tv Varney Company FOX Business June 3, 2014 11:00am-1:01pm EDT
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allergies. thank you, ladies. have a great day. time for varney and company. stuart, over to you. stuart: what kind of a trend is this? youngsters living with mom and dad. the team unemployment rate is 15% in some areas. in seattle, they voted to double wages. the command economy rolls on. how about this, a guy text all night. he ends up with a detached retina. how could that happen? "varney & company" is about to begin. ♪ ♪ stuart: dare i say same old same
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old. we were down 20 points, up 20 points, to date we are down 40. extremely light volume. we have another record for the edison deep. we are at 1920 right now. close to the record. look at that in year treasury. the yield still around 10.5%. we are now at 2.54. all right. new software. new apps. ceo tim cook goes on the attack against microsoft and google. something of a your and. apple is up. we have reuters. at least 74 have died in crashes
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linked to fault the switches. ford motor company also sells more cars and make compared to a year ago. $16 a share. that is the market. not much action. not much volume. we are calling it the millennial malaise. close to one third of youngsters still live at home with their parents. teenage unemployment tops 50%. what is behind this trend? are they soft? is this a cultural shift? are they big domes of student debt, victims of a no good job economy.
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hereto settle. all out. let's not forget, charles payne, fresh off the debut. he started his new show last night. how could we forget this guy? charles: thank you very much. stuart: give us that economic reason for this millennial malaise. >> the u.s. economy has been growing at exactly half the pace it did for 20 years. it just is not creating a loss of jobs. on top of that, it has shifted. if you have a degree in anthropology, you are not cool.
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stuart: do you think we have all% growth for a couple of years, some of this would go away? >> a lot of it would clear out. eventually, they would find their way. stuart: you are a millennial. what is your generation up to? you are living at home. that is pathetic. explain yourself. >> this is a cultural shift. 1968-2007. after that we see the shift of more land deals living at home. this is related to declining rates of marriage. greater college enrollments. they count living in a dorm room as living at home. unemployment is certainly part of it.
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i think it is great that millennial's are waiting longer to marry. i think it is behind the numbers more so than these economics. stuart: you reject flat out that millennial's all lazy. >> i think it is part of it, but no. stuart: do you think that there is an element of cultural shift here? we are becoming more like europe. >> i think that economic conditions are encouraging people to stay in school longer because they cannot find a job. however, i do not think that they are lazy. i have been teaching since 1970.
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i think these kids are hard-working and more ambitious. stuart: we have the statistics. in some areas, the unemployment rate amongst teenagers is 50%. you have said a part of that is laziness. they do not want to go out and get a job. they are cushioned by a while by a welfare state. charles: there are a lot of kids that need to step it up. stuart: are they lazy? charles: part of it is also policies. one of the top five cities is san francisco. they have the top minimum wage in the country. all they are doing is suppressing economic activities
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for young people. here is the thing, i would like to see younger people start getting married. the difference between millennial's getting married and living at home is just 3%. >> the one thing i will say is only 45% of millennial's living at home are unemployed. these kids are working hard. they are trying to find jobs. stuart: stay there for a second. i have to return to the markets for a second. i have casino stocks. local, bring it up to speed. nicole: right now we are seeing when resort, mgm, all down. the revenue that came in the month of may was about $4 billion. growth has been slowing.
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the good light at the end of the tunnel is the next year or so, you will see growth from galaxy. they will be opening new resorts. that will provide more capacity for the area. stuart: thank you very much. more on the va scandal. a therapeutic aquatic pool. get this. months before the closing, that same medical center approved more than a million dollars in bonuses. were they out of funds because they paid the bonuses? charles: we talk about the government in general. spending our money. no consequences. bonuses going to people that did not earn them. it is spend, spend, spend,
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spend. spend it and figure it out later. stuart: that is the nature of government. charles: this really magnifies it. we have people dying. we have all of these shenanigans at the va. stuart: obama gets an f. that is where his management -- the va scandal. would you give them a grade overall as americans ceo? >> i would give him and asked. think about that ap reporters. the irs scandal and so forth. it has been one after another. i think you just is not paying attention. he used to complain about george bush being lazy.
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stuart: that is a good out you. millennial's, they do not have to pay tax. not many of them paid serious federal income tax. not many of them have to go to the government for their healthcare. >> they are seeing the absolute failure of government. they are seeing their premiums triple. i think we will see a shift away from democrat. stuart: you think? >> i think so. stuart: the turnout is very important this november. >> i am just nodding yes. really important. the structure needs to turnout as well. stuart: thank you, everybody. almost out of time. charles, stay there. president obama allows the release of five taliban
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the numbers are impressive. over 400,000 new private sector jobs... making new york state number two in the nation in new private sector job creation... with 10 regional development strategies to fit your business needs. and now it's even better because they've introduced startup new york... with the state creating dozens of tax-free zones where businesses pay no taxes for ten years. become the next business to discover the new new york. [ male announcer ] see if your business qualifies.
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table. it is all about sausage, everybody. phil scheier up big. a percent. a lot of people do. a particular company, a particular stock. how many people asked about that? charles: one person did. this is a group that people ask about a lot of the time. they beat the street. before that, they had a string of mrs. earning estimates starting to really creep up. they have one that they are really focused on. 132 barrels of oil. it works out. this stock will go a lot higher.
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i would definitely hang on to it. stuart: by the way, what is this about that energy space? charles: the energy sector. stuart: the u.s. turned over five high level detainees. ignore for a moment that there are allegations that he was a deserter. all rise, the judge is here. you broke the story on this show at this time yesterday. >> there are two legal problems the president has. the notification of congress is not permission. it is not notification.
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it was supported by democrats as well as republicans. if you remove anybody, for any reason, you have to give congress 30 days notice. stuart: everybody? >> this is usually done in a letter to to the speaker of the house. he gave no notice was soever. the excuse was sergeant bergenfield was sick and we needed to get him medical attention right away. it does not seem like it is a notice sufficient to justify breaking the law. you know what you said, i am not sure i want to follow this law.
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i am not sure it is constitutional. i remind him of his old. he shall peacefully execute the office of the president of the united states. stuart: move onto the second area of legality. the federal statutes prohibit anybody -- that is a very broad definition. it applies to money, it applies to maps, it applies to professional services. shearing a cavity and osama bin laden and two. a political, professional service. if an american goes to a terrorist training camp, said
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there and applauds and then leaves, that is applying to a terrorist. stuart: that is a legal problem. >> this guy caught bergdahl -- stuart: the president said this morning that this is how wars and. he was the last american room -- he was the last american remaining. stuart: he left the message and his dad saying he wanted to renounce his citizenship. charles: there was also a letter to his parents. you said the president knows
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everything we are talking about. >> i agree with you. i do not know how any ideology could justify what he just did. you have an american president in the post- 9/11 era. the government has flaunted the constitution by creating this devil's island and cuba. stuart: you know what is coming. nothing. absolutely nothing. >> in the bergdahl case, they must seriously investigate whether or not to court-martial him. stuart: they may still pursue a desertion investigation. >> i think they have to do that.
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you have to have a trial here. who knows what went through his mind. there may be another side that we do not even know about. nothing will happen. nothing. >> nothing will harm a hair on the president's head. this is an election year. they may lose control of the senate. charles: and the morale amongst the military. >> the morale is really bad within the intelligence community. the president outdid the chief in afghanistan and rejected the advice from his own intelligence community. stuart: judge, thank you very much indeed. as always.
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♪ >> moving to january. stuart: the european season. >> you have a u.s. partner and 21st century fox. they did not expect it to be played in the middle of the nfl playoffs. stuart: all about the alleged bribery for the world cup soccer. here is the guy who runs international soccer. here are some of your comments. leroy, i say, they should retire
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him and replace him with sir alex ferguson. that would be an improvement. he has ran soccer for too long. did we have lynn questioning our coverage of sports. why all the concern about this topic? where is all the outrage of the illegal acts of this president? corruption and politics in the world of soccer? o, the humanity. very funny, mr. viewer. we cover it all. we want a fast paced program that brings you everything you need to know. that is what we do. keep the comments coming, please. short and to the point, if you
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will. this ad has gone viral. look at it. ♪ stuart: nike put the ad online before they put it on tv. it got 78 million views in the first day it was on the web. people choose to see it, by the way. you instantly reach millions of people around the world. a fraction of the cost of traditional tv advertising. that, i suspect, is the future. dan marino, he and 14 other former players suing the nfl. they say the league knew there
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was a link between concussions and long-term health problems. we have time for charles? you have 10 seconds. charles: you know what, we are covering a lot of things we covered here. listen, i wish for the best for all of these guys. the dan marino's of the world are doing pretty good. stuart: all right. charles: everyone knew what they were getting into. it is a brutal game. not a surprise. dan marino should be whole. maybe a guy that did not make a lot of money. hopefully they can afford a lawyer. stuart: the apple event that started yesterday was a flop.
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charles: this show is for the but crowd. you work on a computer. do you drink coffee. you are an the market, my man. here is the thing, you are on the consumer side of it. stuart: that was a clip from charles show. charles: we will tackle the same millennial question. i think it is more cultural. we will talk about that, too. we are pushing them down the wrong path.
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stuart: are you going to say you are lazy? charles: how do you beat, lazy? we have big chicks sitting in the nest. stuart: okay. it is a spinoff. does not matter. make us some money now. charles: i have talked about this before. it is an electronic component. an amazing earnings report this morning. this stock has done extremely well. always go for the best. stuart: is this a chinese company? charles: i do not think so.
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stuart: apple. let's get to that. and understatement to say that they did not quite while the crowd peered no new hardware announced. no word on a new iphone. just some upgrades to the ios and mac software. we have an all-star technology panel with us today. it is a snooze fest. a disappointment. tell me i am wrong. >> i was in the audience. i definitely was not sleeping. a lot of developed announcements. we are seeing some small updates
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to ios and the mac system. this is not the mind blowing stuff we expect from apple. what we look for is an addition to apples lineup of gadgets, if i can call them that. consumer products. >> joanna and i would probably have the same perspective. you did not get it here, but you will probably get it this fall. a more usable experience across all of your devices. that is what you got yesterday. you are seeing it being late to the foundation yesterday.
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stuart: enough of your expectations on the software side. >> it is a big deal. most people do not understand how it will impact their lives directly. that is what people get. that is what consumers get. stuart: the stock went down yesterday. back up a little bit today. it had a nice run up going into this conference. who is the great innovator in the tech world today? is it google? is it apple? >> we saw apple yesterday.
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you have samsung in the mix. when you look at what apple was announcing yesterday, making all the devices work better together, it was a big shock to google. >> apple is clearly innovating at a pace greater than google. google is doing satellites and robots and all of this. technology. stuart: russ, you are not a stock analyst, i know that,. >> it is more of an open product. it is software to only allow certain things. it is almost like carnegie
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owning every facet in the united states. i keep that is why apple has been so successful. they are very closed down. stuart: joanna, one last question. were you in a minority being a woman at the conference? >> yes. that is usually the case. i did see angela aarons walk through the crowd. stuart: thank you very much, indeed. after the forthcoming break, for stories on americana. the outdoors, w, nascar.
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control of two computer networks that hackers use to steal millions of dollars. they encrypt personal data so hackers can demand a ransom to unlock it. panera bread says it plans to remove all additives. a growing concern about food that we buy in restaurants and grocery stores. a famous nascar family getting into fishing. that is ahead. ♪ [ male announcer ] whether it takes 200,000 parts,
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whiskey. it is sophisticated these days. people around the world, especially in china, south korea, australia led a more whiskey go across seas. stuart: if the foreigners want to buy it, i think we should sell it. what is wrong with that? thank you very much, indeed. all right, nicole, you have a story about krispy kreme. nicole: i do not think whiskey really goes with donuts. krispy kreme is down. that outlook that they are giving here, the first-quarter profit did well enough. they did say the severe weather did hurt their results. lowered the i guidance for the
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year. giving a weaker outlook. stuart: ouch. that one hurts. how is this for americana? a combination of two items. fishing and nascar. joining us, kerry earnhardt -- together, they have tackle grab. this is a website that personalizes fishing supplies sent to you via the internet. what the hell are you going to do with nascar fishing? >> well, nascar fans are huge fishing fans. over 25 million nascar fans go out and fish. stuart: you got together. you know nascar.
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you know that market. you come up with this tackle grab to combine fishing. is that it? >> knowing dale junior and myself, it is outdoors. it is the brand. the enjoyment of outdoors. down from generation to generation. we have mutual friends that was working with tackle grab. they thought it was a great partnership. stuart: hold on a second. tackle grab. i go online to tackle grab. you will send me a box of online fishing stuff. you will send it once a month, if that is what i want. >> tackle grab is a lot like birch box. stuart: fishing guys.
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i have to get to the financials. you have how many subscribers in the two years? >> 6000. stuart: that is all? >> it is not so bad. they were only able to acquire 1000 members. they went to 125,000 members over an 18 month time frame. stuart: is it your name? >> it is the earnhardt brand. we are using nascar. we have created a lifestyle brand of outdoors. they love fishing, hunting and racing. why not reach out to that market? stuart: absolutely.
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there are fewer hunters out there. i suspect that there are fewer fishermen, to. >> that is not the case. 60 million that enjoy fishing on and annual basis. stuart: people who have gone fishing maybe once in the past year. >> it is more than that. people fish on a regular weekend is roughly half of that. that number that represents the u.s. economy is close to 48 billion. the sales that we are targeting is 6 billion. stuart: what is in the box? can you personalize it? >> you fill out a profile based on your tech meeks and what you fish for. they put tog a box for you. stuart: one bucks a month for six months.
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do they do that? >> depending on the plan you by. right now, our biggest members are the month to month. the second-- stuart: one last question. >> speaking of racing, you are from britain. stuart: i am not familiar. >> it is in england. it is pretty neat. it is a lot of fun. stuart: everybody knows exactly
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what happened? life happened. stress. fun. bad habits. kids. kids. kids. now what? not milk. not sheep. not that. let's think smarter. let's get some science in here. let's build a bed. another bed? no, a smarter bed a entirely new sleep number bed that tracks your movement, your heartbeat, your breathing - sensors working directly with the dual air chambers - yeah you need the air chambers. introducing the sleep number bed now with sleepiq technology. it tracks your sleep patterns and tells you how to adjust for... a good night's sleep, a better night, and an awesome night. so what sleep number adjustments make the difference? try cranking it up? adjust it down? a little bubbly? or nix the late night flicks? wait, you'll know what works, cuz sleepiq™ technology tells you. and all you have to do is sleep. which is easy. only at a sleep number store,
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mattresses with sleepiq start at just $999.98 because everyone deserves a great night's sleep. know better sleep with sleep number. stuart: okay. who are the light just private land owners in america and how much do they own? cheryl casone has the answer. cheryl: you know a couple of these names. the wealthiest of the wealthy. the irving family. james irving. brad kelly. they own texas, florida and new mexico. the emerson family. california and washington. the business has been around for about 100 years.
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guess who is coming in at number two? stuart: ted turner who i used to know very well. and then john malone. cheryl: he has 2.2 million acres. this is twice as much acreage as you would find in the state of delaware. twice as big as delaware. stuart: ted turner. cheryl: 2 million acres. he has property in 12 states and argentina. i kid you not. also john malone, he has been buying land in ireland and has some overseas properties as well. they have been snatching up land at a record price. seattle. a $15 an hour minimum wage.
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stuart: president obama said out to transform america and looks like he's doing it. massive student debt and 1-third 18-424-year-olds eat at home. the president, an alleged deserter from the taliban dream team, kills the cold industry to look good to the united nations. welcome to the second hour of "varney and company". headlines is noon hour, tuesday. seattle votes for a $15 an hour minimum wage. city council member sally clarke says it is uncharted territory. use on the show today. bring on their i say the
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extremists? indict the president says author and the mccarthy and he is here too. here come the robots. we are told they are about to become part of our lives. tell me what they will do for me and tell me now. big board's this tuesday morning. the lower tune of 40 points holding above $16.07. the s&p off of its highs for this moment, $19.20. rising fast, that is up, 2.5%, that is up from $2.42 a week ago. what does that mean? pilgrim's pride raises its offer for hills sure, this is all about toning jimmy dean sausage and ballpark franks, hills is stock up, 9% today. so much for the recalls, gm sales up in may compared to you go. gm stock just below $35 a share.
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seattle city council unanimously approved a $15 hourly minimum wage more than twice the federal level. sally clarke is one of those councilmembers. she joins us from seattle. welcome to the program. i know you've voted for the $15 per hour and you are quoted by the way in the new york times today saying we are going into uncharted territory. comfortable with that? >> i would love to say i am completely comfortable with it but like everyone i'm excited to do something for low-wage workers in seattle. i am cautious, want to make sure this works. we have adopted a plan that will work for the city of seattle. stuart: what you have done is something very different because you are not just legislating a minimum wage, you expanded the whole concept, legislative and enforcing by law a living wage which is very different from
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mere minimum-wage. >> i would love to see we legislated a living wage but the $15 figure would not be a living wage in the city of seattle for an individual or someone -- stuart: is different from the concept of a minimum wage which would pay for teen users as entry-level jobs. $15 an hour. very different. >> that is the challenge in america, in seattle, the middle of the country, wherever you are, a lot of those things where you and i think minimum-wage is for the teenager who has a summer job or part-time student, these are jobs adults, people with kids, mid career, are having to take as a result of coming out of the recession, real radical shift in our economy about jobs that coming in, leaving, and we have far more people who are really having to live significant parts of their lives starting out at a minimum wage not a steen majors but as their-year-olds,
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40-year-olds. stuart: when you move up to $15 an hour what about teenagers? they won't get those jobs. they are really not. the employer, will go with someone with far more experience. as of today we have a teenage unemployment rate of 50%. i put it to use that by raising the minimum wage in seattle to $15 an hour you are squeezing out already marginalized workers, teenagers. >> the data doesn't support the rise in the minimum wage is a problem for teenage workers. we have seen the trend in the decline for a couple decades now and -- stuart: it won't help them. there is no way a that will help in doing this. >> big concern about younger workers, big concerns about
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people with disabilities, people trying to find a first shot after being lost for awhile after an coming out of school and those are places we have as a city need to invest in training and opportunities and figure out what it takes for a business to give somebody the first job when there low-skilled or low experience because more people icy king jobs would pay a better minimum-wage. a lot of ways the better minimum-wage hopefully keeps families more stable, is better for neighborhoods, better for the city overall. that is the direction we need to go. stuart: thanks for joining us, appreciate you being on the show. let's bring in scott kennedy in chicago. in chicago they are considering something similar, a big shift in the minimum-wage within the city of chicago, not $15 an hour but something close. >> it is ridiculous.
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the world's is truly upside down. what i heard is they are legislating 100% any low-paying job. what do we do about the baby sitters? have a national movement for baby sitters to get paid $15 an hour or something as simple as letting the market decide? i say it is one big smokescreen, so is legalization of pot for the revenues of pot pardon the pun but the legalization of online gambling. those three things, minimum-wage, marijuana, online gambling a smokescreens for one simple fact that the government has not delivered on an economy. economy -- we are not having this conversation, we are not legalizing paco and not legalizing online gambling so it is the government's fault instead of making it a government issue we turned it back on the small employer who now has to pay a tax because we don't have enough kids working but low-paying jobs were always meant to be low-paying jobs. there is competition for jobs because the engineer can't get his engineering job anymore and
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has to take a step down those jobs were never meant to be careers simple as that. stuart: that was a pretty good debate. i think i am right. i do believe chicago wants to raise its minimum wage. >> they do. >> we have 33% unemployment rate for teenagers here as well. it is not the employers's fault, it is the government's fault. stuart: you make so much sense it is crazy. see you again soon. nicole petallides is going to bring it down big. what stock it is and why. >> that is crazy too. down 42% for quicksilver. the stock is down 42% today, $3.36 a share, second quarter loss widened, that is not good. sales swindling, you think of surfing and also snow gear as
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well but certainly known for their search for bathing suits and the like so eating a new 52 week low, other names you know hitting new lows, and whole foods market. stuart: look at coach down 40. >> not at its worst. stuart: that is interesting. take the overall big picture. the dow industrial average ten days now, really going virtually nowhere and the volume is extremely light, very slow trading, very little price movement. maybe everyone is waiting for the big jobs number that comes out friday morning. you have very slow, very slow trading at the moment. here's a new guest on the show. he is a new york times best selling author, former prosecutor, he has a book that makes serious efforts to build an indictment case against president obama. repeat, indictment. the book is called faith was
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execution. andrew mccarthy is the author is here with m in new york. indictment is a very strong words. >> i think the word is impeachment. and the criminal justice system for criminal case, my argument is whether there is a political case to remove him from power and the theory of the book is the legal case for impeachment, establishing high crimes and misdemeanors which are not statutory offenses, conduct unbecoming, dereliction of duty and the like. stuart: give me one example, an overwhelming air tight case for the president of the united states's impeachment. >> the main duties faithful execution of the law, the only constitutional officer who has to take an oath to execute the laws faithfully. stuart: he has not done that?
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>> president obama's fans will admit he doesn't follow the law. if you look at obamacare, there are numerous institutes where he has taken it on himself to amend, rewrite or otherwise not in force or enforce provisions selectively. stuart: i put into use that you may well make a good case and a lot of people would agree with you, absolutely nothing will happen. this president will not be impeached and if he was he wouldn't be successful. >> two things. i make that point in the book as well. the framers in the genius, it is one thing to have legal high crimes and misdemeanors, to remove the president you need a consensus of the american people, the will of the people has the support and we don't have that right now and -- stuart: they think it will? >> making the argument may have the country say i don't know if we want to remove this guy, but presidential lawlessness is an
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important issue. requiring the president to follow the law is important and maybe it is time to give the president's opposition in congress a backbone to do something about it like start cutting off the funds that allow the president to conduct this business. stuart: you will be characterized as an extremist, as a wing nut. those are not my words. you will be characterized in that way and your response is? >> read the book. impeachment can never be an exercise in partisan hack 3. the framers in their genius really gave us a system where unless you have a consensus of the american people to remove the present from power it can't be done but that doesn't mean presidential lawlessness is an important. is extremely important in terms of our liberty. stuart: the faithless execution, building a political case for obama's impeachment. got to get the word right. thank you for joining us. if you are a regular varney viewer you know i own a tree
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farm. there is good money and would. after the break the star of a new reality tv shows that is all about logging in russia. more on this next. >> 40 below. >> i can't deal with the fingers. >> know where -- >> no idea what you are saying. >> hard and fast. we're moving our company to new york state.
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the numbers are impressive. over 400,000 new private sector jobs... making new york state number two in the nation in new private sector job creation... with 10 regional development strategies to fit your business needs. and now it's even better because they've introduced startup new york... with the state creating dozens of tax-free zones where businesses pay no taxes for ten years. become the next business to discover the new new york. [ male announcer ] see if your business qualifies.
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stuart: watch out, crispy cream gives a dismal outlook, dow egos, 14% just like that. is the alarming number that got us all talking today. 30% of millennials 18 to 34, a third of them live at home with their parents. here's what our president millennial had to say about that last hour. >> honestly i can't think of a lazy millennial. my millennial friend of being educated greater numbers. stuart: harsh words, lazy. liz macdonald is here fresh back from a trip to europe with a lot of lazy people. would you describe these millennials because they are living at home as lazy?
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>> they are not lazy. when you have half of the generation that is underemployed or unemployed is not about laziness. there is something else going on. we're four years so to speak into the recovery. what we have is washington d.c. that is in love with reform no matter what. they think activity for achievement, we will do bailouts and have the central-bank economy. when you have job growth, few research has the same finding last year, 36% of millennials living with their parents, it is an economic reason because there -- stuart: 9 won't say lazy but you need a push to get out of the house, got to take any job that comes and live with friends or something but get out of the house. >> i understand that. my e issue is people in washington d.c. need to get some much information all day long.
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if you want to create jobs you get that $2 trillion cash parked overseas back home, get those companies or moving headquarters overseas back home, change your policies. stuart: okay, think we got it. >> i gave you a mouthful. stuart: we like a little emotion on the show and you delivered today. you stay here. i want to show you the big board because i won't say this is come back time we were down 37 points before liz gave us the rent. that was a rand. >> it was good information. stuart: wearily down 22 points following the ranch. here's a guy with a really tough job, look at this. >> the russians and the americans have uprooted their lives to make a fortune in
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siberia. if they could cut all 80,000 trees on the colonel's block, they could make half a million dollars. but they will only succeed if they can put decades of differences behind them. stuart: a pretty good set up. his name is sean van and he is the star of siberian cut on the discovery channel. is that right? >> that is right. stuart: you took over four u.s. loggers and got three russian loggers and seven of you have to cut 80,000 trees in this particular area. >> full opportunity we have. stuart: you have $500,000 for all those trees, not you personally, that is the cut. >> the company revenue on that. stuart: the show is all about the problems that you have got with u.s. loggers, russian loggers, siberia, arctic circle, what problems do you have? >> the problems we have that are
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the temperatures first of all. it is very cold there and when it gets down past-37, you don't log any more because it is too cold to have men in camp and is very dangerous. that is the temperature limitation. but half of the month in january and february. stuart: $64,000 question all my friends say you got to ask, the russians drink vodka? >> they do. "imus in the morning" when you don't let them go out with the chains of oregon or anything lethal. >> when we are in camp i run what we, dry camp. when we are at camp and on-the-job drinking is not allowed. it doesn't happen from time to time, i am sure it does. stuart: when you run up against the bureaucracy? >> not so much bureaucracy.
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once you have a concession, a lease to cut the timber on at least, a landowner that has that concession, once you are out there and cutting you don't run up against bureaucracy. you have infrastructure problems, no way to get the logs transported, no way to get the snow cleared. just no roads in the summer period. stuart: did the russian guys get along with the yanks? that is a big no. >> we got to tune in to see how it develops. it was amazing to have them both there and have groups of young men. stuart: how this all happened? >> we had a couple of blows thrown. i think it is -- it was maybe three or four. stuart: women. in the camp?
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>> no. other -- stuart: no women. >> they are fighting. >> no women, no booze. stuart: how did you get into this? >> i was in the logging business in montana when the clinton administration came in and environmental regulation went over the top and shutdown the national -- so anyway, i was forced to find work elsewhere and called and equipment vendor on the west coast. >> what is a russian crew's view of work versus americans view of work? did they work differently? >> very similar. the american guys brings versatility to the job site. the russian guys once they trained on one machine stay on that machine and it is hard to get them up to do some manual manual cutting. the american guys have been on different racine's, more than
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willing to jump out and do a day's hand labor. i stuart: stuart: i will be watching tonight. i love the gold mining shows. very similar. the discovery channel knows you are conservative? >> i don't know that i am a conservative. stuart: when you just said you were. >> no it didn't. stuart: when you're going on against clinton and the environmental movement. >> that doesn't put me in one party or another. stuart: you are not a conservative? >> i don't know how to describe myself. stuart: when you came on the show. the board. >> what does it matter? stuart: our country is being run into the dirt by liberals and state is in. >> absolutely. >> so you are not a conservative. >> i don't know what i am. >> for industry, for work. of the one did you know that i own a tree farm in the catskills? red oak and hard maple?
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>> 1100. would love to see it some time. but nothing on it from time to time? >> that is another entire discovery showing and of itself. >> love to see it. stuart: let me tell you i don't care what his politics are he is coming back. only a few good jobs, cute student debt. my take on that and a personal story about the millennial generation coming up next for you.
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[ the human league's "human" plays ] humans... sometimes life trips us up. sometimes we trip ourselves up. and although the mistakes may seem to just keep coming at you... so do the solutions. like multi-policy discounts from liberty mutual insurance. save up to 10% just for combining your auto and home insurance. call liberty mutual insurance at... to speak with an insurance expert and ask about all the personalized savings available for when you get married, move into a new house, or add a car to your policy. personalized coverage and savings -- all the things humans need to make our world a little less imperfect. call... and ask about all the ways you could save.
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liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy? ...i got lots of advice, but i needed information i could trust. unitedhealthcare's innovative, simple program helps moms stay on track with their doctors to get the right care and guidance. (anncr vo) that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare.
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that corporate trial by fire when every slacker gets his due. and yet, there's someone around the office who hasn't had a performance review in a while. someone whose poor performance is slowing down the entire organization. i'm looking at you phone company dsl. check your speed. see how fast your internet can be. switch now and add voice and tv for $34.90. comcast business built for business. stuart: here is a headline for you. gamblers not dropping money like they used to. when that hit down go the gaming stocks and 19 down big. a young friend of mine has just
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graduated college. he has $84,000 worth of student debt. he does not have a job yet, he has gone back to live with his parents. he is a good kid. solid work ethic, he is not a mature. he is facing the reality of being a millennial in obama's america. he is not happy and i get the impression america is not happy that 1-third of 20 somethings live with mom and dad. not happy at all. plenty of blame to spread around. my young friend made a dodgy decision when he borrowed money to get an expensive education. he could should have figured out he misspending a lot of money and had to pay back. in a bad move. he should know it. how about college? they told him he would get a job, no problem, they cut costs, did they make his degree more affordable? they did not. they can't him and charged him an arm and a layup. then there is president obama and his failure to bring back
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solid economic growth. that is where most of the blame lies. kids go to college because regeneration that education was the way to improve yourself. that works best when the economy is growing fast and creating the kind of jobs that let you move up the ladder. five years we had the opposite, slow-growth, shrinking middle class and half the jobs we are creating are very low paid. it is very sad to see people like my young friend, he really wants to start his own life and sad to see the cultural shift of young people. i will make the judgment that youngsters should be on their own. is that the american way? you got to make your mistakes, you experience lack of money and lack of comfort. is a great incentive to get out there, work and succeed, get off your backside. i don't think it is a good sign when a big chunk of a whole generation lives of mom and dad. i don't think the kids wanted either. let me say one more time
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winds, $428,000 but came in third place last night in the game. that makes her the second longest and second-biggest winning streak in jeopardy history. who was the guy, i forgot his name. >> ken jennings. stuart: if she did 20 consecutive wins? >> is was 74 but that was a decade ago. it is interesting, she is using the money to go to paris to pay off for student loans, she's not going to buy a house. stuart: do you watch jeopardy? >> i've of jeopardy but didn't get to see this. stuart: how many questions do you get right? >> me? half, not even. stuart: you got half? >> on a good night. i like trivial pursuit better. stuart: i am lucky to get 20% on a good night. my memory fails me. it is on the top of my tongue.
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>> that is unusual because you have a good memory. stuart: that was an attempted complement. >> rent cracker. stuart: welcome back, researchers working on a new chip that could bring three dimensional holographic displays to your smart phone. sounds good. is it? >> it is happening next year. the company comes from california. for nine years they have been working on these microchips or projectors the size of tictac. they sendoff images in 3d for your smart phone, send them to your smart watch and looking at a picture of the images here, this is princess leia. as we move into this futuristic world which is next year, you have facebook, the world of virtual reality, you have this, all these other tech companies, microsoft working on virtual
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reality rooms, the list goes on. we are going to be living in a world where we don't know what is real and what is fake with all the 3d images around us. stuart: very good point. what is real, what is fake, the rise of the machines, they're getting smarter, interacting with humans, the military is using them, industrial factories for example, making their way to our own homes so we are told. the ceo a fox objects knows about this. what do you think will be the first robot that i would buy and use in my home and don't say that vacuum cleaner numbers thing. a real robot. got anything in mind? >> i think a broader personal assistant robot could fix things, broader utilities than cleaning. that is very close, not just that, there are a lot of people
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-- something that is functional that can do multipurpose activities at home. stuart: you say it could fix things in my home. how close are we to an actual robot that could fix the drain, it is clogging. are you serious? you really think there is a robot around the corner to do that kind of thing? >> there are couple of distinctions lose if we look at recent headlines a lot of things happening on the production floor in business where they have specific purposes whether it is logistics and supply chain, those things are happening today and moving at a rapid pace. at home they are single purpose things happening. 5 or 10 years, you start to see them moving to the homes now these robots are going to learn faster. software is the new dna, it is so much faster and more progressive and that is allowing
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bigger companies and smaller companies to invest in different practice. i imagine a world in the next five or ten years with software on your iphone and what ever you call it you goes to the car and you will be the same thing driving you to work, you come home and put it in your personal assistant and will takeover home to these. those things are realities. not today but down the road. stuart: a good point. when we say the word robot we think of r2d2, but that is not the way it is going to be. when we say robots we should be talking robotics which is using computing power to have gadgets, one of these things do things for us, that is what we are talking about, isn't it? >> it totally is. there are a number of definitions but one is the form factor which will be the anatomy of the robot. the software is its mind and when we think of robotics we
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think of the name of the robot and a personality so you combine that together and it could be a self driving cars, recent acquisition amazon did where they are buying drones. to be a personal assistant at home. could be a virtual robot that sits in your phone but generally we identify the robot because of the anatomical structure. stuart: i think of you, you run bought objects, that is your property that you work with. are you working on this kind of thing? >> there are a couple distinctions. a lot of 3d printing companies have the word bosh in their name because it is a short extension to robotics because the principles around 3d printing are similar. where the rubber meets the road for 3d printing, they are going to be the place to go,
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replacement parts or enhancement parts for robots. we think of this a lot. on the software side. awhile ago we showed a really basic plastic robot. it won't be huang before the software has multiple wives and it can move from different devices. that will be really powerful from a car to our robot to a drone. stuart: that is fascinating. mark warner, you come back and see us soon because i like this futuristic stuff but can see myself buying it and using it but that is another story. come back soon, see you again. thanks very much. highly anticipated appleby event largely a yawn to make people think stock could hit $1,000, we are talking apples, you think it hit a thousand? after the break one market watcher says yes it can and yes it will. i ys say be thman with the plan
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but with less ergy, moodiness, i had to do something. i saw mdoctor. a blood test showed it was low testosterone, not age. we talked about axiron the onlynderarm low t treaent that can restore t vels to normal in about two weeks in most men. axiron is not for use in women or anyone younger than 18 or men with prostate or breast cancer. women, especlly those who are or who may become pregnant,
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and children should avoidt where axirons applied as unexpected signs of puberty in children or changes in body hair or incased acne in women may occur. report these symptoms to your doctor. tell your doctorbout all medical conditions and medications. serious side effects could include increased sk of prostate cancer, worsening prostate symptoms, decreased sperm count, ankle, feet or body swelling, enlarged or painful breasts, problems breathing while sleeping and blood clots in the legs. common side effects include skin redness or irritation where applied, increased red blood cell count, common side effects include skin redness headache, diarrhea, vomiting, and increase in psa. ask your doctor about axiron. >> auto sales were out this morning, nissan says the national sales record in may, u.s. sales jumping 19%. sales rose 17% last month, sales
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for general motors were unfazed by the massive recall, 13% in may, a 3% rise, the best in ten years. and increasing the price of dunkin donuts packaging in the u.s. and prices were expected to increase an average of 9% and the company said the increase is a result of the rising cost of food quality. the pay cut will be excluded in the price increase. coming up, standing by that, after yesterday's news. the real halftime report is next. stick with innovation.
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get the flexcare platinum from philips sonicare and save now. philips sonicare stuart: time for the real halftime report. nicole petallides, michael robinson in san francisco, liz new apps at the ere. apple conference, a total yonne, no new product. the stock goes to $1,000. >> what is important, what they're not paying attention to, apple setting itself as a leader in the field, and unified computing, all of your devices worked in a seamless construct. a huge market is wearable
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technology and health as a big driver of that, 70% year, apple is setting itself up as a leader in those fields and getting ready for the release of the i phone vi. it is an important move going into the fall. stuart: unified or universal computing, tell me that again. >> the experience, all the devices and your laptop, everything integrates but you can control your music, your television, your home automation, you can say i am going to bed and it will lock the garage door, turn off the television set, said the thermostat. stuart: i can see it, understand it. i am not sure i am ready for a or anyone else is ready for it but you are right, is coming, i got that. here's what else we got for you.
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gm, more debts linked to those faulty switch is. 9 reuters is saying essentially they found 74 deaths linked to air bags not being deployed. quince which is don't work, the air bags don't deploy so there's a question with is those -- the 74 is similar to the sales ignitions which, air bag deployment. big report due out within days is what we are hearing from the gm investigator, it will possibly get to the bottom, who knew what when and who is to blame. trial lawyers looking at this, now facing a one hundred lawsuits and congressional probes. stuart: stock goes up, $36 a share. to michael robinson again. tell us about lockheed martin and what is called a space fence. >> huge contract, $915 million. by 2018 with israel are very
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advanced radar system, lockheed martin is a leader in advanced radar. this will track 200,000 objects the size of a baseball. we are constantly launching new satellites, lot going on with satellite technology but also getting ready for the aerospace travel and got to -- we have a lot of junk floating around. is almost the $1 billion contract. the thing about lockheed martin is it has crushed the market over the last two years. is up 100% and the s&p 500 is up 50%. big move for them. stuart: we think google and avalanche facebook carmaking the moves. that is interesting. next up, panera. i understand it is going all natural. tell me about that. >> the ceo says listen, i want to serve the kind of food i want to lead. panera was among the first to go to chicken without antibiotics and calorie count on the menu so right now you see the stock down 1/4% and now getting rid of all
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the additives. there is the indulgent product on the menu, you won't have the extra stuffing you don't really needs, caramel cover, so when you go through bit by bit, the turkey and the homeless, trying to get rid of them. stuart: i hear it. one more time, back to you, the $15 minimum wage in seattle and jobless rate above 50% in some places around where you are. what do you say about the economy? >> this is really stupid move. we have been talking for months how politicians just can't seem to leave things alone. talk to small businesses, this is the worst thing you can do. their labor costs are disproportionate part of their overhead so this is the worst movie you can make at the worst time. 70% of americans think it is difficult for young people to get a job. this is really not a smart move.
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stuart: well said. we appreciate it. thanks for being in the halftime report today. see you again soon. man in china texting his girlfriend all night, in the dark. he suffers a detached retina. interesting story. could that happen to any of us? we will explain it next. (mother vo) when i was pregnant... i got more advice than i knew what to do with. what i needed was information i could trust on how to take care of me and my baby. luckily, unitedhealthcare has a simple program
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that helps moms stay on track with their doctors and get the right care and guidance-before and after the baby is born. simple is good right now. (anncr vo) innovations that work for you. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. [ girl ] my mom, she makes underwater fans that are powered by the moon. ♪ she can print amazing things, right from her computer. [ whirring ] [ train whistle blows ] she makes trains that are friends with trees. ♪ my mom works at ge. ♪
12:52 pm
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which is easy. only at a sleep number store, mattresses with sleepiq start at just $999.98 because everyone deserves a great night's sleep. know better sleep with sleep number. lou: a special report on fox news, bret baier sharing and intimate and personal story of the challenges his family faces with a son who had debilitating heart disease, bret baier joins me tonight with his new book special heart tonight, 7:00 eastern. please join us. stuart: 29-year-old chinese man is up texting his girlfriend, ends up with a detached retina. rushed to hospital, emergency surgery to repair his i. how can you explain a detached retina from texting? >> when you are in the dark on a
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bright cellphone the red knight is that a life sensitive layer tissue, is going to get pools meaning a detached retina. this is usually seen in older people. this is like a people for people not to take candy crush or text people in the dark before the go to bed. stuart: are you referring to -- >> anybody. usually you would see this among older people, now you see it in this case, it is -- stuart: when you have to get:00 on the side of the head to detach your read now. >> you text in the dark. text your producer like you torture him. stuart: got a number for you. when in six public school teachers out 18 days or more. liz: randy winegarden who runs the teachers' union attendance was 94%, what this study, teachers to have a 94% attendance record, what this
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study is saying is in certain school districts these teachers are out 18 days or more. this is bad because usually you have a teacher absent, 10 days or more, that when student performance, student needs, students need to that bond with their teachers. stuart: on top of which the teachers not get a long summer holiday, reasonable holiday at christmas and easter and teacher conference holidays and all the rest of it. liz: the absenteeism due to illness, personal reasons or job credentials they are learning going to school for. cleveland, columbus. stuart: i want to remind everyone randi weingarten was the lady left her job in new york after being in the teachers' union and took with her checks to the value of $190,000 for unused sick days and health days. interesting. your take on the entire show is next.
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[ the human league's "human" plays ] humans... sometimes life trips us up. sometimes we trip ourselves up. and although the mistakes may seem to just keep coming at you... so do the solutions. like multi-policy discounts from liberty mutual insurance. save up to 10% just for combining your auto and home insurance. call liberty mutual insurance at... to speak with an insurance expert and ask about all the personalized savings available for when you get married, move into a new house, or add a car to your policy. personalized coverage and savings -- all the things humans need to make our world a little less imperfect. call...
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stuart: one last question. >> charlotte, north carolina. stuart: mr. earnhardt subtitle. that is not true. [laughter] thank you. i speak english perfectly. let me know if you find my acts distracting and anyway. david on millennial living at home. parents are not preparing their kids to be independent. when i turned 18, i had three choices. all right, david, what did you do? you have to tell us. cindy asked this on seattle's new wage hike. they will be the next filing for bankruptcy. here is deirdre bolton.
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