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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  June 19, 2014 7:00pm-8:01pm EDT

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i've been hot, if you can't watch set your dvr, i'll see you in the morning on varney, right now, lou dobbs, keep it here for the place for business, fox business. lou: president obama today addressing american public on his plan to escalate in iraq. he failed to answer the one basic question he frameed that nation needs answered, how does the situation in iraq pose a national security threat to the united states instead his address vascillateed between a call to action and a promise of no action. contradiction, continue to be a hallmark for this president's presidency. we want to show you two statements from president's iraq news conference, that we believe you will find extraordinary, the president, as he laid out his
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plan for 300 more military advisors he is sending to iraq, stressing they will not be engageed in combat. >> prepared to send a small number of additional american military advisors up to 300 to asset how we can get train, add size and support iraqi security forces going forward, american forces will not be returning to combat in iraq. lou: now that is when president said about engageing in combat. >> we're developing moreation al targets, associated is isil, going forward we'll be prepared to take targeted and precise military act if and when we determine that the situation on the ground requires it. lou: this is not the first time president obama or his predecessors have contradicted
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themselves but what is extraordinary about this speech it say were delivered in succession, and including iran in the process. >> our views is that iran can play a constructive role, if it can helping to sense the same message to the iraqi government that we're sending. which is, that iraqi only hopeds together -- holds together if it is inclusive. lou: we'll take this up in moments. also tonight, he was targeted by obama justice department, for her reporting on benghazi, former cbs news investigative
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journal is sheryl at kis at -- s joining us. >> and irs claiming that lois lernery e-mails are lost but they also destroyed hard drive from which they originateed. our first guest said that president's options in iraq stem from years of disengagement by this administration, and u.s., will do its part, it is up to the iraqis as a sovereign nation, joining us congressman buck mckean. it is great to have you with us. >> thank you, lou. lou: the president contradicting himself as we reported at outset of the broadcast, he also seemed to embrace greater ambiguity for greater explanation for the
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american people. after you listen to the president, where are we headed in iraq? >> i am confused as i think you and your listeners. the president has done this before, we went through the same thing with syria. then we asked russia to pull our fat out of the fire, now we look to iran, i think that russia and iran have proven to not be our greatest allies. it i is really, i wish the president would sit down with their military advisors those who are best equiped to give him solid sound advise, make a decision, and then move toward and hold to that. you know, where you say i'm going to send a few troops up to 300, last week in a said there
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would be no boots on the ground, well they are going to have to be ground, he then he talks about targeting. it sounds to me, if you just happen to listen to this, and had never heard him over knew what he was saying, he is making up things as he goes along, that is a scary thing. our military does not operate that way, they plan, they know what they are doing. they execute as we saw with the capture of the abu ca khatallah. >> from benghazi, right. lou: turn ing to fact this is a matter of national interest, president said that. first question to be answered how is this in the national interest, a question among many but that he did not answer.
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i don't think that american people have embraceed his adult, mature partners in this government of the people, by the people, and for the people, by their elected representatives, this is extraordinary where the white house believe its can just simply order involvement of the united states without making an appeal either to the american people, or a creating a partnership with the congress of united states. >> plus we have allies in the area. sunni allies, that have been -- stood by us in other times, that he ought to check in with some too. we have seen a pattern now, what he did with transfer of 5 taliban for sarge bergdahl. he deliberately avoided telling congress, even though the law requires him to give us a 30 day notice on any prance fors from gault tkpwaut.
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we knofors from guatemala. >> we know he -- not one member of leadership of congress in either party, was informed that i just, special i just heard before comeing on this program, president planing on signing ing ottawa convention in a number of of days this would ban the use of landmines. we well general of our forces in south korea a couple of months ago, and he talked to us about the critical situation they are facing over there, and landmine are important to our defense. general dempsey, our chairman of our joint chiefs said in high best military advice we need
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land mines, this is a big decision for military, a bad decision for the country, a bad decision for the tax payers, some stkaoeugss he agonizeed over for a long time then takes no acts. some come out of the floor, blue and he takes act. it is hard to follow this. lou: as point-out this is a critical issue. this cannot be -- without radcasion of senate could it? >> well, i don't know. i don't know. but i do know that when a good friend randy forbes on the armied service committee from virginia has an amendment to put on a bill to stop any funding to implement this treaty, i want to support that do whatever we can
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to make sure this does not happen. congressman buc mckean, chairman of house services committee. >> thank you, lou. lou: secretary of state kerry pullpulled an about-face on the issue of working with iran on the iraq crisis, here is secretary of state kerry. >> i don't know where this comes from that we suggested working with iran in that regard, we have -- >> i thought you said it in a interview the other day. >> i said we're interested in ed in communicateing with iran that make sure that iranians know what we're thinking and we know what they are thinking that there is a share are muchment men information so people are not making mistakes. lou: a head scratcher. interesting. roll the tape.
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>> can you see cooperating with iran militarily. >> at-this-point, i think we need to go step by step, see what meeting a reality, but i would not rule out gag. lou: working with iran, not on the table but not alled out, kerry is expected to go to iraq soon with i am sure a clear view and expression of the to the president's view, moer of sergeant tahmorressi, speaking out, saying she heard nothing from white house or state deputy despite widespread media attention on sergeant andrew tahmorressi's case, tonight it has been 80 days since tahmorressi crossed the border into mexico with three legal, personal weapons, 3 guns, after some leg turmoil has family has fired a third attorney.
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80 days without any public statement by this president, about sarge tahmorressi. >> marine cor corporal william e carpenter today became eighth living veteran of combat in afghanistan to receive the medal honor during a 2020 firefight in afghanistan, carpenter fell on a grenade to shield a fellow marine from the blast. he spend 2 tpha*f 2 1/2 years ie hospital, the doctors rebuilt his owned about. he said his marines areas -- the years in the continue put things in perspective. >> we're coming right back. >> benghazi ston stonewall lois lerner's vanished e-mails
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charles: more obstacles in effort to recover lois lerner's missing e-mails at irs, telling that irs threw out and recycleed ed the hard drives that lerner and 6 others grouped while targeting tea party groups. saying it is standard government procedure to discare card damagd hard drives. her computer allegedly crashed in 2011, computer expert say those e-mails are nonetheless,
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backed up and retrieve able at some points after some effort, republicans are not buying the irs's excuses accusing agency of lying, to the american people, and congress. and caring out an out right coff cover-up. >> 5 time emmy award winning sharcheryl son they can son -- y can soycanat --atkison has beens story. >> thank you, lou. lou:l me start with idea this government would pretend these e-mails are lost. >> i see a problem when federal agency or people inside of this accuse of? wrong doing they are in charge of their own invest tkpwaeus it was up oinvestigation itwas up e
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irs to check on the system, there should be an independent technician of some sort that can dig through the materials. lou: the experts that we've talked with to a person say somewhere in the virtual foundation of our federal government, are those e-mails. whether they be on tape back up or are or other servers in some form, i am not familiar with the cloud and the technologies application to federal government, can be somewhat slow to advancement but these tapes, we're assureed are retrieve able in some form, what are your
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thoughts? >> i have been told the same thing by i-t expert, some of women work for and have worked for the government and done contracting work, and insist it is a ludicrous argument, everyone said the same thing to say that these e-mails are gone, they are gone forever because, people that i have spoken to like you say that not the case. charlesthe. lou: clairol -- cheryl the question becomes when are powers of congress. the list goes on. yet the national liberal media, as i style it, simply will not rise up to the level of a watch dog for the state. instead they are behaving look lap talks it is to me mind boggleing. >> they are not interested or
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their interests lie elsewhere in other stories, it is the limited time they have to television to tell stories they could find other times to fill in the space, to some degree they have been played by propaganda interest who suggestion if they are covered they are phony scandals and republican jen skwraeuted, which they are in the i.charles: jeb rateed. >> -- generate in high opinion. and media should not be swayed by that but, i think that some degree they are. lou: if your last name is rogues, one of you runs cbs news and other working national security in whitehat a camilleia fatter of no interest to the nation. you have had your phones tapped, your computers hacked.
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this is going to be chilling to you? >> well, to some degree, it is disturbing it makes me only it doess on chill me or dissuade me from doing the job that i need to do, i was never intended to find out this was happening, i found out by happen stance and luck, i think they are trying to find out what i was about to report on, what sources were speaking to me, and how much i knew about the controversial stories i was reporting on at the time. lou: cheryl we appreciate you being with us, we look forward to your new book, stonewall, my fight for truth. againsts forces of obstruct, inteuplg doing, and harassment in obama's washington. >> thank you. >> thank you. lou: time for a look at our on-line poll results, which the president's options that iraq do
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you support? 63% said airstrikes, 7 said special forces, vote on our po poll. more than 20 million americans unemployed should, congress go with any proposal made by this white house, of any kind? cast your vote >> a growing backlash against the common core academic standard that louisiana governor bobby jindal issued an exec tish executive order, more than 340 bills in every state has been introduced to either mott modify, delay ort right revokeis. nick: wantinrevoking come om co.
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>> next stay with us.
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when folks think about what they get from alaska, they think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america.
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lou: coming up in moments, house republicans electing a new leader african tor' -- archeric cantor's defeat. david pwozy joining us to take over the ramifications. read eyes, andy levy, tom sullivan also joining us next for a look at converse's comments on the campaign trail. just last week the irs admitted they did not have the lois lerner e-mails sought by congress, this week we learn that irs also misplaceed or lost the e-mails of 6 additional irs employees involved in the irs targets scandal, then we learned that the irs has known about those misplaceed roars of e-mails for some time, one i-t expert, with 30 years of experience consulting for among others apple, motorola, and
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sprint, describes the irs claims that lost lerner's e-mails as mind boggling, it is not just one i-tic pher expert who has sd forward and saying they are not boeing those excuses, to a person, that does not happen. >> a former program manager with microsoft said he does not know of any e-mail administrator who does not have at leaf three ways of -- at least three-ways of retrieving e-mails either on the hard drives or back up or archive server, those e-mails are universally, backed unin some medium for a long-term storage. the irs sta*euplts that those e-mails don't exist, is a lie. the white house and the irs stonewall appears have to
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entered a new phase today, we have seen this however before. so-called missing 8 1/2 minutes of oddio tape in watergate, to stonewall as obama white house has done so long, it one thing but trying to destroy, federal records is criminal. once the stonewall is a cover-up, as we learned, people start going to jail. but there is a difference, in watergate, national media, the washington post, were dog ed and determineed to get the truth before the american people. long before a congressional committee had been formed. this time, the obama culture of corruption, and obstruction, extends through much of the national liberal media itself. there is only one way to the truths this time. and to of are restore har part f the public trust in this white
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house. that is to establish now a special prosecutor to investigate the irs, and white house actions. fully, and to a conclusion. >> up next, one perspective democratic challengeer to hillary clinton, may be out of the wining, or he may be potentially a politically incrick front-runner. fox news, talk radio host tom is sullivan, and red eye a andy levy, joining me next.
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thank ythank you for defendiyour sacrifice. and thank you for your bravery. thank you colonel. thank you daddy. military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa auto insurance can be one of them. if you're a current or former military member or their family, get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. lou: coming up tonight, best selling author, history channel star brad melcher on what is seemingly behind the never ending list of obama scandals. >> and david bossy here to tell
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us why establishment republicans are more focused on 12 million illegal immigrants than 20 million unemployed americans. >> a democratic 2016 hopeful may be out of the running or moving to frontrunner status. former montana governor schweizer made disparageing renarc -- remarks about eric cantor, he is not i think so i don't think. again i could careless, i am accepting. how nicely is. joining us now to talk about this and more fox news red eye co-host, andy levy. >> thank you. >> and tom sullivan. first your react to schweizer governor, coming up with gay
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dar? >> i had to look at what gay dar was. if you are so accepting of lgbt, why would it even about on -- with on your mind. lou: it should not, here he is wants to run for president does this destroy any chance. >> i think maybe, i don't think it is even using word gaydar, i don't think that is ofengive, he said -- offenseive he said southern men all sound afem inat, you in you mayotte win th -- may not win the shout with a comment like that. >> the way you talk about past
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tense like he wanted to run for tpresident. lou: he may be. >> he is toast 92 this have a problem with folksy candidates, that you know they speak from the heart they are not politicians they say things they should not have said. lou: senator cochran has said a bunch of things, it looks like he is going to be beaten by tea party candidate in mississippi. this is looking like it may be more than just a fluke o of for the tea party this year. >> well, it goes to candidate. eric cantor story plays to this case as well. incumbant has been there a long time, people are saying, you are not listening to us, you are in the hearing us, i want someone
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who will pay attention. >> i think tom is on should something,. >> they have been there a long time, they are getting out of touch with their constituents even if they were eve elistenino them. he is a career politician. >> beautiful part about this, it may encourage some people out there who thought about running, but don't want to because of the fact you can't run against a person that has been in office forever skpefer, maybfor and evl rethink that. lou: it may be nice. president today, in his statement, what do you think of his performance? it was to me, if i may, i thought it was hardly what had been advertised. >> the weird thing is, noteed in
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washington post. factors in 2012 campaign president obama was very in to taking credit for bringing home all of the troop for iraq, then today of, he was asked a question, said, do you regret not leaving a force, he said, that was now my decision that was the iraq's people's decision, like come on, just trach-- such a dodge of responsibility, just take responsibility, stop shuffling things off, stop saying no one is angrier than i am just the buck stops here. >> the other part, go i back to last week, he said i'll never put boots on the ground, i know there he is trying to delineate, if you have an american soldier in an american uniform, on a battle feel in iraq, that is boots on the ground, that is how vietnam got started was you get in there one gets killed it
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grows. lou: let me as we conclude. put up latest gallup poll. american people have a pretty good what would you call this? truth dar? >> a stinko meter. lou: his approval rating has plungeed. do have we that? well we'll have that just rely -- there there it is. approval 41%. his disapproval risen to 55. largely for reasons that andy and tom have suggested. thank you very much. >> thank you. lou: now quotation ofs evening from president obama talking about his plans to fight %ist in world, president obama, said quote, rather than to try to play whack-a-mole, wherever the
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terrorist organizations may pope able to build effect every partnerships, i would never suggestion to tell the president to do anything, but i am making an exception, it's time for white house to ban the whacka mole phrase. we're welcoming right back. >> he is master of conspiracy theories, and new york time best selling ther thriller brighter,t does he think? brad meltzer next.
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when folks think about what they get from alaska, they think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america.
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don't take pradaxa if you have abnormal bleeding or have had a heart valve replaced. seek immediate medical care for unexpected signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. pradaxa may increase your bleeding risk if you're 75 or older, have a bleeding condition or stomach ulcer, take aspirin, nsaids, or blood thinners... ...or if you have kidney problems, especially if you take certain medicines. tell your doctors about all medicines you take. pradaxa side effects include indigestion, stomach pain, upset, or burning. if you or someone you love has afib not caused by a heart valve problem... ...ask your doctor about reducing the risk of stroke with pradaxa. lou: we'll talk with citizens united president, in a moment, but first wall street's record day for stocks. the dow up 15, s&p up 3, closing a new record high. nazdaq down 4. volume 2.9 billion shares, utility best performing sector material the worst, crude oil up
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46 cent. gold rising 41 dollars. and yield on 10 year, riseing to 2.62%. blackberry stock up 10%. rising company posting a surprise quarterly profit. netflix down after announcing it signed chelsea handler for a late night talk show host, food prices posting biggest incress since 2011, phaets, paltry, recession prices up more than 1%, hardy david son -- harley david son, unveiling a battery powereed motorcycle. can travel and 0 to 60 in 0.4 seconds. >> house republicans electing
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conditioingcongressman kevin mco replace cantor. tonight's word of the evening conservativeism -- something that newly elected leaders, i think have clearly in view. more on today's leadership elections. all development with obama scandals, i am joined by the president of citizens united david bossy, your reaction, cheryl atkison and i talking about this, idea that internal revenue service would say to congress of u.s., they have lost all those e-mails, in drips and
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drabs, first lois lerner than 6 others, then say they knew about it 5 months ago. >> there is a ongoing criminal conspiracy going on at irs right now that needs to be stopped. only way to stop en panel a grand jury. i independent council, not someone who works for washington, d.c. or the different of justice, they are obama supporters, what must happen is a impa impaneling of a grand jury to dig into this, irs commissioner will be before congress tomorrow, before ways and means committee, he needs to be asked, has he or anyone in irs, been before a grand jury, if we can uncover there is a grand jury ongoing that is a big deal. lou: i think if they go before
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the ways and means committee, that committee is not focused and sharp, and tough in its questioning, i think the american people may say the h*rl withellwith the patrol whole pr. >> you are right, lou there are a couple of u.s. attorneys former u.s. attorneys on the camp committee as well as governor -- >> i am not suggests they could not do it but they must do it to hold the public's attention and build if you will a foundation of support, and public trust to carry out the investigation. that. >> that is the issue for me, lack -- breach of public trust, this guy was brought in irs commissioner search months ago to restore public trust, he was supposed to get it back in order, in establish order at irs, and give congress what they wanted which was answers we've seen nothing, i believe his credibley is now shot he must go
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he needs to resign or barack obama who is not the best at figuring out incompetance should ask for his resignation. lou: i want to turn to the republican g.o.p. leadership now mccarthy and scalise? >> very capable and competent leaders, kevin mccarthy i would have preserveed a more conservative sudden date run, but i -- condition kate hrupb, but i loo -- candidate run.but r rippleed and did not allow for anyone to surface it is really a 7 month campaign until november, you will see a true leadership election from top to bottom. lou: what do you suppose the big, republican establishment in particular with democratic
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establishment push so hard on amnesty rather than focusing on bigger issues. >> it shocks me. i just, i continue to be surprised by their tone deafness on the issue of immigration and amnesty, cantor lost because of it, i think it is dead for this session. lou: thank you david. >> up next, confirs conspiracy s abound with that administration. i talk with brad meltzer with that and more. [ laughter ]
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lou: my next guest, a master of
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conspiracy theories and unraveling them, best selling thriller writer. host of of the history channel. and now a best selling children's author, latest work, i am rosa parks, joining us brad melcher. >> thank you, lou. lou: start with this mystery at internal revenue service and white house, you decode, do you it righteously. to have these e-mails disappear to be told they are lost, and not only that e-mails of 6 others beside lois lerner have also disappeared. what is your reaction? >> my reaction is, i am a mystery thriller writer, i research things like this. i research with secret service and fbi and cia, someone in secret service taught me, years
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ago, she could take a ground up disk drive in pieces, and they could find data on it idea that data on a recycleed direction of drived direction ofdrive is -- , i am sorry. where are 18 minutes in 96 b nin tapes, you have to ask the hard questions, sometimes when they reveal of our fears. so sometimes you can look at tapes, say we need to find that is welcome, you look at hillary clinton running you know there are a lot more 61 pie conspirac. you show my a conspiracy i will show you the fears. lou: fears may go beyond the surface. because, what i see happening, is that on a number of levels,
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we know there are tape back ups and universal back up in every e-mail outlet, and application. but in this, for someone to go to this trouble, to erase destroy, these e-mails, suggestions there is a great deal there wait be to be discovered that is the fear. and secondly, as we look at what is transpireing there is a culture of corruption, someone had to watch someone do this, monitors, is that not reasonable? >> i always say, if you want to find the answer, you figure out who benefits. whether you look at this story, amazing to me, that it is not like old days a file, takes one person to burn the file, you feel, if it is gone it takes a couple people to do, that to bring up those nixon tapes,
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people say, you know just an accident, she steped on the thing, actually delead something you have to keep your foot on the thing for 18 1/2 minutes , people say, something is wrong, one thing i know, we look at any cop spiracey. -- conspiracy, american people can smell a lie, they smell a lie better than anyone, i do believe it may take a while, we have to zig, and jag, an ask questions but truth will come out, america knows. lou: it may play a large role in explaining why the president's approval rating and trust have just rolled over. rosa parks, we talked about this book. this is terrific, and i think a lot of people scratching their heads who know and you your works, say children's books but your reason for writing it, i
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think are best. >> i was tired of my own kids looking at reality tv show hosts and loud mouth athletes, as heroes, i said that is being famous, being famous is different from a hero, i wanted to give them storyys about heroes, rosa parks was 11 years old she was pushed over by a kid on roller skates, she popped back up and shoves him back, the boy of white, and rosa parks was black, at that time you were not supposed to do such a thing, at that points the boy's mother came over, then rosa said, to the mother, and herself, and said, listen, he was bothering me, don't bother me, that boy and that boy and mother never bothered her again, i want my children to hear that story, they give kids real heroes they can look up to. lou: one of the heroes rosa
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parks, brad mel zer melcher on . >> thank you. >> we need border reform, shut it down now. where next attack on u.s. soil come from, i am amazeed. >> and lou, thank you for speaking out for marine tahmorressi, my son was detained in 2012 in a mexican prison it was a cartel haven, and tom in florida, my solution to question of what to do with illegal children crossing the border bring them on embassy or consulate of their country first them to deal with it thank you, all authors of tonight's comments receive a free copy of my novel, border war, keep comments coming, e-mail me at, and follow u folln twitter. and our facebook page. that is it for us, here tomorrow aways and means com committee
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member, diane black, and andrew mccarty, and steve "forbes." be with us, good night from new york. but with less ergy, moodiness, i had to do something. i saw mdoctor. a blood test showed it was low testosterone, not age. we talked about axiron the onlynderarm low t treaent that can restore t vels to normal in about two weeks in most men. axiron is not for use in women or anyone younger than 18 or men with prostate or breast cancer. women, especlly those who are or who may become pregnant, and children should avoidt where axirons applied as unexpected signs of puberty in children or changes in body hair or incased acne in women may occur. report these symptoms to your doctor. tell your doctorbout all medical conditions and medications. serious side effects could include increased sk of prostate cancer, worsening prostate symptoms, decreased sperm count, ankle, feet or body swelling, enlarged or painful breasts, problems breathing while sleeping and blood clots in the legs. common side effects include skin redness
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♪ my mom works at ge. ♪ >> neil: mr. president, enough. stand down. give up. sometimes it is better never them late to wake up to the mess that is the rack now and the harsh reality. you are too late. that is a former top commander in iraq warnings that we only get ourselves into the middle of a sectarian fight than that air strikes calling against the fighters for only make things worse. that it means it is a more inclusive government to recognize that need


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