tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business May 22, 2014 7:00pm-8:01pm EDT
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>> when i int run them you are robbed of that. i think that interrupttions are witty? >> are you a millennial? see you tomorrow. lou: good evening, the calls for veterans affair secretary shinseki resignation are growing, members of the democratic party have joined in with the liberal national media, blasting the president for inaction on this scandal. but true to form, house speaker john boehner remains noncommital on anything regarding general shinseki's future. >> i have not called for general shinseki to resign. although i have to admit, i'm getting closer. but here is the points, this sudden about one person. thithis sudden about the secret.
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this is -- this isn't about one person, this isn't about the secretary, this is about the sim under him. lou: president note in town today, he was at hall of fame in coopers town, pushing easier entry for foreign tourists into the united states before he jetted off to chicago for 2 2 2e dnc fundraisers, using sports s in which to take refuge, from politics, dropping by a little league gable monday, hosting seahawks yesterday before today haheading off to the hall of fa, opposition rising from republicans now his fellow democrats, who have been reliable up until now, two georgia democrats are blasting the president for not firing general shinseki, congressman john barrel and david scott unloading on president obama for his lack of leadership.
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>> i listen to the president today, i was very disappointed with president obama today. there of no urgency, mr. president, we need urgency! we need you to roll up our sleeves, get into these hospitals. lou: normally reliable washington post, turning on president obama. calling him quote, president passive for his late and weak response to the v.a. hospital scandal. we'll take all of this up here in a moment with political savant ed rawlins, and taby bruce, tonight, epa goes after a wyoming couple, threatening huge finds for building a small pond on his property, with the full authority of his town, regulators and his state. we will talk with senator john barrasso about the epa and the
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voters as well as everything facing the country. it is as you noticed quite a lot. businessman david perdue survived a 7 candidate field in a georgia republican primary for senate. reveals his game plan in july run off with us, coming up, and dallas mavericks owner mark cuban claim we're all bigoted in some way. rid eye co-host, andy levy, and share add small bring intelligence to the discussion here tonight. president is criticized for being too soft, his environmental protect agency is at the opposite end of the political struck rum. -- spectrum, accused of abuseing its po power, again, a wyoming couple could nice $75,000 in daily finds by epa for having build a small pond on their property.
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andy and katy johnson built the pond on their land in 2011 to provide carter for -- water for their cattle, they believed they followed all of the rules energy, the wyoming energy office provideed a permit, in january they received a litter from epa saying they violateed federal clean water act and were subject to the fines. joining us now, senator john barrasso of wyoming, a member of a number of committees. great to have you with us. let me begin with that couple, two of your voters, and the epa choosing them out. to really, it seems overwhelm them, and irrationaly so. >> the epa lou is failing
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america. we know how important it is in wyoming to be protective of our environment, and people want to do the right thing, and do the right thing. but the epa here, it looks is trying to make an example of people who i believe have done the right thing. when you put a fine in of $75,000 a day, that is too intimidate others, to crush these people, bankrupt them, it is something that sends shivers
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lou: what are you most confident is the smartest course of action for the senate, for the house? in their response? >> well we'll use a congressional review act it try to overturn regulation that come out, with but we need a republican senate, come next year. we'll stand with the johnson, and continue to point-out how the epa is going way beyond its own authority, to intimidate not just the johnsons but others,
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this involves not just farmers and ranchers, any member of a community, has to be concerned as a private property owner of what the epa is doing. even people that are just trying to work on developing golf courses are very threatened by what the epa is doing. lou, we had a lot of snow in wyoming, we're at about 150 first o50percent of snow pack tl melt, water will run down hill, i think that epa even wants to regulate that. lou: senator, the ep abureau of land management talk about their response now to the l.a.p.d. grabbing carried -- land grab carried out by bureau of land management, yesterday the president signing a taking of monument, oregon monument wilderness area now.
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in new mexico. half a million acres. this is a federal government that has got to be deeply disturbing to residences in particular of the western states? >> absolutely this taking in new mexico, goes beyond western states this area they are taking will become an additional crime corridor. for human traffics, drug traffics, drug cartels are smart about this when the president puts search areas of l.a.p.d., half million -- land. half million acre off limits that means off limits to motorizeed vehicles that includes police car, and boreer boarder patrol, the president is makeing it easier for illegal immigrants too come here, and making it easier for drug dealers to transport narcotics across the border. neilborder. lou: as we can't collide, you have to be encouraged by the nominees, that are progressing or near nom nation here, after
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the primaries tuesday. your thoughts as we conclude? >> well, we'll work hard as republicans to talk about the president's record, and our better ideas to get the economy moving to get people back to work. to focus on energy exploreing a in america, and energy costs that are going up because of the president's regulations that are hurting the country, and as a doctor, talking about healthcare in ways we could get cost of care down, instead of the president's law, which is raising the cost of hair care, e are losing their doctors, and policies there are a dozen competitive races, we need a net pick up of 6, fo for the republicans to be in majority party come in january, i will do -- all going to did all we can to make that happen. lou: senator john barrasso thank you very stkpwr-fp thank you, thank
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you very much. >> thank you, lou. lou: obama administration broke silence in case of marine imprisoned in mexico on gun charges, the 25-year-old jailed inty one amexico -- tijuana, mexico since march 21, said he made a wrong turn at a crossing. and state department today confirms that secretary of state john kerry, raised the issue during meetings this week in mexico city but the secretary and obama administration are criticized for not, not more internetically insist -- energeticly insisting he be freed. one of the conservative groups, targeted by internal revenue service is now offering a bounty for someone that leads to -- targets scandal, kathrine, wants
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to open power the american people to hole government accountable. that might do the trick. we're coming right back. >> is hillary clinton afraid? there are reports that say that clinton apparatus forced nancy pelosi to name members of the benghazi committee. mine was earned in korea in 1953. afghanistan, in 2009. orbiting the moon in 1971. [ male announcer ] once it's earned, usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protecon. and because usaa'commitment to serve current and former military members andheir families is without equal.
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can spend to secure a seat in congress, donated nearly a amillion dollars to his bid. 3 years ago he set up a venture capital firm in the district that is accused of nothing more than a vote getting operation. eldridge claims otherwise. >> i founded hudson river ventures that investigateed local jobs and grown small businesses throughout the region, including family and veteran-owned companies we all know we need to grow our economy, i know first hand what it takes to support small businesss and create good jobs. lou: incumbant republican, congressman chris gibson, accuses else ridge of being a -- eldridge of being a carpet bagger, buying votes. >> after the last elect he picked up and moved to our district, to run for congress, for many americans -- that is a
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to what their through is. lou: gibson, a combat veteran, raised in a middle class family, has pw-rhas 1.22 million on han, eldridge as backing of powerful folks with deep pockets. including former facebook president shawn parker. and tom steyer. >> benghazi select committee chair gaudi, and tom democrat elikea cummings meets for the first time since 5 democrats have been nameed to that committee, after reports that hillary clinton allies pressureed democrats to join the panel, they are concerned how that investigation might affect her candidacy. >> joining us now, radio talk show host, tammy bruce.
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and ed would ins. tammy, is it your sense that former secretary of state is concerned about that committee? >> it seems to be, i'm wondering, they say nothing was wrong, it was fine. why they would be concerned. all of us want the truth. at least that is what everyone says. if you are involved in that situation. her friend was ambassador steven. you would think she would want to know what occurred, since now we realize it was not the youtube video. this is going to open a dynamic that will make it clear to the american people what happened, it is disturbing that former secretary of state seems concerned about what the results uswill be. lou: this will have some influence, negative or positive on republican opportunity as well as democrats in the midterms, because people will have a sense of a direction of it.
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>> we don't know the full story, we have 8 investigations by various committee, but the facts are not out there, have to dig through thousands of dimes to find out -- documents to find out what congress even knows, we had an american ambassador murdered and three other americans murdered. make sure it does not happen again, but also important is the cia was involved. he was there for some reason, what were the reasons. lou: turn to washington post, usually reliable washington post, for obama administration, dana, coming out just slapping the president around. president passive. i mean this is strong a break as i've seen between mill bank and this president who has been comforting to the interest to the obama administration, nothing comforting today. >> the president felt
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comfortable being passive aggressive, putting things off through reports, waiting for other investigations now 5 or 6 years, the press has allowed them to do it whether the keystone pipeline, "fast and furious" or benghazi. they seem to be shocked over his handling of the v.a., and steuz his style in general. but nothing has changed in his style, now a realizing that there is say bryce to pay, media in their allowing of him to behave in this manner for so long, they are complacent in nature of his failure. >> national media taken a holiday prematurely, with upcoming ukraine election. there has been very little written, national liberal media ignoring what is happening
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there. in nearly ever ervin romans majr news -- every major news outlet, this is yoreiou serious stuff. >> very serious, a little bit of reporting but not much analysis of that big china and russia oil deal that is a huge deal. we're talking about doing a twist to the asian community, russians there are spending putin himself, spending 3 days with chairman to get the deal done, this is a big deal, that gives them an independence and lets them brush aside whatever sanctions we put. the veterans thing, it has the potential of becoming a bigger issue than benghazi. it is clear, people understand it. we are expecting our veterans to be taken care of, this did not stop on president obama's watch, they knew it from the beginning, it needs to be fixed.
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>> it has gotten worse under his watch. lou: looking at our on-line poll results. whether you believe in political influepbgs oinfluence of the cld tea party is exaggerateed? do you find it interesting that boning thating thatobama adminio longer calling its many scandals, phony? cast your votes. >> france committed a costbly mistake after buying $20 billion of trains that are too wide to fit their train stations. a slight oversight. i guess close enough for government work, engineers checking specs but did not measure actual distances between the tracks and the platform, that will cost $68 million to fix, maybe it's karma with that
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lou: coming up tonight, redeye cohost taking of the president's latest tibbett sports. the get out of dodge attitude with this pivots asia as well. in our upcoming guest prevailed in a seven way republican senate primary in georgia. we will introduce you to our highly successful business man david perdue, who now appears likely to win the gop senate nomination. but first, a few thoughts on business realities. the messaging of some of our
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best-known companies that are posing as something that they simply are not. it as if some businesses have chosen to follow the lead with savvy political strategist rather than corporate american media branding strategists. companies like levi's, starbucks, and triple take am now going to great lengths to persuade their customers that the organizations are socially conscious and environmentally friendly and they incidentally also produce a product that they want to zoner customers want to buy. take levi's. and their customers watch the genes made by too much, they said, too often. that is how they are handling it. their solution is stop watching your genes and save the world.
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>> 50% of the water usage is consumed by the time the consumer gets their genes. the other 50% is after the consumer starts watching them all the time. >> you take ownership of that? >> we're trying to educate the consumers and these are one of my favorite jeans. they are maybe a year old and these have yet to see a washing machine. i know that sounds totally disgusting. lou: he is trying to educate his consumers. and it sounds like taking the ownership for levi jeans, reporting its own responsibility. and the company uses 50% of the water, the consumer gets 100% of
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the responsibility. i am shocked at the that the company didn't just quit making and selling those genes in order to demonstrate their commitment to the environment and i think that would've been the decent thing to do. for that kind of thinking, they did $9.5 million per year is a levi's dl. another is aaa. the fast food chain that puts out animated cartoons about the evils of genetically modified food and no, they don't like guns either. want to make sure you understand that. and what are they doing about, they haven't said much else. i wonder if they might read this with the two chief executives. more than $24 million in total
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compensation last year, very nice. but what about starbucks? they have coffee and tea and cocoa. think about how that works. expand this. a starbucks ceo said he would support a minimum wage increase. starbucks, however, the business filament at the national restaurant association, which is lobbying intergenic lee against any such increase. i get it. soft and gooey messages, they were, wales and a lot of others this includes creating jobs and wealth.
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lou: the vietnamese prime minister tonight saying his government was considering various defense options against china, this after the deployment of a chinese oil-rich waters in the south china seas that hanoi also claims. china evacuated more than 3000 of its citizens from vietnam. last week violent protests leading to the death of six chinese citizens.
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>> and i think the chinese have figured that we will send our oil breaks down and we will go to this comment error just a bunch of vietnamese fishing boats, the chinese put over 100 ships in the region and they are really not fishing boats the real chinese navy individuals. i think they were quite surprised that the vietnamese then have the demonstration in the the demonstrations got out of him. so this is oiling up to be a crisis, but it could be. >> it is if the united states and our allies want to deny us about everything as if they had no consequences. vladimir putin china, $400 billion as a gas deal with china and russia, strategically advantaged. the sanctions pending in terms of impact.
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>> it a lot more than a deal of china buying russia's natural gas, it is potentially an alliance between the two. they were economical, political, military. so for 40 years we have enjoyed the united states economic political and military dominance in the world. it's about to change because of russia and china get together not only selling each other that's come out of china developing the energy resources, china developing and selling to russia other goods and russia buying chinese technology, you could see a relationship between the two were they reach an alliance. and it is an anti-american alliance. lou: and anti-american alliance and what is your instinct about what the consequences will be as
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a result? >> i think much about what it's wanted. see some part of ukraine. >> all of this discussion, talking about this in the obama administration's foreign policy. that speaks very loudly. >> yes, absolutely. >> thank you very much. lou: a reminder to vote in tonight's poll. do you find it interesting that the obama administration is no longer calling its many phony? total and read your response at lou dobbs news. searching for three men who robbed this restaurant at gunpoint. those robberies had the gall to one a sign posted by the front door that reads no weapons. can you imagine?
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bayonets violating this. we'll be right back lou: the tea party not having much luck in this year's primary election. in georgia, moving one step closer to the republican senate nomination. he joins us here next. step seven point two one two. verify and lock. command is locked. five seconds. three, two, one. standing by for capture. the most innovative software on the planet... dragon is captured. is connecting today's leading companies to places beyond it. siemens. answers.
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seek immediate medical care for unexpected signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. pradaxa may increase your bleeding risk if you're 75 or older, have a bleeding condition or stomach ulcer, take aspirin, nsaids, or blood thinners... ...or if you have kidney problems, especially if you take certain medicines. tell your doctors about all medicines you take. pradaxa side effects include indigestion, stomach pain, upset, or burning. if you or someone you love has afib not caused by a heart valve problem... ...ask your doctor about reducing the risk of stroke with pradaxa. lou: now our word of the evening. aspire, to seek to attain and accomplish a goal or desire. to direct one's hopes and ambitions. on wall street, stocks posted modest gains the dow jones up, the nasdaq rose 23. the volume on the big board again, exceedingly late trading,
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2.7 billion shares. and the best performing sector, crude oil down another 33 cents back below $104 per barrel. gold rose nearly $7 closing about 1295-ounce. the 10 year note rising to 2.56%. sears down after the company's losses and existing home sales up for the first time this year. the 30 year mortgage rate last october, 4.14%. be sure to listen to financial or three times a day coast-to-coast on the salem radio network for all of the business and market news. join now the republican effort to regain control of the senate.
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eating the tea party charters too advanced for july runoff, joining us now the man who drew the most votes, 31%, former dollar general eeo david purdue. it is good to have you with us. >> the difference was we presented the voters of georgia a alternative. there were four politicians on the ballot and i've never run for office before. so the message that we put out really resonated and i think that is the reason that we showed up so well. lou: as you move forward, it sounded like i think i heard to what we described your opponents in in the primary, you may try to attack him as a professional
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politician? >> after 22 years, i don't know what else to describe him as. we have been on the state a lot this year. it is a growing sentiment of concern about what is coming out of washington right now and they are looking for an alternative. and they are holding people accountable for the nonsense coming out of washington right now. lou: the nonsense. that is a pretty big basket into which we can do a lot of things. what are the issues that you think why are your most devoted energetic attention? >> what threw me into this is the debt crisis and economic crisis that we have in the united states. our debt is the greatest threat to national security and i got@ in here because i believe with so few people within the senate that we just needed to provide the voters an alternative business guide with a 40 or clear that might be able to go on that value to the crisis and
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that is how to get the economy moving again to help solve the debt crisis and put america back to work. >> you have been described by some as a mitt romney candidate from a dynastic family, both successful and wealthy businessmen. but he responded? and he taken any koppelman or something out? >> i think the world governor romney. i think he would've made a great president. i wish he was the president right now. the come from a great family. but the idea that i was a silver spoon candidate is just not supported by this. my mother and father were schoolteachers, we broke working on the farms, i worked my way through college and we have a pretty good show. and that is the american dream. i was a little surprised to see
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it turning success and a four letter word. stephen we have seen not happening around the country. we chose the word aspire because you don't hear many people talking about aspirational goals these days and successes too often vilified rather than what can be achieved in this country. we thank you for doing that. you wish you the best in your campaign and it's good to talk with. >> it's great to you again. thank you for having me. lou: david purdue. the post post office was to save $2 billion by not delivering mail. this is wonderful. i think our post office has about got the figured out. and there would be curbside issues.
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lou: location of the evening. from paul mccartney. somebody said to me the beatles were in the materialistic. that is a huge myth. john eyler leads to sit down and say now let's write a swimming pool. unfortunately he had to spend some time in the hospital and i want to wish him a speedy recovery and a quick return to the stage. time for a few of your comments. the author of today's e-mails and tweeds receive a new copy of my book available on it is available just about everywhere. it is called "border war." and if this is how mr. obama shows he is angry, how bad would not caring what? and jane cente tweet and read
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what was the president outrage over the irs targeting of conservatives do with him and he now calls it a phony scandal. christopher in new york says the president investigation of the va could be as detailed as the irs investigation or the fbi never interviewed any of the victims? keep your comments coming. e-mail me and follow me on twitter. go to our facebook page. there are links to everything. joining me now is the "a-team." >> you know that we are family and. lou: you absolutely are. let's start off with the tea party. a lot of people are saying that the tea party is basically done. what do you think? >> i think they need to change some of their ways to stay
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popular get the young people involved. there a are a lot of things that people don't agree with. >> what do you think? >> the tea party is a movement and they are all still around. lou: do you think that they maybe should have moved? >> i think is a shortage telling him they would probably realize that they didn't agree on everything, maybe they had a loose group of principals that they agreed on. and so i think they are better off in this way. >> so you mean that there is no dj? >> no dj. >> okay. lou: we are looking for a dj right now. mark cuban weight and on this.
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>> i have to give talks to him. he could have stepped back like scrooge mc duck. lou: can we roll that video and the audio, please. >> you are all prejudice in one way or another. if i see a black kid in a hoodie, it's late at night and walk i'm walking to the other side of the street. and on the other side of the street if there is a guy that has tattoos all over his face, a white guy, bald head, tattoos everywhere, i am walking back to the other side of the street. lou: do you think mark cuban lives in fear? [laughter] >> i don't get anything, personally. >> he did apologize for that. he wasn't thinking about the trayvon martin thing.
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>> but it was a bad analogy. >> at the point. the point is that he was being honest about his president prejudices and this is how i feel. and if we are supposed to be having a national conversation as our attorney general, and how that conversation can't say don't say that. >> urkel about five years ago. >> they said that bigotry and racism was that at the beginning. you can't not talk about it. we're at the. blake let us talk about it. lou: there is a reflex supported by the media. and this is mob activity.
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and locally we are all here. the ceo of lee by saying that his customers should simply not watch their levis. the ceo says that you have 50% of the water to choose so i just don't understand how this guy make this much money saying things like that. >> i think most will tell you that you don't wash jeans all that often. they are not dirty, they don't want to watch them. you're supposed to wear them and keep raking them in. lou: gentlemen, i feel better
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>> i will not stand for it.r it not as commander in chief and ad also not as an american. if these allegations prove to be true, it is dishonorable and disgraceful and i will not tolerate it period. n and today, the president wasn't nearly stressed or concerned about the escalating crisis at the veterans administration. nowhere in his travel plans or itinerary today a mention of thisil
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