tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business April 25, 2014 7:00pm-8:01pm EDT
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unethical don't trust most of them. don't stop commenting on twitter. thank you for watching. have a great weekend. >> good evening i m. ashley webster. the immigration reform debate has house republicans fighting with house republicans blasting the president and the president slaming congress john boehner under fire for what is called contactor -- attacking conservatives trying to retake the senate. here he is in a mocking tone taking on his own party for inaction on immigration reform. >> don't make me do this. [laughter] "this is it" too hard.
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ashley: least he is not crying. but he has changed his position on immigration reform and least nine times and while he was blasted his fellow republicans his counterpart in the senate was accusing the of president of taking the entire constitutional system by not taking on the immigration law. the entire system is threatened with the executive branch suspends the lot at its whim and we are in peril when the commander in chief refuses to defend the integrity of its borders. read well the president used the naturalization ceremony for 20 military -- 20 military -- with nuclear ambitions also today fox news has confirmed the administration will hitch russian individuals with the
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new round of economic sanctions on monday. ed henry has the report. >> well president obama is on south korean soil north korea is threatening to unleash a fourth test of a nuclear weapon a situation that mr. obama called a direct threat to the united states as he issued a stern warning against a the north korean dictator. >> we need to look at additional ways to apply pressure under further sections -- perception. >> this has been marked with questions of the president backs up tough talk of the world stage he was careful to stress there was no magic bullet to apply to korea as the president warns of potentially bigger sanctions
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that targets a specific sectors of russia's economy like energy. >> we need to lay the groundwork so if and when a uc be even greater escalation or these sanctions would have larger consequences civic republicans say that sounds echo a broken record to vladimir putin. >> almost two months since the president has said he will pay up price. it is all talking and no action spirit the situation on the ground has been unraveling with officials vowing to block militants. >> the world has not yet forgotten but it is already keen to start a third world war. he was searching a conference call with european leaders but the
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president and secretary of state john carey still talked tough about a new round of u.s. sanctions. >> for seven days russia has refused to take a single concrete step in the right direction. >> their rhetoric was backed up by #diplomacy that went to twitter that let's hope the kremlin and federation will live by the promise of #. is leading to a russian officials have been trying to plagiarized so she took action. >> al is highlighting the fact there were not following the #with action. >> so we can expect a new round of u.s. sanctions targeting individuals and entities as early as monday. ashley: the obama administration planning to sharpen the focus on the bid
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terms with an assist on the economy and domestic issues. the growing number of foreign policy challenges we have juan williams and former political director ed rollins in the studio. let's pick up what ed was talking about the president is all talk no action while putin does what he wants to do in the ukraine. is that unfair criticism or does he have to take action? >> eventually he has to do something especially if we see the incursion amount to real damages in terms of ukrainian sovereignty but what is missing without presentation is the notion there has to be a sense you do things gradually. you don't want to ramp up and do everything the ones. you have to have a sense it
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will take place once the russians file may ukrainian sovereignty. everybody thought crimea was wrong but people allowed it to pass that i think sanctions 31 individuals including one bank now a round of sanctions that relies on the european allies be willing to take some pain. that is the next that but we're not there yet and we don't want to act before the russians act. ashley: what are the options ? >> the key thing is that if we do anything we have to make sure our allies are there and we have not made that strategy clear. we can put on sanctions that will bring chaos to the economic system. ruling to do that alone?
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still make you can use as an excuse to go to war. >> putin is tough and i think he thinks the president is not progress racer in the north koreans as teddy roosevelt said speaks softly carry a big stick we speak loudly with no stickpin we need to show we're willing to do something and economic sanctions are the only thing to move forward. >> let's talk about john boehner and his mocking tone to immigration reform. but he has changed his position in a times. >> there is no window in the congressional calendar that we are looking to june and july before the recess where he would like to have something done. at the moment the house of the a judiciary committee has been very reluctant to move any kind of legislation
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through despite the fact boehner has been pressuring him. so he has been acting now. that was it emotional will mend where he is frustrated with his own party. he thinks if you don't do something you open the door to have the obama act unilaterally with an executive order to halt the deportation is to become a big hero and further hurt aspirations in terms of outreach. >> it is already divided. i was chairman of the congressional committee in this is bad politics with the complicated issue so i a have like the ryan resolution to get democrats issues and john boehner in to have the house and the
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senate if we don't take back the senate his speaker is over. >> ended john boehner wants to go out to make this an issue then it is his waterloo but he is now way out of a herd. >> what about this time next year? >> republicans are sure to take back the house. democrats that is not the issue that you were speaking to but i am the big fan of john boehner but i am a democrat. but i would say he took on
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heritage he took on large segments of the tea party he likes them but then there are these people who just use the t party to raise the money to pump up the media ratings. i think john boehner is saying creance some elements. i don't know. even that hard-line teapartier people have decided that they would rather have him the and eric cantor. that is interesting to me. i know how long that lasts but they have not rejected him even with all the budget issues. they'd never rejected him. >> three strikes you are out to. [laughter] ashley: thank you for being here. the nra kicking off the annual convention in indianapolis drawing thousands of gunners had activist and potential
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possible candidates and of full defense of second amendment rights. >> firearms in the hands of law-abiding citizens help in the fight against crime. >> we like to protect ourselves, our families and homes as gimmickry musty andean fight and win the fight. >> the tradition of hunting and shooting is on something we should have to ask readers for permission. it is fundamental to achieve happiness in america. ashley: rubio it has the most to prove brandon like others the florida's senator has gotten a bb-plus grade to be insufficiently dedicated to the cause. a record amount of americans exercising dendrites according to the government applications jumped by 380% from 2005 through 2013 that
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has created as a massive backlog in the registration system. almost finishing the week sharply lower the s&p down 15 the nasdaq paul's 73. will shire 5,000 measuring the losses at two under $50 billion. thus three all posted losses of less than 1% for the week. crude oil down more than $1 and gold is up $10 closing just above $1,300 per ounce. the yield on the ten year falls also. consumers and to raising to the highest level after the automaker reported a 39% drop of profits. the tech sector hit hard amazon is down and pandora plunging 16%. stay with us.
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ashley: the pentagon announces a russian spy ship has been operating near the gulf of mexico over the past month per officials suspect it is in the spying operation against the nuclear separation -- submarine base and other facilities. ukrainian prime minister accuses russia to start world war iii predicting the invasion is imminent. the pentagon confirms on several occasions over the
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last to brouwer's russian aircraft have entered ukrainian airspace. and now objecting to the observer team in degree in escorts now for the first time the kiev troops have used lethal force to recapture territory killing five of fighters if it escalates russia will launch military drills near the border in response of you craig military machine and nato exercisers of eastern europe for obama spoke with four other european leaders about imposing a new round of sanctions which will be announced on monday promising the united states will keep perrault's in the quiver. putin has reported all halts -- reportedly halted all talks with the white house. with me now former rb general jack keane also a fox news military analysts. the president says we will have eras in our quiver but
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do we need to take action and what kind? >> and windows our actions have been feeble to impose any restraint on putin. our policy is the escalation and do not provoke putin. by believe the policy has failed and do not fear adverse consequences but the policy we use right now is inviting adverse consequences but so he should impose very tough economic sanctions. the head negative gdp growth and probably next quarter losing capital investment if we hit the economic and financial banking system that would take the toll. also a greater toll.
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there is much we can do the gradual incremental approach is a failed strategy. ashley: all of those sanctions could also serve as an excuse for putin to continue here is aggressive stance blaming though last. it could backfire? >> that fear paralyzes us into inaction in. with this aggressiveness with to but the markers on the table if you do that. >> not to have the troops bear down and at the same
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time reid getting the support we should be? >> but angela merkle is the key as the chancellor of germany the largest economy and the largest amount of political clout as well. she gradually is coming along but i feel the strategy is -- and we should have acted unilaterally in by leading we had a much better chance to bring them with us as opposed to trying to get them to move at our urging and if that is a different strategy. we should have stepped out ourselves there is some very good chance they will follow ashley: i thought he would take it to a point then back off but not now. >> his strategy has always been being run at said
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ukraine is admitting defeat the recovery with prestige or power was the indexation of crimea is all about to turn it to the cooperative arrangement this government is now anti-russia in those 50,000 troops on the border is all about intent -- intimidation he does not want to invade he knows that will bring a huge amount of problems by the time the west reacted it was already over. >> no doubt. the ukrainians have no match but there are major issues but he occupies 12 cities right now that the ukrainians cannot get those forces out so to say he is not in ukraine is a huge mistake but he is already there. he just does not want to
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bring his army division across the border unless he has to mean he will if the kiev government does not come to him. ashley: we appreciate your insight. >> space ex-ceo announces a major breakthrough with space flight to that they could have the soft landing the reusable rocket booster in to the atlantic ocean that was the good news but it mandated rusty's in this mostly destroyed unlikely they could never recover it but it puts them on track for a reusable rocket landing at cape canaveral by the end of the year. this comes after the space x successful launch from the rocket to send the spacecraft to the international space station 2.5 tons of supplies now is suing the federal government
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over a monopoly by the main competitor united launch alliance to do national security related launches it is a joint venture with lockheed martin and boeing. looking at the online poll results we asked if you believe the veteran affairs secretary was aware of the phoenix va scandal. 87 percent said yes. 13 percent said no. do you believe that john peter will be speaker of the house this time next year? ed rollins did not think so. cast your vote to end later we will reveal the quotation of the day. we will be right back. >> northwestern college football players against the n.c.a.a. holding a vote to see if the team should join a union. a full report from chicago. next.
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mayor's chief rival in the mayoral race over refused to support the ban of carriage horses. they twice approached christine clinic she did not back the ban they would spend money on the campaign to attack her she refused and then he flip-flop to embrace the ban one he said he wasn't aware of any investigation and the anti- horse carriage group that donated $45,000 to his campaign. the players zebras western university casting a both throwing the n.c.a.a. system into chaos the student athletes are deciding if it is in their interest to be represented by a labor union decision that could impact not only football but all college sports. fox news correspondent is in chicago with a full report. >> scholarship football players at northwestern
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university cast ballots that could forever changed college sports to pacify them as employees instead of students. with the results still unknown it had allegations that alumni and coaches put under pressure of the players for the lenovo. >> they were trying to communicating by voting for the union my teammates would be be trading northwestern and the football family. >> a spokesperson said they studied debt and alert the election rules and campaigned aggressively the senate there have been allegations by union supporters that northwester engaged with unfair labor practices during the election campaign. that is simply not true. >> ballots were impounded without counted in filagree made secret and tell the nlrb can have an appeal from the regional nlrb that a player's the ability to form a union the vote is if they
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want to the yes vote could entitle them to a piece of the revenue like extended health benefits, a compensation for travel and the ability to transfer schools without a penalty battle that is certain is college football will be more costly. >> where will the money come from? student fees? eliminate sports? what will be due to pay the bills? >> clearly there is momentum for change with college athletics. but whether that can come monism with student athletes remaining students or if they need to become a employee with the union deciding what is fair play. back to. ashley: mike taliban. federal health officials warn we are in the middle of the biggest measles help break. 129 people have been infected this year compared with just four cases this time last year.
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58 cases reported in california, and they are highly contagious respiratory disease with high fever hacking cough runny nose and a rash almost over all square inches of your body. recalcitrant defined by the dictionary as having the obstinate uncooperative attitude to authority or discipline. basically any teenager of the planet. we will be right back. >> the latest scandal a secret weedy list for health care results in the death of 40 american heroes. one congressman reacts. next. [ doctor ] and in a inical trial versus litor,
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startup new york - dozens of tax-free zones where businesses pay no taxes for ten years. you'll get a warm welcome in the new new york. see if your business qualifies at ashley: the department the veteran affairs facing a new headache that new reports of the of medical center under construction in denver is more than one year behind
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schedule and over budget to cost 328 million now it is more than double that 800 million. on the heels of reports at least 40 veterans died waiting for appointments in phoenix va many were put on a secret waiting list to cover up long wait times for treatment. the house is set to vote whether to hold lois lerner in contempt after the former official refused to testify about the targeting of conservative groups according to a member of -- a memo. when next guest is of member of the committee that voted to hold her in contempt. member of the house oversight and judiciary committee also a former navy jag officer. thank you for joining us from and jacksonville. beginning with lois lerner we hear claims in all the department of justice and her are implicated about
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emails and threats of prosecution? >> we uncovered emails that the department of justice approached lois lerner to discuss prosecuting the conservative groups at the suggestion of a democratic senator from rhode island. the department of justice was in discussions with the irs about the targeting situation but then since the scandal broke guess who's supposedly in charge conducting the investigation ended it? miracle there department of justice. this raises serious questions whether using criminal prosecution is something that is appropriate. i don't think so but how can you investigate the targeting if your plug dash your own agency was a part of it? ashley: the house is set to go out on this next month. what do you think will happen? how will this play out?
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the majority of the house will hold in contempt i have voted to hold her in contempt and i will do that again. the bottom line is she is not willing to provide any information to the committee and testified about her innocence then refuse to answer questions in but the fifth amendment does not work that way so i am confident she waved her fifth amanda rights and needs to answer our questions or will be held in contempt. ashley: talking about what has been going on with veterans' medical situation in-house and the lack of care they had been receiving and at least 40 deaths are attributed they are on waiting lists and a secret at that. as a former navy jag officer the more outrageous this issue becomes a.
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>> it is sickening. the number one honor i have as a member of congress with the dti perform to help our veterans. unfortunately bill whole system is a long-running national tragedy howard serves our veterans and when you have a secret list were the men were dying, that reaches a new low. it turns my stomach to even think about but we need to get to the bottom intel think this is confined to phoenix va but this may be other instances but we need to have accountability in the eye of a co-sponsor of the bill that would allow senior managers ian senior executive officials to be fired if they don't get the job done. right now the civil service rules what you do is to stay
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in the system but that is unacceptable. we need to get the job done if they can do that they need to be sent packing but somebody in there that can. ashley: speaker boehner getting testy over immigration reform. do you feel his frustration or taking an appropriate stance? >> is totally inappropriate. the problem is this some of those reforms repeat that mistake of the past i have no interest to repeat past mistakes as it relates to illegal immigration. ashley: leer out of time. thank you for joining hess from jacksonville. >> thank you.
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ashley: do you believe that john boehner will be speaker of the house at this time next year? the note that lou to former pope's will be declared saints they will canonizes pope john paul the second was put on the fast track shortly after his death also pope john 23 to help to fund the catholic church. mr. earnings to lead triple digit sell-off. is this a trend or a minor blip? keep it here. next. she loves a lot of the same things you do.
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ashley: bad news for the housing market mortgage lending falling to the lowest level in 14 years the decline comes entirely from a sharp pullback in refinancing now new purchases are flat from one year earlier. shares and sliding sharply as investors were put on edge between russia and ukraine and mixed earnings news. joining me now is the chief economist from dbs investment research. it is the rough day today. a big sell-off visit russia or earnings? >> i think the uncertainty about the russian ukraine this situation is very important. nobody knows exactly how that will work out. meanwhile for earnings, there is nothing wrong with earnings but disappointment but there is more good news than bad news ashley: is the bar those of
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you don't hit it where the expectations have been tempered that magnifies the of this? >> i think right now is coming out after of long rally with low multiples that you mr. earnings it does not cost as much as high multiples. ashley: that is true. that is the big $64,000 question but where are we headed? you talked about the housing industry that is important for the consumer and prices have contests -- recovered by far from being healthy. >> you will have the bigger fraction of your young people moving into apartments. we will have a boom of the apartment building and renting of single-family homes.
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people need their space they can still get it that they have to do it through renting instead of buying a must have a very good credit rating. ashley: this points to the fed maintaining record low interest rates which the market likes because it is cheap to borrow money but it does not speak to the overall health is of the economy. that means the economy is doing better. >> and would rather have the economy do better than have interest rates go up than to be viewed as in trouble to have interest rates stay low the market would prefer to see an environment that the fed feels it is safe to raise rates. ashley: seeing a sharp sell-off talk about earnings but some of the stocks are over inflated and they need to come down. is there a sense this is a
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correction? >> there will always be a subset of companies that are frothy. when you have had multiples you are more vulnerable in the that is the reality coming in with good expectations. ashley: are you bullish? >> i think we will setback i think it was held back by the bad winter but we will have 3 percent growth if my colleagues are bullish on the stock market on then s&p 500. ashley: a good place to stop right there. be sure to listen three
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times said day coast-to-coast on the sale of radio network for the biggest market and business news. an influential voice comes out in support of marijuana legalization nationwide to reveal the identity with the "a team." next. at delta we're investing billions of dollars, improving everything from booking to baggage claim. we're raising the bar on flying and tomorrow we'll raise it yet again.
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and over the up of a phoenix va scandal speak to any veteran they're always long waits at almost every hospital this is part of the system. we love to hear from you. e-mail us at follow was on twitter or go to the facebook page or links to everything authors of the commons will receive a copy of the book "upheaval". now for the application of the day a reminder for word john boehner the personal attacks during the primary became so heavy the state republican chairman postulated what he had the 11th commandment thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow republican i have followed that ever since the campaign that is from the ronald reagan autobiography.
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now let's get to the "a team." think you both for being here. let's kick this off to talk about president obama the way he handles what is going on with ukraine. a growing corps says we have to take action if he a understands only one thing and that is section. >> but the strong rhetoric this makes the situation and more precarious. it makes allies around the globe in situations like this. i don't know where the stake is. >> there is no stick. does obama know what it will
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do? >> i think the promise of #. [laughter] it is scary. we will not intervene militarily. there is no chance of that. >> even across the border? >> it is not a nato ally. with the defense of poland that are native countries but there is more we could do with terms of sanctions also with the keystone pipeline delay if we telesco pro energy position it would put russians in a weaker position with their own dependence on fossil fuels. ashley: interesting point. getting to house speaker boehner i know you have seen the sound bite to mock his fellow republicans for their lack of decisiveness not wanting to take a stand on immigration reform.
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one congressman earlier today said it is completely inappropriate. what is yet to? >> i think he meant it in a jovial fashion to read his colleagues it is not uncommon to hear from congressman of the record they have to take up immigration but the politics are tough but this probably isn't the best way to win the votes. ashley: there is a bit of frustration but what do you think? >> there is something to be said for the 11th commandment. with a limited defense it is true of a lot of republicans have spoken ill of him and other establishment republicans so there is bad blood on both sides. >> how much does this split going into the mid term is? >> we will see the effect it has ended depends.
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>> we are unified it through the midterms because of barack obama. two words. republicans of all different stripes if you look at the polls numbers will vote republican in congressional races because they want to send the president a message she has gone way too far to the left and is scarce the american people. >> i think that will probably work out in the end ashley: but the issue of the senate with the mid term. >> the reason it will be close is the democrats have a five seat majority but they have a bigger advantage because of the dozen seats that are thought to be competitive almost all are held by democrats some of those are states that romney carried in 2012. ashley: one day is a long time in politics but i want to get to this.
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the 94 year-old former supreme court justice speaks out in favor of legalizing marijuana -- marijuana stevens compared the rule stewpot to alcohol prohibition. >> it is ironic he said this after leaving the of high court. [laughter] fell on a more serious note john paul stevens' opinion on a policy question like this is about as important as yours or mine but i would be interested if he reconsidered his views with gonzalez that is the case of 2005 that the court said i think justice stevens wrote the opinion that the federal government could use its authority to regulate interstate commerce to punish people who were growing marijuana in compliance with state law for their own personal use. space said commerce was involved at all. ashley: reroute of time.
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