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tv   Cavuto  FOX Business  April 29, 2014 11:00pm-12:01am EDT

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♪ ♪ neil: all right, these obamacare andelman numbers, i was a doubting thomas. i never bought them because the 8 million figure that you heard it here hear so much about it, how many of them pay, how many of them didn't have insurance before? if you take all of that out, i suspect the number was dramatically lower. we came up with figure is closer to 2 million just using that math. that was then and this is now. some startling news that confirms my worst suspicions.
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it looks like half enrolled having an paid for their premium or paid for the privilege. to the man who runs thate commih hudgins has been punching the numbers and wants to know what all the how ballou has been about. commissioner, it is good to have you back. but you are saying that what you're getting our numbers that on the surface may seem impressive but are half what they appear to be? can you explain? >> what we did, and i personally asked the deputy secretary for these numbers and she told me she could not give them out. so what we did is a data call from the five companies that were participating in the federally facilitated exchange in georgia come asking them how many people selected policy. and it's right at this that
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selected the policy. only 107,000 plus of those actually paid the premium. neil: stopping you right there. okay, have to figure of those who are signed up, can you technically count them as in enrollees. >> these are the ones that had paid one we did this after march 15. they were the ones that actually had insurance. that is half of the ones that actually the obama administration and we only have half or less than half. and i just really agree with you. i do not think that we are anywhere near 7.4 million or
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$8 million. whatever the latest figures. i do not believe that we are close. neil: he just raised another great point. if this goes beyond the $108,000 that was not paid, by your math 400,000 georgians will lose their policies out right. >> that is exactly right. we did that by serving the insurance company. those are the ones that do not have compliant policies are in and so they did not renew and they are going to lose those policies and lose that coverage. and some of the policies were family policies and there would be a husband-and-wife and maybe a child or two. so the 107,000 policies that were paid for, then on the other
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hand you've lost 400,000 folks. so we've had a net loss as well. neil: you just said a far better than i could. commissioner, i want to bring in some of my esteemed panelists and coworkers here. we have liz macdonald and guests. so i'm a stickler for the details on these numbers. how many had covered before, etc. this is one state. there are others that have now experienced similar things, the likes of nevada and illinois. what are we going to make of it? >> what you make of it is georgia did the legwork here that the federal agency should be doing. by the way, the inspector
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general on all of us, there's fallout of what is happening. it goes beyond the administration with the trumpeting too early. a lot of enrollees sign up for medicaid. the fallout is that this is why ensures a likely jacking up the rates for everyone else. because they don't have all the information they need on how many are actually going to pay their premiums. so the doctors have to foot the bill. neil: or we foot the bill. >> this multiple fallout. neil: the commissioner said better than i did. the long-term fallout, the longer these folks don't pay, obviously someone has to or they are not counted. so what do you think happened? >> i don't think they pay. i think we brought up a really good point in the commissioner hit upon it. if you look at the top states for insurance premiums have appreciated, georgia is number
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four of all the states out there. so we are talking about a several hundred% increase. they can't pay it, they can't afford it. surveys also show show that one third of americans don't even understand what it is still. there's no way people are getting involved in this thing spew on i worry about that scenario. folks that think that they have coverage and they certainly don't want to see that coverage yanked away. but if they can't pay for it, i can't give them doing that. so someone is going to foot the bill. i suspect it will be a. >> that's exactly right. you go ahead. >> it is a slippery slope. you have people that think that they have coverage and they don't. and honestly they aren't even prohibited from actually going to see their doctor and having a paid for by obamacare. so will that be paid? i can't see the federal
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government pulling the plug on them. but that is not just a one-time deal. we have to accept that this may happen for the rest of the year. neil: commissioner, what do you make of that? is that a real threat? >> i think that the providers are the ones who are going to suffer the most. because if the individual goes to the doctor's office and does i have insurance through the exchange and the doctor sees them and while they are seeing their doctor and they say, i am sorry come you haven't paid your premiums committee do not have any insurance, the doctor can take this back and the person won't be able to pay for. >> thank you, commissioner. georgia is this one state. i'm not saying that if half the folks paying end, but it certainly isn't going to be the net figure that we heard talked about.
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>> these prices are going through the roof. i predict that when they come out with these new prices that they are going to be even higher. so if you want to talk about why, you can do that. neil: i would like to another time. you're on top of this. i'm glad you looked into this. okay, we will have a lot more. let's get to some news out of california. some that people think it's permanently democrat. last time the votes were republican was george bush senior. many years later, and now what? get ready, it could happen sooner than you thin
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friday night, buddy. you are gonna need a wingman. and my cash back keeps the party going. but my airline miles take it worldwide. [ male announcer ] it shouldn't be this hard. with, it's easy to search hundreds of cards and apply online.
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neil: you know, i know this seems hard to believe that the south was a democratic lock and then in the mid-60s it became a republican lock and pretty
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much has ever since. and with california, there used to be a time when republicans did okay there. in fact, they would win there. ronald reagan had two presidential victories there. and of course, george bush senior. when running for president he was the last republican to win there. memory surfaced in. the possibly california lost by 30 points. there is something going on that former hewlett-packard ceo says it's worth watching. so i think what you are looking at is this proposal to slap a tax on companies and ceos that are paid more than 100 times the pay of their average worker. so how would that be damaging? >> let's just start with the fact that it is a ridiculous
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thing for the state legislature to even be engaged in. so while i don't condone 100 times more pay for a ceo as an employee, there are many reasons why that might be the case. and so i don't know whether republicans can win in 2014 and 2016 in california. here is what i would say. if you continue to have the democratic party take advantage of its stature and push ridiculous things on the people of california and damage the state by failing to take up real work, like dealing with the water crisis that is costing tens of thousands of people their jobs and tens of thousands of acres of what used to be the most productive farmland in the world. if you keep doing that and you keep seeing people leave the state because they simply cannot bear to live there anymore, and it may not be in 2016, but over
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time the state will reach a tipping point and it's tragic. >> these are the things that you learned about. a lot of what you said has been proven science. the companies that are leading the state, they say oh, they are shifting a lot of jobs to texas. one of many companies that have done so. and i'm beginning to wonder now whether the oaks lose those jobs have to move to other locales because of the regulatory climate or whatever it is in california. you know, they rise up and that is what generally leave tube date ships in voting sentiment. but i just wonder whether california can see that. so right now governor jerry brown is a popular figure. so are we missing something?
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>> i think that is what causes the shift. the question is when does it happen. i think it's clearly going to happen, but when. against what you are talking about, which is people getting sick and tired of this management of the state, which has a lot of well in human and natural resources and yet both of those resources are wasted on bad public policy. but against that is the fact that the democratic party, both statewide and nationally, they will do whatever they have to to hang onto california. so that is a lot of power entrenched infrastructure. and the republican party has a long way to go to catch up with that. that california sadly is becoming a state that if you are very wealthy, it's all right. but if you literally have no option and you can't leave, you're in a very tough spot. and everyone else, little by little, they are getting giving out.
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that cannot last forever. eventually people will wise up and they we have to do something. but westerners when. neil: we will watch closely. it's good to see you. >> it is nice to be with you as well. neil: when we come back, republicans being un-american? you can send us your thoughts and we will have your reaction. so did anyone mention were a lot of groups have had to endure from the irs?
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why relocating manufacturingpany to upstate new york? i tell people it's for the climate. the conditions in new york state are great for business. new york is ranked #2 in the nation for new private sector job creation. and now it's even better because they've introduced startup new york - dozens of tax-free zones where businesses pay no taxes for ten years. you'll get a warm welcome in the new new york. see if your business qualifies at
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neil: i guess this is a new improved segment. and are you upset about this whole thing over lois lerner? her lawyer if thing thinking of
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holding her in contempt is un-american. we want to get your reaction to that area okay. so we have our panel back with us now. liz macdonald, scott martin, the lawyer wants the opportunity. and it's generally reserved for heads of state. but what he is saying is that he's trying to turn the tables on them. >> yes, it is also invoking the mccarthy hearings. totally incompetent and wrong. lois lerner is helping to run one of the most powerful agencies in the united states. she apologized for it but then pleaded the fifth. so there was a disconnect there. so this is sort of like trying to invoke the mccarthy era and this. it's really wrong for any political party to use this as a weapon. that is one of the most
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discriminating things you can do in this country. to try to do that. neil: with a lawyer is saying if is there is an investigation going on here. that lois lerner has not done anything wrong. so what do you say? >> definitely not. there is a process that is involved. she had two times or she can go to the house oversight committee. she can answer the questions and truthfully be a part of this and she hasn't done that. so then you have other representatives are saying and she doesn't want to be held in contempt, show up in front of the committee, answer the committee's questions. answer them fully. so we are getting some tweets. saying what is un-american as a person who uses her position to discriminate and lie and get away with something.
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so lois lerner as un-american for not protecting the people and refusing to tell the truth. so where do you see this going? >> i hope somewhere nasty and dark. it's un-american for like a government agency like the use for it and pressure on the american people. because this is what is really going on. someone has to be the fall guy or the fall girl or the red you know, should the apology thing is that i'm not doing any questions. so they know that they have messed up and so they're going to try to get her out of it. >> what is so bothersome that they cite the mccarthy hearings, they said it involves private-sector workers at a defense contractor. and it's such a lame comparison. by the way the senate democrats,
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let's back up. let's strip away those poorly thought-out analogy. we are talking about the use of the irs and presidential elections to basically i felt any opposition and question government spending. we have sequestration and budget problems coming down and that is what the issue is to and it's really the integrity of this political system here in the united states. neil: i think it is a little weird. think you guys prematurely plans you back very soon. but what city on this planet do you think has more billionaires than any other city on the planet? welcome it not the be that these two guys are from. it's moscow. there is a connection and there may be a worry some situations
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neil: all right, i kind of cheesy before talking about all of the billionaires in the world. but some of them are centered in moscow. the of course we have been getting the russians hard with sanctions. so let's say those who own a lot of this in and around manhattan have to sell that real estate. and then what happens to real estate? and heard donald trump junior. because the donald trump empire is built largely on real estate.
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we see these people with the prices of $6000 per square foot, the average person, it's probably not so much of an issue neil: i know the argument is for the big chinese villagers replace them. >> i think it's horrible for retail and new construction. it is a big component of that. as far as existing retail goes, not sure that these guys are going anywhere. and so it may be a little bit more problematic are the coming months. but i don't think this is the end-all be-all or they're never coming back to new york again.
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>> and it has grown up and i think it happened more during the boom and the bus. new york wasn't hit that hard and i think that it is because there's not wealth that people are saying my 4 million-dollar apartment may only be worth $2 million per that i will sit there and suck up until the market comes back. so it never really came together like you did in some other areas >> and i see that is a bigger problem than perhaps others. people are really hitting this looking at places like florida and other market, there is a point in which it is too much. new york is the greatest city in the world. you're happy to pay the extra and it's not substantial insubstantial for a lot of these guys. but there is a breaking point. perhaps some guys may not be the biggest guys, but there's extra
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money that makes a big difference to them and it's definitely compelling to look elsewhere. >> i don't understand why, necessarily. what he said was terrible and despicable and i agree with that. and this is, i mean, that became the focal point of the story. ultimately. >> what you think of donald sterling been banned from basque ball? >> well, i don't know enough about what the mba rules are. i'm sure they have the power to do what they are doing. neil: you buy this, those who haven't influential position. >> he bought into that full disclosure, i say 100%.
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then the weather i do think whether it is ridiculous and despicable and totally out of her touch, it if you listen to it, it sounds like he's drunk or senile or perhaps both. but when someone leaves a 100 hours worth of tape, they know bringing this conversation into the public eye and enforcing the sale of a billion-dollar franchise is a complicated issue. i don't think it's as the boys will like to make it. neil: i just can't see you bind buffalo. >> it's not too far. anonymously on the whole
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situation. >> so you think it's a possibility? >> i think that we looked at a lot of deals and we will see what happens. neil: that is what your father would do. he wouldn't answer me. okay, when we come back, i don't know if you've heard what happened with john kerry. ted cruz said, you know what, secretary, you are fired. okay. after this. (announcer) scottrade knows our clients trade and invest their own way. with scottrade's smart text, i can quickly understand my charts, and spend more time trading. their quick trade bar lets my account follow me online so i can react in real-time. plus, my local scottrade office is there to help. because they know i don't trade like everybody. i trade like me. i'm with scottrade. (announcer) scottrade. voted "best investment services company."
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neil: all right, it started with the secretary of state, john kerry, making what he called an innocent remark over fears that israel could go the way of south africa. he didn't say that at people immediately made the connection. he felt that they, the israeli
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government, was racist and their treatment of palestinians. so they said you should resign. we thought that we would bring joe lieberman and to raise more hell and controversy so there's no good response that wouldn't get him in trouble. good to have you, senator. >> good to be here. neil: what you make of this? john kerry just can't dial this back. i can remember a time when jimmy carter was saying that. but he was a number president, this is the present secretary of state. >> is john kerry himself said, he used the wrong word. it's a word that is too loaded. apartheid. and if you look at what he said, it is consistent with what he has been saying all along about why it is urgent to try to negotiate a peace agreement.
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which is because the palestinian population is growing. unless there is a two state solution, either israel will no longer be a jewish state were this is where he made a mistake, there would be apartheid, which means the government would get involved in. neil: sub pages.this administration is just not a friend of israel. >> well, i know john kerry, believe it or not. and for john kerry, i've known him since college, leave it or in the senate.ed with him for and he's pro-israel and my guess is that he is heartbroken that he made this statement at the way it's been discussed. neil: i don't think it was accidental. >> knowing john kerry as long as i do, i'd say using the word
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apartheid was accidental and i think he's probably spent a lot of time trying to bring the parties together and it's falling apart now. >> the israelis feel alone. >> yes, they know that america is their best friend in the world. when they are uncertain about it, they feel uneasy. but i just spoke with some who said all of this is sort of blowing around and everyone on the grounds is to be living normal lives. >> obviously it is up to president obama. but i think that it would be wrong and unjustified through fire. which was really an inadvertent slip of the tongue. so unlike sterling, this is
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totally inconsistent with his whole life, which is free of bigotry. >> liz macdonald, you have heard about this. just another thing? >> yes, the apartheid comment has been part of the conversation of what is going on in israel since 1961 when south africa became fully apartheid. so the investigators have used that statement, scholars have used that area then i think the good gentleman is right that mr. john kerry is probably deeply upset and frustrated and it was perhaps a slip of the tongue and it is a heavily loaded term used to delegitimize israel. but it has been used for decades. >> just am i just want to say it is a loaded word particularly now because there is a growing effort on some college campuses
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in the u.s., imposing sanctions. the reality is that israel is the most democratic country. >> it's night and day. and israelis probably have more rights than those in the middle east because they are citizens of a general democracy. they said in the israeli racial apartheid system in south africa, it's just totally wrong. so my guess is as you said, if you could roll the tape that, you would never say that again. neil: really quickly, are you buying the quibblerclippers? >> i cannot say.
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but i think that the commissioner did the right thing. and there's very unusual rules but let's just say, if this was the ceo of any fortune 500 company, the board of directors would say that it's going to kill our business. so that is the age in which we live. you cannot be a bigot. neil: senator, thank you so much. so here is the reality. they make money hand over fist. spirit airlines is the latest example. i hate to break it to you, there are going to be a lot more. so get ready and get set. pay u
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the one how many times have i told you in the wake of all of these fee increases for carry-on bags, whether you check them or put them in the overhead bin. i told you to fly commando or wear the same outfit for a week area because you're going to pay through the nose. spirit airlines is profit jumping. it is an airline that is very vague on fees than they are making a lot of money. charging $25 to store things in the overhead bin. see, i couldn't do that. but he did.
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so what do you think of this? >> what really gets me about this story, going to the airport is like preparing for a small military battle. what is really annoying as part of this. but here is what is annoying and here is what they are doing. they are using the telephone company business model and bungling mess and then they are not giving you a discount. so they are even throwing in their extra legroom fees when they jam the plane with extra chairs in there. neil: spirit airlines has been doing this for a long time. >> i think it's terrible. you're kind of getting what you pay for. if you look at the airline complaints in 2013, spirit is
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numero now. >> and again, three times. you go to the airport and you already hate traveling anyway. and there are all kinds of fees that will make people even more upset. >> take the bus. this is wonderful for shareholders. >> they are talking about taking these planes. they are going to have advertising space on the outside. neil: i don't doubt that it's good for shareholders. but why can we get back to simple pricing. >> they can't stick to simple
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pricing. >> like i said, they are doing a bungling of a package deal. so i'm telling you it's what car companies do. and by the way, they do have flight attendants that are rude. >> i guess they are just not like socks. >> even though i didn't fit in there, captain didn't care. [laughter] neil: donald sterling is out, perhaps banned for life. what do you make of that? >> it is probably the right punishment to say the least. always what happened is terrible and probably the bad part is that this is a christian knows what this guy has been up to for
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the last 20 something years are in this is the behavior that he has been exhibiting for a long time. it's something that the nba tokyu blind eye to. >> what advertiser is an advertiser with his team i now a matter. >> the thing that is weird about this, if this were a ceo and we have seen some of them from the far left, they would be on their keister. but the sports world is completely different. >> we are talking about one that owns the clippers. they have ownership. what he said was completely hurtful, it was despicable. but when i start hearing about actually removing him and his ownership rights, we are talking about it early and dollar piece of property. i think that we will be hearing about lawsuits left and right on this.
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>> that is the question. there is a board of governors that they had to adhere to. so i don't know what he's they have with this. neil: i want to thank you guys very much. in the meantime, this particular picture is now taking the internet by storm. a lot of you are asked her if it is real or if it is actually airbrushed. some of the ladies have just
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stick with innovation. seastick with power. apply at stick with technology. get the flexcare platinum from philips sonicare and save now. philips sonicare why relocating manufacturingpany to upstate new york? i tell people it's for the climate. the conditions in new york state are great for business. new york is ranked #2 in the nation for new private sector job creation. and now it's even better because they've introduced startup new york - dozens of tax-free zones where businesses pay no taxes for ten years. you'll get a warm welcome in the new new york. see if your business qualifies at
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neil: actress daryl hannah has been talking about the keystone pipeline. >> let's say that it's art trump card to help the europeans. >> that is not the way that business works. >> you just said that.
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>> this winter was a natural gas boom. we have been creating more natural gas than ever with the dangerous practice of tracking. but yet it is at an all-time record high. >> are you going to let me finish my statement? >> i'm trying to finish but you won't let me. neil: it got worse. chuck says enough. who really gives a crap what they are handled things. well, chuck, be nice. and it says please stop bringing on these hollywood bozos to discuss something that they don't have any clue about. neil: she is not a bozo. she sees this entire pipeline in this way. we can differ over her environmental views are that i don't think that she's completely wrong. she's very impassioned. well worth the discussion. and jay and alice says to do any of your guest like her father to check the facts.
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anyone who tried to drive an electric car across the country at 70 miles per hour? and another viewer says these are not allowed on the show again. did she get from l.a. to your studio on a solar powered unicorn? and david sends an e-mail, she makes a serious point. keystone is a disaster waiting to happen. and i get the idea that the disaster is already happening. and neil, you just lost a longtime long time viewer. just less of a leg to stand on on her last movie that nobody wants. the real people gladly provide this smokescreen and you took the bait. cutting and journalism, goodbye. goodbye, tony. the first of me a break.
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it was a great movie, and you know it and i know why. how she did not get the oscar this year remains hollywood's darkest day. and ron in huntington beach california. what is the deal with giving a dingbat like suzanne somers the platform? review had a crush on her when she was with that tv show. neil: okay, suzanne somers is a different want. get your bombshells right. and jesse says remember herb to most notorious characters. so call mrs. cavuto and help her check under the bed. will do, will do. because you disturbed me.
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but not house as much is your familiarity with these other johanna movies. then during yesterday's what's the deal. greg writes no more naked cartoons with your mug on top. and what was the problem? to life like for you? anyway, if you're going to use a photo, make a fuzzy squares extend more than an inch. it looks bad. and heather sends an e-mail that says, was that your real body? well, yes, it was. and mary in new york or was that
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pixelated because that was the real you? i pose and you decide. and this viewer says i knew it, you are a unicorn. and i knew it, you were a jerk. and argue that are you that desperate for ratings? what is next? becoming a jerk or? well, for the right price. and the new viewer says you talk about fun commando with all these airline fees. if that's accurate, there's someone that would be happy to fly accurate to you. and ryan says my father and i want to show. you are intelligent and funny, and you won't let any punks try to bs you.
11:59 pm
and eleanor says, anyone who can laugh at himself is okay in my book read control yourself so your wife need a worry. but if i were younger you would be a clever cougar. and eleanor in alabama says what is the deal with journalists when such nonsense on the show two you would never see walter cronkite pulling mess. and have you ever seen him in drag at? just asking. and what is the deal with people always asking these personal questions? morbid curiosity, i suppose. and do you like chocolate? well, yes, where are we going with this. and another viewer says we find her show a joy to watch.
12:00 am
and if i ever see these digitized pictures again, it could be . kennedy: the news about donald sterling's racist heart rippled through the nba and countless dinner table discussions and words universally condemn. how bad is the guy compared to people who have beaten up fellow players, their wives? even spam. outrage builds and finds that sweet spot, that inflection point that tips the whole thing on its head. it's almost a competition for the outrage police who with prove they're most offended and how quickly can angry, hungry mob be intashiated in pains. it shouldn't give anyone pa


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