tv Cavuto FOX Business May 22, 2014 11:00pm-12:01am EDT
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>> i will not stand for it. not as commander-in-chief and also not as an american. if these allegations prove to be true it is dishonorable and disgraceful and i will not tolerate it. the one that was then and today, the president wasn't nearly stressed or concerned about the escalating crisis at the veterans administration. nowhere in his travel plans or itinerary today a mention of this will be a mastoday.
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economies to question how seriously he is about addressing this issue. welcome, i am no cavuto. sending out all the wrong signals. we have our panel here. david asman and tracy byrnes. so how is the president handling this, to a political this issue that was infuriating since yesterday. >> earlier this bad and frankly some bad planning and not good to be talking tough on one very serious issue and then moving onto the roster event in his hometown. it's not a positive development for him.
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>> you should've actually state what the timetable would be in the bottom line is the folks who are part of this. i was disappointed there was no more concrete action. i'm not excited inspector general. we expect the presidents focus beyond development. neil: they did have some information from the administrative secretary in the name one detailed report to follow. just visiting a va hospital can
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give this a corner. so i wonder how we rationalized not doing any of that. >> you are right, absolutely. it is not. a second term presidents chief role is to get to be in the administration with your reputation and cry country attacked. so he is the kind of man who sits back and he would undermine those under him and others who naturally have a role to be with a first responder. he did this on benghazi and he saw this with hillary and
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benghazi and heard much later from obama and that's why you don't volunteer for every single punch would have others can take those pics for you. neil: what we do know is the next day the president, after the ambassador was killed from a wintry political fundraiser. so bad at next. what do you make of it? >> we all look back to 1982 in a polaroid off the shelves instantaneously. on valentine's day that was terrible but the ceo talked about it and address it and put it to bed. ceos handle this much better. >> that is because they work for businesses. >> with all due respect i think that this is the strategy and it is his sstrategy to put it this
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way. he wasn't responsible and he made a promise he couldn't keep, straightening out the bea, like he has been trying to do for the past 30 years. probably knowing that he wan he has been trying to do for the past 30 years. probably knowing that he want to just sit back. >> it is obama's problem now, but veterans affairs have had problems for a long time. this is something that is technically correct, it has been going on for decades. >> in terms of the president's responsibility, this is typical of his malaise and checking off the boxes.
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it is just easier to your point to let them guide the va secretary. neil: someone has to understand how this looks. >> i don't think one can talk to the other, especially with bureaucracies. and it's just so easy for them to get away withthis and the different departments not to talk to each other. they think best. and they thought they would get away with practically anything. >> a bad move. we want the president to stop
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every time when this serious situation emerges, especially one dealing with veterans, then we will be very disappointed. neil: just the way it looks, being enraged and furious. and i think the next day to have a business as usual series of events. it reinforces the perception that stronger action, criminal action is required. >> i will give him a pass until we see what he puts into play. everyone here is calling for him. that is the way that washington works and they have double down
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on eric shinseki. he is respected, appreciated and we heard john boehner rise to his defense and the guy has put a lot of goods into the va inpatient care is better. he's well-respected inside the beltway. >> if you can't get treatment because they figure that it's better if you're gone, that is terrible. >> whether it government or business, you cannot fire your way to a better program. >> everyone gets away practically scot-free. and today he has to go. neil: he is still there for now. in the meantime, obamacare opposition comes down to racism? >> people who have made up their minds that they do not want to
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time, why millennialist are pushing off marriage, afraid to invest, 36% to start. they have very little trust to make that happen. then all these other generations, many can be more positive. so we have stephanie wheeler going out on the street, our producer, going out and picking their brains. >> i think they are a bunch of cowards. that's what i think. i think they want someone else to take care of them. >> i think that there needs to be somewhat of a shift in their approach towards professional life.
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and all of this money that they are putting in there, they are afraid they are not going to see it again. neil: hadley heath says that she is very optimistic about regeneration issues in that generation. so what they seem to be saying is that the way that we see the world going, we don't like it, but we trust ourselves more than we do anyone else. so we are marching on. what do you think about? >> every generation has unique struggles that they have raised and overcome. but i think when we talk about entitlement attitudes, selfishness, those unfortunately are part of the natural human condition and you can find examples of that. neil: my generation went through
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deciding which bmw model together. [laughter] >> that is how it feels. >> millennial's enter this type of economy. we want to change jobs more frequently and we do have a very different approach to worklife balance, the technology, finding out what matters most. i think we have been told more than any other generation that we are being raised to follow our dreams and do what we love. and it has to be balanced. >> they are 20 years old, they are supposed to be selfish. look at what they have done. instagram, snap chat and they change the way that we do things. i think these kids are just seeing it differently. to saying that say that they have a bad view of work, maybe
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people like us didn't have come to an office every day. [laughter] neil: what i see when i graduated high school was not a great thing. >> enjoy your last appearance. [laughter] >> i'm just dating that every generation has its challenges. >> there are at the unique challenges. >> i don't think they are unique. i have a millennial living at home and she is survived to make $12 per hour. working 15 hours a week by staying at home. she doesn't want to become come she wants to be out by staying at home. she doesn't want to become come
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she wants to be out there. >> she doesn't like parents lording over her. >> you are one in a million. >> there are kids out there doing great things, winning awards. >> what is this, you helen reddy? [laughter] ♪ ♪ neil: okay, switching gears, senator jay rockefeller costigan familiar line. >> people love made up their minds that they don't want to work because they don't like the president, maybe he's of the wrong color or something of that sort. i've seen a lot of that and a lot of that to be true. >> many say opposition should stream from inherent racism. my opposition to health care has nothing to do with teresa president obama. >> there they go again. how many times have we heard
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this? >> from whitest person in the congress. >> is doctor ben carson erases? this is an idea, it is liberal plantation out there and if you are a minority and you don't agree with the liberal owners of the plantation companies say there's something wrong with you. there are a lot of people and there are racists getting money from this administration, including an organization just had a conference called pitfalls of working with white people. they have 250,000 for the department of justice in 2011. another 250,000 in 2012. the united states vernment is using taxpayer money to pay these people benefit financially
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, these are things that they say. they are arrogant with respect to people of color, expect to be cared for by people of color, this is an organization got half a million dollars from the obama administration. >> the point is that we pick and choose will be deemed to be offensive. so the president wants to do or the liberal media elite, it's just the opposite. >> welcome the whole country would be better off in remember the latest polling on obamacare is 55% of people disapproved. >> who wants to listen anything
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to prejudice old white guys have to say? this is why the millennial star anything to do with the government or anything else. so he has nothing to lose. neil: that is a good point. >> talk about glass houses. neil: coming up amid your number one jpmorgan chase was going to commit a hundred million dollars? and then i noticed that a certain rich guy named steve case see something there as well. the next entrepreneur could be from the motor city. when folks think about what they get from alaska, they think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well:
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jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. i got more advice than i knew what to do with. what i needed was information i could trust on how to take care of me and my baby. luckily, unitedhealthcare has a simple program that helps moms stay on track with their doctors and get the right care and guidance-before and after the baby is born. simple is good right now. (anncr vo) innovations that work for you. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare.
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see what they always say follow the right money. jpmorgan chase invested $100 million in detroit. detroit of all places because of this opportunity. a little bit more than a week after we were selling homes there, then one of the smartest technological minds of our generation, cofounder cd case is among other things awarding 100 money towards this. the man who was responsible for one of the most talked about controversial mergers. but he made money hand over fist. steve joins us right now. it's very good to have you.
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>> it is good to see you. neil: tell me about what you are up to? particularly the detroit parts. >> i have been talking for a while about the great technology companies in golden valley in new york city are also great companies around the country. and it would broaden our ecosystem of entrepreneurship across the country. there is up to four cities in detroit really is an example of what happened when the market was strong and innovation with strong in its fight against weight back now and focusing this in the downtown area. neil: detroit was the silicon valley of it. the auto industry that we would change the world, how do we bring something like that back
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cammack it's not as if all the brains have left detroit. would you do to reignite their interest? >> they have lost 60% of their population and i think what that shows is it was sort of like the internet is today. the place where the momentum and excitement and innovation and growth and job were was in detroit and not silicon valley. but then it lost its entrreneurial mojo and world it was globalizing and getting more competitive. they're fighting their way back in the downtown area and the best hope is leading the next wave of great entrepreneurs and that is what we are going to try to find. and there's a lot of technology they are and there really are
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examples and we will see this over the next decade. even the ones in new york and san francisco will be spending a lot of time on the road with these regions all across the country and that's great for the nation. >> i hope you are right. i admire you going outside the normal petri dish. speaking of entrepreneurs, young people who are very jaded about the markets in the country and republicans, just jaded altogether. but most of them when they asked what they wanted to be when they grow up, something a lot of them want to be you and they would like to be an entrepreneur and they have more faith in themselves than the typical establishment figures. what do you think of that and whether this is unique to this generation? >> i think it's a little bit unique.
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i think that would be the best way to have an impact on the world and honestly people still do that. some people go in to teach for america and other organizations. and some are saying that i could change the world by creating a startup. i can create great wealth and what he did with apple and starting it, leaving it and then coming back in and rebuilding it. and i think that this has inspired a generation of people and when i graduate from college, the startup was not particularly developed and so i went to larger companies to get my start and then found my way into the startup. >> a lot of these kids are looking at this and now that it
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is re-firing up, they don't really want much of a part of it in general. the mark in general and so as investors pummel wh that? >> i think people are encouraged by what is happening. the last 15 years building on top of the internet like facebook and twitter and imaginative education, health care, transportation, i think this is very powerful and getting a lot of attention from investors. but report higher more vapors are very overlook fire more they will be in ple detroit and helped stirred and cincinnati and it's very
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encouraging. neil: all right, steve, thank you so much. neil: okay, thank you so much. we have another big sequel this weekend. a man who really makes batman a man who really makes batman standout. my dad has aor afib.brillation, he has the most common kind...'s not caused by a heart valve problem. dad, it says your afib puts you at 5 times greater risk of a stroke. that's why i take my warfarin every day. but it looks like maybe we should ask your doctor about pradaxa. in a clinical trial, pradaxa® (dabigatran etexilate mesylate)... ...was proven superior to warfarin at reducing the risk of stroke. and unlike warfarin, with no regular blood tests or dietary restrictions. hey thanks for calling my doctor. sure. pradaxa is not for people with artificial heart valves. don't stop taking pradaxa without talking to your doctor. stopping increases your risk of stroke.
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verify and lock. command is locked. five seconds. three, two, one. standing by for capture. the most innovative software on the planet... dragon is captured. is connecting today's leading companies to places beyond it. siemens. answers. neil: all right we got x-men latest installment tomorrow. godzilla. countless go godzilla movies, nw spider-man. they are familiar themes and familiar characters, very good movies all, but you got to wonder where the original ideas are coming from. or are they just gone.
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tame ceo peter goober, you consider what hay has didn't he knows a thing or two about putting together with quality film, welcome back. >> my pleasure. neil: what do you make of this sequel sensation. >> yield is interested in show business. big access on business, they want certainty not variety. when you do these big sequels. you reach an international degree with certainty, most of these companies are public companies, dramas don't work well today, small little pictures don't work well today, they have gone through the huge pictures. train your dragon, rio, godzilla, batman, spider-man and superman together, because they
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can move the meter, the market has charged from a domestic market to an international market. nobody internationally can make these, they are made out of international hollywood. therefore the cachange of that is too compelling by hollywood studios not to aim their target as that target. neil: a lot of these stars go all over the world, in case of hugh jackman with x-men how far to tokyo -- off to tokyo after a stop in new york, but do you risk over doing it and you saturate a theme even when the rest of the world is been there done that. some say that is happening with the spider-man franchise. >> you do get the fatigue but every 6 years are so you have a
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new market. where do you aim? 5% of 7 billion is bigger than 5% of 300 million. it is seductive to studios to see that a film that even does not work can do two or three times when it did domestic with that international assurance. that will continue to draw the moth to that flame, they will let it rest. there are misses. >> there was know a precedent for that kind of an act film. you raise a good points, did the success and money you made off batman, of that great. -- that was great, did i is it offset, mega-bucks you get off of like a batman?
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pave the way for you to do a lot of other things, right. for the stars as well? >> it is life changing, you think of jack nicolson, original batman for us, made $50 million. he worked three weeks, there are rewards in these films, with merchandiseing, remakes, sequel, a very long tail in a package media, television, and cable. and mobile it could play forever. neil: you work on all of your deals. you leverage off of movies. >> the trick is you realize it hits are few, no guarantee of a hit. when you get a hit, you must be able to run the bases, if someone else comes out of the dugout, and runs the bases for you, you are not in the game for
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long. at the end of the day, if you create a fill that is a enterprise with toys and games, and as and merchandise that gross off of it, then have you a enterprise, it becomes a business of itself, and it lives forever, the sequel, the sequel, the sequel and the remake, they rest it, then come back with a new audience, the gift that keeps on giving. neil: sometimes they come back too soon i think. a year or two later. >> you may be right, but you know, studios' that in their quarterly earnings, they are looking for that certainty, they abandoneed dramas to independent film or long form televisio low-cost films are abandoned, they are going to vod, they abandoned domestic represent tory -- so what are they left with? they are left with market alone of these big franchise pictures,
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spider-man, recent one cost $310 million. that is what i heard, learned and found out i believe, to make, and probably close to $200 million with all of the marketing bells and whistles that is a half a billion for a movie, one movie, that opens friday night in the world, people create hari-kari if it does not work. >> are right, peter you, might have a futao*ur in i future in d thing. >> thank you. neil: when we come back, russia and china keep laughing at us? is it me, or don't we hav
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wanted on cyber charges, then we hear from chinese they ink a deal with russian, for a big old energy contract, timing looks suspect. but it is what it is. we hear this from china just now, that banning use of windows 8 on government computers, because, get this -- they don't like our cyber security policies. so why should they beholden to microsoft 8? we have the former microsoft ceo, the theme is, a lot of companies are feeling the pinch. reporting their revenues in china, and region have been dipping. is there a connection? >> there is neil, i mean, i am on the board of a southeast asia company, with several chinese board members. they look at me, and say you started it. like two 7-year-olds yells at
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one another. they say, you know what about national security agency? what have they been doing? what about the leaks from snowden? it looks like you are all over us, and we don't know it. it is amaze. neil: they never bring up in the conversation, like it was you guys hacking our defense system? do you remind them? if we're bad, you're bad too. let's admit wire both spying on each other. >> you would love t to have that happen. but we're not talking about adults, we're talking about people what are not acting like adults, this is a major food fight, like you see in the dorm of a college. this is crazy. thathat we can't talk them thro. neil: you know the argument, if it gets real nasty, it could lead to a trade war, growing sentiment that china buys less of your debt, we buy fewer things from them, where do you
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see going? especially as they get koz we cozy with russia. >> i think it will get more hectic, the core problem is the technology, it is not that strong from a security stand points. consumer love capabilities, and you know after the fact you start to realize, there are security leaks, but they are serious security leaks these days. i expect this problem to get worse, not better. neil: if a new company branching out wanted to get to china, if you were in that position, would you aggressively do so? or would you pullback and look at other areas in the world? >> no you have to go there. just look at numbers. you know, over the last 15 years, that region, 300 million new middle income households that is like growing two u.s.'s. if you are a global player, you
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have to be there. and you have to start to learn how you navigate, that kind of a word. that reality today. >> very well put, very well put, robert thank you very much. >> take care, neil. neil: famous dave's barbecue ceo telling me, he is getting fried, he knows the food business well, he knows wha what it is like rug small,s and large businesses. small,s and large businesses. for all he said the same big when folks think about what they get from alaska, they think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america.
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i got more advice than i knew what to do with. what i needed was information i could trust on how to take care of me and my baby. luckily, unitedhealthcare has a simple program that helps moms stay on track with their doctors and get the right care and guidance-before and after the baby is born. simple is good right now. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare.
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straoubgurstructureis differen l businesses it is amazing. they are disappear, they will go away. neil: that is former mcdonald's usa ceo taking over dave a barbecue, saying, you know hard to cut it these days with the rules and regulations. i got some outstanding product to compensate. dave mccarther a small business guy, knows a thing or two about what that other david said, have you been saying it for years. >> repeat, you know i have said it before, same hood we bought 12, 13 years ago, 13,000, are move recent bid to adan additional one was 33,000. equipment cost was no more than
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10%, it was always now you need earthquake gas proof valve, earthquake electric valve, fans and heating. neil: where is your business? >> st. louis, missouri. neil: is that a big deal there? >> don't you know that? i keep saying, doesn't anyone realize life has risk. you have to heat the cool air coming in and cool the hot air coming in, we wouldn't want to drip water, now all these things because big and even local government looking out for you so much, think they are doing you a favor, they are just taking the affordable mom and pop businesses. the american dream for many people is now gone. neil: and now they want to double the wages. >> that is why we see a lot of kids go on internet and be creative there.
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>> i think it will is fascinating that slack of -- neil: true. >> dave is a hero, i dealt with him before, he is a real entrepreneur, in years past he would have been treated as a hero like people in power, instead he is treated like an evil capitalist who needs to be held down. >> it has gotten worse for the little guy. if they hire someone to figure out to get 3 this mess, they have to hire someone to figure out you to to get through this mess. neil: ignorance is no defense, right? >> yes. it does not pay the fines. the moment the osha inspector walks in, if you hope you got out for $5,000 to 7500 slap on
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the wrist have you done good. neil: maybe just give him a cream puff on the way out. where do you see your future? >> you know, the biggest problem, it is such an unknown, right now from the what the economy has done, the economy is still not good, gasoline prices are still high, i have maintained to you, until gasoline drops ts to $2 .25 a gallon we'll never see the economy of 80s and 90s, it cash flow, fry to open a small business. neil: i cut him off, how rude, i'm sorry, that is all the time we passion... became your business. at&t can help simplify how you manage it.
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especially if you have high cholesterol plus any of these risk factors, because you could be at increased risk for plaque buildup in your arteries over time. so, when diet and exercise aren't enough to lower cholesterol, adding crestor can help. i'm down with crestor! crestor is not right for everyone, like people with liver disease or women who are nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. tell your doctor about other medicines you're taking. call your doctor right away if you have muscle pain or weakness, feel unusually tired; have loss of appetite, upper belly pain, dark urine or yellowing of skin or eyes. these could be signs of rare but serious side effects. >> your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. neil: what is the deal, with a liberal college professor who supports those mcdonald's protestor demanding a doubling
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of minimum wage. some found benjamin's remarks priceless, others said they prove he is clueless. small businesses, victim of bin mum wage, ben jenin is wrong, your young male guest with the frizy hair who said we raise politician wages why not the restaurants, what if we raise the cost of burgers and s fries to raise these wages. sandy in oklahoma, i work at mcdonald's, and serve mickey musmickeymicmickeymouse pancaket that was not by profession, what happened to us. erika, neil, listen, you sound
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like a manufacture less bastard -- a heartless bastard, think of people cookining food. i am thinking of people eating that food, and doubling so they can't afford that food. amy, minimum wage should be based on skill level not whether one could raise a family on it, to earn higher wages people must increase their skill level. my wife and i used to eat for inc--under 5 dollars with that e meal, and now it has gone up we no longer eat at mcdonald's, that happened when wages are what they are now, can you agine how much pricier they will get. customers have little 57 tight appetite for minor price bumps. people will not pay the inplated costs, those jobs were never
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meant to support a family. >> how about we have two test beds for minimum wage in different states, let texas have zero, and california $15, and see what happens. jeb in ohio, when are they going to double our social security checks to afford a big pack? and tony, people forget fast what unions did to floundering detroit, they are doing it again at mcdonald's. employees that protest, for minimum wage becomex-employees, will do are menu would b become5 value menu. i can tell you it will hurt, who will be the democratic and
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republican nominee in 2016? darn if i know. but i said it won't be hillary clinton on democratic side, many panelists are surpriseed, ron, write, you may be right about hillary clinton, she has a lot of baggage and slick has lost his edge. but, even a broken clock is right twice a day. every has to just put that little caveat in there. he likes carson even without a political background. frank writes, you need to smile. frank, you need to go away. kay,hat is the deal, neil, with letting your panel guests all talk at the same time, it is maddening, that is why we watch your show, we admire your clever
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wit. >> when i int run them you are robbed of that. i think that interrupttions are witty? >> are you >> talking about the destruction of our society. ozone depletion and environmental problems had emerged as a threat to our survival. >> even if we survive. >> the nation is in decline decline, people will lose their jobs and one day the system breaks. >> simply put we are in trouble. might we invent our way out of trouble? >> we have the technology and the capability. >> so many good things are
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