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tv   Cavuto  FOX Business  June 23, 2014 11:00pm-12:01am EDT

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. neil: welcome, everybody. i'm neil cavuto. stick a fork in her sees done, hillary clinton is done. she will not be the democratic presidential nominee. i said it before, a lot of you laughed. watching this book tour roll out of hers and doubly serious, ain't happening because she ain't happening. not because of soft book sales or peevish reaction to other questions, the other book claims she might have a bad heart, i'm beginning to think hillary clinton herself doesn't have the heart for this, and now even top democratic fund-raisers are thinking they'd be wise to not put all
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their money on her, not yet, not now, not when something considered somewhat of a test run for a presidential run keeps running into the storms. these are storms of hillary clinton's making, too. getting overly prickly with otherwise friendly npr interviewer. npr who simply asked about her evolution on gay marriage. doubling down on her, we're not rich theme, from a british questioner. she looks detached because maybe all the years in the public spotlight. she is detached. memories about average folks and problems come up short. that does not make hillary clinton a bad person. what it makes her is a vulnerable candidate. a candidate for whom the far left has always been skiddish and independents have been, well, confused and careful separation from a very unpopular barack obama is not exactly helping her cause. i heard personally from big money democratic donors who are
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keeping powder dry. they are concerned. they don't go so far as me to say hillary clinton can't get the nomination, but to a man and one woman they acknowledge it won't be all smooth sailing for the nomination. no wonder potential challenges are making noise, sensing an opportunity, and not just joe biden who i suspect plans on running whether hillary clinton looks invincible or not. consider massachusetts senator elizabeth warren who is making noise on the left and nicely appeals to a part of the party who feels washington isn't spending enough. then former montana governor brian schweitzer whose popullist and traditionally red state calls d.c., diva clinton. they're all but running, none of them and have nothing to lose for trying. that is the thing about a sure front runner who might not be so sure and you want to be in
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the fight in case she starts looking less sure. hillary clinton need only look back to her husband's white house run to see sometimes sure bets don't pan out. remember how invincible george bush, senior, looked in 1992? that's why there's going on to be a democratic race in 2016. prospective challengers sense from a book tour that hillary clinton hasn't booked this yet. up close, far from good. as i said before and many of you laughed, mark it down, the good money is starting to say hillary clinton, not exactly paying up. those are my thoughts, use hashtag cavuto to tweet your thoughts. if you're going to be mean, hashtag o'reilly. jamie weinstein, republican fund-raiser joelle nickport and fox business correspondent. hillary hurting, what do you
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think? >> let me tell you something, i think she is running, and i've always stood by this, but she may not have the money to win, and the fact that there's hesitation with the big democratic check writers and the fact that other people are talking about raising noise to get enough people behind them to actually run, this is bad for hillary, and a lot of people are going to be watching this because, remember, hillary was the one to watch, if the money is not going to follow her, they're in big trouble. neil: to be fair, she could have a lot of money, it won't elect her, and phil gramm and other candidates can attest to the fact it doesn't buy you a great deal. charlie, you know this bunch, it's not they're running away from her but are getting cautious. >> she's going have so much money if she wants to run, it's not going to be funny. let's take money off the table. this book tour, i don't care if the sales are soft, the problem
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with the book tour is her answers to question, she is not ready for prime time. i will tell you this. neil: that is very surprising. >> neil, i will say this, this is from her friends, they work on wall street. they tell me she hasn't made up her mind. she's leaning towards doing it. husband want her to do it, daughter wants her to do it. she is somewhat on the fence. neil: that wouldn't surprise me, i read the book because it was like a church assignment here. >> that doesn't mean she doesn't want to. neil: she's running. you and i can respectfully disagree on that. jamie, i'm saying if she chooses to run, i think she will, and i uponing to charlie's point, it's not the book sales that give people pause, it's the way she's handling the book rollout. >> absolutely. i think she's incredibly vulnerable like you said, neil, i think she's probably the front runner to win the nomination if she runs because of the sorry state of the democratic bench right now. there is no reason she couldn't
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fall down if she runs. the gaps have been tone deaf, especially with the idea she's not well off. it reminds us she's not her husband. what is her electoral history. she was elected senator in new york by a large margin. that's easy for any democrat. a trash can could be elected senator in new york. neil: that's an unfair claim. she has a sensible resume, certainly more than barack obama. >> look at the democratic primary she ran in 2008. she was supposed to be inevitable. neil: back to the other point she looks good from afar. assuming she enters the race, and some of the money types are having some pause now. the argument is there's no one like barack obama on the horizon that can threaten her, i always argue well no one thought bill clinton was going to be the candidate in 1992 and
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he rose above the fray and won it all. >> he won more than 90% of the vote. neil: everybody is a kid. what are you noah? >> everybody is a kid compared to me. remember when she ran, she was supposed to run against rudy giuliani for senator, he dropped out because he had cancer. >> was she senator or not? was she secretary of state or not, fair enough, fair enough. all i'm saying noel, she is going to have trouble. she's going to have trouble. >> yes. neil: i don't think she's going to get the nomination, i'm confident she's going to run for it. >> against that crowd? neil: who knows. >> i worked for rudy when he ran for u.s. senate. i am from arkansas, i remember hillary getting the u.s. senate which was a bizarro race in itself. i will tell you, i'm sorry and i kind of have to disagree, i think that she a, is running, yes, but b, i don't think she's
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going to get the nomination because i don't think she is going to show the highest of the high fund-raising numbers. neil: really? that can dry up fast. looking out of iowa or new hampshire or the early races, the money will dry up fast. phil gramm found that out the hard way, bob dole found that out the hard way. >> she has so much crony capitalism right now. the money from wall street, the big money corporations. >> big money for democrats, is that as damaging as it is -- >> i'm not saying she's going to win, rays a lot of money. neil: she's not likable. >> eric cantor could raise a lot of money. look what happened. neil: if not hillary, who? >> the number one contender is joe biden, he got 4% when he ran by himself in 2008 in the
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primary. then you have elizabeth warren, cuomo is a possibility. cory booker might try to claim the moment. there's a weak field beyond hillary clinton in the democratic stage. neil: by the way, the front-runner, they have to look a little weak and rivals pounce. it was lyndon johnson who announced he wasn't going run for re-election when gene mccarthy seized on a weak image and weak leader and bobby kennedy entered the race and we know what happened. >> hubert humphrey was a good candidate. neil: in the end? . >> lost by that much. that's why i called that guy a kid. neil: i like jamie very much as i do noelle, charlie, you, it's going to be the cavuto quiz, presidents creating an emergency task force. you'll never guess what it's on. if i have to give you a choice between iraq and va, what? (vo) watching. waiting.
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. >> i've got a pen, and i've got a pen to take executive actions where congress won't. where congress isn't acting, i'll act on my own. i've got a pen and i've got a phone, that's all i need. neil: and honey bees everywhere, you have a friend. the president looking into why they're disappearing fast and a pen to make sure they stop disappearing at all. i don't think you honey bees are watching right now. the ongoing crisis in iraq and va scandal that knows no bounds, would wing its way to the top. that's just me. todd, jessica, what do you think? >> i think that i have a little faith in the administration to hopefully be able to walk and chew gum at the same time. handle both domestic and international. neil: do you really think so, jessica? would you put this on your to-do list right now? >> i would, because we're talking about a $24 billion
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agricultural issue in the united states. and honey bees are making up about $15 billion of that. i'm a floridian, this is a huge issue for folks not only in my state but california. this has been going on for several years. neil: no doubt, i'm not minimizing it. i find it odd, i thought the approach should be on locusts given the temperament here. my only saying is now really with everything going on, i know there's this argument everyone can walk, talk and chew gum at the same time. i'm not sure that's the case. i apply that to both parties. what do you make of this and the fixation on the bees? >> not that they can't walk and talk and chew gum at the same time. seems like the administration doesn't want to. we have issues that should be the number one priority. you're seeing iraq completely go up in flames, if you look at long-term unemployment, it's at 35%. these are the issues we should be talking about and he should be addressing instead of bees, that should not be the number
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one priority at this moment. neil: to be fair, they're not one priority but among the priorities. i hear where your coming from, and love honey bees, until they turn on on me. todd what you make of this and the timing on this. that's what i'm asking. >> this is on the heels of last week's water resources bill he signed. and here, the problem i have, neil is we're talking about $50 million for additional research for the honey bees, i get what the president is saying, when it comes to food, from a security standpoint, from a defense standpoint, it's good we are able to grow our own food. amount of money we're talking about for research, you can get an intern to do for you seems excessive to me. neil: bottom line, this is a commitment he's made to try to address this, and it's an environmental concern, because the bees are disappearing fast and the chain that you refer to
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as a real one, alive and well, i'm wondering whether this is also politics and a wedge issue to get folks' attention off some of the other issues, what do you think? >> well, i think it's something needing to be addressed for several years. this has been an ongoing issue in agricultural industry. they had enough time passing the farm bill in congress this year. used to be this is one thing everyone was behind, supporting the agricultural industry. i don't city as a wedge issue. most people probably don't realize it's happening, but i think it's really important and $50 million when you're talking about a $24 billion industry is a drop in the bucket, compared to the money they've been spending and wasteing. >> there are a lot of drops, a lot of buckets. >> this is something that's really legitimate. and i like to see interagency work. >> so is iraq, iraq is a legitimate issue and the va
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scandal. neil: okay. we have a lot more coming up, including dick cheney, i think he all but said he doesn't think he's tough enough to be president of the united states. and i think the senator's dad is listening, the senator's dad is ron paul, ♪ [ girl ] my mom, she makes underwater fans that are powered by the moon. ♪ she can print amazing things, right from her computer. [ whirring ] [ train whistle blows ] she makes trains that are friends with trees. ♪ my mom works at ge.
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. >> rand paul, and by my standards, as i look at his philosophy is basically an isolationist. that didn't work in the 1930s, sure won't work in the aftermath of 9/11. neil: didn't they say that about rand paul's dad as well. ron paul joining me right now. congressman, what did you think of that? >> well, it's understandable, and if you understand where they're coming from, you can figure out what they're doing.
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if they can't debate the issues and understand what nonintervention means and confuse everybody by screaming isolationism, they're just trying to destroy the messenger because they won't debate the issues, but i would say that people like cheney and his friends are the real true isolationists. they have isolated cuba. they are isolating russia right now. they isolated iraq until we bombed and invaded them, and look at mess we have there. we isolated iran all due to the people who call us isolationists. neil: and skid you when you were running for president, congressman, i asked your son as well. what would justify intervention on either your part or your son, you can't speak for your son, i understand. that would be a very high bar to risk americans' lives, what would that bar be? >> an attack on us, an attack
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on our territory, an attack on -- i wouldn't say like national security interests. neil: what about an attack on israel? >> israel, no, not unless it goes to the congressman. i don't see that as an attack on america. if somebody sees something overseas, take it to the congress and sort it out. neil: isn't that what the president does. republicans have criticized him for dragging his feet on this sort of thing, one way or the other. you're saying in these type of cases that's justified, wait for congressional approval as you would have waited in syria, throw it back in congress' lap. >> and, of course, would have waited in iraq, just think how many people would have lived in noninjured and not suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder and the money we wouldn't have spent if you stop and listen and pay attention to the constitution. think about nonintervention, dismiss the people who scream
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isolationism. neil: right, how would you have responded, sir, to 9/11? >> i would respond like i voted. i voted to go after those individuals responsible for it. neil: in afghanistan. >> right. and that wasn't meant to be a license to invade every country forever and ever. it was a gross distortion, they said this is forever war and we never have to go back to congress. that i have been forced to go back to congress because they overextended the definition, but no, you respond but you also should try to understand why these things happen. if you don't do that, it's all for waste, it's all loss of lives if they don't understand blowback and unintended consequences and interferes in the internal affairs of other nations and violating the countries' borders. we have to understand world war i and drew up the lines, the french drew up the lines.
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>> it makes sense when you are this the way you elaborated on it. >> that's good. neil: you can see how bad guys seize that and say well, americans won't involve themselves in the crises, then we will. and so we're out as they try to take advantage of these conflicts that we ignore or run away from? >> we don't have responsibility for that. what did we expect by the soviets in their heyday? they killed hundreds of millions of people, expanded empire and did all these things. we didn't send kids off to die in moscow. no, there is more to be lost than gained than having a precise definition, everyone has an agenda, oil agenda, expansion, religious agendas, all the things that justify this type of intervention, and if we don't look at that and reassess our foreign policy. i think wonderful things are happening today is that the failure, not only of the
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economic system and fascism and communism, the failure of our foreign policy is waking the american people up. there's never been quite the uninimity, no more war, sick and tired of bringing -- bring our troops home. in 08 when i said don't do this, stay out. you are un-american if you said we shouldn't go to another war. it's a different world and i think it's great we're moving in that direction. neil: you would not even be tempted to involve yourself in iraq certainly now. let them just implode or whatever, right? >> absolutely. why spend more lives over there. look at what we wasted already to go and spend more to justify the fact we lost a lot of lives. doesn't make any sense whatsoever. they need to deal with it, we don't expect the europeans to come in, if we decide to do something with our borders on mexico. we don't expect the british and the french and the germans to
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come over here and tell us what to do. we should just stay out of that. the world would be better off for it and they can solve their own problems, and i think the middle east would have different property lines, different national lines, but i think people ought to have a right of self-determination and right to have a smaller unit of government. and the two principles would go a long way to securing peace in the world. neil: ron paul, always a pleasure, thank you very much. >> thank you. neil: all right, well, i think a certain rocker's kids know why his name is sting. when it comes to getting an inheritance from him. nothing. ouch!
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♪ neil: all right. at staying to the growing list of rich people who have no intention of passing along to their children. if it had all been handed to me on a plate and not sure i would appreciate it or have survived. still, could you imagine being a the table for that? personal finance expert says he is actually doing the right thing. the fox business all stars as well. you are saying what? that this is the right thing to do, the ride buses to send those kids? >> yes. some people think he might be stinging his kids with it, but the way he is managing his finances as rather than just giving them hundreds of mauryas of dollars, which is an albatross around their neck, he is saying, bottom line is you need to work hard, like a lot of other people.
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i will be there when you really need me. dan. neil: really needing someone getting help. i always ask, how did that banks giving meal goal when he told the waiter getting nothing? and they said well, not giving them zero. they're going to get something. i just, what is. if you're used to dad being a billionaire and you give millions to my guess that is a tough adjustment. >> all along he has told them that you have got to do it on your own, and they do not ask him as an adult. another they have to find their way and the resort's. so it is forcing them to take the lead, and i have not so far. neil: he says that.
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fellow that he can get around and live with a single man. todd and michele and jessica, the thing debs these people mean it when they say it? they're is a lesson to be learned? this is all i believe you succeed, by about the pending aren't -- on our money and the next left? >> i hope so. i think it is a good lesson. it is definitely a different situation if you grow up with a family where they have robert genevese to go to boarding school and travel and be in this elite world, that does give you a leg up when you are starting out and going to work and doing things are tehran. neil: are chosen clinton joy you know your future is said. kidding. and just given. >> this is a good program. instilling good values. he will be there if something happens. neil: is that just a couple of
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thousand are couple of million? >> if they fall on hard times and could not find a job he would probably help them, but he will not be subsidizing their lives. neil: that would be like, all right. this is the last thing and going to give you. >> another really good example, maybe they start a business and it faces tough times because the economy changes. neil: all right. or give you something. what do you think? >> first of all, he could do what every once. number two, i am not exactly agreeing. what is the point of working so hard? working and future generations. you just give them this money, look at donald trump's gives. hard workers. i cannot buy the argument that everyone in that category will fail.
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>> the whole trend, the founder of anita robert. >> he is even saying he will not be handing over money. what is interesting, part of the trend, no longer rockefeller will you words see decades of all of this money. neil: i don't know. my own kids show you are not getting a dime. your mom and are spending every last bit of it before we go. >> and hopefully to charity. neil: they looked very disgruntled. >> so many big issues to tackle today. finally these very which, of the entrepreneurs understand that they can play a pivotal. neil: they don't mean it. they say it. i am done with my horrible british accent. when we come back the supreme court dial's back that epa
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if you or someone you love has afib not caused by a heart valve problem... ...ask your doctor about reducing the risk of stroke with pradaxa. ♪ neil: all right. maybe not as much of a hit. the supreme court easing of an blocking some of the new epa greenhouse gas regulations the president has been pushing. a little bit of a separate the issue. if all of the regulations stood in place and were allowed to be enacted -- enacted and the president could do this by executive order he would be destroyed and americans would be looking at 30% higher utility bills. the industry might have done a stable of here, but it is still a bullet. >> but i think it is a step in the right direction. the fourth branch of government.
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the president continues to go circumvent congress and to what you want. you can't do that. >> this does nothing to the clean air act of the president announced earlier this month. as one industry. the millions of americans in that industry will be impacted. neil: the fear is that millions of average americans will still be impacted with higher utility bills down the road. what do you expect? >> this is really sort of a symbolic decision. the impact is the menace because
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a sort of took according to the epa looking at this 86 percent perfect. neil: what does that mean? your just not going to get quite as much. >> well, we are trying to expand it to general utilities. >> retard and let the same industry.
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>> the american people right now i suffering so much. they can't even pay their bills. >> the higher costs for food. and you think about the energy bills. the household balance sheet remains to be crippled. neil: crying here for no reason. their effect will be owners. >> millions of americans, at stake. neil: you think the sheik has
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said the van? >> i would agree. i say all the time, utilities, food, these things impact average americans. it is never a good thing. they're is a bit here. we have been going to in implementing these regulations. neil: we will pay the cost. neil: even if we don't have the money now. >> they need to be able to breathe clean air. neil: let me say here in the workplace. their boss offers a loser 25,000
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but hurry, offers end soon. share your summer moments in your mercedes-benz with us.
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♪ neil: 25,000 for you to go, even if you just joined the company. a big on-line game world cannot deal with it. they are offering such workers a chance to leave, no hard feelings. here is a check. check yourself right out the door. what do you think of this? >> i think it is a great idea. we have some sort of policy like that. >> i wish we could just clean
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house. better to just give someone some money and go than pay a very, very high salary to have an employee who is not engaged in does not enjoy its job. in the end i think it makes sense to do that. a lot of these as the pace of words of 150, 200 dozen more. might not be as much as it seems . if you're not happy get out. >> they have a 60-day window. i might be old school. it is, to me, and millennial kind of crazy thing, but if it helps their productivity, i, fast turnaround. they feel this is something that they could have give to their balance sheet and will work out on the company level and they're not dealing with shareholders, more power to them. maybe some of the parents of these kids would be very happy that they have 25 grand to go into their next job.
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neil: 25,000 to leave the house. >> just to get out of bed. neil: if you hired these people to begin with, now you're paying a lot of money to get them out. shame on you. you're costing me money as a share all the ticket about the door. >> that's right. here is the thing. that is the reason why this is even happening. you have companies that wish the hire or fire and if they try to terminate their are lawsuits. it can take upwards of 12-18 months just to get rid of an employee. if you are in the gaming community, maybe you are just hanging out, doing whatever. they are trying to entice you to leave. neil: this is not to disparage folks in general, but i use my son, i would not give them a dime for that effort.
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>> they're talking about folks from arubia on rails, the actual back end. neil: this one is jazzed. network creation, they have sent a check on each other. if one cog in the wheel is not building at the same rate. neil: that is a good point. these video games will be huge. big, big, big. what do you make of this and what messages says? i think that it is said the employee could join the company and want to quit and wait for that big payout and begun. >> i think now is good for a
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human-resources. they have a lot of pressure. hiring good people. it falls back on them. they're wasting more of the company's money. makes human-resources high -- i think a lot of the people are not usually slackers. some people and not a give says -- fed. neil: sells shoes on liner something like that. >> and the process to hire these people is multiple interviews. if you go to googol, it takes upwards of ten interviews before you get the job offer. with this type of the deal where they have to filter out cons because you don't want someone joining in quitting, it can take up words of 18 to 15 different interviews. that actually can damage people.
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11:53 pm
11:54 pm
neil: what is the deal with government just stepping in, and removing all trademarks involving the name, washington redskins, just like that? few issues have galvanized attention like this. demanding team owner to "do the right thing." and change the team's name burke to what. this whole redskins renaming controversy, ignited an e-mail avalanche of name ideas.
11:55 pm
real simpy. skins they are called the skins, a lot already. done in missouri, how about washington liars? not bad but does not roll off of tongue. and don't know about the redskins but i would rename harry reid, thin skinned but that was not the assignment. johnson, what about washington fore skins that would honor him in they are useless and easily disposable. do we really have to go there? how about washington reds, and in honor of washington bafoons how about washington clowns give harry reid a front row seat. and why not rename redskins, washington weanys. maybe. mike, they should be the weasels. and in to have a team that described washington d.c. environment, i suggestion
11:56 pm
alzheimer's all stars, and call them washington red liners or cover-ups. okay. john e-mails, those in washington d.c. want to change name of redskins they should perhaps change to the fantastic redskins -- phoenix redskins oral about kirky -- albuquerque redskins, i see you are changing the name. yohow about thin skinerss or tae irskins, it would be a good idea to change washington redskins to thugs. how about washington football team, how when the pale faces. then you would offense all pale faces, how about washington pig
11:57 pm
skins, washington red potato skins. along this theme, keep the name, change the mascot to mr. potato head. change thelowing to a smiling red -- logo to a smiling red potato, a poe pa potato, i woull them washington gridlock, in arkansas, pork barrels would represent our congress. roy, remove the name washington just call them the redskins, the name washington is a disgrace. paul, washington demagogues, harry reid can be their mascot, the washington republicans in honor of reid. then the irs, most powerful government agency on planet loses e-mails this gets worse, it happened before. pam, not buying it one bit.
11:58 pm
cal, hey, irs, i lost all my records sorry, we'll see how far you get with that cal. jeff, neil, you bone head, if anyone wants irs e-mails ask nsa for them. well despite your cheap shot, i think that is brilliant. but don't expect irs commissioner to acol nize for this -- apologize for this. >> what i didn't hear in that was an apology to this committee. >> i don't believe an e-mail is owed. neil: oh, no you didn't. rick unger did not see reason for an apology either. just another air grand stupid democrat that thinks it is okay that the democrats break the laws and smile about it like edcot. -- idiot.
11:59 pm
lee, writes, wouldn'tlois' hard drive crash cause all e-mails to be lost, how is this they can produce e-mails to internal irs folks but not external individuals, a hard drive crash means crash all gone. eric in orlando. if learny lost e-mails, how about congress asked for lerner and other e-mails before 2009, now -frd they are lookin are thy are looking for will not be in those e-mails, but it will show these people are lying. all right, you are like really smart. like super smart. and good with technology.
12:00 am
i guess you can't control, alt, delete it. >> we'll see you tomorrow. kennedy: how essential is it for u.s. to participate in unfolding events short and long-term in middle east, a line has been drawn, dick cheney to quick to blame iraq's crisis to current president. and rand paul blames the bush and cheney years. what is our nation's role in middle east, convenient for people like cheney, disagreed with what they call libertarian isolation implement alism, theyo see the chaotic here and now.


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