tv Cavuto FOX Business May 28, 2014 6:00pm-7:01pm EDT
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have a great night, we'll see you back here tomorrow. >> we don't know how the situation will play out, there will remain grave challenges ahead, but standing with our allies on behalf of international order, working with international instutions has given a chance for the ukrainian people to choose their future. neil: by my math, president used word international a at least 32 times in his address at westpoint, the theme, we're no longer a country of one leading the world, and go in and involving ourselves in every @%curring in the world, we now do it in company. and have planey of company --
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plenty of company, this is a time when many of president's critics say, you are backing away too much, and at the seem we have the big v.a. scandal, and president promises to get to the bottom of it, we're still waiting for that. somehow, we get word that the our top afghan cia agent's name is leaked out, and separately an investigation to look into that. so many investigations to so many abuses, so little time. but when it comes to foreign affairs and our military role in the world, president trying to tell the world, we're not going to be the ring leaders, we don't want to be the ring leaders, that does not mean we're isolationists but we're not as big as interventionists. we took to twitter for your read on this, barb, obama doesn't want to get to the bottom of
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anything, it is not in his agenda or abuilty. >> and yet we let pim get away with -- let him get away with it every time, we the people are not demanding his accountability just yet. and last time you were here, talking about how the word sees that whether you like president obama or not, how the world sees that stepping back from the u.s. doing cowboy thing that george bush did. >> i think this is doing -- extreme is counter productive, using force all of the time was not probably very smart, but rejecting to use force, be worse. neil: the president has gone the other way. >> these two combined they -- you know more than anybody else, to the diminish the credibility
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of the oval office, as i listen to the president's speech, i thought, it was a great speech, make a great foreign policy, maybe someone should tell it to the president, obama as he often does, he talked about good game. and you know, there was very hard to find for me, hard to find much to disagree in his speech, he mentioned ukraine, and strong wars, and u.s. global role, military pour that should be used -- power that should be used occasion alley, and physical security of the country. but it is yet to match his words with his feet, his actions are 5far behind of his rhetorics. rhetoric. neil: vladimir putin is stepping into a va a vacuum?
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>> i don't think that putin -- with all arguments to compare. >> do you think he as the advantage? >> he is trying. but russia is too weak, not the right momentum, russia has many other problems. i would wonder long-term is shine is the threat. neil: the fact that china and russia had a energy deal? are they leakin linking up? >> this is about china, not russia, if china does not get away from this grime agreement y might disappear from the map. >> reporter: analyst said it is clear that president does not see the dangers in the world today, dangers of russia and china. >> this is -- not what he said
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but what he didn't say, two words he oh oh, mitted, -- omi, one it crimea, he talked about russia invadeing space. obama was bragging about isolating russia. that is one problem, but a 6 word he omitted, still, america is still the most powerful army, but trend is going down. it is not as powerful as 20 years ago, it is important to know while america could be still number one, but it is rapidly losing ground. neil: president said, that our president said, look, we're winding down these wars, i came in with 180,000 troops committed, when i live down less
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than 10,000, i am downsizingu international role, more or less kudos to me, this is the new america, we don't get involved. >> yes, but that crisis, this south china sea or in crimea or in syria or elsewhere in the world, you can't ignore them. people would think that american can -- neil: i think he is saying, why should we do it alone if you don't give a rat's pa too, the. pa toopatoot .>> you are the lee not. neil: he was saying we're tired of being the leader. >> he tried to avoid being so explicit, that is what he meant, but if america is not the leader, nobody will. neil: you know vladimir putin, does he see a weakness in the president. >> he sees weakness everyone in washington, and london, kuwait -- okay. neil: many say he will try more? >> it is difficult uthe ukraine
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cran people voted. >> that doesn't mean anything. >> you know, but, s it is not tt country, ukraine, spoke, and in the eastern ukraine, majority supporteed the candidate. so problem with government is moscow. people recognize real danger comes from moscow. china is fine as long as china received from russia, i don't think that china will sacrifice -- neil: you don't see this as what is going on in world today as in europeuropean union elections? >> that is why we should go ba
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back. obama ignores it, he pretended that everything goes as planned. neil: you are one of the world's greatest chess players, in this game of international chess who is wining? >> i don't think putin can win the game. >> he is leading? >> i think he can destroy the game itself. this is a danger. neil: just blow up the whole damn board? >> absolutely, and america utmost responsibility to make sure, the world will be left in one piece fur our kids. >> thank you, gary kasperoff he sees things we could miss. you know when your kid play t-ball, and everyone is a winner. how about a government agency where rewarding all workers. all mediocre workers, saying you
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neil: now if you heard of this consumer financial protect agency, set up after the meltdown to help us and look after our interest as consumers that we're not getting suckered into things that are bad. that was then, wait until you hear what they are doing now, grading everyone on a curve, giving then the same review. such a dust up over the grading system that anxiety said, you know what, all mediocre workers, those who three or so they will given fives, and same level of increase as those who were granted a five, think if you got a five, you worked your katukus
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off, you go a 5, and you hear the one next to you who got a 3 is getting the same raise, what do you do? would this work in business? everyone gets the roughly the same increase, the same grade? >> sure, right after we rewrite the dictionary. stkraoeufinstriveing, effort, p, merit, all has to come out. out,. neil: started this disproportionate numbers were hitting minorities, i can understand but in the end, what good do you do, saying all right, same raise for everyone. >> you deprive everyone of their self worth, their a bumibility, their is the fact of a job. >> what do they care, they are just getting money. >> if you really have some inner
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soul, inner moral and ethics. neil: that is washington, calm down here. >> i'm sorry, i forgot. i'm concerned about the long-term effects of the psyche of the american people. and -- every little league player should get a trophy, you made the teak, why not? >> is no such thing. neil: it is okay with t-ball, you just whack the ball, i could not do that when i was a kid. >> you should get a trophy. neil: right, you am a kid, my kids are kids, they move up and grow up then face up to life. some are better some are not so. that is life. >> this all seriousness we would be out of business if we did something like, that we have a rigorous training program you go. >> ho hourly to an m.i.t. -- i m leaving here on our m.i.t. dinner managers in training, a 3 month program, not everyone makes it, if you grade everyone
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as a winner, you just gut the whole decary, for -- dictionary for lack of a better word of the chriwhat makes america great, wt makes people strive. neil: bringing in our buddies, ashley, what do you make of this? >> i actually think this is something we have come to expect from federal government, rewarding mead o mediocrate, i e some people do show up for that "9 to 5" with an hour lunchbreak, that is all they are there for, some work hard, i agree hard workers are deserveing of that five-star you know raise, but people who are making, you know, a modest effort to show up, i don't think they are deserving it, this is what was mentioned before, a trophy society we live everyone gets a trophy for
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showing up, but federal tax dollars pay for it. neil: rick. >> i hate when you pick topics s where i have to agree with you, a guy like zain. it is just, not fair. it is ridiculous, almost like an ivy league graduate school everyone gets an a, this is stupid and wrong, people who work hard do a good job should be rewarded with a better score. neil: what have you done with rick unger. >> he wouldn't go there are that either. you reward people who do well. you reward people who don't do well by -- neil: showing then the door. i guess that this is about an agency policeing consumer interest when it comes to world of finance, they don't grapple
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with one of the basic tenants of finance. >> these folks are digging diper into our lives finding companies that are exploiting us, those who are not doing your work, you come in get these rewards just doing your mediocre work, that scares me, women were rated higher than men, people under fourth higher than 40, i am talking about workers, nonunion eyenonunionizeed were higher. it is scary considering they are policeing the world for us, the consumer. neil: and policeing the world at what cost? about 950 people in this oversight bureaucracy. they their budget? $450 million. >> they are going to get more.
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neil: get more. >> more people. neil: everyone is a 5. thank you very much. >> he is a 10. neil: he is a 10, good food, although he does not eat it. >> is that true. neil: when we come back, if you want to know that hillary clinton is running for president, look at the book sales, simple as that, who become up with such a theory? his name is charlie, charlie gasparino, after this. [ male announcer ] legalzoom has helped start over 1 million businesses.
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book does not do well. >> how well is it received. this is a bigtivity, i talked to people that know former secretary of state well, they deal with her a lot. this is not an easy decision for her to run for president, she is being prodded by her president and daughter to do it, she has some second thoughts, if she wins it would be three of the same party winning in a row that is difficult. it does not happen a lot. neil: ranald reagan -- >> you that not happy. my points is, what she is doing is judgeing reception. from what i read the book is already a bestseller. but if she generates, gets the
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reception, there is a good chance she will run,. run. >> she kind of hints at it at the end of her book. but, she is telegraphing that. is it a fore gone conclusion she'll have strang sales that is -- strong sales that is justin in. >> the -- inevitable. >> the books that are written by celebrities, had strong sales. but more than that, a ref seption thing, who is the reception to the book, what will people talk about. this is going to be the story of the summer in terms of barring wars, and you major calamity, people will look at the book sales and the reception she gets as a clue to whether she runs. odds on she is probably going to run, if it does well. from what i know this will push
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her over the top. neil: that might be fodder for conservative critics, regardless, charlie gasparino thank you very much. now i am to bring to a close confconfidant of president of ud states maybe future president of the united states, i see i golfing with him. i know him. >> good to see you. neil: we have a lot to get into. first, hillary clinton stuff, and book sale, quid pro quo? >> i think that book will be a number one bestseller for many weeks, charlie, i saw him in vegas, in a contkprepbg, he may conference, he has different insights from mine, my view, if she runs wall street will be behind her there they like her.
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>> they like her husband. >> and i think that she you know has a lot. neil: sh she will have no troube raiding money. raid raising money. >> zero trouble raising money. she was odds on favorite before barack obama became the sensation. what happened? >> i think at that time country everyone thought that was about the war. obama was against the war at that time, that was the breaking points. and then grassroots, fo effort. neil: could there be another obama out there threatening this time? >> it doesn't file that way to me, two years is a lifetime. neil: switching giers looking into drones, and what are you doing? >> we announced last week that we have a new be called measure, drone is an advisery service, with zero to did with military,
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it is for civilian and commercial use, you would be amazeed when is going on outside of the united states with the possibility of drones, whether agriculture looking atwater levels, irrigation. for disaster recovery. for refineries, and pipelines. for parks and wildlife poaching, it is clear to me this will be future of making industrial -- >> i was shocked to read there would be over 7,000 of these. >> there are 1200 manufacturers globally already. neil: do you worry there are too many, there are collisions? >> we think there is one turn key advisory company,. neil: do you worry with the near collisions involving commercial jets, one in australia over tallahassee, we're -- >> it lear t clear to me we havo separate when bea people use jos with a joy stick, and taking
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different risks near airports, faa has to get on top of regulation quickly. neil: are you adviceing the drowns? >> we do. neil: i want a drone from you, what do i do? >> if you in a industrial commercial, we would do a feesfeesbility study, say this is how we think we could enhance our operation, depicted to our, we don't work with individuals who' a joy stick to go fly it around. neil: i said i just want to spy on my neighbors. >> not going to happen, you would not get that pass in u.s. for a long time. neil: i wouldn't say that. >> by the way, the currently the u.s., is does not come through with drone capability -- >> you are not worried we're making too many. we're too drone huts now. >> i think in u.s., where you could argue commercialy behind 8 ball, i think if you go overseas
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there are capability done today, my guess that a new export possibly for this country, i think it can create jobs. neil: we have a well the robert wolf, always find a way to make more money. >> thank you very much. >> rally ways good seeing you. >> thank you, when we come back. prince charles might never become king charles but that has not stopped him from weighing in on climate change, because i have a lot of time on m mylans after this. >> i hope we continue on the path we are determined connected to follow, which will bring us to our own destruction or chai coulwecould choose to act now be it is too late. latte or au lait?
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deserved of the wider long-term interest concerns of humanity rather than the other. neil: in during they're is a problem with capitalism and the is one of its chief beneficiaries is quite another. to billionaire investor wilbur wants. climate change big worry, the future king of england wants to do something about it. >> i think capitalism is much more in danger from parties other than prince charles. neil: you notice they are all piling on. the united nations, this move afoot in congress distress a measure to require companies to pay over the decades trillions of dollars to correct a problem that they say is their fault. >> first of all, i'm not a technologist, but anybody who thinks they can make 100 your forecast about anything useful baloney. you can make a five-year forecast with any validity.
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neil: a couple of decades ago newsweek. >> i think unless the weather man can tell me if it will rain tomorrow why we believe he can make a 100 your forecast. i'm skeptical about the underlying basis. more importantly it's nice to talk about saving things for 100 years. what about the guy who's going to lose his job because of these rules they're putting in? what about the businesses that will go bust because they cannot afford the energy costs coming from? neil: you are here to counter to that. we cannot afford not to. >> it think it is a question of balancing. what would like to see them do is put it on the ballot and explain to people, your electric rate will go up by so many dollars a month if we do all this renewal bowles. you in favor of that are with
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your weather have with the way it is? it ought to beat the public making the decision, not a few people who are extremists. neil: if i could tap your ampley influential in republican circles. you can ba can make -- kingmaker . >> that's on the pre-election. the latest talk around jim bush. neil: he is getting a lot more interest. >> i think he is becoming more interested in it. the sea is going around endorsing candidates. he is speaking out a lot more on various issues. as you know, he had a very good record as governor of florida. neil: is the name heard enough? >> how can you worry about name pollution and the probable adversarial candid as some of the same impediments?
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neil: it's a good point. do you think he is running? >> i don't know. my guess is he won't make his decision. neil: have you made a decision on who you will back? >> no. i am focusing on the congressional elections. there will be endless of virginities to help people. neil: you're kind of like the brothers, but there is just one of you. thank you very much. so good seeing you again. this is proof the college professors are pushing liberal agendas. you should see the names your pushing. by the way, something we are pushing and are delighted to do so because starting next monday at 6:00 p.m. this guy who's career i singlehandedly made is getting his own show deservedly so. he knows that his show makes money. he had split with me, which is why you should watch this show and make it a big success.
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i'll ask again... what's in your wallet? ♪ neil: localize it me or do a lot of colleges just prefer liberal speakers? we have rick under. his organization did a study on this. low and behold, they concluded that there is a pattern to it speaks. spell it out. >> every year yang american foundation puts out its commencement speaker survey where we server the top 100 colleges by u.s. news and world report. and we're going through these we look to see who the speakers are and the content of the commencement speakers. when you look is the same usual cast of characters from the liberal side. secretary perry, and janet yellen, all these people from the administration. the liberal media.
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and then there's no one from fox news. when you're looking at these things -- neil: you're forgetting about the trucking school that did request me from a but there was a conflict. i am wondering, part of the benefit of the doubt, on the liberal side. maybe that is how they gravitate. these numbers are disproportionate. forty-three of the liberal variety, not so much. >> i think it's way overblown. can you even remember mullen alone his immense influence over your political point of view? neil: oh, yes i can. my coat panelists are much younger and maybe it can, but this is so overblown. the truth is, no way more conservative kids coming out of college today where everyone was a liberal.
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neil: were you this liberal? >> oh, i was much worse. neil: really? it would not surprise me that disproportionately you have more liberals speaking of college graduation and conservatives, but this is lumps of the. >> and by the way, i completely disagree with rate because this is where lot of our opinions are formed. and college we are motivated, excited, our brains are like sponges. william and never remember the specific name, you remember your teaching just as mike lahood. >> i turned conservative. that was informed. >> a don't think your mother's
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going the like you just said. neil: how do we corrected or do we correct it? add think we make a big deal of college speakers anyway. just want to get through the ceremony fast. where is this all going? >> i think the real problem is the liberal indoctrination. one of our new bulls actually found that 75 percent of students that were graduating this year from colleges could identify with over a third of their professors being liberal, which means that these views are no longer objective and of over 75 percent of them, or noticing the had the take courses that would require a graduation focusing on diversity, women's studies and race and ethnicity. neil: of those liberal courses? >> the contents, yes. >> you did not attend all those colleges. how do you know? >> you can go online and look.
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neil: of said it many times. i'm opening -- open to raising the minimum wage, but you have to be careful doing it and not necessarily apply it to everyone a big difference on what they can afford. furthermore, the states that a pushing it, michigan comes to mind. we will be phased and what about the fact of the matter is michigan as about a seven and a half% unemployment rate. and this road and set about 15%, not the perfect venue. back with rick and share it and ashley. a smart move? >> i don't think so. while i agree with you, it should be looked at. this is not the state to be trying to send. detroit is gone bankrupt. this is a job killer. legislators did this out of fear of a petition where there were positioning for $10.10 an hour.
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when you like it that, out of fear of more jobs being lost that pass this knowing that jobs will be lost as a result. and the look of a child shall we lost small-business is a feeling the pressure. neil: jerry. >> i keep thinking back to those images of jeff daniels pitching michigan as a place to come. now or cross you even more. i think it's a problem. it is a compromise, but it's a tax, an additional cost to do business, and it's probably poor timing. neil: i can see it the economic wind was up their back, what they're really can't cracks it was in the compromise. it was a way of short circling a ballot initiative that the
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republican legislation that would pass. the people of michigan wanted this. what a great way to go about this. neil: just let the people of new jersey. >> leave it to the states. at this not mean that businesses can survive with it. >> i thought you guys liked the idea. neil: on the business when do you think it's going to hurt? >> i don't. and never half. i do find it interesting that you are conflating the problems of all local government with minimum wage. neil: businesses are leaving destroyed parks inflexibly business buying of tons of real-estate. neil: turn left point. it has a lot of interest. what do you make of that.
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>> i don't invest solves any of the problems. small-business as are the backbone of the american economy i don't really feel bad for those buying a paw hundred million dollars worth of real estate. it's more for the small-business is being regulated to raise the minimum wage, something of they cannot afford to pay their employees. neil: thank you. when we come back now are kind of know what elvis presley fell. so many negative e-mails. what backhouse
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neil: in only his head in my head. veteran some politicians and bureaucrats. how many more will die. treatment was delayed for weeks and months causing conditions to get worse. the find the situation worrisome what the government may do to fix worries me more. i can understand their apprehension. thank you for your service. begin about her treatment of our vets. the standoff with the mexicans as a lot of you wondering how we look after our soldiers on nestle serving. i believe someone should propose we exchanged a marine for the 14 million illegal mexicans and our country. somehow i don't think that particular negotiation will go too far. thus just me.
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cut off all myself and the u.s. to mexico. not bad. all that money that can make it back to the families, does not a bad tax. this seems to me that if mexico can secure the borders and the superpower of the united states did manage seduce sell. very good point. back to the controversy that keeps on giving. instead of setting a minimum wage i think we should set a maximum gap bury lenin company is doing well everyone benefits. this objective minimum wage would never come up again. it is not fair when only this ceos in the few top employees get all the doe. please justify their opposition raising the minimum wage while the median salary is 1 million per year.
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well, there's only one at hand, thousands, sometimes hundreds of thousands of working regular folks. he does a good job. and about of those near collisions. i liked you, but you've got to increase their anti anxiety methods. jim more likely to be it by lightning and eaten by a shark. yes, but i can control those other things. i think we can and should control the booming number of drones. more than 7,000, most of which are not regulated. switching gears. here's some of you talk about my job with the governor, it makes plenty of sense. anything would be an improvement
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anybody would be better. then there is ron. democrats cannot comprehend. if i disagree with you does that mean i don't like italians? a certainly hope not. and now we are officially in the summer did so many of us are officially downsizing vacations. a lot of folks are now wondering 24r. >> a safe first. >> are doing to the point where we think more about savings. >> for doing a yearly vacation by jeff basic infrastructure.
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we should not complain about funding it. i still pay my bills the regular mail, and you're not alone. please be aware, the post office is 100 per cent self-sufficient. the postal service is not received tax dollars since 1981. that does not mean taxpayers are not on the hook. here is the answer is saving money. have the zip codes in the country did mail delivered monday, wednesday, and friday. the other give mail delivery tuesday, thursday, saturday. don't even bother. the post office has worthless, overpaid, and inefficient. tell me how you really feel.
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