tv After the Bell FOX Business May 29, 2014 4:00pm-5:01pm EDT
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a battle out for hillshire farms and that helped give it some juice. [closing bell ringing] david: blackberry is way up. the all kinds of interesting things happened. the most interesting thing what happened to the overall markets. if we can look at the indices, nobody expected to get a negative figure, significantly negative figure in the fdp and see the market react all in the green. just about everybody we asked yesterday, we said if we get a negative figure, will the markets react? yes, the markets reacted exactly in the opposite direction. all indices were up about evenly so. nobody going much above a half a percentage point. when you get bad gdp numbers and figures like this, that shows you have one hello of a bull market going. "after the bell" starts right now. liz: and the transports have a record too! we're talking choo-choos and
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airlines and -- david: who would have figured. >> all kind of big industrials. let's get right to today's market action. we have larry rosenthal who remains optimistic on the markets. he is not scared. he has got two specific stock plays for investors you need to hear. yuri lands man, platinum parters. unlike larry he is very pessimistic, he believes we'll see, in his words a huge drop next couple months. bob iaccino at cme. this market continues to move higher. >> yeah, it does and we think it will continue to do. that the interesting part about the way the price action played out is this sideways movement with these very small new record highs. on not a lot of volume continues to happen. i hate that i have to be bullish. but i am. so i'm sort of split between the two guests. i have to buy this i have to buy the dip. there is nothing on the horizon, look at the 10-year.
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this 10-year, it is the fed's dream. they get to taper and see rates go lower. so you will not see end to tapering but not boeing to see end to the rally either. david: yuri, this is the first quarterly contraction since 2011 and market is up. what does that tell you? >> it tells me this is very, very strong bull market. people are looking for reasons to buy. the reason here would be, down gdp, they feel the fed will be in there supporting them forever. i think it is backwards thinking. i would have thought the market would have gone down on this today. right now it is so bullish bad news is good news. liz: why would you say if it's a strong bull market you are really believing in a correction, yuri? >> because prices are ridiculous given what is going on in the global economy. liz: aren't they historically pretty much in line? they're not that bad. >> multiples are expanding and you know, this is the reason you're seeing so much m&a
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because you have these very strong balance sheets with no chance of achieving organic growth. you have to be able to go out and buy growth with your strong balance sheets. but that game can't last forever. you know, it is always lightest before night. david: larry, larry, let me go to the bull. time for a little bull here, if you don't mind. first of all, were you surprised by the fact that the gdp first quarter went down so much. a lot of people thought maybe a couple of basis points but not a full percentage point? >> i was surprised when i heard the news this morning. you know everyone is really attributing it to the harsh winter we had. david: hold on a second. janet yellen, janet yellen would have every reason to do that has not. she said it was not just the weather. she said there were significant problems as well. >> we'll get a better look at it at the end of the second quarter when we look at gdp the end of
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the second quarter. we'll see if there was slowdown or in fact weather-related or maybe a combination of both. i still think the jury's out on that one. liz: the jury's out on that one but let's find out where you really feel about putting your money. you have two names, larry. let's talk about them and what is behind your conviction these will go higher? >> one of the things we like, we think the market is priced okay relative to the 10-year. and the fact that, you know the market didn't sell off today, money is still coming in. seems only game in town. look at two stocks we're talking about today, google and dow. one of the things when the market keeps on repeating its daily highs, record highs, week after week and thinks like that, we need to look what we call garp, growth at a reasonable price. google brings that to the table with forward earnings looking at about $31. gives us 12 month forward earnings yield of five 1/2% which is very attractive and in addition to its ad revenue some venture capital ideas inside
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google being very innovative with driverless cars, smart technology in the home, google glass, all these different innovations they're bringing to the table. we like the stock right now with its innovating, you know, mantra going forward. david: excuse me. let me get yuri to jump in i wonder if you put your money where your mouth is, where you're pessimistic about this? are you shorting this market, yuri? >> we run a market neutral fund. my short term calls on the market will not really dictate what we do as a fund. me personally, our fund, for our investors, your viewers, i would not be taking long exposure to this market right now. so, if you want to own a stock, either make sure it has no market risk in it or be shorting something, against it to hedge out the market risk. liz: okay. but -- >> see i think it all goes to portfolio construction. most of our clients are close to or already retired.
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yes, you need to have some core holdings in your portfolio, fixed income, equities, maybe market neutral positions but you have to look at the fact that people are 60, 70, 80 years old. they need growth down the road and to battle inflation. liz: my own mom who is 82. she called me, said i have 50% in treasurys. i said i don't think that is great idea, mom. you should have great companies everybody uses like pfizer, abbott labs that do pay dividends thaw own something. am i completely wrong on that, larry? >> i don't think so, liz. you you know to her personal situation which i don't know what her cash flow needs are and that. liz: she is fine. she didn't think so. she's fine, trust me. >> you know, one day just as the market as it continues, as the economy continues to expand and yields will start to rise again and treasurys will star to come down from a principle perspective, you know but you can go ahead and take a look
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getting some attractive stocks, growth at a reasonable price these days giving you the same if not better yield and you will be in a position for growth. so it should be a combination of both for your mom as well as many people in that situation. david: hey, bob, where is the money coming from? when we see what happened today, when we see the market up despite the bad news, is the money coming from retail investors or is there any way to tell? >> it is not coming from retail just yet. that's one of the reasons i remain bullish to be honest. the way we look at the market, look at it this way. every once in a while the market gives you insight what it is thinking. we had a really bad gdp revision. it was really bad number. our other guests point out we should have gone down from here. we did not. everybody focused on weekly number, jobless claims and that is silly. market going up you can't fight it. liz: i'm sorry to interrupt. we have lions gate numbers. miss on bottom -- beat on bottom line but miss on sha.
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the expectation was 40 cents. a very clear beat there. but it is revenue it came in light on. 721 million, the expectation was for a pretty decent miss here, 823.6 million. let me look at some of the headlines here, david. they're reporting in essence they have had filmed entertainment backlogs of 1.2 billion. that is about even from quarter over quarter. so sequentially, 1.2 billion to 1.2 billion sequentially. i'm just wondering if that perhaps is it? david: let me go to bob, bob, this is exactly what you said would happen, lions gate should beat slightly on eps, on earnings side but in terms of revenue i didn't see them coming in. in fact that is what happened? >> their franchise movies are really good and they're really focused sort of on millenials as oppose to disany and fox has blended portfolio. disney obviously much more for the kid side of thing but their
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portfolio relies on big budget blockbusters which reduces profitability. their sort of lower cost franchise like tyler perry movies did really poorly. their tv shows did real well but that is not high margin business. when you look at franchise like "divergent," 250 in may, great return but expensive movie to make. i thought there would be another dollar in the stock. but i don't think it is as good a buy as disney or twenty-first century fox. david: they have to do all "hunger games," nothing but "hunger games." >> nothing but "hunger games." david: i love that. liz: thanks to larry and yuri. nice to have your perspectives. david: commodity collapse. gold lost its shine dropping to its lowest level since february and have you looked at silver recently? 18, $19 an ounce, also looking very dull touching the lowest level since last july. what is behind this drastic selloff? is it a big buying opportunity?
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we'll tell you coming up next. liz: go against the herd, maybe. what if you get paid every time our flight was delayed, your baggage was lost or you missed your connecting flight? now you can thanks to warren buffett? we're going to tell you how. david: that will be interesting. it is the great economic debate. how deep-seeded is that first quarter gdp contraction, or, is it just about old man winter? two of the top economists on the street duking it all in all-out economic brawl. liz: we want to hear from you. can the economy bounce back quickly or will this 1% contraction last, get worse? tweet us @fbnatb. your answers coming up. ♪. ♪
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[ bell ringing, applause ] five tech stocks with more than a 10%... change in after-market trading. ♪ all the tech stocks with a market cap... of at least 50 billion... are up on the day. 12 low-volume stocks... breaking into 52-week highs. six upcoming earnings plays... that recently gapped up. [ male announcer ] now the world is your trading floor. get real-time market scanning wherever you are with the mobile trader app. from td ameritrade.
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the quicksilver card from capital one. unlimited 1.5% cash back on everything you purchase, every day. don't settle for anything less. i'll keep asking. what's in your wallet? liz: teen retailer abercrombie & fitch posting gains today. the stock closed up. this is a big gain here, 6%. david: let's head back to nicole petallides on the floor of the new york stock exchange. what's happening there? >> hey, dave and liz, sometimes hard to know what the fickle teenagers are hot on. turns out abercrombie & fitch did a great job in the latest quarter outpacing its peers such as aeropostale and american eagle outfitters. they saw sales drifting away. however pitch abercrom best of the bunch. larger sizes for women and they did well there.
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one thing we should note, where is your favorite abercrombie & fitch store? because we are looking at the fact that many of their lieses, 67% of their leases will be up for renewal or due to expire in the year 2017. so they did mention they're going to be closing some stores but in the meantime, that is something to look out for going forward. back to you. liz: thank you, nicole. gold fell for the fourth day in a role pressured by technical warning signs and that mostly upbeat u.s. economic data, right? except for the gdp number which showed contraction. you would have expected to see gold rise but we have not. there is a rising appetite for risk, meaning not gold around the world. look at silver. silver suffered mightily. the precious metal dipping below $19 and ounce earlier trading a level it hasn't closed below in nearly a year. we didn't do it today but nonetheless. david: is now the time to buy or are metals heading lower? we have eagle bay's capital
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founder and president. great to see you, jc. i know, everybody is a gold fanatic out there. people like metals tend to go to gold but let's talk to silver first. i didn't realize it was down to $19 an ounce. it wasn't long ago it was 30, $40 an ounce. how low will it go? >> david, silver prices are down 65% from highs. david: much more dramatic loss than gold? >> than gold, absolutely. silver tend to be more volatile of the two metals. here is what is interesting, when gold and silver rallied to start the year, silver underperformed gold. if there is real risk appetite for precious metals we want silver outperforming because it is more volatile more aggressive way to take advantage of precious metal space. that was warning this count remember trend in pressure must metals is a count remember trend. we've been down three years. that hasn't changed. we haven't seen any sort of bearish to bullish reversal. we've seen opposite.
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with that said you're talking silver down to 19 bucks. that is key support. where i come from, triple bottoms are very rare if they exist at all. typically after the third bounce, we'll see a fourth or fifth and it tend to give way. that is the tell. if silver break, gold will continue to break too. liz: but there are people looking at silver and 19, remembering it almost got to 42, 45 over the past year-and-a-half. at what price would you buy in. >> well if you have to be in pressure must metals which none of this do at market participants -- liz: but should they? >> if you want to buy it that is your stop and own it above those levels. in my experience i think we'll break. i think it haven't little will give way and gold will follow as well. i think gold eventually will be a thousand bucks. >> look at pa laid jump and -- palladium and pat numb. it helps catalytic converters convert and platinum has industrial applications. which one do you like best. >> platinum in the camp gold and
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silver. palladium is the special one. nobody talks about it. who talks about palladium? as gold and silver got absolutely destroyed from the '11 highs, down 60% in silver, 40% in gold, palladium is in new highs. i came into the year, palladium is my favorite chart in the entire world. up 17% year-to-date. i still love it. i think we're going to 1150, 1200. david: what miners, particularly gold miners have been doing the past couple years is borrowing a lot of money thinking that the price would continue to go up in order to mine deeper and better to get more gold. the price hasn't been going up. a lot of them might be ready to go bankrupt. do you short any miners? >> i think that, however you're playing gold and silver you can also participate with the miners themselves. david: if gold keeps going down, miners will get hurt worse than anybody. >> agree. but correlations are through the roof. you look at one-month
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correlation, one quarter, one year, two year, three-year, they're all above .9% correlated with the actual metal. if you think gold is going higher you can buy gold miners. if you think gold is going lower, short gold miners. it is same trade. liz: jc told us to get out of apple, go into blackberry. blackberry had a great day. >> apple i was wrong. it broke through resistance levels. we take the good with the buy. david: if you believe in technicals this is the guy to listen to. jc pa let's, thank you very much. good to eyou. gdp fell one pull percentage point in the first quarter but the markets, they seemed to shrug it off as old news in a bad winter quarter but could that number be a red herring in things to come? next we have a bull versus bear debate with two of the best economic experts around. liz: bitcoin may have come off its highs but that didn't stop one of america's biggest corporate names of becoming the largest company now to accept the virtual currency for
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payment. david: which one? liz: well, you'll find out. david: okay. you might think facebook and visa have very little in common but it turns out they are among 26 s&p companies sharing a rare honor. what? we'll tell you, coming up. ♪ . [ male announcer ] legalzoom has helped start over 1 million businesses.
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if you have a buness idea, we have a personalized legal solution that's right for you. with easy step-by-step guidance, we're here to help you turn your dream into a reali. start your business today with legalzoom. we're here to help you turn your dream into a reali. but with less ergy, moodiness, i had to do something. i saw mdoctor. a blood test showed it was low testosterone, not age. we talked about axiron the onlynderarm low t treaent that can restore t vels to normal
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they plan to hire 500 workers for the build-up of the latest crossover vehicle. research firm idc predicting total sales of smartphones will climb to 1.2 billion units before the end of the year. android expected to dominate sales with estimated market share of 80.2%. ford, general motors models were among eight vehicles to receive highest possible superior crash prevention rating from insurance institute for highway safety. the gm models were cadillac cts and xts good cars. buick regal and chevy impala. us air safety regulators have cleared boeing's 787 dreamliner for expanded long-range flying the. the approval will allow the airline to fly routes five 1/2 hours away from the airport. google revealing just 2% of its workforce is black, 3% is hispanic and 30% women. the tech giant says the report is important step toward change. [buzzer] that just in time is today's "speed read."
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liz. liz: we talked about bitcoin who is accepting it now? dish announced it will accept bitcoin as payment, overtaking overstock dot-com and zappos as the largest company to accept the digital currency. the satellite tv giant will work with coin base to satisfy digital transactions. david: jo ling kent is here with more details on the story. jo. >> dave, liz, the company announced this morning it will start taking bitcoin in the third quarter of this year. they will process payments and exchange bitcoin payments with u.s. dollars. the moment the transaction goes through in the tool called instant exchange. back in december, coin base doing very well raised $25 million in series b round led by andreessen horowitz. right now bitcoin trading down from its big high of $1,000 a few months ago. right now it is 568, 570. looking at numbers, dish has more than 14 million paying subscribers. as of december coin base saying it has about 600,000 consumer
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wallets. so that is where the potential is. now dish is joining other companies in accepting bitcoin like overstock. they actually generated a million dollars worth of transactions in bitcoin in less than two months. other companies, zynga, virgin galactic, tesla, and okay cupid. dish networks shares are up fractionally up today. dave, liz. david: jo, thank you very much. >> thank you. david: no way to sugar coat the first quarter, the economy shrank for the first time since 2011 but the stock market just slurringed. shrugged. are the bulls getting arrogant. we'll bat it out with a bulls and bears debate with two economists. >> there is lot that could go wrong with traveling but would be great to take out pain of my mishaps you suffer? we'll tell you how you could be protected own your last flight. you've got to hear this. ♪ can you start tomorrow?
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even bigger one tomorrow. when csx trains move forward, so does the rest of the economy. csx. how tomorrow moves. david: you might remember yesterday standard & poor's gave tesla's debt a junk bond rating labeling it a risky investment. with interest rates as low as they are, it is tough for a lot of companies to resist debt but there are 26 s&p 500 companies with no long-term debt at all.
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here are the top five. number five, one of the world's largest heavy-duty truck manufacture, paccar. next business and tech service can be cognizant. number three, visa, the world's leading global payment company. qualcomm is the second largest company without any long-term debt. the number one, most valuable company with no long-term debt that would be social media giant facebook. they don't need it. they have all the cash coming in. liz: nice. no debt. what if you could get paid for delayed flight or lost luggage or even missed connection? you heard me right, get paid. now you can. buffett's berkshire hathaway has launched a new travel insurance product, air care, that pays you when you are inconvenienced. for domestic flight, for example, the insurance costs a flat fee of $25 which can be purchased, listen to this, up an hour prior to your flight. so say if you're flight is two or more hours late you can get paid $50 regardless of the
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reason. or did the airline delay your checked baggage more than 12 hours? you can collect a payout of $500. tarmac delays, those are nightmares, right? if you're stuck two hours or more, the insurance pays out $1,000. finally you can pocket a massive 1500 bucks if you're stuck on the tarmac for two hours and you miss a connecting flight. how many times has that happened. david: but, $25 for a bet it will go off? liz: there are major ifs. if weather has been warned you can't bet on weather. david: i might do it. are you looking to take advantage of increasingly hot commercial real estate space but don't particularly care for reit invests or cash or wealthy investor? now you can invest as little as $100 directly into a project of your choice. we'll tell you exactly how to do that coming next. liz: and dragging your suitcases through the airport, speaking of luggage can be such a hassle. that may all be a thing of the
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use caution when driving or operating machinery. common side effects include nausea, trouble sleeping and unusual dreams. my quit date was my son's birthday. and that was my gift for him and me. ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. david: full percentage point contraction in a 16 trillion-dollar economy is nothing to ignore but that is what the market did today, barely acknowledging this is
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first quarterly contraction of our economy since 2011. is the market right shrugging off this contraction as a weather fluke or ignoring something that will eventually send stocks into tailspin? for bulls, we have nariman behravesh. and we have a baron's senior economist. nariman, first to you, why is full percentage point contraction, the first quarterly contraction since 2007 something to be ignored? >> first quarter was weather-related mess. this was the worst winter in about 20 years and it clearly affected demand and it affected production, both sides of the economy. the second point to be made is that the underlying growth in the economy is around 2 1/2, to 3%. we had that end of last year. we had that this quarter, probably will be even stronger this quarter and all the data coming out on the economy
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reinforces that. there is lot of strong data coming out. employment growth is decent. production is pretty good. consumer spending is reasonably strong. basically we can ignore this number as the market did today. david: i will have to go back and forth quickly. we don't have much time, mark, i have to go to you. even janet yellen said that the contraction, she didn't know it would be a contraction but said the first quarter slowdown was not just about weather. there were some real problems worked in there. are they severe enough those problems, to slow down the market? >> i don't know if they're severe enough to slow doesn't market but if you look what is going on in the stock market right now, a lot of acquisitions are people receiving for growth. the other thing that helped drive the market up, bond yields come down so much. that made stocks look a little bit more attractive there was a lot more than just weather in the first quarter. if you look what economy's underlying growth has been, it has been closer to 2%. if you look at final demand to domestic private, final private
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domestic demand, it is 1/6. it actually lost a little bit of momentum in the first quarter. i'm not so sure that we can just shrug this off. the bond market smells something and i think it smells more of a slow down than some data like employment data would indicate. david: nariman, to get to the 3% figure a lot of bulls like yourself say we're eventually going to be able to reach at the end of the year. we'll have to grow like wildfire in the all the rest of the quarters we have remaining, right? >> well, just to be clear, our annual average is only about 2 1/2, maybe even 2.4 just given number that came out. for the annual average we're not saying three. but what we are saying the economy is going to pick up steam so by the end of this year it will be closer to 3%. now the second quarter will be a bounce back. you know, certainly the revision that we just saw, a lot of is was inventory. i think mark will agree. you could get a nice little bounce back because of that we're saying 3 1/2 in the
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second quarter. maybe not as strong in the third and fourth. david: let me go to mark do you think that is reasonable? there was enough repressed energy in the market because of the bad winter that the second quarter will be something above 3%? >> the second quarter is going to be fine. we know that the first quarter ended on a strong note, the strongest month for consumer spending was in march. even without much growth in april, may and june we'll get, three, 3 1/2% growth. after that is the big question. we're looking for a couple things to happen this year. for one thing the global economy was supposed to be stronger in 2014 than it was in 2013 and it is but you have to put an asterisk by it. if you take the united states out, the rest of the world is growing at a slower rate than it did last year. david: let me talk to nariman about that. that's a great point. nariman, where is the growth going to come from? first of all let's talk domestically. productivity is falling. we also have personal income
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barely moving at all, over the past several years it is really slow, sew people feel pinch of higher prices at supermarket. either stagnant salaries or even falling salaries. you have a slowdown of the world economist china's economy may not be going negative but it is slowing down, right? >> well, let me just disagree a little bit here. the u.s. isn't the only economy that is accelerating. we've got europe as well. last year europe contracted. this year it is growing. last year was november 0.4. this year will be positive 1.1. we'll get a little bit of a kick on exports from europe. it is not just the u.s. that is propelling global growth. europe is playing its role. if you look at sectors consumers are in fairly strong financial health. now they're spending. first quarter numbers were distorted somewhat by the obamacare basically. so you have to be a little careful about that. housing is weak. but i don't think that weakness is going to be sustained. capital spend something likely
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to come back. profits are still very strong. so all of those, are engines of growth. david: i started with nariman. i will end with mark. mark, i am concerned about personal income, for one. the fact is that people actually have less real cash than they used to. >> i think you're right to be concerned about it. the economy has done very well at the upper end. the stock market picked up. real estate prices have rebounded. higher end retailers do okay. higher end resorts are doing well. but the lower end is still pretty squishy. david: right. >> look at earnings reports for mass merchants. they're all struggling. but doesn't seem to break out to the upside. think about consumer confidence numbers. they look a little better. they don't look a whole lot better. doesn't look to me that the economy is about to break out to the upside. we're still a -- david: we're still a middle class society. mark and nariman that was great, very repeckful but you both disagreed and put your cases
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eloquently. thank you very much. we want to hear from you folks. can the economy bounce back quickly or will this contraction last. send us a message. your answers coming up. liz? liz: commercial real estate contracted a little bit and pulled back from gdp we saw today. first quarter looks like contraction and traditionally commercial real estate has been the exclusive domain when it comes to investing of wealthy investors with a big chunk of change, private equity firms. only choice for most people if you want to get into real estate commercially is buy into a reit, real estate investment trust. what does the average investor have the option to invest as little as $100 directly into the project of their choosing? that is the idea, very creative, behind fund rise. this is commercial real estate plat for that uses crowd funding to connect investors directly with developers. joining me now, is fund rise cofounder daniel miller. daniel, this is inspired. we find this story fascinating
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because it allows a retail investor without millions of dollars to actually invest but explain to us how it works. >> so we really want to empower people to invest in real estate around them. the way the platform works, anybody can come on to the platform, look at specific real estate projects and invest as little as $100. we're taking asset classes traditional reserved high net worth institutional investors and allow everyone to participate in it. liz: start with as low as $100 investment. >> yeah. liz: how do you pick your projects? >> projects are submitted to us and we vet. the one thing we focus on initially real estate companies come to the plat for. we have them create a profile, build a brand and connect with many investors. there are not many companies that have consumer presence. having retail investors be a part of it, it is important to connect with investors the once in the site they can set up deals we'll market out and allow anybody alongside to invest.
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liz: give us an example. if i'm going down the street and i see a huge maul is going up, can i somehow connect through you and somehow invest in this project if i believe that the surrounding demographics will make it a success? >> that's the idea. i mean people, interact with real estate every day. there are always development projects aphappenning around them. but to date they haven't had impact to invest. they have very few choices toe. this is platform that allows you to build and connect with your surroundings. one project we actually started with the first project was 8th street northeast in washington, d.c. we raised $325,000 from 175 people. that actually took us two years of regulatory filing to get through the process. we found it is difficult to offer investments to retail investors under traditional jobs rules. liz: i thought jobs act was supposed to make crowd funding little easier. >> the jobs act will help but
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rules are not in place. in each state we have to file for that we're selling securities in. so it's a lengthy process. liz: the viewers watching you are potential capital venturists. make a pitch they could potentially see? >> you're cutting out a lot of middleman. a lot of private equity firms and finance groups in the middle are ground. most of the returns on the website are between eight and 1 1%, depending on deal and location. and it is shared to the benefit of the real estate company and the investor. liz: there are other competitors. i funding, breaker, realty mogul. what makes you different? >> we started this. we're started in july 2010. launched first public offering in august of 2012. most importantly the only platform has done an offering to anybody. allowed anybody to invest as little as $100. all the other platforms are limited to accredited high net worth investors. liz: the company is fundrice.
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daniel, we think the it is interesting. >> thank you very much. -- fundrise. liz: you know who one of investors is? silverstein. he did the one world trade center. david: micro invest something a whole new thing and it has a lot of legs. we'll do more of these studies. u.s. home prices jumped the highest level in five years. this is not a equal across the country. where you can get the best bang for your buck coming up next. how many minutes or hours a day do you spend looking at your computer, smartphone, tv? you may be amazed of the extent of tech's addiction across the globe. a new study that will shock you. we'll get details coming right up. ♪.
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liz: according to the latest realtytrac report the median home price across the country is up 11% year-over-year, rising to about 172,000. that is the highest level since december of 2008. david: yeah, but as you know the recovery isn't even from coast to coast and that 172,000 doesn't look the same in every city. with us is author of, next
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generation real estate and founder of desimone and company real estate. thanks for coming in. >> thanks for having me. david: excuse me for mispronouncing your name. i bought a little studio apartment in manhattan about 25 years ago. it is now worth 300,000. for a place like cleveland, my 500 square foot could get what? >> luxury home in cleveland. four bedrooms, four baths on pool, acre of land. david: for the median, that 172,000, what could i get? >> 172,000 is median across the country. that is 3600 square foot, four bedroom foreclosed home. need as lot of work. sellers, were distressed. left it in junkie condition. still not bad for $174,000. liz: there you go. depends on location. we know real estate is location, location. i personally love cleveland. it is like my second home.
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i lived there. worked there. i think it is great so that is awesome. what have you seen across the nation? what is very rich like ultimate hard-clogging cheesecake of real estate and what is lean. >> california, san francisco, new york, the big cities are higher. high-end luxury market is not stopping. san francisco home had five offers. liz: it is a sellers market. >> it's a sellers market. different around the country. some markets are buyers market. can't say nationally one number or the other. depends what is going on. inventories are really low. david: you can't get san francisco, but you don't have to go far out of san francisco in order to get 170, something good for 172,000? >> walnut creek, california. off the bart. starter condo. commute into the city. close to the bart station. starter condo. david: looks kind of nice. >> for $174,000. liz: could we go to las vegas? that was a beaten-down, nevada got hammered by the subprime
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implosion. talk about where the prices stand right now, las vegas. >> that market came up last year up 25, 30%. that is still up. the bottom was so low that the height came really quick that was cute townhouse. three bedroom, two-bath townhouse. recently renovated. bought it at distressed sale and flipping it. starter home in great community. david: take the bart outside of san francisco to get a good deal but boston is tough. the perimeters of boston are pretty broad. tough go really far away in order to get something for 172. >> this is nearly 30 miles north, in north andover boston. same thing. starter condo. very cute. two-level townhouse. needs a little bit of work but fine condition. great for entry level buyer who can't afford to live in boston but want to be nearby. david: 30 miles, that is definitely good hour commute. >> that is hour commute. liz: that comes as an issue if you want to be near a met dropped police.
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i saw on the list detroit home prices are up 23%. >> people think detroit was so distressed, so many foreclosed homes and distressed homes. investors came into the market with a little bit of risk. they think it has to turn back around. liz: artist colonies are sprouting up. you have big name investors and companies like shinola are pretty cool. they have a hip factor. >> it is city. people want to live in cities. probably one. cheapest cities in the country. peel will eventually come back. artists start showing a trend. cheap real estate where artists go first. david: they have one hell of a baseball team. have to give them back. brandon, great to see you. appreciate it. liz: wonderful to have you. david: well, americans are hooked on smartphones and tablets but guess what we're not most addicted to? next we'll tell you which nation is actually more addicted to these gadgets than we are. liz: who among us isn't fed up with being stuck in traffic jams? then you might be interested in a suitcased size commuting vehicle, yes, suitcase sized
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liz: time to take you "off the desk." we spend a long tame stare at screens, 6 1/2 hours. david: seven hours a day? liz: most tech obsessioned countries might surprise you according to internet guru, mary meeker. asia, nine hours of screen time. italians spending a lot of time using electronics. just about five hours a day. u.s. came in sixth for the most tech-addicted country. brits spend the most time watching tv. tablets are most popular in the
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philippines. near gearians spend most time looking at smartphones -- nigerians. >> brits like to sit back and watch tv. also "off the desk." tired of dragging your suit heavy suitcase through airports, right? here is solution. arrived on it. a chinese entrepreneur obtained a patent for electric suitcase scooter. liz, it can go 12 miles an hour. can carry up to two people. this guy is not wearing a helmet. he will probably fall off and sue somebody. if you don't know where you're going, the suitcase scooter comes equipped with a gps navigator and burglar alarm an horn. the idea took the entrepeneur 10 years to develop. i guess it weighs about 20 pounds. liz: i love that. david: i wouldn't trust it at all. it is not very wide. liz: we have watt to watch tomorrow. number two tomorrow, will be speeches by three federal reserve members in stanford, california. jeffrey lackwer will speak at
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2:00 p.m. eastern and philly god president charles plosser and san francisco fed president john williams will discuss monetary policy on a panel after markets close. david: watching after hours we'll watch the market to see how that affects it. number one thing to watch tomorrow will be the final reading of may consumer sentiment, set to be released at 9.55 a.m. eastern time. they expect sentiment to be upwardly revise to 82.5 from preliminary reading 81.8. everything is being revised because of the downturn of the economy in the first quarter, down a full percentage point. liz: down five percentage points after hours is lions gate stock. getting hammered following earnings. they meet on the bottom line. beat on bottom line coming in at 46 cents a share versus expectation of 40 cents but the revenue was a big miss.
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721.9 million versus the expectation of 823. their fourth quarter revenue, falling 8.1%. david: down about 5% right now. we will be watching lion's gate tomorrow. "the willis report" is next. gerri: hello, everybody, i'm gerri willis. right now on "the willis report," the gm oral scandal, was there a cover-up? the engineer at the center of the fiasco speaks to congressional investigation tort the. the latest case of waste, fraud and abuse in medicare. is your doctorrying off taxpayers. slight delay or canceled? no problem. warren buffett says there is new way to make money from lousy airline service. we're watching out for you on "the willis report." gerri: secret waiting lists allegations of corruption and widespread core are are up shun at va.
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