tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business April 19, 2014 8:00pm-9:01pm EDT
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the starting points. for matt and kmele, i am kennedy. this is lou dobbs tonight. good evening, everybody. evidence tonight that the internal revenue service was not content to simply target conservative groups and deny them tax exempt status. they also worked to prosecute those groups despite an admission from former irs official lois lerner herself that there was no basis for such prosecution. politicized the ir has become. obtaining e-mails through the freedom of information act show
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lerner with conversations with the department of justice, conversations on how they would pursue conversations with those conservative groups applying for tax exempt status. the documents contain a conversation between lerner, the chief of staff, the former irs director steven miller, discussing how they would work with the department of justice to accomplish their goal. miller, you may remember, visited the white house 118 times from 2010 to 2011. on may 8th of last year lerner wrote, quote, i got a call today from richard hilliar, the director of elections crimes branch at doj. he wanted to know who at irs the d.o.j. folks could talk to about senator whitehouse's idea that d.o.j. could piece together false statement cases about applicants who, quote, lied, end
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quote, on their 1024s. doj is feeling like it needs to respond but wants to talk to the right folks at irs to see whether there are impediments from our side. i told him it sounded like we might need several folks from irs. but a message sent minutes later shows lerner admitting no such evidence existed. lerner wrote whether there was a false statement or fraud regarding a description of an alleged political expenditure that doesn't say vote for or against is not realistic under current law. everyone is looking for a magic bullet or scapegoat. there isn't one. she admitted to an aide that zero liberal groups had been targeted despite claims to the contrary, only conservative groups. as we've reported here extensively, lerner has been
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referred to the same department of justice for criminalprosecut and means committee. she faces a contempt of congress vote before the full house of representatives. the obama white house is now not only under no obligation, it seems, to be open, transparent on any number of political challenges to the nation. for example, the effort to obfuscate the number of americans under obamacare by changing questions in the census bureau's annual survey to examine what is happening now with the obama administration, joining us one of the country's foremost political strategists, a one-man compendium of political history, former reagan white house political director, leading republican strategist, ed rollins. >> thank you. >> nice to be with you, lou. >> this is an extraordinary step to change, to altar the censnsu
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so that we don't have revelations or disclosure about important information. >> there are three elements of the federal government, two that you fear most voters or most americans fear, one is the irs and one is the justice department. you hope the justice department is enforcing the law and the irs is enforcing the tax laws. the census bureau is going out and getting the most confidential documents and information on people. you expect them all to function in a nonpartisan way in which they are basically above any partisanship. these three entities have been extremely partisanship, have done everything they can to handicap conservatives, handicap people's rights to vote and participate and obviously they're now basically caught and they don't want to disclose what it is. ms. lerner was an important official in the department of the irs. she's been summoned before a committee. she should basically testify to the truth. she's avoided that like a criminal would in a mafia trial.
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>> we have just received, by the way, a fox news -- do we have that available yet? let's take a look at that, and this has just come in to fox on the issue of this administration's credibility. the president's capacity for lying because that is the word used in this poll and the question is how often does president obama lie on important matters? most of the time, 37%. some of the time, 24%. only now and then, 20% of the time. only 15% say never. this goes to the heart of the man's integrity, to the heart of the man's credibility. >> when you get into those kinds of numbers, if you do business with someone that you think half the time is lying to you or you basically deal with the school child in a classroom that lies to you half the time, you very quickly lose credibility. the problem with this administration, it's hard to
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believe anything, whether it's the health care statistics, the you be employment statistics, irs enforcement rules, justice department. i think once you lose that credibility you get diminished as a leader. >> we are watching this government. it is as if it's imploding from within. we've been talking about lack of leadership. we can talk about lack of integrity and any kind of compass, moral or otherwise, but we are watching a subversion of government itself, it seems. the electoral college, for example, the national popular vote movement, which is pushed by the george surrow center for voting and democracy, if you can imagine that. it's an effort to destroy the electoral college. >> the premise of the electoral college was that small states, it wouldn't just be a popular vote and small states would have some say. we're down to a point where it's not 50 states that are involved, it's eight or nine states spending billions of dollars on
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a leader of a state. the system doesn't work but the idea that each state legislature would give up their right to have a policy that supported their state's vote and give it to some other state is ab sush suffer -- absurd. iran reagan's campaign. i ran 49 states. we won 49 states. should the voters of minnesota not had a sfloet absolutely not. the electoral college may not work and certainly in the foreseeable future it will be quite dierent than it is today. my issue has always been we're no longer running 50 state campaigns, we're running 8 state campaigns. that's not good for democracy. >> the republican party, we're going to continue to mightily overthrow the electoral college and the electoral vote, it is, if you will, utterly, as ed has intimat intimated, unamerican.
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what is happening with the republican party? we learn senator jeff sessions the other day talking about the fact there is a secret effort within the house of representatives led by congressman paul ryan. congressman cantore, eric cantor, to come up with a compromise on illegal immigration despite the wishes of most members of the house and the republican party, and it is, if you will, a covert effort. >> i'm for full transparency. i think when you elect representatives, you ought to have a debate about it. the democrats have a plan, we should have a plan. at the end of the day to do things behind scenes or basically to do things by votes in which they don't actually vote, they basically say ayes, nos, the ayes are declared victory when there's not a majority is an absurd way to function and will diminish the
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republican party. >> over time leads us to november with the mid-terms coming up. this is a very explosive issue. in addition, joe rickets, billionaire, conservative. sheldon adelson putting money against walter jones, one of the most conservative congressmen and longest serving congressmen. what is going on here with this party? >> well, the truth of the matter, the way the law reads today is each individual gets to give $2600. $2600 in a primary or general, you get good government. when you put a million dollars. $10 million, $20 million you get something more significant. at the end of the day they're not saying, here's $10 million, go do what you want to do. they all have a special interest and it's a detriment. >> they're saying here's $10 million, do what the hell i tell you. >> 700,000 folks per district can tell even a billionaire to
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go to hell. >> perhaps they should. still. >> ed rollins, thank you for being here. nevada rancher clyven bundy blasting the government for leaving behind a mess. the confrontation ended when the bureau of land management backed down, but fox news cameras captured these scenes of the extensive damage left behind, including these cattle, damaged water pipes, two prize bulls were killed, one of which was shot five times, another while allegedly in a holding pen. the blm also appears to have run over a tort to us -- a tortoise den. even though they said why they were so interested was to save the endangered tortoise which it
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is not, and the fact is those tortoises have been euthanized by the u.s. fish and wildlife service. >> nowhere in the court order that i saw did it say that they can destroy infrastructure, destroy corrals, tanks, desert environment, shoot cattle. this isn't helping the desert tortoise. in fact, when we were over there you see where they backed over and crushed down a tortoise burrow. how is that conservation? >> the bureau of land management, which is run by senator harry reed's former senior policy advisor, the agency showing no remorse saying they acted on federal land and they don't need permission to destroy illegal fences and waterlines and if you don't think we don't have a problem with attitude in the leadership of the blm and the interior department and perhaps the federal government itself, then you're mistaken. we've got a heck of af problem.
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>> democrats following one of their oldest tactics ahead of the election. instead of promoting obamacare, they scream racism. hear next congresswoman marsha it's the get growing sale from adt. right now you can get $200 off adt pulse for small business and a wireless camera at no charge with a qualifying bundle. woman: when you own your own business, it's a challenge to balance work and family. that's why i love adt. i can see what's happening at my business from anywhere. now manage and help protect your small business remotely with adt. arm and disarm your alarm, watch secure video in real-time, and even adjust your lights and thermostat wherever you are. with adt, you get 24/7 protection through our fast response monitoring.
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racism. >> joining us now, congresswoman marsha blackburn, vice chair woman of the house energy committee and a member of the house budget commit teempt great to have you with us. >> great to be with you, lou. >> i have to ask you -- i don't have to, but i want to. that was such a precious little statement by congressman israel, wasn't it? >> it really was. i have to tell you, i think the american people are so tired of hearing this type rhetoric. they're looking an issue, he was talking immigration policy, we cannot seem to get it addressed in a way that the american people want to see it addressed, with secure borders, with the illegal entrants being handled, with those that have overstayed their visas exiting the country. that requires i.c.e. to go through reforms. people would like to see an
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orderly process and to say, we're going to not do anything and make it a political issue, i just think it's really very sad. >> you know, i've said on this broadcast that i fully support and endorse congressman bob goodloe, the house judiciary chairman's incremental approach to immigration reform putting forward four bills through his committee keeping as a condition prece precedent that we secure the borders. this is not a complicated issues and if people were frankly willing to accept less than a full load here, this could have been resolved ten years ago. >> you're exactly right. it could have and it would have because congressman goodlad at that point serving on the committee with chairman sensenbrenner, jim sensenbrenner who chaired it at that time laid out the incremental process. and what people want to do is to take one step at a time and then see where it gets us. and in the last few years i
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think what has happened is one of my constituents summed it up for me, lou, they said, why in the world would we trust this president and this administration when they have such a tough time abiding by the rule of law, implementing the laws that are passed? why would we want to say, okay, do something comprehensive. we just want him to take one single issue at a time, deal with the issue, congress, get it signed into law by the president and then have the administration and the president abide by the rule of law. they have lost trust in this administration. i think my constituent's pretty much spot on on that. one thing at a time, orderly process. let's take a step and see where we go with the next one. >> i think there's also, if i may, to keep this fair and balanced, congresswoman -- >> sure. >> -- some considerable distrust of the republican leadership, including speaker boehner who made a lot of noises about wanting to move forward with, quote, unquote, a compromise.
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even congressman paul ryan who had never been particularly -- >> right. >> -- vocal on the issue of illegal immigration decides that he wants to talk about what is effectively a g-8 style of amnesty. jeb bush steps up and starts talking about illegal immigration, i guess that would be acts of love. i mean, your reaction to that kind of language and that -- frankly, that kind of undercutting of real leadership on the part of the republican party specifically in the house and the part of the judiciary committee. >> right. there can be distrust and dissatisfaction a plenty to go around. i don't blame people for being upset with congress right now. i think there are a couple of things that do get lost in this process, and one of those is fairness. and what is fair? what is fair to the legacy of service and sacrifice that so many have made for our country? what is fair to future generations who are depending on us being a sovereign nation and who are going to have to pay the
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bill for the missteps of today? and i think that it behooves us to make certain that we secure our borders first and that we deal with the enforcement issues second and that we require the federal government -- wouldn't it be nice to mandate the federal government do something and mandating that i.c.e. get its house in order and reset these quotas that they follow and exit people once they have finished their time on their visa. and actually enforce the rule of law. i have to tell you, i talk to people all over the country, and to them that makes sense. common sense is in short supply in washington, and maybe this is a good issue to bring it back on. >> i think some might hold sense of any kind in short supply, congresswoman. >> you're probably right. >> great to have you with us. >> so good to be with you. thank you. >> thank you. a 50-acre connecticut estate has set the new record for the
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most expensive single family home in america, and it sold for $120 million. price sounds right to me. how about you? a new video shows al qaeda in yemen calling for attacks on america as the nypd suspends their muslim surveillance program. we'll be talking about that and we'll be talking about that and more with general jack keene. hello. shopping for a used car with the right history? yeah. i don't want one that's had a big wreck. oh, our team tracks millions of accidents. yeah, doug to carfax... i got an accident report on vin# 1dc... moles? they dig up the facts. naturally. let carfax® help you find the right used car with the right history. i like it. start shopping now at
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disturbing new video surfaced on an islamist militant websites appearing to show the largest, most dangerous gathering of al qaeda in years. this footage shot in yemen shows al qaeda's number two in command and roughly 100 fighters out in the open greeting one another and some faces have been blurred out. that raises some concern al qaeda is trying to protect the identities of western recruits. back in january president obama's quick to dismiss an al qaeda resurgence telling many, quote, the analogy we use around here sometimes and i think is accurate is if a j.v. team puts
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on a lakers uniform that doesn't make them kobe bryant. the al qaeda video showed up on the day that they announced the al qaeda disbanded looking into local muslim activities before the terrorist activities. the government of ukraine has failed to establish control over the eastern part of the country. pro russian gunmen captured on video in the eastern city of donestk. they have taken over administration buildings in ten cities. the pro russian separatists also today come man deered six ukrainian vehicles with their crews and th hoisted russian flags as ukrainian soldiers offered no armed resistance. ukrainian soldiers admitting freely they've defected to the russian side. and as some 40,000 russian troops remain on the border,
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nato today promised to increase flights over the balance particular nations. joining us now, retired four star army general, general jack keene. also fox news military analyst. general, thanks for being here. let's start with the ukraine. this seems to be an unending trail of rhetoric that is simply swept aside by putin and as the obama white house persists but to no effect. is that likely to change? is it soon to end? >> i doubt it, lou. i mean, the u.s. and the white house's policy is de-escalation of the russians and to try to get them on the exit ramp, so to speak. and the fact of the matter is, that rhetoric is encouraging putin to escalate. the exact opposite has happened in crimea and now it is happening in eastern ukraine. and clearly what we're seeing right before our eyes is phase
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one of a possible military campaign because the towns and cities that are now being influenced by special operation forces and security forces from russia all have rail heads and there's airports associated with them which would be key items for an invasion force to have to passion throu pass through if they're going through eastern ukraine. this is phase one. i think he wants to use intimidation, this is putin, and force the kiev government to come to him and move away to be sure, but if intimidation fails, then it's likely he would put the troops in there. >> and yet the nato nations have done nothing. they announced flights over balance particular states today. that's an effect one can't even imagine, yet the european union has done nothing, period, when it comes to either engaging putin or trying to reverse the course of events.
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so where are we headed here? >> well, i think we're clearly heading towards the kiev government is probably recognizing and coming to grips with the very harsh and sane reality that the united states is not going to do anything to help them. they've asked forearms and they've got meals ready to eat that our troops use. the fact of the matter is, they know now they're not going to get the tough sanctions imposed on russia that would discourage them from possibly doing other things. so they may be thinking about making some kind of an accommodation with the russians because they know for a fact that the united states is not going to be there for them and it doesn't look like the e.u. is going to be there for them and certainly nato. they were never seeking troops to help them. they were seeking weapons to help them, and certainly some tough sanctions imposed on the russians to kind of curb this behavior. i think the ukraine government, sadly to say, is out there by themselves.
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>> let's turn to yemen, to the gathering of al qaeda terrorists in the clear and without seemingly a care in the world. first of all, this didn't strike i think many people as the jv team of al qaeda, the preposterous language of the president in describing an al qaeda that he said for years was on the run, which is obviously not running from anyone right now. what do you make of this? >> well, first of all, let me just deal with that horrible characterization of the jv team. i mean, that means the jv team burned down our consulate and killed our ambassador in benghazi and tragically three others and forced the evacuation of a cia base. that was an al qaeda affiliate organization, and by the president's definition, the so-called jv team. this organization here in publishing this video, that was the most brazen thing i've seen
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in some time. we haven't seen videos like that going back prior to 9/11. the fact that he exposed himself in the video demonstrates the assertiveness and confidence that they have. i'm not sure what his motivations are, but i think, one, we can speculate that the fact that al qaeda, lou, has really increased their influence and control over territory in the middle east at large and in north and northeast africa speaks to the confidence you're seeing in that video and, secondly, it may possibly be that the leader here really wants to gain a stronger position inside of the al qaeda movement. after all, zawahiri who is the head of al qaeda after osama bin laden was killed is a recluse essentially hidingrom the united states and its weapons in pakistan, possibly in the mountains, not really doing much of anything and certainly not being exposed on a video. so that's possible explanation
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for what's taking place. you noted that they're shielding some of the faces, and i think some of our intel folks believe that's because they're probably europeans or westerners and they need to return to those communities after they've been properly trained. >> general, as always, thank you so much. general jack keane. bundy and his family stood up and the federal government backed down, but the dark force behind the confrontation between the federal government and one citizen appears to be senator harry reid. mercedes kolwin on the court battles that up. a short word that's a tall order. up your game. up the ante. and if you stumble, you get back up. up isn't easy, and we ought to know. we're in the business of up. everyday delta flies a quarter of million people
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broke the law and should be prosecuted. the federal bureau of land management run by harry reid's former senior policy advisor has promised to continue his battle against bundy in the courts. joining us now, leading attorneys lease whooel, mercedes colwin. i think the reid family here, mercedes, is a little revved up. 200 agents they sick on one rancher. are you kidding me? >> it's such a p.r. disaster. this is the worst part of it. he hasn't paid $1.2 million in fees. we know he's been trespassing according to the courts. the courts have determined against him. >> let me interject there. they have, but the fact is that that's harry reid's boy, the judge who found -- >> there are two judges actually. >> not the first one. and this is the same fella that harry reid thought ought to be on the supreme court so this is a pretty incestuous little deal.
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>> i understand. i get the uneasiness, lou. when you look at the law, the law's pretty clear. >> i love the law. >> you can't be a squatter on federal land. if that were the case, you'd have a serious pproroblblem.. you don't descend 200 agents. you're talking one rancher. deal with it on a smaller scale. >> it was a p.r. disaster. mercedes is right, on the law he is wrong. you go back before 1870 which is where his people had the ranch. >> his family. >> right. before that nevada ceded over to the federal government their rights to the federal -- their land to the federal government. he has no right to that land at all. >> did that before 1870? >> yes. >> under the -- the other claim i heard is because of the treaty of guadelupe -- >> even the governor of nevada
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says it's not our land. >> he's been working with the energy group, the chinese company that is here. i've got to tell you, when you're talking about federal land and boundaries are being shifted to protect a tortoise that isn't, a, endangered and, b, is being euthanized by u.s. fish and wild life services, it smells to high heaven. i don't know who's right or who's wrong, but i'll tell you this with absolute certainty. folks, you're the attorneys, there's no one in this deal who's all right or all wrong. >> you're probably true. >> if you look at the courts. >> go back. the courts have interpreted pretty liberally the u.s. government's right to their own land. there is a property clause in the constitution setting in the sun. let's say you build your home on land. your private land but it abuts federal land and you decide, i'm going to fence in my home. >> a lot of reasons. >> right. >> but the government can step in and courts have ruled that
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the government can step in and take down your fence because you can't -- you can't obstruct federal land and allow ingress. >> tell me this. what is to be adjudicated here? >> well, it's already -- >> he's been assaulted by the bureau of land management. >> right. >> and the tortoises have been killed by the u.s. fish and wildlife. everything that we've been told to this point is a damn lie and it's going to take some sorting out, don't you think? >> it'll take some sorting out, but you've got to go -- walk it back a little bit. we are the legal people. legally mercedes and i agree he is in the wrong legally. did the federal government screw it up by completely overreacting and doing the two arrests and the tasing and the guns and all of that? >> there's more at work here than law. there is justice. >> sure. >> riempt and abuse of government. >> and abuse of government power and taking of the property. >> don't we have to take into account the fact that senator
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reid's former senior policy advisor now runs the blm -- >> sure. >> -- and seems to be operating pretty much as a toady for the reid interest? that roary is the representative of enn energy group? doesn't that strike everybody as a little coincidental. >> there has to be a tempered reaction. >> lou is absolutely right. >> i was a former public servant for many years. your taxpayer monies are at risk here. you don't have an action. how many tens of thousands of dollars did they spend with 200 agents. >> an estimated $389,000. >> $389,000 to be exact. >> you can't as a public servant squander taxpayers money. >> which is why they went down on saturday and said, that's it. we're giving all the cattle back to you. we're leaving you alone basically but we still want your million bucks.
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>> so what happened between the previous saturday and that saturday. >> seven days of standoff with everybody -- 100 or more protestors, militia men. >> everyone with gun. >> shone a little light on a government out of control. >> the government said we're backing down. >> that was the -- >> we're backing down. >> it's the power of the people. >> and that is a powerful entity, indeed. >> it is. >> we hope. >> thanks so much. appreciate it, ladies. thank you, mercedes. >> thank you. if only billionaire michael bloomberg would put his money where his mouth is. instead, he's spending $50 million to continue his assault on the second amendment. monica crowley, chris plant and john gambling take that and much more up next. hello. shopping for a used car with the right history? yeah. i don't want one that's had a big wreck. oh, our team tracks millions of accidents.
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some of our favorite radio hosts. monica crowley. in washington, d.c., wmal radio talk show host chris plante and john gambling host on new york's wmyn 970. it's great to have you back on the air. >> my friend, lou dobbs, it's great to be back on the radio in new york city, even better on fox business channel. great to see you all. >> we are delighted we don't have to choose. we can accommodate both. let's start with this nevada mess. harry reid looks like the dark, sinister force orchestrating all of this. your thoughts? >> well, i couldn't agree with you more. this is an evil individual, at least in my mind, and his actions, i think, certainly underscore it. i think what happened is that
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harry reid got frustrated and annoyed and because he is arguably the second or third most powerful person in the united states, he put his foot down and said to the bureau of land management, go take care of the bundies. i'm tired of this. i want to build another solar plant or whatever the heck he wants to do. take care of it. get rid of it. >> and his son, rory, chris, seems to have a pretty good job. i mean, chris, this guy is the sole representative of enn group in the united states? he and papa are doing some kind of business, aren't they? >> well, the whole thing stinks, obviously. it wreaks of corruption. "the new york times" ought to be looking into it. i don't believe that they are. it looks like corruption. harry reid -- let's just for a moment assume that all of this is incorrect, that it's all just made up. it's all an unfair smear. this would be harry reid's chicken's coming home to roost.
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after all the smears that he's launched after mitt romney and the evil koch brothers. let's say none of it is true. pardon me. nobody deserves it more than harry reid. but it does look like there's at least some merit to the discussion that there is corruption behind all of this and let's see if our news media does their job. >> well, it's also, you know, the fact that harry reid's former senior policy advisor is the head of the blm. it's hard to stack up this many questions. >> chris says it looks like corruption. it certainly does look like corruption. the bundy family, this is federal land. this is a very complicated case. a lot of people who are deep into the legalities say that the bundy family is on weak legal ground. the problem is the fact that once they got involved, they went in with i a heavy handed -- >> wait a minute, you think it's heavy handed to send in 200
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federal agents -- >> yeah. >> -- along with local law enforcement agents -- >> yeah. >> -- using lethal force being prepared to use lethal force against one man? you see that as overwhelming? >> of course it was. >> insane. >> it was so mishandled from the beginning. from the beginning it was based on a corrupt premise which is what the reid family wanted this to go down. what they miscalculated was that the bundy family would fight back and local militias would fight back and you would get a widespread backlash to what the federal government was doing. >> john, i think we're going to see an investigation that reaches beyond. monica's exactly right and elyse wheel and ms. colwin told us this is a difficult basis for the bundy family, but the fact is i think we're going to see an investigation that's going to shed entirely new light on this and any light on the reids right now i think will cause them
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immense pain. >> i couldn't agree with you more. i think the bundies are going to lose the legal argument here, but i think -- and i think and i'm hoping that the big loser is harry reid and the reid family. >> yeah. let me turn to -- this is extraordinary. eric holder today talking about youthful experimentation, referring to his own, talking enthusiastically about the legalization of marijuana in this country on the same day that we get a study out showing that marijuana actually changes the circuitry in the human brain. have these people -- well, forgive the expression -- lost their minds? >> if you're talking to me, lou, yes, indeed. they have lost their minds. i think this whole marijuana kick, the whole push across this country to legalize medical marijuana is a sham and it is -- it is intended to do one thing and one thing only, and that is
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to legalize marijuana. it is a disaster that is going to come and bite us in the you know what ultimately because the consequences of this are really -- we don't even know, as you said in the study today, it shows that the brain goes permanently in a different direction than before the user started to smoke the dope. how about the fact that we are -- that they are putting into effect -- in operation a marijuana dispensing machine, like a coca-cola machine? we don't dispense alcohol. we don't dispense drugs, but marijuana? put your buck in, take a joint, and off you go. >> chris plante, your thoughts? >> you know, it's barack obama's america we're aspiring to, a work free drug place. i think what we're seeing here between barack obama being an old pot smoker, eric holder being an old pot smoker, what we doe know is if you smoke a lot
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of pot, you're not good at government, you're not good at math, you're not good at leading. you know, you're left incapable of doing a whole lot of things thatould be handy if you happen to be running the government of the united states of america. >> yes, but in obama's america you fail up, right? the whole point of legalizing is that the state and local government and maybe ultimately the federal government can get more tax revenue. they're taxing this. they'll get the revenue however they can. >> already disa pointing results on that front from colorado. we're looking at a double digit short fall based on their early results on taxes on pot. darn. i was sure it was a sure fire thing. >> monica crowley, chris plante and john gamley. what terrific americans. thanks for being with us. >> thank you, lou. up next, my commentary on harry reid's involvement, ever so light, ever so slight in the nevada cattle ranch standoff between our government and our citizens. here next. announcer: where can an investor
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a few words about truth, justice and the american way. rancher cliven bundy, his family and friends prevailed against a federal agency trying to crush them under the weight of our federal government. this fight isn't over by any means. in fact, the bureau of land management as much as says the fight will go on in court and whatever course they choose to take. that's why we on this broadcast will be watching all the way, because there are just too many unexplained relationships in this standoff between the powerful federal government and one citizen, one man who had the guts to stand up.
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a lot of questions remain. why did the bureau of land management act so unscrupulously and bring such overwhelming force against one citizen? is it a coincidence that senator harry reid's son, rory, represents the chinese company enn group that bought land in nevada well below market value? a coincidence that the head of the bureau of land management is senator reid's former senior policy advisor? is all of this pure coincidence? why were reid and his son both deeply involved in a plan by chinese enn group to build a huge solar farm in southern nevada? is it also a coincidence that the judge who ruled against bundy was recently elevated to the federal appellate bench with reid's endorsement and support?
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a lot of coincidences. lots that just simply don't make sense. as an old friend and mentor of mine used to say, if things don't make sense, lift the rug, you'll likely find a mouse or a rat. we'll be looking. time now for a few of your comments. mike tweeted me to say if government enforced immigration laws as hard as they are at grazing rights, there would be no border problems, and right you are. steve tweeted me to say, if the obama administration used the same tactics on our southern border, no one would enter illegally. see the theme here? and carol e-mailed us saying remember gibson guitar. the irs singling conservative and tea party groups? it looks like the feds are going after single entities to destroy them.
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