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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  June 10, 2014 11:00am-1:01pm EDT

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live with mom and dad? the youth vote went to obama and look at what they have got. the gm annual meeting today. terrible p.r. google, is there anything they are not into? now genetic research on autism. and the future of flying. the rest of us live in present-day reality and it is grandma. and since we are a financial program we will cover the clinton who says she was broke when the clintons left the white house. "varney & company" is about to begin. ♪ stuart: this isn't much of a loss, is it? tuesday morning, down a mere nine points. the dow at 16 9:30 three.
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76 points from 17,000. the s&p 5000 take a modest back from the series of record highs just below 1950. as for gold, that has been up $50 this calendar year. now we are at 1260.60 as of right now. 10-year treasury yield fibbing up fractionally. still historically quite low. a bigger loss at radioshack and down she goes 7%. there would put this thing on deathwatch? we will discuss later. facebook poaches a paypal executive. facebook is going up on this news, straight up, a 3% gain for a stock like this a nice gain, one of the biggest winners on the s&p 500. facebook at 64. now let's look elsewhere. a youth employment crisis. millennials not working and
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don't say it is because they are lazy. in february the labor participation rate for those 16-19 under 33%. the lowest percentage since they started tracking the data. one-third of the people in that age group not working. in april the labor participation rate for 20 to 24-year-olds came in above 70%, but that is the third lowest rate since the end of the vietnam war. political prospect editor-in-chief also with us here in new york. who is to blame, i think i am right in saying this is a youth employment crisis, who do you think is to blame? >> for one, the president. we have catalogued the reasons why it can be laid at his doorstep, it is not generating jobs. parents and educators are responsible for not giving children good advice and creating adequate expectations. many go to college for business
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degrees and simply cannot find a job. they opt out of the labor market and then there is unpaid internships becoming almost mandatory these days. stuart: thank you, peter. you are a millennial, who is to blame for this? >> i certainly think it is the president. half of millennials would vote to recall the president now, which is an astonishing number. raising the minimum wage to $10.10, who is that going to hurt? millennials. he will see fewer people hiring. the obamacare mandate is another one. policy after policy kills jobs and hurts young people. stuart: could this be reversed very easily? >> we have to really end the
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student loan program as we know it. more fundamentally we need to go back to progrowth policy. doing things efficiently, not with a lot of bureaucrats did develop natural oil and gas another thing that would generate growth. nothing like inhaling young people. you have a have a job specific job, they're still quite general at a young age and don't have a lot of job specific skills they would add an older age so they are easily inhaled orb or absord in for a growing economy. stuart: let them bring up this study from arizona. half of all college students have been out of school for two years, they are relying on their parents for financial help. i have to say, this group of people voted for the president, i won't say they get what they deserve, but they did vote for this. >> now they are having buyers remorse.
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the approval rating 47%, the lowest in his presidency among millennials bid i thought a lot of your facebook viewers writing about how millennials are majoring in majors like art history and whatnot, underwater basket weaving, dom majors. that is not the case, actually. baby boomers were more likely to major in history and educations and the arts the than millennias bid it is lack of jobs and the president to blame. stuart: peter, what do you have to say? >> my generation entered into a different job market. it was before all of this technology. even from a nondescript university. today you have to have more specific job skills and i'm afraid university presidents are some of the worst enablers on earth. they support programs where they basically teach children to be upset with their parents, annoyed at their country and
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generally not worth very much on the job market. stuart: you are a tenured professor, is that correct? >> this is why god made tenure. ask if i would have been able to say what i just said and go back to the university and have a job. stuart: i'm critical tenure, but we will leave you in. thank you very much, indeed. have to break away from politics from it and go back to the market. is there anything google doesn't do? nicole, they are now getting into autism research, really? nicole: no doubt. the chairman and ceo and cofounder of autism speaks teaming up with google because they are going to do more research, pulling the data together. he says it is the only way to break down the data barriers that surrounded autism. so anything from how to treat it, causes of various types of autism. they will be looking at all of
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the genome that go with this. you are right, breaking into this medical world as well as beyond. stuart: every single day we break a story of google doing this, doing that in a wide range of fields and it is like there is a story everyday about this and now research on autism. all good stuff but it shows you what an extraordinary company google has become. let me show you the big board for a moment before we move on. could be we will go positive in the next 30, 4 42nd, you never know. this is a market on very low volume that keeps pushing a little bit higher. we may get back t the positive side, we will see. more than 100,000 veterans are experiencing long wait for medical treatment. the system is really failing them. on the veterans affairs
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committee. i say the vouchers are the answer, give these people a voucher where they can spend it at any hospital, any doctor they like. doesn't that solve the problem? why can't we do this? >> stuart, i was a doctor at the va for 20 years and also private practice. for many years i felt the same way. why not give the veteran a gold card, give him the treatment he wants from the local provider. the va does provide specific things veterans need. ptsd treatment, i don't see why we can't give the choice to where they go. the reform of the va would involve changes like that. stuart: if you did that, you'd be entering into a market situation of private enterprise solution to the problem, don't think president obama can allow that to happen. >> there is no excuse. i have been waiting and waiting for their care, we have to put a stop to this.
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allowing more access to the private sector for veterans and there is no question we should make the veterans have a choice where to go. it doesn't make a sense of travel 90 miles to the nearest veterans affairs hospital to get a chest x-ray when it will be done in a local hospital. why does he have to drive for three hours? the process is very arduous. stuart: when you were a doctor in the va system did you run up against this kind of bureaucracy? that seems the nature of government is bureaucracy. he can't cut through it. >> i can tell you stories of all the mismanagement and frankly the va doesn't listen to the providers. the doctors and nurses are taking care of the patients. they want to do a good job. the bureaucracy doesn't listen to the people taking care of our veterans.
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opening up the private sector will make the va better. stuart: realistically what chance do you think there is to opening it up to the private sector? isaiah zero chance. and you say? >> the va it does provide some work like ptsd and agent orange. but we have opened up the private sector so they can get timely care. that is a critical issue. stuart: i will pose a question one more time. i want to know what you think, i say there is no chance they will open it up to the private sector. do you think there is any chance at all? >> yes, i do. now that we have national attention on this issue, he can force the administration to make it easier for veterans to get timely care in the private sector. stuart: go for it, sir. grace to have you on the show today. republican from michigan. >> thank you, stuart. stuart: the dow down seven points.
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time is money so in 30 seconds would you please look at this? this? a couple headlines for you. airbus, the plane of the future. a concept plane. more fuel-efficient, holographic pop up passenger pods, a transparent cabin allowing for panoramic views, seats that use passenger body heat to power the aircraft systems. do not expect this until 2050. meanwhile the with what you've got. apple airing new ads for the iphone. theyt wearable fitness gadgets hinting new gadgets with the technology expected early this fall. the electronic cigarettes business is booming $1.7 billion worth of sales last year. after the break, we can invest in e-cigs. you can meet the guy who runs it. it's the little things in life that make me smile.
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spending the day with my niece. i don't use super poligrip for hold because my dentures fit well. before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. even well-fitting dentures let in food particles. super poligrip is zinc free. with just a few dabs, it's clinically proven to seal out more food particles so you're more comfortable and confident while yoeat. so it's not about keeping my dentures in,
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it's about keeping the food particles out. [ charlie ] try zinc free super poligrip. peace of mind is important when so we provide it services you bucan rely on. with centurylink as your trusted it partner, you'll experience reliable uptime for the network and services you depend on. multi-layered security solutions keep your information safe, and secure. and responsive dedicated support meets your needs, and eases your mind. ♪ now printing is so affordable and convenient, you can print all you want. hp instant ink. save on ink and never run out again. plans start at just $2.99 a month.
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welcome to the future of printing. seeing the world in reverse, and i loved every minute of it. but then you grow up and there's no going back. but it's okay, it's just a new kind of adventure. and really, who wants to look backwards when you can look forward? stuart: i thought we might just make it into the positive column, but it did not.
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we are down nine, not exactly a selloff but we are down. the price of gold, up $6 at 1260. the price of oil. the s&p 500 at 1949. the price of oil at $104 per barrel and rising. watch out gas prices this summer driving season. victim families meet mary bara. the stock has held up very nicely, thank you. look at the stock over the past year. despite all of the recalls and the p.r. nightmare, it is basically unchanged, up 4% over the past year. very interesting case study of what happens when a company is hit with lousy p.r. but the stock stays pretty much unchanged. same thing happened at toyota a couple of years back. it crashed when it had that unwanted acceleration problem and bounce back to well over $100 per share.
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charles payne is here. he says he can make money with something called applied micro circuits. it does what which mark charles: they make computer chips that will be used in superduper cloud data centers. this is a company that was completely written off, a stock i mentioned two weeks ago and it went promptly straight down. reviewers have not stopped sending me hate mail since then. it is back up and i believe it is on the verge of a breakout. this company has completely revamped itself and there at the forefront of all of this stuff. in 2016 the market will be 10 times bigger than it was in 2008. a major upgrade today, i really think it is off to the races so hang in there with me. stuart: save your criticisms for
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charles new show, don't criticize "varney & company." we keep a very close eye on the e-cigs business. here is the stock price of vapor, he only play in the e-cigs play. that is all this company does, you cigarettes. here is the ceo of vapor, he joins us now. welcome to the program. >> thank you very much, it is a tremendous pleasure to be here. stuart: you are a peer play, all you do is e-cigs, that is it, that is what vapor is, right? >> and a vaporizer which has been a significant market shift most recently but there are basic products, you're absolutely right in that respect. stuart: let me start with a criticism of e-cigs i heard about production business. one of the guys on the team is a smoker and he uses e-cigs.
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this morning on his way to work he wanted a real cigarette, because he says it is the only way he gets real satisfaction from smoking. deal with that criticism, please. >> you can't please all the people all the time. stuart: you are an honest man, that was very good. how are you going to compete with the big guys? they are trying to put you out of business. >> i don't know that they are trying to put us out. quite frankly we welcome them into the industry when they came in a couple years ago and that may sound counterintuitive but there are a couple of good reasons for that. they brought legitimacy to the category and brought tens of millions of dollars of advertising campaign to educating the public. that is something we could not have accomplished on the budget we had. they help educate folks and raise the level of growth by an x factor.
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stuart: could you live with the same level of taxation's on e-cigs levied against rigler tobacco? you are supplying nicotine, a drug. if that drug were taxed the same way tobacco is taxed, could you live with it? >> number one we could live with it because the public has been very clear that they like e-cigs, they want e-cigs. 60% of all sales are repeat sales. we could live with it. we will not be quickly excised taxed as people are fearing. the bases of taxation on cigarettes is based on tobacco. and i point whatever% of the product weight is electronic components. where does the slippery slope lead you to? the patch and to the gum. a couple of very big lobbies
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that are strongly against that. they're going to be fighting against that also. the final point would be we are trying to do good, and people are trying to just advertise in that way. stuart: you are trying to do good, i understand that, we are trying to make a profit, aren't you? >> of course we are. stuart: and you are selling a drug. >> yes, we are, a drug unfortunately people are already addicted to. things without power, ash, arsenic, we took all of those things out. stuart: you are a peer play. vapor corporation.
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great to have you on the show, come back again. >> thank you very much, have a good day. stuart: thank you. pat boone a very young 80 years old. your reaction to his appearance on this program up next. that man just turned 80. we're moving our company to new york state.
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the numbers are impressive. over 400,000 new private sector jobs... making new york state number two in the nation in new private sector job creation... with 10 regional development strategies to fit your business needs. and now it's even better because they've introduced startup new york... with the state creating dozens of tax-free zones
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become the next business to discover the new new york. you start by extending online net neutrality protection to more americans. you make the network faster, more secure and more reliable. you make low-cost internet access available to more low-income families at home. life online can be better for a lot more people.
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that's what we're committed to do. together. comcast and time warner cable. together is better for more people. stuart: you just turned 80, is that correct? >> yeah, just had a big celebrity roast blowout. somebody so what is the best part about turning 80? i said being alive and being vertical. i appreciate both. [laughter] stuart: yeah. for a guy that just turned 80, pat boone looks great, doesn't he? grace to have him on the show for his project repeal state taxes. here's what you said about the rest of the pat boone interview. debbie said it is wonderful to have another voice of reason. too bad our government doesn't listen. rick says of i look like pat boone when i am 80 years old i will know i have lived my life
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right. i am with you on that one, rick. take you for your comments, keep them coming. when menswear company thinking about going private. investors like that up nearly 10%. i guess they pay a ton of money to take it private. check out these images of 13-year-old just two days before the world cup kicks off in brazil. this young boys being held soccer's next prodigy. even offered a contract with barcelona. he is a poor kid, similar background of pele. they say he could be the next pele. have you any idea who or what i am talking about? >> i do. rinaldo, isn't he the portugal player? he didn't take the job with the spanish team because his whole family couldn't go. he calls his family the quartet.
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i like to see him make it. stuart: you know how much a prodigy could make if he is that good and is 13 now? >> i am an american football girl. stuart: hold on a second, charles. i want your comment on this one. another soccer headlines he had look at these images taken recently of the soccer star rinaldo known well here, he is throwing an american football around with the new york jets. the portugal national team was training in new jersey before they headed down to brazil for the world cup. rinaldo would never work in american football ever because he couldn't take a pay cut. charles: and he couldn't take the hits. it is one thing to be kicked in the shin but i've seen a lot of olympians from a speedster on the track to football. some have made it, but most haven't.
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stuart: so he won't make it on the gridiron? >> we can all say it is good to see an elite team play at jets stadium for once. charles: that was called. you may have to go back to miami for that one. >> sorry be at stuart: well done, young lady. the sharing economy is under attack. uber and air bnb. up next, the former attorney general of virginia says those bureaucrats are holding up the free market. we will like this guy be it after this. >> uber is not only faster, more reliable, it costs less. nearly perfect supply and demand. stick with innovation.
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and often, that day arrives by train. big day today? even bigger one tomorrow. when csx trains move forward, so does the rest of the economy. csx. how tomorrow moves. ♪ be to just look at radioshack. i am saying they have an image problem. the stores look dated. radioshack. 2014. they made a commercial making fun of their outdated image at the super bowl.
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should we put them on death watch? the only thing they have going for them is the amazing footprint where everyone lives within two blocks from radioshack. charles: this company stock when it was called candy. it was a company named by a guy called charles candy. stuart: radioshack is a great place because they are very customer friendly. charles: when i go in there, i do not want anything in there except for batteries. stuart: you are the younger generation.
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>> absolutely not. you can get that walmart, target, best buy. why go to radioshack. stuart: are you done? >> i am done. stuart: orders from the virginian dmv to start operating. former virginia assemblyman. welcome to the show. it is good to see you again. >> good to see you, stuart. stuart: you do not have the right permit. get out of here. we will shut you down. not much you can do about it. they do not have the permit. >> it depends on how you look at this, of course. the state is standing in the way of this kind of innovative
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improvement. the state needs to get out of the way. you have special interest groups that have invested interest in keeping things the way they are. that does not help consumers. it does not help the drivers. people replacing car ownership. government needs to accommodate itself for the 21st century. not to hold onto the 100 year old regulatory dinosaur. stuart: you will not be able to hold off uber for a couple of weeks or whatever it is. >> i agree with you. the truth finds a way. this is pure supply and demand here.
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stuart: what would you say to these? they are in deep trouble. >> you hit it on the head there, stuart. they are frankly wearing cinderblock shoes. it is not like uber will completely displace personal drivers or taxis and so forth. they will offer a whole new option. a very sophisticated, very thorough student bulletin board. my kid in college kids a ride home. pace for some of the gas and a little extra. it is an all regulatory regime here. with no public investment. this is getting more transportation for no taxpayer dollars and no taxpayer rent.
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stuart: a millennial. she will get in. >> they have looked at virginia traffic codes. >> they are on weak ground. i will not guess who would win if they fought it out. i hate to say it, i want to see us get to a pure, free market. they have to have that fight. they have to nail down that answer in court. they know people that want to use uber. they will be contacting those folks in turn having them turn around and contact their government.
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now here he has a big chance. it is those folks that now use uber. charles: protecting special interest. help the audience understand. it is not just uber and lift. it is now tesla. why is it hurting the economy so badly? >> the relationships already exist. that is the key thing. they have been doing that for 23 years. he is good at it. the reality is they already have
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an established relationship. i am not happy that that matters a great deal, but it does matter. like i said, they know who wants to use their service in virginia. they should call those people. here is your delegate, here is your senator. they should bypass all of the usual methods. stuart: good to see you back in the debate for the market. thank you very much. hillary clinton. hold on a second. i saw that out of the corner of my eye. i thought for a second the dow has gone up. no. sorry, folks. hillary clinton said she ended
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up broke after the eight years that she and the president spent in the white house. also this. political dynasty or rather political royalty. that should set him off. ♪ predicting the future is a pretty difficult thing to do. but, manufacturing in the united states means advanced technology. we learned that technology allows us to be craft oriented. no one's losing their job. there's no beer robot that has suddenly chased them out. the technology is actually creating new jobs. siemens designed and built the right tools and resources to get the job done.
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♪ >> the fda is lifting a hold on a new hepatitis drug. they are giving the green light. the stock is soaring on the news. look at the shares. google is now seeing a partnership with autism speaks. a database with children with autism and their families. it will make it easier for doctors around the world to collaborate and share results. donald sterling pulling out of the sale of selling the clippers and moving forward with his lawsuit against the nba. he made racist comments to his girlfriend. up next, we will show you what the future of air travel looks like.
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♪ stuart: airbus showing off what they are calling the blame of the future. lauren has not seen the place. >> i have seen that conceptual video. there will be different zones. thirty-five years from now. you can play virtual golf. there will be panoramic videos.
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you can see the sky all the way around. you can see things like the eiffel tower. very cool. the seeds that you sit on, they will massage you. they will measure your body temperature and the heat from our body can then power the items. it is so futuristic. flight of 2050. they'll ask how much this will cost. it is charging us for every little thing. stuart: that is the point, isn't it. that looks absolutely wonderful. i think in terms of comfort and service, they are going backwards. >> plans have not changed much since the 1960s. they have to change. stuart: you can see everything.
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we have to get a little frightened if you are not a good flyer. >> you know, guys, you do not have to wait until 2050. 500 million, you can get that done now. stuart: is this on your own show? stuart: netflix berries the ratchet. they will stop blaming the rising for slow streaming. >> i love varney and company and its spinoff, making money with charles payne. right now, 434.49. this is a battle brewing here. you better stop putting up these notices through verizon customers. you know netflix, it is your own
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fault. netflix says they will be pulling it down. verizon says they will have legal action. everyone is fighting for netflix. stuart: it is up $11. hillary clinton made headlines when she said this in her interview with diane sawyer. >> we came out of the white house broke, but in debt. we had no money when we got there and we struggled to, you know, piece together the resources for mortgages for houses, education. you know, it was not easy. stuart: we are a financial program. let's take that on. all rise, judge andrew napolitano is here. true or false? >> most likely, true. she did not have that at the time she left the white house.
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the president was overwhelmed with legal bills. unlike christie, with the state pay his legal bills? that is part of the debt she was probably talking about. unable to muster enough money to purchase their housing. a magnificent home. he gave them the mortgage on it. since then, they have become who were wealthy. stuart: thank you, judge. what i really want to do is move onto this aspect of the story. i thought royalty would ring a bell. >> we do not have royalty in this country. stuart: oh, yes, you do. [laughter] stuart: 1980.
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bush vice president. 1988, bush president. 1992, clinton enters the field. the year 2000, bush becomes president. 2004 call bush becomes the president. 2008, bush and the primary. 2012, no bush, no clinton. 2016, maybe clinton. it is a dynasty. >> it depends on what you mean by the word royalty. royalty means some benefit by virtue of birth. birth. stuart: i am not bashing them. what is the word?
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help me out here. >> a dynasty. >> i do not support this dynasty. i support the right of the american people. the british people have no such right. stuart: what rubbish. >> the attitude coming from hillary clinton comes from that amount of power. he contemplated that in her book. >> here is a question for you. when you get to interview hillary clinton, would you rather be the president of the united states or the queen of england? she is doing a book to her, why would she not come here? [laughter] stuart: not bad, judge, not bad.
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thank you, judge. there exists a method today to eradicate food borne illnesses. a lot of companies do not use it. why? doctor marc siegel has this method. we will tell you. radiation. ♪ are the largest targets in the world, for every hacker, crook and nuisance in the world.
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because everyone deserves a great night's sleep. know better sleep with sleep number.
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stuart: here is a headline for you. the fda approves using sterilization did it still has many errors. doctor marc siegel is here. i call it criticism of the radiation method. i say that is popular nonsense. i think it is junk science hysteria. >> i agree with you today. completely agree with you. i think it is safe. it becomes niggling the environment. by the way, the real problem is the produce which has bacteria on it which is becoming more and more aggressive.
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stuart: just put it into a solid. >> sometimes it is peanuts. at least with poultry you bring it up to 160 degrees. you are killing that bacteria. you are not doing it with the produce. stuart: is there some concern that radiation gives you cancer or empires cancer or gives you some real local problem if you use this method? >> you hear the word cancer and you say let's run away from that. i hear the word bacteria. i say, what is going on with all of the bacteria out there? it is called cold pasteurization . let's use that word. stick it under a light.
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you are done. stuart: we have not done this yet. >> you have already said it. it is because of popular fears. stuart: it is not the free market guys that are stopping this. >> we do not always agree on the fda. i think it has to go through. stuart: thank you very much. one of the cofounders responds to president obama's latest claim that the science is in when it comes to climate change. that is next. another hour is two minutes away. ♪
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other side effects include dry mouth and constipation. nothing can reverse copd. spiriva hes me breathe better. does breathing with copd weigh you down? don't wait to ask your doctor about spiriva you really love, what would you do?" ♪ [ woman ] i'd be a writer. [ man ] i'd be a baker. [ woman ] i wanna be a pie maker. [ man ] i wanna be a pilot. [ woman ] i'd be an architect. what if i told you someone could pay you and what if that person were you? ♪ when you think about it, isn't that what retirement should be, paying ourselves to do what we love ♪ stuart: could it be, the stock market records are all about politics. our laugher says the market is
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up because the republicans may sweep in november. that is an opinion. here are the facts. five months until the election. you decide. ♪ stuart: headlines. the president says climate change is settled. patrick moore is here. he has his take on the president staple. personal information stolen from obamacare enrollees found in a backpack. the full story. a revolution and post operative care. it links your vital signs to your doctor. no matter where you are. the streaming box that has the winner of a real winner. it is coming to america. all right, everybody, where are
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we this tuesday morning. we think it is on its way to 17 k, but not right now. still very close to 1950. the yield on the 10 year treasury. all of the bad publicity has not hurt gm's stock. it has not hurt its sales. $26 a share on the day. look at facebook. it has poached a executive. they spoke up big. nearly 4% on that news. ebay owns paypal. we called google the everything company. now, they are getting to autism research. the stock is up 569. virtually unchanged.
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record numbers of young people not working. the participation rate for people 16 and 19 under 33%. they start attracting it in 1948. it has not, it has not come up much since then. scott shell eddie at the cme for more on this. am i right to say that this is a youth employment crisis? >> a christ sake epidemic. thorough any word on it that you would like. at the end of the day, 33% unemployment we have a problem here. all we continue to do is address the symptoms.
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yesterday student loans announced it was just another example of that. we have an epidemic of these not being able to get work. especially the 20-25 years old. stuart: you give me 4% growth and i will help you solve all of these problems. >> absolutely. look at our gdp. at the end of the day, if we can get the government up unless you are in small business, i could get off to a really good start. thank you very much. we will see you again soon.
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sony. launching their own video streaming box. it can also be used to stream and play video games. russ joins us with more on this. this is the streaming box that young people are going to watch. that is what makes it a big deal. correct? >> it is definitely a big deal. this is a smaller option. it plays games. it plays tv shows. this is sort of an entry point. it is a box. it is playstation tv. you have a remote control. through that single box, you get
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everything. you get used to. you get amazon prime. i am being very simplistic here. is it like that? >> apple tv is a similar product. it is as simple as that. the interesting thing is they are planning on embedding these products into tv. you will not even need the box. it will be built right into your tv. >> check out the new ad that apple rolled out last week. ♪ stuart: i know you have seen not add, russ. it looks to me that they are hinting at a fitness tracking watch.
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>> obviously, there are a ton on iphone. a huge focus for apple. i would not say that it is related. it is definitely leaning in that direction. they watch sort of bridges the gap. i think it is and obvious next step for apple. stuart: you know what you are talking about in this area. do you think this would be a very sellable new product for apple? >> 100%.
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we have rdc and samsung attempted. answering text messages, listening to music. all of that stuff makes perfect sense to them. stuart: investors seem to like it. the stock has gone up. ninety-three as of right now. thank you very much, indeed. the new stuff in technology. appreciate it. radioshack. >> i love radioshack. it just really cannot find its footing. down 9%. came out today. it's ninth straight orderly loss. bigger than what everybody expect it. then they started to move into smart phones and tablets.
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they had to do intense promotions. they compete against everybody. they have seen a loss on the sales as well. they have been trying to revamp those stores. closing some of the other stores. they are having a hard time. >> you walk into a radioshack and they are very helpful. they hook you right up with what you want. that is very valuable to someone like me. >> i went in there to buy a wii and i really needed it. they were so busy trying to sell smartphones, not one person could help me. just chatting and chatting about smart phones. stuart: you have said enough. it is on death watch. do not challenge president obama
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on the issue of climate change. an interview with the "new york times." he said science is science. that is it. roll tape. >> science is compelling. the baseline fact of climate change is not something we can afford to deny. stuart: the cofounder at patrick moore joins us now from vancouver. you heard what the president had to say. you are a scientist. is the climate change in? >> absolutely not. this is all about politics. the rules that the president chooses will punish. it is 40% of all u.s. electricity. 41% of the world elect city. it will benefit people in the blue states.
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there have been zero global warning for nearly 18 years now. levels have continued to increase. >> i certainly am a skeptic on all matters. climate is one of those areas where virtually nothing is settled. i would call myself a luke warm mist. i do not deny that the climate has warmed over the last 250 years. we have had nothing to do with the end of the little ice age. i do not deny that human beings are denying an increase of co2. not carbon, carbon dioxide. increases in co2 result in
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increased productivity for all plants, all trees and all of our food crops and can only be positive on that count. stuart: this is a direct opposite from what is in the popular culture. a very popular show. it has been running recently. i saw the finale. it said climate change is here. climate change is serious. it is a big negative and it is killing us. it is a very popular show. you are saying the exact opposite from this. i think people are basically confused. >> a little bit about what has happened in the last 150 years. it does not tell you anything.
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the science is not settled on climate change. most of the warning is caused by natural factors. we do know the sun is pretty important. stuart: you are the cofounder. thank you very much indeed for coming on the show today. patrick moore. come again soon. thank you. >> thank you. stuart: a scary scenario playing out in life. it contained personal information of hundreds of people who signed up on the states obamacare exchange. this was not just some computer printout. his records were hand printed. details after this. ♪
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can you start tomorrow? tomorrow we're booked solid. we close on the house tomorrow. tomorrow we go live... it's a day full of promise. and often, that day arrives by train. big day today? even bigger one tomorrow. cs how tomorrow moves. ...i got lots of advice, but i needed information i could trust. unitedhealthcare's innovative, simple program helps moms stay on track with their doctors
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to get the right care and guidance. (anncr vo) that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. they're the days to take care of business.. when possibilities become reality. with centurylink as your trusted partner, our visionary cloud infrastructure and global broadband network free you to focus on what matters. with custom communications solutions and responsive, dedicated support, we constantly evolve to meet your needs. every day of the week. centurylink® your link to what's next.
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i have a great fit with my dentures. i love kiwis. i've always had that issue with the seeds getting under my denture. super poligrip free -- it creates a seal of the dentures in my mouth. even well-fitting dentures let in food particles. super poligrip is zinc free. with just a few dabs, it's clinically proven to seal out more food particles so you're more comfortable and confident while you eat. super poligrip free made the kiwi an enjoyable experience. [ charlie ] try zinc free super poligrip. stuart: this is new.
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look at what coca-cola is doing. replacing the iconic label with popular first names in the country. 251st names will be on the bottle. they hit the stores on thursday. the donald sterling saga. elizabeth macdonald has this. liz: he is saying that he will sue the end pa. not just a trust violation. also a constitutional due process violation. in the state of california, you are not allowed to tape-record somebody without their consent. he has been going back and forth. it now looks like he will sue the nba.
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it looks like it could halt it. donald sterling is already, get this, there are many claims. basically, you know, is this just for show? the issue is, are you allowed to tape-record somebody without their consent? in the state of california, you are not allowed to. stuart: your opinion, will it hold up the sale? >> yes. stuart: it will? >> could. stuart: a backpack containing for notebooks with personal information. that notebook -- police
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investigating. not clear where the backpack came from and if anyone's personal information was compromised. jimmy melcher has been following this story for us. welcome. >> thank you for having me. stuart: there is a backpack. it was handwritten. >> handwritten. it even included 150 people's social security numbers. someone copied it down. stuart: literally copied it down. >> handwritten. yes. i want to note this story. connecticut is one of the better exchanges. imagine the other states.
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i think it really points out the potential for consumer safety violations. stuart: it was an insider. they took that information and posted it down. this person -- a person. >> absolutely. calling up those people. offering them identity theft. i think that is really an acknowledgment of what a problem is. the investigation is ongoing. we just do not know at this point. >> you are forced to sign up for healthcare. i signed up for obamacare and give him my information. that is not encrypted.
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it pops up on the screen. you do not have a safeguard for that. >> who is liable? >> that is a big question right now. a huge liability issue there. liz: there will be employees. >> exactly. dozens and dozens of incidents across the u.s. >> i really think that this will be a problem that we see more and more. they are using solid information. they just leave it around willy-nilly. liz: that is right.
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>> there are detailed personal financial information. >> it has your whole address. this is everything and identity test would need. it is still really pointing. >> you cannot sue nancy pelosi. maybe you can sue the subcontractor. stuart: the parallels between toyotas recall and general motors recent pr nightmare. my take on that after this. ♪
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this is awkward. check your speed. see how fast your internet can be. switch now and add voice and tv for $34.90. comcast business built for business. trwith secure wifie for your business. it also comes with public wifi for your customers. not so with internet from the phone company. i would email the phone company to inquire as to why they have shortchanged these customers. but that would require wifi. switch to comcast business internet and get two wifi networks included. comcast business built for business. ♪ stuart: netflix stop spending messages blaming the rising for slow streaming feeds. a nice game for amazon stock today. six dollars higher. here is what we have coming up.
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you wear it. vital signs. sending it automatically to the dock there. let's go to the office. it can be anywhere you like. plus, another example of how rough millennial's habit in this economy. even if you have a job in new york, you cannot afford to live there. no american company has such a run of bad publicity as general motors recently. gm has only recently turned off the majority of government motors. why is it stock price holding up? why are the sales very strong. there is a parallel with toyota. remember the acceleration problem complete with shocking video of an out of control car.
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the transportation secretary at the time told owners do not drive the toyota. that is really bad publicity. a year later, toyota was in recovery mode. is it possible for something similar to happen with general motors? it is the old gm that is getting the blame. being very zero open in facing the crisis. surely that is enough. look at sales. up double digits. just as the recalls were announced. gm holds its annual shareholder meeting.
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grieving family members will be there. all of that is unlikely to produce financial drama. money is calculating. money is going to flow to a company that sells what you want. it will be a replay. ♪
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your cret, even the equity in your home. it doesn't mattew old you are or how much money you have. identity thieves steal from eryone. you have to protect yourself. i protect myself with lifelock. [ male announcer ] while identity theft can't be completely opped, one protects you better than lifelock. and lifelock stands behind their protection with the power of their $1 million service guarantee. you have so much to protect and nothing to lose when you call lifelock right now and try 60 days of identity theft protection risk free. 60 days risk free. use promo code onguard. order now and get this document shredder to keep sensitive documents out of the wrong hands. a $29 value free. ♪ ♪
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stuart: cybercrime you know is a huge problem. listen to this, the worst may be you have to come. listen to what john mcafee told us. >> i am just waiting for the big hit for the bad guys come on strong and disrupt everything. >> it will be this year, i promise you. stuart: this year? , really? >> this year. the limited number of department stores that were hit, target for example, neiman marcus, these are test runs. they run beta software, tested, fix it, trust me, it is coming this year. stuart: that is very interesting. rich edson in d.c. is anybody doing anything about this?
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there are individual proposals to reach a bipartisan consensus on issues like information sharing, those efforts are moving very slowly, push among senators to must pass spending bill funding for the government to offer more help to retailers, but beyond that these issues feature second, my to save harbors and government access to information, the types of issues congress runs away from in an election year, and they are running. stuart: i knew that was going to be the case, but i had to ask anyway. the big one is coming thisk o . good stuff. rich edson, thank you very much, indeed. this is the patch segment. our next guest is streamlining health care with the patch we keep talking about. that allows you to keep an eye on your vital statistics and have a doctor follow them at the same time. his company's private, it is called vital connect.
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welcome to the program. >> thank you very much. stuart: the gentleman here is wearing the patch as we speak and it is sending information from him to his cell phone, is that correct? we have the cell phone on camera). that looks like an ekg. >> yes, it is. stuart: the patch on your chest communication with your phone. so a doctor if you have a medical condition your doctor can follow that anywhere in the world matter where you are, no matter where the doctor's. >> you are absolutely right. it is very small. the goal for the company was to miniaturize them to make them very small. very convenient and comfortable, half the peace of mind the information is sent. stuart: what kind of information can the patch transmit? what else can it do? >> briefing right, skin cancer
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and activities like fall detection. one of the leading causes of injuries for those over 65 is falling. one in three individuals who fall once usually leads to deterioration of their health. stuart: we thought this was primarily used in a postoperative situation. you have that patch and the doctor can keep track of you wherever you are. as o that the primary applicati? working with a company where we do this with patients that may have a cardiac condition, they have a call center and look out for those potential problems for those people. stuart: it is a crowded market, lots of places you can wear that monitor your body's vital signs.
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a crowded field, is that it? >> it is and it isn't be at stuart: what is so special about your patch? >> the regulatory approval like canada. stuart: you have fda approval. >> absolutely be at stuart: you want to go and sell shares to the public. he wants to cash out, don't you? >> we want to build a big company. stuart: okay. you are planning an ipo? >> yes yes there. stuart: when? >> hopefully two to three years. we have many people who wants to use our device, when we have predictable and good revenue, the key to his take it public. stuart: they key is the reliability of that information. it has to be 100% reliable come you don't want fall's alarms. >> absolutely.
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you always say that inside the company imagine one of your loved ones was using this device. it's got to be good, took us to be reliable. stuart: you've got to have an army of lawyers protecting your liability because if you make one little mistake. is that your major expense westmark lawyers? >> not quite yet. stuart: what does it take for your company to go public, what do you have to do now? >> we have to find patients who use this thing. our target is partners who can bring us 100,000 patients. stuart: you need 100,000 patients using it and then you go public. >> absolutely. stuart:'s rights now you're looking for our viewers who may need to use this patch and you want to get in touch with them, don't you? >> absolutely. and we hope we can be of service to them. stuart: you hope they can be of service to you.
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would you take say $100 million? you, tomorrow morning, would you take $100 million for this product? >> it is one of those things obviously investors would have to make a decision, but our goal is to build a big company and really make a difference. stuart: are you doing this for humanity? >> absolutely. it is part of our company's culture to make a difference worldwide. we have ambition to sell this product to underdeveloped countries at lower costs. >> what would you take 100 million? >> no. >> what would you take? stuart: very good, liz. >> i better not respond to that before consulting with my co-investors. stuart: would you take a billion? >> it is a difficult question to answer be at stuart: no, it's not.
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look, seriously, thank you very much, the product from the company called vital cap next. thank you for being with us, dr.. >> thank you, i appreciate it. that is a "varney & co." question. a new ad from apple suggesting the next big gadget announcement will be all about wearable technology. we will explain it all in a moment.
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i'm randy and i quit smoking with chantix. as a police officer, i've helped many people in the last 23 years. but i needed help in quitting smoking. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. chantix reduced the urge for me to smoke. it actually caught me by surprise. some people had chges in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. if you notice any of these, tellhistory of mental health yproblemswhich coulday. get worse while taking chantix. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you develop these, stop chantix and see your doctor right away as some could be life threatening. tell your doctor if you have a history of heart or blood vessel problems, or if you develop new
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worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. use caution when driving or operating machinery. common side effects include nausea, trouble sleeping and unusual dreams. i did not know what it was like to be a non-smoker. but i do now. ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. >> big moves from big names. ebay paypal president leaving the company to be the head of messaging at facebook. head of the already existing messenger service were he will focus on new projects. facebook sales up almost 4%. sony has a new weapon in the battle for the living room. they announced their playstation tv at this year's e3 conference. and $99 box that place content from netflix, amazon and the likes but can also be used to stream and play playstation video games. sony shares down two-thirds of
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1%. more news coming out of the e3. microsoft announcing the next chapter of the halo videogame series. halo five will hit stores sometime next year. this could be the game a croissant has an waiting for to jumpstart sales for the xbox one consul. (mother vo) when i was pregnant... i got more advice than i knew what to do with. what i needed was information i could trust on how to take care of me and my baby. luckily, unitedhealthcare has a simple program
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that helps moms stay on track with their doctors and get the right care and guidance-before and after the baby is born. simple is good right now. (anncr vo) innovations that work for you. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. became big business overnight? ♪ like, really big... then expanded? ♪ or their new product tanked? ♪ or not? what if they embrace new technology instead? ♪ imagine a company's future with the future of trading. company profile. a research tool on thinkorswim. from td ameritrade. stuart: and here it is, the real halftime report with nicole
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petallides. joining us from san francisco. michael, first, apple split 7-for-1. do you still like it? >> yes, i still like it and i am buying more. it was a fantastic company, lot of things going on, talked about this in terms of movement into wearable technology and home automation. stuart: they are airing a new iphone ad real about the iphone gadgets. new paragraph will feature the wearable fitness technology. what do you say about that? it is not necessarily a breakthrough, is it? >> it is not a breakthrough, but this is a massive market. growth doubling every nine to 12 months. they sold 47 million little more than 47 million iphones in the first quarter of this year. when you think about that, every one of those people is a customer for some sort of health
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application or wearable technology. the big driver in wearables will be health and fitness. i think it is a savvy move, it is high-margin business for them. stuart: here's what else we have for you, google, they are into everything and today we hear they are into autism research. what is that about? >> it takes a lot of computing power to do sequencing. the universities and schools don't have the computing power, but google does. they have the cloud computing warehouse to house the dna sequencing data you need to study autism and alzheimer's. how is google going to make money off this. wall street analysts still trying to ballpark this one. they will probably charge fees for cloud storage. stuart: fascinating. the participation rate for
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16-19-year-old youngsters had a 66 year low. michael, that is not a good sign for the economy now, is it? >> certainly not good for young people. i have two teenage daughters, one of them is in college in the fall, we have her convinced to major in business instead of social sciences. in 2008 trying to tell people the difference between this came up on the campaign trail the difference between 3% growth in the economy per year versus 2% isn't a 1% slower decline, it is a 33% slower decline. you are really seeing these numbers add up. coming out and starting their careers, getting a use degree is my advice. you know what is interesting about that, there was a groundbreaking survey coming out of harvard universities tracking young people for 30 years. a majority of millennials if
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they could have voted that they would have recalled president obama from office. there is no recall provision in the constitution for president like that, but a majority of millennials don't like the president's policies in effect it is having on their income and careers. stuart: thank you, michael b at the cup starts thursday. good news for a beer company? nicole: not just one, multiple. we are watching these. these stocks are hitting new highs today, this is all about the world cup. more than half of the revenue from europe and a top here among the ellis are budweiser and anheuser-busch. if they have brazil in the finals, that is great particularly versus argentina, mexico or the united states. that would be even better for the brewers. everybody will be watching soccer. stuart: this is very big gains
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for the brewers. back to you, mike. he said before we will hit 17,000. the next question is what after we hit 17,000 on the dow? >> stuart, i think we will hit 18 to 18.5 by the end of the year. they were at a pretty good rally, but about 3% for the year. from the february low it is up over 10%. we are seeing more and more momentum. don't short this market, don't sit out this market, it is a great bull market. more money will be flowing in the rest of the year. >> wall street analyst is calling it the roger dangerfield market, the stock market rally gets no respect. now hitting record highs, not a lot of people talking about it, not a lot of headlines about it.
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stuart: the last word from you on that. >> people are not talking about the rebound and the rally. we are really backing to a very powerful uptrend. stuart: now 16924. that is it for the real halftime report. thank you very much indeed. talk about high maintenance, the nfl demanded a huge list of freebies for the super bowl at taxpayer expense. what is that about? >> this is the nfl coming out front saying we provide a huge economic boom to a very struggling u.s. economy and so the question when the nfl makes demands like this, will it get, we know the senator is not in office anymore, but there is a push to say nfl, you are a nonprofit. you operate on the taxpayer nickel, should you be out front demanding freebies like this? he will be retiring, b from my
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understanding. stuart: college kids can't find jobs after college depend on their parents. that is not the only thing holding them back. we will explain it all next with the dow down only 17. ♪
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[ girl ] my mom, she makes underwater fans that are powered by the moon. ♪ she can print amazing things, right from her computer. [ whirring ] [ train whistle blows ] she makes trains that are friends with trees. ♪ my mom works at ge. ♪
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stuart: here's another example of the economy affecting millennials. even if they have a job, they cannot afford an apartment in new york. this not likely to pay enough to make the rent. >> especially in new york and san francisco, chicago, boston. this is what is happening particularly in new york where the rent is so out of control. $3900 or one bedroom. stuart: you have to repeat that the benefit of those i who don't live in the big apple. >> the average rent for a one-bedroom in new york city. once again we are sitting on more than a trillion dollars in student loan debt. forget them trying to ever buy
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in a city like new york or san francisco or chicago. this horrible be at either the jobs are not there. many of these young kids getting out with viable degrees, business degrees are working as nannies, working at retail shops. the service sector jobs. but they finally get a job in an office in new york city, you still don't make enough to afford rent. stuart: so who is affording rancrent? foreign investors benchmark it is not just new york. chicago? >> the same thing is happening in chicago, the rent is skyrocketing, but those new ones coming in, you have $1000 you owe on student loan payments and
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then you are trying to pay minimum $1000 rent in this city if you share it with three other kids. you make a choice, pay off the student loan debt or rent. they make the choice to pay the rent if they can afford it and defaulting on student loans. >> if you live in the midwest to get a job offer in new york city, you have to weigh the rental costs, right, cheryl? >> a lot of these kids are moving to new jersey, moving outward in new jersey. stuart: your time is up. your take is next.
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my dad has aor afib.brillation, he has the most common kind...'s not caused by a heart valve problem. dad, it says your afib puts you at 5 times greater risk of a stroke. that's why i take my warfarin every day. but it looks like maybe we should ask your doctor about pradaxa. in a clinical trial, pradaxa® (dabigatran etexilate mesylate)... ...was proven superior to warfarin at reducing the risk ostroke. and unlike warfarin, with no regular blood tests or dietary restrictions. hey thanks for calling my doctor. sure. pradaxa is not for people with artificial heart valves. don't stop taking pradaxa without talking to your doctor. stopping increases your risk of stroke. ask your doctor if you need to stop pradaxa before surgery or a medical or dental procedure. pradaxa can cause serious, sometimes fatal, bleeding. don't take pradaxa if you have abnormal bleeding or have had a heart valve replaced. seek immediate medical care for unexpected signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. pradaxa may increase your bleeding risk if you're 75 or older, have a bleeding conditione or stomach ulcer,k take aspirin, nsaids, or blood thinners... ...or if you have kidney problems, especially if you take certain medicines.
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tell your doctors about all medicines you take. pradaxa side effects include indigestion, stomach in, upset, or burning. if you or someone you love has afib not caused by a heart valve problem... ...ask your doctor about reducing the risk of stroke with pradaxa. are we still on for tomorrow? tomorrow. tomorrow is full of promise. we can come back tomorrrow. and we promise to keep it that way. csx. how tomorrow moves. what a day. can't wait til tomorrow. >> i would call myself a luke warm best. i do not deny that the climate has warmed.
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we had nothing to do with the end of the little ice age. i do not deny that human beings are causing an increase in co2. stuart: that was patrick moore. all right. here is your take on the rest of the show. robert had this to say about hillary clinton's claim that the family was dead broke. i heard that they walked away with 100 million. if that is dead broke, i want some of that. jeff said this. it shows too many of them made poor choices by taking free government money to get degrees in fields where there is no work. now, sir, that is a generalization. that is my stuff for the day. here is teardrop bolted. deirdre: we welcome you to risk
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and reward. mark zuckerberg getting sued over pay. private equity go daddy taking its second pass at going public. what it means. i went down to madison square park to chat with the founder. it special chef week there. ♪ deirdre: facebook is pushing into mobile messaging. "wall street with me now. what does it mean?


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