only emboldens put in. i think it is a done deal now, he will take eastern ukraine if you want to take it. lou: is this your judgment? >> what he wants is political domination. lou: intends to take more territory in ukraine. >> i don't think it necessarily needs to send in the tanks.
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i don't think he stops with crimea and eastern ukraine. this is his best move, his best time to take back a lot of areas he wants and i particularly think it is all about wanting russian space. not after the speech he gave about america has lied to him and cheated him and stolen russian property and made a fight against the russian people. i think this is now personal. lou: which is not an inconsiderable consideration. thank you very much. time for a look at last friday's online poll results. we asked you to vote of the leadership of both parties has ever been weaker in your judgment. 84% said no. be sure to vote tonight, do you believe the question goes that
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harry reid and his son have sold out american interest to the chinese. cast your vote at it has everything to do. now the weekend box office where it was the battle of the sequel. captain america retaining the top spot earning $41.4 million from disney. the animated sequel putting up a good fight finishing a close second. $39 million for fox. go fox. $12 million in ticket sales. we are coming right back. stay with us. >> democrats following one of their oldest tactics instead of promoting obamacare, they scream racism.
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next, marsha blackburn. predicting the future is a pretty difficult thing to do. but, manufacturing in the united states means advanced technology. we learned that technology allows us to be craft oriented. no one's losi their job. there's no beer robot that has suddenly chased them out. the technology is actually creating new jobs. siemens designed and built the right tools and resources to get the job done.
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a short word that's a tall order. up your game. up the ante. and if you stumble, you get back up. up isn't easy, and we ought to know. we're in the business of up.
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everyday delta flies a quarter of million people while investing billions improving everything from booking to baggage claim. we're raising the bar on flying and tomorrow we will up it yet again. ♪ with equity experts... who work with regional experts... that's when expertise happens. mfs. because there is no expertise without collaboration. lou: another democrat, the third in a week suggesting racism is a
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big problem for the republicans. the latest comment from the chairman of the democratic congressional campaign committee. >> you think your republican colleagues are racist? >> not all of them, no, of course not. but to a significant extent the republican base does have elements of animated by racism. lou: joining us now, marsha blackburn. a member of the house budget committee and it is great to have you with us. i have to ask you, what in the world, that was such a precious little statement. >> the american people are so tired of hearing get this tight rhetoric, looking at an issue,
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this is an issue we cannot seem to get addressed in a way american people like to see addressed with criminal interest being handled with those who have overstated their visa exiting the country. that requires ice to go through reforms. people would like to see an orderly process and to say we will not do anything and make it a political issue. i think it is really sad. lou: i said i fully support and endorse the house judiciary committee chairman's incremental approach to immigration reform putting forward for bills for his committee keeping the condition that we secure the borders reasonably so. this is not a complicated issue. people willing to accept less
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than a full load here, this could have been resolved 10 years ago. >> it could have, it would have. at that point serving on the committee with the chairman, laying out the incremental process. one of my constituents summed it up for me, why in the world would we trust this president in this administration when they have such a tough time abiding by the rule of law, implementing the rule past, why would we want to say okay, do something comprehensive. we want them to take one single issue at a time, deal with the issue, congress can i get excited into law the president and heavy administration and the president abide by the rule of law. they have lost trust in this
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administration. my constituents are spot on on that, orderly process, take a step and see where we go with the next one. lou: there is also to keep this fair and balanced some considerable distrust of republican leadership including speaker john boehner who made a lot of noises about wanting to move forward with a compromise. even coniston paul ryan who had never been particularly vocal on the issue wanted to talk about what is effectively a g8 style of amnesty. jed bush steps up and starts talking about illegal immigration. i guess that would be acts of love. your reaction to that kind of language and frankly that kind of undercutting of real leadership on a part of the republican party, specifically in the house and the part of the judiciary committee. >> there can be distrust and the
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satisfaction of wanted to go around and i don't blame people for being upset with congress right now. there are a couple of things that do get lost in this process and one of those is fairness. what is fair to the legacy of service and sacrifice that so many have made for our country. what is fair to future generations depending on us to be a sovereign nation and to have to pay the bill for the missteps of today. it behooves us to make certain that we secure our borders first, and that we deal with the enforcement issues a second, and that we require the federal government, wouldn't it be nice to mandate the federal government do something and mandating ice get its house in order and restate these quotas they follow and exit people once they have finished their time on their visa and enforce the rule of law.
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i have to tell you, i talk to people all over the country, to them that makes sense. maybe this is a good issue to bring it back on. lou: in short supply. great to have you with us. lou: setting a new record the most expensive single-family home in america. what a single-family home. a french renaissance style home measuring 13,000 square feet, 12 bedrooms, 75-foot pool coming with two islands, about a mile of beachfront sold for $120 million. sounds right to me, how about you? we will be right back. kathleen sibelius finally admits
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other than the portion that is in private ownership by the bundy family. the fact is, the american people put the federal government in charge of managing it.
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they said, collect some fees for its use. anytime i wanted to use the government's land that should have t
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>> the same kind of slur by a republican against democrats, there would be a full-scale launch from the mainstream media to demand its retraction. instead what we did is, oh, well, we know that the republicans are racist. it is ugly, and he ought to retract it. lou: and in time i think you will see exactly that happen. i believe the blow back here is sufficiently -- the democrats use such language, you know, with one label. that is ignorance. that think they are going to learn very quickly that it's time has passed as an effective
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tactic for them. as you said, think you for being here. thank you, sir. tillman, good to talk. a reminder to vote on our poll. so that american interest to the chinese. tweet your response. reading as to the quotation of the day because so much of this is about coincidence. of famous expression. once it's happenstance, twice as coincidence. three times as enemy action. ian fleming said that. as in, do you believe it is a coincidence that one story that includes senator harry reid, is signed, the committee on foreign investment in the united states, the chinese government, the energy company enn, clark county commission, the state of nevada, governor bryan sandoval, the bureau of land management, 900 head of cattle and a federal
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effort to protect sources that are not in danger but are in fact being murdered. let me rephrase that, euthanize by the fish and wildlife service. do you believe that much, and that much coincidence? everyone in north america gets a front-row seat for are rare total lunar eclipse beginning at 1:00 a.m. eastern. the sun, moon and earth will align. and the earth's shadow will fall across the moon's surface shifting its color from bright orange to a blood red to brown. it is the blood moon. and if you message, don't worry. it is the first of four total lunar eclipses that will take place over the next year-and-a-half. one a.m. tonight. and nasa announcing it has signed a 20-year lease with a private company for a launch pad at kennedy space center, planning its first manned launch in 200016.
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up next, the dow jones industrial shaking up from midday sell-off on its weight to what became a triple digit rally the new york mallon on what is driving these markets now. stay with us. [ male announcer ] legalzoom has helped start over 1 million businesses. if you have a buness idea, we have a personalized legal solution that's right for you. with easy step-by-step guidance, we're here to help you turn your dream into a reali. start your business today with legalzoom. we're here to help you turn your dream into a reali.
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♪ lou: the word of the evening is coincidence. do you really believe all those folks along with a herd of cattle and euthanize tortoises have come together and as single story and really amount to nothing more than pure coincidence? coincidence. the word of the evening. the events that occur contemporaneously with no known cause a relationship. stocks rebounding on strong earnings. joining us now with his outlook, global market strategist, managing director.
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good to have you here. this looks like a rejuvenated market this fine, beautiful day. >> things have changed significantly in the last 24 hours. probably help that we had a better than expected retail sales report for march with an nuys revision to the prior month that reversed what we saw last friday following the larger than expected price report. >> the earnings estimates, you can argue of a bit about the circumstances, but the fact is, it was a smart and well received earnings beat. >> you go back a little over a week ago, it's been jittery about what extent the economy was going to recover. non-farm payroll was a disappointment. think that the market was set up by the treasury market. it was looking at maybe three
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double low. it did not get what it wanted from non-farm payrolls. reverse course, a classic short squeeze. equities sell-off in bonds rally which is what we saw last week. it really got overdone. >> when one does look into this market for rational behavior, you know, when once and it becomes irrational what is driving this market right now? we look at what is happening with earnings. there are very few disappointments. looks like were going to hold with expectations, but it's obviously too early. we are seeing some gratifying metrics year on the economy. where does this market go? is it a matter of valuation? what is going to drive the market higher or lower? >> well, we are a lot one or two years into a multi-year cycle of about six to seven years. we are headed higher in terms of equities. they're is a great rotation
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taking place that is feeding equities that will continue for the next four years. has been largely out of cash. as long as inflation remains low and interest rates remain low it will likely continue to be just cash. once interest rates begin to rise with inflation you will start to see the rotation out of bonds and equities. lou: long anticipated, long awaited, and long overdue. >> indeed. but then so as fed policy. lou: well, fed policy, it appears we're being told by the chair, and janet yellen that whatever it takes she is going to effectively reflate the economy. >> well, good luck. certainly we are going to get to the end of this and finish with quantitative easing. we are not likely to see a rate hike in the first half of next year, and we are beginning to speculate that we will see it next year and all. that pushes to 2016 and then people are talking about the next election cycle.
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>> that also presumes that the president is somehow on about to raise interest rates and that it cannot influence rates lower in the face of rising inflation. thank you so much. appreciated. as usual we hope you're right. thank you for being with us. a reminder to listen to my financial reports three times a day coast to coast on the salem radio network for all of the day's biggest and best market and business news. up next, my commentary on senator harry reid involvement. the nevada cattle ranch standoff between our government and our citizens. here next. up your game. up the ante. and if you stumble, you get back up. up isn't easy, and we ought to know. we're in the business of up. everyday delta flies a quarter of million people
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lou: of few words tonight about truth, justice, and the american way. his family and his friends prevailed against federal agencies trying to crush them all under the weight of our federal government. but this fight is not over by any means. in fact, the bureau of land management as much as says the fight will go on in court and whatever other course they choose to take. that is why we on this broadcast will be watching all the way because there are just too many unexplained relationships end this standoff between the powerful federal government's and one citizen, one man who had the guts to stand of. a lot of questions remain. why did the bureau of land management act so and scrupulously and bring such overwhelming force against one citizen. is it a coincidence that senator harry reid son represents the
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chinese company that bought land in nevada well below market value? a coincidence that the head of the bureau of land management is senator reid's former senior policy adviser? is all of this pure coincidence? why would reid and his oldest son, both deeply involved with a plan by chinese and indian in group to build a huge solar farm in southern nevada? is it also a coincidence that the judge who originally ruled against bundy was recently elevated to the federal appellate bench would read support and endorsement? lots of unanswered questions. unlikely coincidences to unwind in the story. von's that just simply does not make sense. as an old friend and mentor of mine used to say, if things don't make sense of lift a rug. you will likely find the mouse
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or rat. we will be looking. time now for a few of your comments. mike tweeted me to say it government enforced immigration laws as hard as they are grazing rights it would be no border problems. right you are. he treated me to say come of the obama administration used the same tactics on our southern border no one would enter illegally. see that thing? and carol e-mail the saying remember gibson guitar? the address in going out conservative and tea party groups looks like the feds are going after single entities to destroy them. we want to year from you. send us your e-mails. follow us on twitter. go to our facebook page. links to everything found. the authors of the comments we read your each evening receives a free copy of one of my book. that's it for us. thank you for being with us.
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oversight judiciary committee member congressman trade goudy and best-selling author of the amateur and a decline among our guests. please be with us. good night from new york.
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tomorrow. ♪ neil: have you finished filing your taxes yet? hope you are honest and hope you made note of the line above your signature under penalty of perjury i declare i have examined this statement and to the best of my knowledge and belief it is true, correct and complete. talk about heavy-handed. better make sure you're being honest when it comes to the u.s. government. do not assume it works the other way. lying to the government might be a crime for us, but the government lied to us is standard practice for the government. we have to sign on the dotted line under threat of perjury, the governme


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