tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business May 6, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm EDT
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to -- not those who want to rule the world ago online now for the after shock -- after show. good night. >> good evening the white house today pressuring the chief executive officers of some of the country's largest corporations to keep their distance and stay away from an international economic forum hosted by vladimir putin in russia later this month. valerie charity, treasury secretary lew, commerce secretary along with the top officials meeting the charge you dissuade the see ito's. trying to persuade ocala ocala, morgan stanley, a chronicle phillips and others to boycott the state
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petersburg conference. with the violence in eastern ukraine build with the overnight clashes with klay being at least for ukrainian soldiers answer purchase. secretary of state carry calls itself nothing less than an russia and bows to report to impose more sanctions if bulletin's succeed to do real a nationwide elections scheduled on may 25th. that tactic was criticized by the democratic chairman and ranking republican senators today. >> if we don't use this calibration on sanctions to prevent further encouragement into the ukraine we will find ourselves using them as the aftermath as we did with crimea.
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>> sometimes i think the of the strategy the administration has to talk to people to talk about ukraine is they looked in the mayor to talk tough. lou: just moments ago it was announced nato made be forced to permanently stationed troops as a deterrent to russian aggression. we have a first glimpse what the house committee will look like. seven republicans, five democrats make up the group and the first public statement about what he plans to with a stone wall and to get at the truce what happened the night for americans were killed in benghazi. our correspondent has our report. >> the secretary of state carry in a news conference to the question in today on
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benghazi p would comply with the subpoena with the government oversight committee. >> we will respond we have nothing to hide and i look forward to complying with whatever responsibilities we have. >> this bipartisanship he would comply and there are jurisdictional questions with the committee. it has not yet been created but the chairman says it goes beyond the former secretary of state. hillary clinton was never questioned space as the accountability review board headed by mike mohan and for mr. ambassadorg. >> who could run an investigation without talking to the person in charge? i a cannot tell you this morning but anyone who has evidence or information will be talked to. >> but secretary clinton is a private citizen but she also testified for five
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hours limit that was a question and answer session overtaken by committee members speeches. today the house minority leader said the new committee quotation should be equally divided between democrats and republicans. >> it will not be evenly constituted and when she was speaker policy she showed no interest to have the equal number of republicans and democrats. >> new details are coming to light to develop a media strategy after fox news reported on september 27, 2012 that they knew within 24 hours it was a terrorist attack. every encounter to the administration statements with a seven page e-mail chain of senior officials that was partially released to the judicial watch as part of the lawsuit. >> dialogue with one fox news report demonstrates to
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me the alarm bells situation where they are reacting to the response. >> it was withheld because they told the federal court "hit could be reasonably be expected to chill the deliberations with other officials were to formulate a public response to address senior one dash sensitive issues. we'll have 12 members with seven republicans if the democrats choose to participate. then they become public later this evening if they lay out the framework. lou: former secretary of state continues to provide the number of depositions of any committee is to be effected to find out what happened. for joining us now ambassador john bolton.
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what is the likelihood she will cooperate? >> if she doesn't she is labeled as someone who has something to hide. that is the risk as well pull. she was very lucky the way the house and senate committees handle her testimony when she finally appeared. you don't learn anything with the public hearings and so i was encouraged that they said today we need hours and hours of depositions did witness interviews before we have public hearings that is the right way to proceed. lou: the assumption that if she does not cooperate she would forfeit her opportunity to run for president successfully. >> i think it would impair her ability the only claim of experience to be in the executive branch's four years as secretary of state and her record is pretty
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thin then with benghazi is a real problem for her. lou: it is remarkable how she becomes focused as she was in charge. but it is beyond the state department but also these cia and the administration and the president of united states use seems to be effectively all maneuvered by the press, the congress and even in judicial watch that says a public-service. >> having served in three republican administrations subject to demands for documents in inquiries i am stunned at what the obama administration has been able to withhold. if we did that we would have been made toast. when i was up for confirmation joe biden demanded traps of the
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speeches i have given. that is just one example. but then they can go for the minimal number and heavily redacted. lou: turning to ukraine were at least 30 russian separatists were killed by ukrainian forces but it is still relatively contained what your thoughts with united states should be doing right now? or if it can be forestalled? >> we have lost a lot of time. we have lost five years after repress the famous reset button. i think you have to make a decision whether we care that putin can change boundaries and if so real economic sanctions, weld
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four sam political steps to bring georgia on the road to nato membership. lou: is there a question that your plug is impotent in the face of vladimir putin? no question even nato itself. it seems to be bereft of energy and vitality and relevance even with the russian aggression. >> it is an existential crisis for nato. the administration has failed to exercise leadership. the europeans take fat as a way to take refuge. but nato history is dragging the americans along. requires american leadership. it is the american alliance. lou: what are we to make of what is a strategic sweep by
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the russians working with the chinese on naval exercises at the same time they hear ever closer to our rand? it looks more like the iron triangle with long term strategic ambition. >> we know the russian arms sales have increased cooperation has increased the have interest as sale of energy and nobody is watching what is happening in ukraine more closely bin china because of the aggressive territorial claims and they see the lack of american response and calculates its putin can get away with it and then we can do it in the waters off the shore. lou: thank you embassador. massachusetts has announced plans to ditch the first
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online insurance exchange officials say they will now pursue to possibilities for romney care. they will use off-the-shelf software for the private company to merge it with the government site so romney care the inspiration for the president's lot will be subordinated by obamacare which makes massachusetts the second state after or again to scrap a dysfunctional exchange in favor of what we will describe as simply as >> the nation's largest veterans group once heads to roll at the veterans administration and whether the us secretary deserves to be fired. we're moving our company to new york state.
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tv and internet together like never before. lou: country's largest veterans organization calls for resignation of veteran affair secretary-general eric. the va is under investigation itself after allegations that veterans died while waiting months for appointments and treatment. my next guest is a physician. an iraq war veteran, and we're joined by congressman brad wenstrup. congressman, your thoughts on the call for shin sakey's resignation. >> i am pleased an inspector general has been appointed to look at things, i am a member of the american legion, they are forthright and thoughtful in what they bridge forward, and so they feel there is a great need, they work with our veterans each
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day. i would like to see what inspector jenin general has to t no doubt there needs to be a shake up, as a doctor, i have been pleading with this, we have too many people in place that never been in a private sector or in a situation why they need to pro dice and be appreciate -- produce and be appreciate. lou: amongst those i respect, a number of retired generals who have views on shinsake and veteran's affairs, they have not been eager to call for shinsake's resignation, with that call, out, this is a very difficult course for him.
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>> we need a real moral change within the system, that itself may be good enough, i mitt last week, we took 4 doctors from va committee and met with administrative people, it took me a year to get to this points to talk about the inefficiencies of what goes on. this took me a year to get to this points, we got to it one thing they said is we're going to be more efficient, we have to change attitudes of people that work in the va's they are used to a slower pace that leads to that back up, so many people on waiting lists. it does not have to be that way. lou: and there seems to be an integrity issue in the va, that is where the lists, some cases hidden records, and the alleged deaths because of an intrackable
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bureaucracy within the va . >> this is unacceptible, it turns my stomach as a care provider that we could get to a situation like this, with our veterans especially, i don't know how people sleep at night, and we have got to make changes, our veterans deserve it, i will willing to lead the charge with other members of the va commit and doctors, we're eager to jump in to make a change for our veterans. >> i think it is safe to say, all americans are eager for you and your colleagues to fix this. fix it mighty quick. >> this is a stain, a stain on your history. and we could do better, fortunately we have people that are going to fight to make sure we do. i hope it does not take too long. lou: all right congressman thank you. >> thank you, sir. >> country's largest veterans group is the american legion, and they are insisting that
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general shinsake withdraw, as we look at what is ahead on the broadcast here for the remainder of the broadcast, we have an exciting new book that goes on sale today, it is called," border war" -- "boarder war." higmy first fiction book. we spend a year working on it, iit available at walmart, costcs near you, on-line,, barnes & noble. and coming up next here on the broadcast, carl cameron,
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up-to-date on the primary season which began today. stay with us, we're coming right back. we've never sold a house before. (agent) i'll walk you guys through every step. there are a lot of buyers for a house like yours. (husband) that's good to know. i got more advice than i knew what to do with. what i needed was information i could trust on how to take care of me and my baby. luckily, unitedhealthcare has a simple program that helps moms stay on track with their doctors and get the right care and guidance-before and after the baby is born.
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simple is good right now. (anncr vo) innovations that work for you. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. when folks think about wthey think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. a short word that's a tall order. up your game. up the ante. and if you stumble, you get back up. up isn't easy, and we ought to know. we're in the business of up. everyday delta flies a quarter of million people while investing billions improving everything from booking to baggage claim.
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lou: welcome back, now lou: now the quotation of the evening, washington is generating so much rhetoric i think it is easy to assume for most americans this is simply no way a great nation operates in the capital city. but as our history operates words are never a sufficient to match for action. teddy roosevelt was a man of action and said rhetoric is a poor substitute for action we have trusted only to rhetoric if we are to be a great nation we must not merely talk but act big. idea we have quoted him with two consecutive broadcast. he teaches us well and we choose to honor him for so
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doing. turning now do the political atmosphere currently with 181 days remaining until the mid terms. the season is under way including the price varies now we turn to our chief political correspondent. what is going on carl? >> you can count the days but today is exactly six months to the election day. so much what is happening is captured with north carolina with the republican primary to take on the of vulnerable democrat kay hagen. the front runner in north carolina is the established favorite back to buy jeb bush and 2016 potential when
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it be. if he gets 40 percent he wins the nomination otherwise it is a runoff with his two big rivals. brandon is backed by rand paul also on the 2016 campaign and pastor harris a baptist minister getting help from mike huckabee so distinct candidates in backed by wholesale and the tea party and social conservatives are in play. also watch for ohio. governor casey kid is spreading unopposed even that county executive will be the nominee but the real question is if the current governor can rack up of big win to catapult him into the
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2016 race. in 2014 and 2016 overlap has the impact. marco rubio who has been real quiet is now in a chamber of commerce's ad for the republican nominee neck-and-neck in colorado. watch this. >> what makes america great threatening what makes us unique id with that disfunction every day. but he will help to change all that. >> but cory is going after the democrat they did not think there would have to worry but now the super pac if it outside interests are putting money into that state. he is hoping to knock off the incumbent but also pick up a key state for his future. also rubio just endorsed the candidates in the iowa primaries and that is the
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home of first in the nation caucuses so there he puts in his talks and then he heads off to new hampshire on friday which is the home of the first in the nation in primary. so we will see major primaries with every consecutive tuesday and have a good idea where things stand between the establishment and the two-party. they are worried they will take the house and the senate and it is getting bad when democrats say we can rely on said digital campaign. it is looking pretty tough. lou: and i infer the freesias senator or governor have involved with endorsing candidates we can assume they will run for president in 2016?
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>> they are trying to assure their endorsements with the electorate in did ron paul's case going for the teapartier ears -- the teapartier candidates but mike huckabee won the iowa caucuses in in 2008 and they tend to do better in presidential politics as a governor but now he endorses the fellow pastor. this has the level of overlap democrats said that
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was a huge mistake there would not go back to the well but hillary clinton. there you go. overlapping again. lou: the best in the business to keep us up to date up to the net. on wall street stocks booming -- falling sharply that s&p lost 17:00 p.m. the dow was down 57 points. crude oil settled above $99 of farrell. -- a barrel. 2.6% for the yield and the business accounted for $2 billion of merck's sales last year and twitter shares plummeted after early investors and employees were allowed to sell their stake for the first time since the
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ipo. whole foods sharply lower following their earnings miss and the chinese internet giant is expected to raise 20 billion in the largest public offering in american history for alley bob of. valuation is around $120 billion. the revelation to home construction a chinese company is using giant 3-d printers that make the 10 houses in one day. we imagine that the university of southern california also building a three printer that produces one house in one day and a full-size 3d printed house is being built in amsterdam right now. advocates say the technology is revolutionary to make housing more affordable and to cut down the hundreds of the annual construction
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lou: the nba announcing the clippers president is taking an indefinite leave of absence effective immediately the latest development following the racist remarks made from the clippers owner serving. now shopping for a powerhouse law firm. with the nba over his band -- a and if the sale of the tea will be upheld the
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court. now the alleged mistress is speaking about her relationship with the recent interview with barbara walters. >> did you love him? >> i love him. >> that is not what i asked. are you in love with him? >> like a friend? >> i love him like a father figure. lou: joining us now the "a team". thank you for being here. the alleged mistress seems like she is so cuddly. [laughter] that she loved him like a father? >> but she also said there was no sexual relationship. who knows? she also said she was his right-hand and his arm and
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it was complete nonsense. >> i did not have? without woman? come on. lou: but she is not a politician. [laughter] >> but she did not leak the recording she did it at his behest. that is what she says that she did it i am just reporting. >> he wanted her to record them then he said that knowing that? if you believe that i can sell you a bridge in brooklyn. >> and credibility does not matter much. and he said talking to a number of firms it looks like the nba has a fight.
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>> he is very litigious any way but now looking at losing the money in losing face. but the argument could be yes i signed off with a contract but i did not give away my constitutional right you cannot take away that right to private property. >> but they have language such as conduct inimical to the nba and the sport. they can rely on that. but he will have the position i did not violate the provisions in the charter. so there is the free-speech argument. so there was no racial epithets. and i realize the way sentiment goes but but they
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will look at the billable hours. >> no. [laughter] >> as a you suggest this process that has been taken here he has not been given due process. >> but there will be one. and the people circling? this is about money. assume for the sake of argument the nba had reason to know they he was racist. so you say why didn't they address it? but this time it was such a public outcry.
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>> but the people who will now enforce that against him with everything that they use as the basis to sell his team, what kind of standing do they have? >> it cannot be enforced unless it is illegal to. >> you are stopped from arguing your conduct a violates the rules over 20 years and you ratified that. >> but there is no legal arguments. >> biggest the illegal contract because it goes against federal law for for seven rights. -- for first amendment
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rights. >> if they stripped him of his property unfairly also the first amendmentights that ce more reports sent superego er the contract. that is the argument. lou: in reality the natural reflex because he is a litigious owner. >> a great point. he will litigate and tie it up. >> to say that she is in part owner and in concurrence with the nba as they try to take the team. how complicated? >> now with a divorce proceeding. but that is another strategy to initiate the divorce not that i am trying to give him advice but initiate then
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that ties that property. lou: don't worry about the advice because there's so much money. your respective of the issue of funding without question. the nba and everyone else this is about money. >> and public opinion is a funny thing. they're not sanguine about taking away based of the case. lou: we have to leave it there. thank you. up next the struggles with law enforcement on the mexican border and the new book "border war" i am joined by my co-author of the book former dea agent top florida law enforcement
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lou: and the federal government blaming ups for mistaking lee sending a box that contained parts to a $350,000 government drone to lead new york college student. he said he ordered a weightlifting bench was shocked when he opened the box it was addressed to him and it contained wings and a control panel. it turns out those are parts of the odd man aircraft of the national oceanic and atmospheric administration would use to track bird migration. and our government is now working efficiently? they say they are recovering the parts and ups says it is investigating and the
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student enjoys his moment of notoriety. with the creation of the house select committee on benghazi we have now entered a new phase of the scandal at the inflection point. the word this evening is over that means a change or variation of direction or course. joining me now former d.a. agent special agent with the florida department of law enforcement and my co-author james born. congratulations to us for the book:on sale today. how do you feel? >> i feel great. nice to be here. of. lou: let's go to the idea
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you can write a fiction books about something we know a little bit about the bad guys and the good guys around the border and what is really happening. how do you feel today about that part of the story and the narrative we have created? >> when you think of the course of a couple of years and finished it more than one year ago. we hit on some sensitive issues that are in the news today specifically the nsa nsa, led the capture and some of the violence of the border. if we wrote the book last month i don't know if we would have changed anything. lou: will i say this out loud? we got lucky because the cartel also figures prominently you in the narrative and the reality
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that is the border. what i have been struck by and there is no corruption on this side. all of those issues is quite an experience for me as a first timer to one's imagination. it is quite a journey. >> fiction is a lot of fun. my first novel published tenures ago i read an article by one of the first cops turn to writers and he talked about how he was sued on some of the nonfiction books and that does not have been in fiction. that was enough to keep me all the interested in fiction. but that does not mean you cannot tell an accurate
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story but you are just not talking about specific people. lou: you just scared the but jesus out of our editor talking like that. [laughter] we should send an e-mail that it will be good. it has been such fun working with you and we have a sequel coming out even as this book hits the shelves. should we do that? or is it a secret? >> we just did. lou: it is great to talk with you. congratulations. and i appreciate it. you are a class act and a good guy and a great friend. >> thank you very much. lou: james born a terrific writer dates you day he remains a public servant on the line with as a florida
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state law enforcement officer. the book is called "border war" i guarantee you will have a hoot when you read it go to lou for links to every where. my commentary next on the of presidents desperately trying to change the conversation. this time from benghazi to global warming or global change and your comments are next. we've never sold a house before. (agent) i'll walk you guys through every step. there are a lot of buyers for a house like yours. (husband) that's good to know.
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joey's of language that it considers to be the most important issue of the day. climate change described as global warming and global cooling decades before. now there is a new term it has decided he had to replace those terms and the new description is klein the disruption -- climate disruption. catchy don't you think? and to maximize the attack -- the chances you will be scared they released and 840 page report. the national climate assessment report. we must act now because changes have already damaged every part of the planet and it is only getting worse. though warnings are so dire the president is giving eight television interviews
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to meteorologist to have the lead -- the latest effort to spin the news away from steve ben gauzy scandal. unimaginable. if the kleiber report were a serious policy effort, wouldn't mr. obama insisted in the 840 pages somewhere of that report there would be at least one mention of possible solutions or policy choices for the cost to fix something? maybe there will be a sequel we can only hope. time now for a few of your comments and we have a special surprise for those comments authors you will receive one of the first copies of my new book "border war" thriller fiction code which did with
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former dea agent james born state law enforcement officer. your thoughts. on the collection of the collection of scandal. >> keep your plan and your doctor and benghazi was about a video. just kidding. don't we wish the president had been? >> if they cannot get to the truce with tray at the people they never will. >> the scandal has to be hammered until there is a breakthrough. if this was perpetrated under a republican he would have been in peach long ago. keep your comments coming. e-mail me at follow-ups on twitter or go to the facebook page and thinks at tomorrow john negroponte
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joins us oversight committee member joins us as well. we will see you then. thank you for being with us. we asked people a question, how much money do you think you'll need when you retire? then we gave each person a ribbon to show how many years that amount might last. i was trying to, like, pull it a little further. [ woman ] got me to 70 years old. i'm going have to rethink this thing. it's hard to imagin how much we'll need for a retirement that could last 3years or mor so maybe we need to approach things dferently, if we want to be ready for a longer retirement. ♪ a short word that's a tall order. up your game. up the ante. and if you stumble, you get back up. up isn't easy, and we ought to know. we're in the business of up. everyday delta flies a quarter of million people while investing billions improving everything
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report." have a great night. single mobile. ♪ no. neil: hello, we have obamacare u about. neil: all of our front and center focused tonight. here to do that onerous, we have tucker carlson. we were just calling him brilliant earlier. so i want to bring my panelists here as well. we have lauren and todd and jesse james. all right. so the latest that we are
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