tv Cashin In FOX Business April 20, 2014 9:30am-10:01am EDT
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has a bar room brawl. >> i would avoid it. the profits are being driven by the companies own internal stock and investment ticker. >> that's it for forbes have a wonderful easter. keep it right here for "cashin in". >> the reverend said he has risen but he wasn't talking about jesus. try president obama. al sharpton saying the president was creusified but now is resurrected. >> nothing more than trorists. >> calling those that supported the bundy ranchers domestic terrorists. harry reed and our government have a big beef with the supporters of freedom. why this has everything to do with government intimidation. remember who was president during the energy crisis? how did that workout. no jimmy carter is weighing in
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on the keystone pipeline. kicking it into gear starts now. >> welcome to "cashin in." welcome everybody. holy controversy. here's something to talk about over easter dinner. al sharpton saying president obama has been resurrected after being creusified. >> no matter how you're crusified you can rise if you don't lose yourself during the hard times and challenges. as i looked at president obama at our convention last friday with all he took, he's been able to rise again. >> but the president not walking on water with most people. a new poll shows over 80% of voters don't trust him. he lice about important issues. michelle, can the president be resurrected if a majority of
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americans still feel betrayed by him. >> he wasn't. he nailed himself down all on his own when he lied to the american people and told them they could keep their health insurance and keep their doctor. the american people don't believe it. they see that they were mislead. they were lied to and that this president is simply just a false idol. >> what do you think, wayne? the poverty rate is at a 30 year high, 15%. labor rate is at a 30 year low. food stampers are breaking records. there's more food stampers than full time women in the economy right now. how is this president held in such high esteem by the left? >> he's held in high esteem because the media doesn't expose him. that's why. listen, the man has lied, documented, documented 252 times to the american public. that's documented lies. i mean, the ones about health care are obvious, yes.
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you can keep your doctor, yes. you can keep your plan, yes. those are all obvious lies, but the president does not nail him. the press doesn't go to buy for him and you read andrew rosenthal, these are people constipated by their own ideology that they can't see this man telling a bold face lie to their own face. the man probably under other circumstances should be impeached. >> you have to admit that the president has told whoppers over the last six years. >> well, i have challenged this administration and the previous administration without regard to party and i would say that it's a consistent problem when people don't trust their government. what reverend sharpton was talking about was not so much comparing president obama to
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jesus christ as much as talking about there's personal redemption for everyone. so if, in fact, people feel that the president has mislead them t white house should take note and look for that kind of redemption that reverend sharpton is talking about. >> let me point something out. the reverend said i'm not comparing president obama to jesus christ. but when you say that you're doing it. john, go ahead. >> consider the source for a moment here. reverend al in my opinion is not a credible source on anything. and to wayan's point, obama's lies are well documented. there's pages and pages of them at other online sights but it goes back to even before his administration. he promised to close it and never did. he promised not to raise taxes on anyone making less than $250,000 a year. he did that 16 days into his presidency. he told us we are our brothers keeper but he didn't volunteer to pay for $1,000 of his own
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brother's medical bills. words are a play thing for obama. he stands for nothing and that's why a majority of americans don't trust him. >> jay, carney said over the course of president obama's term his toughest interview has come from john stewart. we went back and watched that interview. look at a piece of that interview. >> the questions are going to get tougher. how many times a week does biden show up in a wet bathing suit to a meeting? >> michelle, questions, huh? >> wow, that's really tough. that's terrible. the media, just like what wayne said, they don't holdhim accountable. that's why he was able to get away with so much. if this was bush they would be all on him but because it's obama it's fine. they let it just pass. >> you pointed out that the media does give him a pass. if that's his toughest interview maybe he should be sitting down
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with people that might give him a tougher interview. >> he should be but as you and i know other than fox news and a few other places they don't do that. nobody nails this guy and when you read, as i said, if you read the pages in the new york times you would think you were in a different country. these people don't do anything and one of the things when you talk about al sharpton, boy, he's wonderful. remember brawley? you ask al sharpton to be saying something about somebody else. sharpton is a total fraud. the worst. >> just get back to this notion of trust. the poll numbers don't lie. people don't trust the president and fourth of fifth grader can quote the legend of george washington, i cannot tell a lie. why can't adult americans say that thing about our current president. >> congressman, if president obama is willing to sit down
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with zach and go on pimp with a limp, all of these other radio shows, why will he not come into this building and sit down and spend quality time with the tough questions at fox? >> i saw the interview that he did with bill o'reilly but i want to point out something about the jon stewart interview. if you looked at the whole interview jon stewart asked tough questions. >> but congressman, i did look at the whole interview and the problem is if i had 10 or 12 minute with the president i certainly wouldn't waste one second of it asking how many times joe biden has come back to the white house in a speedo or wet bathing suit. >> well, you better have a sense of humor covering politics. >> well, i guess so. we have to leave it there. continue the conversation. and trending on twitter, 12 weeks in a row, weigh in right now. we read all of them and your input helps shape the debate. make your voice heard again when
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that we are a country that people should follow the law and what went on up there is not good. i deperepeat it's domestic terrorism. >> leave it to harry reid to pour gasoline on an explosive situation. american sus popport the nevada rancher. >> harry reid is despicable to refer to honest americans fighting for their values is completely ignorant. but these americans are stuck in the realities of a mixed economy area. who owns nevada and who owns the land? the government. 85% of nevada is owned by the government. it's owned by nobody. it's up to the public and it's up to a small group of elites, harry reid to determine how its
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used. they'd rather have it protected for a tortise than grazed for cattle. you have to rights but the solution is to sell the land. if he wants to farm on it he should buy it and anyone else should buy it. that's what should be done. not calling honest hard working americans terrorists like the despicable harry reid. >> he calls the people that are supporting -- not just the family of the ranchers domestic terrorists, anyone who is out there because then he feels that because they may be violating some law they could be considered domestic terrorist. i just calls into question, every day hundreds of thousands or millions of people come across the mexican, u.s. border. they break the law. are they considered in the left's opinion domestic terrorists as well? they would be foreign terrorists, right? >> you're right. if the bundy family were illegal
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immigran immigrants, they would be cheering them on. if they were unions, they would be getting waivers. if they were a corporation they would be getting a delay. but because they're average americans whose way of life is under government regulation the left doesn't care. they have made a mockery of the rule of law in this country. they selectively enforce the laws that they like. how can they be surprised when the american people are selectively obeying the laws. >> congressman, the senate majority leader has made pretty outrageous comments from the senate floor talking about the koch brothers. call them antiamerican. should he be censored for what he just said. that wasn't on the senate floor. that was in an interview but should he be saying stuff like that? >> well, free speech applies to everyone. i'd like to go back to what was just said and that is if you look at this situation.
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>> the name calling has to stop on all sides. >> free speech, yes but calling honest americans that haven't broken the law, calling them domestic terrorists and labeling them as terrorists, that's border line liable is it not? >> let me respond to that. the name calling should stop on all sides. there needs to be a deescalation. a negotiation of the issues and settlement. the bureau of land management is over his head and the white house needs to get involved to deescalate this and settle it so that all parties involved can basically cool off. >> okay. wayne, it seemed like the situation was cooling off as congressman points out and then the majority leader decided to throw some gasoline on the fire again. >> well, i happen to agree with dennis. i think if you have cooler heads then you can negotiate this. this is the way this should be done.
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however the law being what the law is, it doesn't matter. during the civil rights movement, the law was the law. you must ultimately obey the law but there are ways to get to that in a peaceful fashion where you don't have to have name calling and people who are accusing people of doing things that they are not necessarily doing. those people were not breaking the law. they were protesting and a civil protest, civil disobedience is a practice that we have had ever since martin luther king, it's fair, it's right, and it's justice. >> go ahead john. >> sell it. that's the whole point. why shouldn't this land be produpr productive. so if they want to use the land and i'm happy that they want to do. people want to farm and make the land productive, it needs to be their land. it can't be government that's an option. that's why all of this should be sold. >> they have been on this land since the end of the 19th century. their family came to nevada because the federal government told them they could graze there.
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now they created some government agency trying to stop them from grazing. come on. let the family stay there. it's really unfair. >> let me point out one more thing. there was a study released that talks about government regulations. there's so many rules and regulations it costs everyone a lot of money. they put a number on it. it costs every american family $15,000 annually just based on the amount of regulations that businesses have to deal with to bring problems into the household. is it time to scale this stuff back? this big government overage? scale it back? >> if you do away with government regulations, you have food that's poisoned, kill people which we already have apparently. so you have to be careful what you decide to throw out the window. >> i opened up a can of worms at the end of the segment. >> we're going to leave it right there. coming up, grab your utility bills for our next segment. there's something jimmy carter
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right here on "america's news headquarters." . stick a fork in it. former president jimmy carter urging the president to just say no to building the pooim pipeline. they argued it would trigger more climate upheaval around the world. maybe the peace prize winners didn't notice the price of our energy bills lately. they are soaring. the cost of electricity surged to an all-time high for march. can these smart people really be
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this dumb? >> yes, they can. because these are nobel prize winners for poetry and things that they don't know what the hell they are talking about when it comes to an oil pipeline. by the way, the real stupidity of this is that pipeline is going to get built and it is going to go somewhere else. if we don't take the oil and gas lit go to china. that's what is so massively dumb about this. they don't realize it is going to happen anyway. and the fact of the matter is that -- that -- the chinese or somebody sells going to buy this oil and gas and that will get out into the carbon footprint regardless of whether you like it or not. the biggest carbon footprint is produced by those people who are talking about it. >> very good. well done. michelle, let's talk about president obama. hehe lovoveses g green eenergr. hay spent over $150 billion in green energy. meanwhile, he can't approve the pipeline. what is going on here? >> well, what -- we immediate to have the pipeline. there are so many people whose livelihood is on the line. so many unemployed americans that would die for these jobs. i don't understand where -- why
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carter is coming out against this because when what he is doing is coming out against jobs he is coming out against prosperity. democrats and obama need to stop standing in the way of this keystone pipeline and carter has done enough damage. he did enough damage in his presidency. he needs to back off and let the keystone pipeline be built. >> congressman -- president obama seems to be anti-drilling, he's definitely anti-coal. he's probably anti-oil. he seems to be the -- only thing she pro about is pro-price gouging president. >> wait a minute. let's look at what is really happening here. you have got -- people are asking for exports of oil to resume again. out of this country. have you people looking to export liquid natural gas. we are told america should be for energy independence. the fact of the matter is that oil markets are being manipulated and gas, oil, so to drive the prices up and sock to it the consumers. same thing with monopoly utilities. they are strangling the market and jacking up the prices and denying alternative energy.
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i mean, come on, this is a game that's being played and the american people are taking it in the neck. >> it is funny that -- president carter -- said we needed alternative energy as well. he put all those solar panels up on the roof and they did nothing. just like obama's multibillion dollars worth of solar efforts have done absolutely nothing. to michelle's point, carter created the department of energy, more regulations, more costs. but i think what's probably there most empty, most destructive of all jimmy cart i's maneuvers is a green environmental president was when he asked americans to turn off the heat and put on a sweater. and that's the just -- fundamental of the environmental movement. sacrifice mankind for the benefit of nature. against she against the keystone pipeline. that helped man and helped pass the endangered wilderness act because that helps man and hurts nature. >> it is going to happen anyway. why are you argue being whether it is right or wrong? it is going to happen anyway. it is a question of this
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pipeline versus somebody else is going to get the oil and gas. >> we have to leave it right will. we will say thank you to michelle fields and dennis kucinich for joining thus week. he says that if you are white, then that ain't right. would you be offended if you heard a college president say this? >> how we make sure the years ahead we are not as white [ female announcer ] who are we? we are thinkers. the job jugglers. the up all-nhts. and the ones who turn ideas into action. we've made our passions our life's work. we strive for the moments where we can s, "i did it!" ♪ we are entrepreneurs who started it all... with a signature. legalzoom has helped start over 1 million businesses,
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know for next week. >> i like holy systems. i talked about it on february 14. it is up 30% since then. it is at an all-time high. i think it has room to move. it is -- very well-run system. >> holy moly, wayne. you are hot. how about you? >> well, among the factors put on the base metals prices higher, inflation and geopolitical tension was russia. i like palladium. tin, nickel, palladium, lead. a lot of them are quite hot. i own them. >> they have been hot and you stay hot, gentlemen. thank you very much. thanks for joining us. before woe go, sometimes a story is so outrageous it rights itself. no need for reaction from me. ever wonder how public colleges plan to spend your tax dollars in the future? it seems to be on costly lessons in discrimination. >> how do we make sure in the years ahead we are not as white
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