tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business June 23, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm EDT
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web page now for live after hours show. we're "the independents." thank you. lou: good evening, breaking news, you are looking at live pictures from a house oversight committee hearing, irs commissioner john is to testify about e-mail servers that were allegedly destroyed, two years of lois lerner e-mail lost and those of 6 other higher level irs employees, adding to the coincidence distruction of her hard drive. her computer of quote unquote,
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recycleed. we take that up with katie, jedediah bila, and also, president obama appears ready to recommit american force to defend the iran an supported al-maliki government, prime minister min gave u.s. troops i thin irkhewnty from -- immunitym prosecution should they need to use force. >> president obama has not declared he will wait. he has made it clear in his most resense statement he is preparing with the increaseed intelligence, and work that military is doing. and president is prepared to take action when and if the president decides that is important. lou: we'll have more on the secretary's day in baghdad, and
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advance of isil forces taking a another 4 towns across iraq from jordan border to syria borde thr director of national intelligence, john negroponte. and blockbuster revelations in new book blood feud, could jeopardize hillary clinton's run for white house. ed klein with what he says. and best selling author of communist call congresser among our guest, talking about whether president's pension for chaos at home or abroad or on bored or amounts to a preference, we begin in baghdad, secretary of state kerry held crisis talks with iraqi prime minister
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al-maliki who signed that status of force agreement with united states he declines 3 earliers ago, kerry stressed importance of iraqi bringing a widening sectarian and ethnic divide in iraq. >> this is a critical moment for iraq's future, a moment of decision for iraq's leaders and a moment of great urgency, iraq faces a echo step a threat, thar stros meet that threat -- leaders have to meet that threat. lou: isil continues its tight grip in iraq, taking two border posts, one on frontier with jordan another with syria, "new york times" reporting that isil now controls all of iraq's western border crossings with syria and jordan allowing for free flow of men and equipment
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to the invadeers, and reports that american official believe that 5 of iraq's 14 combat divisions are now ineffective, washington institute, finds one out of four combat battalions cannot be accounted for and all of their equipment lost. joining me now, john negroponte, former ambassador to iraq, and first deco director of u.s. intelligence under president bush. these are breath taking victories for the isil. oriif you prefer, isis, they sem to be all but unstoppable. >> it is a give killer situatio -- it is a difficult situation,
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but not hopeless, and not reversible. once they get closer to baghdad there will be a push back. i think that government is now stiff ending its spine, it was purposimportant that president e the announcement that he did late last week, and i think that has been a shot in the arm. followed up by secretary kerry's visit, as you saw, he was well received by prime minister al-maliki when he was in baghdad today. difficult, yes, hopeless, no. >> and some would say that his better demeanor, borne of disperration, as we just reported, army is being decimated. you say it not hopeless but that
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would presume significant u.s. military help, i saw. assume. >> i think u.s. help, we're not putting boots back on the ground, they will help in form of intelligence, and prepare ground for any kind of counter attacks. toic at the present timto -- exs out in open or in clearly discernible targets from the air, i would not rule out using drone strikes or airstrikes. i think between men and women on ground, and other intelligence, we're positions ourselves well to be as helpful as possible to the iraqi forces, someone mentioned that 5 of their divisions might be in dire straits, but there are 9 others, i don't know which are best iraqi units, i am sure there are some strong ones.
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i think that between them, and whatever militia can be mobilizeed i think there can be effective push back of isis forces while political process in parallel, works to form a new government. don't forget, they have just had parliamentry elections, election results have been certified. and next step is for new parliament to be seated, and hopefully they will choose a new government, as soon as possible. lou: a new government perhaps, the al-maliki absent from the new government, but in either case, it will be an iranian supported government, it will not? and iran will have a significant imflewenc-- influence? >> i think that iran has significant influence, but it would have more if we were not
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part of the equation, we're a balancing factor, we given corerage am -- ow own encouragey our involve am for those who would wish to resist iran ran pressure, i think that new government may not include prime minister al-maliki my understanding that some of factions now, are gravitateing toward other possible solutions, but we'll have to wait and see how that works itself out within the iraqi parliament. right now, when it is seated political act will be in the iraqi parliament. lou: all right, ambassador always good to talk with you. >> thank you. lou: ambassador john negroponte, bombshell development in vote rans aware -- veterans affair scandal, v.a. own watch talk undermineed whistle-blowers by confirming their allegations of wrong doing then dismissing them as having no impact on faish
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faish care. -- patient care in one particular case, one veteran spent 8 years at a massachusets psychiatric unit before given his first comprehensive evaluation, a 2012 odda it of health -- audit, found top officials in that region knew two years ago that its employees were manipulating data on doctor appointment but those officials did not stop the practice despite being warned by the v.a. executives not to gain the system. >> and supreme court, delivering a setback to president obama's ambitions for environmental protect agent, justices ruling that epa lacks authority to force companys that are expands their industrial facilities or
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building new ones. today's ruling could be used to challenge other aspect of epa effort on global warming, we're coming right back stay with us. >> he promised to transform america, now on our southern border, some say he is using a straepbg with ties to 1970s communist, best selling author paul congresser will join us next. pla unlimited cash back. let that phrase sit with you for a second. unlimited. as in, no limits on your hard-earned cash back.
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service, hearing has begun. he wil will comeitions for a see in two days on capitol hill. they refuse to apologize for so-called lost e-mails of lois lerner and 6 other employees of the internal revenue service, appearing friday before the house ways and means committee. lerner, a person of interest in congressional investigations of the irs targeting, of conservatives -- conservative groups, and conservative donors, and we will be following these development and going to the hearing if it appears that he is wortforth coming work have no rn to peck the man who refuses to apologize to american people to be forth coming or trade fo strt forward in any fashion. >> well president said his goal
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is as president to transform this nation, some say he is on his way. by using a political stkraepbg a little bit strategy tied to 1970s era communist and social activist. here to talk about some of those ideas and how they relate to what we're witnessing today did paul kinger, author of best selling book the communist, he has a new book, 11 principles of a reagan conservative. paul, great to have you back with us, what are we watching on border. national media, is trying to avert its eyes from what seemings to be a clearly orchestrated event, one cannot imagine tens of thousands of children, moving 1800 miles through the heart of mexico, which has rigou rigorous border
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security in the south with guatemala, else val vad dor -- else sal za dor, these children making up most of them, your thoughts about whether this is an effort to overload the system, break the system, break down resistance to what this president wants which is an open border and amestty for every illegal immigrant. >> this is frustrateing, it is hard to figure out to what degree this president wants it. i don't' to allege manipulating it. but one thing that you know in this really dovetails through the strategy, barack obama idea of fundamental transfer may be, redistributeed change is that he probably sees this as
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advantageous, beneficial to his political goals. you know democrats see these individuals, as far more likely democratic voters than republican voters, and klauer pivon strategy, columbia university, it is if you overload the system, you overload welfare state, and overload the nanny state, you can collapse the system, and there by fundamentally transform the system. so, we know that. we know that maybe obama sees an advantage in that, but to what extent is he willfully pushing it or helping to facilitate it, i don't know, i don't' have try to hazard a guess. lou: i will put it this way, how difficult is it for you to imagine 60,000 children traveling 1800 miles. >> right. lou: from honduras to heart of
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mexico, climbing aboard trains without inter fearance. the countries among them, but some mexican citizens as well. and to get to the united states with a government that refuses to secure the border, they know where they are. they transfer them from one border patrol sector, from rio grande valley sector to the arizona sector. tucson. i mean this does not happen withou"wipeout" the conscious -- without the conscious willful collaboration of the governments, or. >> or maybe neglect. you are talking hundreds of thousands of people over this year, and next, not just hundreds or thousands, 60,000 this year, upwards of a quarter
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million over 2 to 4 years, yeah, this is a mass movement of human beings, it is clearly here, i think obama sees this as to his advantage. that once people come in, the goal is amnesty witness they are in here, and for them to vote democratic this is a crazy situation, i don't know what else but crazy. lou: crazy and add to that. the insistance of business establishment here, in this country particular u.s. multinationals as represented by chamber of commerce, the business round table, and the willful deflect of 20 million americans seeking jobs, and all americans are middle class, those who aspire seeking higher pay, we found to be impossible as we see these levels of
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illegal imgration rise. >> think about this, have you 48 million americans on food stamps, 48 million. with ronald reagan left presidency in 1989 there were 18 million americans on food stamps, 18. you have 48 million, now you start adding in you know 60,000 a year. 100,000, 250,000 over next two to 4 years, and you will have a lot more people hearing on food stamps. on an employment. going right to the welfare rolls, this does make you wonder, if this is part of a goal of fundamental transfer may be or at least, if they are coming in people on a obama's mentality, looking at this, as a positive. as aness political positive -- net political positive. for himself, his goals and his party, that is what is really disturing. lou: a answer to one question is
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irresistable. which is why is this government not stoping it, paul kangor, we recommend the book to you. >> thank you paul, join us tomorrow with another great writer, ed klein will join us to talk about his new book, blood feud. time for a look at our on-line poll results, what you found most disturbing about the obama administration. 4% said their iraq strategy, 4% said immigration policy, 56%, the internal revenue service stonewall. be sure to vote in our poll tonight, question is, which party do you believe is party of the greatest integrity? the republican? the democratic? or neither of the above? cast your vote at, my commentary on the internal
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revenue service. and why no one has stepped up to say, or do the right thing, on bbo half of the agent, and tell america and federal government and white house what happened. who destroyed all of those e-mails and those hard drives and why. surely there is a conscious waiting to reveal itself. we're coming right back. peace of mind is important when you're running a successful business. so we provide it services you can rely on. with centurylink as your trusted it partner, you'll experience reliable uptime for the network and services you depend on. multi-layered security solutions keep your information safe, and secure. and responsive dedicated support meets your needs, and eases your mind.
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. lou: the house oversight committee you see there, that hearing is under way. irs commissioner john koskinen giving opening statements. does that look like a smirk to you? >> it does to me a bit, i'm sure it's not. lou: we're waiting for the xhiger to give his opening statement. we'll give you all the developments from the hearing. obama silent on andrew tahmooressi, congressman matt salmon will join us next to
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give us an update and his thoughts how soon his commander in chief, that is tahmooressi's, sergeant tahmooressi's commander in chief might get him freed. and joining us katie pablich, jedidiah belah. john koskinen is on capitol hill and have a few thoughts for you to consider. tonight is round two for a man who is the titular head of the agency embroiled in the biggest corruption scandal of any agency in this nation's history. as we already learned that doesn't learn koskinen will apologize to congress or the american people. he's testifying before the house oversight commitment, and chairman issa giving his statement. he says the questions will last a long time this evening. i hope his committee members manage to show a lot more outrage than we witnessed friday in the ways and means committee hearing.
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here's what i'm talking about. congressman paul ryan. this is him all worked up about commissioner koskinen, who was lying, he said. >> i don't believe you. this is incredible. >> i have a long career. that's the first time anybody has said they do not believe me. >> i do not believe you. >> that's fine. i'm willing to stand on our record. lou: wow. and here's chairman dave camp, barely able to contain his anger at the man who presides proudly over a politically corrupt organization and one that is now trying desperately to cover up the entire scandal. >> what i didn't hear in that was an apology to this committee. >> i don't think an apology is owed. not a single e-mail has been lost since the start of the this investigation, every e-mail has been preserved that we have that we will produce or produced by the end of this. >> you don't think the time
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period between january 2009 to 2011 is relevant to the investigation. lou: here's what we need to know, why were lerner's hard drives destroyed as the irs claims? why did the commissioner and predecessors not insociety of protection of the hard drives and every other record of the e-mails? why didn't koskinen tell congress and the american people as soon as he learned the e-mails were lost. why didn't any irs employee either in information technology or administration or any irs official or any employee in any quarter of the agency not report the efforts of whoever is responsible for destroying those hard drives, those e-mails? and who fired the company that had been contracted to back up those e-mails? just weeks after lerner's testimony? those are just some of the
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questions that koskinen might answer. it would be awfully decent of him to do so, and also be the right thing. i hope that every member of this committee tonight shows koskinen exactly as much respect as he has shown our congress and the very ideal of integrity in public service. it's time to forget about a special prosecutor. speaker boehner now should not waste a single minute, and just simply put forward a select committee immediately to be cleaning up obama's culture of corruption and sort out every single person responsible are in irs outrage. we're coming right back. tens of thousands of unaccompanied children swarming our border. a humanitarian and national security crisis. house judiciary committee chairman congressman a body at rest tends to stay at rest...
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. lou: our next guest says president obama's plan to deal with the crisis on our southern border is nothing but smoke and mirrors. joining us now is a man who has created a republican initiative for immigration reform. it is one of great, and i think, rare good sense and judgment. it is incremental and represents, i believe, the ultimately the solution. joining us now is the chairman of the house judiciary committee congressman bob goodlatte, he's holding a hearing this coming wednesday addressing the border surge of unaccompanied illegal minors. congressman, great to have you with us. mr. chairman, let me ask you first, this administration is, it seems to me is committing outrage after outrage, could he possibly not have organized in collaboration with the
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governments of central america and mexico what we are witnessing on our southern border? . >> i actually think that this is an administration made disaster of his own making, and folks in mexico and guatemala and honduras have said things that contradict what he has claimed about this. he's claimed this is due to central american violence. the guatemalan ambassador to the u.s. said it's not about central american violence and pointed to revolution that took place, civil wars that took place that didn't generate this kind of movement toward our border by children and other people too, it's not just children, and the honduran president said it's all about misinformation about u.s. law, i would argue that the misinformation comes from the president's own programs. the deferred action for childhood arrivals, daca, which over 500,000 people have applied for and received. word's getting back home, if you come to the united states, and you're a child, you tell
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them you want to come in and they'll let you in. the handling of the issue, the rubber stamping, the granting of political asylum cases are not well founded but it is easy to make the claim, get a court date, be let into the country, be given work authorization and disappear, more than 90% of the people never come back to appear at hearings that are set to determine whether they had a well-founded fear of persecution in their country. lou: speaker boehner said put the national guard on the border. president obama is not about to do that. he's not about to secure that border, has shown no signs of it. he's pulled back border patrol and made it impossible for law enforcement agencies to work effectively against human smugglers. the drug cartels right now have effective -- de facto control of our borders, don't they? >> well, it's a very serious problem, the speaker is right. there needs to be greater enforcement on the border.
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this problem with regard to the children involve people not going to -- swimming across the rio grande and crawling through the desert through a tunnel. they are showing right up at border crossing stations and turning themselves into the border patrol saying here i am, i want political asylum in the united states. abuse of this law. lou: after traveling -- if i may, congressman, after traveling by themselves, working with the drug cartels and human smugglers, traveling 1800 miles from home countries to our border? >> exactly right. and parents paying thousands of dollars to criminals who are engaged in human trafficking to take their children to do this. it's absolutely criminal. it is a humanitarian problem, but not of the humanitarian sort the president is identifying. it's wrong, it should be stopped and i believe we could get the cooperation of the governments to help us stop it, if the president would make
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this his initiative. the mexicans do not want their southern border to be as unsecure as it's been. the new mexican government has said they would like to work with the u.s. to secure that border. why not do that? that certainly would be a major part of stopping this problem, which has grown from 6,000 people at the beginning of last year making political asylum claim, what are called credible fear claims, to projected 142,000 by next year, by 2015. lou: these are well-rehearsed asylum claims that are being articulated by the children, and as you say, they've been told precisely what to do. as to president pena nieto of mexico, actions speak louder than words. none of this would be possible without the cooperation of the government of the united states, given the relationship between the united states and mexico now, which is strained,
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that he would dare do that. this looks suspiciously like very much the thoughts of activists and perhaps a community organizer at least in his heart, as a way in which to overwhelm a system and take control of it for his purposes. >> well, it is an administration-made disaster and we're going to be calling out the facts wednesday at our hearing. lou: all right, thank you so much, mr. chairman. we wish you luck, and the american people deserve to know what's really going on here, and i can't wait to find out, fornk you, sir? >> thank you. lou: a reminder to vote in our online poll, which party is the party of greatest integrity? the republican party? the democratic party? perhaps none of the above. we are coming right back. stay with us. . sergeant andrew tahmooressi
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is locked up in a mexican prison. he's an active duty marine. his commander in chief has yet to mention his name. congressman matt salmon joins us next. we're moving our company to new york state. the numbers are impressive. over 400,000 new private sector jobs... making new york state number two in the nation in new private sector job creation... with 10 regional development strategies to fit your business needs. and now it's even better because they've introduced startup new york... with the state creating dozens of tax-free zones where businesses pay no taxes for ten years. become the next business to discover the new new york. [ male announcer ] see if your business qualifies.
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when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. . lou: on wall street today, stocks didn't move much, trading from record high levels. the dow down 10 points snapping a six day winning streak, the nasdaq and the s&p unchanged. volume on the big board, light trading, 2.7 billion shares. 84 days ago, marine sergeant andrew tahmooressi was taken into custody in a mexican jail since. congressman matt salmon and congressman ed royce visited him saturday. congressman salmon joins us today, member of the house committee on foreign affairs, education and the workforce. good of you to be down, there your second visit. is he in good condition?
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how is his treatment, as best you can judge. >> he is now, the prison he's in now, that stands for mushroom is a very, very much nicer prison than the one he was in, and he looks to be in good health, and in good spirits. as far as the circumstances will alou, he would rather be out, rather be treated for post-traumatic stress disorder, but all things considered, he looked pretty good. lou: let me ask you this, this man, a marine sergeant is treated for ptsd, in san diego. why in the hell is the u.s. government putting up from this nonsense from mexico? this is now an outrage of immense proportion. the president hasn't even mentioned his name. i have to tell you, it is enough to make one physically ill to see what our commander in chief, this government, is
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doing. >> you know there's a lot of double speak that comes from this commander in chief. he said last month that he would go to the ends of the earth to make sure we leave no soldier behind. he also said that under article 2, he's responsible for every american's safety abroad. i met with vice president biden about a week and a half ago and brought the case up to him and said he would make sure the president was briefed on this before his conversation with president pena nieto and he did not bring up one word about this hero when he spoke to the president of mexico and i'm disgusted. this president, if he would invest anywhere near the kind of time and talent that he did for this other guy, we'd get this young man out. i tell you something, the members of congress are trying to be as forceful as we can, to get this kid out so he can be home for the 4th of july, and i hope and pray with all my
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heart, we'll be able to get done. lou: i thank you for your efforts and all of those in congress who are doing their best for this young man. what possible reason would there be for any president at any time, irrespective of his ideology, partisan politics, to permit an american citizen, a decorated marine to snit a mexican prison without a word? >> when we have spoken to some of this young man's colleagues, they have nothing but praise about him. he was promoted in theater. he's a brave young man. he served honorably his country. served two tours in afghanistan and served with dignity and honor and valor. lou: i mean, does anybody -- i'm sorry, congressman, i've got to interrupt. with all this going on, with the va administration, what in
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hell do you think our troops must be thinking and feeling in their hearts? >> right now i think they feel pretty darn neglected. i have a son-in-law who's a captain in the army. the morale with our troops as it is with customs and border patrol guys that aren't allowed to do their job, the morale is loeshg the commander in chief is he doesn't give a rat's you know what. lou: congressman, thank you for giving a damn and doing something about it, and spending time with him. we hope this will come to a quick, quick -- too late for a quick resolution, but at least a resolution quick from this point. thank you so much. congressman matt salmon. thank you. >> thank you. lou: up next, hillary clinton's next campaign for president could be, well, in jeopardy. the a-team takes that up and more next. we don't typically buy new, but with truecar...
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. lou: well, there is chairman darrell issa, the irs commissioner john koskinen sworn in moments ago, and is now testifying before the house oversight committee about lois lerner and six others missing e-mails, crashed hard drives and other nonsense that has been spewing from various folks at the irs, an outrage. it brings us to the word of the evening though, obfuscation, to confuse, bewilder, stupefy, koskinen on capitol hill, i'm sure that he would resist any urge to obfuscate about his agency's role in the targeting of conservative groups and
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donors, the word is obfuscation, the farthest thing from koskinen's mind. joining us katie pavlich and jedidiah bila, both on fox news outnumbered. good to have you here. >> good to be here. lou: katie, start with koskinen, will he be an obfuscator or more forthcoming. >> i don't know, if it's a real question, the question is when is he going to. this hearing is interesting, not just about the lost e-mails. >> did you say it's not about -- >> not just about the lost e-mails, if you listen to the opening statements in the last couple of days over the weekend, the hearing is about the commissioner's own words and what he said in march of this year when he said not only he would produce all of lois lerner's e-mails but they do exist. we're looking at a situation that is expanding in terms of possible perjury when it comes
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to what the commissioner has said under oath to members of congress and at beginning of this hearing they played a video of all of the congressmen questioning him including democrat elijah cummings has not been very friendly to the investigation saying so you're going to get us all the e-mails right? and the commissioner said yes, and here we are, he knew the e-mails didn't exist when he testified in march. >> why not tell us? if they knew the information, they're making themselves look as bad as they possibly could. why did you repeatedly say, they're coming, they're on the way. yeah, we're going to hand them over. if you knew that the hard drive. this has every excuse in the book. the hard drive vanished. i would love to see the i.t. expert, it's not possible the information is gone. they have to be traced. it is the legal obligation of the irs to hold onto the information and they chose not to. >> i think it's also unlawful
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to target conservative groups. >> they don't seem to be too concerned. and darryl isas it's hard to love the irs but should not be hard to trust the irs, that's a great point. they collect our tax dollars. if we can't count on them to be honest, to be forthcoming, what can you count on? they're taking our money all the time. lou: that raises another question, very simply, why in the world didn't some employee say look, i saw these e-mails being expunged, i saw the hard drives being quote, unquote recycled or destroyed. there is not a single peep from the culture of the internal revenue service. >> if you take a look, lou, at the rest of the panel in the administration, whistle-blowers in the administration, they are vilified, lives are turned upside down. it's not worth it for them and their families, trying to put food on the table to come forward and talk about the wrongdoing. they are destroyed. despite the fact we have the
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whistle-blower protection act, despite the fact the law says you can't do that to people inside government agencies, there is a culture created by the obama administration for six years that does not encourage that kind of thing. lou: what we're witnessing here is the authoritarian left at work. they have subassumed the values of public service in washington, d.c., agency by agency by agency, at least in the management on the officialdom of the agencies, it is frightening but in too many cases it's a reality now. >> and affects everyone. this issue is different. if they could target conservatives, everyone sitting at home, conservative, liberal, independent. you know this administration can choose to target conservatives, another administration could target liberals. if they had this sdmrt power. lou: there won't be another
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administration other than a totalitarian left administration, because as i said, they have taken over. >> that's true. shouldn't scare liberals saying this could happen to me and did happen to liberals hour. lou: how about the liberal media? are they concerned? do they have a greater concern for the national welfare? the national interest. >> no. lou: let me ask you this, koskinen aside, as we sit here waiting to hear what he's going to say or not say, listening to congressman salmon, going down with ed royce saturday to talk with andrew tahmooressi, with the marine sergeant, why in the world would the administration, how could a commander in chief let this happen? and how can the american people not say to the president, express themselves in some way and say what in the hell are do youing? >> i said this weeks ago, i don't know why barack obama doesn't exert authority and say
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you're going to let this guy out today or hear from us and face serious consequence. i don't understand why he won't take that step. i think it's outrageous, it reflects poorly upon the country, reflects poorly on the president and sends the message out, you can do whatever you want, and the country under the president now. lou: this country has the power to do something. >> john kerry was in mexico recently, did nothing to get him out. lou: why is he not -- >> this is about president obama not wanting to get a marine out who went into mexico with lawful firearms and violated mexico's ridiculous gun laws. this isn't about the fact that president obama doesn't have the power to do it. this is about the man being a second amendment supporter and a man who has firearms. >> a terrible symbol to all the people crossing that border, freely entering our country as one marine is being held in a prison.
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horrible. >> thank you. lou: jedidiah, thank you. that's it for us tonight, tomorrow, best-selling author ed klein on his book, blood ed klein on his book, blood feud and former house speaker means keeping seven billion ctransactions flowing.g, and when weather hits, it's data mayhem. but airlines running hp end-to-end solutions are always calm during a storm.
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11:00 pm
. neil: welcome, everybody. i'm neil cavuto. stick a fork in her sees done, hillary clinton is done. she will not be the democratic presidential nominee. i said it before, a lot of you laughed. watching this book tour roll out of hers and doubly serious, ain't happening because she ain't happening. not because of soft book sales or peevish reaction to other questions, the other book claims she might have a bad heart, i'm beginning to think hillary clinton herself doesn't have the heart for this, and now even top democratic fund-raisers are thinking they'd be wise to
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