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tv   After the Bell  FOX Business  June 6, 2014 4:00pm-5:01pm EDT

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[closing bell ringing] >> pretty amazing. we're right here at session highs. the vix reached new lows. liz: two big auto names. ford included. we have alan mulally on the show today, moving higher. david: look at all indices. we have pretty much even gains. we love when the small and mid-size stocks. we have favorite after on "after the bell." they did almost a full percentage point. a very healthy way to end the week. "after the bell" starts right now. liz: yes, that is record for the books. once again, david, the s&p and dow jones industrials. david: here we go again. it is an extraordinary day. let's go through all the market act shun with our guest.
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we have tom eye a coo chino. -- iaccino. we have tom frost. mike schumaker. ubs. and lindsey piegza. we haven't seen you in a long time. >> been a while, good to see you all. liz: tom, i want to start with you. we go to bob iaccino in the pits. record again low volatility. good jobs number. which one do you pick first to talk about? >> that is an interesting conundrum, isn't it? the jobs numbers pretty much in line. showing low volatility in the jobs number, aren't we? we're pretty much trudging along. i know analysts and strategists including myself are looking for a big letdown in the number because of the big surprise last month. this number could be start of a weather rebound. i would expect slightly lower than consensus. came in really well. the vix trickled down. the vix has been at seven.
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there is room to go lower. i don't know it will reach all the way down there. this is complacency in this rally, if not volume. david: lindsey, i haven't seen you since you became chief economist. congratulations for that. what did you make of the job figures. >> thank you very much. it certainly was a impressive number. fourth consecutive, plus 200,000 non-farm payroll we had. we captured the prerecession high in terms of job creation. i'm a little concerned about the composition of the number. we're seeing a good number of part-time, temporary and low-wage job positions being created which sort past reason we're not seeing this headline number translate into wage pressures which is needed in order to robust, to lead to a robust increase in consumption and propel us above the 2% gdp range. liz: that all sound great and you're not wrong but tom frost, you still believe this is great time to buy stocks. you're not worried. you see positivity here. what makes you so optimistic
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beyond pretty good numbers and knowing federal reserve numbers and ecb in europe will prop up these markets? >> because they're continuing to work on propping up the markets. they're not letting go. whenever a bull market lasted at least four years, inevitably the only thing that made that bull market run end is recession and we're not going into recession. we're strengthening an economy, not weakening economy. it is great seeing that america has finally pulled itself out of this horrible, horrible recession. david: on the other hand, mike, nothing, everything isn't perfect all the time, let me put it that way and one thing that may be a little imperfect, we might see rates creep up again, right? >> we do think that will happen. towards the end of the year is our call. people expected rates to go up for the bulk. year and it hasn't happened. most investors are getting grumpy. when is it going to happen. this month? david: when is it going to happen? give us your time frame. >> q4. our target for 10-year is 3.25.
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you think it is 2.60 today. it is a bit of a backup. people have to be patient. it is not one-day move. liz: while they're patient, we're watching record after record. bob, you and i talked about this before. whether you agree with what the fed is doing and you don't fight the tape and it still looks good. what do you worry about as a trader could derail this? >> so many different things we're looking at f you're talking about making money in the market, obviously we're in good shape. i agree there is much more upside to the market. i believe tom said that. i think it's a good time to buy. lindsey made a good point about the part-time jobs and composition of the jobs number. took five years to get the job back. if one person holds two part-time jobs andwo jobs and long-term unemployment at unsatisfactory levels. that is my fear. consumer credit ramping up. credit cards being used. without the full-time job growth that will worry me if it continues. david: tom, you have a pimco
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fund. great shirt, bob. that is dynamite shirt that you're wearing on this friday. tom, pimco has a short maturity bond fund. i'm wondering about particularly in light of what mike was saying about interest rates going up. why do you like that now? >> because it is less interest rate risk. the downside to, to all fixed income when interest rates rise. it has such a short duration, we feel like it has some safety built into it, if we're right that interest rates do rise by the end of the year. david: would you go with that as a strategy fitting in with your rate rise, mike? >> i would be pretty hard-pressed to buy that frankly. i think you have too much risk over the next six to nine months. it strikes me as somewhat dicey play at this point. liz: lindsey what do you see as dicey? do you find the way treasurys are behave something a little disconcerting? are you okay with that? can you explain to our investor viewers why they shouldn't be too concerned about something like that or should? >> i'm actually in a very different camp than the other
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guests. i don't see fed raising rates anytime this year. in fact i don't see fed raising rates through 2015. the end of 2016 is really earl evident i would expect the fed to move rates, most likely holding off until set of set of of the remember, 2017. this committee under yellen said we can't gauge health of ememployment market with unemployment rate. we have to look through a whole host of variables. meaning stagnant hourly earnings, stagnant work week, heightened augmented unemployment well over 12%, painting a much dire picture of the labor market. david: lindsey, i think what mike was saying, forgive me for interrupting, mike, you correct me if i'm wrong, the rates will go up regardless whether fed pushes rates up. you say they will go up 3.25% even if the fed leaves rates way they are? >> that's right. we think the fed will raise funds rate in middle of 2015.
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market anticipates this. you see the market run up ahead of fed move. 3.25 by the end. year is fair to us. that is consistent with the move in 2015 by the fed. liz: bob -- >> long end of the curve generally follows, i would say that the long end of the curve generally anticipates that move in the fed. the shortened will follow along with the -- short end of the church. i expect the 10-year to remain under 3%, discrepancy of 25 basis points there. liz: tom, i will go to tom. make us rich. make us rich, not knowing how the markets will eventually react or how we think data is going to come out. where will we put our money. are there other opportunities that will give us yield? or is it a little too much reaching for yield these days? >> we really liked the large cap space right now. you can buy, you can buy the s&p 500 at a 3% dividend. there are some really good holdings out there with
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unlimited upside. now is the time to be in equities. liz: you would rather sit in large cap name with a dividend than buy treasurys to be safe. >> absolutely. beyond a shadow of a doubt. we are firm that you will not look back 12 months from now and wish you were on the sidelines. david: apple will dot seven to one split, do you think that will affect -- this is one of the few stocks down. is that because of a stock split or what? >> i don't know what caused to go down today. that being said it will certainly become more affordable for the average investor who couldn't reach for that $650 share price. face it more expensive for one share of apple to buy an ipad recently. so yeah, it will make it a lot more affordable. certainly not cheaper but more affordable to the average investor. i think we'll see a lot more retail investors dive into that space. we like that holding. >> tom frost, mike schumacher, lindsey piegza, and bob iaccino to brighten up his mood now that
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the blawkhawks are out of the stanley cup. it wasn't necessary but i did it. david: sorry, bob. >> los angeles doesn't have ice or royalty. i don't know why they're called the kings. liz: bob can handle it. the broadway economy has become so huge, even the federal reserve noticed. mentioning it, david in this week's beige book. david: that's true. liz. neil patrick harris, bryan cranston, daniel radcliffe, from "harry potter" fame, they're hoping to break a leg on the business of broadway and how arts pay in new york. david: it will be fun. >> if california chrome does win the triple crown, he will net 1.4 million, but that is nothing, nothing compared to what he will make down the road. we'll talk to the man who runs former triple crown winner secretariat's estate coming up. liz: ford ceo alan mulally, a thoroughbred in his own right, handing over the keys to mark
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fields as he retires from the automaker after eight historic years. he led the company through the recession and is now one of the most respected and admire ceos in the country but what is next? i sit down with alan mulally, one-on-one for his exit interview as the ceo. david: don't want to see him go. liz: i know. david: we want to hear from you, would you invest in a race horse? hopefully one that wins the triple crown but any race horse? tweet us @fbnatb. your answers coming up. ♪ [ male announcer ] what if a small company
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♪ we are entrepreneurs who started it all... with a signature. legalzoom has helped start over 1 million businesses, turning dreamers into business owners. and we're here to help start yours. david: wasn't all green today. hertz stumbling today on accounting troubles. liz: let's head back to nicole petallides. she is on the floor of the new york stock exchange with that story. >> you have to imagine, liz and dave, that the shareholders were pretty frustrated today as they witnessed the dow and s&p hitting these record all-time highs and taint, seeing their shares of hertz down 9% today, closing at 27.73. this is because hertz came out and said they are going to have to restate their financial numbers because of accounting problems from the years 2011 to 2013. as a result of these accounting problems, they have also delayed filing, don't forget, most recently, and they have had
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other issues as well i was reading about. talk about also that you have a lot of these big hedge funds that are involved, or have been. tough to say if they're still involved, but billionaire larry robinson capital management. and jamie dimon's, york capital management and jeffrey tannenbaum third tree and lobe's third point. you have a lot of big investors into hertz. the chief financial officer was out back in december. so certainly is unclear at the moment. everybody will be waiting to see the proper results once they're restated. back to you. david: nicole, have a wonderful weekend. >> you too. david: liz? liz: he has been at the driver's seat at ford since 2006 and driven over some of the bumpiest terrain in history for the entire auto industry. alan mulally is handing over the ceo keys mark fields. mulally led the company through the recession, through the crisis and through a near-bankruptcy at ford. the automaker coming out
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stronger on the other side, with 19 straight quarters of profitability without taking bailout money. i sat down with alan mulally one-on-one today at a ford dealership in manhattan for his last major interview as ceo. we talked about the evolution of technology in the auto sector. >> technology, that is the big buzzword right now, back in 2009, consumer electronics show. >> consumer electronics show. liz: you said liz, i'm going to be there. first automaker -- >> invited. >> they didn't even give you a floor space. we had to shlep to a tent off sight. >> off sight. liz: you said the sync would be way ahead of the game. where do you take the sync now? >> we introduced sync, the reason we did that, we took the point of view we would be connected and have our smartphones of the rather than build capability in the vehicle, we want to use the smart vehicles you bring in but then use voice to communicate through your smartphone to keep your
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hands on your wheel and your eyes on the road and actually be a better driver. it just changed the world. liz: now we talk about moving out of driver's seat and driverless vehicles. google obviously ahead of the game here. other companies are doing it. are you believer in the driverless car? >> i am a believer in technology that enhances the driver being an even better driver. i think over time clearly we'll have more and more automation. but pete us andology we're incorporating can, is so important hat driver most everything, and he can make the decisions he mead. i'm so pleased with the progexpress we're making in ha area. some kay we'll competent at place where we have more automated driving. liz: es la ising are company. i wonder you believe in couple of decade or sooner we'll all drive lech rick vehicles? >> i think ha is a real possibility. as you mow we led the indiscuss very with lecherified vehicle whether plug-in hybrid or all lech rick vehicle. the clearly theology we
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mead make improvement is the batteries hemselves. lithium-ion is tremendous improvement. we mead batteries get us the cost down and charging passer make it available everybody. liz: after the life of alan mull lay. you're allowed read the hewlett-packard front and back and calmly have could have peas you hit rerequirement at poured. you're now the urn around buy. does ha call you with another opportunity to urn something around? >> liz, an interesting question. i really am focused on orderly transition of ford. we have a great leader of mark fields. that is one of the best leadership teams. we'll finish the transition and july 2nd after i graduate pro ford, then i will really start thinking about another opportunity to serve. liz: you're sitting home, hypothetical question, two phone lines are ringing. caller i.d. shows jcpenney on one, sears on an another, which
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one do you answer first? >> i am really looking forward to thinking out after he retire in july. liz: finally for nearly eight years you have had 100,000 plus employees, that you needed to care about. you've also had your own five children that you have raised. everybody has working moms, how do you balance it, how do you do it. how do you balance the demands of ford motor company through a very difficult time and raising five children to be good people. >> oh, i think maybe the most important thing to me has been just to build it, whatever is important to you, into your schedule. we don't wait forever. family time or vacation time. we integrate all of our activities into one calendar, we get a chance to appreciate with each other along the way. liz: he allowed his kids to have access to his calendar, they would understand if a certain employee was celebrating 50 years at ford, that in a way might be more important than an
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event one of the kids had and vice versa. just fascinating to see, david, how a real leader in the industry balanced both family and a very demanding, challenging deal at ford. david: we have both known people that have been successful who haven't done that but we've also known people who are successful who have done that you can be a good family person and still run a successful company. liz: good luck to alan mulally. david: all the best. liz: from movies to business, film star jessica alba shifting her talents to her eco-friendly products company. she is selling a lot here. she is expanding the business and why it is important for celebrities to branch out. david: she is a good family woman. speaking of that, the 140th belmont stakes is tomorrow. california chrome is the, could become the first triple crown winner since affirmed in 1978. just how lucrative is the horse racing business? coming up we'll talk to one of the men behind triple crown
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legend secretariat's success. liz: former soccer superstar david beckham's dream of a miami soccer stadium may be taking a time out. why? we've got the details coming up. ♪ what super poligrip does for me is it keeps the food out. before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. [ male announcer ] just a few dabs is clinically proven to seal out more food particles.
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[ corrine ] super poligrip is part of my life now.
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liz: time for a quick speed read of some of the day's other headlines, five stories one minute. first up, according to the federal reserve u.s. household wealth increased $1.5 trillion in the first quarter. that hit as record of $81.8 trillion. the gain was driven by rising stock and home prices. ups promoting its chief
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operate are officer david abney to ceo. he has been with the company since 1974. a report by e marketer, shows google's share of the mobile search advertising market fell 14.3% between 2012 and 2013. that number is projected to fall even further since 2016. why? people are chooses different platforms for mobile searches. today is the 30th birthday of popular puzzle game at the time truss. -- at the time interests. most of them total to our floor director, austin. tetras. >> you're welcome. >> airbnb encouraging people to rent out rooms to people, it wants hosts to throw dinner party for them as well. [buzzer] the dining pilot program was launched in san francisco this week. that is speed read, david. david: holy cow, the race is on, ladies and gents -- hasn't begun quite just yet. the elusive triple crown of
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horse racing has not been won since 197. with that comes a lot of it. if california chrome wins at belmont tomorrow, they will be able to spin the victory into names rights all that sort of thing. no one knows how to do that better than leonard lusky. he runs all the money for second a tear i can't think. he joins us from belmont park new york. secretariat ran back when you were how old? >> i was 12. david: you were 12 years old. so you obviously weren't in the inner circle at that particular time. >> no, but look at this, i want viewers to know what we're seeing. the extraordinary thing about secretariat, of course affirmed actually had a win at the triple crown afterward, no one came in with 31 lengths at the finish line. that is what made secretariat so he spectacular, right? >> that was one of the things. i mean he actually set the records that still stands 40
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years later in both the derby, the preakness and the belmont. so holeds it for all three races. david: just, folks the reason why belmont is so important, why it is so hard for horses to win, because it is a lot longer than the other races that you have to win in the triple crown and that's what makes it a difficult race. imagine to win by 31 lengths. i think affirmed just won by a nose, right? >> that's right. that's right. from one indof the spectrum to the other. david: okay. now the thing that is most well-known about how you capitalize on that success is putting a horse out to stud. if i'm not mistaken, secretariat had a lot of little secretariats, didn't he? how many foals did he sire? >> over 600. he had over 600. of course one of his greatest sons, risen star, won the belmont in 1988. david: so how much, i'm trying to find the proper words to use
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here. how much do you get for each time secretariat went out and had fun? >> well, it depends. it is all about the market. and in the beginning i think it was $100,000 a pop. so he was a pretty coveted stallian. david: wow. okay. i'm glad you used that expression, not me. that is amazing when you think of 600 folks and 100,000. he didn't get 100,000 each time. there is also the memorabilia, the naming rights, the movie rights, the book rights. how much has all that added up to for secretariat? >> well, it just depends. the movie was a relatively new thing. they have been handling merchandising and marketing since 1973. with the advent of the internet that really changed things. we started in 2002. that opened it up to reach a whole new level of fans and be reached by them. so the dollar amount, boy, that,
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that's tough one to say cumulatively but the owners -- david: the owners of california chrome claim that the horse is now worth $30 million. other people say that might be overdoing it a bit. what do you say? >> no. i definitely think that. i mean just the stud value alone i think would equate to the 30 million. and i think that the merchandising rights, everything you said, the movie rights, those will be on top of that, if he actually wins the triple crown. it will be a wonderful experience on many levels. david: he has such a great backstory. for a horse to come from relative obscurity, isn't that a story in and of itself worth millions? >> it's one of the greatest stories really. every horse has a different marketability factor and california chrome has a wonderful one and his connections all have great stories. i's really, everybody is rooting for him. they really are, except maybe the other horses in the race. david: finally, leonard, will he
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win? what is your best guess? >> you know, my heart says yes, i got to look at the form to see but, i think if i were a trainer in the race i wouldn't want to have any other horse. he is the one that is proven and he has shown the speed and the heart. so you know, why not? david: leonard, you're going to be there. have a great day tomorrow. enjoy the race. >> thank you very much. david: thank you for coming in. liz: who doesn't remember secretariat for those of us who were around. movie star jessica alba hedging her bets by building her own celebrity brand. "wall street journal's" lee hawkins speaks to jessica about her plans to create a business empire. lee with the story coming up. david: miami heat star lebron james could not take the heat in the opening game of the nba finals but it was hot in there. it was a public relations disaster for one of the biggest names in the sports drinks business. we'll tell you about that. liz: a latin is in the running for the best musical award at the tonys this weekend.
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a lot of other awards too. we asked american theater wing's executive director why broadway is booming and who stands to succeed? ♪ [ male announcer ] whether it takes 200,000 parts,
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♪ 800,000 hours of supercomputing time, 3 million lines of code, 40,000 sets of eyes, or a million sleepless nights. whether it's building the world's most advanced satellite, the space station, or the next leap in unmanned systems. at boeing, one thing never changes. our passion to make it real. ♪ the numbers are impressive. over 400,000 new private sector jobs... making new york state number two in the nation in new private sector job creation... with 10 regional development strategies
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to fit your business needs. and now it's even better because they've introduced startup new york... with the state creating dozens of tax-free zones where businesses pay no taxes for ten years. become the next business to discover the new new york. [ male announcer ] see if your business qualifies.
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david: successful companies often depend on one product for a large share of profit margin. here is the a list of top three
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most profitable probables in the u.s. first you up is the iphone, you knew that, which brings in $91.3 billion in revenue a year. 45% of all smartphones sold in the company last year were iphones. coming in second, marlboro. despite a steady decline in smoking habits, marlboro cigarettes among america's most profitable products. brought in $18.7 billion. with a market share over 40%. third, monster energy drinks, that brought in $2.1 billion in revenue last year. it has a 34.6% market share. liz? liz: broadway's biggest night is this weekend for the tony awards and there's a lot to celebrate this year from a financial standpoint. broadway saw an up swing in both ticket revenue in attend attendance for this 2013-2014 season. how much is broadway and the arts contributing to our economic growth? it is big enough that the
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federal beige book mentioned it. we have heather hitch inches, the american theater wing the organization behind the tonys. i'm a proud member of advisory board. great to have you here. >> such an exciting week. liz: tony awards sunday night, we as business network saw the beige book mentioning, we thought this was fascinating calling out broadway that the economy is look better. what they said, revenue and attendance at broadway theaters picked up marketedly in april. remaining solid into early may, running 20% ahead of comparable 2013 levels. the fed said it was driven by increase in number of shows but the quality of the shows, heather. talk about how good it is been this season. >> it's a terrific season of the quality of the performances and the sheer diversity of shows. there is truly something for everyone on broadway this season. that contributed to the uptick. people are feeling more optimistic about the economy. liz: on top of it, you have
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actors, brilliant theater actors but a lot of so-called celebrities. when you talk about what brought in the 12 billion for this season you have to bring in names like bryan cranston of "breaking bad." he starred in, all the way, up for many different tony awards. denzel washington in race inin the sun. she was from glee and started on broadway. daniel radcliffe, all these stars. that is a big draw, isn't it? >> it is a big draw. we say about broadway, broadway is where the stars align. the broadway brings together biggest stars of theater television an music. we even had mike tyson on bradway. >> i remember that. he didn't win a tony. he was there, game to be in the tony awards and dancing around. that was amazing. bringing in the names. we saw daniel radcliffe, an amazing show certainly. we look at names and the draw, what it does for new york. why does it go beyond a single,
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i'm purchasing a ticket at a theater than just that? >> well i think what happens with broadway, people want to buy experiences now. when you look at gift giving, people are giving experiences. that is a once in a lifetime experience. we have so much technology that is helpful to us, what broadway and live theater allows you to do, all of us come from our diverse places to come into the same theater and take the same journey together live and anything can happen. i think that is what keeps people coming back. that is what keeps people wanting to buy tickets. liz: and they rent hotel rooms when they come. if it is good enough show people will come out of town. i think of book of mormon was an amazing draw. you have shakespeare as a huge draw. i was standing in line at richard the ii. mark ryland, a huge tony award winner. people for that 12th night they were plying in from different cities in america just to see that performance. >> one of the things we know about the arts across the board. that arts tourists stay longer and spend more.
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just a statistic that we know and they will fly across the country, across the world to see a performance they want to see. liz: one much them, mcdonald, if she wins for the billy holiday story, she is getting a lot of accolades for. five tony awards or is that six. >> i think it is six for her. liz: she already won five. no wonder i lost count. but those are the types of things that people tune in on sunday night at cbs. coming to spend money and paying top dollar now. hedwick and angry inch. janis joplin show. these are leading role. sutton foster, kelly o'hara, long time broadway stars. idina got a lot of fans from "glee" to see here. >> a lot of fans from the movie "frozen." that she sang the song, the anthem all the young girls want to sing. liz: one last mention, aladdin. we covered that.
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it is, disney, a widely-held stock. aladdin as a show is getting a lot of attention. is that other "lion king" on broadway. >> audiences go from shakespeare to "aladdin" and being people so enthusiastic. the arts lift our spirits and they also mean business. that is great about statistics we were talking about. liz: heather hitchens, the american theater wing executive director. good luck sunday night. it will be exciting. thank you so much. >> thank you. please tune in. liz: everybody watch. david, over to you. david: all right. movie star jessica alba says hollywood is a fickle business. she is planning to become the number one celebrity brand on the planet. "wall street journal's" lee hawkins spoke to jessica. he will tell us about her skyrocketing business. if you ever wanted to play in the "game of thrones." your chance arrived but it will cost you a very pretty penny.
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details coming right up. ♪
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[ girl ] my mom, she makes underwater fans that are powered by the moon. ♪ she can print amazing things, right from her computer. [ whirring ] [ train whistle blows ] she makes trains that are friends with trees. ♪ my mom works at ge. ♪ ...i got lots of advice, but i needed information i could trust. unitedhealthcare's innovative, simple program helps moms stay on track with their doctors to get the right care and guidance. (anncr vo) that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare.
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david: hollywood is pretty fickle. just ask actress jessica alba. rather than sit back and wait for her star to fade, she is now become a businesswoman as well, cofounding a new money making outlet, the honest company, which makes non-toxic and eco-friendly household goods. liz: with revenue sky rock can hing from just 12 million to 60 million in one year, what does the future hold for alba's
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business? our fav "wall street journal" celebrity business reporter lee hawkins. you got to sit down with jessica to talk wither about her business but that is pretty exponential growth there. >> it is pretty exponential growth. it started with an idea she had after she had allergic reaction to the number one brand baby detergent. and she called her mom and i'm breaking out in wells and eyes are watering. what did you tell me to do? she decided to do research. a lot of things we find in cleaning products and baby products are not all that regulated. there are not a lot of things outlawed compared to other countries. so she started this company on that premise. david: i love the fact she fund her demos, young moms. which is a great memo. however there are hazards to this. one of the has orders some of the products have not been approved by fda. there are some questions whether they might be pulled from the market. >> there are a lot of products in general don't really have
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high standards in terms of the fda. so if that happens, well, she will have to reevaluate that and maybe pull some products off the market. her goal and her main idea is that she is trying to protect people and their children in their homes. so a lot of the things that we find in our environment in our home are even more damaging than the things that we see outside the environment. david: that's true. >> that we really focused on. david: just ask deirdre imus. she will give you an earful on that. liz: most of the sales are coming from the website, correct. >> yeah. liz: that is forward thinking way of doing business. she doesn't have a lot of overhead. she is not necessarily a business person per se. does she hire people who know business and deal with supply chains and things like that? >> yes, thee does have a guy with traditional business. he was involved in a non-profit organization that protects children from toxic chemicals. and so he has the product knowledge and that's one of the great things that she
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understands is that her role in the broader organization is to get the word out and to be the face of the company. she has done that quite effectively. when irselling most of the product on the web that is no easy take, she has been so effective people wonder if she comes out with ipo on this. you asked here about that, right? >> i did. let's toss to that to see what she said. this company going public at some point? >> i do. i think that is not out of the question in a couple years. we'll see. we could possibly get acquired by somebody. i'm not sure. i'm not sure what that would mean. i think we're young now today. but you know, we'll see. liz: try not to say uh. investors will like you better. >> it is funny. she is probably not interviewed aggressively by the business
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press like she would be -- liz: been on with stuart varney i think. she has come out. >> but she is incredibly knowledgeable about this industry. i think one of the challenges for her or any celebrity is that if she does do an ipo she will be held to task by hedge fund managers and analysts and pension funds and all these people want to see results and really don't care about the fact she is an a-list actress. it does helper her that she is a a-list actress. i don't think she would not go as far if she were not who she is. not to knock her. she is a -- david: parents like her. she is not a lindsay lohan. no offense to lindsay lohan but you know what i'm talking about. >> when i interview celebrities i get a real good sense about what people think about her. she is beloved. david: lee hawkins. "wall street journal." have a good weekend. thank you very much. liz: "game of thrones" fans,
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listen up you could be one of the series characters but that fame comes at a cost. we'll tell you what the cost is next. david: i want to be the little guy. miami heat may have lost the first game of the nba finals last night but the bigger story may have been what happened to lebron james. this spark ad twitter war over sports drinks. very funny stuff. details ahead. (vo) rush hour around here starts at 6:30 a.m. - on the nose. but for me, it starts with the opening bell.
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david: well the miami heat lost the first game of the nba finals last night. the real winner of the game might not be the opponent san diego spurs. if the final minutes of the game. lebron james suffered severe cramps. this was after the air-conditioning failed and he was unable to continue. enter gatorade. it took to the twitter account poking fun at its competitors. the person cramping was not cramping. our athletes can take the heat. lebron james endorses power aid, gatorade's biggest competitor. it is owned by coke and pepsi owns gatorade. soda wars continue. liz: talks between another star when it comes to sports. talks between david beck and
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city of miami have fallen apart on the quests to build a new soccer stadium. david: the sides so r are so far apart in the negotiations. how far apart? here with details is our own cheryl casone. >> millions of dollars. they are taking a break. this is fight over land in miami. beckham wants to build along the waterfront, along the oceanfront in miami is public land. and the city of miami, miami-dade county, are still trying to get over what happened to them. this is marlins park. they ended up $2.4 billion in debt of the county did because of issues they had and deal they made to get the baseball stadium made. they don't want to make the same mistake that they made with baseball, to happen to them to soccer. but here's the problem. david beckham has a lot of star power. he has big-time investors. simon fuller is the partner. he has star power and money. there are lots of rumors he may play soccer once again if soccer
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would come to miami. he would be right out there on the field. he wants to build next to america airlines arena in miami. that is on public land. that is supposed to be a park. they would have to rent that from the city. they're willing to pay something, $500,000 on annual basis. they would have to spend millions of dollars to build the stadium. 4 to $500 million. the miami-dade county is burned financially by the marlins deal that happened to miami, they are saying, reports coming out of the herald, 12 to $13 million should be annual payments. are you paying $500,000 if you're david beckham per year or pay $12 million per year to have the stadium. huge fight. it is a great spot they want to be on. we'll keep following this. at this point talks are broken down. this is very high-profile story and very high-profile fight with a good-looking soaker star. david: that is the real reason you did the story, cheryl. >> cheryl casone. david: good-looking i guess.
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as "game of thrones" fans know, major characters in the highly popular hbo series often come to a very grisly end. fans of the show have the chance to actually become part of this violent story themselves. how? stay tuned. we'll tell you. liz: when it comes to the luxury real estate market, just two things stand out. we'll show you some of the most expensive and exclusive properties on the market right now, when we go "off the desk."
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david: time to go off the desk. the "game of thrones" author wants to kill you. not literally of course. it is all for charity. the series author george martin, is raising money for charities of choice offering donors to get written into one of the games of thrones novels which inspired the hit hbo series for $20,000. two donors can get one male and
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female character named after them in a fault ture novel. those donors can choose what their characters look like but martin is warning the new characters will undoubtedly meet a grisly debts. liz: also "off the desk," in the market for a new home? here is a list of the most expensive houses currently on the market as gathered by business insider in just two states, shocker, new york and california. first up, hearse mansion in beverly hills listed at $135 million. it has amenities like art decco nightclub and spa facilities and library with hand carved woodwork. next up this 114 million-dollar townhouse, a townhouse, on 69th street on manhattan of the lower level features a bar, game room, theater and swimming pool. number three in new york city. the penthouse. david: that is my house. liz: only 100 million. you can be the proud owner of this home with six bedrooms,
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nine bathrooms, a wine cellar and great view. david: the ash trays were filled. i figured i had to sell it. we asked you on facebook and twitter if you would invest in a race horse. he saw joe torre and don zimmer at finish line, dear, don zimmer, with their horse at saratoga. you need their kind of money. probably true. liz: we're getting sales on thursday. those are expected to increase the most in the last three months. could be good news for the markets. analysts forecast a gain of .4 of a percent month over month. david: there is also the question of whether this market can sustain certain levels. how many weeks have we said this? every week it seems that the markets continue to bust into new levels. of course there were doldrums. but we seem to be out of the doldrums. the big question, look at that. 16,924 by the end of the week, will we be over 17,000 on the dow for the first time? of course all the other indices are up as well.
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nasdaq not quite at record levels. the last time it was that high there was a little pop that went after the bubble. liz we're order dow 17,000 hats. david: and champagne. have a great ekhened. liz: "the willis report" is next. gerri: hello, everybody, i'm gerri willis. welcome to the "willis report." coming up today on the show, we're taking on one of the more nerve-wracking experiences in real estate, the home inspector. a few simple moves can save i a ton of money. it is wedding season. big change in tradition when it comes to the dress. fire up the grill. we're grilling up perfect tips for summer barbecue. we begin with a great disconnect between washington, wall street and main street. the jobs report today shows we recovered all the jobs lost in the recession but there is one big caveat. we'll get to that in a moment. the federal reserve says household wealth is at a new record and stocks are hitting


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