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tv   MONEY With Melissa Francis  FOX Business  May 16, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm EDT

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dashes. about a quarter ounce of lucid, a food dash and simple syrup to balance aromatics. classic cocktail. it is the original cocktail. dierdre: a lot of dashes and a lot of splashes which sounds like it fits in with this rainy friday. ted, thanks for coming in. joining me here. the founder of lucid asbsinthe you. you can see those beautiful bottles. it is not cocktail hour for melissa francis france. melissa: we're been drinking for past 10 minutes. have a great weekend. things keeping laurie summers up at night. charlie gasparino from the salt conference after the former treasury secretary's controversial remarks getting economy back on track. tons of ink become spilled from "the new york times" decision to ditch the top editor. princeton mom is here what she says is the real lesson for
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career women. buckle up for that one. meet a preteen heartthrob who built a career, singing on youtube. 11-year-old mattie-b, on secrets tt his big money youtube success. how you can make it big and make that money too. even when they say it's not. it is always about money. melissa: drown goes the activist investor. starboard reeling from the selling red lobster for 2 billion bucks. the deal they say is woefully undervalues the seafood chain. we have james freeman from the "wall street journal." fox news contributor jonas max farris and dan schaefer, from schaefer asset management. dan, i will start with you. what do you think about this one? >> i think it's a great deal. they had a lot of debt they needed to get rid of.
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this is a bad penny in their arsenal. they have to cut it out. this is great idea. shareholders are fighting this. management i think made a very smart decision here. melissa: you don't think it woefully undervalues the property, jeffrey smith, ceo of starboard says? >> no. it hasn't been as profitable as other restaurants they have. melissa: jonas, you strike me as red lobster kind of guy, what do you think of the deal? >> -- trying to get rid of. melissa: tell your wife that. >> that is the -- people will be eating red lobster in 20 years? that is stale brand. it is kind of place where it is not upscale restaurants are popular and not a cheap fast, like chipolte or something. i think it is in nowhere's land. i think it is only worth the real estate. melissa: i'm a chain, red lobster, olive garden, i must be alone. are you with me? we'll go. >> i'm sort of with you. what bothers me the management
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changed the bylaws recently in the middle of this argument. melissa: okay. >> that just tells you this is not necessarily the way it ought to work out. melissa: the biggest names on wall street unveiling latest holdings. warren buffett increasing his stake in blue-chips like walmart and ibm while carl icahn doubling down on apple. we learned a lot as we saw all these holdings revealed. jonas, what is your takeaway. >> warren buffett business is becoming like the dow. melissa: it is, true. >> i like he doesn't change the game and all of sudden buy tech shares. this is different investment. icahn is basically trying to stop apple buying beats and giving him cash in dividend. i think different strategy. buffett make as long-term investment. melissa: what i thought was interesting, a lot of big names reveal holdings and they're on opposite sides of gm. tepper increased his stakk in gm. paulson increased his stake in gm. einhorn got out of gm entirely.
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george soros cut his stake on gm as well. what do you think? >> this is company should have failed. it is a failed culture. it didn't work. taxpayers had not bailed it out it wouldn't exist today. melissa: ten per is a smart guy. -- tepper is a smart guy. upping the anteon gm. >> they have another recall on top of earlier one, you wonder how far the quality problem goes. melissa: you hate gn. >> i don't like gm at all. i don't like what they did with gm from the beginning. i still think it is dead in the water. you can add to investment like that or increase it but hedge fund managers are not always exact on every investment and we don't know when they will unload it. melissa: no, that's true. is jcpenney back from the brink following its first sales gain in three years. james, is jcpenney back from the brink? >> it is still losing money. melissa: investors weren't today. the investors are happy. they were up 13%. they like that. >> but you're back to the strategy that they didn't think was working before they went for
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the strategy that was even worse. i don't know how you get to optimistic take here. melissa: jonas? >> i don't understand this macy's permanent 40% sale. that is what worked for them. they're back to that. seems like a loser strategy. melissa: everyone is doing that if you look online, the gap, put in the code and you get 40% off. you get to the point i don't ever want to pay full price. i will wait because the full price is fake price. >> that was mistake of ceo. he said we'll always have a sale and traffic decreased dramatically. now they marked down certain items in the store. get traffic in the store which picked up last couple quarters and stock has broken out of its 200 day and week moving average on news. melissa: food fight going global. fast-food workers demanding $15 a hour for minimum wage. "money" spoke to one protester could she afford the increase in
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wages if prices were increases. >> right now i couldn't afford it. i make 9.25. if my pay was was increase i would be able to afford it. i would love to shop locally. i can't. it is way too expensive. melissa: she was saying if prices go up and i get higher salary i will be able to afford a big mack at higher price. do you realize giving you money and giving you back to them. she shade that is fine because good for economy. did you follow that logic. >> every consumer is not necessarily buying into ttat deal. a lot of people will not pay another dollar or 50 cents for mcdonald's burger. this will mean more automation. to the extent this movement works and drives prices up on labor, you will see more automated atm tying buying in mcdonald's. fewer employees. melissa: dan, this doesn't seem to go away. protesting and whole thing is getting bigger. >> this social movement is part of deflationary scenario where people protesting rich are too
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rich and poor are not getting their money. this is not just here. globally. melissa: that is interesting. >> they're fighting now. this is social feedback. the world is changed socially how people think. and when they group together like unions used to do, they will try to take control. this could end up to be rioting if it gets out of control. some restaurants had to close because they, they had problems with the workers picketing out front. melissa: what do you guys think about that. >> which is why this might be the cheapest solution to what could be a much worse problem. what are the alternatives? limiting ceo pay? there is -- melissa: what do they do, raise it to 10.10. >> stop the capital -- melissa: stop it or open floodgates for next thing? >> it is very competitive restaurant market as we were discussing. you can't start handing out money for social cause if the value is not delivered by the he employees. as investor you think about u.s. cut tears replacing foreign workers to the extent this goes worldwide. >> not really going to have
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robots doing some these jobs. melissa: they will have automated checkout. you don't need anybody at the counter. they don't have -- >> do what new jersey, new jersey makes someone fill the gas. >> why red lobster is under pressure. people feel like they don't need waiter. melissa: way to bring it full circle, james freeman. gold star for you. i love it. l.a. clippers is reporting to refuse to pay his $2.5 million fine. he will sue the nba. he says we reject your demand for payment. he says screw all of you, forget it. i'm not doing it. shocked? >> i think probably nba owners are saying to each other we should have dealt with this guy years ago. i can't believe we let him -- melissa: how? >> when he moved the team from san diego to l.a. melissa: wwthout asking anyone or something, right. >> they fined him but rediced fine when he threatened to sue. this is not a nice guy. they have never thought he was a nice guy. melissa: you think. >> they tolerated him.
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how did he start his career? as personal injury lawyer which i think says it all. melissa: dan? >> oh, that is pretty heavy stuff. melissa: i know. >> i got to tell you the other side of this story which i'm very concerned about. melissa: yeah. >> this is like reverse civil liberties. why, isn't allowed freedom of speech? it didn't affect the team. i don't agree with what he has done. hold on a second. this is, i mean if anybody ever been through a divorce or relationship breakup or issues, somebody recorded him and they got away. and that is malicious. there is bad act happening here. maybe a conspiracy to take this team away from him, i don't know. but, freedom of speech. he didn't say it to the players. he didn't say it to the press. why is this a problem? melissa: you know what may favorite part of the problem -- he didn't have to pay tax. did you know that? forced sale of the team doesn't have to pay tax on this? >> tax code. half the team sellers would --
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melissa: maybe this sort past plan. he said something ugly. sells. what an incredible windfall. i would get out. we've got to go. thanks, guys you were great. unprecedented wildfires swiping the san diego area. severe drought conditions that are making the situation so bad, it is whipping the flames into fire nados. ousted "new york times" executive editor jill abramson posing for oh so subtle picture on instagram. princeton mom susan patton with lesson for career women and my own favorite feminist, charlie gasparino is here with his own rebuttal. more money coming up.
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what's a vision without the expertise to execute it... and the financing to make it grow? whatever your goal, it can change more than your business. whatever your goal, it can change e future. it can change more that's wh at barclays, our ambition is to alys realize yours. melissa: wildfires are raging through california, displacing people from their homes, already causing millions of dollars in damage. joining me now, fox meteorologist rick reichmuth. we have james freeman from the "wall street journal." rick, i grew up in southern california. there was fire season. we lived on edge of the valley, every year there would be big fires. it was part of what seemed to
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happen annually to keep the brush in check. this is different though. >> this is very different. fire season generally starts later in toward the fall there. melissa: right. >> you're at the end of a dry season. right now we're at end of what is normally rainy season. there wasn't a rainy season this year. the drought is so extreme in california entire state is at least in severe drought. highest level is exceptional drought. melissa: right. >> according to the drought monitor the majority of state is in this. melissa: 100% is in severe drought. >> 100% in severe drought. they never had that kind of drought before. when they have dry conditions, they're going into six months where they're not seeing any rain. this will only get worse for us. melissa: james, we care about this, not only we care about people's lives and homes and safety but also because there is tremendous economic impact. the state spent $3 billion fighting this. the also what you said in the break, salad bowl. >> half of nation's fruits and vegetables come from california
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this is huge economic loss. think there is myth these disasters help the economy because then you have got to rebuild stuff and people have this myth world war ii got us out of the depression. this is completely false this is lot of productive assets blown away. it is people's time, lost productivity. and of course what's really been driving california lately among other things is the hospitality industry, which is taking a hit, obviously people aren't looking to visit southern california at particular moment. it is all negative. melissa: rick, is this mother nature run amok? is there anything we can do about this? they have complicated aqua duct system supposed to keep water in the state. is there any -- >> it is really complicated water system in the state. melissa: yeah. >> different towns purchased water and they have water they're fine with. but other towns don't have any. so you have towns completely drying up right now. there is not a lot you can do. you would have to bring in water from such a long way away and they can't do that. colorado getting more snow this
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winter helps a little bit. you get more water flowing through colorado river. that goes to agricultural impacts. northern california where they get lot of water from sierra nevadas they got no snow this year. melissa: theres were brush clearing and trying to do this to stave this off. is there anything that could be done. >> no. there isn't much that can be done to be honest. only individual can do is clean up brush around your house. that helps tremendously keep the dry shrubbery gone and trees trimmed and off the roosts that helps but on broader scale there is not so much they can do. >> gentlemen, thank you so much. getting tough on general motors. u.s. transportation secretary anthony fox had some pretty damning words on gm's investigation into the faulty ignition switches linked to the deaths of 13 people. take a listen. >> had gm told us then what they told us back in february, things no doubt would have proceeded differently but fact remains, gm
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did not act and did not pay lert us in a timely manner. what gm did was break the law. melissa: turn to lauren simonetti on floor of new york stock exchange. lauren, how is the stock reacting to that news? >> you know what, that is pretty surprising? back in february the first day the recall was announced was 35.56. it is $34 right now. that is it. that is not a big amounts of drop. $35 million is maximum final loud and that is slap on the wrist for a 55 billion-dollars company. there will be more fines. one auto group wants to put a one billion dollar fine on gm. this is beginning of ramifications. back to you. melissa: lauren, thank you so much. getting inspiration from dr. who. a big box of mystery appearing in the middle of san francisco.
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we wonder what is going on? online sensation with nearly a billion video views, 11-year-old. mattie b is here on money. he is about to show us what he has got. take it away, mat at this. mattie. >> wanted to be an example for the students. taking it to the wanting it both ways, maybe could balloon but it was confusing i want to be bruce lee, bruce lee abusing. we're moving our company to new york state.
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melissa: from the fourth grade to internet fame. one day you're a regular kid hanging out making music videos. next day you're a youtube sensation with almost a billion
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views. mattyb raps is a 11-year-old music artist making serious bank from a business that started out on social media. how you can get in on the act and make serious cash. mattyb with his father blake morris. we enjoyed your rap. start with your dad though. blake. most people out there don't realize that you can make a fortune posting videos on youtube and having enough people watch it. you have had tremendous success. i mean almost a billion views. how did you get started in? how did you figure out something that would be as sensation online? >> first of all, thanks for having us, melissa. we got started really just helping my nephew, who had made it through to "american idol" sees none 9 hollywood. after my sister passed away he moved in with husband. we were pursuing his music. i was helping him as a business mentor. from there little mattyb at the time was almost seven, running
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around the house saying put me on youtube. put me on youtube. we did, the first view videos did a few million views in five or six weeks and we realized we had something special. melissa: i want to talk about the business of this i believe everything you say. myself-year-old is begging to give him a youtube channel. i'm not sure what his talent is. but i digress. did youtube reach out to you? how did it throw off revenue to you? how did you start making money? >> first in an hour we produce a lot of content. a lot of that content is cover songs that are kid-friendly versions. so the rights holders of videos are major publishers. so at that point we had to wait until we could make a deal with those publishers to clear that content. so in the very beginning there was no ad revenue. as we continued to grow, we were able to establish those relationships, not only with youtube but with major publishers to be able tothose ro
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monetize those videos and make our own original music as well. melissa: i understand that you make about half a million dollars a year right now. you have about 2.3 million subscribers. did they reach out to you? did you notice how many views you were getting, said, wait a second i want revenues from the ads here? how specifically does that part work? >> yeah, as far as that half ain, a channel of our size, we did 340 million views last year can have a range of revenues. kind of like the tv business. what is your cost of content and programming? how much can you put out there? will the demand of those ad revenues match that cost? so the range can be from a half a million into seven figures. the question is, can you break even and can you go profitable? we did that in about year three. weere finishing year four. we went profitable in year three. we're continuing to look for other ways of income but the most, rewarding thing as a parent is the fact that we can
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do this with matt in the privacy of his own home and family, in school and continue to keep him a normally boy. melissa: mattie, what is that like? you go to school and have a billion people who have watched you rap online? do your friends think you're a celebrity? what is it like to go to school every day? >> well it is just like every other kid would, i known all of my friends, basically all of them since kindergarten. i'm still matt to them and they treat me like a normal kid. melissa: is that what you want to do when you grow up? what do you want to do? >> i want to be a baseball playwer a rap album, something like that. melissa: that sounds perfect. that is what almost everybody wants to do. be a baseball player and round it out with a rap album. i who have that. blake, what is the plan going forward? how do you capitalize on this? do you bother getting a tv show? you're making so much money on your own i'm not sure that would be incrementally better?
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>> i think answer if you do both and continue the music. i will ask matt, every month, do you enjoy being mattyb? is there any point you don't want to be mattyb? he says thus far, if he doesn't, it is kind of became over. going forward we want to do more of the same. if we do do a tv show we want him to play himself. more after along reality, non-scripted format that allows his fans to get a closer look into his life. melissa: thanks to both of you for coming on. i was a kid actor. i loved doing it while i was doing it. i think if a kid doesn't enjoy it they don't cooperate and don't want to do it. i bet you're having a good time. do you like doing it? >> yeah, it is really fun. i get to go to different cities and stuff doing concerts. i get to see a lot of new faces. melissa: just until your baseball career takes off. thanks for joining us. we appreciate it. good luck to you. >> melissa thanks for having us. >> thank you. melissa: investors bringing the pain and we are talking a body
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slam. automatic elbow, that is atomic elbow, i knew i would ruin that, a pile driver. what has wwe on the ropes big-time today? you can tell. larry summers sounding off. former treasury secretary speaking his mind at biggest hedge fund conference of the year. he is finally coming clean what he thinks of those winkelvoss twins. charlie gasparino has the scoop coming right up. ♪.
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(announcer) scottrade knows our and invest their own way. with scottrade's smart text, i can quickly understand my charts, and spend more time trading. their quick trade bar lets my account follow me online so i can react in real-time. plus, my local scottrade office is there to help. because they know i don't trade like everybody. i trade li me. i'm with scottrade. (announcer) scottrade. voted "best investment services company." melissa: quick check of the markets, moving slower after the brutal sell-off yesterday, the longest decline for the dow in more than a month. but go to bill burke at the cme. how are we feeling as we finish the week? >> we are mixed all little lower here. obviously headlines from hedge fund managers has investors on
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their tiptoes but we are looking to fill in the dip mentality where we could be a little more relaxed for investors and the same levels we have seen over the last month. melissa: what is the next big event you are looking for next week? >> manufacturing data to china as well as out of europe and biking european gdp had something to do with selling from the high level so definitely paying attention to that. melissa: thanks so much. president obama's former top economic adviser larry summers making lots of waves in las vegas. charlie gasparino in the conference, look, you can see him. you are not on the phone, you are alive and in person. definitely can. >> i have makeup on. melissa: what did larry summers
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say? >> an interesting address with the guy who runs the conference, head of skybridge, happy he is a brilliant guy. anthony went to harvard law. larry summers was the chancellor of harvard, the whole institution, very briefly was in charge. women can't do math. anthony made a comment, 25 years ago. the law school was basically a communist place, a communist. larry summers says it still is. melissa: pretty funny he would admit that. >> a communist institution. we got -- there is the
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back-and-forth, in a harvard, refused to confirm or deny -- melissa: i like that. >> at a private dinner i was asked, and asked larry the depiction of him in the social network, he is in the room, in the facebook movie and winklevi came in comments he said when you go to harvard, when kids dress in suits they are either on a job interview or have a complete blank. these guys on the latter. melissa: mr. summers, i know. >> can you confirm that statement? >> not a lot of kids walk around in suits and you have to be careful of them. >> confirming. melissa: i am going to go out on a limb.
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>> will you confirm that? >> in the expos' -- i think that is true. larry said he was worried about the economy. >> everybody did. i have been foreshadowing david tepper, the hedge fund and one of the private parties, and he didn't think, the markets were dangerous, we realize tweeting it, this thing was coming for days. he moved out based on his dangerous time in the market and asked him when do you think of that, he didn't think it close this much of a stir. he didn't say sell your stocks, and it is interesting, the point which was bigger than larry summers said, larry is worried about the economy.
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one of the better plays during the financial crisis but what david said, the key for investors is when there is no trend out there, and the market is pushed back, and the european central bank and some other things it could be a nasty market. and a correction for how many years, david tepper is a smart guy, raise a lot of eyebrows. >> and they don't go anywhere. melissa: let's bring in -- the capitalist raise fun, steve more of the heritage foundation and fox news contributor and by james freeman of the wall street journal. >> i did -- marty feldstein was one of my professors and he is not a communist.
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>> your current president doing a great job driving this spot tannic mass off-campus. melissa: that is true. that is true. back to the economy, what do you think of what larry summers had to say? >> i hate to say he is some kind of oracle's speaking from on high because sometimes i question his judgment. one really interesting thing that came out of this conference was his statement about fed policy, to income inequality, that is very interesting because there is no question this president in his five years in office, income inequality has gotten much water. the gap between rich and poor has gone water under barack obama even though every policy he says he promotes is to lessen that gap and what i thought was interesting was when larry summers said that is because of the fed policy, the fought policy helping the rich, not the
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poor. >> federal reserve and government policy is what is creating the distortions to the economy and created the crisis in the economy that government supposedly wants to alleviate. all the turmoil and banks and financial services back in 2008 and earlier had come specifically from federal reserve and government intervention so to steve's point if you're looking at income inequality, the fed intervention and manipulation of interest rates has been a big cog in the last couple years. melissa: boxing her way out of the new york times and you just know there's something to say about it. and with my own personal feminist hero charlie gasparino is next, living the good life or so they think, to the chickens heading into the matrix, with their own virtual reality head set. this is going to get weird. at the end of the day it is all about money. i ys say bthma with the plan
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talks which would put $10 billion, they're not alone. social network asks pinterests for $5 billion. the latest survey from aaa shows americans are ready to travel after a brutal winter coat the inside. they expect 36 million people to travel long distance, that is the most since 2005. and new construction, new home construction, passed the 1 million monday april, much higher than the 980,000 expected by economists. that is the latest from the fox business network giving you the power to prosper.
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up. a short word that's a tall order. up your game. up the ante. and if you stumble, you get back up. up isn't easy, and we ought to know. we're in the business of up. everyday delta flies a quarter of million people
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while investing billions improving everything from booking to baggage claim. we're raising the bar on flying and tomorrow we will up it yet again. >> the gray lady better get ready to rumble because ousted executive added chill abramson is coming out swinging, at least on the cover of today's new york post. battle royale over why the new york times got rid of abrams and may go another ten rounds but anything career women can learn from this? the princeton mom susan pan spreading his feminist gospel all the way to vegas, charlie gasparino. i will give you first crack. >> so many lessons to be learned from this, the most important of which is whenever women try to show that they have as much
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testosterone as the men they work with or date it always ends badly. it always ends bad. >> i know jill abramson, i worked with rep wall street journal and i like her. i will say this. no one ever said this stuff. i can't remember, about jill, until now. her being bossy, too -- >> we band bossy. >> why is that? we have speech codes around here? jill has had a highly successful career as a journalist, writer, reporter, ascended to the top -- i will tell you is this. what would people be saying with larry summers on the brain today, if he were the editor of the new york times? he was 30 times more than -- a
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double standard at work. why inquire how much somebody got paid? >> there is plenty wrong with that. is disruptive. go ahead. >> human-resources professional for 20 years. it is disruptive to ask around what do you and, what does this guy get paid? >> everybody does it. >> it is a disruptive thing. everybody does that, when people jump from network to network, when they jumped when a ceo goes from one job to another the first thing people ask, what are they making? all she was doing was to make sure she was at a level playing field. >> no such thing as number one. number 2, wait a second. when all the questions you are asking other people about what
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you are earning, two things people always lie about, sex is one and money is the other. you won't get an honest answer. >> he didn't run around asking. she hired -- >> she hired a lawyer. >> i hire an agent to figure out how much money other people making. >> hang on a secondly hire an agent to figure out what you are worse, not what somebody -- a part of that -- >> that is how you figured out. >> let me ask the question. it is probably true that she made yes but do we know she made less because she was a woman? how would you ever know? >> to does she make less than? >> and it is very hard to be sympathetic because she is over half a million dollars a year. most people would be very
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satisfied with that. >> why do you have to be satisfied? >> a lot of money, a lot of money. you can measure your own work by what somebody else gets paid. >> i am never satisfied. i work hard at my job and expect to be paid, she does the same and expects to be paid equitably. if someone else was making less money that is why -- >> we got to go. thanks to both of you. thank you. all done. coming up we have liz claman with a lot of training this week. you want to follow that? liz: susan never heard the billy joel song, he says don't you know that only fools are satisfied? come john, aim high, that is america. that is how h r people are, they want to keep it down. i am liz claman and as people head into the final hour of
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trading stay tuned. this is a sentencing in the michael steinberg case of insider trading. he was one of the traders at sac capital, incentives to 3-1/2 years in prison, they wanted two years, prosecutors wanted sex, so when two sides are unhappy, there are two expert attorneys on this. he is one of the few people who has ever action will be deposed steve cohen of sec capital. we will get his reaction. how would fred casey defends this entire operation if he had to? we will be following this closely. markets are crucial. we are looking at that and a company called border 40, a publicly traded company that is helping you and anybody else in business make sure you can get through all of the problems and issues that it takes the red tape to do business overseas.
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what do you think? a fascinating discussion. melissa: i could have left the studio and gone out to break to let those two go at it. thank you, we look forward to your show. google glass entering the high-fashion world of models, launching a campaign that would make eric zoolander proud. you can never have too much money. (mother vo) when i was pregnant
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...i got lots advice, but i needed information i could trust. unitedhealthcare's innovative, simple program to get the right care and guidance. (anncr vo) that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare.
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sunny or bubbly? cozy or cool? "meow" or "woof"? wheels or wheeeels? everything exactly the way you want it ... until boom, it's bedtime. your mattress isn't bliss: it's a battleground of thwarted desire. enter the sleep number bed, designed to let couples sleep together in individualized comfort. he's the softy: his sleep number setting is 35.
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you're the rock: your setting is 60. that works. he's the night owl. his side's up while you're in dreamland. you're the early bird. up and at 'em. no problem, because you're in it together...keeping the love alive. and by the way - snoring? sleep number's even got an adjustment for that. crazy? only if sleeping peacefully with your soulmate is crazy. you can only find sleep number at one of our 425 sleep number stores nationwide. (and) right now all beds are on sale. yep, all beds, starting at just $649.99. know better sleep with sleep number. melissa: time for a little fun with spare change, amazon drubbing of the little buzz by dropping the mystery box in the middle of san francisco. don't expect jeff bezos to pop out with a fleet full drones. the smart money says this is a
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grand gesture to revive the struggling locker program. marketing expert karen dow del. why does amazon need a locker program? the point is to bring everything to their house. is that what they're trying to bring attention to? >> absolutely and it is really good marketing on their part because they create an arab mystery, getting a turn of media, getting pr for free, people are covering it like we are talking about. they are all over the place. if you walk by in this busy part of san francisco you see the name amazon. melissa: world of high fashion, what you think of this one? >> google glass has a long way to go. it is either great or crash and burn. the problem is it has been the butt of jokes on every late-night show, and -- melissa: a close look great and the glasses themselves, doesn't want you to make the glasses?
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>> and amazing dress that caught your eye, and -- melissa: and in the right direction, and google glass cool. >> they had to do something. is important because it brought attention back to google glass, which people are starting to forget about. when you don't want to happen, and other products. melissa: we should use this, some good news for all those rich head said scientists at iowa state university, wanted this for virtual reality on chickens meaning many head sets, and the free range life or so they think. they trick them into believing they are an open field. and developers think the defense
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of the better quality of life could make them healthier. who could afford to buy their chicken? someone is going to do this. >> it would be cheaper to let them roam and the other things that would be healthier, virtual reality for chickens that are going with this. melissa: i don't think so. thank you so much. back by popular demand, men in shorts receding faster than their airlines. you have tons to say about this so are you ready to see some man pajamas this summer? tweet me and tell me. at the end of the day it is all about money.
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melissa: the shortest of them all, it is the return of the summer of the man thong.
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if you're not sure what i'm talking about, where have you been? >> not all guys can really do this. this is a trend we've been seeing a lot. >> i know why you invited me, i have great legs. >> who can actually pull that off in a lot of ways, it's very difficult. >> people like that should not be wearing those kinds of things. melissa: a huge response from twitter and on the street, i might say. charles says: on the good side, my leg tan line will be much high or than it is now, and p.j. says: for the love of god, please, no. [laughter] and, this is so wrong, who do we see about this? james, are you a fan? >> i'm a huge fan. melissa: really? you're going to get out there in the short shorts? >> this is going to make my '90s gym shorts acceptable again, because my wife has been saying i've got to get rid of them. after the fab five from michigan went all the way down to the knees, everybody had to go much
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further. melissa: so you're embracing them. do you like the narrow pants as well, do you have skinny jeans? >> no, i have fat jeans. i'm not as heavy as i planned to be by now. melissa: what about sock fashion? men's pants are a little shorter, and if you're not showing off your full leg with a short, you're supposed to have the colorful socks sticking out. are you doing this. >> this is great. i'm learning a lot just in one segment. melissa: you're such a fashionable guy. >> thank you, i'm grateful for that. i haven't gotten around to figuring out socks yet, but i know it's important. melissa: little op tennis shorts. the next time you come on the show, i'm going to have to demand that this is what you're -- >> i don't think anyone wants that. as you know, i object to exercise of all forms, so i don't think anyone wants that. [laughter] melissa: all right. james freeman, thank you so much. we might as well show you the market before we go, because we have moved into positive territory, and i do believe it was the short segment that took
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us there. we are now up 28 points on the dow. i hope you are making money today. liz claman with the "countdown," it all starts right now. ♪ ♪ liz: will the markets climb back or limp into the weekend? we'll tell you what you need to know before the markets close, what to watch next week and which companies might be ripe for the picking. the silver lining in walmart' earnings report. online sales up a healthy 27% as more and more brick and mortar retailers bolster their sales on the web. one company reaping big benefits, border free. it takes care of the cumbersome international red tape from shipping to exchange rates. ceo mikety simone telling us how he's cashing in and his view of the global economy. and it's d-day as an insider trading poster child has his day in court, will


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