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tv   MONEY With Melissa Francis  FOX Business  June 17, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm EDT

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story that we are following you in the tech world. civil action lawsuits. five e-book publishers were sued by 33 states that claims the company was trying to overcharge consumers. the settlement means they are not going there. we turn things over to melissa francis now. "money" starts now. melissa: thank you. never mind the nearly 2 million jobs lost in the sack there near the recession. he has changed the car, a spaceship. changing how we power the world and how we pay for that. child killer. the smart phone looking downright ingenious. how iphone organs could be the future of medicine.
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doctor mani is here. it is always about money. ♪ melissa: first to the growing crisis in iraq. militants continue their murderous advance towards baghdad. let's bring in tracy byrnes, brian kill -- >> i think of it as security. we have 125,000 troops during the search. that barely got it done. i do not think that a decision has been made yet. here we are on tuesday and we are still kind of figuring it out. >> i feel like the situation is blowing up. it feels like déjà vu all over
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again. all we are doing is seeing the market. jittery again. you have libya. ukraine. you have all the stuff playing into oil right now. going into the summer driving season. that is not so great. shares soaring. he is very quick to say that this is all about making solar power without government subsidies. what do you think about that one? >> it is good for upstate new york. i guess he is grabbing this thing. he is making a big bet that solar will become the dominant source of energy. there already is an excess incapacity. melissa: his tweet said right on the heels of this announcement.
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unsubsidized solar power. unsubsidized is what he is focused on looking at 10 gigawatts. demand is there. i think he may be onto something >> also talking about changing the economy. unique combination of high energy output at a low cost. >> my favorite is gigawatts. number two, i have been waiting since 1973. neither which have happened. he is looking at going into space. he has to focus. melissa: he is taking subsidies
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now. he is saying i don't need it. it may be a had he wins, tails we lose. melissa: general motors recalling more cars. more vehicles being recalled this year than it sold in the past two years combined. james, you love this stuff. >> i cannot believe it. the stock is up for this company. a different issue with the switch. people keep buying into these cars. >> they have to settle all of these suits now. who gets what?
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i have never been happier. one of the best parcels they ever had. >> that kind of says it all right there. congress is calling the irs commissioner. what i love about this is that if you went to the irs and you said i am so sorry, my computer crashed, what would they do to you? >> i have been told that by tracy and james. how could that possibly be it? there is no way you cannot retrieve e-mails for the last two years. that is absolutely unacceptable. nobody seems to care except for us. we have been covering this. a very fair balanced way. nobody seems to care.
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>> they think that we both by the dog ate my homework excuse. it is over. it is okay. >> another phony scandal. another made-up thing. >> it is kind of humorous, if it was not so real. there is no oversight. >> that is like an oxymoron. melissa: starbucks ceo. a job killer for small businesses. he was saying that he can handle it. it would be so hard on the other guys. they may have to pay 15 in the short term. >> small business is a huge job
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creator. he has come out and said that it will kill him. that is why they are doing this whole college initiative. he can uniquely afford to do that. melissa: starbucks was a small business at one point. do not forget where you came from. >> the $15, they have done this in some cities. it only applies to change. the little guy tells you, if starbucks is paying $15 an hour and they aren't, no matter what, it hurts the little guy. >> why would you not at least meet? >> what would the effect be on the economy if we do this?
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sure, this person is happy. why are we finding this out on the flight? melissa: the ceo did their own study. they ran their own numbers. they do not like that map. it does not matter the kind of facts you present. they will just ignore it and keep going. >> it is all about votes. he will throw them a bone or they will not vote again. melissa: okay. you thought that they were not going to win. the united states pulling off a stunning victory against ghana. were you watching every minute? >> they are eddie got a seven all. that is huge on network television. there were people in the street watching through the reflection.
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melissa: you think i am the only one that does not care about this? >> she will be watching yet. she will be watching the game. people care. >> i was a little busy. more people are watching these games. there are more people watching. >> here is my own personal study at home. my kids, football, baseball, basketball kids through and through. they are talking about this. >> they both voted to that mls. melissa: now i understand -- [laughter]
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melissa: thank you. president obama touting many jobs. announcing the latest innovation. ♪ peace of mind is important when you're running a successful business. so we provide it services you can rely on. with centurylink as your trusted it partner, you'll experience reliable uptime for the network and services you depend on.
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vision changes or eye pain, or problems passing urine. other side effects include dry mouth and constipation. nothing can reverse copd. spiriva helps me breathe better. does breathing with copd weigh you down? don't wait to ask your doctor about spiriva. i research. i dig. and dig some (trader more. search. because, for me, the challenge of the search... is almost as exciting as the thrill of the find. (announcer) at scottrade, we share your passion for trading. that's why we rebuilt scottrade elite from the ground up - including a proprietary momentum indicator that makes researching sectors and industries even easier. because at scottrade, our passion is to power yours.
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>> there was a time at which people felt that no matter what we did, companies would be moving overseas and jobs would be moving overseas and america's days are behind us. yet what we have seen is american manufacturing, roaring back. melissa: it is roaring back. 7 million fewer jobs than before the recession.
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we have a fox news contributor with us. manufacturing output has increased 37% since the recession began. productivity at work. it should be a good thing for the economy. >> pennsylvania claiming credit. it is really a renaissance in this country with the price of energy. four dollars of natural gas. you have dow chemical building the largest chemical plant in the world in texas. natural gas. this is a president that still will not sign on.
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>> he does not really understand what a job is or where wealth comes from. the jobs that have been created are always created in the private marketplace. those are enumerated jobs. they can be created for the president's efforts. >> how do you get that out of this? production is up. jobs are down. presumably because there is more automation. where do the new jobs come from?
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>> i think that there is a unique moment. i think the administration could focus on giving incentives this to companies. i think on showing right now is in vogue. >> we used to be an agricultural society. a lot of those jobs were off shore. offshore jobs are the low skill jobs. the low-paying jobs. what we are left with our higher paid jobs. >> and logical extension would be we are building jobs. are there fewer of those jobs? >> the price structure is the labor costs. they are paying witching eight and $12 a gallon for gas.
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we need to get that to our fact areas. those are high-paying quality jobs. melissa: we will leave it there. thank you to all of you. let's go to nicole petallides on the floor of the new york stock exchange. nicole: roughly a $5 billion deal could be in the making. take a look at oracle and microsystems. the highest point of the day is 70.24. oracle is up about 1%. oracle may be buying microsystems. it is software for retailers. also, hotel chains. they are in exclusive talks, according to bloomberg. the question is whether or not
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they will reach an agreement. neither of the two companies have been available for comment. melissa: thank you so much. we have brought you the bionic hand. now meet the bionic pancreas. life saving insulin from your cell phone. the high-tech laser beam that should scare the daylights out of drunk drivers. do you ever have too much money or technology? the local
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means keeping seven billion ctransactions flowing.g, and when weather hits, it's data mayhem. but airlines running hp end-to-end solutions are always calm during a storm. so if your business deals with the unexpected, hp big data and cloud solutions make sure you always know what's coming - and are ready for it. make it matter.
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melissa: every corner of the globe, money is flying around the world.
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starting in on gary. a new fast food chain is starting and budapest. it has been started by outraged artists. the drinks are served from a soda fountain. greed and pride and lust. over to north korea. the world's most glorious has a new -- the soviet union the glared this obsolete back in 1961. it has not been able to sink enemy ships in about 50 years. no big deal. he has been telling the sub commanders to prepare for combat. all right.
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landing in switzerland. things are a little more high-tech. all charged up in just 15 seconds flat. a battery pack right on top. all it has to do is roll up. it reaches up with more power. that is pretty cool. technology takes on type one researchers. we are developing a bionic pancreas. it could seriously improve the lives of millions living with diabetes. it keeps constant track of blood sugar. doctor manny joins me now. >> let me tell you how it works. this is a bionic pancreas. they really have two chemicals. sometimes if you get too much
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insulin, it goes down. they have two pumps. they go into your abdomen. it tells you when the sugar is high and, of course, it gives you a boost of insulin. when the sugar is too low, it gives you a shot of glucagon. at the same time, it sends messages to your cell phone about your glucose averages so that your doctor can monitor that prospectively. it is great. melissa: how do you feel about this? >> bionic devices like this are the way of the future. especially for type one diabetics. we had a teenager that had a prosthetic hand that was being controlled through his iphone as well.
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it really interacts with the chemistry of your body and the signals of your own body. whether you are talking about hard devices. the doctor needs to know the data. they give that data constantly now. this is, by the way, this is the future. they were so bullish about it that they did not want to give it up during the trial. i think that this is something here to stay. >> very cool. from super organs to super bananas. a new modified super fruit. researchers took a gene from inedible bananas and they injected that right into the
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food that we eat every day. that is where the super banana was born. if all goes well, people in developing countries could be feasting on this by 2020. a super banana. i love it. >> i hate genetically modified food. you are messing with the plant. you are messing with the biology of nature. melissa: why? >> you know what will happen. melissa: you do not like the seasoned watermelon? >> no. i like my seeds. the problem here in underdeveloped countries, they have terrible deficiencies in vitamins. especially for young kids. i read some of the articles. why not bring more to the area?
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they are so inexpensive. again, that is not practical to do. able to grow dwarf fruit that have more nutrients. i guess that is something good. melissa: very reluctant. thank you, doctor manny. it is not a hard choice for consumers. the white house changes its tune on iraq. militant violence escalates. we are watching the latest on that next. ♪ (mother vo) when i was pregnant... i got more advice than i knew what to do with. what i needed was information i could trust on how to take care of me and my baby.
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luckily, unitedhealthcare has a simple program that helps moms stay on track with their doctors and get the right care and guidance-before and after the baby is born. simple is good right now. (anncr vo) innovations that work for you. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare.
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when folks think about wthey think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america.
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>> breaking news, president
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obama will meet privately with the senate and house on the growing conflict in iraq. john boehner, minority leader nancy pelosi, senate majority leader harry reid, senate minority leader michel call will all be on hand at the meeting tomorrow at the white house. this comes as militants in iraq target yet another city closing in on baghdad. amid all the violence iraq is halting production at its largest oil refinery. joining me to discuss this, oil trader and routine with that perspective. and colonel bill cowan who is a fox news contributor. what do you think about this meeting? what do you think they will decide? what will come of it? >> i hope they hear some decisions from the president because up until this point we haven't heard any and perhaps he is coming to ask what they think needs to be done. o'reilly had a great piece last night talking about striking soon, striking quickly but the fact of the matter is these bad guys represent a threat, not
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only to iraq but to the united states, israel, the rest of the world. something needs to be done. let's of the president is moving toward some kind of decision. maria: how are people setting up for that possibility? it is not near any of the oil facilities overnight, largest oil refinery shutdown. how are market setting up for what is going on going forward? >> as you can see oil moves higher in the interesting thing is the stock market is moving hire with oil moving hire you see the spread between wti and brent escalating. and move higher, the president goes and does something, it is debatable if he does something but the trend is your friend, planting fruit oil stocks like energy and marathon. melissa: what will be the correct response?
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when bill o'reilly said that, that is the correct response? would it escalate the conflict? >> i don't think we have a lot of options. a number of times since troops pulled out, one thing we have in our favor without putting u.s. forces at risk, enhance intelligence collection agencies of the iraqis or special operations forces are mean, tough, capable, and heard their leadership and that could be reconstituted. if we look at iraqi special forces going, we get a good intelligence without putting u.s. forces at risk sellout of the nsa stuff and running agent operations, there is a chance they can slow down and turn around and put it back towards syria. conventional forces won't be the answer. it might slow the in down but that will not be the success that we need to get rid of them.
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melissa: what is the tipping point? we have been seeing crude oil, it is not exploding obviously. what it would be the things that would set it off in particular? was this refinery closing? >> they are always talking about that. oil hasn't spiked because there are rumors that they might release some oil from the f p r. last time they did that was 2011, will sold off 4%. the crisis is too or early on to release oil from the f p r but if they do oil could reverse. it is slowly grinding higher, $0.50 a day, if it breaks a date with 120-125. melissa: thanks to both of you. concerns not shaking investors right now. markets are up for the third consecutive day. all three major averages are a session highs. mark newton at the stock exchange, with sentiment like today? >> it has grown more bullish in
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the last few weeks putting a collar on equities below 50 so that does indicate a real sense of complacency but you have to balance that out with things like the ongoing trend which remains bullish along with formerly under performing sectors like financial starting to make real headway on the upside. a lot of brokers, regionals are following the move in ten year yields which are closing at highest level since early may so i think it definitely gives them something to look at as we enter the next fed meeting not necessarily this month but going forward, we are seeing meaningful signs of inflation picking up. financials are responding, very good price action. melissa: we will keep an eye on that, thank you so much. hold the phone, techies everywhere are anxiously waiting amazon's new smart phone. only one carrier is feeling the law. your temper about to break out
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of that glass emotion. at the end of the day it is all about money. ♪ [ bell ringing, applause ] five tech stocks with more than a 10%... change in after-market trading. ♪ all the tech stocks with a market cap... of at least 50 billion... are up on the day. 12 low-volume stocks... breaking into 52-week highs. six upcoming earnings plays... that recently gapped up. [ male announcer ] now the world is your trading floor. get real-time market scanning wherever you are with the mobile trader app. from td ameritrade. but with less ergy, moodiness, wii had to do something.pp. i saw mdoctor. a blood test showed it was low testosterone, not age. we talked about axiron the onlynderarm low t treaent that can restore t vels to normal in about two weeks in most men. axiron is not for use in women or anyone younger than 18 or men with prostate or breast cancer.
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women, especlly those who are or who may become pregnant, and children should avoidt where axirons applied as unexpected signs of puberty in children or changes in body hair or incased acne in women may occur. report these symptoms to your doctor. tell your doctorbout all medical conditions and medications. serious side effects could include increased sk of prostate cancer, worsening prostate symptoms, decreased sperm count, ankle, feet or body swelling, enlarged or painful breasts, problems breathing while sleeping and blood clots in the legs. common side effects include skin redness or irritation where applied, increased red blood cell count, common side effects include skin redness headache, diarrhea, vomiting, and increase in psa. ask your doctor about axiron. melissa: i am melissa frances with your fox business brief, a new survey has revealed goldman sachs is the employer for bankers all over the world.
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coming the head of jpmorgan and black rock most folks want to work at goldman because of the perceived growth prospect of money. u.s. shares of gw pharmaceuticals jumping big time after promising results from cannabis treatment did the experimental product has proven effective in treating young adults and children suffering from that the let's see. more americans than ever are giving up on uncle sam, over 1,000 u.s. citizens renounce their allegiance in the first quarter which is the most ever in that period. some analysts think because of an irs campaign declare bank accounts overseas. that is the latest on the fox business network giving you the power to prosper.
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melissa: amazon expected to unveil a smart phone and a big event tomorrow the research firm iec says smart phone sales are slowing. why is amazon doing this watch right now? it to break down, techno buffalo and jonathan hoenig is that with this as well. >> it is a very over saturated market. avalanche samsung, 80% of the profits last year alone. there's not a lot of room for other players that amazon does sink a lot differently. melissa: they will shove somebody else out of the way? >> actually there's a lot of
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opportunity to get new smart phone users if they put mayday on it. mayday is the on demand support service, the representative talks about the phone, how to use it, they do it on the tablet. and it sounds like at&t, though it would be wiser to go with all big four carriers. melissa: what do you think of that? is is what we have been hearing. that is what the iphone did. what does it give them? >> people lining up for the iphone. that is the thing. amazon to your point, this is a competitive space in the smart phone market. ended recreate the game. and released proverbial light inducted get, wait for hours and waited to get the iphone. the stock is down recently but
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has been heavily bid in the last couple years. reinvented shopping across the board. >> i disagree with you. that is not amazon's play. of the wanted to they would do full lawn, and midrange product. it is a competitive price, don't know about the above hardware, bring them into the ecosystem. they are paying for music, books, videos and everything, that is where amazon is doing it, same as with the kindle fire. melissa: with either of those strategies make you want to be involved? >> i am appreciative, a loyal customer but wouldn't buy this stock. we used to have to wait years for world affairs to come along, amazing innovation, and companies like amazon's web site. and see the stock come down because valuation will contract. wonderful company but highly
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valued and not unlike cisco throughout most of the 2,000s, highly valued company, still widely valued the valuation contracts even as good news -- >> first time have amazon in your pocket wherever you go. there are other platforms that this is amazon's ecosystem in your pocket. melissa: we will see. a wise man once said words are the most powerful drug used by mankind. obviously that man had never seen an imogee. their colorful little icons. everything from faces to dante heads, now the brains behind them has given us even more to choose from from the rather stuffy sounding consortium. gathering for months to come up with 250 new ones. have you heard about this?
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it includes the chili pepper and a falcon and reading from star trek. they range from the raised middle finger to a housing site. trying to imagine the conversation i would have with those. it is that where you are cursing and their neighbor? looks like no one lives there? what is the conversation where you are using these? can you think of that? >> people are always -- melissa: when will you use that squirrel? >> a house for a rest. >> what do you think? do you like the chili pepper? >> i haven't liked cartoons since tennessee tuxedo. it has been a while for me but all these companies innovating of the way we communicate. we learned in 140 characters on twitter and instances like that, will make the communication more effective and fun. >> lot of companies doing this with stickers.
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melissa: holding nicely in the green. liz claman gives us a preview of what to expect in the next hour. liz: the server look. more than the middle finger plus the chili pepper. we are seeing gains that we have built upon since this morning with news that just broke on your show that the president will be having a private meeting with members of congress regarding violence in iraq. it will be interesting to see what happens but the market seems to be liking that or not upset by it. you have been talking about the amazon phone that will be unveiled tomorrow. wait until you hear what our panel has to say about it. at&t is flat. blackberry up more than one%, nokia is up too. i show this competition that we talk about here.
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the it c senior mobil research analyst, they have all kinds of thoughts and christina has some intel about what the meeting is going to look like tomorrow. it will be made an and excitement. fox business will be there and i want to quickly mention men's shoes. what is that about? a new company called paul evans, start up nation story continuing and we have the two guys who co-founded this and are running this. they came from this and they said let's start our own company. we have them today, stay tuned. melissa: first an unfinished stadium, then a flood. the french throwing the red card after a drone was hovering over one of its practices. oh yes, the world cup. the gift that keeps on giving. more money coming at you. coming up next.
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melissa: don't drive drunk, one of the cardinal rules, you would think everyone knows about it but it is still the big problem. luckily ford has a drunk suit that should deter anyone from hopping behind the wheel after they had a few. we had a chance to try and on the, a drunk suit? >> more of a contraction. is a combination of unbalanced -- cerise is to restrict your movement. head funds we can't hear anything too well and actual beer buckles that simulate the dazzling bleary eyed view you get. melissa: you tried this on? >> canteen driver program, you can't walk straight in it. it is and amazing realistic sensation. melissa: have you walked around
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that drunk. >> i don't remember--it actually had that sort of affect. made you sick or had a course you drive around and even though i took a practice run without the dolls what i did do i manage to run a stop sign, it a couple cones. a real eye opener. melissa: today and the path of ruffles and crashing into things? >> in the parking lot. very safe. they don't have a full suit on when you are in the car but before you getting what around. you walk around. melissa: in case that wasn't enough to make you think twice researchers are developing a laser that can detect alcohol in your breath as you drive by so you drive through in intersection where they have this laser and even through the car they can detect alcohol on your press. >> kind of like star trek. the tech life forms in alcohol.
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basically using a remote sensing laser which they used to figure out what is on another planet in the atmosphere. detects changes in the frequency of light as it reflects to a detector and can tell what is in the air. they have set it up tissue through a car as it dries by, there's a mirror on the other side, send it back to a detector and they tell the verrazzano call in the air. they can't tell of the driver is drunk, but if there's alcohol they can tell when they figure a police officer further down the road will pull in over and check if the driver is drinking. melissa: that would give him enough ammunition although it is anyone in the car you could be the designated driver so they stop all these designated drivers, not terribly efficient we >> they tell us to do that. will be annoying at first. is causing probable cause to pull somebody over. you can't pinpoint the driver and of time but they have to do some follow-up tests. and let's see if there is --
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melissa: hold your breath as you go through that. thank you so much. so the world cup getting off on the right foot for team usa. what about the airline? not so much. the giraffe gaf has them regretting sticking their head out. it is all about money. so i can reach ally bank 24/7 but there are no branches? 24/7 i'm sorry- i'm just really reluctant to try new things. really? what's wrong with trying new things? you feel that in your muscles? yeah...i do... drink water.
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it's a long story. well, not having branches lets us give you great rates and service. i'd like that. experience a new way to bank where no branches = great rates. ally bank. your money needs an ally. when folks think about wthey think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing.
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across the united states, in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. they're the days to take care of business.. when possibilities become reality. with centurylink as your trusted partner, our visionary cloud infrastructure and global broadband network free you to focus on what matters. with custom communications solutions and responsive, dedicated support, we constantly evolve to meet your needs. every day of the week. centurylink® your link to what's next. are the largest targets in the world, for every hacker, crook and nuisance in the world. but systems policed by hp's cyber security team are constantly monitored for threats. outside and in.
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that's why hp reports and helps neutralize more intrusions than anyone... in the world. if hp security solutions can help keep the world's largest organizations safe, they can keep yours safe, too. make it matter. ♪ >> what about that! it's good! for the usa! melissa: huge world cup win 14 usa. now i'm on board. in the 2-1 victory over ghana. time for fun with "spare
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change." delta airline air lines gettings heat for the victory tweet counting the score. there is one problem, giraffes do not even live in ghana. people got so upset over this. everybody is supposed to know there are not giraffes in ghana? >> you can have a lot of fun for this, but there is a bigger story. they probably had some 19-year-old intern running their twitter feed because older executives don't understand social media. really what you have to do is walk this process up. we are going to see a lot of this in the days to come. melissa: were you horrified? >> to me it is likely to the background, a lion king poster and got in the vicinity and
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called it a day. melissa: the french national team got a drone spying on the practice. hovering overhead. just trying to watch the practice because i can't get to the game. i think it was a spy drone. are you suspicious of the scandal? >> if they had flown the drone to watch the ghana team, they could have hit a giraffe. i think they actually got lucky. >> i think we will see drowns over the country clubs checking in on their husband is. there is a lot of potential with this story here. melissa: they are not very stealthy. not sure that is going to work. i own that one, i am not even
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kidding you. a group of chinese pandas going to predict the world cup winner, officials pulled them from the gig citing health conditions. they will scare the panda, look at them. not scary, very much want to get in on the world cup. what do you think? >> bigger story. this is how p.r. is used beautifully and properly. china drilling for oil and building ocean property claimed by vietnam. they completely hit the anniversary and yet what are we talking about? these goofy bears and whether or not they can take the job and predict sports teams. this is misdirection at best. melissa: i didn't hear anything you said because i was watching really adorable pandas on screen.
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thank you guys. i hope you are making money today. join us tomorrow, we have a busy show. a statement from the federal reserve, janet yellen news conference at 2:30. very special show. don't miss it. "countdown" starts now. very special show. liz; investors proceed with caution. can the dow and s&p hold onto the gains? consumers rising faster than expected. how will the fed react expecting a two-day meeting today. amazon great unveil. eagerly awaiting the e-commerce giant new smart phone, plus if you want the 3d technology, be prepared to switch carriers. made exclusively available through only one carrier. how much will the phone bolster the winter giant? which stocks are in play? our expert panel weighs in. and think


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