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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  May 8, 2014 7:00pm-8:01pm EDT

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all. you sound like a loser that should be watching another network. see you tomorrow. lou: good evening, everyone. vladimir putin is serving notice to the united states and the world. the cold war is back. you you're looking at pictures of a russian aircraft carrier and nuclear powered battle cruiser. two of the group of seven russian ships that make up the carrier task force that today passed through the english channel. the british navy said it had to deploy this that had been training in the mediterranean. british officials described it as a routine event. but this is just the latest in a series of troubling incidents as
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he flexes its military muscle on the world stage. one american today oversaw a military exercise, one that includes test launches of intercontinental ballistic missiles. just 24 hours ago there were headlines about stepping back from the abyss after vladimir putin said that russian troops have withdrawn from this country's border with ukraine. there was, of course, no evidence of that. and the u.s. military informed the world that they had seen nothing to support the russian president statement. they define him, saying that he
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decided to go ahead with the referendum and the russian leader had no comment. the white house so far is silent on his latest aggressions of the united states does have a presence in the black sea. earlier today, an american warship arrived in a georgian port to send a message of support and strength to our nato allies. seven russian ships through the english channel in one into the black sea. turning to capitol hill, celebrating with celebrities and raising a lot of cash for the democratic national committee, the house house of representatives is in session and go to just moments ago to create a suck select committee. the resolution passing 187
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democrats supporting the passage. speaker boehner and democrats have yet to announce whether they will participate. as nancy pelosi has complained repeatedly about the seven to five democratic ratio. former secretary of state clinton is expected to be a focus of that investigation. not surprisingly, one can expect this about the republican search for the truth. >> of course there are a lot of reasons despite all of the hearings and all of the information that has been provided, some have not been satisfied and continue to move forward and that is their choice. and i do not believe that there
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is any reason for it to continue in this way. but they get to call the shots in the congress. be on a brand-new report claiming hillary clinton declined to designate al qaeda affiliated organizations during her role as secretary of state. fox news senior foreign affairs correspondent has our report. lou: a team of americans is doing their best to help with the 300 girls that were kidnapped. >> our agency is hitting the ground in nigeria now and they are going to be working in concert with everyone.
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reporter: michele obama added her support with a picture from her twitter. >> the government of nigeria to get serious about protecting all of its citizens, making sure that every child has the right and opportunity to go to school in security and safety. reporter: when she was secretary of state, she declined to claim them as a terrorist organization and that was left for it john kerry to do last november. >> two years ago we designated certain individual leaders and i don't have any other information on that. reporter: unable times was said to be lost in an effort to end western influences like the education of women and girls. james risch says the failure to act strongly includes many
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consequences. they feared it would raise the group's permanence. two months later, two dozen people were killed. president obama seemed frustrated at not being able to do more. >> there are times in which i would like to reach out and say those kids of having to think through what power do we have. reporter: they say mr. obama could do more but his reluctance to do so or to take a covers band in syria or elsewhere has emboldened them. the demonstration is under pressure to add the group to the un's al qaeda sanctions list. the state department hasn't yet said if it will do so. lou: thank you. president obama at a fundraiser blaming republicans for a spiral
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of dysfunction in washington, urging his donors to focus on the midterm election. saying that we are not going to make good choices unless we break out of the cycle in which this breeds cynicism and we have to break out of it. and that does not happen during presidential election. here now, we have real estate magnet mort zuckerman, it's greato have you. >> thank you. lou: let me just ask you what did he mean? >> i think he was basically trying to say that those people who run for the presidency or who our -- those who are the president, you cannot engage in this. lou: one is not able to talk abt the malfunction of this
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demonstration. but to act as though he does not have to participate in the persuasion for communication and expression of goals and objectives and management of leadership -- >> the sad fact is, and i think on some level they have to be aware of this, other than public rhetoric he has lost the capacity in ability to become a leader of our legislative process as well as our executive process areas and you can't function as the president unless you have developed this within those who are serving up in in the congress. it is just an enormous part of life. i have a friend of mine that wrote and said what you have to do is establish relationships and without trust you can't do anything. this president has lost the trust of the congress. it is that simple. there are very deep people have the right to work with him, including the democrats and republicans that are just over the moon. so he has really failed to establish this kind of
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relationship and you can't government without this. >> and the republican speaker of the house saying that reason he changed his mind my times over the past year about the establishment of the select committee or because he had new evidence. the same president that he said he didn't trust and didn't choose to trust, it is unclear. when i look at the leadership of these two parties in washington dc, i frankly cannot find an analog in recent american history. >> i would agree. in our system, like it or not, the real leadership has to come out of the white house. he is the leader of the executive branch and they have a rare exception when the speaker does have is power in the house, but it doesn't exist today.
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the fact is that without the president to be a leader in this sense, it is persuasion, it's having personal relations and the ability to deal or a hundred spoken to many on both sides of the aisle. so many once described him in the following way. they said they're the first community organizers they've ever met. when you think about it, they are not comfortable with that and i don't want to take anything away from the obvious talents. and legislators since he is just not working. >> the publishers of this administration, they said they were many. one of those fundraisers last night, that the american people side with the demonstration on these issues. in 65% of the most recent poll say they are voting for a candidate in district
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congressional races and senatorial races. 65% for those who have views opposite the president of the united states. >> i don't remember if that's ever happened to a president of this stage in his grip. like it or not, he has lost the ability to deal with the congress and really pull the american people along with him and that makes it even more difficult. >> i want to press you for a bit of your business and economic insight and perspective. because there's a lot of this being reflected in the economy. do you think that we are headed over the course of this year, are things good or bad, where are we? >> we are stumbling along at about the rate of growth. and on the other hand it could
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be worse. i don't know how fragile this is. it always strikes me that any major event could happen and really demolished confidence certainly in the short-term. and so i actually think that this economy is going to remain part of this. some people think it will go as much to this gdp and i think i will be a very good number if we can reach it. i don't think it will happen. and it will go at 2.1% and they believe that we have access to all the information of the information on this economy. so it's very difficult to be optimistic. >> how much is a lack of leadership? >> not many more support the
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congress either. there's no sense of confidence in the political leadership for this country and this is a huge problem for this country because we have to depend on it. the executive branch have to work together and that's not true. we have this low level of paralysis and a lot of things we need to do. and in addition to that the business community particularly is concerned about this particular administration, whether higher taxes or more regulations or what have you. so the bound have an effect on the willingness to invest in the biggest problem that we have is that this is not investing in capital expenditure. lou: therefore fewer jobs are being created also. as well as lower growth, and immense pressure on stagnant wages. it is always great to see you, thank you so much for sharing with us. lou: if you remember president
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obama's doomsday's production about the consequences of those sequestered budget cuts. >> these cuts are not smart, they are not fair, they will hurt our economy and they will add hundreds of thousands of americans to the unemployment rolls. people lose their jobs. >> a government report finds lester's budget cuts -- i'm going to repeat that count, one job loss among 23 federal agencies, which is most of the federal government. and so maybe it was something that of an abstraction. we are coming right back. lou: brimer pruden saying that he is going to cancel a referendum vote this sunday. on the games that vladimir putin plays coming up next.
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built for business. the. lou: tensions with russia are escalating. vladimir putin overseeing the launch of several ballistic missiles, here to talk about these latest aggressive moves from vladimir putin, we have vice chairman of the kissinger associates, robert, thank you for being on the show. >> so great to be back here. lou: this russian task force moving through the english channel. >> yes, i think all of these things for signals from one type to the oththese things are signg to convey messages of power without actually taking a more
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tough set of actions that could be taken. the both sides, i don't think they really want to at this point. lou: these traditional and historic expression of military power, in the face of rising anxieties. and they seem in anachronistic. that sort i was looking for. >> yes, but also i think you've made a distinct point. the tensions are rising in the ukraine and that means the emotions are building. so it's not entirely clear if he can control the emotions. he certainly has influence in the region and he asked them not to have this referendum, so they
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are going to have this emotional issue and this could really spiral into a difficult situation very quickly. lou: and says pro-russian separatists defy russian presdient vladimir putin. and i can't construct that. i can't organize the syntax or grammar in any way. and on the other hand he does not want it to it's been out of control and collapse economically. and then it becomes as destabilizing force in the
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region. so he wants to weaken us and strengthened the forces in the ukraine did not have the whole thing collapse and that would be harmful for russia and nobody really wants. lou: this starts to become a little reminiscent of the strategic surgical strikes. in military terms, it just doesn't happen. there's always collateral damage. there is always the unintended result in consequences. so what are they? as best as you can foresee, what are the risks associated with unintended consequences and playing of this game of aircraft carriers, strategic bombers and exercises with china or iran. >> that's one of the troublesome things. 40,000 russian troops either on or close to the border. and the danger is that escalates. and that tends to focus and then
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they take liberties elsewhere in the world. and i think that is one of the risks here. lou: enfeebled. sir, it's always good to see you. >> good to be with you. lou: time for a look at last night's online poll results. we ask you if this will be more effective without democrats participation. 74% said yes, 26% said no. so we want you to vote in tonight's poll. president obama said he's disappointed with much of the world, republicans including bashar al-assad and brimer pruden. are you disappointed? leader with we will have the quotation of the evening for you.
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lou: veterans affairs secretary,
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eric shinseki, i subpoena by the house, looking ar answers after a report as many as 40 veterans died while awaiting treatment in arizona, a secret list of set up to conceal their i.d identities. >> refuseing to resign veterans affair secretary, eric shinseki spoke publicly for the first time about unacceptable wait times and mismanage am at a va facility in arizona that led to their deaths. >> i didn't come here to watch things happen this way, i came here to make things better. >> reporter: shinseki, appointed by president obama in 20009, ordered a nationwide face-to-face audit of the
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va facilities in the wake of several brewing scandals at va hospitals where phony wait lists were created and letters ordered destroyed by officials. they have called for shinseki to resign. they have issued a subpoenaa for all e-mails pertaining to the fantastiphoenix scandal. secretary shinseki took 8 days to respond to the committee's request in april. >> we have over the past years asked the va for information that has not been forth coming. frustrations remain high among committee members. >> reporter: some top republicans have stopped short of demanding shinseki resign. >> i'm not ready to join the chorus of people calling for him
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to step down. the problems at the va are systemic, i don't believe that just changing someone at the top, is going to actually get to the solutions that many of us are looking for. >> reporter: senator marco rubio. has introduceed a bill giving shinseki greater authority to fire people. >> you have to be able to fire people who are not doing their job. >> reporter: white house said president still has confidence in secretary shinseki who is slated to appear next thursday before a senate hearing to address the scandal that led to dozens of preventible deible ven deaths. lou: thank you, our quoteing a oinging aof the evening -- quotf the evening, frank gaffney said, to his lasting credit president reagan never waivered, he
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recognized the strateg strategi4 answer of staying the course in terms of denying moscow the military hegemony it sought in western europe and of restoreing the will, coshaoegsiveness and security of the nato alliance, sbadly frayed. >> we're coming right back. >> monica lewinsky goes public. in "vanity fair." >> why would she suddenly step into the public eye? leading seeit psychiatrist doctr keith next.
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mind, member of next news medical a team, monica lewinsky, suddenly in "vanity fair," i and an organized response calling her island a a, loonie tune. your thoughts. >> i can't crawl in her mind without her sitting with me. i tell you this is an opportune moment, there is talk of hillary clinton running for president, this is another stage she can stand on, she is not well ordered. emotionaly. who keeps a dress and doesn't get it dry cleaned after a
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passionate most, either she was setting the man up or she was a verysureiou cure curious soul. to fathom why she is back onstage -- >> he would like to reclaim or standing with the community again. in whole history of my presence on this planet i never heard of a woman or a man keeping an item of clothing that has evidence of aanan affair without the intentn of hurting the other person, i think she was a bit of a stalker. lou: and all this time later, hard to discern if she is thinking that new standing and stat to us claim whatever she can of her dignity or going after first lady trying to
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preempt or perhaps inoculation the first lady should she want to be with the story, because it's so early. >> tying herself to tragic deaths of someone else bullyed on line, making bullying her issue, i don't know that she was bullied or she was the bully. >> interesting. >> it might be she is trying to get ahead of that narrative, say this is going to be talked about if this woman run for president, i'm talk about it first. lou: that narrative would be about as damning as it could be from bill clinton. already reviewaled by many now, that he would be appearing as well so, so weak to be bullied by that same 19-year-old. >> well, yes, and you know a force to be -- be -- a dual victim, not your average 19-year-old.
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your average 19-year-old does not find herself in the company of president, and does not find herself tragedyizing to -- strategyizing you to ho play a cat and mouse game with him with her dress. lou: michelle obama, do woe have a picture with michelle hash tag ubridge back oubring back our g0 girls kidnaps in tphaoeupblg tphaoeuplgs in nigeria.many twit impressed. >> is there no sense of decorum left in the white house. i'm being cirrus, ho sere -- sew can you be first lady, and hold
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up a poster board, with a hash tag, l tweeter, your house band is supposed to the ruler of the free world, you are holding up a poster board with a sad face, and a hash tag like a sad down. that is the best you can do? lou: great to have you here. >> my pleasure? word of thet evening, that we have known for some time, obama administration chosen to ignore the changes nature and relationship between and among national powers, even as china, iran, and russia and china carry out military exercises together in middle east, u.s. not responded strategically to new expression of hegemony. presume
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abbey they will awaken soon, hegemonkwr*frpbgs is ny we hopee often. a greek word. a word in use in kremlin these days. a reminder to vote in the poll, president obama said he is disappointed with the world, republicans bashar al-asad and vladimir putin. are you disappointed perhaps in the president? vote at lou --, wore coming right back. right i'm j-a-n-e and i have copd.
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lou: toyota reports a 90% increase in profits ahead of summer travel season, forcing them to pay corporate taxes in japan for first time since
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toyota took over as president in 2009, saying being able to pay corporate taxes means we're able to contribute to society, that makes me very happy, a contrast from pfizer, pfizer looking to go overseas to avoid u.s. taxes, toyota, announcing last month they would move its headquarters to texas from california. >> good move. >> on wall street, stocks finishes mixed, dow gaining 32, s&p down 3, nazdaq down 3, volume on big board 3.4 billion, telecom financials best performers, and energy and utility the worst, crude oil down 51 cents, gold down a dollar, 10-year yield, 2.60%. >> jobless claims 46,000 last
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week, and financial reports 3 times a day, coast-to-coast to salem radio network for all of day's biggest market and news, joining us the a team. political analyst, ed rawlins, fred barnes, mercedes. great to have you here, mercedes, we start with president's concern about a disfunctional washington. do you think he has his priorities right in expressing his concern. >> he does not have a clue. the one that is causing the disfunction is himself, he does not want that responsibility. you know, he has to make his selling .s to the big donors in california, none of democrats candidate in swing states want to hang out with him, they make
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him the fundraiser in chief. lou: you know, fred, i want to ask but primaries now. we're talking about some losses for tea party but, you know you look at walter jones, he won, stood up against a lot of chamber of commerce money and establishment headwinds and survived. >> i don't think he had name ber chamber of commerce money. but big news in north carolina was tom til thom tillis house sr winning republican nomination for senate without a run off, people say where was the tea party. tea party is being absoared by the republican party. just as right to lifeers were in 1980s, and religious right in 11970s, this natural, it is hard for tea partyers to make out like mitch mcconnell he is
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not a conservative? this is nonsense, and tom till usthomtillis cut taxes and spen. lou: democrats hate him. >> because he is a conservative. tea party is vanishing into the republican party. lou: don't tell the chamber of commerce in business round table. they will get confused. >> don't tell the tea partyers either. >> there are not many to tell, because according to latest poll, g.o.p. support for tea party folks down to 41%, down 20 points from november 2010. fred this looks like tea party, i said for more than a year now, that tea party is all but my opinion, evaporateed, its presence hard to detect,
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leadership woeful. >> not much left, as i say, part of the republican party, republican party is cover party after all, and -- cove conservae party, and taoerp taoer tea pare not stupid, they want to win elections. lou: 45 folks in house did all right, a few senators, have you rubio, and cruz, and rand paul doing well. they hav have a more public pret least? >> well, they do, but they rubeo, would have won tea party or no, rand paul was helped by tea party, but these were good candidates that tea party latched on to. lou: well, do you see it this way. >> fred makes very good points, i fell tea party is an important part of a minority party, which
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is what republicans are. my sense what happen to tea party they did not have national leaders they deliberately did not want to pick leaders. lou: was it a deliberate choice? >> at end of the day, there was nobody, jim demint. became tea party leader it would have been a voice, but they are important, we need them. pluralty of voters did not vote yesterday, we'll win that senate seat, we need every one of those tea party people supporting them. >> they picked bad candidate in past, harry reid candidate, tea party candidate he spend millions of dollars making sure he would get elected, we have our act together, we have good strong candidates we'll win races. lou: hard to figure out, the president has unleashed the left, what some wags are saying.
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mercedes, the left is hell-bent ongoing after in this election, winning irrespective of incentive ti they may express, y are down right vicious. are you expecting there to be a response? >> well, i think so, but i think we'll see a republican party that is very energized. we're tired of losing, we need to get candidates that can bridge together the g.o.p. establishment, tea partyer to make it work, democrats are in a pad position, you have obama low approval rating, in addition to obamacare that keeps dragging him along, and just very unpopular policies even from foreign policy perspective, we see no leadership, republicans are in a good position to win. lou: you know, i hate to do this but we are out of time, fred,
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how much would you like to see a party embrace working men and women, and middle class? we'll have that discussion next time. >> we're coming right back. >> great. up. a short word that's a tall order. up your game. up the ante. and if you stumble, you get back up. up isn't easy, and we ought to know. we're in the business of up. everyday delta flies a quarter of million people while investing billions improving everything from booking to baggage claim. we're raising the bar on flying and tomorrow we will up it yet again.
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lou: occasionally i say things that are unpopular with some. this may be one of those nights. i want to talk about russia and our president, russia carrying out a new design and aggressive strategy. russia invasion of ukraine is of no moment to u.s. and european powers now, it seems, russian
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exing crimea is done. a settled matter, part of the putin drawn new world order, and russia launch of two icbms, perfectly timed, a russia aircraft carrier and task force through english channel now, less than a month after russian strategic bomber flew just north of scotland. vladimir putin lying to world about pullback of his troops, it is clearer each day that president obama is helpless to block putin a ambitions and devoid of how he might resuscitate, and rouse a moribund nato alliance, president obama does talk,s some sometimes he talks tough, few trumble before his rhetoric, certainly not putin, and our
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european allies dismiss his assurances. putin sent in his troops and tanks tony have a ukraine, mr. obama was coming to the rescue, you may recall this they treated this picture state department spokeswoman holding a sign that reads, hash tag, united for ukraine. the power of twitter. today in face of demand to do more than send a team of 20 support forces, to help almost 300 kidnapped girls in nigeria, first lady michelle obama took to twitter. frowning concern first lady, started a hash tag bring back our girls campaign. vice president biden tweeting his own similar message moments ago. obama presidency is often effective in its messageing and
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seizing of public moment but usually moments at a time, they seem to not comprehend that americans and the world expect pafar more than pretense, public relations and so-called soft power. i fear we have at long last to understand what the obama doctrine stands for. mr. obama has established the doctrine of passivety, and lost purpose, he has become the message. time for a few of your comments. we have a book to offer those authors of those e-mails, and tweets and posts it is a great thriller, borosilicate -- border war. high first fiction.
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a respond to whether benghazi committee will be more economy fifteffectivewithout democrats. eric ford writes: >> chuck in el paso wrote about harry reid blaming koch brothers for global warming. they only go the 3 pinnochios for that by the way. he said lou, i believe that crime at changclimb at change -s result of all hot air comes off the senator reid's mouth, nothing more. that is it for us, here tomorrow, retired four-star
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general jock keen, michael -- jack keane, michael goodwin among our guests, thank you for joining us, good night from new york. i ys say be thman with the plan
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but with less ergy, moodiness, i had to do something. i saw mdoctor. a blood test showed it was low testosterone, not age. we talked about axiron the onlynderarm low t treaent that can restore t vels to normal in about two weeks in most men. axiron is not for use in women or anyone younger than 18 or men with prostate or breast cancer. women, especlly those who are or who may become pregnant, and children should avoidt where axirons applied as unexpected signs of puberty in children or changes in body hair or incased acne in women may occur. report these symptoms to your doctor. tell your doctorbout all medical conditions and medications. serious side effects could include increased sk of prostate cancer, worsening prostate symptoms, decreased sperm count, ankle, feet or body swelling, enlarged or painful breasts, problems breathing while sleeping and blood clots in the legs. common side effects include skin redness
7:59 pm
or irritation where applied, increased red blood cell count, common side effects include skin redness headache, diarrhea, vomiting, and increase in psa. ask your doctor about axiron. when folks think about wthey think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america.
8:00 pm
neil: you know, when they have a big rush to spend billions to deal with climate change. i should remind you, we already to the opportunit tune of $77 b, true. i am neil cavuto. dirty secret on cleaning up our planet and heating up, is that we're already trying to address it to the tune of 77 billion dollars from 2008 through last year. that how much we commited to various programs to fight climbal change. now we hear that we tens of bi


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