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tv   The Willis Report  FOX Business  May 6, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT

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>> goods and services groupon. we got groupon's numbers. there is the bid and ask. a little bit hire. i wanted to show everybody that. david: "the willis report" will take it from here. see you back here tomorrow. thanks very much. gerri: hello, everybody, i'm gerri willis. right now on "the willis report," four years since the "flash crash" rocked the markets. why has nothing been done to stop it from happen happening again? also, can you live without credit cards? our cash challenge participants are back. >> went to costco today with 160 toll lars and my coupon book and we'll do our monthly costco shopping. >> americans have a costly new piggybank but may leave many without retirement savings. we're watching out for you on "the willis report." gerri: investors took a stomach
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churning ride when markets had the "flash crash." it was down a thousand points in course of a few minutes of the warning, it could happen again at anytime. that is because the america sure taken four years ago did little or nothing to address the real cause of the problem. for more we have the president of seca wealth management and we have the founder of trade dynamix. jeff, i will start with you. what if anything should be done to prevent this from happening again? >> fact that speed has become the dominant issue in investment returns makes it obvious something needs to be done. investors can not compete with speed when institutions and high frequency traders are plowing a lot of money to make themselves faster, not really paying attention to the fundamentals. so, although something -- gerri: that is the furtherrest from their thoughts, the fundamentals. don't even play in this anymore. >> right. gerri: christian, we don't even know how this all came apart four years ago. what is being done to prevent
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this from happening again? >> i don't believe enough is being done to prevent it from happening again. i believe that stems from the lack of understanding. widespread in the industry. forget about the little investor who has little to do with what we do every day. the traders don't understand what is happening anymore. gerri: let me tell you. here's a chart of the "flash crash" and you can see how it just plummeted out of the blue for, requesting and working, my, fct, cftc, all regulators. they were set this for five months. took them five months to could come up with a report say what happened. did they get it right, jeff? >> computer glitch. computer glitch, over and over again. i think bottom line is we had an avalanche of sell order, not matched up with buy orders. i was sitting in front of screens watching clients money
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evaporate. gerri: wow. >> saying to myself, what exactly happened. then once the smoke cleared i looked to see if there was actually some rational explanation so we could rest. gerri: there wasn't. >> none. to this day nothing. we wait and wait and we still don't know what exactly happened. gerri: christian you say, hay look, some of the trading, it's good, some of it is bad. really? as very investors. i see what these guys do and it scares me and seems like the markets are simply out of control. i'm like toy stay on the sidelines because of it? >> i would agree with you 100%. the industry has a bad image problem due to the high frequency issue and lack of understanding from the industry. gerri: insider trading. libor manipulation. you want individual investors in the market, don't you? >> absolutely. it behooves the industry what to spell out what is happening with reg mns.
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gerri: so much in the markets, people don't get the multiplicity of markets. mary jo white, the runs the securities & exchange commission and big cop on the beat when it comes to the markets, she thinks everything is fine. here is mary jo white. >> the markets are not rigged. the u.s. markets are the strongest and most reliable in the world. that is not to say they're perfect and obviously one of our continuing high priorities is to increase market quality. gerri: jeff, does she have it right. >> no disrespect to merry jo white. i honestly believe there is lot to learn here. to think there is not big institution high frequency trade that's understand the system, understand how to rig and manipulate the system is an oversight. there is, there are some strategies and techniques that are being used that no one fully understands and problem is, the individual investor is going to be the one that is going to take it on the chin yet again. so understanding that there is a
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element of rigging in this market, more so than i've seen in all my years we have to begin to realize, yes, there is component that makes it very artificial and someone will be left holding the bag. gerri: you remember black friday when stocks crashed? it was 500 points which doesn't sound all that much today, but it would be very dramatic if the same thing happened in percentage terps. this to me is very similar. even though the market rebounded entirely and it was so unsettling and scary. what should be done at this point, christian? >> i think regulators need to understand the market structure. their lack of understanding -- gerri: they're way behind the curve. >> they are. high frequency traders are ones leading charge. they understand technology and have money to spend on it. the regulators are behind. gerri: what do regulators do? do they go out and hire the star of high frequency trading and get them to come on board and tell them what to do? >> they have been hiring, i'm sorry, jeff. they have been hiring left and right. the problem i don't think they're approaching the problem
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correctly. they're looking at the macro picture without understanding what occurs in one millisecond of trading. that is the problem. >> not only agree with him, not understanding it, but also the risk that they have to overreach, to take away every element of the free market and restrict so much of it. that is the -- gerri: there is always unintended consequences of regulators, right. >> the problem with regulators think of reg-nms. it was supposed to correct problems but used a huge amount of problems. it opened a pandora's box of problems. gerri: we have a long way to go. thanks for coming in. appreciate your time. >> thanks so much. gerri: from the markets to your wallet, right? are you up for stashing your credit cards and using cash only? some brave souls have taken up our cash challenge. and a few of our favorites, caitlin and husband steven have been using just cash for more than a month. let's take a listen to how they're doing. >> we have hit a contention
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point. >> going forward i think we'll do all cash and try to keep the debit card usage to a minimum if not, not use it at all. >> steven thinks it may be unsafe to use our debit cards. and i love the convenience of the debit card. so i don't know how we're going to handle these next few weeks. >> we are at the max store and i'm getting -- i'm so excited. and we're going to pay cash for it. look what i found, guys? a fashion fund at target. i'm so excited. it's a piggybank. i just might have to get it. gerri: well they're on cash but they're shopping a ton, with me now are other participants. elaine and chris lynch. thank you for coming in and great to see you. elaine, i will start with you. you're having your 24th wedding anniversary? >> yeah. gerri: how has it been going?
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were you able to spend a lot of money or did cash only. >> because it was cinco de mayo we went to mexican food last night and stayed under $35. gerri: that is smart. chris, to you, how is it going for you, are you still doing the right thing. >> everything is going well, gerri. i love it and actually becoming more after habit now. so i'm really, really proud to do it. cash is great. gerri: both of you told us that you realized that using cash is a big help to small businesses. tell me about that. what was your experience paying cash at a small business? >> well i went to a little quilting store and spent about $50 in patterns and fabric. the lady thanked me for paying with cash and not using credit card because it saved her the fee that the credit card companies charge businesses. so i thought that was a great idea to motivate me to spend cash with local companies and really encourage them so they're not, we're not being a burden to them. gerri: that's interesting because i always, chris, you know, you found some people are like what, cash? you want to give me cash, not a
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credit card? i'm so confused. even you found a similar situation in your neighborhood. >> yes, i did. one of my favorite restaurants that i go to all the time, he basically is trying to get his consumers to use cash because he is paying an exorbitant amount of fees. so rather than asking everyone, he is starting with the locals to get us going first. then it will spread like kudzu. it is a fun thing to do. i get more meat on sandwich when i get cheesesteak sandwich. so that helps. gerri: that's a good secret. i like that. here's the repayoff in this segment, i think. you're saving a ton of dough. how much have you saved and how you managed to do that? >> well, i think by the fact i'm not going shopping with my credit card and buying impulse purchases and eating whenever i want, i love to go out to eat. if i don't have cash in hand i tell me nye myself no. tells me how fast expenditures
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add up, 800, 1,000, 1500. that adds to the debt. my husband is thrilled that we've stopped using credit cards and we're just going cash only. gerri: you told our producer that you have saved 1500 bucks. that's a lot of money. >> yes. gerri: you haven't been doing this long. chris, how much have you managed to save? you got started later. >> i saved $218. that will grow more that i'm fired up about cash. looks like i will have a nice trip to vegas this sumter use the money. gerri: you have your goals in sight. i love that. big thing happened this week. i want to ask both of you to weigh on this. the target ceo underfire because there was a data breach that affected 100 million americans out there. big story. >> yes. gerri: just this week he resigned. here is caitlin, one of our cash challengers talking about this very issue. >> being at target makes me think about what happened recently with security breaches and i heard that the ceo resigned this week. and i think my thoughts on that
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are just that, you know, if they didn't do anything intentionally to create that, it could happen to anybody, any retailer. so just being aware of your security at all times, no matter who you're shopping through or where you're going. i'm sorry, but only target has cute stuff like this. so i'm going to keep shopping here. gerri: well, i think those are great words of wisdom from her. you have to watch it wherever you, not just target but clearly a lot of retailers were impacted. chris you have a big opinion on this, share it with us. >> yes. gerri, the bottom line with this here's another example of fear by these, you know, these people are hacking into our lives. all we want to do is transact our commerce at a great store like target. i'm heading there tonight to buy some stuff. rather than going into a situation of fear, cash is our option because if the credit card systems go down or if there are more security breaches, the ceo should have stayed and helped to us figure out an idea of how to shop there more.
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here is an idea i have. instead of asking me every time i go to the store for 10% signit card, give me incentive for using cash. i guaranty their store would flood people using cash. that is the only weapon we have left to defeat these individuals trying to get into our daily commerce. gerri: chris, that is really important insight. elaine, part of reason you turn to cash, just security of your private information? >> i would say that's part of it we have both issues, saving money and reducing our debt, in addition to protecting ourselves. that is wisdom be careful where you're using credit cards because seems like nobody is safe anymore. gerri: well, i got to he will tu, a lot of people out there are worried about this you guys found and answer. thanks for being with us today. appreciate your time. you're so important we had to put you at the top of the hour. >> thank you. gerri: thanks a bunch. we've got more to come this hour, including americans have found a new piggybank but is the
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cost for that bank too high? and next, how do you do that? how to get in-state college tuition. surprising answers on that. coming up my next guest shares how his company can get you equaled for in-state tuition fast and i says it is legal. he will be with us.
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gerri: do you want to cut your college tuition bill in half? you can says my next guest he built a business showing parents and students how it is done. how do you do that? we bring in jake wells, founder of in-state angels of the welcome to the show. what you say you can cut those out-of-state tuition costs for parents in half and more. let me give an example to see what people talk about. out-of-state tuition at university of colorado, almost $15,000. yet if you're an in-state student only paying $4,000. that is more than have half. how do you do this and is what you're doing legal. >> sure. that is a good question to ask, 100% legal. i mean what we're doing is everything totally by the book.
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in-state residents get in-state tuition. that is the way it is. gerri: right. >> it is easy to think you can get your picture taken and sign a piece of paper and get in-state tuition but it's a very complicated process. that is why my company exists. it has to do with residency requirements and has to do with financial requirements. we oversee process for over a year it takes to make that happen. gerri: if i was going to ask you, if i was average student out there and we're trying to figure out how to get this done, how long would it take me typically? how much do you reduce that time? if i got accepted at university of colorado for fall, 2014, could you get me, could you turn me into a colorado resident in that time? >> everyone wants things immediately, i understand that it take as little over year to get in-state tuition once we begin the process. the state and school they want to see that you have the intent to become a permanent resident of that state. you can't do that overnight.
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depending on which school we're talk about, takes usually over a year. gerri: what forms do you have to fill out? what is the magic solution? i'm sure it is different in every state but give me kind of things you're advising people to do? >> magic. people think they're is something magical we're doing. wish we had some relationship with a senator where we could wink and get our clients in-state tuition. it doesn't work like that. it is a very complicated, intensive process. gerri: you have to still out what? state residency forms? do you have to live there? how do you do that. >> good question. comes down to a petition. and this petition is everything. you need to demonstrate why you're a state resident. how you're paying for your college. disclose all financial records. some petitions we disclosed have been excess of 300 pages. >> wow. that's a lot. >> yeah. gerri: tell me how much do you charge for your services? >> so we charge on contingency,
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we charge if we're successful. we only make money if we help a student get in-state tuition. we charge a percentage much savings. if we save $20,000 a year, we'll get a percent. usually 10 or 15% of the savings each year until they graduate. depend entirely on which college we're talking about. gerri: i have to ask you, apparently university of colorado which we showed numbers on before changed its rules so you can't do what you do there. what is going on? >> i wouldn't say that is exactly true. we still have clients at uc boulder but he went heat and completely reinterpreted the way the way they interpret the state mandates changed very quickly, very abruptly. maybe angered a number of people. schools have the right to do that to a certain degree. they haven't made anything impossible or not possible. i say fewer people willing and
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able to do what is necessary to make it happen. gerri: so they made it harder? they made it harder? >> they it harder. good or bad for me but you more of a reason you might need state angels in that case. gerri: thanks for coming on. peoplerying this this out-of-state tuition is crazy. we'll be interested in what you have to say. thank you. >> thank you. gerri: coming up, your opinion, your opinion, and it is important to us, at the bottom of the hour. you sound off what matters to you. americans discovered a new piggybank. but this could cost awe comfortable retirement. we have details. stay with us. ♪ so ally bank has a raise your rate cd
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that wothat's correct.a rate. cause i'm really nervous about getting trapped. why's that? uh, mark? go get help! i have my reasons. look, you don't have to feel trapped with our raise your rate cd. if our rate on this cd goes up, yours can too. oh that sounds nice. don't feel trapped with the ally raise your rate cd. ally bank. your money needs an ally. ♪ 800,000 hours of supercomputing time, 3 million lines of code, 40,000 sets of eyes, or a million sleepless nights. whether it's building the world's most advanced satellite, the space station, or the next leap in unmanned systems. at boeing, one thing never changes. our passion to make it real.
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♪ [ girl ] my mom, she makes underwater fans that are powered by the moon. ♪ she can print amazing things, right from her computer. [ whirring ] [ train whistle blows ] she makes trains that are friends with trees. ♪ my mom works at ge. ♪ (agent) i'll walk you guys through every step. there are a lot of buyers for a house like yours. (husband) that's good to know. gerri: coming up, americans have found a new piggybank. their retirement accounts and
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401(k)s. but is the cost too high?
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gerri: it is america's new piggybank, the 401 k account. in the good ol' days by the housing buff, if somebody needed extra cash what did you do, you tapped home equity. home equitied is tapped out and home prices are not rising as fast. people are turning to that other pile of money, retirement accounts. we have vera gibbons. how many people are doing this. >> 40% are tapping retirement accounts early. you have a lot of young people doing it when, they leave a job and cashout. they have the highest rate of cashouts. they don't roll it overas they're supposed to. you have older works that exhausted other options and absolutely no sources that they're turning to. they don't care there is penalty
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or fee. they feel like they have to do it because they need the money. gerri: americans withdrew 5billion dollars earlier. guess who benefits from this? the irs. the irs collected 5.7 billion in taxes a lot of people doing this. tell us downside. >> a lot of people are paying penalties. it is absolutely ridiculous. you have 10% early withdrawal penalty if underage of 59 1/2. on top of that state and local taxes. you could lose up to 50% of the your retirement income if you pull it out early. you're losing benefits of tax deferred growth. gerri: you're losing money. losing your future earnings, right? >> you're jeopardizing your future. if you're 25 years old and have $5,000 in your retirement account, take it early, you're looking getting a check of $3500. if you leave it in the retirement account, by the time your retirement age you could have $75,000 at retirement. that doesn't stop people from doing it. they don't necessarily see the company consequences or know about the consequences or care
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about the consequences. they're thinking -- gerri: let's break that down a second you said that very quickly. >> i talk very quickly. gerri: you're 25. have 5000 bucks. i will cash that out and build that back up again. guess what, you're missing $75,000 in retirement. >> potentially. people don't see it that way. if it is small amount, $5,000, or 10,000. if they're leaving job they don't feel they should roll it over. they think they need to survive before they find the next figure. gerri: i see. 65,000,300 for people 55 plus. there is no way we should be borrowing from that. that is not enough money to retire on. >> half of workers have less than $10,000 in their retirement accounts. just a phenomenal, phenomenal number. people already tapped equity. we still have 15 oar 20% people still underwater. so they're thinking what am i supposed to do? i doesn't have any equity. i owe more on the house than the
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house is worth. i will go to my second largest asset, retirement account and -- gerri: what are the other options? >> you're better off topping taxable accounts. borrowing from friends, family members. gerri: maybe a bank? >> maybe a bank. take out a loan, credit union. some employers borrow against 401(k), you can do that if it is allowed up to $50,000. there are no penalties but can take interest. some cases you have to take a hardship. gerri: tell me about that. >> you have to approve it. your employer might not offer it. if you had a medical emergency. lost the home to foreclosure or catastrophic event or other circumstances may have the right to take a hardship. gerri: according to you because you're no small personal finance expert, vera. >> nor are you. gerri: is there ever you should do this? ever a time to borrow from 401(k). >> no. tapping retirement account is absolutely last possible resort. gerri: you heard it from vera. >> there you go. gerri: we want to know what you
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think. have you heard borrowed from your 401(k)? go to and vote on right-hand side of the screen and i will share the results at the end of tonight's show. twitter shares slumping to new lows today. the stock tumbling nearly 18% after nearly 500 million investor shares of the social media giant became eligible to be sold. this is fresh-all-time low since november 7th. gm recalling 67,000 saturn aura cars. the problem, the automatic shift levers can show wrong gear. it has caused 2crashs and four injuries for the past four years. about. in known about the issue for a year but unclear why the cars were not recalled sooner. wells fargo is releasing new credit cards aimed at big spenders. the bank is partnering with american express to issue two new credit cards.
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they are propel 365 and propel world. they are to offer rewards for wells fargo customers who are big spenders or frequent flyers. walmart's web sales group is faster than amazon first time in the a decade. however amazon still surpasses its rival with online sales in electronics and media and other products with 67.8 billion, six times higher than walmart's. those are some of the hot stories on still to come, muni bond are making a comeback. how you can make the most out of this rally. china's answer to and it is coming to mobile. details coming next. we're moving our company to new york state.
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every day of the week. centurylink® your link to what's next. gerri: a surprising rally in u.s. treasury has done the bond market across the country. many investors including who we
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have on the show expecting prices to drop this year print with the 10 year treasury yield this week touching the lowest level in six months. on top of that, bonds are back in vogue. so what does this mean for your retirement savings? twenty now is mark perry for invesco mutual strategies on their high-yield municipal funds. so we have it return of 5.9%, and so you might want to look into what he has to say. select start, mark. they say interest rates are rising. and they say that is a problem for bond investors going forward. >> thank you for having me on the show. income is a huge part of the portfolio. tax exempt income is a great way to grow your portfolio.
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there have been 13 different tax increases over the last couple of years. so what you get can really help grow your portfolio. gerri: our viewers are not happy with those taxes and they than they would for any way to reduce the taxes if they can. municipal bonds are one of them. some people say that it is the next bubble to burst. >> i think when you look at where we have a nice treasury rally and you can buy municipal bonds and that is on an absolute basis before you factor the same. gerri: 2013 was not good for muni-bonds. russian i get involved now?
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>> and a smart bond paper as well. so how many do you think. helping understand muni-bonds. explain to me what the high-yield muni-bonds is. >> okay, they are general obligation bonds. central service wants. gerri: hospital, highway? >> hospital, highway, charter school, they are rated and we do our own research make sure that they are solid project and then they get really good rates. significantly higher yields. we're talking about is around 4%.
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311 is the biggest threat to your investment? >> recession and the rate spikes like they have last year. we have treasury rates at the lower end of the range right now. but we don't do anything on the economy right now to release their investors the way that we have that spike. the feds kind of have a nice cushion built-in. once are significantly cheaper we have good fundamentals in our marketplace. gerri: the star rating is great for invesco. thank you so much for coming. this just in. a reporter has the details on what this news means for you. >> good evening. ali baba filing for an ipo. it is a placeholder and they're
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about $160 million worth what it has come about the 50th biggest public company in the world. it was found dead by the current chairman and ceo but up until last year he has been an english teacher in china. he owns the same apartment where he founded the company and looking at some of the numbers, the gross merchandise volume was about $248 billion. that's a massive number in this company is worth more than 95% of the s&p 500.
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they have about 35% stake in the country. a massive chinese e-commerce company coming to the united states. we do expect alibaba to continue acquiring and hiring some of the best talent here in the u.s. when it comes to expanding their reach. so lots of interesting developments. you might be able to know that there are 68 banks, goldman sachs, jpmorgan, morgan stanley and citibank as well. gerri: an ipo tells us that the u.s. markets are still the leaders. thank you so much. >> thank you. gerri: now, this is what you
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tell us. some of you are tweeting me about our poll question tonight. have you ever borrow from your 401k? yes, once are great, but why not pay your self-interest? and one of our regular guest here sent this tweet. he said i see away too much in the borrowing is just the beginning and the withdrawals are the scary part. and larry writes yes, i have. 33% the first year and it was for an emergency. >> and seattle's mayor proposing to raise the minimum wage.
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and raising minimum wage the minimum wage will not increase jobs, it will lower this by reducing many employers, rather employees hours. the usa needs job growth and not minimum wage growth. and david from missouri writes it looks like this will be the next detroit. they will price themselves out of the market. that's very interesting. and michael wright said i did the math and i would be forced to lay off 20% of my employees. that is very interesting. we love to hear from you. send me an e-mail and go to well, coming up later in the show, you take an aspirin a day? and they drove us over the fiscal cliff in congress driving around taxpayers are paying for it, shocking details coming up next. spending your money, and
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spending it fast. i ys say be thman with the plan
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how much money do you think you'll need when you retire? then we gave each person a ribbon to show how many years that amount might last. i was trying to, like, pull it a little further. [ woman ] got me to 70 years old. i'm going have to rethink this thing. it's hard to imagin how much we'll need for a retirement that could last 3years or mor so maybe we need to approach things dferently, if we want to be ready for a longer retirement. ♪
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gerri: another day, this is happening all over again. lawmakers are driving taxpayers crazy. they are showing that they are spending over $400,000 a year on auto leases. it looks like they are spending about $600 per member monthly. which means that they have to be out of you, they have to be high on cars. and i'm shocked by this. does anyone care about this? are they looking the other way. >> any pertinent and murders of congress have is going to be
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taxpayer-funded. that's a reality. so do the american people support the type of program? do they have any inkling? these are definitely high end cars. on the composer may be cut this out. >> this also covers the wear and tear on the car. it covers the fuel and there is no expense spared in regard to covering that.
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here he is trying to save the taxpayer money like is a good government type. and i know someone who can get riled up at various all the time about this race. >> i can tell you're not happy about that. another headline you want to get to is obamacare. the model for obamacare being shut down and what does this mean for obamacare itself? >> to be clear, it's the state level obama exchange. just like oregon and maryland,
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it is so rife with problems is beyond fixing. and i think it is significant for a couple of reasons. most of porton that all three states, oregon, maryland, massachusetts committee have something in common. these are the blue states governed by democrats who embrace obamacare right out of the gate and we heard from the administration. republican governors are being obstructionist by not really bear hugging this law. >> massachusetts is worth he ideas bubble up from. >> that is one of the criticisms
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that has been leveled. >> and is arguably unsustainable and was extended to 49 other states. but not necessarily the wisest decision. >> it's great to have you on. >> it is so great view. >> still to come, my "two cents more". and raising questions about popular remedy to prevent heart attacks. we are looking out for you and your health coming out so ally bank has a raise your rate cd
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that wothat's correct.a rate. cause i'm really nervous about getting trapped. why's that? uh, mark? go get help! i have my reasons. look, you don't have to feel trapped with our raise your rate cd. if our rate on this cd goes up, yours can too. oh that sounds nice. don't feel trapped with the ally raise your rate cd. ally bank. your money needs an ally. gerri: an age old practice for preventing heart attacks. the fda warning what you need to the fda warning what you need to know coming up n
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gerri: you take an aspirin a day to ward off heart attacks? many of us do. but now the fda is warning people who have never had a heart attack at a daily dose of aspirin is not in their best interest. the director of the new york cardiac diagnostic center exhibits about this. this is years of advice from doctors all over the country. why is that? >> the fda only has approved this in the past secondary prevention, which means if you had a heart attack or a blockage company should take aspirin. what we're really talking about is primary prevention. are you at high risk for heart disease? should you take aspirin? and they did a very long study of the analysis of making to the conclusion that the studies don't show any definite benefit for that group of people. gerri: people who are at risk or
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who had one already? >> those who are at risk of the heart attack, they feel that the evidence, the benefit dozen outraged west the benefit is not outraged at risk. and here's what the fda said. they say it is not used were supposed to be used as preventative medicine and those who don't have a history of heart attack or stroke. >> exactly. it is waiting the benefit and the rest. even though it's over-the-counter, even intracerebral, there's allergic reactions and you just have to be aware of that. in an older patient population, there are those that are at risk
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of following in hitting their heads. so needs to be weighed by the doctor. but what we do is focus and try to really determine the risk with various types of testing. gerri: this is all brought up because they're aspirin wanted to really market itself. do you agree with what the fda did? >> they did a very nice analysis relating to this and it clearly shows that there's no great benefit to that group of people. they did leave the door open saying that there's ongoing studies and let's see what
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happens over time. at the present time we cannot recommend as preventative way for people who have an increased risk of heart disease if they haven't had a problem. they did agree that they are going to continue with secondary prevention. if you have a heart attack or a stent or if you have angina. if you have those issues, you should be taking secondary prevention's like taking a baby aspirin per day. but make sure you're not at risk for bleeding. gerri: if you're one of those people who think that you may be at risk are your doctors have told you you are at rest, what should you be doing? >> you should undergo the risk analysis of the cardiovascular disease. diabetes, high blood pressure, family history, smoking. and then if it at higher risk category, we will put you under a stress test and see if you are having an issue. gerri: what about diet and exercise? >> that isn't easy prevented because there's no real risk involved. so everyone should have a healthy diet. and you should undergo exercise,
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30 minutes of vigorous exercise five days a week. and you have to check with your doctor if you know you're at risk for that. gerri: we will be right back
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my dad has aor afib.brillation, he has the most common kind...'s not caused by a heart valve problem. dad, it says your afib puts you at 5 times greater risk of a stroke. that's why i take my warfarin every day. but it looks like maybe we should ask your doctor about pradaxa. in a clinical trial, pradaxa® (dabigatran etexilate mesylate)... ...was proven superior to warfarin at reducing the risk of stroke. and unlike warfarin, with no regular blood tests or dietary restrictions. hey thanks for calling my doctor. sure. pradaxa is not for people with artificial heart valves. don't stop taking pradaxa without talking to your doctor. stopping increases your risk of stroke. ask your doctor if you need to stop pradaxa before surgery or a medical or dental procedure. pradaxa can cause serious, sometimes fatal, bleeding.
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don't take pradaxa if you have abnormal bleeding or have had a heart valve replaced. seek immediate medical care for unexpected signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. pradaxa may increase your bleeding risk if you're 75 or older, have a bleeding condition or stomach ulcer, take aspirin, nsaids, or blood thinners... ...or if you have kidney problems, especially if you take certain medicines. tell your doctors about all medicines you take. pradaxa side effects include indigestion, stomach pain, upset, or burning. if you or someone you love has afib not caused by a heart valve problem... ...ask your doctor about reducing the risk of stroke with pradaxa. when folks think about wthey think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs.
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advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. gerri: finally, the fourth anniversary of the flash crash. maybe you forgot how unnerving that short-circuit in the market was when the dow jones lost only 1000 points. but most of us haven't. that's why i want to talk about this very issue. most of us see it as just one of the many things that insider trading scams and bank bailouts have, testing the nerve individuals, even after a year, which stocks jumped more than 20%. many small investors are on the sideline and we have every had
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as much right to benefit as anybody else and it should be the responsibility of regulators to even the playing field. that's my "two cents more" and that's it for tonight "willis report." have a great night. single mobile. ♪ no. neil: hello, we have obamacare u about. neil: all of our front and center focused tonight. here to do that onerous, we have tucker carlson. we were just calling him brilliant earlier. so i want to bring my panelists here as well. we have lauren and todd and jesse james. all right. so the latest that we are


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