tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business May 27, 2014 7:00pm-8:01pm EDT
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that would be about 95% of us. rebecca. 95%. of the country. that will do it see you tomorr tomorrow. >> good evening, i am charles payne in for lou dobbs, president obama declaring that the war in afghanistan will coin collide this year, before confirming this does not mean all of our troops will issue issue -- will be returning home. >> today i would like to update the american people on the way forward in afghanistan, how this year, we will bring america's longests war to a responsible end. >> president's initial statement was a bit misleading as he told gathered media our military present in afghanistan will include 10,000 solders moveing
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into next year, despite his proclaiming of bringing the wharf to a responsible end, but karzai has refuseed to sign a bilateral agreement, offering for troops to stay. president also running to criticism from both parties for the decision with some democrats calling for a vote to authorize military to stay, and republicans calling announcement, a mistake of policy, over strategy. wen dolwendell at the white hou. >> reporter: in a rose garden announcement, president said half of the force in afghanistan will come home in 2015. and rest by time he leaves office. >> we now been in afghanistan longer than many americans expected. we're finishing the job we started. >> reporter: administration
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officials want to prevent the weaken authority they are seeing in iraq. afghan force will acts as trainers and go afternoon terrorists but not -- go after terists but not everyone is convinced they can do the job. >> responsible level is 30,000. >> sunday, president obama told the commanders on the ground, he wanted to meet with them face-to-face before making the decision, and later told servicemen and women he hopeed that residual force would preserve the gains they have made. >> to launch an attack against our country. >> reporter: mr. obama informed outgoing afghan president car we karzai, both candidates, have said they will sign the deal, and president obama is counting on them to do that republican
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senator kelli aiot, and john mccain, and lindsay graham call the time table a monumental mistake. time tables have helped afghanistan military meet its goals. and nato partners deliver on commitment. critics suspect that by making time table public, the president is really talking to his political supporters. >> afghanistan will not know a perfect place. -- will not be a perfect place, it not america's responsible to make it one. future of afghanistan mus must e decided by afghans. >> president will out line america's postwar policy in a commencement address at westpoint on wednesday. his critics say he is relick tan to use some -- reluctance to use some of the power he has. >> thank you wendell, heavy fighting leaving more than 50
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pro russian separatists dead. petro poroshenko won by 56% vote, and moved to paint himself as a peacemaker. saying his first mov move as president will be to meet with the east. >> our first guest said that elect results in europe are a real slap in the face to vladimir putin, here it discuss that and president obama's plan of the afghan pull out, retired four-star army general, general jakkjack keane, i am a stock mat guy.
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it took a few hits. it feels like maybe we're sanguine about this, we're feeling this come to a happen end? >> which one. >> in ukraine. president election i hear through back-channels he is talking to vladimir putin. election went off more or less without a hitch. and it feels like we're okay, take crimea, and let's maybe all forget about this? >> ukraine people deserve credit, 60% turn out at polls even with th the intimidation, y elected a pro-west president, who will look toward european union, economic help to be sure. get some assistance from international monetary fund. but, the fact is we have a huge opportunity. this is united states, an opportunity to develop a political relationship with this president. provide economy assistance. and also provide military
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assistance. i am certain that he will request military weapons, ammunition and capacity do help train these military. >> why would we be relic relucto refuse that offer. >> it is an investment in ukraine future. we could say, the previous interim president was part of the revolution, but now we have an elected government. that will ask for our assistance, i would hope and trust we give it to them. >> you say this was a slap in the face of vladimir putin, outcome is more or less what people thought it would be? his position today? >> still strategicly interested in okay, yo ukraine. he has still a big loser in terms of ukraine moving to the west. >> to that points, vladimir
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putin hand forced by revelationary, what was going on within ukraine, but he remains popular at home, it feels like to the rest of the world he is won the skirmish with america. with respect to snatching prime crimea, would know he -- wouldn't he be satisfyed to leave it where it is right now? would he go to war to stop them from going nato? >> no, i think his strateg strac plan is to know ti to -- intimie has afghanistan in his rearview mirror, that was ugly for russians they lost that war after 10 years of the invasion. intimidation is his method. he wants to achieve political concessions from the near
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president, so also very close cooperation with russia remains to be seen. >> one thing i am concerned about, you talked about economic help. how much do we have to pay ukraine? is this a recurring payment we make you know again, a huge burden on us. you did reverend afghanistan, what do you make of that pull out that not a pull-out? a victory lap that is not a victory lap? >> first of all, this announcement today, is not serious pr proposal, it is somet irresponsible in my view, and it is short-sighted, president has just moved goal post, we're going to withdraw all our troops in 2016 versus 2014 that coincides with the end of his administration, gives him opportunity to say he did not start the war in iraq and afghanistan but he ended both wars. >> and ended them responsibly,
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do you feel like we have won? where are we now? out of iraq and afghanistan. did we win anything? anything to hang our hat on. >> in iraq by not leaving forces we squandered the gains we made, and i fear, we'll repeat the same in afghanistan. >> thank you very much general jack keane. >> an embarrassment for obama white house which revealed the name of cia top official in afghanistan during the president's week trip to bagram air feel, including the officer's name on a list of 15 senior american officials, who met with the president during the saturday visit. a list that was sent to white house press cor corps that conts as many as 6,000 recep yens yen. that is a federal crime but expert doubt anyone from white house would be prosecuteed over
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this potentially dangerous mistake. >> nigeria military now said it knows where the islamic terrorist group, boca haram is keeping the 300 schoolgirls kidnapped but officials say they will not attempt to rescue over fears it may be too dangerous. up next, reports that fellow democrats are blasting the president behind closed-doors for his lack of leadership on v.a. hospital scandal, jeff miller is next. mine was earned in korea in 1953. afghanistan, in 2009.
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charles: president obama. referenceing the virgie arthur v.a. -- scandal yesterday. calls to move veteran affairs healthcare, are gaining steam after house speaker john boehner said he supported the idea this week, v.a. has yet to confirm three of its official will attend a meeting in front of house committee. joining me now, chairman of house veterans affairs committee congressman jeff miller. thank you for your time. i have to tell you, in a nation that faces feels like a new scandal every week, this v.a. scandal is moving to the top of the list quickly, what do you hope to achieve tomorrow?
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>> charles this thing cuts both ways, both democrat and republican, all americans are outraged with what they have seen happen in the department of veterans affairs, tomorrow night we just got confirmation. >> that 3 witnesses we invited will attend, they tried to get several excuseed. we're going to listen to why a list that we think was the secret list in phoenix was destroyed. dr. lynch briefed our staff on a potential solution to what v.a. was saying, they say it not a secret list, but it is, that 40 veterans died on while they were waiting for care, tomorrow night we'll ask him why was that less list destroyed? who authorizeed that distruth destruction what was on the list. >> what is the next move?
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>> we have to find out if there was any criminal activity involved. other person we inviteed to speak, under secretary for legislative affairs joan moon, we have received no cooperation department of veterans affairs, we held in the house, some 70 hearings of from 42 were oversight hearings many focusing on health care, i have thousands of questions that remain unanswered from the department of veterans affairs as to to what is going to over there. >> i have told you, we have seen this replayed over and over with these subpoenas, questions coming back unsa unanswered. that some is mystifying, budget for v.a. hospital in 2006 was $73 billion this year $154
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billion, yet wait time in 2008 was 110 days, now it 360 days, how does that happen? >> probably the wait time you may be talking about in particular are disability claims and processing of claims that is president is holding up as a great achievermenment -- achievement, i do not trust no numbers, the backlog has not decreased by that much, problem is this administration has done two things, only two things in reference to this issue. they have asked for resignation for someone who was already going to retire, they said we'll do something they already should have been doing, that is allowing veterans to go out on private secter get their care if v.a. cannot provide it. >> we've seen these scandals play out, same skreuplt, they
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script, they take a long prime, very hav few haven resolved, would that be a viable alternative for veterans who need help right now if we can't get the v.a. straight ende -- straight ended up. >> that is what president should have done had he came out 3 week weeks after this story broke that story that we've been working on for a number of months in our committee, our committee only has 4 people, that department of veterans affairs has 500 attorneys that work there stye they should -- to say they already should doing what they say, a great revelation, we'll provide health care to veterans in private sector they should have been doing that more machines. charles: tell -- for months. charles: i have told tell you, you said this cuts both ways, i think that everyone american, think this is a shame, a
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terrible shame, we hope you make major inroads tomorrow. >> appreciate it. charles: looking at our on-line poll results do you believe veteran affairs secretary shinseki will resign over this v.a. scandal, 67% aid yes, 33% said no, shout tonight -- vote thougthough night, do you beliee that president obama will remove all of the troops from afghanistan. >> a prominent computer hacker who helped government disrupt at least 300 cyberattacks on congress. one time member of hacking group, faced up to 26 years in prison but he avoided that time by becoming an ibm inform -- fbi informant. pla >> hollywood fights back, seth
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charles: coming up, best selling a tho author, brad other two ha, and sam stoval will join us for analysis on today's trading on wall street. >> a huge victory are free speech rights, supreme court ruling that lawyers for colorado movie theater shooting suspect cannot compel winter to review her source -- reveal her sources for her soar abou story about h. >> university of california santa barbara holding a memorial service for the victims of frei day's -- try die' friday a shoo.
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and. here now to psycho analyze this, dr. keith, i saw this article in post yesterday, without -- i'm not a finger pointing guy about it felt to see finger-pointing at hollywood, which is hype critical in my mind, they are right side of everything. they make movies about violence, never their fault. they make public address announcements. i may not agree with article it was good to see someone punching back at hollywood. >> i get that, i'm on your side on that, but eye will be equal in my treatment of hollywood and east coast, and everywhere in
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between, movies do not motivate this shooter, was motivated him was a great i di distance betwen this hyper bolleic self he created of himself a god. the truth, which i is he fell minuscule, and ignoreed. he probablya asperger's syndrome which made people not interaccount with him, in that potential space was explosive psychological material. charles: what do you need to trigger? you could have a stick of dynamite, but if something does not light that fuse it could stay forever not blow up, is there any cred bum cred bill th -- credibility, the perhaps movie culture, i say neighbors this week, you go, everyone is having fun at frat house, you
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can imagine, having sex and fun, a guy watches this and says, what about me? how come i am not this that? >> but he had been planning this for a year, his life was a staourd istudy about feeling being left out, now, could video games be important as something that further isolates someone like this from his feelings? removes him from empathy. charles: sure, in that case, i say would you want someone like this playing a bunch of shoot up video games, where he might take the that ar part of another reto -- person, no, you top cultivate empathy, but bottom line is under treated mental illness that was not responded to appropriately by police in california is responsible. charles: they were notified that will be another issue. knee-jerk media leaped on the
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nra is that an area that we can blame gone or do we waste time in precious opportunity as this society to a fix blame rather than look at individual pwhos puls whopull the trigger. >> we have to look at individuals and real causes, the people who blame guns must not have been listening, he killed 3 people with blunt objects, and knives or a machete, his car. to ram other people. there have been other mass killers who used explosives, it is not the gun, stupid. forever the people who criticize the nra, they are nuts they are willing to hijack the deaths of innocence to advance a political agenda, which is to an annihilae second amendment of the constitution. charles: i saw on twitter. and if is really heartbreaking that we're missing the points, to your points, perhaps we focus more on the individual, when
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warnings are announced, focus on that rather than political ramifications later othank you so much. >> thank you. charles: now to the week box office where the new "x-men" movie took the top spot. earned $111 million for fox, second highest opening in "x-men" franchise 22, fran 2006. and warner brother, m -- debutd at third place. we'll be right back. >> first lady michelle obama defends her school lunch plans, while former first lady, secretary of state opens up on her unexpected accep unparticulp
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charles: first lady michelle obama fired back today about school lunch controversy. >> i know that as a mother, right now, i have talked to so many parents in so many teachers and kids who rightly everyday and more families are realizing that we are facing a health crisis. charles: now, the bill she is criticizing would allow schools lunch costs to be subsidized. clinton calling president
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obama's request to service secretary of state an unexpected partnership. joining me now is the "a-team." we have former spokesperson for president george w. bush, mercedes with us. let's start with hillary clinton and her new memoir is and this unexpected partnership. what is that all about? >> if you look back at election of 2008, we're basically she was telling barack obama shame on you. so it was basically one that i don't think she ever expected and there was never a friendly relationship there between the two candidates at the time. but again she had to thank president obama to a certain point because he cast her relatives in the political
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arena. >> i assure you that you she can always be relevant, whether secretary of state or not. charles: wait a minute, what would've been more high-priced esparza profile goes. let's be realistic, this is a very tough assignment and i think it is a very separate lesson to both parties and we see the type of partnerships emerge. that they could put the politics behind them, but their respect and ultimately their friendship is a part of this. >> there is not necessarily friendship there. >> it was absolutely politics. at this point i think that president obama was part of the. >> ciardi has a position, a record vote over john mccain in turkey on. >> that is old news.
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>> larae clinton is old news. she serves as a kateri estate, did a terrible job and so yes, absolutely. let me ask you this, robert. to a large degree she was able to sort of fly under the radar because of all the scandals and all of the things that happened under her watch. but benghazi in particular seem to be a part of this. >> there seems to be a really dark cloud that she just can't remove herself from. that is a great wing talking point. but it's not relevant or factual. the reality is the reason and you talk about being old news, she has been one of the most respected people in our country. whether she chooses to run or not, it shows what an important worse she remains in the national debate. and i think if you look at her achievements, yes, that is why the right wing has lost every presidential vote in the past 20 years except for one.
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soon i will tell you who else lost his hillary clinton when she was the number one political person for the democrats in 2008. and here is the thing. a lot of people are wondering if she has what it takes to run. and she snapped in line like this from the white house. >> here's what we know. obviously they garnered over 2 million supporters committee raised millions of dollars and it was really hers to take and that's what you have to give the democrats. but how can this partnership that she's having, it might come to hurt her in the long run. this is going to be something
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that she's going to have to figure out a way to distance herself on and it will be very difficult. >> on that point, i do want to segue to this scandal. and robert come you have to minute that this is ugly. >> why would i have to admit any more than a republican would have to admit. this is a bipartisan thank. charles: but only one person will be charged for the last six years. >> there were historic gains in the administration as well. and there is no excusing this tragedy this is what you have, government needs to stay out of patient care. the veteran should have the real choice and they should be the ones that should be able to
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access whatever private health insurance they want to do in the va should give enough flexibility. government has to stay out of this. sumac does that include medicare? charles: we are out of time, but i can see why you guys are the "a-team." we will be back on monday night at the clock. thank you so much, we appreciate you as well. and a reminder to vote today, do you believe that president obama will ever remove all of the troops from afghanistan send an e-mail or send a tweet to lou dobbs news. another word of the evening, empathy. some democrats saying that president obama is lacking by not taking a more aggressive action. and remember that lou dobbs brand-new book, border war, is online and at bookstores nationwide. coming up next, the divide
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is without equal. begin your legacy. get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. save on a new study by the associated press. some pay packages for rose above eight figures for the first time last year. the head of a large publicly traded company, $10.5 million with a 9% increase from 2012. that means the chief executive now makes 257 times the average worker sounded pretty record-breaking day on south wal street. financials, the best performing sector, utilities, the worst, crude oil. down 24 cents. gold falling big.
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the ten-year falling to 2.5%. consumer confidence rising since 2008. orders for durable goods rose a 10th of a percent in april. 22% after a takeover bid, that was for more than $6 billion. joining me now is the chief equity strategist with s&p capital iq. itn on the tv and those seem pretty optimistic. >> historically i am still in the camp at is that corrections may be delayed but they are never repealed. we have gone 32 months without one in the average is 18.
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charles: but you are not trying to have it both ways. saying that we could've crashed, and so where are we have right now? >> basically you're being told that there's volatility likely to occur, but don't allow that to make you your portfolios worst enemy. you actually want to take advantage of the volatility and not run from it. charles: talking about an interesting statement that you made. there have been amazing things going on that i don't think the general public has come to grasp with. highflying stocks on nasdaq, down more than 50%, so there has been a serious crash in the stock market hidden from public view. a lot of people think that that would be part of an overall crash. breaking down a larger name. >> what we are finding is that maybe right now we are going
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through a self correction. this is a term that i learned from a friend at piper jaffray. small-cap stocks, momentum, regional stocks such as japan went through some major corrections. declines of 10% or more. but because you have other areas that are doing fairly well, it keeps the overall markets moving, but not always moving in concert. charles: speaking of self corrections, this has been a stock market rally. and i think the typical person will realize that. and maybe it shows that capitalism is great, we have the
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dni for this. >> i think what we are seeing is the expectation for improvement in the economy. >> i see this going down every single year. and so why is it part of its. >> take a look at what happened today with the housing numbers. and we are actually seeing numbers coming out with retail sales that are actually holding up very well. >> we will be diagnosed with this as we look at the events.
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>> we look at technical and price patterns and support this includes an area of likely congestion. >> folks, write it down, we will be back in just a minute. also take a look at today's financial report. and all of the da stock market news. and the nations tallest building, now they are slashing lease is. the building generating talk over the weekend with two lightning bolts. take a look at that photograph.
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we will go viral, but first we want to go to a commercial break. >> chicago mayor rahm emanuel. it is just the latest move that makes this author's story very interesting. we will have that next unlimited cash back. let that phrase sit with you for a second. unlimited. as in, no limits on your hard-earned cash back. as in no more dealing with those rotating categories. the quicksilver card from capital one. unlimited 1.5% cash back on everything you purchase, every day. don't settle for anything less. i'll keep asking. what's in your wallet?
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hero to go into battle. that is well said. it is time for a few of your comments and the reminder that tonight's author will receive a new copy of the new book boarder war. john henry says no, it will solve nothing, this problem is an endemic chronic and a generational dysfunction. and ellen in new mexico says until proven otherwise, medicaid recipients on obamacare are in the same situation as the vets. so go to her facebook page where
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you can find links to everything mayor rahm emanuel introducing a measure that would require special cameras to monitor gun shops in chicago. and allow records to be audited by police and how please departments approved security plans and put them in place before they can open. and our next guest is a chicago native. he's had enough and moving out of the windy city. so the democratic party has left them no choice at this point. his upcoming book is entitled act of war.
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small business. we are telling people in illinois, if you are successful, if you create jobs, don't come to illinois because we are going to treat you like a second-class second class citizens be one well, guess what, there is a debate over what this was. >> we have murders that are through the roof and they don't want to examine the root causes of this violence.
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charles: i am a big fan of global politics. >> a socialist rush into bankruptcy and it's not working. >> thank you so much, you are the best, we really appreciate it. that is it for "lou dobbs tonight." coming up tomorrow, jack kingston and the five cohost juan williams. and of course, stay tuned for my show, making money with charles payne. debuting next monday, june 2.
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