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tv   Cavuto  FOX Business  June 12, 2014 11:00pm-12:01am EDT

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. neil: how's this for a summer surprise? you're going to be paying more at the pump because insurgents are pumping up the hate in iraq. they captured two government cities firmly under the government's control and very close to getting a third. oil prices are jumping. fears are mounting and the white house is betwixt and between what to do. we're told the white house is working day and night on this one. we're getting mixed signals what that might involve. i want to get to phil to you first on the oil fallout. it has been fast and furious, do you think it will last?
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>> it could last, this is one of the most serious situations and threat to middle eastern oil in quite a long time. the bottom line is iraq had been producing close to exporting close to 3.5 million barrels a day, a very high-quality oil and it's going to be very difficult to replace that oil. early r they're trying to produce oil but with terrorists surrounding refineries in oil production facilities, you know, how reliable that's going to be, remains to be seen. right now seems to be spilling over into other parts of the country. iran is talking about sending their military in. turkey is calling for nato to get involved. this is far from over, neil. i'm nervous how this is going to play out for the next 24-48 hours. neil: i believe in a vacuum oil markets tend to trade nervously, one of the reasons
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they trade nervously is mixed signals out of our own white house. now, the president was saying earlier today that all options are on the table. i want to you listen to this, colonel. >> i don't rule out anything because we have a stake in making sure that these jihadists are not getting a permanent foot hold in either iraq or syria. neil: he forget to convey that to jay carney. listen to this. >> we are not contemplating ground troops. i want to be clear about that. neil: all right so, what they're clear about is they're not clear, that's what worries me. what do you think? . >> the truth, neil. the reality is this is a regional war, it goes from the lavante to lebanon to the persian gulf, t people attacking from mosul to baghdad
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not only the northern state of iraq and levante but al qaeda, their plans are domination of the entire region. why iran is getting interested, maliki, the president and most of southern iraq are shia. also on the other side, the people helping assad in the civil war there in syria, they're hezbollah, shia. you're getting fighters from both sides, al qaeda and shia fighters from syria coming over and looking at what is happening. baghdad is saying that is a great target, if we can take over that area, we dominate everything from the persian gulf to the mediterranean. and that, of course, is going to disrupt oil in the gulf. it's going to disrupt the pipelines, they go into turkey, et cetera. neil: phil, what does opec do? public statements have been they will support disrupted oil supply in the markets, but i'm sure they're liking this uptick in oil they didn't envision
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happening and welcoming it, and it will do little to sort of keep goosing it. >> i think they're going to try to countries like saudi arabia and other members ever the cartel sent a message that if something in iraq happened, they would increase production, they're going to be laughing all the way to the bank. neil: when you say they're going to increase production, phil, how quickly? one thing to promise like me promising i'm going to eat a salad. if you follow me, i never follow up on that. they're making money hand over fist. >> well, you know, i'll tell you, neil, there comes a certain time they realize if they don't step up to the plate, the rest of the world may. you know, there's a bigger concern, one of the reasons oil prices aren't up more over the situation is because u.s. is now producing a whole bunch ever oil. it would be very easy for the president to release oil not only from the strategic
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petroleum reserve but potentially lift the ban on u.s. oil exports. that's one card that opec would hate to see played in this type of situation. so they have strategic interest to make as much money as they can, but at the same time, produce enough oil so president obama doesn't get any ideas that he wants to compete with them on the oil front. the other thing about iraqi oil, it's a higher quality oil, very much in demand and harder to replace. u.s. oil production is also a high-quality oil, that could replace it easily. opec has to be very careful. they better rake in the money while they can. if they make a mistake, it could cost market share for many years to come. neil: colonel, do you think any of this would be happening had we followed up on the red line in the sand with syria and stop them with the chemical weapons and everything else because a lot of these insurgents flooding into iraq are coming from syria. >> they are coming from syria and, of course, that's been a
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drawing card from all over the world. the fact is syrian fighters have joined iraqi sunni fighters and have sympathy in mosul and tikrit and the whole region. the explosive nature of what we're seeing has been building for a few years, neil. you go libya and see the chaos there. you see the chaos certainly in egypt still, in yemen, and afghanistan and pakistan with the assault on the airport. all of this is related in one way or another, and unfortunately it's related to our failed foreign police. we haven't had a focus and people are losing confidence that the united states is going to do anything meaningful. and i don't expect the president at thisarticular juncture to do anything other than send perhaps a few aircraft, and it's not aircraft that's going to solve the maliki problem he has facing him on the northern boundaries of baghdad today. neil: all right, gentlemen,
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it's a mess, and apparently it's a surprise of a mess. i don't know why. very good having both of you. all right, well up until the last 24 hours, rick perry certainly looked like a presidential candidate, and one that a compelling story with all the businesses he wooed to texas with low taxes, low regulations, the whole nine yards. then he made a comment on gays, and then the mainstream media, which is by and large ignored economic success, pounce on what they're calling his todd akin comment. we're moving our company to new york state.
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the numbers are impressive.
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over 400,000 new private sector jobs... making new york state number two in the nation in new private sector job creation... with 10 regional development strategies to fit your business needs. and now it's even better because they've introduced startup new york... with the state creating dozens of tax-free zones where businesses pay no taxes for ten years. become the next business to discover the new new york. [ male announcer ] see if your business qualifies. . >> i may have the genetic coding that i'm inclined to be an alcoholic, but i have the desire not to do that, and i look at the homosexual issue as the same way. neil: well, it's too early to say whether that comment that homosexuals can get over being homosexuals with special classes and treatment. too early to say whether that is going to wipe out everything good he's done in texas to
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generate jobs and make a good case for another presidential run. i would be curious what your thoughts are, whatever they are, remember to end them with hashtag cavuto. if you don't, we have know idea what wur thinking and no chance of them getting on the air. that's your lesson right now. if you want to comment on this, and many of you do, it's got tend to with hashtag cavuto, or i don't care. does everyone know this? let's bring in larry winget and cheryl casone. cheryl, leaving aside what the governor said, does it wipe out everything he's done? >> it may. governor perry has been a strong leader in texas. remember when he made a run for the presidency, there was verbal missteps there. neil: absolutely. >> he's done this again, and i'm not sure what he was thinking when he made that statement but he was in san francisco, the worst place to make that kind of statement. i don't know why he said that.
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neil: he is conservative, everyone winced a little bit. i believe we should look in remarks and history. i wonder if this is a todd akin moment for him and larry winget, and regret it? >> i think he will regret it. there's a price to pay for this. i remember nixon and think about the good stuff and only think about watergate. george w. bush read my lips and mission accomplished. words like that stick with you and you can't get past them unless you turn it around quickly and do something positive to take some of the focus off of it. neil: what do you think, johnny? >> neil, the reason it's so damaging, it simply continues the trend of a weaker and weaker dominance of the right political voice, particularly because of the religious influence that is behind rick perry. here's a guy in 2011 who had a prayer vigil in the middle of a political campaign, religious demonstrations in school. a comment about homosexual
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being a disease is pretty disturbing. whether it's in goldwater or whenever, when religious and mysticism was taken out and perry puts it front and center, that's why he's a no-show for any election. >> does it erase the good work? it will if the left meade why picks up on this and runs with it. neil: they already are. >> they want any reason they can. >> and they should. >> to go after him on the right. did he misspeak? we hope he did. if he didn't, that's a whole other issue. >> likened homosexuality to alcoholism. i think that is a real denigration of a whole portion of americans who should be here for the votes. neil: nixon famously told david frost i gave my enemies a sword and they stuck it in him. when you have a crowded potential field of contenders, doesn't take much for those other contenders and the media
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to check you off, right? >> especially about a topic this hot. you got to be really careful what you say about homosexuality, and this is going to bite him. you can't say, you know, rick perry reminds me of joe biden. he's fun to watch because you don't know what's going to come out of his mouth next. this is going to hurt him forever. >> his position should be about individuals, neil, that should be the governing principle of the republican party, not the other stuff. that's when they go off the rail us. >> hit on a key point. the whole focus of the republican party is economy and eyes on the prize and jobs how you do that, and don't get distracted on issues that people pounce on you for. whether you believe them or not. you want to focus on one clear thing at a time. economic position, that seals the deal or doesn't. thank you very much. i'm going to take a quick break. what does it mean with eric cantor gone? the white house has one spin on
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it, conservatism in the republican party has a different spin on it. naturally it's up to me and my buddies to put the proper spin on it. as if we don't have enough to do! after this. crestor lowered bad cholesterol it's a fact. high-risk patients more than lipitor. bad cholesterol... you're going down! yeah! lowering cholesterol is a big deal, especially if you have high cholesterol plus any of these risk factors, because you could be at increased risk for plaque buildup in your arteries over time. so, when diet and exercise aren't enough to lower cholesterol, adding crestor can help.
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. >> the house of representatives at this time is an unsafe for children and other living things. we've had a shutdown of government. we have not passed immigration, we have not passed the voting right to act. neil: you know, i knew things were bad in washington and knew things might have been ruff and tumble in the house, not safe for children or living things, i couldn't take my dog? i couldn't take my parakeet?
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maybe the parakeet who would yelp like all of them. no one would notice. that's exactly the take the democrats had on eric cantor's defeat. remember they hated eric cantor before, they feel sorry for him and think it's worse now, but listen to what the press secretary had to say about this, quoting here, this outcome does provide evidence to indicate that the strategy of opposing nearly everything and supporting hardly anything is not just a bad governing strategy, it's not a very good political strategy either. so i think what he's saying capitol hill senior producer is eric cantor had this coming, am i hearing that right? >> that's one thing you're hearing from the democrats, when you get down to the granular level what went on in this race, tip o'neill said all politics is local. and democrat are revelling in this having defeated eric cantor, you know, there was this broadway musical avenue q, and there's a song called shodden freuder, shodden
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freuder is happiness at the misfortune of other, democrats are going to the bank with eric cantor's defeat. nancy pelosi was asked about this and said i have as much concern for him as he would for me. she laughed at that and said wait a minute, i'm being serious here, democrats are revelling in this. at the end of the day, it comes down to knowing your district. pelosi says you leave your home fires burning, you know every blade of grass in your district, and some people say eric cantor didn't do that. he didn't do his homework. i asked house speaker john boehner, i said he had a competitive primary, he was on the air early, he had slick ads. he won in a three-way race with 71%. you had a very different dynamic in virginia with eric cantor, and probably the most interesting thing i heard came this afternoon in a conversation with ted uz, republican from texas, he said that voters in virginia are tired of the status quo, and you had this one race in the
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single district where eric cantor went supernova that has basically gotten everybody in the congress worried. sometimes it's because they haven't taken care of business back home. is it because of immigration? yes, part of that. is it the fact he's in charge and hasn't been able to effectute the change. this is a republican primary. neil: chad, you're a genius and you lost me three minutes ago. all i remember is the avenue q analogy, and that's the one with puppets. >> yes. neil: are these guys yapping puppets? >> that's a very good question, i think some people would say, if you're not actually reflecting your district, if you're not speaking the voices of your district, and not to take the puppet analogy too far, you're not speaking for your people, then you're out of touch and probably not going to win a primary. neil: then you are probably a puppet after all. just kidding with chad. he raises a very good point.
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don't try to assign national trends to this, it is a unique race and the mainstream republican leaders are just fine, thank you, are we overanalyzing this? >> i think that we did learn something, and to pick up on chad's avenue q reference, it was a play about puppets and people didn't have jobs. >> they are very cute. neil: that says a lot about chad. >> the issues he brought up and won on or you have been ignored. you are not making any more money than you were five years ago, if you have a job, a lot of you don't have jobs, property values are in the toilet. he appealed and said he doesn't care but, i do. how many more incumbents are shaking in their shoes for november. they know that's exactly the race the challengers are going to run against them and they've got a better shot at it thanks to what happened to cantor this week. neil: by virtue of the calendar, some of the big boys have already survived primary
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challenges. i'm not saying to chad's point there are other races outstanding. it's not as if the democratic crowd or democratic opponents are going to be able to topple them on these issues or are they? what do you think? >> no, i don't think they'll be able to topple them on these issues at all. what you said is absolutely correct, neil, we are overanalyzing this. this was a local race, and he messed up and knows he messed up and the exit polls say exactly what he did wrong, and it certainly has nothing to do with this white house statement. i consider myself a pretty typical american, and i get tired of the we're right, they're wrong from both sides and it can't always be we're the good guys, we're the bad guys and making out an entire republican party to be the bad guys over this one little race. neil: you might be a typical american but no typical american wears your shirts. that i will say. and i admire that about you.
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jonathan, we should keep in mind, it is disparaging of the republican congress whether it's led by cantor or whatever you want to say, not for lack of effort. they are very productive. they had 900+ bills under stewardship and parked on harry reid's desk. nancy pelosi can say this about productivity or lack thereof, they churned out a lot of stuff. >> they've made some efforts, neil, i think there's the same transformation in the republican party as you saw in the democratic taert after john kerry's loss. and the most recent election and cantor's being ousted is a good example of that. a local election but a national platform and a national philosophy is built on the local elections and the fact that cantor is disposed by a relatively unknown person solidifies the fact that big money does not control politics and who spends the most doesn't
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always walk away with the prize. >> i didn't bring up democrat or republican in my points on this issue, that's because this has nothing to do with when whether you are democrat or republican, people are fed up. any incumbent, i don't care what party you are in, has got to be concerned. this is the new reality, the american relationship. we do not have a good recovery, americans are frustrated. they've had it with both sides. >> thank you, chad, thank you for being your brilliant self. he is scary smart, isn't he? >> he could bring avenue q in this. who else but our chad could do this. any comments, please send them in. end it with hashtag cavuto, not hashtag avenue q, not hashtag what the heck were they talking about? we will share them with the world. you better be nice. it's just going to get ugly, that's all i'm saying. everyone's getting hacked, right? everyone is vulnerable to someone sneaking in and just
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hitting you with a virus and hitting your business, hitting your customers. there ought to be insurance for that. well there is. in fact it's big. in fact it's big. are you buying? my dad has aor afib.brillation, he has the most common kind...'s not caused by a heart valve problem. dad, it says your afib puts you at 5 times greater risk of a stroke. that's why i take my warfarin every day. but it looks like maybe we should ask your doctor about pradaxa. in a clinical trial, pradaxa® (dabigatran etexilate mesylate)... ...was proven superior to warfarin prat reducing theran eterisk of stroke.)... and unlike warfarin, with no regular blood tests or dietary restrictions. hey thanks for calling my doctor. sure. pradaxa is not for people with artificial heart valves. don't stop taking pradaxa without talking to your doctor. stopping increases your risk of stroke. ask your doctor if you need to stop pradaxa before surgery or a medical or dental procedure. pradaxa can cause serious, sometimes fatal, bleeding. don't take pradaxa if you have abnormal bleeding or have had a heart valve replaced. seek immediate medical care for unexpected signs of bleeding,
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so i can reach ally bank 24/7 but there are24/7branches? i'm sorry- i'm just really reluctant to try new things. really? what's wrong with trying new things? you feel that in your muscles? yeah...i do... drink water. it's a long story. well, not having branches
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lets us give you great rates and service. i'd like that. experience a new way to bank where no branches = great rates. ally bank. your money needs an ally. ♪ neil: do you ever want to take out an insurance policy? if you were down, big company was down you could at least yield yourselves. well, cyber insurance, as it is known, is booming. policy applications have soared 30% of the best year. over $1 billion. offering businesses. >> this is the target fallout and the hacking the one on.
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neil: how does it work? in targets case i guess they have hundred million dollars. over a billion dollars in direct sales hits as a result. does it really cover them for the worst-case scenario? >> maximum capacity in the marketplace is about 300 million common there were carriers should turn down targets on the excess layers. neil: they were trying to cobble together insurance for multiple carriers. you looked at that and see that research. these guys must be vulnerable. >> these guys care and want to protect themselves. neil: do you think twice about insuring them? >> if i am an insurance carrier will look at the different details how much coverage we should give them in the terms
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and conditions. neil: what do you protect them for? a small part is shielded. >> forensic accounting that they put into helping put your records back together, the notification coverage. if you get hacked you have to notify every single one of your clients, every record that you have. aig, job travelers, cna, hartford. neil: you are an insurance company to insurance companies. >> i am an insurance broker. neil: the cyber part of the big business, cyber attacks increase you could lose money. >> insurance companies would lose money. i get paid a commission. the problem and the processes that when you ensur property insurance, for example, you have a history and no the actuarial data. cyber insurance, 15, 20 years of
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data. neil: a guy like you, you are a broker. do they take a look at retailers who seem to be particularly vulnerable to this? ensuring the guy who lives in a tornadoes out, even if we give premium dollars from the insurance. >> it has happened before, absolutely. i am sure. loss is superbly increased their credit -- pricing. i don't know if they were able to get more than they have previously. i am sure a in terms of conditions and pricing. neil: you see it continuing to boom. >> it is on fire. we see it because anyone who has a computer and business. absolutely. no question about it.
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neil: insurance president, on fire. well, we warned you. we did warn you that the problem with this health insurance law is that you, that would be everybody, would be paying more. you do not have to believe me. you might want to believe your boss. he is saying that and doing just that after this. ♪ i'm randy and i quit smoking with chantix. as a police officer, i've helped many people in the last 23 years. but i needed help in quitting smoking. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. chantix reduced the urge for me to smoke.tix (varenicline) is it actually caught me by surprise. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. if you notice any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could
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11:35 pm
the numbers are impressive. over 400,000 new private sector jobs... making new york state number two in the nation in new private sector job creation... with 10 regional development strategies to fit your business needs. and now it's even better because they've introduced startup new york... with the state creating dozens of tax-free zones where businesses pay no taxes for ten years. become the next business to discover the new new york. [ male announcer ] see if your business qualifies.
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♪ neil: we told you that it would cost you. your bosses are following upon that. they simply cannot. the health policies that they provide the workers. the pony up more in terms of higher deductibles. that affects about eight out of ten such businesses. the daily collar, managing editor.
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where it is this? >> a recent survey shows that we have the daily collar expecting nine out of ten businesses. it's not about companies. it is about the employees. the costs are coming down. more layoffs. employers cutting hours. well the a administration goes on about the middle-class, stagnating about the recession being over and pay inequality being a problem. these guys are waking up, seeing hundreds of dollars out of their paycheck. neil: you talked about things, businessesy pass that along. now we will cover it as 70%. out-of-pocket cost. we used to have to pay x on the
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dollar. adding it up, what does it work out to most co-workers in this country paid, 20 percent more, 30, what? >> we are not exactly sure. we have seen this, like you said, premiums have gone up. that is something that hits people. a thousand dollars more. that makes a difference. that's the difference. neil: you pointed out, be careful what you wish for because you will get it. health care to everyone what to a market. it will still be uninsured. >> this year, there was only one clerk. she finally said i apologize. due to obamacare we have fewer people working fewer hours, and
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services will be smaller. that is just so sad. obamacare is affecting the level of service that i am receiving kidnapped a source of lead that anger be reflected. neil: i am curious, this is continuing. people i seeing that firsthand that they might have coverage. before it kicks and they have to pay a lot more up front. >> i have to hand it to you. one of this was being discussed.
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you will continue to seize cost shifting. neil: amelya and more poor. >> we are not just losing money, the individual, the employee. they're losing choices. that is what the president campaigned on. we never had toward reform. but also, you have doctors now saying you have obamacare. the story about a woman in line. they are seeing, we won't take you as a patient. you need care, especially that young regeneration. they are not getting it. we are getting hit on both sides now. neil: on that line with the women blaming obamacare, there must of been some people who like to president. start a fight or anything like
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that. >> not in my new rear-ended wind neil: just curious. thank you very much. your comments on this. we would love to hear from you. coming up, you always hear how cynical they are, how jaded they are. it might have something to do with the fact that they cannot ford anything and are jaded about what their parents have been through. their parents cannot do much to help them either. that is why so few millenniums are saving, and that is why their parents are saving even less. after this. ♪ dentures are very different to real teeth.
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they're about 10 times softer and may have surface pores where bacteria can multiply. polident kills 99.99% of odor causing bacteria and helps dissolve stains. that's why i recommend polident. [ male announcer ] cleaner, fresher, brighter every day. what happened? life happened. stress. fun. bad habits. kids. kids. kids. now what?
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♪ neil: young and restless and now broke. over half of young adults say
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they are going paycheck to paycheck. one out of three of them are calling it severe debt. and then there is parents trying to help them and now seven months. what are you doing. >> their best and scared. neil: you're so coming back again. the real predicament. >> i do not think they are unique. government education has been terrible. government subsidized education that they pay for killing tens of thousand dollars in debt. spending overall has led to a tepid job growth. young people are angry, taking to social media to talk about it as worse as any generation we
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have seen. >> taking it out on what used to be there trusted government to deal with this and help them out . not so trusting. they are jaded. they don't believe washington has the cure. >> they don't have any trust. this is true, my area of expertise. one-third of 18 to 34 year olds moving back in with mom and dad. mom and dad don't have any money either. here is the problem. along with everything jonathan just talked about, we did not teach our children to handle their oney while. some of them are in debt over a lot of stupid things. credit card spending is up. a lot in that particular age group. if we don't have the ability to earn more we have to spend less which means we have to adjust
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our lifestyle, sacrifice. we are not raising a generation that is good as sacrificing, and they'd better get that way. neil: they are learning. for just a moment. a lot of them, and education. eighteen years old. offered a loan to go to college. a ticket. they did not realize, back in. certainly hard work mentality in the generation of fair assessment. with the obviously in an apartment in new york city. coming here because they're finding jobs, but they do not pay.
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>> everything we discussed is short-term. even long term, young people who have been enlisted in what is called the debt draft. $17 trillion debt that will manifest itself in te lower valuation of the currency or higher interest rates. paying for it long term five. >> more than a jillion dollars in student loan debt. the administration is trying to do something about it. the same time, this is a national issue. neil: i think he as a good point. the marketplace collier have to look at the marketplace. is there any demand for somebody who has a bachelor's and basket weaving?
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i guess not. >> a lot of these and people would be better served by frying fish rather than basket weaving. >> the kids don't get it in half to shift priorities and strategies. >> given the opportunity minimum-wage is the best example . also at the same time, the youth participation, you the unemployment. the more government has tried to do to what the last their prospects become. neil: let's say the kid is hard up or cannot find a job, moves in with mom and dad. should he be kicked out? >> absolutely. kick them out. if you are a 30-year-old living in the bedroom, of failure as a parent. get along and be on their own.
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independent. neil: what do you think? >> i understand personal responsibility. they should be out on their own in the workforce. it's very tough. unless you have a specific degree york going to find a job right now. neil: thank you very much. every time i have you want i think i am so grateful. when we come back, we get into this whole thing about social media. you can't share that photo of me with you, whatever. is it going too far? what if i told
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11:54 pm
neil: what is the deal today. there will be doing any embarrassing total sharing im digitized in real life. but enough about me. back to you and what has become of you and me. nothing will remove this picture from my mind ever. and i to have that effect. the bad boy. too much. and mentally undress in you. julie noted. whether it is to pixilated or couples going out of their way to make embarrassing photos,
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what happened to commitment? are we that cynical these days that we are pre planning for the end? that is very profound. i, for one, marry the woman of my dreams with no prenup. then again, neither of us. it really did not even come up. i know where you're coming from. that child in new jersey. i know you. if you did not sign one because you have a lot of money now. take you to the cleaners when she does drop your sorry. something like that. allen in boca raton, florida. what is wrong with couples making sure the other does not humiliate them after the fact. and sure it would be enough to keep you happily married. i released this picture.
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still marrie. what has become of our society. everything that we do. sixth eight years. we fought. we argued. that would not trade a minute of it. right about you, it should tell us. my ex-wife was the embodiment of evil. good thing we split before all of this social media crowd. but then i would not have to worry. was it that bad? a similar experience the other way around. not of social media because he had no friends. i do keep rooting for pictures of him in the post office. what happened? what is wrong with playing it safe? for example, had it not been for those beach pictures of you a
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lot of never know that some men get their private parts pixilated. that alone would have been grounds for divorce are there. i don't even know where to begin. something tells me you have anger management issues. funny over the are smart. all of cavuto and just be done with them. and you also sound like a fat fraud. again with the fat think. we are remotely revealing. you sound like a hideous person. the wretched woman who does not answer the door wide you just change the channel now. i will be waiting.
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it okay. and ever since. teachers have been. the judge gets it. mediocrity. if you don't fear for your job you tend not to do it. i am a teacher. i am for stopping ten year. why in the? a lot of teachers were plaintiffs in this case. >> in this case there are a lot of teachers to testify. outstanding behavior. neil: i am dragging down.
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>> what do you say now? neil: you are not interested in listening. maybe it is class dismissed for you. this vital education that we call cavuto. maybe. another one wants to go. i am with you. i wish i had tenure. i wish you could get your hand on a bottle of pills and i could be with the views. >> why you always dash teachers? what happened to you what did the teacher do to you? >> why do as you might have had teachers i go after the ones who don't care but what happens you that you could not understand the difference? did it teacher do something to you or perform of lobotomy? i am waiting. the parents did in this house supports it the only way to deal with teachers to stop caring. >> finally, why did they
12:00 am
need tenure they have unions. >> when push comes to shove you are right. that will do its. we will see you tomorrow. >> our party is encumbered by the inconsistent approach to freedom. >> all americans support freedom in principle gambling has a negative consequences. >> and when they gave frayed freedom to gay people to marry. >>. bill: to police though world? conservatives want a bigger military. >> we don't do this for them but for us. >> stronger border patrol but when i criticize that what t


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