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tv   Cavuto  FOX Business  June 14, 2014 3:00am-4:01am EDT

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and myself, i am kenedy wishing you a great night. . neil: this is what happens when you draw a line in the sand, you don't deliver, bad guys kick sand right back in your face. welcome, everybody, i'm neil cavuto. ever since president obama threatened syria over chemical weapons and did nothing, it has been down hill since. i think the whole implosion in iraq, this whole explosion in oil prices goes back to the moment that evil called the president's bluff. i really do. ever since the president failed to act on what he said, nuts the world over were very happy to do whatever the hell they want. it would have been better had he said nothing at all.
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better no threat than an empty threat, when it's an empty threat bad guys happily fill the void. look at bashar al-assad in syria. do you think he's cowering? he's flooding the insurgent movement in iraq. and look at vladimir putin think he didn't take no to the president's lack of follow through in syria. just look at the ukraine, assad, stronger, putin, stronger, al qaeda, stronger, taliban, stronger, insurgents, stronger. us? weak. now i am not laying all this on the president. i am saying we'd all be better off had he shut his mouth as president. because there is only one thing worse than a paper tiger, spouting meaningless words that aren't worth the paper they're printed on. we have no money, we have no moxy, keep going, mr. president. at this rate we might have no country. that's what i think, let me
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know what you think. use hashtag cavuto to hear your thoughts and we'll share them on the air. with me retired four-star general jack keane. that's how i see it. once you look like you are not going to follow through, we're through. >> you are actually right about that. the largest strategic issue which is certainly impacting the middle east is simply the fact that this administration has made a policy decision, unstated to all of us, and that is to disengage from the middle east. and it's driving their policy, they believe the iraq war was bad. the afghanistan war took too long and they want to do anything that would ever get us involved again in the middle east. the problem with that strategy is we have to stay engaged in the middle east, otherwise, the radial islamists are all in and they will take advantage of that policy and they have been doing that in libya, in magli,
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in yemen, syria and now in iraq. neil: would air strikes change the equation, if we were to conduct the bombardment campaign of the insurgent strongholds, would that change anything? too little too late? >> it would have quite an impact. for our viewers to understand, from a military perspective, this is a terrorist organization, isis, which is now conducting conventional operations. which makes them very vulnerable to us. so they're organizing in groups of 500. they come down a highway as a road of access in vehicles, one behind the other in daytime only. and that exposure to us in terms of dealing with that using either unmanned drones or manned aircraft would be relatively simple to deal with. they would be very vulnerable to us in the staging basis. i would not limit the air strikes against them to just iraq. i would strike them in syria
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out of their staging bases and where they're on the move there as well if we're able to get the targets. >> i seriously doubt that's going to happen, general. if you are right about this, and i think you are on the part of the proclivity of the administration, the president was against the war in iraq to begin with, it would be counterintuitive to go against what he felt strongly in the first place. he's been pulling out against adviser's wishis and keeping troops in iraq. do you think he actually cares? >> i don't know. i mean by his actions i don't think he really cares much about iraq. that was -- that had to do with why we left no forces there to assist, and influence the iraqi government. that is why he pulled away from maliki, a nefarious character at best, and needed to be guided in the political reconstruction of his country. we chose to do none of that.
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the fact of the matter is the speech today he made, i'm hoping he's making some deals and plans with maliki in terms of military assistance to him. neil: wouldn't that draw up the agony, general, i'm sorry, sir, wouldn't that draw it out? we might be able to stave off his advance for a little while. but the writing is on the wall. a lot of people cynically say this is going to be another vietnam and we're waiting for the helicopter moment. >> no. this is a relatively simple military operation. we've got less than 4,000 of these guys in iraq. this is not hard, they're making it vulnerable to us. neil: you've got iraqi soldiers, the government soldiers dropping suns at the sight of them coming and may outgun them 3, 4, 5 to 1? >> i agree with that. the fact of the matter is, when it gets closer to baghdad, there is more shia militia involved, and the fact of the
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matter is also if we use air power tr is incredible psychological weapon. after all, what is really happening here, isis has broken the will of the iraqi military, and that's the ultimate objective of a war. break your opponent's will. to reverse that, air power can assist. i'm not staying can be done by itself, you need to have iraqis to stand up in conjunction with air power, else we can do what you just suggested people have told to you do, wring our hands, throw it up. too hard. sectarian war, walk away from maliki, walk away from iraq. neil: i fear that's what we're doing. >> i agree we are, we're on the road to that. his statement today provided no public support for maliky. if i was maliki and don't have a deal under the table. he's going to call qassim
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sewell mauny and he's going to do it to keep the resources very, very viable. neil: appreciate your insight. thank you. back to my premise i started with the good general whether the line was drawn in the sand when we erased our line in the sand and our threat to syria, if it continued using chemical weapons, that would be a deal breaker, a game-changer, and, well, things would change. they didn't. army colonel -- retired army colonel alan west says that was the start of something. what do you think, alan? >> you are absolutely right. i have to concur with the assessment from general keane, when the president announced we were pivoting away from the middle east, when you follow that up with the lack of action based upon the rhetoric that you are putting out there. one of the things perplexing to me, neil, we used our own military resources to help radical islamist forces in libya to destabilize that country. when we have a nation state we hope to stand up in iraq coming
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-pto us and asking for support, the president is turning his back against them. they will be forced along sectarian lines and wouldn't it be shameful that iran is the person that saves the day by stopping this isis force when we have all of the capability to do that, but don't have the will and don't have a president that wants to do it. neil: you know, the one thing about you giving your service, you know this region so well, are and sectarian violence, the splinter groups, the fact that this is just a massive crazy civil war. a lot of americans look at the same thing, colonel and say to hell with it, it's not worth it. let them blow each other up. we got to take ourselves out of there. that's a point echoed by the ron pauls of the world and others pushing this idea we've got to get ourselves out of these entanglements and it's like an isolationism building. even within your own party.
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i wonder if you find the dangers, find it not surprising, both? what? >> i do find it quite dangerous that sense of isolationism and noninterventionism is dangerous, you're dealing with an enemy not looking to control regionally in the northeast. you're looking at an enemy that wants to export terrorism. we saw that with the taliban inviting al qaeda to the base, al qaeda means base, and they exported activities to the united states of america. wouldn't it be the same if this group is the beginning of islamist state in iraq, which, of course, they're going to export to other countries. and all we have to do is looking at the people making up this force, have you western europeans, have you some americans that are there fighting with the islamist group. they're not going stay there in iraq, we don't want them to come back to here, that's a serious possibility. neil: colonel, thank you, sir, i appreciate your service and
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having you as a friend and a guest. >> absolutely. neil: what if i told you oil prices are going surge more than they have? you hear that, 105, $106, what if i told you $150 oil? what if i told you $6 gas? are you listening? keep watching.
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♪ music body language-- without saying a word,
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♪taking care of business, saved the day! >> so far at least, we have not seen major disruptions in oil supplies. obviously, if, in fact, isil was able to take control over major output, significant refineries, that could be a source of concern. neil: you'll hear a lot of reference to isil, splitter groups and insurgent groups combining together to take over baghdad, and just to splinter all of iraq. the fear is that should they succeed, whatever uptick in oil prices will pale by comparison to where we go, we could go up to $150 oil, $6 gasoline, you name it, it gets worse. ty and john with us, ty, what do you think?
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this keeps on, $150 oil, this keeps out of the question. >> i don't think it's out of the question. the reality is this part of the world is in turmoil. the saudis are funding this isis group that is so extreme that al qaeda says they are too extreme for them, marching towards baghdad. neil: glad you mentioned that, al qaeda has concerns about these guys. go ahead. they do, and iran is sending elite troops to baghdad to fight off isis, this part of the world is in turmoil as that flairs up it generates a lot of uncertainty and gas prices go up. in 2008. $145 a barrel for for oil. gas prices were $5 a gallon. $150 a barrel is not out of the question given the unrest in the region and that could be 5 or $6 a gallon. that's not much of a stretch to believe that could happen if we had an interruption in oil supply, that is possible given the situation. neil: john, the argument
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against that happening, if it happened, cooler heads would prevail, saudi arabia would come to the rescue, provide more oil for the market supply to keep things stable. i'm thinking to myself, if i'm saudi arabia i'm liking this, because it's making my bread and butter more pricey bread and butter. so they might feign interest in trying to stabilize the oil markets but in the end they're going to like them going up? >> sure they are, they have obligations because of the expansive government and the political favorites they had to give people for so many years, the reason they control oil prices to such a degree is they have about two million barrels a day of spare capacity. we lost 1.3 million barrels a day in libya up until today. that's set increased production in north america specifically. iraq has 3.3 million barrels a day. the short-term can be easily done by what is excess capacity in saudi arabia, but anything
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else we have no shocker whatsoever. it could send prices to $150 easily. neil: i'm thinking, ty, i don't know much about the various characters and sects and groups that are killing each other here. i know this much, i don't like them controlling my energy. i don't like any one of them having the hand on our spigot. and i'm thinking whether it's keystone or whether it's more energy, i'm all in on all in like the president said, i'm for wind, solar, for everything, but go green or whatever you want to do, but do it all here because i don't like being reliant on what i'm seeing over here. >> completely agree with you, neil, but we have not had a policy of all of the above. the epa is stifled clean coal for example, the keystone pipeline has not been approved. neil: in other words, they don't mean what they say, when they say they're all in, i'm
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all in on wind and solar and stuff too, mean what you say. all in on everything! >> yeah, the simple fact is they're not all in, they may say they're all in but they're not. action speak a lot louder than words and they stifled that. certainly we need to, in the long-term, have a pro solar, a pro gas, a pro crude oil, pro clean coal, pro natural gas, energy and dependent policy where we can build refineries. in the short-term, we have to get the middle east stabilized so oil supply doesn't get cut off. neil: too late for that. we'll watch what happens witt ty young, john, thank you, both very, very much. hillary clinton former secretary of state, and watching the world unraveling as you're selling a book and maybe contemplating a run for president. bad timing? maybe awful timing. after this.
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i'm looking at you phone company dsl. check your speed. see how fast your internet can be. switch now and add voice and tv for $34.90. comcast business built for business. . >> there's almost not a place in the world that's better off because of her leadership in the state department, and i mean, look what's happening in nigeria, in iraq, in afghanistan, in libya, look what china is doing in the south china sea. all over the world, a policy of weakness and a combination that came from the obama and hillary clinton team. neil: if mitt romney is right, then this really doesn't go over well for one former secretary of state hillary clinton. bob, what do you think of that? he definitely tied in the president and his unpopularity with all of these foreign
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policy blowups. and hillary clinton. what do you think of that? >> there's no doubt about it that obama's in charge, but at the same time, this sauls on hillary clinton's record, and you have different situations, looks like the world is getting worse certainly on the u.s. foreign policy front instead of better and can be a lot worse come 2016. the interesting thing here, neil, i think is that clinton is also trying to distance herself in ways from president obama saying she has a difference of opinion on the cuba embargo. privately, her people said she's made clear she wanted to be more of a hawk on syria. that's going to be difficult but you could see a revisit of the tension between obama and clinton or at least their camps. neil: and she was overruled on the syria position, she did get it out she disagreed. she would entertain when a reporter asked her this, saying
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in afghanistan longer than 2016. the president wants to wind down by the end of next year. so she is marking a difference in policy and hinting of a more aggressive one. is that going to help or do we care or what? >> i think she has to have that distance because it doesn't look very good right now and she can't control. she's out of office right now. completely obama's call, also on iran, neil, she's skeptical that a deal can be reached. so now, i think that republicans have a clear opportunity to criticize her on a number of fronts, but if she's doing this now, and she hasn't launched the bid, i think you're going to see more of this in the months and years to come. >> the more unpopular the president gets the more people who run in the party distance themselves. i want to bring in all-stars here sabrina schaefer, colonel, you have been hearing a lot of this discussion, do you think
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this is hurting hillary clinton or the fact she's trying to differentiate herself and comments post the book's release with the policies of the administration? >> she is trying to distance herself, there's no doubt. and, in fact, says in her book, the two memos she wrote for obama regarding putin and pushed back from the restart phenomenon she helped initiate under obama. with benghazi, with the mess in nigeria and obviously in syria, she went to syria herself early in the administration, and made some statements as did kerry that assad was a reformer, someone they could work with and the place blew up on them. clearly she has her fingerprints all over that. neil: clearly president bush didn't look much better, he looked into the eyes of vladimir putin. they are character, right? >> no question, this is a tough
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world we live. in at the same time, as a public figure that needs to listen to the intelligence community, some of these people ignore it. for example, the president ignores a lot of what his intelligence people are telling him about the adversaries we have in the world, and the bergdahl situation is evidence that benghazi situation, what's going on in nigeria. neil: i can see where you're coming. from caylee, with the foreign policy issue, unless you are knee deep in a controversial war or the whole world is blowing up you on, they don't dominate on the economic issues, should hillary clinton worry or what? >> she should worry, it's bigger than foreign policy. she cannot distance herself from obama. the worst mistake hillary clinton made was accepting position of secretary of state. she has the obama poison attached to her. >> the poison now, the argument is it doesn't have to be that way. >> she's attached to all of this. she cannot get away from it.
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neil: i'm going to put you down as maybe on hillary clinton. sabrina? >> this is classic political behavior. she puts out the book, democrats flock to her. 21% of republican, it reinforced all of the things that the colonel and caylee were mentioning about benghazi, nigeria, all of the thing the republicans are repulsed by and associate it with hillary clinton. the other thing is it's her ability to not make this book a home run, it should have been something she got out there and set the agenda, but instead it redefined her as she and her husband out of touch with mainstream americans, it's going to be the achilles' heel for her. neil: we shall see, early on in the process. guys, thank you very much. have you wondered with what's going on in iraq, who all of these separate groups and islamic militants are? to a guest's earlier point, al qaeda hates some of these guys,
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al qaeda doesn't trust some of these. what does that tell you? it's a mess. getting inside, who's fighting whom and who's zooming whom, after this. ful.
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3:30 am inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. then talk with your doctor. i don't feel that it's anything to be ashamed about. i have adhd. that doesn't mean that it's all that i'm about. it's your adhd. own it. . neil: have you seen these giant maps of iraq, who's fighting? half the groups i can't pronounce, half the groups i don't know. fortunately, waleed, there is no better man that knows what's going on than this gentleman. i'm reminded what ron paul was telling me, this is why he's so against getting involved. the group you think is your buddy isn't your buddy and can turn you on fast. who are our friends? who are on our side, who should we support? i don't know who's who? >> look, to simplify the issue, neil, you have those who are
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now gaining the land. gaining the city. this is the so-called isis, and arabic it's daj, this is al qaeda mutation, moving into efficient, stronger, now we're going to get money into the banks and have impact on the oil. they're going to establish, they are establishing a taliban-like emirates in the heart of syria as well. these are the bad guys. neil: that would be direct challenge to saudi arabia as far as the economic rulers of that region, right? >> a direct threat, i would say. if you look at map, you see across the border from saudi arabia, not just syria, not just jordan. saudi arabia, kuwait and the entire peninsula. this organization is a threat to the world economy. neil: spring uprising, and i remember asking you the same dumb question then, who do we trust? who do we count on as being
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worth giving money, to every time we do, the money disappears and they disappear? >> we give the money, neil, and discuss it to contractors and they are the ones who are deciding or diplomats or bureaucrats. reality is that we missed the boat. early stage of the arab spring there were women, minorities, civil societies, kids, we waited for the brotherhood to come into egypt and in iraq we left on time for domestic politics, who came to control, the pro-iranian government and generated a crisis that created this ici or daj organization. neil: what do you think the argument expressed by many, don't get involved at all? whatever the president wants to do, all options are on the able, short of ground troops. you just be prolonging the agony, what do you think? >> i don't think he's going to send ground troops, he's looking at the possibility of not doing air strikes.
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he is too concerned about if he does a limited strike as was the case in syria and changed his mind on syria. there is no such thing on limited strike, they will strike back. not just in iraq but many other places, and also there is another issue which is going to come soon. the iranians are intervening, if you don't do anything meaningful, the iranians have brigades into the shia in iraq. you have the iranian and hezbollah and friends in the rest of the country. a total mess. neil: do you think that the president wants to wash his hands of this. that this blew up in his face. the way he figures it, americans are more weary, whatever hit he's taking in the polls and the criticism from conservatives of this is short-lived. he thinks that americans are saying to hell with this, all of this, we're out. >> look, he's going out of a trauma of benghazi, it's not over yet. the trauma of releasing five generals of the taliban who are going to be directing the
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taliban return into the area. the trauma of promising to intervene in syria and descending into hell. he's not going to go into iraq, he's not going unleash american force in iraq. he's urging the iraqi leadership to get together, he's sending strong messages to the iranians to help a bit. i wouldn't be in his shoes in this situation. neil: you are telling me it's over, iraq is vietnam, done. >> i hate to say, it i don't see iraq short of a massive change of foreign policy which our administrator is not going to do. neil: thank you, my friend. >> thank you. neil: and you wonder why the
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hey check it out huh what happened to that guy? hey, get that sign back up! ♪you're not alone, together we stand♪
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(sndfx: clapping) ♪i'll be by your side you know i'll take your hand♪ (sndfx: clapping) ♪when it gets cold and it feels like the end♪ (sndfx: clapping) ♪there's no place to go you know i won't give in♪ (sndfx: clapping) ♪no, i won't give in ♪keep holding on ♪caues ya know we'll make it through, make it through♪ ♪keep holding on . neil: i don't know if this is anything new, this is new, this is different, neil, we are more polarid than ever, more conservative on the conservative side and more liberal on the liberal side, and we're all angry at each other. we're having our emotional
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civil war going on in this country, and issues like what's going on in iraq and the implosion there and the va scandal, and the health care problem. it's all feeding on this cynicism i have, those against government are getting angry, those for government are saying calm down. and the worse it gets. back with all-stars sabrina schaefer and colonel mcginnis, caylee. i'm also getting a sense of it now, what do you think? >> i think you made a good point, neil. i was here in washington, say in 73 when nixon was inaugurated, they were burning flags at the national or at the washington memorial. the troops were all over the hill during the inauguration. it was a war zone here in washington. so we were diametrically opposed. today i'm seeing the same unfortunately. middle america feels abandoned by this washington establishment that is pushing a
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very radical agenda that that doesn't meet them. they want jobs, they want to be left alone by big government, they want to do the things that are meaningful to families, and some of the stuff that this administration especially and congress unfortunately is going along with, they don't agree with. >> you know, sabrina, i'll use my daughter, a wonderful girl, she's liberal. i can't control these things, she has a big heart, but she's saying, you know, i don't know, the health care thing, even she is giving pause to a lot of what she says, that's someone who would favor big government and one time said dad, what difference it would make it you picked more tax hikes. it would be your college tuition, how's that? i do think that the bloom is off the idealistic rose when it comes to the president and the government, and to the colonel's point when it comes to america and i worry about
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it, what do you see? >> do i and i don't. no doubt the partisanship is unpleasant and largely unproductive. i think this is more than the norm, than an anomaly in the american history, i urge americans to read about the early republic, and it will remind people that there's never been a golden era of political politeness. we were fighting wars, it has been a lot of strife. so it's not necessarily the end of the world. neil: well, you're right about that, and always overcome these things, but the real division, almost begs for someone, i don't know, to come along and unite people. in the 30s it was fdr, in the 80s ronald reagan. see fair and balanced. the two parties involved. i don't know who the two parties are. >> this is the most partisan president we have seen in the
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white house, there is a very telling quote from price the politics very first day obama calls in the house leader and said i want to work with you, eric cantor comes up with proposals, the president sets them down, look at him and says elections have consequences, i win, i trump you. that's a quote from the book, it set the tone in washington. the tea party emerged from. that this partisanship is a result of a partisan president. neil: you don't seem to like the president this partisanship is more the historical norm than the exception, i do see this continues for a while. is it generally history by candidates, pragmatic players, a forceful player on the right or the left one. >> is that for me? neil: yes, it was, colonel. >> i'm sorry. politically, this city as she points out has been so divided over the years, i don't see
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when i see cantor from my home state being dumped. when i read polls like the pew poll that came out recently saying we're so divided. and i know in my own conservative community, we're so upset by much of what we're seeing from our federal government, that we're becoming despondent, and then of course and i look across the nation, and i'll monitor what's happening in the second amendment issue. i see guns sold left and right. ammunition can't be purchased. people are fearful what's happening not only to their own economy, but to the nation. where have we come as a nation and going? there's a lot of fear. neil: there is a lot of fear. sabrina, finish that. >> i think michael hits the nail on the head with this, it doesn't necessarily have to be a leader who unites us. it has to be an event. after the depression, after world war i the prosperity. there was a movement of political togetherness that we
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haven't experienced other than that moment. maybe we need to see whether it's the economy or unfortunately foreign affairs that will bring people togeth. neil: i hope it's not a trauma like a 9/11. we shall see. we told you earlier how all of this is drawing attention to our own domestic oil market to rely less on what's going on over there. in a perverse sense, all of this has just assured keystone opening. you think? after this.
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. neil: i want to bring everything that's going on over there in iraq, just unravelling to what it means here and for the keystone pipeline. you can agree or disagree.
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if you disagree you're wrong. my theory is it's actually going to help the whole keystone pipeline. it's going to prompt it to open earlier than later. am i crazy? >> i think so. neil: wait a minute, you think i'm crazy. >> i do. >> enjoy your final appearance. go ahead. i don't think the democrats will allow this to happen. there is a democrat tom steyer, they will never allow the keystone to go through, they want that money. southern half of the keystone pipeline created 4,000 jobs. neil: i hear you, my theory is. this the longer the americans are on the left, on the right, environmentalists will be screaming for it. >> i don't know if the environmentalists are, they pretty much said no way, no how, they perpetuated this culture of fossil fuel alarmism. they perpetuated this idea that anything to do with oil or natural gas is terrible for all americans. at the same time, the president has been pushing for more job
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creation, a cleaner environment, for energy independence, if he opens up the keystone pipeline, which is a private operation, he can check all of the boxes. neil: bingo, it makes sense with unions, colonel. they're saying mr. president, we love you, you got to quit touting the environmentalists. the president is going to be checked on what are do youing to reduce oil dependence here? and he'll say, all right, i'll open the damn thing. >> no doubt it's going to create jobs, and, yes, i think the president is vulnerable here. i used to live next to the alaska pipeline. i know the pipe stations from prudo to valdez. the environmentalists don't know what they're talking about based on our own experience. the reality is we need the jobs in this sour economy. what have we been saying for the last few years. we can be energy independent. why don't we want this in a troubled world where people are trying to kill us abroad?
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troubled world where people are trying to do this. neil: when prices go up, the more gas goes up and it show signs of it's not letting up. and then the president always go back to the critics and say, i opened up all possibility, and you can blame you for this. >> everything the panel has said is pragmatic. but this is not a pragmatic president. he's an ideologue to his own >>e tuoff the neil: let's say that we don't do it. let's say that we just sit and chil >> we are not going to stop in baghdad. we will go if given the opportunity. the president said today that
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this is a regional war. you have hezbollah from lebanon it's in there, you think it's going to be contained in of course not. it's going to impact. we better be smart about how we are using oil. and look at ben godley or nigeria and what is happening there. neil: thank you guys very much. we are redrawing the map of the middle east as we speak. a decades long map being completely redrawn. we will h
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>> what is the deal? neil: what is the deal wih iraq turning into another vietnam. and when the president says he is working day and night on this and not ruling out anything, how
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do we respond to this? what has become of us? lj says not ruling out anything is going to result in the same sort of action that obama took in syria. and ron says that we need to bomb the insurgents before they get to baghdad. and once they're there, it could be impossible to stop them. and he writes this is like anyone else. wait until he has to make a decision and then leap from behind. and the president continues to ignore every crisis facing the nation. and president obama's handling of iraq is just like handling the pipeline, in decisively. and another says of our gas went up 24 cents overnight. and how should we drill here, drill now. and given the white house's handling of this, i talked to
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the former presidential candidate yesterday and i have been flooded with e-mails ever since. thank you for having mitt romney on your show, i love them and almost as much as he appeared in martha says in grand island nebraska from i wanted to let you know that i enjoyed your interview with mitt romney. he would've been an excellent president. and if you give segments to losers like mitt romney, john mccain or rhinos like lindsey graham, i will turn you off every time. i've heard enough to last me a lifetime. kennedy: neil: and diane says i just want to cry one i hear him say he will not run again. this country needs him. this country needs him and if he wasn't so stupid, he would be president right now. everything mitt romney predicted has come to pass.
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he said let 'er rip and was our greatest threat. and he said the mideast would boil over and it has. the other big morning, the treatment of our veterans. way back then it was mitt romney pushing vouchers. and some say i can see why he didn't take over the ba. what the administration even consider him? i don't know, maybe to blame him. and then i got an unusual amount of e-mails on this and what was a big environmental push back there. global warming, global freezing. and so we are all going to find ourselves in another ice age.
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and a 1978 leonard nimoy documentary that spelled it all out. and spot going nuts about global cooling, balance and told you it was bogus. on the other hand, that would've scared me. and nancy pelosi during yesterday's press conference, still enjoying a photo of you with your parents. >> sui, one of my favorite pictures. and you are right to be skeptical. that came right after and suddenly the whole world was turning into a big skating rink. good for you and your parents. and it was absolutely brilliant. using that high school graduation photo to seal the deal, not so brilliant.
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and ianni says do you think your parents had any idea that you would grow up to become a right-wing clueless person that you are today. now, do you think your parents named you that on purpose? and what makes you want to smile. barbara in boston, using her high school graduation. touché. i never saw someone for all of the actual headlines and stories and documentaries to prove it. good for you, that will teach them. you had to end it. and david in pittsburgh. the trifecta is pretty funny.
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and great job working your graduation picture into the presentation. it's a record. and alan says when you said thirtysomething years, does it really matter? the guy is nice but old. and what is really happening in the world, anything i can do. and then he says, i think that you are nuts. well, i think that you are rude. and in buffalo, new york. at the time of that high school graduation picture, i believe you are on your way to be a priest. what happened?
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>> i was called in the middle of the night. i heeded his is one of the best in the business. you can't miss him. buckle up, lou dobbs is next. lou: good evening, everybody. perilously close to falling to the radical islamist groups known as the islamic state. baghdad now within their reach. president obama has decided to turn to congress for help. two weeks ago the president ignored congress and choose to exchange five of the most dangerous radical islamists in the world for a soldier or early believed to have deserted. tonight president obama is looking to the same congress he ignored for answers on the rapidly deteriorating


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