tv Cashin In FOX Business June 8, 2014 2:30am-3:01am EDT
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if you bought now. >> keep the picture up on her. i want to congratulations elizabeth on a wonderful new book. it's about a religious heroin. a must read this summer. buy it now. here's eric bolling. >> is there a possibility of some of them trying to return to activities? absolutely. >> the president is absolutely right, the taliban is looking forward to kidnapping more americans to swap for more terrorists. did the president just cost us the war on terror? plus chew on this uncle sam, taxpayers, uncle sam tells one state it cannot drug test people getting food stamps and then al gore claims he created the internet but is a part of his climate agenda creating infidelity too. global warming is causing couples to cheat. plus remember the jetsons, the
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family flying in their car? the future is here. flying markcars are about to hie markets. but will americans get on board? cashin in starts right now. >> hey, everyone. i'm eric bolling. welcome everybody. president obama saying he will be making no apoll jees for releasing five high ranking taliban suspects in the prisoner swap but take a look at this. over $1.5 trillion has been spent fighting creeps over there in the war on terror and not to mention the thousands of our soldiers killed. jonathan, did the preside's deal just ensure we'll be losing more blood in the war on terror? >> no question, eric. a soldier's job is to destroy the enemy. not to be made a sacrifice for them. that's what we have done. the president sacrificed american men searching for a deserter and turned into an islamist. someone that denounced the united states.
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we sacrificed the country by releasing not just a creep but releasing the enemy. releasing people that made war against this country and for the president to be so nonchalant about it, yeah they might return to the battlefield. what says it all is that we have sacrificed one penny for american taxpayer dollars by buying them meals and prayer rugs for the last decade. it's a total appeasement and that's why we're losing the war on jihad. >> the taliban commander told time magazine we're going to kidnap more american soldiers and do that because we can trade them for gitmo terrorists. >> exactly. the wall street journal is reporting that one of the detainees return already told his family he plans on waging war r on terror. a man that didn't like america and didn't want to be american and this president claims he has a no man left behind policy.
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i guess that didn't apply in benghazi and what he is telling these people, though, these terrorists is that he will negotiate with them and americans can be used as bargaining chips. >> is there any defense of the way, first of all the way this has gone on but most specifically the way president obama took the victory lap in the rose garden with their family and susan rice went out and said this man served honorably and with integrity. they really flopped on this one, didn't they? >> i don't think the victory lap was cessary. but there may be legitimate questions about his capture but what is not in question is that this is america and we bring our soldiers home first and ask questions later. we are at war with the taliban. that war is coming to an end. there is a core principle, core military principle. we don't leave our soldier
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behind. >> isn't part of the problem is that the war isn't exactly over yet. we still have thousands upon thousands of troops there. have to move on the wayne. wayne, i want you to weigh in on this. the way they rolled out this victory lap and this ridiculous video that the taliban is now showing where we're shaking the taliban's hands to getim back. it makes my head explode. go ahead, wayne. >> i think there are so many questions here. i mean, he refers to the fact that this guy was a soldier. i'm not so sure he was a soldier. this guy may have been, as it turns out, he could easily have been somebody that's a trader. we don't know that yet. the people that know better than anybody else are his platoon leader and that is under those circumstances. >> it's a bad swap. it may have been illegal. it may have been an illegal thing and the way when you talk abt susan rice for god sake, i mean, this is the second time
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she has gone on and told obvious lies. she is prompted by the administration. they are making it political. >> watch the politics play, hold on guys, watch the politics played right here. here's maria, a spokesperson for the administration taking a shot at those people that wayne points out. the platoon leader and several others that have come out and said he was a deserter. listen. >> it happened five years ago. this is a situation -- >> all of this time, five years to determine whether he's a deserter or not. >> he's been in captivity. he's probably the person that knows best what happened on that night. >> well, his squad mate versus the best indication. >> i don't think that that's the case. >> so this video really made anyone that's been associated with a military family have someone there and knows someone there makes their head explode because here's a woman from the state department saying no, the person he served with, they don't know what really went on. we know what really went on. michelle, do you want to kick it off. >> well, look, i think this
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entire swap was political. what happened is -- what happened is this president was in a big scandal with the va and the military community was mad at him and i think he rushed this in order to change it and district people. the intelligence community, the pentagon all said no to this. even hilary clinton said no. but the president said there wasn't even time for people to push back and it was exactly because he wanted to distract people from the va and it backfired. >> everyone saying well we brought our soldier home and that's what matters. it is completely out of context. >> it is america. that is what matters. >> it doesn't matter when you -- [ inaudible ] >> he renounced his citizenship. >> bottom line. bottom line. >> bottom line -- >> hold on one second. >> hold on. let me get john in here. i'll let you respond to john. >> let me just make my point. it's out of context. we release killers that make war
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against the united states. that's why it's always been our policies to michelle's point not to engage in these type of swaps. you say the war is coming to the end. if you really wanted to win the war, we must declare war on jihad. >> we're going to run out of time again guys. wayne real quick and then go ahead. >> at the risk of being the senior person here, i served three years in the military. i know who knows me best. i know the people i served with. they knew me best. i knew them best. when you have to rely on people like that, you don't think this is anything else. those are the people, if they say he is a guy who deserted, he's a deserter. >> i apologize. >> we ran out of time. >> you can continue the conversation now on twitter. 19 weeks in a row. one more and it will be five months straight. that's amazing. let's see if we can get it trending again this morning.
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life an everyday miracle of survival today the future of all life on earth hangs in the balance what happens next depends on us ♪ well you done done me and you bet i felt it ♪ i tried to be chill but you're so hot that i melted ♪ i fell right through the cracks ♪ now i'm trying to get back ♪ before the cool done run out i'll be giving it my bestest ♪ and nothing's going to stop me but divine intervention ♪ i reckon it's again my turn ♪ to win some or learn some ♪ but i won't hesitate no more, no more ♪ it cannot wait, i'm yours ♪ open up your mind and see like me ♪ open up your plans and damn you're free
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you'll find that the sky'snd yours ♪ so please don't, please don't, please don t ♪ there's no need to complicate ♪ cause our time is short ♪ this oh, this oh, this is our fate ♪ i'm yours jothe federal government telling georgia it cannot make welfare recipients take drug tests when they get their food stamps. but with close to one in four americans receiving some kind of food assistance, maybe we should have a plan to avoid abuse. even when the states can test
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for drugs beforehanding over our hard earned tax dollars. >> well, i think the should be able to decide whether or not they want to do that but personally i don't like this at all. i think it's unfair that they're going after poor people who receive taxpayer benefits and dollars. if they want to implemented that that's fine. why not drug test congressmen and all of the ceos of green energy companies that get taxpayer dollars as well. florida implemented this and it didn't do well. it ended up costing a ton of money and almost every single person passed the drug test. the incidence is low. if they want to reform welfare, how about cutting it. >> your thoughts on drug testing before people get welfare assistance? >> well, i have no idea what drug testing has to do with welfare. do we drug test people who get a driver's license? do we drug test people who vote? that's much more delicate thing -- >> maybe we should.
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>> hey, by the way. not bad. what we really should do is have an educational test for people that vote but everybody says you can't do that, it discriminates. well it discriminates against morons and i'm for that. >> well, a lot of money is going toward food assistance. upwards of $100 billion a year. some would say i want to make sure that people receiving assistance are buying food. not drugs, liquor, or tobacco. >> for the first time i agree with michelle. let's drug test jamie diamond, all of their stockholders. see which one of them are taking ritilan ativan, xanax, klonopin, for the corporate welfare they're receiving the hundreds of billions of dollars and that's a conversation we'll have. >> let's take it further. let's not drug test anyone but let's also not steal from anyone. i hope we can all agree with that. and that's exactly what food
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stamps are. that's what it is. food stamps are your money is taken from you and it's given to people who the government says deserve it more than you do and of course to michelle's point with controls come more controls. they'll decide who should get it. what they can buy and what they can't buy. government isn't charity. if you want to help somebody you believe is needy, help them. but for government to make redistribution of wealth, part of its core function as i know obama wants to do is completely corruption. >> michelle, do you take issue with that? >> well, yeah, i think that what we ought to be doing right now is fixing entitlement reform. that's what we need. the problem is not people taking drugs and getting welfare. the problem right no is our bloated welfare system. so if he want welfare reform let's start cutting instead of trying to get these programs that are only going to cost money for the taxpayer. >> go ahead wayne. >> listen -- >> well, that was my point. i don't want to be the only one here that says people should be tested for drugs. not becaus--
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>> in a free country eric? you want to start testing people for the substances they put in their body. >> because it's taxpayer money being used -- >> argue against the taxpayer theft. >> no, jonathan, i'm in favor of taxpayer theft. >> you're talking about keeping it going. >> no, i'm not talking about keeping it going. i'm simply saying i think maybe a drug test would be okay before i hand over hard earned taxpayer money to people for food. that's what it is. >> what about in colorado. >> call it something else. >> what about in states where drugs have been made legal. >> don't call it nutrition assistance or call it just assistan assistance. >> do you want to drug test people in state where is drug versus been made legal? >> yes, i do not want to drug test people. but if it's for food it should be used for food. that's all i'm saying here. we have to leave it there. we can go on an on. coming up, if your a
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news this hour coming up in just a few minutes on anhq. >> get ready to rumble. it's the new segment round 3. get ready to rumble. three topic, three times around the horn. first off, round one. morgan free manmade surprising remarks about income equality. the oscar winner cites himself as living proof. watch. >> do you think that race plays
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a part in wealth distribution? are you in the mind set that you can't? >> today? >> no. i don't. you and i, we're proof. why would race have anything to do with it. put your mind to what you want to do and go for that. it's kind of like religion to me. it's a good excuse for not getting there. >> morgan freeman, right or wrong here? >> i agree with him to some extent because this is a great message to send to young black people that it does not matter. now, morgan freeman also thinks that the human race is a parasite, so there you go. >> income equality isn't really about race. it's about incomes, right? >> well, who talks about race, eric? racists. income inequality isn't a problem. it's simply a metaphysical fact.
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>> a lot of people and i ascribe to this, the theory of a rising tide floats all boats. which means even if incomes are becoming less equal, as long as they're all going up, that's a good thing. >> well, i think it is a good thing and i'll tell you something else, morgan freeman is right. the president of the united states is a great example of this. here is a guy, boy, i wish i had his income and could take his golf vacations. he's a man of color and he's done very well. >> michelle, your thoughts on income equality. morgan freeman saying race has nothing to do wit. that's refreshing. >> yeah, this country is about equal opportunity, not equal outcome. you can achieve whatever you want despite the color of your skin or gender, so people need to stop using their minority status as a crush of excuse. >> the jet ssons going from cartoon to reality. a tech firm plans to have the first flying cars ready in two
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years. fits in a garage, fill it up at the gas station, hit the runway and take off. truly amazing. but michelle, how long before the government starts putting rules and regulations op this idea? >> oh, immediately. they're probably already thinking about it, but i don't like this idea. just think about some woman in her suv flying, putting on makeup, flying and getting in a car accident with an suv above the sky in the city. people can't en drive properly on the road. i don't want anybody up above me. >> they said that when motorized cars came in and replaced a horse and buggy. they said there would be so many accidents. i'm in awe, only in america can miracles be created seemingly on a daily basis. could a jihadist come up with this? no, only in this great country.
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>> you going to get a airplane in your garage, pull out and take off? that sound good to you? >> no, eric, it doesn't and i love jonathan's comparison to jihadists. next thing you know, we're going to have flying carpets. lockheed martin is going to make them and be nine years behind and 8 zillion dollars over budget. >> can't tell you how many times i'm stuck behind a lady putting makeup on. in the air next to her? >> well, that's sexist. as far as flying cars go finally. i have been waiting for this. innovation is great, b yes, the american people would like to government to step in and regulate it. >> that's the bell. that's how this work, round three. is global warming causing more couples to cheat? a dating website showing folks are more likely to get frisky with others when temperatures rise. is it getting hot in here?
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>> i can tell you something, al gore's never met my wife. i can see me coming home late one night and saying oh, by the way, i'm late. you were out fooling around. oh, no, the temperature went up. of course. i'll get shot in a second. he's nuts. >> go to michelle. your thoughts on this study. >> using global warming as an excuse to cheat on you, you need to dump him. if you were dating a guy who believes in global warming period, you need to dump in. we don't have a global climate crisis. we have a moral climate crisis. >> weigh in on this one. if your dude's cheating, possibly it's too warm outside. >> if you're dating a woman who doesn't believe in science, you should probably dump her as well, but where did you get this information? victk it's a cheating website.
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how did you find this? >> the producers. my lovely wife, i want you to know, the producers picked the topic. >> i agree. this is a very suspect study, but there's no question that global warming and climate change is like the catch all escape now for everything. anything gs wrong in the world, cheating, weather's getting hot, getting cold, storm, blame global warming, which is another way of saying, blame mankind. >> we want to say thank you formichelle fields. coming
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need to know for next week and wayne, you're first. >>well, i like sw hrhc. that's smith & wesson. it's a very sounded, about 12 times earnings and very steady. just to remind people, protective life, which i talked about last year, just got bought out by a japanese insurance company. if you bought that, you made about 70 or 80% on your money. >> well done, you're on fire, my friend. how about you, john? >> i was wrong to short read. i'm looking at dxjr. it invests in japanese real estate. talk about coming back from a bubble, japanese land prices are still where they were in the late 1980s. >> thank you very much. that's it for the cost of
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freedom. thanks for joining us. being president of the united states requires some heavy lifting at times. in poland wasn't one of those times. check it out. commander in chief hello and welcome to "across america," i'm jeff flock and where are we teek? we're on a ski lift. >> whoa! >> and a snowmobile. >> the snowmobile is back in a big way. >> we're driving down a frozen mountain and camped out on a frozen lake. notice anything here? we're looking at all things cold and hot. we are both sweating. look at this. we'll introduce you to the man who put his sweat into the relaunch of the twinkie. we'll explain why tea is becoming hotter than coffee. and if that hasn'
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