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tv   MONEY With Melissa Francis  FOX Business  May 2, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm EDT

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typical investment. dierdre: good luck to the bettores and the -- betters and racers. melissa francis with me next hour. melissa: we were very impressed by that, deirdre. good riding. thank you so much. dierdre: thank you. melissa: we have breaking news right now. our own charlie gasparino is here with exclusive new details what is expected to be the the biggest ipo of the year. charlie, what have you got? >> which is alibaba, $15 billion. what is interesting, what underwriters are doing, sources tell us in the underwriting community they continue to push for the new york stock exchange over nasdaq as the listing venue. very interesting thing. this decision could be made any day now, any week now. the ipo is expected to come back in july and august but they're going to do a road show. they may do the s-1 filing next week. this thing thing the are upper is hitting the road -- rubber is hitting the road. the underwriters continue to push new york stock exchange. not that they don't like nasdaq or chief bob greifeld, but the
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two technology snafus, one on facebook, remember the exchange was down three hours? melissa: right. >> there ask too much reputational risk. if you pick nasdaq, and there is another screw-up it will hurt your company reputation alley. facebook shares didn't recover until recently. went down to almost $20 a share. a lot of people believe it was on a slow start and that snafu that occurred in 2012. that is what is going on right now. bob greifeld ceo of nasdaq is out there still trying to push the nasdaq's credentials here. what big nasdaq credential, if you're a chinese investor you can not buy alibaba shares on new york stock exchange. you can't actually buy it on nasdaq but what you can buy a ex-training traded fund. something called the nasdaq 100. i don't know exactly the name. it is in the story on but you can get it on the shanghai exchange. virtue of index fund chinese investors can get a shares of
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alibaba. you can only do that on the nasdaq. there will not be single underwriter but all the particular firms, morgan stanley, jpmorgan and goldman sachs are buying stable agent, the firm that stablizes price. they get bragging rights and for all intents and purposes book runner and will probably get fees. melissa: charlie gasparino, thank you very much. we have the other big story of the day which is jobs. u.s. adds 220,000 jobs beating expectations but looking deeper into the numbers the news may not be as good as it seems of let's bring in the rest of the panel. we have rbs chief economist extraordinaire, michelle gerard and kong mist extraordinaire because i want to be here peter morici and chris is here on set. you're extraordinary in off yourself. michelle, give me the numbers. >> it is great news so it suggests that there is bit of hiring more this year than we saw last year.
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i think 288 is probably not the new hire being pace. melissa: 228, oh, 288, sorry. misprint in my story. go ahead. >> but the trend is probably closer to the low 200s. i think like i said what we saw, that we probably had hiring that got delayed because of the weather and aprils is the weather improved we saw some catch-up. it is good news but i think a sign that we're getting, we are getting improvement in the labor market. i think not as significant as just the april job gains itself would suggest. melissa: peter, do you agree with that? you have to take into account 806,000 people, according to the other unemployment study, gave up looking. >> well, yeah. if you look at the unemployment number you have to throw it out because there was such a huge drop in the adult participation rate, that has been the most successful jobs program, getting people to stop looking because it drives down unemployment rate. wages were flat.
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that is not good. wages haven't been moving very much anyway. so it's again the good jobs bad jobs scenario. over the course of the recession and the recovery, we've lost about a million jobs in the upper third of the pay brackets. we gained over two million jobs in the lower third of the pay brackets. so this is more barista jobs. >> yeah. >> not great news in that regard. indicates that the economy is probably growing 2 1/2 to 3%, instead of 2, to 2 1/2%. melissa: that's a great point. chris, what is impact on terrible gdp? does that mean we're doing better than the gdp read of .1% growth. >> it was heaviry weighted toward the first quarter. we had significant number of winter days, companies reporting closures, shutdown, that sort of thing. not surprising at all that was a bad number. that's in the rear view mirror. now we have a lot of reports, both economic and companies reporting their earnings. cummins engine, parker hand fan
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and like guess what -- melissa: i have to get to her because she will leave us. what is your guess what gdp really is? >> for the second quarter we're probably looking at a number ultimately in the 3 1/2 to 4% range. we're not quite there yet. i know a lot of other people are. if you average that versus the weak q1 number you look at -- melissa: charlie, go ahead. >> why are bonds up? here's the thing. look at the bond market. people are buying bond today for, and they're not buying it because they're bullish on the economy. they're buying bonds probably, that is the yield going down, is on because they think that there's still issues with this recovery, with wages flat. melissa: okay. >> listen, one month's unemployment numbers i've been taught, i learned through this obama recovery, not to truth them. melissa: we'll leave it there on this one. wage rage hits seattle as a peaceful may day protest end in violence. fox news's william la jess has the story. >> reporter: dancing, singing,
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and spirits are typically part of any may day celebration unless you're in seattle where may 1st means pepper spray and broken windows and lot of complain about income inequality. this year's rally mostly peaceful. but police arrested 10 to vandalized cars, turned over newsstand and set fire to garbage bins because they also want $15 an hour minimum wage. last year protesters pelted police with rocks and bottles. this was improvement but not ideal. >> i don't agree with it at all. supposed to be peaceful demonstration. showing everybody where we stand and handful of people and handful of idiots ruined it for everybody. >> doing sufficient like this, everyone who originally banded together for something good, make it look bad and violent. that is not what it is about at all. >> reporter: san francisco activists complained about getting priced out of neighborhoods by tech startups. another group took over an intersection. san francisco, 200, seattle, 400. in l.a. a thousand showed up.
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it was about immigration rights, not worker rights. four million residents in l.a. not a big turnout. protesters hope clogging streets and carrying signs educate rest of our workers about workers rights. back to you. melissa: william, thank you so much for that report. this week money and tweets calling on white house to respond to the cbo stagger being report that the 10:10 -- 10.10 minimum wage would cost jobs. jason furman, spoke to fox business's peter barnes earlier today. >> cbo report even on its own terms shows it would help the economy it, would help workers. we think cbo overstated, was outside the consensus of economists in terms of the employment estimate put forward. melissa: hmmm. what do we think about that? peter morici, i will let you start. >> if you recall janet yellen said cbo was in better position to assess this than the
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white house. if you recall man is being political. i think he should recognize he has life after the white house and he has to come back to play where i am and he is losing his, his credibility by saying these kind of things. it could cause upward to a million jobs. you can't get around that. it is a dumb thing to do. melissa: it says a lot about kind of jobs we're getting back as we look at unemployment numbers, that we have so many protests going on out there. we have protests going on about the minimum wage. >> right. melissa: we're focused on minimum wage, means those are type of cheap jobs that people are doing right now as opposed to plentiful ones that play well. charlying? >> when you see like the guy with the beard, you know, man, this is -- hard to take people like this seriously. melissa: unclear to you why he doesn't work at a bank on wall street? >> unclear to moo why he doesn't work, exactly. >> he has time to demonstrate. like one of my students. >> a lost jobs in retail. a lost jobs in health and leisure, that sort of thing. very low wage paying jobs. melissa: right. >> melissa look at what
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companies like chipolte are saying. they're seeing costs increase. they have to push through price increases. minimum wage increase, if it happened like another cost increase. melissa: which will mean fewer jobs, right? >> go ahead, peter. it is 40% increase when adjusting for inflation would require about 7 or 8 since the last time the minimum wage was adjusted. it would raise the price of big mack one or two dollars a meal. who will that hurt the most? people making minimum wages that is the insane. >> not that guy because he doesn't work. what is interesting thing we give a lot of equal time to idiots like the guy with the beard. melissa: well the pictures are entertaining. >> contrast them with most economists across the board, liberal, conservatives, raising minimum wage has impact on jobs. melissa: they do. but others say, so you pay people more, then they have more to pay for higher priced burgers. >> not if they have million less -- melissa: goes other direction. go ahead, peter. >> not with less people working, it doesn't do you any good. >> right. melissa: we'll leave it there.
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thanks so much, you guys. it is the baseball scandal we've been all over here on "money". how mexican drug cartels are funding america's pastime. have you heard about this? what the mlb is saying about that now. it is a shocking story. while the rest of america is desperate for work, amazon employees are forced to take a 30-minute lunch break and boredom. tweet me what you think. more "money" coming up. i bought a car, over and tells you, and you're like. a good deal or not. looking at there's no buyer's remorse.
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save time, save money, and never overpay. visit
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>> fall -- melissa: falling unemployment rate may have unintended consequence, up tick in winding. amazon employees in anonymous accounts on horrors working for jeff bezos, forced to take a lunch break and keep your blackberry on over the weekend, oh, no! despite a amazon policy that pays, unhappy, chinaers or for
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then to quit. jared levy of chatwood fund and marketing expert peter shanks man. i was outraged by this story. i'm looking at it on jobs day when some people out of work who want a job. an amazon job is a good job. generally better-paying than the other jobs that we're talking about. peter, what was your reaction to this whining? >> shocked they're still using blackberries. the bigger picture -- melissa: well, there is that. >> amazon has been known to have worker problems not past. at end of the day it's a good job. they adopted this zappos model after two months if you're not happy, here is money to go away. for them to still be complaining. you had your chance. show up to work. melissa: comment numb burr four, our lunches are required to be 30 minutes long f we try to clock in even one minute early, the time clock will desplay error message telling us how many minutes we have remaining on our lunch break. another one complains heat, boredom and a sore body. jonathan, are you weeping?
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>> [singing] melissa: was that your violin? >> this is world's smallest violin. this is pure kneelism. this company creates, thousand of, high-paying jobs, world's most respected company, what are the people complaining about? if they want to get ate per job, they should i will prove skills to get better job. to complain against amazon is cut down tall poppies. melissa: they think there are plethora out there and can get a different one. why don't they take the money and run? they can have $5,000 to quit their job and move on? >> they know they need it at end. day. funny i sympathize with them. melissa: what. >> because they're delusional. melissa: you're delusional too? is that it. >> perhaps. my generation is screwed up. they get on facebook. they're going to get a twitter account and still have following for free and become millionaires. it doesn't work that way.
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you need to put in your time. you know what? amazon has a great program of four-year program, get education which amazon pays for and 5,000-dollar bonus to start a new -- melissa: hang on. meanwhile more teens than ever saying they don't want summer jobs? is this about the economy or is it a change in the culture? what do you think? only 8.3% of the 11 million american teens that weren't working last summer say they want a summer job. only 8%. peteer? >> i remember being high school in manhattan faking my age to get a permit to because i wanted that job. my parents gave me 10 buck as week. you want more? get a job. this smacks entitlement. one thing i will not hire ever, entitlement. melissa: i have you all beat, i had my first job when i was six months old. jared, you want to weigh? >> i can't even -- it is true. real quick. interesting play on this one. the other angle to look at is perhaps those quote, unquote teen jobs, maybe are being
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gobbled up by adults who just need it? i can't get a job now. i have a 25-year-old with two kids who needs to support their family. they're taking over. melissa: jonathan, i give you final word. try to top that one. >> melissa, what is our culture and what administration's attitude towards low-paying low skilled jobs? don't take those? those are terrible jobs. why would anyone work for that much money, little amount of money. that is where you build skills to move up and on with your can requirement as you did. i did. so many other people did. young people should learn how to work. they need to learn how to work. we live in a culture that says -- melissa: all my love. happy friday. thank you so much. from the u.s. to irv corner of the globe money has been flying around the world starting in london where a penthouse sold for a record amount, nearly a quarter of a billion dollars? are you serious? the buyer of the 16,000 square foot apartment is still unknown but some locals say it is likely one of the russian oligarchs or
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arab chic sheikh buying in the market there. this has rather exotic name, really? refreshing mango smoothie with pearls and whipped cream comes in teen for the warmer weather. no word how it is received by people there. i guess table hit. i don't know. landing in australia where they want you to wait even longer to retire. the government there now requires people to work until the age of 70 before they even qualify for a pennion. over the next 30 years the number of australians age over 65 will account for more than 40% of the whole country. big problem. live from nebraska, it is that time of year when the world descends on the state to hear from the "oracle of omaha" himself. liz claman is there speaking to the biggest names. her exclusive interview with the nebraska governor coming up next right here on the show.
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plus, things may seem a little different when you're out of town this saturday, on the town this saturday evening. google glass wearers will be out in droves for a glass night out. it is all part of their new charm offensive. good luck. do you ever have too much money? ♪
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have a bleeding condition or stomach ulcer, take aspirin, nsaids, or blood thinners... ...or if you have kidney problems, especially if you take certain medicines. tell your doctors about all medicines you take. pradaxa side effects include indigestion, stomach pain, upset, or burning. if you or someone you love has afib not caused by a heart valve problem... ...ask your doctor about reducing the risk of stroke with pradaxa. stick with innovation. stick with power. stick with technology. get the flexcare platinum from philips sonicare and save now. philips sonicare
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melissa: shares of linkedin, nicole petallides at new york stock exchange. look at this one down 7%, yikes! >> you talked about linked in and talk about the forecast and stock is showing disconnect here. down 7% for linkedin.
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the forecast disappoints wall street. some analysts cutting their numbers and just worried about the what the growth potential is for linkedin. such as we saw pacific crest saying that. though on the other hand ubs calling it a buy. some analysts still holding on to linkedin and still think it's a good one. look at some other social media stocks. twitter didn't move that well. groupon and yelp and pandora. for most part of down arrows. all with down arrows. groupon is squeezing down gain of 1/3 of 1%. yelp despite being down it had a big gain yesterday. still higher for the week and this worked for yelp. back to you. melissa: nicole, thanks so much. this weekend is the annual berkshire hathaway shareholders meeting. about 35,000 people are expected to attend warren buffett's big event. our very own liz claman in omaha, nebraska. she is joined by nebraska
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governor dave heineman. it all begins. so exciting. liz: right here and exclusive with the governor. this is unbeliveable, governor heineman. this is the only shareholder meeting on the planet that makes money surrounding cities and areas. you never hear about this. it is incredible. and we're here to tell people exactly what dollar amount that cops into the nebraska and omaha economy. you know now. >> liz, first of all, welcome back to nebraska. always great to have you. this meeting means 50 to off million dollars to the omaha and nebraska economy. so many people want to come here and be part of warren's meeting, berkshire hathaway. then we just have business after business, we were talking about the nebraska furniture mart. they will do four weeks of business in this weekend. so it is an exciting time for our state. liz: in fact warren buffett told me last night that in one day on tuesday, when they give a shareholder discount, in one day they did nearly eight million
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dollars in sales, one day. that's amazing. basically it is replicated throughout. we're in the hilton lobby where most of the guests try and stay. but every hotel sold out and all the restaurants sold extraordinarily well. nothing like buff but and berkshire hathaway meeting. to what do you ascribe the attention that he gets? >> well, warren buffett is so well-respected not only in our state but our country and all throughout the world. for his integrity when it cops to the business community and people listen to what warren has to say. they love to listen, what stock should i invest in? that's what they would want to know. best answer would be to invest in warren in berkshire hathaway and you'll get rich. liz: speaking of investing, everybody is waiting to hear about the big potential investment by transcanada in the keystone gl pipeline. now it is supposed to go at least partially through nebraska. you initially opposed it. then they changed the route. you're okay with it now.
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you were in the meeting with the president in february. he said what to you? >> the nation's governors were meeting with the president of the united states and he told us, finally after five years, i'm going to make a decision, yes or no. some of you will be happy. some of you won't. when he told us that at end of february he knew everything was going on in nebraska throughout this whole pipeline route. now just a week or two ago, they reversed it and they're not boeing to make a decision. you know what? the whole country and whole world needs to hear from president obama, yes or no. tell us what is going to happen. i reviewed that situation. minimal environmental impact. greater energy independence. more american jobs. i think it should be yes. but it is really time for a decision. liz: do you think he will make it after midterm elections? >> appears what it is all about. it is a very political decision. he is torn twine environmental left of his party and labor union guys who want jobs. when unemployment rate is above 6%, we need to put mark back to
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work. >> the governor dave heineman, please come back when we get closer to a decision on that. by the way, we're letting people ask warren buffett questions through #ask liz. do you have a question you would love to ask warren? >> have warren ask him what the keystone decision will be. liz: i will ask him. >> that would be a good one. liz: governor heineman, thank you for coming exclusively once again. seven years straight, melissa. governor dave heineman of nebraska. melissa: i hope you ask the question. i will watch on monday. great interview, liz. thank you so much. more coverage on weekend with warren ahead. in the next hour, growing up buffett. liz talks to warren buffett's three children and then you don't want to miss this. tune in on monday at 9:30 a.m. for liz's exclusive sit-down with warren buffett, bill gates and charlie monger. i will be there. it will be rivetting. i hope you join all of us. it is kind of an american dream even hollywood couldn't make up.
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a bombshell report on one of baseball's biggest stars is forcing mlb to finally face the music and to a different kind of american dream, one of the cheese variety, sandwiches falling from the sky and how you can get your hand on them. i can not wait. "piles of money" coming right up latte or au lait?
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sleep number store. know better sleep with sleep number. >> economic data sending mixed messages to investors. let's go over to trader andrew keen at the cma. >> i think a lot of it has to do with ukraine. the jobs number should have been great for the market. i was plugged into the s&p 500 futures. we got up to about 1789 in the futures. then we completely rolled over.
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a lot of times, we have this considered over the weekend. we have turnaround tuesday on tuesday. this is a little bit of fear intact over the weekend. they tapered again this week. i thought that would sell off the market and it did not. we reversed and now that we are at the lowe's. >> it feels like this is what we like to do every week. interesting stuff. andrew keen. thank you very much. a new twist in the story we have been on since the start. a dodger star escaped from cuba. lawmakers are issuing a bold challenge to major-league baseball. change your policy or lose your state funding. jesse, thank you for coming back to the show. >> it is great to be back with
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you. >> we basically came to the u.s. from cuba by way of mexico and he was smuggled through mexico by a smalltime miami crook. he has in exchange for getting him into the country, promised 20% of his future earnings which is a bigger deal. he has signed a $42 billion contract with the dodgers. is this a common thing? does this happen in baseball all the time? >> no. there is no beef that you can apply for. there is no humanitarian boatlift that will extract you from cuba. they all in one form or another, a.b. the details are a little different, everyone from cuba has some version of a journey to get off that island and come to the big leagues.
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>> does this mean that the state of florida will finally do something about this? >> i think this is mostly symbolic what they are doing in florida. look, this is unacceptable. we can do better. we should do better. keep in mind, they are also playing to a constituency. they have to show that they are being responsive to these issues. >> they are threatening financial subsidies in florida. how would that work and what would that achieve? >> i think they are talking about creating a fund font of $12 million a year. that would go towards stadium
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renovations. each team would be eligible for $2 million of state funds. i am not sure that that is enough to shake mlb to its core. at some level, i mean, baseball has kind of turned a blind eye to this. they have some accountability here. they are also operating within the confines of a long-standing u.s. embargo. we have a black market that has really exploited that. >> he is in the u.s. has some protection. has a real agent. will he really continued to pay some smalltime crook? do these guys really pay 20% of
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their future earnings? >> there are a couple people that he was supposedly indebted to. the traffickers who actually did the job of getting him out of cuba. part of the drama of the story was him doing with those folks and getting them off of his back. he also has his financier. the people who set this in motion. he has several more years on his $40 million contract. >> really interesting. thank you for coming on. we appreciate your time. san francisco group wants the world to better understand some of the more vulnerable people in our society. at the end of the day, it is all
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$106 billion. sketchers says it is thinking about buying a stake in the clippers. consulting with advisers about leading an investment group. investors are not impressed as the stock has been dropping on the news. look at that. the only time they won't is when their stock buyers judge. we have a market that is down 47. we are giving you the power to prosper. ♪ ♪
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[ girl ] my mom, she makes underwater fans that are powered by the moon. ♪ she can print amazing things, right from her computer.
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[ whirring ] [ train whistle blows ] she makes trains that are friends with trees. ♪ my mom works at ge. ♪ >> a san francisco group sending a text in on an old adage "walk a mile in my shoes." the organization is trying to encourage empathy. they are facing a ton of criticism for their efforts. the cofounder of go pro. i want to jump right in.
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>> it seems that his name on the marker, this is one way to commemorate him. a little of technology that we all used to capture our weekend activities. >> you have gotten a lot of backlash for this. stop thinking we can innovate our way out of civilizations oldest element. your technology is not helping. your worldview is missing the point. how do you respond to that.
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he sees the value of holding empathy. since we have lost our shelters. he has said that homeless go pro has been an example of practice. it is building empathy one individual at a time. we encourage the conversation. >> do you also give them money? what else do you do to help them? to some, they say it is worth it. >> sure. and adam's case, he said that the finances have increased a bit. he said humanity has increased a
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lot. in that case, hundreds of people stopped them. learning more about homelessness. statistics. trying to build empathy towards the homeless providers. just by drawing the human story out a little bit more, we try to connect people to the service organization. >> thank you for your time. good luck to you. >> thank you, melissa. appreciate it. residence on a baltimore street had to be evacuated after a humongous sinkhole opened up and swallowed cars. baltimore included. strong rain. residence in the street. they will now be out of their homes for more than a month.
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no one was on the sidewalk when this happened. can you imagine seeing this? a food delivery like no other. if you thought the idea of domino pizza drones were cool, then this may be up your alley. a grilled cheese company will now deliver your food by way of parachute. all you do is stand on one of the marked spot in a downtown alleyway and your grilled cheese will come flowing down to you. it is heaven. now after successful crowd funding campaign, i will go where the x marks the spot right now. >> why do i have visions of the acme roadrunner.
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[laughter] >> that would be horrible. >> why would you block the beauty and goodness that is real cheese by putting it under a parachute? >> because you can. the nypd would not allow anything to be thrown off of buildings. >> floating very gently. >> i do not think that this is going to fly. no pun intended. >> as much screen time as peter parker himself. you can never have too much road she's flying or otherwise. ♪
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and ask about all the ways you could save. liberty mutual insurance -- responsibility. what's your policy?
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>> spiderman is spinning back into theaters this weekend. that now marketing expert. is it me or is every movie about a superhero? >> they are time tested. they are true. >> there is so many. >> a cabbie overload to the average person. >> i was looking at this ridiculous photo of spiderman. peter, sitting in the middle of his room. look at that.
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a sony camera. a sony laptop. a sony movie poster in the corner. >> the sony movie poster really makes it. i think, at the end of the day, when it comes down to is these movies are so expensive to make. >> i had no idea. that does look like times square. >> the only way they will do that -- >> does it work? >> it does. the tie-ins that they have are huge. >> everyone also looks back at the pack that eminem turns down epa. they went to reese's pieces.
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there will always be someone who will say, oh, my god, that was in the movie, i have to get it. this can be sort of a cool factor. will it work? not necessarily. the studios need that money to make the fill. >> i will probably see the movie. >> san francisco has had enough. giant tech buses keep on rolling through. residents are venting their frustration and a fresh new lawsuit. this can get even uglier. details next. you can never have too much money. ♪
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♪ melissa: whether it is on wall street or main street, here's what it' is making money today. anybody with a piece of when resorts.
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investors cheered strong sales out of the gambling hub. strong profit jumped by more than 12% causing a lot of alice to raise their price target on the stock. shares up 6.5% right now. they made around $265 million between them today. how nice. and making state, the travel company taking wealthy tourists on a drinking tour. the 40 day trip takes you two five-star hotels and 10 locations to sample the priciest drinks on the planet. including a $20,000 diamond filled martini in new york. as well as a $500,000 champagne at the billionaires club in monaco. wow. google is encouraging people who own high-tech glasses can join
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up altogether tomorrow night part of their hashtag glass night out push. walking around the bar coming ideas to help educate the public about the new technology. joining me, joe link kent. are you wearing your google glass? >> only if i had $1500. >> i still don't like it. melissa: i could see you out there doing that, no? >> i still think it is too geeky for me. you're not even going to appeal to the public. melissa: to me, you are encouraging people who are little dorky to venture out in a group. you look at everything going on, no joke. everything going on with this backlash, they're going to get
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attacked, this is crazy, right? >> they're going to have to find a glass safe zone to operate. you do all of these very interesting things, but it is not exactly what you want to see. melissa: i don't mean to interrupt you, the story we did yesterday saying they were only worth $80, google says that is not true. >> the parts are probably not that expensive but that does not factor into research and development. if you look at the hottest phones writes now. >> we're talking about a facility. they do not want to make this available to lots of people, that is what a lot of us are talking about it because not everybody can have one and find out what the problems are. melissa: activists are suing over those buses.
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they rumbled through san francisco, the hog up the bus stop. they have been a huge target. now they're suing them wanting them not to be allowed to stop at bus stops. >> there is a california law you can only have them stop at bus stops, google and a lot of these companies are paying about $1 per stop. 350 shuttles, hundreds of people getting shuttles in and out of san francisco every day, but the flipside of it is all the jobs are doing a lot for the city, pricing people out as well. melissa: guys, thank you so much. that is all we have for you, i hope you are making money. liz is coming to you from omaha with a cash packed show. monday at 9:30 a.m. eastern liz claman exclusively with warren buffett, bill gates and
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charlie munger. it is going to be huge. i will be there too. i hope you join all of us. countdown starts right now. >> back to work, 288,000 americans got jobs in april. because hiring binge in more than two years. we get the job paul's of the economy when liz sits down with one of the jewels in warren buffett's crown. everyone wants to invest like warren buffett, right? but how. the first course on warren buffett principles of investing. and what would you learn growing up with the world's most famous investor as a dad? liz finds out talking to the three buffets children.


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