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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  June 24, 2014 11:00am-1:01pm EDT

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humans here, i don't think the difference between the two numbers is much, only 3%. >> when you are 9 years old. if you are 9 years old right now and we have to leave it there. we will get you back here. if you are 9 years old start thinking about it because you will probably live to 120. it is time for "varney and company". all yours. stuart: thank you. good morning, everyone. we will get the e-mails. that is the news that emerged from the irs hearing. it is barry but here's the question. will get the mall. democrat's donor says yes we will. get ready for the iphone vi coming to an apple store near you in september. facebook has good news. teams are using it more. whether mom or dad use it or not. there will be lower corporate tax rates but unfortunately not here.
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japan gets tax reform, we don't. wait until you hear what ed klein has to say. he is here with his book about the clinton/obama blood feud. "varney and company" is about to begin. ♪ >> tonight will be difficult. it deserves to be difficult for both sides. we have a problem with you and you have a problem with maintaining your credibility. >> what criminal statutes you evaluated? >> i have not looked at any. >> how can you tell fellow citizens there's no criminal wrongdoing if you don't even know what statutes to look at? >> i have seen no evidence -- >> how would you know what elements of the crime existed. >> this has been a major story for 30 months and you don't member who came up to and said hey, boss, we lost lowest learners e-mails?
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you don't remember who told you? >> i don't member who told me. stuart: and nugget of news it came from the testimony. the agency will release all of the lost e-mail sent by former official lois lerner. look at this exchange. >> that quote from march, we can find lois lerner's e-mails with the commissioner standing behind a statement or would he have to qualify yet with we will find some of lois lerner's e-mails? >> i am sure he was trying to find all of lois lerner females. what is your response to that? he said we would find them all. were you lying when you said we would find them all? >> absolutely not. stuart: i think he was referring to all of the lost e-mails. seems like he could have saved
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himself a lot of trouble by saying that off the bat. if we do get all the e-mails that are supposedly lost, that a bombshell. >> it is. i don't think there is a way to prove if we do receive in fact all of the e-mails. this guy, he is shifting his story, he looks like an incompetent imbecile. stuart: the real strong stuff, young lady. >> the real question is what is worth looking a that incompetent kid i think this is going higher up. stuart: if we do get these laws e-mails, we don't know if they will be redacted or not. >> exactly. we know three years e-mails are missing. who is to say they are giving us all the e-mails. i don't think there's any way to verify. stuart: you think like a lot of people think he goes right to the top, the campaign, the white house, some authority that
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said get out there and go after the tea party. you think, but we can't prove that. >> i can't prove that, but that is the only thing that would justify looking that incompetent before a committee. stuart: here's another thing for you. he has given around about $100,000, and he has only given it to democrats, hasn't given any think republicans. from 1979, this man is a committed lifelong democrat and he is the commissioner of the irs and he is now stonewalling before congress. >> it certainly makes it look more suspicious. seven or eight times he defended the administration in the white house despite not being asked about the administration in the white house. it reeks of a huge cover-up and it is terrifying this could go all the way to the top. stuart: this goes to th heart of democracy. did they use the irs to deny the vote for president obama. >> terrifying, the irs should be on reproach.
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stuart: let's move away from this for a second. the hearings are continuing in washington as we speak. now look at the stock market. about 30 points away from the 17,000 level, we are up this morning. we have a positive report on consumer confidence. mild the interesting reports in the housing industry, stocks are up. mostly technology industry, up to a 14 year high. same story with the s&p 500, that hit record territory at 1968. look at the price of oil, coming down but pretty much flat, 106 is the level, been there for a couple of weeks. for the price of gold, $13 per troy ounce. little change. the yield on the ten-year treasury at 2.60%, it is down, the yield is down slightly. apple suppliers in china start producing the iphone 6 next month.
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reportedly bigger versions of the iphone, apple stock is at 91.59. no movement on that. microsoft will give you $650 to trade in your macbook air. yes, i own microsoft stock, it is doing nothing but pushing it down a quarter. big name you know carnival. there is news on it, nicole, what is it? nicole: let's talk about right now, we are taking a look at carnival cruise. that stock is to the downside. down about 2% off the earlier lows because of the numbers they are forecasting for the third quarter. basically below what everybody has been anticipating. it is comprised of ticket prices coupled with how much people actually spend on board the ship. that, they project, will be flat to lower. that is a disappointment there. they had a series of mishaps under their umbrella, carnival, carnival cruise line, and what
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is interesting is the forecast is weaker than expected for the third quarter and yet they are raising their full-year numbers, but that really is being swept away, everybody is focusing on n the third-quarter forecast numbers and that is why we are seeing it to the downside. also down 4% while its competitor royal caribbean is higher this year. that is off. you see the disconnect between the two cruise liners. stuart: i wonder if it is some sort of an economic indicator. i wonder if they spend a little bit less money. i wonder if that is an economic indicator of sorts. you're getting that from some other companies. >nicole: it is very interesting point. you heard that from the casual dining companies when people would come in, they would skip dessert or maybe they wouldn't order as much during the meal and such. that seems to be picking up a little bit, but not here on
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carnival cruise. stuart: a new study from bank rate finds 26% of americans have no emergency savings. included in that group, vice president joe biden. listen to what he says for the working family summit. >> don't hold it against me that i don't own a single stock, i have no savings account, but i have a great pension and i have a good salary. stuart: economist peter parisi is here. i am surprised a man in his position has no savings, no stocks, but what does it say about america when a quarter of the people are in exactly the same boat. >> we live in an economy that encourages people to borrow. young people have carried it to
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an extreme. they are not saving it, nothing to save, i don't do-get robust growth, do you? >> the only way as if there is a lot of credit card borrowing. they have paid that down in recent years. i think that is what the forecast is banking on. we will not get 4% or 5% growth, he would get more likely. i want to know who is to blame here. students for taking out a big loan unnecessarily, the colleges for charging an arm and a leg, a government for subsidizing everything and raising prices, who is to blame for this
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problem. >> it is all of the above. when you get a 10-year-old $100,000 say invest this in your future? i doubt it, but that is exactly what we are doing. borrowing up to that much, invest in the future. their parents and teachers told him to follow their dreams so they told them to take global studies. we have a president of the united states tells them to get unitea college education is they to success, which it is not. the blame goes to parents don't get good advice, the president gives lousy advice and university presidents should practice promiscuity to luring activities to satisfy their own career goals knowing full well those kids won't have a job at the other end of the line. stuart: i have a law student sitting next to me. who is to blame?
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>> it is both republicans and democrats, i would say. you have to get legislative approval for a tuition increase. he cares about millennials trying to make a difference, why aren't republicans in congress during the same thing? they simply don't care. stuart: thank you for joining us. i assume you are a tenured professor given what you just said. >> yes, i am. stuart: other headlines for you, all of them are about the world cup today. they are into the second round, and exciting second half, mexico scored all their goals within a 10 minute span. look at this, celebrations in california got out of hand. mexico fans taken to the streets after their win. they wave wave place, set off fireworks. balls was reasonably peaceful, police say four people were arrested.
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iran, three people arrested for peering in an online video showing men and women together singing and dancing in support of the world cup team. officials call that video "vulgar." second time that has happened. next up after the break, microsoft offering $650 discount for their surface pro three. you give them your macbook air. we will discuss it next.
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.. [ male announcer ] if you're taking multiple medications, does your mouth often feel dry?
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a dry mouth can be a side effect of many medications but it can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath. that's why there's biotene. available as an oral rinse, toothpaste, spray or gel, biotene can provide soothing relief, and it helps keep your mouth healthy, too. remember, while your medication is doing you good, a dry mouth isn't. biotene -- for people who suffer from dry mouth. stuart: it is the tiniest of gains, but it is still in place up 24 for the dow industrials. gold, fractional move, $0.70 higher. 1319 per ounce. the price of oil, $0.13 per
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barrel. groupon still reacting to positive and list news from yesterday, shares are up another 8%. down almost 20% this year. now look at microsoft, announcing a new promotion today. trade in your used macbook air and get $650 credit for the purchase of one of their new surface pro three. you don't think that is a very good deal, do you? >> i think is a good deal for them from a p.r. perspective. getting promotion for their product. i wouldn't take the deal personally. they are still struggling to get this product off the ground in terms of a larger audience. stuart: are you saying the surface pro or the service tablet is not a hit? >> it is not a hit yet. this may get it to be a hit, but it is not there yet. you can tell this a huge
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discount for people. there is a reason they are giving as big of a discount. no way they would get a deal like this. stuart: you think the macbook is so much better than the surface? >> they cost about $1000 so it is not like they are giving to charity or anything like this, but they are trying to get his audience that doesn't exist you have to the service tablet. stuart: in your judgment will they ever get an audience for the service tablet? >> it is not looking very good. they have had software issues and the store experience is not very good, they just have us managed to really latch on to what apple has done, what google has done with the android tablet. stuart: enough said, i own the stock. lot more coming out that chinese manufacturing is beginning new
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models of iphone. both with larger screens. should be released this fall, maybe september we are hearing. do you think this is accurate? >> yes, i do. apple is generally pretty structured with how they do releases. the timing makes sense. you can keep it a secret when it gets to manufacturing, this can happen. stuart: nothing is happening with the stock. just in time for christmas and the stock is at 9150 barely budge from the split. >> to have not done the announcement yet, this is all rumored. you may see it move once they do the official announcement, but people, there has been a fatigue in terms of apple products. stuart: google is opening up its next devices to software developers and appliance makers. the connected home, this is what that is all about, getting closer, yeah?
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>> apple is looking into connecting all of these devices within the home, google is looking into this already powering the software, stuff like that. it is essentially owning every product in your home, having control of that. stuart: now leading app developers figure out a use for all of these things controlled by google. >> you open it up to the world and let him do it for you, but you own the back end. stuart: we report on this every day, but i am impressed. google is pushing away at connecting everything. >> they know how to grow their business, they know what areas to go into and they are being very smart about it. stuart: i can't see telling my air-conditioning unit to go to 78 degrees or whatever. >> it is not for you, stuart, don't worry. stuart: times up, son. now look at this, miami heat
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star player lebron james lopped out of the final two years of his contract and be a free agent. we are joined by jim gray. we are very happy you are with us today because i know nothing about this subject. at least i am honest, jim. how much more could lebron james make by leaving the last two years of his contract? >> he can extend his contract and make more money if he stays with the miami heat because of the rights would have for allowing nba players to stay with the team they are with and make more money. so he can make more money by deciding to stay with the heat and adding more years of his contract. but right now what he is doing is telling the miami heat the team has to get better, they have to be able to compete. they lost against the san antonio spurs in the finals and they were run off the court. he came there with dwayne wade
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and chris bosh four years ago. those two guys can opt out of their contract. they have to find a way to get better players in miami, he has done it a week early to put them on notice obviously the team has to get better otherwise he was for his options and leave. stuart: this is a financial program, do you think lebron james is within striking distance of making $100 million per year salary plus endorsements? >> well, last year i believe he came in around $60 million, just about $40 million in endorsements, $20 million in salary. no, i don't believe that is going to happen. i think floyd mayweather, the boxer, is the 147-pound champion, but the heavyweight champion in terms of money. he had no endorsements. i don't think lebron will quite get there. stuart: you should appear on the
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program more often, you deliver fine financial information. jim gray everyone. i do appreciate that, good stuff. >> anytime. thanks, stuart. stuart: the world cup continues to deliver. the best world cup to date. record ratings. and according to our facebook and twitter, you are actually watching along with me. i've converted some of you. and this, the book on the clintons ranging from her health, her relationship with president obama and of course benghazi. listen to this verse. >> the fact is we have four dead americans, was it because of a protest or a guy is out for a walk and would kill some americans? what difference at this point does it make? ♪
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means keeping seven billion ctransactions flowing.g, and when weather hits, it's data mayhem. but airlines running hp end-to-end solutions are always calm during a storm. so if your business deals with the unexpected, hp big data and cloud solutions make sure you always know what's coming - and are ready for it. make it matter.
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when folks think about wthey think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america.
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♪ >> here he comes! goal! mexico! stuart: all right, great header.
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we know you're tired of hearing us talk about the world cup, or are you? listen to some of the very positive reaction are getting on social media. one viewer tweets this, to be honest it wasn't for stewart's enthusiasm i wouldn't have watched any world cup 2014. i got a convert, i think. shannon says on 36, watch my first soccer game ever yesterday. i am hooked. i'm glad we got another convert. thank you for backing me up. we got the ratings for sunday's match, u.s.-portugal. 18.2 million viewers tuned into espn, that is more than all but one of last year's world series games and all the nba finals. it was 24.7 million in total if you count univision viewers, and that is a pretty good rating. facebook looks like it is cool again with teenagers. nearly half of all the teenagers surveyed say they are using it more now than they did a year ago, during the stock the power
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of good $67 per share on facebook. ed klein's new book takes aim at the relationship between the obama's and the clintons bid yesterday on this program, two separate components took aim at the run for president. >> it seems possible to me she is trying to get rid of responsibility because this is something that happened to her watch as secretary of state. >> she is one of my worst fears leading up to the presidential election 2016 because, stuart, if she was really the champion of women, why is she stood by a man for almost 40 years who is a serial cheater? she stood by bill clinton because she knew she couldn't access this world of political power without him. stuart: quite clearly two of our guests do not appreciate hillary clinton and her run for the presidency. after the break, the man who wrote the book on the clintons and the obama's. the book is called "blood fued," and he is with us next. [bell rings]
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stuart: we try hard to generate enthusiasm with life and excitement on "varney & company." but when you look at the stock market today, w have a hard tim. 20 points higher is all be of god. the dow 40 points away from 17k. price of oil up $0.17. we've got disappointing growth in wall screens, that stocks going down this morning. not a big drop, down 2%. a better story at micron. up nearly 5%. now here is the excitement. ed klein is here, author of "blood feud." that is a book just out, tells the story about the very contentious relationship between the clintons and the obama's. enext line is here. they don't like each other. but they need each other, don't they?
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>> they have needed each other. i'm not sure going forward they will need each other, but at this point their interests are diverting. stuart: you call this a blood. that is a very sharp edge, harsh description. i know you are trying to sell books, but a "blood feud"? is it that bad? >> i think it is even worse. stuart: give me an example generally hate. >> bill clinton has been quoted on more than one occasion of saying that barack obama is a man no one in the whole world he hates as much as he hates barack obama. he has not ever gotten over being called a racist by the obama people in the 2008 election campaign. and also he thought he had a deal with obama where he would support him for 2012, make that convention speech, go out and
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campaign for him, and in return obama would support hillary in 2016. that deal has fallen through and has made bill furious. stuart: barack obama is not that enthusiastic of hillary's run for 2016. so they're going their separate ways at this point. >> that is right. we have seen it in hillary saying the irs scandal isn't a real scandal, the obama administration -- bill saying obamacare is a flawed law, needs to be fixed and hillary is a person to fix it. we will see more and more of this as hillary goes into post-midterm election mode and declares the presidency, which i think she will do. she will put more and more space bar in herself obama. stuart: you are reporting hillary has more serious health concerns made public, exactly how serious?
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>> after her 2012 fainting spell when she had a clot in her brain, if you remember. she went to the hospital, her doctors gave her a stress test. in that stress test they discovered according to what physicians told bill in front of thesome people whom i've interviewed that hillary had a heart valve problem that might require surgery, not yet, and that she had to be monitored carefully for the rest of her life. stuart: your sources, obviously you will not reveal them, obviously not, but how close are they to the real action? >> people ask me that all the time. they talk to me for various reasons. one is to brag about their closeness to the highest people in the realm, the president and the former president because they want to get the story out.
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my sources who i have been covering for 10 years with the clintons are as close to the clintons as you can possibly g get, and they are in the inner circle with they are legal advisors, best friends, political associates, family members, they are very close. stuart: he wrote the book "the amateur" about barack obama and cited anonymous sources. have you ever been challenged on the factual, the accuracy? >> not a single time. stuart: not once? >> not once. stuart: i suspect you anticipate some challenges with the new book? >> there are those on the extreme left wing and will try to say he is making all this up, but they can never prove that because these sources are as good as they get. once i call president obama and amateur, marine dowd now calls
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him an amateur, joe klein at "time" magazine, there have been many instances a talk about opera and the clintons having a fall out, that has become common knowledge. again and again my sources are always proven true, i think. stuart: i want to speculative out the future moving toward 2016, do you think there will be open hostility between president obama and hardcharging hillary clinton? would it happen? >> maybe not personally because i think that would be self-defeating, but i do think we will see hillary opening a wide gap between herself and obama on many issues with it is opening inequality, the irs scandal, benghazi. again and again you will see her taking different positions from obama and the white house having to say something about it.
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stuart: will she take the democratic party with her as she moves away from the president's position? >> she will be hard to beat pitt she has the money, the name recognition, i don't see anyone on the horizon will be able to challenge her seriously. stuart: i believe in isolated presidency. are you number one, two or three on amazon best list? >> as we talked, number three. stuart: we will see what we can do about that. ed klein, "blood feud." good to see you. after the break, a real inspiration story. the story of how she overcame real adversity. she overcame it. good story. after this. ♪ ♪
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[ girl ] my mom, she makes underwater fans that are powered by the moon. ♪ she can print amazing things, right from her computer. [ whirring ] [ train whistle blows ] she makes trains that are friends with trees. ♪ my mom works at ge. ♪
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>> you snooze, you lose, melissa meyer. yahoo ceo coming under fire from advertising executives for her tardiness. she was two hours late to a dinner during international advertising festival because she overslept. add executives are complaining she will not return e-mails. this will not do the company any
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favors. we will show you yahoo shares up 1%. and the connected home for google, opening the nest lab to outside developers. they can connect their nest device to other products made by companies. google shares right now are up more than 1%. another obstacle for the sharing economy. we will tell you what san francisco is doing to stop it. statesmen. when folks think about what they get from alaska, they think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america.
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engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. the numbers are impressive.y to new york state. over 400,000 new private sector jobs... making new york state number two in the nation in new private sector job creation... with 10 regional development strategies to fit your business needs. and now it's even better because they've introduced startup new york... with the state creating dozens of tax-free zones where businesses pay no taxes for ten years. become the next business to discover the new new york. [ male announcer ] see if your business qualifies.
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stuart: another example of the sharing economy, and it is under attack. it lets you auction off your public parking space. coming under fire in san francisco. lauren, details, please. lauren: you can auction off your parking spot like you said your street parking spot the highest bidder. great idea, right? the san francisco city attorney says this, the police code prohibits buying and selling of public on the street parking. they have ordered the app maker a cease-and-desist order telling apple by july 11 of they don't take this out of their app store they are in big trouble. find the $2500 per violation and
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for drivers in san francisco that continue to use this app, they will be fined $300 per violation. but we are in this sharing economy, the rules are not up to speed with the advance in a companies people are making. stuart: should you be allowed to make money from a parking spot which you don't own, you happen to occupy it, the city gets none of the revenue. i can see the city's point, can't you? >> absolutely. maybe regulating it or changing some of the code. it is other apps as well, they do similar things. i don't think the city parking spots are involved in both of those, they are expected to be hit hard by san francisco as well. regulate, don't ban.
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stuart: well said. i don't know what they do, i have never heard of them, but a big winner today. you're going to tell me all about it. nicole: it is certainly a leader on the s&p 500. this is all about the battle. the fatal lung disease, they have a formula now where they have added to one of their drugs, and this edition has proved successful in the trials so much so the lung function has returned for many of these in this primary endpoint, so that is one point. another point would be they showed in the study 30-39% reduction in the worsening of the disease, also good news. but here is the downside, this drug is very expensive, they talk about a high price.
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the combination will bring the price point down a bit to about $150,000. it is a costly treatment but an effective one. stuart: thank you very much, indeed. now it is not everyday you hear stories like this. a young lady loses both of her legs to meningitis at the age of 19 and then she goes on to win an olympics snowboarding metal in nearly won "dancing with the stars." this is an inspirational story and we welcome her with us today. what a great pleasure it is to have you with us today. >> thank you. stuart: can you point to one single thing that truly inspired you? you have done wonderful things despite what happened to you. what made you step up and do all of this? >> for me it really is focusing on the things that inspire me.
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i was a snowboarder when i lost my legs and i wanted to continue to snowboard. that helped move me forward. it wasn't a question if i was to win on the snowboard again, i was going to figure out a way to do it. that helped me move forward. stuart: amy, can i just jump in. are you using some form of advanced prosthetics of any kind? >> you know, not really. people think prosthetics are really advance, and they are, lot of high-tech materials that go into them, but they are nowhere near what the human foot is so nope he had i am in a very basic foot, pretty much built my own foot four snowboarding. four dancing, we came up with whatever we could that would help me move the way i needed to. there's not any real option out there, i am just taking it work.
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stuart: didn't i see you in "the amazing race" once? >> i did that tv show as well. stuart: what is next? >> gosh, right now i am writing a book and starting a clothing line, but something i am inspired by and really passionate about is helping others and giving back, i'm able to do that right now working with a company, the hartford, they are one of my sponsors helping to support me through the paralympic games. we teamed up on what defines you, which is all focused on ability, and they donate $100,000 to the paralympic committee to help future. he and his and athletes. continuing to give back however i can do something i will continue to do.
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stuart: thank you very much for joining us, amy purdy. we appreciate it. nearly half of detroit can't pay their water bill. now the u.n. might get involved? question, is access to water a basic human right? that is next.
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stuart: half the people in detroit have not paid their water bill so the authorities cut off 44,000 of them. wait a minute, said an activist group. you can't do that. they went to the united nations and said portable water is a basic human right, knock it off, detroit. joining us now, the cohost of a great show on the fox business network, "the independents." first of all, a matter of principle. his portable drinking water a human right? >> the answer is no. the basic idea here is we have negative rights that don't encumber any one, require anybody else to do anything for
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you. life, the pursuit of happiness. and manufactured rights like a right to education or a right to water. these are good things, people ought to be able to have them, but if i guarantee them, that obliges three else to provide them for you. stuart: they cut off 44,000 households, a lot of them paying off their bill in full the next day. >> requiring it to be free would encourage people to not pay their bill. stuart: there is a cost to transport the water to those homes. >> they have a bloated bureaucracy provides water that people almost cannot afford to pay for. stuart: it is more expensive than elsewhere in the country, that isfá true. i think what is going on here is an attempt to embarrass or shame america by going to the united
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nations and saying look at this, america. they won't even give drinking water to the people of detroit. i think they are trying to get some leverage so if you turn around and bail out detroit, what do you think? >> what is clear here is who should be embarrassed. those who decided time and time again to elect folks who are going to protect the bureaucrats who work in the government and who are effectively impoverishing them. it is a system unsustainable and can't be afforded. we pay attention to is this a human right, is it not, we take away the fact there are fundamental problems that have to be fixed. the u.n. will not fire a bunch of workers, they have to decide this is what needs to be done. stuart: we like you, and we like your show. on at 9:00, we will be there. yahoo marissa mayer coming under fire for sleeping in and showing up late to a dinner with ad
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executives. the latest on the irs scandal for the count is been grilling them last night be at two minutes now. >> what happened in your agency with lois lerner was a crime. i believe others were involved. i believe e-mails missing are the ones that would give us the ability to establish that and i feel somebody undertook criminal act in this destruction and heavilibelieve since you can't e i am wrong and enough a doubt in your mind as the commissioner of the agency, you should call the fbi. my dad has aor afib.brillation, he has the most common kind...'s not caused by a heart valve problem. dad, it says your afib puts you at 5 times greater risk of a stroke. that's why i take my warfarin every day. but it looks like maybe we should ask your doctor about pradaxa.
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in a clinical trial, pradaxa® (dabigatran etexilate mesylate)... ...was proven superior to warfarin at reducing the risk of stroke. and unlike warfarin, with no regular blood tests or dietary restrictions. hey thanks for calling my doctor. sure. pradaxa is not for people with artificial heart valves. don't stop taking pradaxa without talking to your doctor. stopping increases your risk of stroke. ask your doctor if you need to stop pradaxa before surgery or a medical or dental procedure. pradaxa can cause serious, sometimes fatal, bleeding. don't take pradaxa if you have abnormal bleeding or have had a heart valve replaced. seek immediate medical care for unexpected signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. pradaxa may increase your bleeding risk if you're 75 or older, have a bleeding condition or stomach ulcer, take aspirin, nsaids, or blood thinners... ...or if you have kidney problems, especially if you take certain medicines. tell your doctors about all medicines you take. pradaxa side effects include indigestion, stomach pain, upset, or burning. if you or someone you love has afib not caused by a heart valve problem... ...ask your doctor about reducing the risk of stroke with pradaxa.
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♪ stuart: and most in five months, the elections will be upon us. scandal and failure are upon us. what happens to your money if republicans win big? here comes the second hour of
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varney and company. ♪ stuart: headlines. we we did all of the lost e-mails? the irs says, yes, we will. will we get all of the e-mails?s christie has another issue to deal with. golf is in trouble. young women playing with. takes too much time and it is expensive. here comes the second hour. we start with the big board. yes, we are in the green. the s&p 500 is in record territory. the 10 year treasury, the yield rate at 2.6, no, it just dropped
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below, 2.59%. the stock unaffected by the news. microsoft will give you up to $650 to trade in your macbook air. a big winner today as cystic fibrosis treatment is very expensive, but it does show promise. irs e-mails. another hearing underway right now. listen to this exchange between darrow isa. >> you were at the irs and hired would we began our investigation and select did documents from
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lois lerner. >> you started on may 30. speed is okay. >> mr. -- >> eight yes or no, please. yes or no, were you hired? stuart: it with on like that through much of the morning. congressman turner joins us now. congressman, last night, the irs is going to release and find all of those lost e-mails. are you buying that? >> no. he will say we will give you all of the e-mails, but he means the ones that they all currently have feared he has not been
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quoted evidence of a crime. all of those statements are really very limited. stuart: given the suspicion, it is astonishing to our viewers who say why on earth isn't every authority getting those lost e-mails? >> absolutely. he is not calling the fbi. he is not calling for a special prosecutor. this needs to be and investigation outside of the irs. this needs to be a full-blown
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investigation. stuart: plus, we want the information quickly. if we get a special prosecutor, you will never see the end of the tunnel, the light there. >> the issue here is the authority of the investigation. here we have the irs only taking in an internal review. stuart: do you think we will get to see those lost e-mails in the next year? >> you know, i do not know. there should be a possibility to recover these. we certainly will not get that without intervention.
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they are absolutely essential. there are e-mails that are from lois lerner. those are the types the ones that will include the subject matter. stuart: thank you very much for joining us. >> thank you so much. stuart: charlie gasparino is here. just tell us exactly what the "new york times" is alleging. deirdre: it is not just the "new york times." it is stuff involving the ports. roads that directly impact those
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facilities. he used them for something totally different. a misuse of it. stuart: he took money from here to use on that bridge they are and that is bad. >> it is very bad. hoboken cannot take money from the port authority. that is called good state of urbana. you are not supposed to rob peter to pay paul. that is essentially what the allegation is. forget about. skate. that is not a good thing. if he knew, and, by the way, if you read the story, legal
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authority was telling him he was not supposed to do this. his internal staff stretch the boundaries. once you involve public money and bonds, once you have that, you have the potential for securities fraud. i do not think that this issue should be taken lightly. stuart: charlie, how will we get executives into the white house if they are tripped up. i will not call it a technicality. maybe the fact that he did this shows that he is incompetent. i am just a simple country reporter. i am telling you, if you are the new jersey governor, all right, and you are told you cannot use these funds for nothing but fix
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the infrastructure is that have to do with the airport and roads that directly correlate with the airport and you use it on a bridge somewhere, that is not right. i am telling you, that is not right. stuart: you are telling me that this could be serious enough to knock him out of a presidential run. >> i think that he is done. how do you raise money for governors? i am not a chris christie haider. i like him. he is a good guy. i am telling you, this is serious stuff.
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i talked to people on my twitter page. i get my comments. it is actually funny. if you look at the facts and circumstances here, they are not good. stuart: appreciate it. more teens using facebook. that has to be good for stock. nicole: that is right. anyone using more of anything is good. somehow, you see the reappearance of the teams. that is good news. also, you have a call out of
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cantor fitzgerald. saying that the video rankings, they have now used more information, first they were just using common, lights and shares, now they are looking at how long you watch a video, how you watch a video. this could be $1 billion in revenue in the years to come. stuart: we hear you. facebook stock is up. let's get to scott in chicago. are you buying the idea that housing is now making a strong comeback? >> go ask your neighbors.
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all my friends and family are in negative equity situation. they have enjoyed third team month of 20% gains. this was the first month that we have not had 18.2% only. when they dip below 20, the rest of the country goes with it. stuart: i think the housing market is a pretty good indicator out where the overall economy is going. i just do not see it. do you?
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yes, we do need housing and jobs to bring us out of this recession. nothing has changed for those people since 2009. there is still a lot of negative equity out there. this will have to be a sustained recovery. stuart: right yet again. thank you very much indeed. the games just started. yahoo!'s chief, marissa mayer, sweeping in. missing a meeting with advertisers. can you do that? that story is next.
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stuart: yahoo! is a as driven business. why did ceo marissa mayer fault of sleep and keep executives waiting? elizabeth macdonald is here. liz: this is really bad. this story is blowing up. she was supposed to meet with them dinner. the story now is.
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stuart: she was an hour and a half late for that dinner. liz: a working mother with two young women. stuart: is it legitimate to say that when you are the chief executive officer, male or female, does not matter. liz: this is not a story. male executives fall asleep all the time. congressman fall asleep all the time. you see it on television all the time.
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>> we have yet to hear what happened with marissa mayer. she overslept. we do not know enough. he got over $100 million in extra pay. what would you call a guy that gets over $100 million? stuart: a fat overpaid guy. [laughter] stuart: very good. well done. last hour we heard from ed klein. author of the new book "blood feud." >> bill clinton has been corded on more than one location of saying that barack obama is a man no one in the world hates as much as barack obama.
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he has been called a racist by these people. also, he thought he had a deal with obama where he supported him in 2012, make that speech, go out and campaign for him and in turn obama would support hillary in 2016. that deal has fallen through. stuart: and klein client also said that the interests of the two camps are beginning to diverge. >> not sure that is going to be the case. hillary will need barack obama's support or acquiescence all the way through the election.
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the left wing of the democratic party. she is afraid that if the left goes south on her, the ability to get the nomination and win wins the election would be put into dow. stuart: they could throw the election away from hillary? >> if they do not vote in the election -- the person who beat her was barack obama. stuart: that fascinates me. >> it is that strong in the democratic party. stuart: what do you make of the
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point of view that hillary clinton is essentially a politician? winning the white house and not leaving america in a new direction. >> i do not think that she has a clear vision of the country. president obama did. hillary does not have a message. a strategy or a clear plan. i do not think that she is power-hungry. i think she is ambitious. i think she is now searching for a way to determine if she can win. stuart: how the votes does the fact that she is female went for her? >> it is not no points. it is clearly an advantage.
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more important is her being able to consolidate the democratic party. the ability to articulate a reason why she should be elected >> when hillary is not speaking, there are poll numbers that go up. what happens to the poll numbers? >> that certainly has been the case recently. i do not think anyone expected the book to work to be as rocky as it was. stuart: i bet solid money on it. >> i would take your bet. you know what, i would support her. stuart: okay. thank you. doug shilling. still shows up on "varney & company."
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>> if it is fair to say that the -- >> they are required, any agency is required to notify us when they realize they have a problem. >> did they break the law? >> i am not a lawyer. >> you administer the federal records act. >> i do. >> if they did not follow it, can we safely assume they broke the law? >> they did not follow the law. ♪ are the largest targets in the world,
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for every hacker, crook and nuisance in the world. but systems policed by hp's cyber security team are constantly monitored for threats. outside and in. that's why hp reports and helps neutralize more intrusions than anyone... in the world. if hp security solutions can help keep the world's largest organizations safe, they can keep yours safe, too. make it matter. they're the days to take care of business..
12:25 pm
when possibilities become reality. with centurylink as your trusted partner, our visionary cloud infrastructure and global broadband network free you to focus on what matters. with custom communications solutions and responsive, dedicated support, we constantly evolve to meet your needs. every day of the week. centurylink® your link to what's next. when folks think about wthey think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america.
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stuart: here is my take on the irs scandal. sure, there is outrage. it is easy to get angry at the people who take your money, but will not answer questions. we have all of that. the irs scandal is about the
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abuse of powered democracy. this was the machinery of government turned on ordinary people to affect the vote. they deliberately intimidated the president's opponents. i have lived and worked on for continents. i have come to know and respect democracies. america has always been the shining example of individual liberty. democracy at its finest form. along comes the irs with a cheap attack. we know they did that. what we do not know, yet, is whether the white house or the president reelection campaign ordered or encouraged the irs to do this. when we see the e-mails, we will find out.
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did the president know absolutely nothing? was there not even a smidgen of corruption? that is why i cannot understand why there is not a rush to get those e-mails when there is even a smidgen of a chance that the united states diverted and election. it seems like pulling teeth to get anything out of these people. if they have nothing to hide, it should not be nothing like this. it will be a long summer. the irs has disgraced america's democracy. they should want to know exactly what happened. we will find out. ♪ i ys say be thman with the plan
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but with less ergy, moodiness, i had to do something. i saw mdoctor. a blood test showed it was low testosterone, not age. we talked about axiron the onlynderarm low t treaent that can restore t vels to normal in about two weeks in most men. axiron is not for use in women or anyone younger than 18 or men with prostate or breast cancer. women, especlly those who are or who may become pregnant, and children should avoidt where axirons applied as unexpected signs of puberty in children or changes in body hair or incased acne in women may occur. report these symptoms to your doctor. tell your doctorbout all medical conditions and medications. serious side effects could include increased sk of prostate cancer, worsening prostate symptoms, decreased sperm count, ankle, feet or body swelling, enlarged or painful breasts, problems breathing while sleeping and blood clots in the legs. common side effects include skin redness or irritation where applied, increased red blood cell count, common side effects include skin redness headache, diarrhea, vomiting, and increase in psa.
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ask your doctor about axiron. stuart: i bring you news on direct tv talks with the nfl. a congressional committee was told that directv will renew a deal with the nfl to. nfl sunday ticket. the merger is contingent on this deal. watching football games anywhere, anytime. back to the irs hearings.
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they will find and release those missing e-mails. we had congressman mike turner on earlier. >> he will say we will give you all the e-mails, but he means all of the ones that they currently have after all other e-mails have been destroyed. he has not included evidence of a crime. stuart: liz. liz: your take. if you are innocent, why not reveal it all. the irs commissioner admitting that when they said the computer hard drives were crash, the
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question was, why did you not go to the backup server and preserve it for six months? he said, well, we did not get on that. they did not do that. he did not have an answer. the second question, they had vanished. why don't you tell us, when does it become an obstruction of justice? it was a really tough question. >> i do not think that this is going away. america in general is fired up about this. liz: they are fired up about this. what if they did not do these
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hearings? what if they did that press of had. this is really serious stuff. >> sending more than a million documents. stuart: all right. golf. not as popular. our next guest has a number to prove it. john, i hope i have your name correct. you are with golf data tech. we hear that young people are not playing golf as much as they were. >> it is accurate. the young people, particularly the millennial's, are struggling
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in finding jobs. not getting out on their own. they do not have the time or money to go out and play. stuart: i hear the median age is now 49 years age. that is rising. 91% of golfers are male. that tells me that young women are not taking up this sport. >> that is particularly our serious golfer that is in our study. if you look at the broader picture, it is more like 80% / 20% male-female. stuart: if i was in the golfing industry, i think the first thing i would do is introduce a lot of nine hole golf courses.
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lower the price. that is what i would do. is golf doing that? >> absolutely. there is no silver bullet. how do we fix the economy or the housing issues? encouraging nine-hole rounds, encouraging people to get out so you only spend an hour and a half or two hours playing nine holes. a lot of the courses have really cut down on their green fees, the public courses anyway. i normally play at the college used to be, $89 on a saturday. it is now down to $69. there is the economy.
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stuart: i saw pictures in the "wall street journal." a much larger whole. a great big hole. 9 inches across. >> 15 inches, actually. stuart: what does a golfer like you, somebody who studies golf, what do you make of it? >> certainly, for a player whose turn a bit caliber, they will never migrate to the bigger hole. the whole idea is to have this larger hole to get people involved. get them interested in the game. it is a difficult game to learn. stuart: i wonder if there is any way out for golf.
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now, it seems to be on a downturn. younger people are not playing. are they prepared to bite the bullet to turn golf around? >> absolutely. the reality is, from what we found from this study, a blog of the issue lies with the economy. it is no different from housing. no different than the automobile industry. people are insecure with their financial status. people making $150,000 a year. if they are not comfortable, how will someone taking $60,000 find the money to go out and play? it is a bigger issue. if the economy would get better, golf would get better. i am not trying to be a cheerleader for the industry. stuart: john, you are an
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economic indicator. thank you for joining us, john. we do appreciate it. apple. coming out with a new iphone. we have details. we will deal with that next. ♪
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>> smooth sailing for carnival cruise line. let's show you carnival shares right now. trading down 1.5%. miami heat star opting out of the final two years of the contract. the heat have gone to the nba finals every year since 2011. a survey says teenagers really are using facebook. 4500 teenagers are using facebook more now than the year before. they are using the mobile app on their smart phones. ♪ ocks with more than a 10%... change in after-market trading. ♪ all the tech stocks with a market cap...
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of at least 50 billion... are up on the day. 12 low-volume stocks... breaking into 52-week highs. six upcoming earnings plays... that recently gapped up. [ male announcer ] now the world is your trading floor. get real-time market scanning wherever you are with the mobile trader app. from td ameritrade. [ girl ] my mom, she makes underwater fans that are powered by the moon. ♪ she can print amazing things, right from her computer. [ whirring ] [ train whistle blows ] she makes trains that are friends with trees. ♪ my mom works at ge. ♪
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♪ stuart: giving you the halftime report. not from the world cup, but the financial arena. we are starting with apple. starting to make a bigger iphone. mike, not happening at the moment. are you still buying this stock? >> i just bought more last week, as a matter of fact. i like the company.
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this is a smart move for them. they like a larger screen. 40% of the smart phones sold in china recently were larger. i think it will be very successful. stuart: microsoft will give up to $650 to trade in your macbook air for surface pro. nicole, would you do that trade? nicole: i am not familiar with it as much as you are, mr. stuart varney. >> that should give you some demand questions. all you have to do is turn in
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your back will air. you can get the surface pro for $800-$1000. it has to be in pack. it must not have a crack screen. no damage. they will decide whether or not they want it. stuart: it is not a great deal. i think that is the report here. we have google opening the next platform. would you buy this stock on that basis? >> excellent question. it is two things, primarily. smoke and carbon dioxide alarm. it also has a non-programmable very intelligent thermostat, which, by the way, i have not
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used. it will be a global supply chain that the world will have. 14 trillion profits in the next 20 years. google is opening up vast so that you can have thousands of developers writing apps. the battle here is to come up with some sort of an operating system. stuart: you like it. you would buy google. >> i like google overall. this particular move is a move in the right direction. i would not buy google today just because. stuart: okay. tax reform. very much in the news. unfortunately, in japan. not the united states. liz: that is right. talking about tax reform. historically very high. one of the highest in the
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planet. down to the 30% range. an estimated 30% of companies in japan actually paid the corporate tax rate of seven. we may not see it here. stuart: all right. yahoo!'s chief, marissa mayer fell asleep and she kept advertising executives waiting. >> that is really embarrassing. the timing is really bad.
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you know what, no one is talking about the improvement. everyone is talking about how she fell asleep and missed a key interview. >> can i chime in? how do you do that? stuart: hold on a second. this meeting with ad executives took place in the south of france. you have to flight and for that. maybe she was jet lagged from that and overslept. i am not making excuses. stuart: that is it for today's real halftime report. thank you, everybody. alex rodriguez. next, why a luxury apartment building in new york wants absolutely nothing to do with him. after this.
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♪ when folks think about what they get from alaska, they think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america.
12:52 pm
are the largest targets in the world, for every hacker, crook and nuisance in the world. but systems policed by hp's cyber security team are constantly monitored for threats. outside and in. that's why hp reports and helps neutralize more intrusions than anyone... in the world. if hp security solutions can help keep the world's largest organizations safe, they can keep yours safe, too. make it matter.
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stuart: a risky apartment building does not want alex rodriguez to move back in. cheryl casone, what is his problem? >> it is not his problem.
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this is the most lng in new yor. they do not want to invest. he has a pension according to sources. a pension for prostitutes and bad behavior. staff that talked to the author of the book about the building said that the prostitute story is true. he is rude. he brings bad publicity. think about this. kelsey grammer, who had his own issues in the same building. mark wahlberg. these celebrities do not bring the drama and the bad publicity and the negativity that a-rod actually brings. stuart: can they say, you are
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out? >> they can. he is trying to get back into the same apartment. by the way, he was renting it for $30,000 a month. you get like six concierges on staff. eight or nine doorman are available. you have a full-service building with every amenity. because he was renting and they do not want him back, he is trying, but they just did not want him back. he is a-rod. it is a mixed bag here. stuart: he is out. he is gone. >> the building itself, i have to tell you, it is a beautiful, beautiful building, but he will not be living there. stuart: cheryl, thank you. your take on this show is next.
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♪ peace of mind is important when you're running a successful business. so we provide it services you can rely on. with centurylink as your trusted it partner, you'll experience reliable uptime for the network and services you depend on. multi-layered security solutions keep your information safe, and secure. and responsive dedicated support meets your needs, and eases your mind. centurylink. your link to what's next.
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stuart: a lot of different subjects covered on "varney & company" today. here is your take on some of them. paulie had this to say, "golf is down because it is slow to the videogame generation, same as baseball." and this to say about the detroit residents not being able to pay their water bill. "it is indeed a basic human need, why is the u.n. stepping in, why can't michigan government handle its own problems"? you play golf. >> i do, very badly. not in the last couple of years. stuart: so you are playing less. performance? >> it is a geographic issue because i live in manhattan. but i have the ceo on a couple of weeks ago and he said golf is starting to come back now, but they had a tough time in a recession because of the cost and the time.
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the middle class walked away from golf and the question is will they come back. he says they are coming back slowly. stuart: i am with you on this one. deirdre bolton is here now. deirdre: very much so. the stock market decline to the bank of england, the head of a $22 billion pension fund explains what he pays attention to and what he ignores from world news. from the macro to be specific of golfer, gambler, they all have unwanted attention from federal authorities. what the entry means for them and clorox. rocrock 'n roll is on sale, 150 pieces, manuscripts, elvis presley to bob dylan may sell for a collective of up to $2 million.


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