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tv   MONEY With Melissa Francis  FOX Business  June 4, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm EDT

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target of a security breach of presidential proportions. at least he gets to dodge the dc yoga tax. even when they say it's not it is always about money. right now as you know we're getting the beige book at the top of the hour. peter barnes joins us from washington. peter? >> hey, melissa, all 12 he had federal reserve districts reported that economic activity expanded during the current reporting period. quote, the pace of growth was characterized as moderate in seven districts and modest in the remaining five regions. this is the summary of economic conditions that the fed will use at its next policy meeting in the next two weeks. nothing jumps out on any kind of economic weakening that might push the fed to change and pause its taper of its monthly bond purchases which it has been reducing at a pace of $10 billion a month. the beige book says consumer spending expanded across all districts to varying degrees and quote, increasingly strong new vehicle sales were reported by
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more than half the districts, a trend confirmed by the car companies themselves in reports yesterday. on jobs, the beige book says, quote, labor market conditions generally strengthened in the latest reporting period with hiring activity steady to stronger across most of the country. the beige book says 2/3 of the districts reported rising loan demand. melissa? dierdre: thank you so much for that, peter. we're watching the market right now, basically steady as we got the beige book it is up 15 points here on the dow. here fox business's charlie gasparino. we have hilary kramer from ag capital and dominic tavella. guys, anything jump out at you from what you just heard? >> more of the same. if you're an investor that is good i think. that means the fed will keep the current pace of tapering and not speed up its tapering in any way which is good for the markets. melissa: hillary, they were pretty positive, pretty positive. >> this is exactly what the fed needs to be able to end tapering in december. so really this can be used as a
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very important economic metric. melissa: okay, dominic. >> continued slow, moderate, grinding growth. nothing new. nothing stressful. >> that is good for investors. >> good for investors and good for interest rates. >> we knew car sales were strong. >> we already knew that. melissa: okay. all right, moving on then, walmart workers strike back. employees protesting in more than 20 cities across the country today to demand higher wages. you know, this is striking to me. once again you have workers out there protesting. they open ad brand new walmart in d.c. turns out harder to get a job at walmart than to get accepted at harvard than you look at percentage of people that got it. >> so you couldn't get a job at walmart? melissa: i don't know, maybe not. 23,000 people applied for 600 jobs. that is yield of 2.6%. the harvard acceptance rate is 5.7%. easier to get hired at goldman sachs than to get hired at walmart on a percentage basis and they're out there striking. >> look at this way.
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we heard an economic report that things are pretty hunky-dory. these protests prove they're not. i'm not against -- melissa: prove that they are not hunky-dory? i don't know, i think it proves they want a piece of that. >> proves people on the low end still are not making enough money. that is what this is about. low end wages are stagnant. there is not enough jobs in the middle. those middle good-paying jobs. we have an economy right now that produces jobs on the low end and jobs on the high-end. >> a lot of jobs on the low end. melissa: shows unions are pretty desperate and out there organizing. >> why do you dismiss their reality of the situation? i'm not saying i -- melissa: no one is being forced to work there. if it is so awful why are people -- >> they don't get paid a lot of money. >> why are they going after walmart? why are they going after mcdonald's. 75% of the jobs created are these low-paying, miserable, part-time jobs. that is charlie's point.
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why aren't they protesting in washington. >> that is where they should protest. >> for the impact, on wall street, what is the impact going to be if this goes forward with walmart, with mcdonald's? turns out walmart operating profit per employee, if you take two million employees is $15,000. if they go to a $25,000 a year minimum then walmart, walmart's heart begins go into the negative. >> we all know that. melissa: they would raise prices. >> maybes everybody's life more difficult. >> ask yourself why did occupy wall street went off the rails why did they resonate? there is issue of income inequality, no matter how you put it. melissa: the middle is disappearing. you're right about that. new poll show nearly six in 10 americans is impossible. they feel the dream however you define it is out of reach. what do you guys think about it? that is what we're talking about. >> if you become wealthy in this country you do it by education or entrepreneurship.
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we have one trillion of student debt in this country now. how will they pay their debt and be successful? being a business owner and profits horrible. >> i think there is opportunity here more than anywhere else in the world and anyone -- been here -- melissa: why is that not -- >> housing. comes down to housing and real estate costs. >> the american people -- melissa: young adults ages 18 to 34, most, they say they feel like the dream is unattainable. >> the american people are not stupid. these are real fears. i remember this debate back in 1980, right when ronald reagan first was elected and we were mired in a recession following those dismal carter years where people really didn't feel there was no future. the economy was horrible. we implemented some free market responses and things got better. that is the problem here. but there is clearly an issue here. there is not that opportunity -- melissa: go ahead. >> people are more inclined to complain especially 25-year-old
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generation. >> graduated with $5,000 of debt. my kids will graduate with $200,000 of debt. that is real. >> and lousy job prospects. melissa: elon musk telling tesla shareholders he is thinking of doing something fairly controversial regarding the company's patents. musk says no other automakers taken electric cars as seriously as tesla. is it possible he will actually release tesla's patented technology for the greater good? what do you think about this one? no, you don't think so? >> he is all about money, making money for the shareholders, blazing new trails. there is no way -- >> let's look, instead of thinking like a mogul, car mogul from detroit he is thinking like a computer guy from the silicon valley. think of android, think of iphone, opening up platform. letting new manufacturers come into the platform, making that platform more valuable. if he gets other auto
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manufacturers to team up and create better technology it helps him and helps everybody else. by opening up his platform he could add value. melissa: why would it be controversial. it has never been done. ford never shares technology with gm? melissa: if he has to warn shareholders an they will be upset about it? >> i have no idea. >> because it could undermind confidence. >> it is, it is bizarre that, you know, start -- i can't imagine steve jobs opening up his playbook to everybody. there has to be a, got to be a trojan horse here. there is some scam going on. i mean i don't care what anybody says. melissa: some sca appsorphdeveloper,heyreat ey cat f aroid look eg ee ? t obapg s irg hriol veryade ie me aot disabou tan en rea
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>>ouwhcary woer a his surit se a lhtwehts. our president is, talking about him lifting weights. melissa: they're like lady weights. that is what i work with in the morning. they're lady weights. hillary, does this concern you? are you offended me calling them lady weights? i'm a lady but i have a little bigger than that in the mning aomebody was able to take up close secret video of the president and put it out or do you think he wanted this out? >> i think big concern is embarassment. >> why would he want this one? look at that. what is he doing there? he is good at basketball. >> when he is on court that video is great. melissa: that is what you do work out. >> yes. ask some of the people work out with me. those weights are my weights. melissa: thanks, guys. say good-bye to airbnb.
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the apartment sharing site is cleaning house and done hosting your lousy orgies. forget it. men can't get enough of those moneymakers. guys being outearned by their wives and they're loving i. the princeton mom and my very own feminist hero charlie gasparino are ready to duke it out over this one. big money on the way. ♪. [ the human league's "human" plays ] humans... sometimes life trips us up. sometimes we trip ourselves up. and although the mistakes may seem to just keep coming at you...
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so do the solutions. like multi-policy discounts from liberty mutual insurance. save up to 10% just for combining your auto and home insurance. call liberty mutual insurance at... to speak with an insurance expert and ask about all the personalized savings available for when you get married, move into a new house, or add a car to your policy. personalized coverage and savings -- all the things humans need to make our world a little less imperfect. call... and ask about all the ways you could save. liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy?
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melissa: we're having fun here. walgreens stock seeing a lot of green today after the company reports sales go up. nicole petallides at the new york stock exchange. talk to me about this one. that's a nice looking chart. >> really is. beautiful day here for walgreens. that two-day chart shows you a big spike, up 4 1/2% today for walgreens. it is number two in the s&p 500. great positioning there and moving to a new high as well. why is all this happening for walgreen? they came out with same-store sales numbers that were looking good. they saw their sales rise 4.4% in may. the pharmacy part of their sales accounts for about 64% of their total sales for the month of
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may. so you do see that the pharmacy is seeing strength. while the customer traffic, this is amount of people going in there and walking through on their feet there, that actually dropped slightly down a half of a percent. the customers in there filled their baskets. so the basket size was bigger, basically hitting registers and spending more. customers that are there are indeed spending. back to you. melissa: all right, nicole, thanks so much. so married guys, look alive because the key to fewer fights and a better time in the bedroom could be your wife's paycheck. a new study finds that men are happier when they don't outearn their wives, as if that weren't enough. husbands who are not breadwinners, report more satisfying sex lives. here to discuss it, feminist hero charlie gasparino with princeton mom, author of marry smart, susan patton. [laughter]. charlie, what do you think about this. >> get it out of the way, charlie. melissa: would you be dazzled if your wife outearned you? would you be happy with that?
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>> this is part of the femmization of men in america. melissa: if is a positive or negative way you use that phrase. >> i don't know. i would not have a problem with my wife, i would not have a problem if my wife made more than me but clearly the role of men is becoming much more feminized. >> all could have things. yes, you would have a problem as most men wood. >> why? >> most men's egos couldn't possibly tolerate their wives outearning them, number one. melissa: would be thrilled if i outearned them. >> politically correct thing to say. melissa: like the extra money. >> more important, why would a woman want to outearn her husband? >> why not? >> let me tell you why. i read that same stupid study and they talked about the stupid study in "money" magazine. they measured hotness of their sex life as measure of happenness if that is only measure of happiness that. >> is good one. >> that is ridiculous. >> it is not up there. >> no, it is not up there. there are more important things.
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here is what i think is more important. women are still primary caregiver for the children. women are still primarily taking care of elderly parents. let me finish. women are still doing most of the housework. women are still -- >> i agree. >> women are exclusively gestating the baby for nine months. >> men are becoming weaker sex. >> women are bringing home bacon and frying it up in the pan, what are you guys doing? >> we are becoming weaker sex in this society. >> i don't know if -- melissa: when i look anecdotally at our friend and kids parents, the dads are carrying half the load. they are there at pickup. i mean i would say now, in my 4-year-old's class, 50% of the people picking up kids when school's over are the husbands who are unemployed, or less employed. and wife is primary breadwinner. it is happening more and more. >> bad for everybody. men have to step up. they can't continue to be underperformers.
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melissa: why? somebody has to earn the money and somebody takes care of the kids. why does it have to be a man or woman if. >> who has better job earnings more and works more. >> men have to have better jobs. men have to stepmen have to be s and ambitious. they can't rely on their wives to do absolutely everything. total turnoff for women. >> i feel like a piece of meat here. >> do you? melissa: do you feel objectified? >> i'm in the middle. melissa: you are objectified. >> i'm like man candythis conversation. >> you are the eye candy. that dresses up "charlie's angels." >> let you guys argue. melissa: think among families who have younger kids embracing this phenomenon that the wife is still doing more than the husband. i just don't see that, where the wife is primary breadwinner. she is not the primary child care provider. >> more so than the husband. >> by the way, this reminds me of scene in "jerry maguire." and
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remember all the women are sitting around complain about men? melissa: that's right. i know my husband will be thrilled if i made more money. he would be thrilled. anyway, moving on, just for a moment, let me tell you, i can't let you go before sharing this one. marital miss in minnesota. something old, something new, something borrowed, something bruised. look at this. an entire wedding party crashes into the water. >> oh, god. melissa: the dock giving way. this is hour before the ceremony. before it happened. luckily the massive amount of tafada kept the bride afloat. they obviously got a little wet. this is good lesson getting pictures out of the way. look at bridesmaids. they abandoned the bride. the bridesmaids are forget it. her fly into the water. >> metaphor in there about their future. melissa: maybe. i don't know about that. throwing the bouquet getting out of there. >> the argument against destination weddings.
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get married at leonard's of great neck. >> i went to mulberry street. melissa: thanks to both of you. living the high life. male trend for short shorts is sped spreading to swimwear. looking more comfortable. i'm covering my ice for this one. is this a big money loser for fashion's bottom line? leaving regular guys behind? real life bionic teen is here on money after a star turn after the apple developer's conference. innovation hyped his robotic hand has to be seen to be believed. he says it feels like magic. don't move. do you ever have too much money? ♪. we're moving our company to new york state.
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the numbers are impressive. over 400,000 new private sector jobs... making new york state number two in the nation in new private sector job creation... with 10 regional development strategies to fit your business needs. and now it's even better because they've introduced startup new york... with the state creating dozens of tax-free zones where businesses pay no taxes for ten years. become the next business to discover the new new york. [ male announcer ] see if your business qualifies.
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melissa: well, it is gorgeous here in new york city right now but how about in nebraska? not so much. take a look at this extreme weather that hit omaha late last night. look at that! the wicked weather heading east towards ohio and tennessee. just in case hail isn't enough, midwesterners should be on the look out for possible tornadoes and flash floods. that hail is incredible, right? yikes! for most probably the exciting thing from the apple developers conference. new technology that is changing lives around the world. patrick kane is the so-called bionic teenager featured in this video. his prosthetic hand is bringing integration of technology into our daily lives to a whole new level. patrick, thanks so much for joining us. was it exciting to be part of the apple developer's conference. what was it like. >> it was incredibly exciting. i wanted to tell everyone the second i knew about it.
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unfortunately i had to wait until it was released. melissa: can you show us your hand and tell us a little bit how it works? >> sure. the hand feels my muscles move. there are two sensors on top of my arm. if i tense on one side the hand closes. if i tense on the other side the hand opens. it's a case of learning to differentiate to between the two. melissa: wow. i understand the reason that you were featured because it is integrated with your apple operating system. you use your phone to operate it. what does your phone do? how does it interact? >> there is bluetooth in the hand and bluetooth in the phone and there is app anyone can download. it has several different icons, if i tap one of those icons the hand would go into a different grip pattern this one is a point. or i could go into a pinch. so really gives me much more functionality and precise movements. melissa: you lost your hand to
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meningitis years ago. this is an ilm ultra. this is a new device for you. how would you care it to the other prosthetics you had before? how is it different? how did it change your life? >> so before the ilm ultra, before the i used any prosthetics on my left hand i never used anything. i was very good without it. i never wanted anything unless it could add function to my life. the second i knew about this, i have to get it purely because of what it could do to really improve my life and it has. it gives me so much more confidence, so much more independence and allows me to do so much more. melissa: what is it, what is an example of that? we're looking really incredible video of you using your fingers, of you tying shoelaces and cutting with a knife. what is it specifically that you can do with this device that you couldn't do before with others? >> so the two main things which i can do with this is cut my food and tie my shoelaces.
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that is the sort of the main two. that helps me in any way which you can't describe instantly an makes things much more natural the one example the way of opened a bottle of water. previously i would have to awkwardly clamp it between my thighs and twist it with my hands and now i can pick it up and twist. it making it so much better. melissa: patrick, you are wonderful. thanks for bringing the technology and sharing with us and the world. >> my pleasure. thank you for having me. melissa: singing the blues in the emerald city. local businesses crying foul oversee at tell's minimum wage hike. we'll hear from one man taking his fight to court. if you want to be a millionaire do not call angela merkel. how one effort to phone a frau went terribly awry. more "money" on the way. ♪. [ male announcer ] whether it takes 200,000 parts,
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♪ 800,000 hours of supercomputing time, 3 million lines of code, 40,000 sets of eyes, or a million sleepless nights. whether it's building the world's most advanced satellite, the space station, or the next leap in unmanned systems. at boeing, one thing never changes. our passion to make it real. ♪
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>> interesting investors to take bigger risks. william dudley says he is worried this could be a dangerous new trend. is did the new normal? james, what do you think of this kind? is he right to be concerned? >> i don't think so. i don't see investors taking any new large risks. i-man equity actions trader and i keep my eyes glued to the tape every day and the order flow has been at the snail's face the last couple weeks and over the past month and a half we are not seeing institutional money putting on any large positions. i think the market his in wait and see mode from the equity options standpoint so the vix is that multi-year lows. if you are trader looks at that and sees complacency and is
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concerned that is a good thing because you will be much cheaper on a relative basis. melissa: we are down 7 points, what did you make of the beige book? >> the beige book came out and saw modest moderate growth, exactly what we were expecting. it is not a huge market mover. melissa: thanks, seattle is about to be serve the. we have been all over the minimum wage hike, now the international franchise association is planning to sue the emerald city over its $15 an hour wage. does the hike mean an equal footing? here is david jones. i understand you consider yourself a small business owner. folks own subways are small business owners that you are subjected to the same rules as if you were a big restaurant because they consider you part of subway which means you have to go to $15 sooner so you are
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suing. did i get that right? >> that is correct we have to go in three years and many small business owners get 7 years to comply. melissa: why is this worth suing over to you? in seattle i know the unemployment rate is really low, it is below 5%, 4.8% so it seems maybe wages do need to rise. you have a tight labor market. >> i don't think this is about wages. most of us are in support of increasing the minimum wage. this is about the time frame being inconsistent. if we have three years to comply it takes our full margin from the bottom line so we have to increase prices or cut staff to make this work. i don't plan on cutting staff so i have to increase prices but my neighbors down the street don't have to increase prices until 5 years or 7 years. it is an uneven playing field. melissa: you calculated like everybody who is a business owner if they have done the math to realize how much it will cost
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as a business. i understand it will cost you $125,000 a year to comply. where's the money going to come from specifically? >> the money is not available. with the affordable care act it takes most of our margin away, in the coming year so this goes on top of it and puts us in a negative so the only way to respond is increased prices a fair amount that you hope everybody will be ok with. we want it to be consistent. melissa: have you considered moving a business outside seattle so you don't have to deal with this? >> i am fortunate to have businesses outside seattle already so i have more question to figure out how this works and reacted accordingly. melissa: thank you for coming on the show. we appreciate your time. let's bring in fox news legal analyst lis wiehl with hillary kramer and jim frischling. do they have a case?
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>> absolutely. the law says if you are under 500 employees you have more time. i have paths for you and stuff but if you are -- you have certain time for different amounts of time but a franchisee like you were talking about, the guy who has one business, he is part of a bigger corporation, subway is huge but he has fewer than 500 so why should he be penalized at that point. i think it is a good case. melissa: what do you think of this issue? if you look at chicago where they have 10% unemployment and tried to wage 15 bucks they are crazy but in seattle they have a tight labor market. maybe they should be paying more. >> this is so political because the mayor of seattle said this is fighting the dismantling of the middle class, a victory -- the bottom line with that is any
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time you force an artificial wage on any business owner someone will pay the price, customers. melissa: higher prices. >> i continue to say this is going to cost jobs. if forced on the hospitality industry, the fast food or casual food they are going to react. they have to pay the franchise fees and that is not going away. release small-businesses under. melissa: i agree with you but on the flip side that isn't what david said. he said he was going to keep its employees and keep the hours and raise prices. >> liberals say people have more money -- a higher wage. >> i respect the argument that better raise prices and passage to the consumer but the consumer wants more for less and if they have to pay more at one place they look for another venue that can provide it cheaper. >> that is the reality, you made a good point, maybe they could
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do that, maybe they should -- melissa: thanks, guys. air b&b has been promising katie couric there will be no more sex parties at their rentals and now they are launching a new service where you can eat with strangers for a hefty fee. i think i am losing my appetite. tweet me and tell me what you think. at an end of the day it is all about money and we're dinner parties.
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melissa: melissa frances, china's state media is lashing out saying they are nothing but pawns of the u.s. government. google and apple accused of spying and stealing secrets in beijing, urge to retaliate. major drugmakers are planning to split off large portfolios of older drugs. forcing merck, held discussions with potential buyers for a group of treatments that could fetch $15 billion. glaxosmithkline may divest more mature products that make 15% of its sales. u.s. companies hired 179,000 workers in a missing estimates by 30,000 people.
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it was lowest monthly increase since the beginning of the year. that is the latest from the fox business network giving you the power to prosper. (mother vo) when i was pregnant...
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i got more advice than i knew what to do with. what i needed was information i could trust on how to take care of me and my baby. luckily, unitedhealthcare has a simple program that helps moms stay on track with their doctors and get the right care and guidance-before and after the baby is born. simple is good right now. (anncr vo) innovations that work for you. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. melissa: air b&b at ceo says the company is not faking it when it comes to safety. katie choric in an interview
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airing this week. >> not like you are letting a stranger into your home. >> there have been high-profile stories about sex parties, property damage. >> it is incredibly rare, thousands and thousands of people from the community. melissa: does that mean air b&b is free? jo lin kent, hillary kramer and jim frischling, he says it is not like letting a stranger into your home. his whole business model is letting strangers into your home. what is he talking about? >> he is referring specifically to there are some terms at air b&b's web site and individuals you cannot have certain types of things. for example i have used air b&b before and it works very well in that instance but there were specific house rules, no parties, no dinner parties. there are some -- melissa: there have been a lot
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of problems. might want to spell that out specifically. >> this community business which it is, for it to work the community has to play fair with each other and i have concerns that it loses confidence and safety shoes it starts to fall apart. i had some bad experiences and those things you are not supposed to smoke in the car. clean up the car and leave it and there was mcdonald's garbage in the back seat. after or late in terms of picking it up at a time it wasn't there for me not to the gun that business. melissa: doesn't the way it is supposed to end air b&b adding a pilot program in san francisco the company encouraging those to provide dinners for three, so what they do is they are saying you rent out a seat at your dinner table and make dinner and people come up, total strangers paid big money to eat together. >> the macro picture is air b&b is a disruptive and it is phenomenal. this is capitalism at its best
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but there are kinks to it. you go to someone's home, hotels have to deal with this and you are going to see changes in the major chain, hotels because offering dinner, they are really infringing on that model and people loved it. e 11 million people have participated. melissa: you going to one of these? >> it is a fascinating model. there is potential especially in larger cities for this community building which is important to the culture but the number one thing to take away your, the idea of the life for a customer, the second you are dissatisfied you are gone. melissa: one bad experience and you don't go back. one thing you stay at that isn't as advertised the one time you get in a car there is mcdonald's and the one time you rent out your house and somebody destroy something, forget it. >> the fragility of the customer base is the reason there are so many competitors and air b&b is
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working so hard. >> they are posting their unique job interview questions. here are some of them. would you be able to survive a plane crash? i don't know, maybe. depends on the situation. teach me a skill i don't already know in three minutes. didn't you think of anything? >> how to be a journalist. >> you could teach them in three minutes? what vice would you be and why? these are serious questions they are asking in the job interview. >> this is a company that is valued more than hilton hotels. so this internet boom coming given that valuation. melissa: what would you be in? >> i don't know. i will go with pepper. >> and another spike. >> cinnamon sugar. i feel salty. i need a little salt.
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what were you going to say? >> i didn't say that. cayenne pepper for sure. >> cayenne pepper? >> what is a skill you could teach someone in two minutes? >> how to order with waiters and waitresses to make a meal more enjoyable. i could do that. introduce yourself and ask their name. they don't expect it and it changes the relationship, makes you not just the customer but a guest and it is proven to make my restaurant experiences far better. introduce yourself. melissa: i could teach you to braid hair in three minutes. don't know if the person interviewing me would know how to braid hair. what have you got? >> how to be healthy. >> joining us now, cheryl casone giving us a sneak peek of what to expect in the next hour. cheryl: i'm about to make you
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happy. look at this video. this is from nike, world cup is one week away. who doesn't love gorgeous men know how to play soccer? the question for all of you is nike ad strategy going to take that diaz, the official sponsor of the world cup but nike is making a run at them, the professor of perfect communication at the school of business is joining me, he actually teaches classes surrounding advertisements and companies like nike in particular and i want to show you something else, the fitness theme for the countdown hour, this is about wearable technology or in the case of the woman in the video, actually expecting a child, maybe she looks to monitor more than the heart rate of herself and her baby that do a 24/7 with technology. what would you want to know from anything attached to your body especially if you are pregnant? we have the co-founder and ceo who created this technology so
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basically the technology is in the clothing. how much is too much information about what is happening inside our bodies? we don't want to know. thanks so much. melissa: can't wait to see that. when you thought was a to go back in the water something more frightening than dr. oz is hitting the beaches, the bathing suit trend that is making your summer so much scarier. for love of money you decide.
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melissa: guess who is making money, starting with general motors proving to be a rogue warrior with the best monthly sales in six years. wall street enjoying the ride
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pushing it up 3% and that is good news for former ceo daniel lakers and who owns 235,000 shares meaning he made $282,000, pretty nice. costing a friend some money. german chancellor angela merkel, a political ally using angela merkel as his lifeline and germany's who wants to be a millionaire and angela merkel hung him out to try sending his phone a friend request to voicemail twice. angela merkel, over 500,000, what was the question? about east german washing machines. and major cash triple crown hopeful california chrome, major endorsement deal with sketchers, one of the biggest in horseracing history. they might put the current pitchman out to pasture, joe montana, pete rose and joe na t nama
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namath. time for some fun with spare change. it is time to take your yellow polka dot men's trunks, gq magazine says the printed suits is all the rage for men's bathing suits this year, jo lin kent, susan patton and dominic, one of the things we are talking about this year, blue's fashion has taken a turn into a territory that might be regular guys calling it. all of a sudden they are following these trends, short front, right sox, big money loser. what do you think? >> a lot of potential, retail analysts about this. what is the money-making opportunity here? several publicly traded companies, michael course and lulu lemon have potential to take advantage of this trend,
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making shorter -- >> one big problem with that. >> you didn't ask me to model. number 2, number 2, i am so grateful we didn't watch those bikini ones that italian men -- please. anyone, regular guy, shorts. >> you know i am outraged. a sure way to get noticed that the beach. unless you are built like charlie gasparino. >> most of us don't get noticed on the beach. a few people this will appeal to, most men -- >> glad to see men subjected to what we win and go through.
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and to buy new genes. your jeans look out of fashion. and men having the same trouble and i go out -- if i go out to the store and get my husband a new bathing suit everything is short, i'd bring it home and take these back. >> i don't take any -- >> and actually scoured, and get them -- >> more of this 40 stores are actually still making normal sized -- >> i love you are referring to what you bought as a bathing suit and not trunks and. what my dad the war in the 1960s. they will different fashion statement. >> a whole different thing. thanks to all three of view. we appreciate your flexibility. forget 9 to 5, how about 12 to 62 win european countries closer to living the dream by having
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workers rock by midday. and just 6 hours later. it is even worth turning up? facing it at the end the date is all about money and very chilled out employees. i ys say be thman with the plan but with less ergy, moodiness, i had to do somethg. i saw mdoctor. a blood test showed it was low testosterone, not age. we talked about axiron the onlynderarm low t treaent that can restore t vels to normal in about two weeks in most men. axiron is not for use in women or anyone younger than 18 or men with prostate or breast cancer. women, especlly those who are or who may become pregnant, and children should avoidt where axirons applied as unexpected signs
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melissa: it is probably safe to say we would all love and easier less stressful workday, but it seems whenever employers try to make it better for employees it backfires. was the solution? to read one of the big ones, open plan offices where no one is in an office in your city with each other and scenic cubicles. it's supposed to increase productivity and come robbery and teach teamwork and a lot of people say their neighbors are allowed and they get less done three would you think about this one, joe?
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jo ling: i think it is a productivity inhibitor because you have to whisper and then you can have really have your phone call through the narrow probably people like me and they get so excited when talked on the phone. a lot of tech companies i have covered is that they have interesting designs and i was just at twitter headquarters yesterday and they have a log cabin inside. cheryl: log cabins? melissa: yes and you can go inside a make a call and socialize. melissa: a log cabin? jo ling: yes. there are different ways that some companies are trying to address. melissa: you are rolling your eyes over their. due to a log cabins in your office? >> no, but we do subscribe to the open floor policy we believe it bolsters comedic asian, teamwork and yes there is the difficulty of noise, but we carve out we
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got rooms where people can work in for economic reasons less square footage per person. melissa: i think that is what really is. it's about being cheap, but you end up next to someone who is chomping chips all day or they are loud talkers or whatever. studies show only 62% of workers actually use their flex time that they are offered. you offer people flextime and they don't take advantage of it, what you think? jo ling: i think half the time individuals at companies don't understand that it's available and that they feel comfortable not taking it because it's not structurally allocated. melissa: meanwhile, somewhere in scandinavia a six hour workweek to help create more jobs and improve health. what you think about this one, a six-hour workday? >> that would probably not work for me, but i believe in quality over quantity. i believe in working smart, but again the idea of cutting your workday down and still earning the full eight hours i can't see that being successful.
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jo ling: i think it's possible depending on industry. melissa: we have to go because we only have about 13's left. thank you so much you guys. i hope you are making money today. countdown starts right now. >> the state run media attacks america tech giant like oh zero, google and microsoft demanding they be punished for spying and stealing secret. what is it mean for the companies trying to expand their second-largest economy? how does the us government respond? your teacher just got a whole lot smarter. in world of google glass now comes wearable apparel. closing that can tell you your heart rate, vitals treated we have the founder and ceo of omsignal. risk everything. nike world cup ads for a major viral splash. before the world's biggest sporting event event kicks off. we examine the marketing methods and whether ik


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