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tv   Cashin In  FOX Business  May 18, 2014 2:30am-3:01am EDT

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disappointing last quarter. they are going to be continuing to be disappointing. prices fell last quarter. >> two recommendations. two warnings. thanks guys. that's it for forbes on fox. ha wonderful weekend. the number one business block continues with eric bolling and cashin in. >> it's being called the worst prison break in american history. murders, rapist, kidnappers, and drug dealers walking free on the streets of america. they're out of jail and america is out of patience. >> plus, fast food workers want more, more, and more demanding higher wages as food prices soars. and then, private companies are spying on our kids and uncle sam is doing nothing to protect them. parents, pay attention. cashin in watching out for you starts right now.
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hi, everyone, i'm eric bolling welcome to cashin in. welcome everybody. 36,000 convicted felons here illegally detained and set free but i say they served their time before getting out but really folks shouldn't they be the first ones deported asap? many are murders, rapists, and child monthlelesters who is to for this. >> 1,000 aggravated assaults. 300 kidnappers. 400 sexual assaults. this is nuts. and the keyword to this is illegal aliens. these are illegal aliens. if you start with the world illegal you got nowhere to go. that's indefensible. >> okay. so john han, i'm scratching my head. i'm trying to figure out how homicide convicts, sexual assault convicts, kidnappers
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have quote, unquote, served their time alrey. is that possible? >> well, do you -- do you believe that an american who commits a crime can serve his or her time, eric? these individuals served their time and immigrants whether you want to call them illegal or not are good for the economy. criminals are not good for the economy but immigrants are good for the economy. they expand the economy. they produce, they buy, they shop, they work, we benefit from immigratn. criminals ho destructive and that's why these people did their time. many of them, by the way, had traffic violations and eric, to say you want to round them up and deport them i don't think is just totalitarian but also bad for the bottom line that we all want to see go up. >> they're here illegally. >> you suggest we keep these hardened criminals, violent offenders, let them walk the street, it's okay and hire them. >> well, they did their time. >> did they? where? i'm still looking for where they
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did their time. >> well, did they not serve in jail? >> i don't know. >> well, that's what it says. >> so we should take their word for it. >> let me bring michelle in here. are you buying this? >> this is putting the american people at risk. these people came illegally. >> for traffic violations. >> not all of them are traffic violations. they're people who kidnapped, murdered. >> 33,000 of them were traffic violations. >> they committed a crime and need to government we already have a bloated welfare system. >> did they do their time. >> jonathan, are they illegal. >> did they do their time for the crime. >> they did. yes, but they came here illegally. they need to be deported back to their country. >> okay. >> most of these people are in the process of being deported. you have a problem here that's going on which is why we need a comprehensive immigration reform happening in this country after almost 30 years.
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and most of these folks, absolutely because what's happening is you have a judicia judiciary system -- >> it's not the administrations fault here. >> there's a supreme court case going back to 2009 -- [ inaudible ] >> there aren't enough to keep these people in because they're not being funded properly. >> you're saying this is not the administration's fault. this is president obama this week talking about his immigration policy and i'm going to tell you this is the same week we find out that hardened criminals, murderers, rapists, kidnappers are being set free on the american streets. >> these are people woven into the fabrics of our community. most of them are not causing trouble and committing crimes. you have to spend time dealing with somebody not causing any other trouble other than the fact that they were trying to
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make a living for their family. >> the vast majority are trying to make laifing for their families. however let's talk about these 36,000 criminals. shouldn't those be the first ones sent back? >> well, also, eric, how are they trying to make a living for their family. if you go out and rob a bank because i'm making a living that way for my family. that's crazy. you cannot, as i said, all due respect to jonathan whose mind has gone soft i think, you can't start with the word illegal -- excuse me. >> let me ask you -- >> just shut up a second and listen and stop talking all the time, will you? you start with the word illegal. you of all people want to support illegality, that's fine. >> can we talk about who is paying for these folks in the criminal justice system. >> guys, guys. one at a time. jonathan go ahead. >> when you skeep saying illegal, there's nothing illegal about existing. the government doesn't own the country and if a private
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individual wants to have an illegal person they're not violating anyone's rights by interesting here. >> they're violating the law my friend. the law. that's what they're violating and you don't support it, okay. >> by existing. >> let's talk about this. jonathan has a fundamental difference of opinion with some of the other people on the panelist, me inclusive where he thinks, i'm not going to put words in your mouth. that there should be more immigration. >> there should be open immigration. >> how about doubling legal immigration or tripling legal immigration. >> absolutely. i'm for legal immigration. but i think what's happening here calls into question the administrations enforcement and immigration policies. democrats keep saying they want comprehensive reform. how can we trust this administration when they won't enforce the laws on the books right now. there's no rule of law. >> it is an enforcement of the laws on the books right now.
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that's an erroneous statement. >> how disingenuous to say we should want more legal immigration. they want to be legal. the only thing holding them up from being lee fwgal is governm restrictions. >> is the law. that's the only thing holding them up. >> jessica, your last thoughts. >> yeah, i mean, there's an economic issue here as well because ice just cut the number of beds. when these folks are in the process, most of these people are being deported it's whether they're actually being held in their actual cells. >> they'reot detained. they have been released into society. >> but they are usually being electronically monired. just like anyone else who is being released so the question is can we track these people and how much money is it costing us as a society to continue -- >> i'm going to be honest with you guys. >> we tag these people. >> that's not necessarily the case. some of them are being let go
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completely free without any tracking services whatsoever. >> right. well it depends on the level of what their -- the courts have said they need to have in terms of follow up before they're deported. >> it's a hot topic. it will probably continue to be bubbling up throughout the summer. we'll hit it again later on in the summer. we have to leave it there but you can continue the conversation right now on twitter. #cashinin. 16 weeks in a row. jump on board the band wagon. thousands upon thousands of comments. add yours because when cashin in trends you trend. think your food is expensive now, if these
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fast food workers breaking out the protest signs in hundreds of american cities demanding their employers hike the minimum wage to $15 an hour. think about that the next time you reach into your wallet and fork over bigger and bigger bucks for that burger or burrito. food prices soaring and this would make them go higher. >> the key is demanding. if these people think their work is worth $15 an hour they should find a job that pays them $15 an hour. people have no right to a job at
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any wage and, in fact, the higher minimum wage is discrimination against these low skilled people. it doesn't allow them to begin to build the skills to earn that higher wage. this is literally shooting themselves and the economy in the foot at the same time. >> what do you think is going to happen? either my chalupa is going to cost more or the guy i'm ordering it from will be a box or machine. >> exactly. they're demanding more and more money and their jobs are going to be cut. if the minimum wage were to go up to $15 their jobs would be cut or they would be replaced by ipads or tablets. they won't need them anymore. if they spend just as much time improving their job skills as they did protesting they would be able to get a better job that paid more money. >> the cbo when president obama was talking about raising the national minimum wage to $10.10 an hour, they scored that as
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potentially losing 500,000 jobs. what do you think $15 an hour due to these worker's employment? >> it would allow them to be able to buy meat for their own families and to be able to feed themselves and their loved ones. that's what we're seeing right now. this argument really doesn't make much sense to me when you're talking about, okay, the price of meat is going up. people are paying more at the grocery store but let's not pay wages that are at the cost of living. it disincentivizes people working. approximate you're working two minimum wage jobs and still can't feed your family -- >> guys. >> your increasing the number of hungry children in this country. >> okay. let me throw it to you. jessica points out it's enabling people to earn a living wage is what the democrats like to talk about but it will not effect hiring and firing in america if
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they do this? >> absolutely. >> it's been proven. >> excuse me. i thought he was talking to me. >> i am. go ahead. >> oh, i'm sorry. the fundamental problem here is you're talking about a free economy and a free economy labor has the same competition that everybody else does. if your capital conscious you'll have competition. if your production conscious you have competition. if i can buy labor at $10 an hour or $5 an hour or whatever it is, that should be in a free economy. it has nothing to do with everybody is entitled. this is not an entitlement government. this is not an entitlement society. you compete. if you compete at a certain level that's the fair price. >> so, jessica, are you disputing the cbo that says if you raise the minimum wage, jobs will flee. >> yeah, i mean, there are many different studies that are talking about whether or not people will be hiring less. the main problem here is a
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general economic one. yeah, there's competition for jobs, absolutely. a lot of that competition not just in and not just in fast food restaurants. people need to be able to feed themselves. you can't call a living wage an entitlement. >> let just clarify. >> that is -- >> please, go ahead john. >> well, the minimum wage does kill jobs. that's not my assessment. that was the assessment of the labor department 70 years ago when the first minimum wage was assessed. it hurts the people you're trying to hit and wages are arbitrary. they're not based on feeling or how much you like someone. they're actually based on the economic realities of the situation. the fact is that flipping burgers is a low skill job. if they want to make more money, they need to improve their skills and if you want to help someone that can't afford their meals you should help them as a private individual. >> are you making two arguments that -- >> yes. let me bring michelle in here.
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>> sure. >> jonathan makes a very good point. a lotof people go to mcdonald's and start their career at mcdonald's and they use it as a steppingstone. >> like the current ceo. >> to further career advancement. >> yeah. this is not a job that's supposed to be with you for the rest of your life. this is often times the jobs that young people get. if you raise the minimum wage, businesses need to account for that adjusted cost and they cut these jobs and who that hurts, african americans, young people, latinos and jess, you're talking about these emotional arguments but you're not going to the main point which is that jobs are going to be killed and people are going to have to pay more for these goods and services. >> we have to leave it there. forg from this woman, an
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american original, all that and more coming up in about ten minutes. stay with us. talk about the creepy uncle. private companies spying on our kids while they're on their computer in school and uncle sam is doing nothing about it. laws make it easier to happen. privacy experts say this is a big brother at its worst. by the way, there's a 1974 law that allows schools to sell day to to companies. >> big brother isn't just the government. it's the government, private companies oftentimes working together and republicans and democrats in washington, d.c.
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are for once united. they're united against the american people when it comes to the issue of privacy. they're spying on us, allowing priva private. >> it's one thing spying on me, but on my kid in high school and grade school, that really makes me mad. >> they're taking this information and then selling it. that's what makes it trashy. they're gathering it under the inches of saying we're doing something wonderful educational educationally, then sell it for commercial reasons. >> there's so much information, so many thing, who's watching the watchers?
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>> the issue of private industry and business is an important thing to protect the american consumer. it's a small step. it's going to take a while to get implemented, but you have senators from massachusetts and senator markey and hatch who have come together and brought forth bipartisan legislation to put controls on the current sort of organization that you mentioned from 1970s. but we've got to do something going forward in order to protect children. this information is already out there. it could be sol going forward. >> how many bad ideas have come forth because we've said we've got to do something to protect the children. i've heard that a million times. you could send your kids to schools that didn't engage in
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this. i think you're wrong on spaying. data analysis helps a child because it can taylor that lesson for the that child's needs, so the problem is the fact that schools are government run. not that companies -- >> i'm all for using data to help make life better across the board. i want to be the one to decide whether my kids data is being used or not. >> this is not being run by public schools. >> of course it is. >> actually, it is, by the public school, who are data mining our kids. >> this issue in missouri. >> of course this is going on in public schools. this public schools are the one that are bringing this technology in. you talk about you should have the choice, you should have the choice not to support this kip of activity.
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>> we're going to say thank you very much. great up. a short word that's a tall order. up your game. up the ante. and if you stumble, you get back up. up isn't easy, and we ought to know. we're in the business of up. everyday delta flies a quarter of million people while investing billions improving everything from booking to baggage claim. we're raising the bar on flying and tomorrow we will up it yet again.
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go ahead, michelle. >> so, consumers in california aren't too pleased.
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they thought they would be able to keep their doctors, their insurance plans when they signed up for obamacare with the california change. they found out they couldn't. we warned you about this. we're going to see more people start suing, too. little mistake on their part. >> go ahead. wayne's up next. >> i like something calls alliance. i think the technology section is doing very well and has an expanded appetite. >> very good. >> afop. how about you, jonathan? you've been hot with the commodities. staying with them? >> a huge run over the first three months of about 50%. >> so, i have three hot commodities this week. we have michelle, wayne and john. thank you, guys, great week. that's it for the cost of freedom block. thank you for joining us. again, we'll see you on the
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five. have a fantastic weekend. hello and welcome to "across america," i'm jeff flock and where are we this week? we're on a ski lift. >> whoa! >> and a snowmobile. >> the snowmobile is bck in a big way. >> we're driving down a frozen mountain and camped out on a frozen lake. notice anything here? we're looking at all things cold and hot. we are both sweating. look at this. we'll introduce you to the man who put his sweat into the relaunch of the twinkie. we'll explain why tea is becoming hotter than coffee. and if that hasn't


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