tv MONEY With Melissa Francis FOX Business April 28, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm EDT
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ashley webster joining us there with all the international alt headlines you need to know. well, taking you through the next hour is melissa francis with her eye on the markets. melissa, absolutely. deirdre, thanks so much. so they're protesting income inequality on capitol hill. maybe they didn't get the memo. our money investigation into jobs recovery that created far low-wage work than better pay jobs. stunning allegations of racism, rattling the nba. how magic johnson the a get of the alleged remarks may have a perfect exit strategy for l.a. clippers owner donald sterling. they say everything is bigger in texas except the taxes. governor rick perry's big win as toyota jumps from california's sinking ship. even when they say it is not is always about money. melissa: hundreds of protesters taking to the streets in washington today.
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the senate plans to vote on the minimum wage increase on wednesday this week. workers are voicing their opinions. joining me now is one of the the organize. she is the cofounder of rock united. thank you so much for joining us today. i want to ask you, you're talking about a lot of different things in this protest. income inequality, minimum wage, corporate tax breaks. who is paying their fair share. seems like you're all over the place. what are you focusing on? >> well, tomorrowings is the annual lobbying days of the national restaurant association and so one of the key focus areas of today's rally is the fact that the national restaurant association, which has been named the 10th most powerful lobbying group in congress, has lobbied against some things including raising the minimum wage and have managed to keep the tips minimum wage, the minimum wage for tips workers, $2.13 an hour. but they have also lobbied for tax breaks. they have lobbied against any kind of sustainable -- request.
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melissa: that is one of the main things you're talking about here. i don't know if you saw the report out of the cbo. congressional budget office. obviously they're not spoused to have a dog in this fight. they're supposed to be looking at math. they say if you wage minimum wage to $10.10 an hour, it will cost 500,000 jobs. does that worry you? what do you say to the people that laid off? >> that is not what the cbo said. >> it is, i have it right in front of me. >> read it properly, it says it, jobs could be lost, as little as zero or maybe up to a million. we don't actually know. melissa: so are you okay with any job loss? is number between 0 and million good for you? what do you say to those 0 to one million people who will lose their jobs? >> first of all, most economists agree that the between, there will be very little, if any job loss, and 30 million people. melissa: that is not true. most economists don't agree. >> yes, actually they do. 600 economists and seven nobel
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laureates. melissa: do you not care if people lose their job as a result. >> that is not what i said. melissa: if anyone loses their job -- >> what i know most people in this economy, realize that 30 million people lifted out of poverty is actually a tremendous benefit to everybody. and -- melissa: it is not 30 million. according to cbo it is 900,000. and that is, so there is big -- >> 30 million people will be affected. melissa: 900,000 people lifted out of the poverty. that is the actual number. this other number that you're quoting -- 30 million people will get a raise. it is not just the people on minimum wage who get a raise when minimum wage goes up. ly also millions more whose wages go up when the minimum wage goes up. melissa: before i let you go, what would i say to someone who lost their job as a result of american mum wage going up? is it okay if one person loses their job. >> it is never okay to anybody loses their job, the industry largest employer of minimum wage
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workers people are constantly losing their job. it has highest turnover rates of any industry in the united states. people are constantly moving in and out of these jobs, partly because the wages are so low. most of those people would be really happy to get a wage. melissa: we appreciate you coming on and expressing your point of view. we definitely want to hear from all sides. thank you for coming facing tough questions, we appreciate it. >> thank you. melissa: debate over minimum wage continues, the national employment law project is releasing a new report. it says we lost a million high wage jobs during the recession. we traded them for 1.8 million low wage jobs. bring in the panel for reaction. charlie gasparino. brian sozzi and james frischling. what did you think of the guest that came on? >> i thought she was, listen, there is obviously an issue in this country where upper 1% is making a lot of money in the obama economy. melissa: right. >> rich people can invest in the stock market and following the financial crisis there are less well-paying jobs being produced.
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melissa: that's a fact. >> disparity is definitely a fact. but what she is doing, she wants to make a bad situation even worse. i mean, there is, there is not a general consensus among economists that if you raise the minimum wage nothing is going to happen. the general consensus is, you will lose jobs. that is general consensus. that is mainstream economists. we should point out something else. maybe the most powerful, 10th most powerful lobbying group, restaurant association, but number unis mr. obama's friend, seiu and government workers. don't maund, t the most powerf international. emprst one of the things she is talking about, that we are talking about in this segment, there are many more people who are trying to survive on very low low-wage jobs. this is national unemployment law report. we lost 3.6 million positions in the recession of high-paying te a end only 2.6 came back.
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there befor of more people who are forced to take very low-paying jobs as a result of this recession. what is cure for that? >> this is very much a by-product of the recession. this is very much the mcdonald's economy. mcdonald's, burger king, walmart, dollar stores, low-wage companies opening hundreds of stores across the united states. why? they are trying to tap into pool of labor on the cheap. i think it will continue. melissa: james what do you think about that? is the solution for the low-wage worker out there? >> i think the guest was missing one big point, restaurant margins are so skinny. they are big employers, you hit them with expenses it will cost jobs. huge spike in part-time workers. so i believe the worker kind of recovery is somewhat derailed again by low-paying jobs. >> where are there good-paying
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jobs? there are good-paying jobs in north dakota where they allow fracking. why isn't the president of the united states allowing good blue-collar jobs that pay a lot of money to happen in this country. melissa: we'll leave it there. herbalife earnings after the bell. the shares are climbing higher. let'slet's go to nicole petallin floor of the new york stock exchange. what is everyone anticipating with this big news after the bell? >> everybody is anticipating what to find out from herbalife. herbalife is such a push-pull story over last 52 weeks. a winner but under pressure. you know the big activist investors such as bill ackman and pulling it one way and icahn the other way. right now the stock is up about 2%. meantime you have investigators looking into herbalife and its whole, whether or not it is pyramid or ponzi scheme to boot. you have barclay's analyst saying they have a great platform, a great company but trying to guess when all the investigations go through
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play-by-play is very difficult. that being said, you can see the stock is up a buck 10. 58.87. everybody is eagerly awaying earnings. melissa: nicole, thanks so much. >> it is not a ponzi scheme. that is where they steal the money. pyramid scheme is more complex. melissa: is herbalife a pyramid scheme? >> i don't know. it is totally, totally disclosed neither distributor or investor knows what is going on. if you don't like the business model at drags distributors and don't mean they are end-users, that means it is not a pyramid school, don't buy the stock. melissa: james what do you think. >> a group of friends and i went on it. melissa: you did? >> i'm on it right now. >> i'm on herbalife right now. i'm working with a distributor. melissa: what? >> i am buying from. i decided let me be a customer and experience -- melissa: what did you find out? >> i'm about two weeks into this. down about 6 pounds. an i'm not saying it's a magic
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product. i'm not endorsing marketing practices. my experience as a customer has been positive. and our experience from the person who is working with us. again has been positive. melissa: are you trying to sell to all of us now? just kidding. i'm just kidding. >> those shakes are disgusting. melissa: are they disgusting? a little bit disgusting? marginally disgusting? thanks, guys. for more what is ahead -- we already did that go to the tease please. >> tarnished sterling? the nba investigation into the l.a. clippers owners alleged racist remarks. turn around specialist bruce terkel on what can be done now. tweet me. tell me what you think. >> one of those three is not like the other. wall street's dirty secret and why republicans may actually be rooting for hillary clinton in 2016. we're going to explain that coming up. ♪ latte or au lait?
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donald sterling is it under investigation noll following his alleged racist remarks. fox news's william la jeunesse. has more. this is the clippers bottom line. >> this team was never been worth more after record-setting season after four big sponsors pull out, carmax, state farm, virgin america, kia, dropping multimillion-dollar sponsorships just today. carmax, saying that sterling's alleged statements are quote, unacceptable. state farm saying, someone has to force the sale of this team. now this all comes after sterling's estranged wife shelly, after his girlfriend in a lawsuit. shelly claimed that donald used community property or their money, to buy her a ferrari, two bentleys a range rover and a house. she is 31. sterile something 80. his wife calls her a gold digger and who nag snagged her husband
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during a super bowl party and wants the items back. she says no and mysteriously auto jpmorgan ends up on internet allegedly telling vivano including hall-of-famer magic johnson to clipper games. >> you can sleep with them. bring them in, do whatever you want. the little i ask you is not to promote it on and not to bring them to my games. i support them and give them food. and clothes. and cars. and houses. who gives it to them? does someone else give it to them? do i know -- who makes the game? do i make the game or do they make the game? >> she is mixed race. she is black an hispanic. the clippers released a statement not disputing accuracy of this tape but saying that the views do not accurately reflect sterling's views. melissa? melissa: william la jeunesse. thanks for setting that up for us. let's bring in turn around
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specialist bruce terkel. there are so many angles on this it is a very big branding problem. we're a money show. we're about business. so that is what we'll focus on and talk about here today. from a branding perspective, this just doesn't impact the value of the team. it's the value of everyone involved, whether it is the individual players brands, all the way down to the people selling concessions inside the stadium. what do they all do from here? >> that's right, melissa. this is an absolute disaster for the team and for everyone in their rotation vertically, the other teams, the nba and down below in the feeding chain of course, all the peel who sell t-shirts and food and everything else and horizontally, all the players that revolve around this team. there is only one thing they can do and that's get rid of him. whether or not they have the power to do it and he has the inclination to do it, i don't know but that is what has to happen and quickly. melissa: he is one of the few remaining sole owners of a professional sports franchise. we were looking this up
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beforehand. most of the time there is majority owner and partners that could maybe weigh in. he owns the team. i understand that the league can vote him out. they are talking about suspending him. nba is having an investigation tomorrow. but you know, holeds a lot of cards. if he doesn't leave, what happens to everyone? >> the old rule is that, win games and nothing else will matter. melissa: not in this case. >> i don't think that will happen here, no, no. the fun is taken away. he can't go to the games. can't high-five the players. all of that is gone. he doesn't need the money. he is 80-year-old billionaire and clearly not nicest guy. i don't know what else can be done. he has to be dragged out of there even if it is kicking and screaming. melissa: let me ask you about a larger issue here. it speaks the idea when you talk to one, you talk to everyone. these are comments, if there is lesson in here besides very obvious one, that being racist
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is ugly. i mean there is also this idea that, when you speak to someone, they could be recording you at all times. you really have no privacy any longer. is anyone going to learn that lesson anytime soon, bruce? >> we're going to see this happen a lot. this is the harbinger of future. you have two things colliding. number one you have ubiquitousness of technology. you and i talked about this a lot of times. democratizing that everybody can capture what you're saying and doing. number two, you have a whole generation grew up without a traditional sense of private system everything goes online. everything is available. the universal lesson to all of us, you are always being listened to, forget nsa, by friends and neighbors. melissa: everybody. >> doesn't matter if you are a big brand or doesn't matter if you're rich. watch what you do. melissa: bruce, thank you so much. deadly tornadoes over the weekend leave as many as 17 dead in send tall park part of the
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country. arkansas and oklahoma devastated as rescue cruises continue to search for survivors. let's go to casey stiegel in mayflower, arkansas. what does it look like down there? >> it doesn't look too good, i have to be honest. out of fatalities, 14 are in the state of arkansas. initially the number was reported as 16. two people were inadvertently counted twice. so 14 dead here in arkansas. and mayflower is one of the areas hardest hit. you can see behind me. talking about potentially an ef-3 tornado. that is enhanced fujita scale. that is how they measure these things. ef-5 is strongest but ef-3 they believe this was, packs winds of 135 miles an hour to level neighborhoods. 30,000 people here are without power. this transformer has been snapped in half over the at poll. we're talking about a very large storm n fact, the tornado was on the ground for upwards of
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80 miles, if you can believe that. so the damage goes back really as far as the eye can see. when it came through this community, about 20 minutes or 20 miles or so north of little rock, arkansas, the cloud on the ground was said to be half a mile wide. give you another sense how strong these winds are, this is an 18-wheeler. it is on its side as you can see here. these are the tires. this piece of metal is wedged in between the axle here. imagine for one moment, sitting in your home and listening to all of this debris whirling around, around you and your property, listen to how one eyewitness describes it. >> soon as we got downstairs in the basement, i mean it just started going crazy. we was praying and, thanking the lord to get us through it. >> so again, destruction throughout arkansas, but also parts of oklahoma and kansas hit hard over the weekend as well.
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and now southern states, alabama, mississippi, louisiana, could potentially be under the gun for more severe weather today, melissa. melissa: casey, it is heartbreaking. thanks for bringing that report. >> it is. melissa: more sanctions for russia. travel bans and asset freezes await kremlin officials. putin promises they won't make a difference. plus i'm about to get a little nostalgic here on "money." i'm quite a sweet spot when it comes to car develop as many kids in america -- carve. i'm talking to their president next. do you have too much ice cream with sprinkles on top? peace of mind is important when you're running a successful business.
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u.s. is imposing additional sanctions as the situation worsens in ukraine. fox's leland vittert is live in ukraine. leland what is the latest? >> reporter: melissa, on the ground here, those new sanctions are largely being met with a yawn by both sides. pro-ukrainians say they are simply not tough enough and pro-russian militias don't care because moscow doesn't seem to care or to do anything differently. day four today of the siege or what the ukrainian military would like to call a siege. we went up for a couple of hours to the front lines we found out past four days seen a lot of motion by the ukrainian military but not much progress. the ukrainian military is moving a lot of hard wear around for the last week. a lot of armored personnel carriers, men, rocket launcher, those kinds of things. they have simply not done anything to take on these pro-russian separatists this is the last ukrainian check point
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before the separatist stronghold. it is about five miles away. these soldiers tell us are essentially let everything but weapons into that town. and in four days, they haven't really done that much. there is no siege. there is a few defensive positions here. the idea of the ukrainians really taking on these separatists at this point seems pretty farfetched. the inaction on the part of the ukrainian military really emboldened these pro-russian militias. they continue to hold number of international observers hostage. they took over another city hall and widening out footprint in the ukraine. they took over one of the regional television hubs here demanding that russian television channels be broadcast rather than the television channels from the ukrainians that had been on here. just this evening we had a pro-ukrainian rally was largely peaceful, attacked by those pro-russian thugs a long time people are asking whether the
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ukrainians will do something and send in the police. now everyone is saying if they will ever do it. back to you. melissa: be careful, leland, thanks so much. from the u.s. to every corner of the globe money is flying around the world starting in u.k. where a tube strike is about to cause chaos. underground travel will be stopped by job cuts and. londoners are being urged to take the bus or get walking. over to the philippines where president obama signed a 10-year agreement to increase its military presence in the country. the move comes two decades after the philippines ordered all u.s. forces out of the country after years of protests. some analysts believe the new agreement could lead to a jump in u.s. weapons sales in coming years. landing in brazil where hundreds of people are competing in the annual pole dancing world cub obviously. contestants from 36 countries
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are writhing around metal to impress judges with climbs and artistic impression of the winner will receive a prize of around 35,000 bucks. not bad. okay. melissa: after really hard winter for moist of the united states, the idea of warm weather putting away snow jackets is a blessing. an industry goes hand in hand with warm weather and sulzer ice cream. with rising cost for ingredients and that minimum wage discussion we keep having how does the u.s.'s first ice cream franchise plan for all this? joining me carvel's president scott calledwell. thanks for joining us. >> glad to be here. melissa: glad you brought ice cream. i'm eating that as soon as we're done. the cold winter has been rough on us. i bet it was tougher on you guys? >> this winter was very tough. snow in the northeast has been 270% higher than the average winter. melissa: do people real not buy ice cream in the snow? i want the no matter. i might be alone.
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>> people love ice cream anytime. per capita consumption is higher in cold weather climates than warm weather climb maps. melissa: why? >> it is satiating and gives people a chance to enjoy. melissa: i don't know if you heard the minimum wage debate at top of your show. this issue has to hit all your franchise owners. >> yeah. melissa: what woo it mean for all your franchise owners and workers? >>wer want to make sure our employees have fair wages but for us it is really difficult because a lot of our business during the summer. we bring in high school students and college students. and if minimum wage goes up too much, there is risk that is will cut back on how many people. melissa: is that real? our first guest says people don't get fired when minimum wage goes up. >> we think it is real. tough raise prices or cut labor. melissa: can you raise prices right now? what is the economy like? >> we can raise price e prices moderately as long as we deliver products to the. melissa: you say you can absorb
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higher wages. >> very, very minor. melissa: you have a lot of franchise owners obviously. this is really the future of this country as many jobs disappear. are you seeing more people come into the franchise business right now? >> yeah we love the franchise business model. carvel is 100% franchised. we have 400 locations. tom karr develop was the first to franchise back in 1947. what we're seeing a lot of interest in franchising. often referrals from our current franchise. melissa: can they get a loan to get started or is that tougher? >> our shops don't cost too much to open, depending on size and anything. many franchise partners do it out of savings or family money or they go to the small business association to get loans. melissa: real quick before you go, let me talk to you about the price of commodities. milk accounts for 20% of your costs. not surprised it isn't more than that we've seen a big spike in the price of milk. how are commodity prices treating if you. >> all dairy is up significantly. we were able to lock in sugar
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and other ingredients early on this year. we've been able to offset part of that cost. melissa: thanks for coming on and bringing ice cream. we love it. >> bye-bye. melissa: wall street for hillary clinton of the republican elite unlikely frontrunner. should jeb bush bow out of the 2016 race? "piles of money" coming right up. ♪ ♪ [ bell ringing, applause ] five tech stocks with more than a 10%... change in after-market trading. ♪ all the tech stocks with a market cap... of at least 50 billion... are up on the day. 12 low-volume stocks... breaking into 52-week highs. six upcoming earnings plays... that recently gapped up. [ male announcer ] now the world is your trading floor. get real-time market scanning wherever you are with the mobile trader app. from td ameritrade.
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with the mobile trader app. my dad has aor afib.brillation, he has the most common kind...'s not caused by a heart valve problem. dad, it says your afib puts you at 5 times greater risk of a stroke. that's why i take my warfarin every day. but it looks like maybe we should ask your doctor about pradaxa. in a clinical trial, pradaxa® (dabigatran etexilate mesylate)... ...was proven superior to warfarin at reducing the risk of stroke. and unlike warlood tests or dietary restrictions. hey thanks for calling my doctor. sure. pradaxa is not for people with artificial heart valves. don't stop taking pradaxa without talking to your doctor. stopping increases your risk of stroke. ask your doctor if you need to stop pradaxa before surgery or a medical or dental procedure. pradaxa can cause serious, sometimes fatal, bleeding. don't take pradaxa if you have abnormal bleeding or have had a heart valve replaced. seek immediate medical care for unexpected signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. pradaxa may increase your bleeding risk if you're 75 or older, have a bleeding condition or stomach ulcer, take aspirin, nsaids, or blood thinners...
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melissa: take a look at bank of america. the stock diving after the company announced they were suspending a share buyback program and planned dividend increase giving incorrect information to the fed. during the stress test. overestimating the capital, let's go live at the cme with more on this one. the reaction was pretty negative.
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>> from a risk-reward standpoint, i want to be a buyer. look at this on a weekly level, see if we can hold this level, example of buying distressed. the stock is only down 4% in 2014. still up over the last 52 weeks. i have a lot of confidence in the banking sector, they know how to make money. melissa: you say you would buy this right now? >> i would look to buy. i would buy january 12 call, three and a quarter, $0.25 away from breakeven. in the next nine months, i think it will go up, that is how i want to look at it. more upside than downside. melissa: thank you for coming on. no reports suggest
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hillary clinton may be the favorite 2016 presidential candidate among republican heavy hitters. it is not news if you have been watching fox business. here now with scott martin from united advisors. charlie, you've been reporting this for a while. why would they favor hillary? charlie: lloyd blank find is not a republican, lloyd blank find it a ceo of oldman sachs, a democrat, he cited with romney, but he has always loved hillary clinton. larry fink put the former chief of staff on his board. longtime democrat, largely support some republicans but wall street is still a democrat. melissa: politico picked up on your reporting. if you had jed bush versus
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hillary clinton, most people on wall street would be like fine, either of those work for me. i did in the nightmare scenario which would be rand paul and ted cruz versus elizabeth warren. i will ask you, why is hillary clinton more palatable to people on wall street than rand paul or ted cruz from a financial point of view? >> they are trading benefit by stock prices going up so i think they see hillary clinton, a female version of bill clinton. the stocks went up 213%. melissa: president obama hitting wall street really hard, punishing people like jamie dimon. why wouldn't she want to be like president obama? >> she has already said she will not be like that. that is anybody's guess. spread the risk around from the financial crisis.
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the one question is is the republican party in such disarray we have to root for the other guy or girl in this case? the '90s were a great decade especially when clinton got in there because he raised taxes and cut them. he did that with a republican congress. charlie: who allowed the creation of all these banks that eventually blew up? it is glass-steagall and bill clinton. who allowed the creation of all these mortgage-backed securities? this put a lot of money and wall street pockets. republicans on wall street will not support hillary clinton no way, no how. melissa: why are they disaster from an investment point of view? charlie: they are not. no way. >> you link back clinton to previous clinton and that is why it is happening.
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>> i am melissa francis with your fox business brief. ibm shares moving higher after putting all the software apps on one cloud marketplace. including around 100 application development tools. ibm hopes the marketplace will make the product or easily available to customers. u.s. government has advised against using microsoft internet explorer browser. until a major bug has been fixed. the security flaw allows hackers to launch attacks on private users internet explorer is used on more than half of all personal computers. coal plants shut down. nuclear power is reduced. some areas may see an increase of 50% in the next 16 years as consumers switch to renewable energy. that is the latest from the fox business giving power to prosper.
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melissa: we are halfway through earnings, this season we have seen companies giving away cash, so is this a good move for shareholders? joining me now, thanks to all of you for joining us. everybody has been saying they have all of this cash on the balance sheets. lot of companies like apple didn't buy backs, but is that the best use of cash? >> you are seeing executives put
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in the business and a position for the future. most businesses are investing. restaurant sector believe it or not in mobile technology, online technology, they get it. melissa: what you think of apple doing a buybacks? reason the quarterly dividend. it is something. >> it is something. the lack of activity comes from other companies showing a little bit of a fear factor. with debts as cheap as it is, many of them have loaded up on cheap that almost building a war chest for the unknown. that is not helping shareholders. it is not advancing creative strategies that could be deploying. melissa: what you want to see in a healthy economy is there taking risks. acquiring other companies, acquiring other companies or their opening new locations were
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building factories or they are hiring people. do you think it will happen anytime soon? >> hiring people seems like a novel idea nobody is doing. there are some things going on. if you are in the board room, to brian's point, you're going to save your hide by getting your share price up. we would hope a lot of these companies would reinvest. people are hating melissa mayer writes now, but she has done two dozen deals since getting in there. there are smaller ones not getting a lot of praise that are very good. facebook also. guess what, that is totally the mobile push i think will help the company. melissa: what do you make of that? both of those companies get criticized. >> you are not seeing more risk.
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one name that had been in the news is coca-cola. executives did not deserve that compensation. melissa: who would you like to see? >> the capital investment is a low point of almost 10 years. we have hit a bottom. the u.s. economies are improving stories and yet they are at a low point. melissa: thanks, gentlemen. liz claman giving us a preview of what is coming up next. a market basically flat. it is all on you. liz: the swing today. the s&p, we started off so strong. we're going to look at what has brought us to this point where we raced the losses. on top of that, you guys have been talking about this situation with the los angeles clippers.
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when i say ticket sales, one of the websites that is extremely important when it comes to ticket sales. are there more now because of increased interest or less o int comes to the sales? the founder and ceo. we have the impacts director also a professor at webster university. we will talk to him about the economy of nba, all of the sports and all of the names pulling out now. kia have pulled out. waiting to hear about anheuser-busch. melissa: sainthood for st. john paul, the unbelievable scenes as the crowds packed st. peter's square at the vatican. but it is quite costly. father jonathan morris on just what it takes to become a saint. you can never have too much money.
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melissa: whether it is on wall street or main street, anybody with amazon again losing money. the stock trading at the lowest in eight months. we have been following. the stock keeps sinking. down 30% from their all-time high in late january. the ceo keeps losing money. lost almost $3 billion last week. today he has lost another $800 million. it has to hurt no matter who you are. a chicago waffle cafe that has taken the craze one step further
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by creating the mouthwatering treat is a wafnutybrtside but wn the inside. flavors include mexican chocolate and toasted marshmallow heaven. making even more money is this letter from the titanic. just hours before the ship hit an iceberg sold in auction for $200,000. the letter describes how the journey had been smooth sailing right up until that last point. time for some fun with spare change. pope john paul ii and john the 23rd are the newest additions to sainthood. it can be costly. a quarter of a million dollars per pope. a lot goes into sanctioning one saint. father jonathan morris and joins us now. behind it is its own process in
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business. i was looking at this, campaign cost about a quarter of a million dollars which may sound like a lot or a little. >> $300 million last week. melissa: i don't know how much extra he has, but it has gone way up. it was not that long ago in new york, campaigning for another saint only $400,000 a lot of folks were complaining about that. what costs so much? >> $250,000, i have not verified that number. you know how many people were there yesterday? 800,000 people in st. peter's square. hundreds of thousands of people who were waiting outside. a friend of mine, first of all
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there are no tickets because there is no cost. melissa: the mayor estimates $7 million. totally separate for the security. >> there was no cost. there was no ticket price. melissa: there are documents between the vatican and the saints hometown. you have experts who have to be called in and testify about the miracle. you have a postulate or who mediates between the candidates stand base and the vatican. what does that mean? >> this was all the human aspect of spirituality. we talked earlier before we went on camera about what is this whole sainthood thing. the first step is a verification of the heroic virtues of the people in question. melissa: that does sound expensive. >> you have to do an investigation.
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remember john paul ii everybody said to make him a saint right now during the funeral. the vatican will say everybody wants him to be a saint, let's do it. they had to do a serious investigation of his life. that would take care of 800,000 people in the square, they put out brochures. all of that was for free. melissa: appreciate it. i think it is very hard. ask and you shall receive, governor rick perry winning big as toyota goes to taxes and other companies are right behind. you can never have too much "money." ys s be ma wi thelan
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buwithess gy, odins, do meth ive, i s mdoor. a ood st swed it was low testosterone, not age. we talked about axiron the onlynderarm low t treaent that can restore t vels to normal in about two weeks in most men. axiron is not for use in women or anyone younger than 18 or men with prostate or breast cancer. women, especlly those who are or who may become pregnant, and children should avoidt where axirons applied as unexpected signs of puberty in children or changes in body hair or incased acne in women may occur. report these symptoms to your doctor. tell your doctorbout all medical conditions and medications. serious side effects could include increased sk of prostate cancer, worsening prostate symptoms, creaerm ank or well s, ms breathing while sleeping and blood clots in the legs. common side effects include skin redness or irritation where applied, increased red blood cell count, common side effects include skin redness headache, diarrhea, vomiting, and increase in psa. ask your doctor about axiron.
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fox business' jo ling kent is here with more, and james is back with us also. this is a big deal, right, jo? >> yeah, it is. they've been there since the 1950s, they're moving 5900 workers to -- 5300 workers to texas because of the better deals there. melissa: yeah. you would think we were talking in the break that this is happening all around the country, big and small. you yourself were lured to connecticut from new york. we have the same problems as california. >> yes. we have high taxes, high cost of living and high reg, but as businesses look to expand and grow, you do look for states that are going to be more business-friendly, and for us, our expansion, connecticut had by far the best proposal. melissa: jo, the list goes on and on. this is the latest and biggest one, but there are 50 companies that have moved just in the past, i mean since july of 20123. some of the big names, occidental, legal zoom, ebay, google, visa. this is a big deal. >> yeah, it really is, actually.
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california leaving, petco, raytheon, all these different companies going for a variety of reasons, and it's also good for the workers who get transplanted there if they're able to move -- melissa: are they? they're moving 5300 workers, or are they firing people in california and hiring in texas? is. >> i think that remains to be seen. we saw the confirmation of the announcement, but often times with corporations especially when you're looking at sales and management, there's a certain degree of people that cannot be replaced, right? and they will probably just have to be relocated which is good or bad for them, who knows, but there's some jobs that will be replaced. certainly for torrance, california, it's a tough move. melissa: right. and we're looking at more of in this going forward, right, james? >> i think so. when states compete, businesses will win. melissa: money goes where it's treated best. thanks to both of you guys. that's all we have for you. i hope you are making money today. we're looking at the dow right now, up 22 pointings. "countdown" starts right now. ♪
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♪ liz: major u.s. markets and russian stocks see an early morning rally after news that membership doesn't always have its privileges. the u.s. goes after seven russian government officials over the ukraine crisis along with 17 companies linked to russian president vladimir putin's inner circle. should investors buy in and where? earnings season report card. what are earnings really telling us so far about the health of the u.s. economy? are companies deliberately lowballing their numbers? nothing gets by the soup smart people at s&p capital iq. we've got one of their best and brightest live. and flagrant foul, the firestorm over what the l.a. clippers' owner allegedly said about african-americans turns the nba playoffs into a bid of a sideshow with tens of millions of dollars at stake and the reputations of the owners, players and nba on the line, we examine the business of the fallout. "countdown to the closing bell" starts right now.
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