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tv   Cavuto on Business  FOX Business  April 20, 2014 1:30am-2:01am EDT

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>> absolutely not. we love a good old-fashioned cow. i think you can buy it cheaper. thanks for joining us. the cost of continues wi with neil cavuto right now. are you feeling sick? take a number, because the doctor won't be seeing you now. while the president is telling the 8 million people signing up for obamacare, it does not mean those 8 million people will be getting good health care or much of any health care. we don't know how many have paid in the deal and how many doctors will be included in the deal. for get about keeping your doctor, you might have trouble finding a doctor. glad to see this gentleman back, mr. stein, and charles payne, what do you think about it?
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a lot of doubting. >> i think you knew that when the president heads into the victory lap before good having basic math when they talked about this already, whether it was $46 million or 31 million, we would put a lot of people in the system. now that doctors are abandoning it, it feels like the greatest worries are going to be worse than we thought. >> ben stein? >> the basic thing about this is you can sign up as many people as you want but there are not any new doctors. you sign up 20 million more people, eventually, i mean, not so far, and then there are not any more doctors, and it just means longer waiting times and longer times getting an appointment and less time with the doctor. there is something wrong with the equation. >> yeah, a lot of doctors -- >> a lot of doctors are over 60 and they want to retire and the latest deluge of paperwork and
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obama red tape is making them say let's hit the golf course or instead of the red tape. >> or they make them pay in cash. many insurance companies offering plans in the obamacare exchanges are offering ones to keep costs down that have access to fewer doctors and hospitals and people more and more are covering, hey i shrined signed the plan but can't go see the doctor of my choice. >> my brother is a doctor and we have been -- >> what are you saying? we only attracted dumb people? >> many smart people that are good at math and are intelligent are going to other professions where they can make more money, and this is one more reason not to be a doctor. the other thing that scares me, we don't have any good statistics of who is paying into this? that's a recipe for disaster. the president does the victory
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lap when people sign up not when people pay in. that's a big problem. >> there may not be a lap to take, and maybe that's why they are not talking about it. adam? >> they are not talking about it because they don't have the data yet. >> why don't they have the data? >> they knew where bin laden was hiding out and they don't have the data on obamacare? give me a break. >> they seem to have the data when it's going their way, but miraculously they don't have it -- it's not holy week for behavior, but go ahead. >> neil i am just pleased to play the optimist with all of you negative people. you are focusing on the negative here and you are focusing -- >> you sound like the cruise director on the titanic. what do you mean about optimist?
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>> i totally disagree. you are focusing on maybe some people may not be able to get -- >> more than some people. >> or some doctors may choose not to treat. >> no, a lot of people are getting treatment and having health insurance for the first time. >> define a lot. >> just to finish one point, an important point, we know we have the data when people sign up but wau don't have the data if their credit card or check has cleared yet but we will. >> out of the greatest -- adam with the greatest possible respect possible, don't laugh, that data would come up automatically, and we know 5 million people lost their insurance, and the net gain might be very small indeed. >> adam, a new wrinkle was added, we don't know if their credit card was cleared.
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all i know is they don't let me eat at an italian restaurant until it's cleared, unless they want to break my arm, but -- >> there was hard data, though. i think that we are focusing on doctor choice and hospital choice. that will play out in months and years to come. how important is that to people who did have insurance prior? it's incredibly important. and that will turn the tide against obamacare. there are stats, though, that forbes looked at -- compared plans by the insurance companies to see the option of doctors looking at six different types of doctors in states, and 54 instances total. there were only two cases where the private plan and the obamacare plan offered the same number of doctors, and 52 instances out of 54, the private plan had more -- >> well, here is the expertise for a lot of you.
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i know a lot of doctors. i deal with a lot of doctors. doctors are friends of mine. not a two can agree on this, not a two nurses or radiologists or mri specials, not two can really understand what is going on, and not one that i talk with, and some are big fans of the president, like this. that might be small, but this is a pool of 17,000 doctors i deal with, so there is something amiss here. >> well, my brother runs an icu unit -- >> what happened to you? >> i got involved with you. he is ideological, but ask him to define what is going on and he can't. he is really smart. i don't get why adam is believing everything coming out of the president's mouth, how
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many people have paid in? we do not know. normally journalists that are skeptical like adam, the business journalist, wouldn't accept that type of bs that we don't know -- >> exactly right. >> they are accepting it from the president of united states. >> let me answer that. >> you just said you didn't know that number. >> look, i -- >> i don't know, i will give them some time. >> you would never say that to another department? >> maybe yes, and -- >> that's a great answer. maybe yes, maybe no. >> if i could just make one quick point. if you asked the health care professionals, the wonderful people you know so well how they felt about things five years ago, they would not have said everything was peachy.
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>> oh, to the contrary. they at least knew what the system was and what their responsibilities were. i am telling you it's not that way. they don't know which end is up. >> obama doesn't know which end is up. >> there has been 35 arbitrary changes to the things before it was commented. the gallup poll, that's a frightening thing. this is something of unmitigated disaster. >> that's a good point in the end, if this was a little -- the 10% roughly who didn't have coverage, whether that was accurate or not, and now 8 out of 10 of those don't want this or can't afford it, and what did we do all of this for? >> we did it for political reasons then. right? >> wait a minute!
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>> and the issue, you talk about ripping up the entire health care system. i don't think we will really know what we have in terms of a health care system for maybe decades for no and it will be the people that have to drive past a hospital to go to a different hospital they can't go to the one closest to them or can't see a doctor that they used to see because of the insurance that they are buying now. >> you are right about the political. this has been the democratic party mantra since clinton, and we had hillary clinton care, and it's the same thing. they have been trying to get it done for years and they finally had the perfect storm and now we are stuck with it. >> i wouldn't let charlie give me a spoonful of robitussin, so he picked the right career.
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tax day could be over, a al
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relief. welcome back. are you feeling the pinch. the ink is not dried on your tax forms and some are talking about a wealth tax, an idea coming from the red, white and blue.
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france, it goes like this, the more you have, the house that built a plane, the more you pay. ben stein said i have 17 homes, and -- game over. mr. stein, you are fried. >> i do have a number of houses but don't have any planes and i wish i did, and maybe you can lend me yours. the question i have, where is the money going to go? they tax the rich people and where is it going to go? is it going to africa, or very poor people in bangladesh? where is it going to go? sounds like it's going to be a slush fund for building up the projects of left wing bureaucrats and various u.n. organizations. >> ben, you would probably correct me because you know it better, and when they started the tax it was that it would eventually replace income tax,
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and what started was it's pushing 30% in some european countries. what happened? >> this is a cononsumption tax and this is a tax -- they call it on idle wealth, it's not anything you earned, it's stuff sitting in the bank. even if you didn't buy or sell any stocks -- >> no, i am saying what starts small gets big. >> oh, yeah, this is the most extreme socialist idea you can come up with. in recent years, sweden and denmark and germany have gotten rid of their wealth taxes. >> i thought france was scaling back on this? >> no. >> ty still have it. >> maybe i have been listening to judge napolitano too much, but this sounds unconstitutional. i don't get it. presumably the u.n. would impose the tax -- >> you are being like tax. >> the last good thing they did
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was the fry. >> yeah, but they put an egg on everything. >> you start off the premise with an oxymoron -- listen, we will tax a piece of our 10% this year, and after ten years y youu have tatakeken all of the art. how does it help everybody. my dog, with the playing card, you're in trouble. no matter how much taxes you do, in the meantime, the little guy, the main street will be once again left with nothing -- >> putting the cart before the horse. >> people that generate wealth -- >> it's putting the cart before the horse. >> people that generate jobs and create jobs, and they make investments now they have to retreat from that, i can't open another business they are stealing the wealth behind my back. >> who is they? >> let's go to adam who is
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responsible for this segment. >> yeah, i am feeling guilty about it, too. first of all, i like the academic who was asked about it, and he said i don't comment on things that have a zero chance of happening. having said that, we have property tax and a state tax and -- >> even they are offensive. now we are compounding the fund. >> this is not going to happen in part because it's a -- >> if it's not going to happen then why am i doing a segment on it? >> it's an interesting thought. >> yes, exactly. >> it's offensive, not interesting. >> the left entertains this, and it's -- >> it's not fair. he had a point to make and he is going to make it. adam? >> i think -- if you agree that a huge increment of wealth is a huge --
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>> oh, it's a way of thinking about it. >> adam, aren't you outraged at a global entity like the u.n. can go in and tax americans? that's outrageous. >> not any more outraged -- i am not any more outraged -- >> the u.n. should not impose taxes on things that -- >> you ask questions but you don't listen to somebody's answer to the question. >> he is right about that. >> how come inequality gets worse and worse in the world and in the country where there is taxes. did you hear the supermodel gisele is getting somebody this. and then lawmakers mo
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well, not high on congress, news that will make you want to get high. you're going to be down on that. that was a joke by the way. a democratic lawmaker wants four year terms for member of the house instead of the current two. the reason goes something like this, congress will spend less time campaigning and more time making law. makes sense to me. >> no it doesn't. more time spending money and wreaking havoc on the american people. two years and six years, boom, that's the way that the government was set up and actually that very lawmaker said
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well we need time to learn our way around capitol hill and the office building. >> he sounded like that. >> i still don know where the men's room is over on that side of the building. >> oh, i think you do. >> what do you think? >> i wouldn't have a problem with this as long as they had term limits. you know, i don't think they're bound -- i don't think the founders invisioned people spending 200 two year terms in office until they died. they invisioned a congress that changed and people went back to work and there was some rotation. we don't have that. we have a permanent political class in this country. it's scary because they don't do anything but run for office and whether it's two years or four years, i say four years but make it one four year term. >> i think term limits is a terrible idea because the founders intended -- because charlie was such a great congressman for new york. >> the founders intended for the voters to have a say and i think
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two years is a very good thing. >> i would agree with adam on this. i don't know why. i do see pigs flying. i don't know, it's immediate. i think we need that. >> the two years is fine but charlie is right. how about two two year terms. if you can't find the men's room in four years, how about that. >> a bunch of inexperienced legislators. >> and experienced guys are doing it. >> it happens in california. >> what do you make of that? >> i think adam is 100% correct here. it's an incredibly complicated job. i don't mind if they're in office for 40 years. i don't mind if they're in off 50 years. if they learn how laws worked they learned to have a good report with their constituents. the problem is this has to be done by the constitution. talk about something that's not going to happen, it ain't going to happen. but i like the idea of them being in there a long time. >> wait a minute -- >> four two year terms.
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>> the four year term is fine too. the four year term is fine with me too. it would be a difficult thing to change. >> do you juan the two year or the four year? >> i want the four year and maybe even the 40 year but i want them to be there a really long time so they learn how to get laws made. >> that's what we need, more laws. >> no money down variable. >> if you suck vote them out. >> that's nice. >> charlie, final words. >> love these guys. >> up next, getting green from uncle sam. we'll pay attention. six out of ten americans plan on six out of ten americans plan on sa
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got that refund? want big returns? >> everybody in the world loves whirlpool. it's an amazing stock. one you buy and hold forever. >> i love that company too. a very solid company. all american. all american quality. great company. >> what are you doing these days, man? >> whirlpool makes a lot of its products, it's all american products in mexico. i love mexico. the mexicans are amazingly resourceful people. we think of them as drug dealers and criminals but they're actually a gigantic power house like the southeast asian tigers only right next to us. i like the epf. >> what are you buying these
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days? >> vanguard equity income. it's a great way to play the broad market and get dividends. >> i hope everyone has a very special easter. come back make some money. if you make under $250,000, you will not see your taxes increase by one single dime. not your income tax, not your payroll tax. not your capital gains tax. no tax. >> flash forward to 2014, a new report from americans for tax reform revealing that president obama sought 442 tax increases since taking office. that doesn't include the ones he actually signed into law. ask americans what they think and more than half say they already pay too much. is it time to end the tax hikes and bring on a flat tax. once and for all. i'm david


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