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tv   Cavuto  FOX Business  June 24, 2014 11:00pm-12:01am EDT

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in, upset, or burning. if you or someone you love has afib not caused by a heart valve problem... ...ask your doctor about reducing the risk of stroke with pradaxa. neil: the senate side denies that would provide emails that disappeared. >> we have of rob love with you and you have a problem to maintain your credibility >> you can rely with nothing that you did not see this debate to can shake your head all do want to. >> i am data as men tonight the irs in the warehouses we'll was lenders emails are long gone. there was no funny business
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but do you believe them? we went to the street to find out. >> it is very hard to believe. >> did just does not happen it is on the sir or something they did on purpose smith this is from 2014 everything is recorded somewhere. >> they could be archived. >> this is the very pathetic and weak excuse. david: use the #cavuto for where you stand but fears of a coverup are justified. she joins us with our fox business all-stars to put up the timeline showing that lois lerner is computer problems began after she was notice from congress about
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targeting conservatives. that was june 3rd when the chairman and sent her the notice then on june 13 reports that the hard drive had crashed then two years later that irs tells congress finally is and that evidence of obstruction of justice? >> i think the irs and the commissioner is working under the assumption that the american people are just ignoring anti-nafta to believe that to vacations between the collection arm of the largest economic superpower of the globe kayhan simply disappear because of her hard drive crashed. this is a little better them the possibility they don't actually believe we by their story but that they simply don't care if we do. david: we already have enough information based on
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that time line that it appears very clear what lois lerner was doing was trying to destroy evidence spinet that's right. it is clear and the point made that thanks to the investigative reporting the message is out there that this will not fly back here is the issue suggest say that emails really are gone maybe there is a forensic investigation and a the emails really are gone. that is a scary thought if you consider that they have millions and millions of files on all of us that could suddenly disappear? what if they lost wesley snipes tax returns? it is said slippery slope. david: that is a great point but stay on folk is the media is either ignoring the
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issue is npr issue had nothing about it in your time sperry's the story then people get along and said davies had a piece that said unless she is clairvoyant and the idea that she deleted emails that she did not learn about until june 29th is preposterous. she learned about it on june 3rd before they went missing so people are ignoring those stories. >> they are covering it up by one to hear about the fbi investigation or special prosecutor this is absolutely wrong and evidence needs to be tampered with a and this just doesn't happen it is 2014 it is just convenient the system crashes and they went missing? that does not happen.
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>> some democrats are complaining macassar goal has concerned herself with the issue to say it is problematic that the irs seems to be covering something up. >> it is especially for democrats because it reflects poorly on the entire administration will leave the tussaud lawyers the u.k. and here it from the people of history this reflects poorly on the obama white house. >> people talk about that cover-up but you had the entire media investigating this story both the meeting and prosecutors hired by independents looking into this situation now the media i wonder if this story will ever be uncovered?
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there are some falling but not then a. >> but it is in their best interest to figure out what is going on right now we look at conservative groups and teapartier groups right now. this is said a a dangerous precedent that liberals and libertarians should be screaming about it. it is strictly happening. david: we lost lindsay but the irs commissioner paints himself as the independent observer as a dedicated public servant but he is a big-time democratic contributor contributing over $100,000 to democrats over the years. >> that is tough if anybody who's steps into the best will try to be distance but
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they are just part of the cover-up is no coincidence that the next person to step in does have skit in the game with regards to the appeal so where new fate of the irs at home they are not the warm and fuzzy organization so if this goes away without prosecution that bears into that that nobody can touch. david: will they get away with it? >> no. i don't think so. it is criminal. >> yes. they have gotten away with a lot. david: i will say no. the clintons are not dead broke but what if i told you because a chunk of their wealth comes from the taxpayers?
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that bombshell reports is next. next. ♪ when folks think about what they get from alaska, next. ♪ they think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here
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creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. means keeping seven billion ctransactions flowing.g, and when weather hits, it's data mayhem. but airlines running hp end-to-end solutions are always calm during a storm. so if your business deals with the unexpected, hp big data and cloud solutions make sure you always know what's coming - and are ready for it. make it matter. my motheit's delicious. toffee in the world. so now we've turned her toffee into a business.
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david: the clintons are not quite dead broke 1 million is expected to go former president bill clinton in this year alone. we have the details on what we have found. thank you for coming. the clintons have received $16 million from taxpayers since 2001? >> that's right. i don't think americans in general would object to it is not controversial we don't want us president dying as chairman did in poverty but controversy arises when hillary clinton talks a lot of much they struggled. david: not only the 60 million they receive but also 100 million forgiving speeches that is not breaking rocks but the gsa budgets $450,000 per year
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for president clinton's office space? that is unusual? >> there could be another controversial aspect she is widely expected to run although she has not announced it and is looking like a defect code campaign. so taxpayer money supporting activities it is something to be looked in tears. >> and was limited million dollars on speeches you need that for taxpayers? >> that is something to take a look at. and for the service that presidents give to their country they should be supported after leaving office but i think it is laughable they have struggled since they laughed some -- since they left.
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david: will day give off that for me? >> she is trying to give a contrast to mitt romney who is widely successful businesspeople. and americans have a much more favorable view and it is from the polls. david: get above double digits in and there is inflation but he just cannot consider yourself well off? >> it is is mind-boggling not to double down but certainly tuesday and by her comments to be utterly convinced there is a categorical difference. david: date you very much.
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meanwhile vice president biden referred to himself as the poorest man in the congress. >> don't hold that against me that i don't own to a single stock for a bond with no savings account that i have a good pension and a great salary. david: dell poor guy. food is he kidding? >> he is clueless. he is not bragging he is not rich what kind of person she went to help run this country? he doesn't have the account? that is class. david: i assure you have 100 times more than he does san you from the chicago stock exchange. >> but the way they do it is the hypocrisy. >> it is the message that's
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they tried to make themselves like everybody else. in then to have that apartment did in new york city but the book to work is to do is the defect joe campaign. to say i don't have much money there i picked myself up because i want your vote at all sold. david: but they're lifetime couchers of course, hillary had an experience with the law firm she would rather forget because the building record problems but they are live time the jurors that mustafa the taxpayers that is how they get money in the first place and there's
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intellectual capital to make money in the private sector. >> your event simple politics they just try to prove they are one of us the liberals try to fuel the us pierces the mentality. and i have space no problem with clinton being a wealthy person or joe biden. god bless them but to fuel that wealth and the is one identity politics is. david: i do have a problem with people who supposedly spend their life as a public service one dash servant to sacrifice then do speeches at $100,000 a pop but no problem making money but when you are supposed to be a public servant. >> after she made her major gaffe we were dead broke did she -- did you see what she said?
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we're not truly broke. >> it is just of hypocrisy. did you want to be a public servant i think there should be term limits you should not be in their long enough to turn into intellectual capital to turn into millions. >> they did a good job of that. you have to own it. there is nothing wrong to say you like to be capitalistic can-do like monday? that is what americans aspire to that is what is good for this economy but they are hoarding it. david: we will see how long they get away with it. last week moray energy ceo told neil cavuto why he is suing the epa. >> it is not just the assault on colbert a total in dangerous takeover all controlled by units states environmental protection agency.
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what he has done is illegal illegal, a higher plan to get government control over the electric power system in this country. david: the account is lighting up over that but the push that will rile them up even more.
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david: how about this? billionaire is joining forces with hank paulson to tell businesses how global warming is a big threat and could cost them billions? but businesses say the epa climate change fix puts them
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in a fax. now to our all-star is if the cure is worse than the disease? these are the corporate bailout people. i don't really pay all that much attention and to represent republicans or conservatives? >> but they are gathering their forces with the bipartisan effort to get people from the right to join but it says overreaching aggression that they tell businesses we know what is best for qe and will impact you so do this. look back at history leaders close to run out of water by the year 2000 or natural gas or oil human sacrifice a and dogs and cats living together with a mass hysteria. but trying to find quaint
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ways to make resources is what they have that is important not to take that away. >> businesses know how to add up the cost. we have insurance companies and warren buffett heads those up. purely a the democrat a abbesses what he has to say the public has the impression because there's so much talk about climate from the insured the standpoint have been unusual but the answer is they have not. even warren buffett different -- denies of global warming and also knows about the insurance business but number one on the homepage they have a prophetic picture of their roller-coaster sinking into the ocean so i would pull
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the equitation's out. look at that. look at the scare tactics. climate change will increase mortality related to he to. >> we hear about these weather occurrences more devastating hurricanes when we have not had a class three or above hurricane in 3,200 days but the president recently said the eastern shore needs to vostok but it has not happened. >> said natural disasters aside the individuals do want to make decisions individually but they have to be financially sustain the ball also. this report risky business trying to convince front
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future natural disasters to focus on the here and now that burns cleaner than any other hydrocarbon but also with hydraulic fracturing. there is a double standard. david: i would have thought hey paulson i a understands going along with it because he travels in those circles with counselor for relations penalties he would understand how the regulations could distort how you cannot get a clear fix. >> having gone through the financial crisis to know what works but shame on him. i am all for the science behind the there is a some shin's date:to give it to the government that is not a
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good recipe for success. david: they are power fall. >> from all different worlds absolutely but judy politicize climate change sameness to the a exact opposite. businesses may say that is wrong that with the energy system could have the defect david: i think larry neal there. mom-and-pop shops getting news that americans trust small business more than big business but find out why that could be a problem.
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57 his says the little guy loses? americans have three times more confidence in small business to show that they have faced in in big institutions? a company that employs 36 workers coming joe, good to see you. did you build the company from scratch? >> no. i was the farmer is sacramento california and had an idea to have the intrigue of of a candy factory turning into a national brand. hand it provided jobs for kids during the summer and one day lead to another then
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the next thing you know we are a and reno nevada. >> wed you hear politicians say you did not build that what do you say? >> i know i built it. i paid did a commercial we're told we did not build it. that is what makes the country great. so i know my hand built this company. david: what people don't understand the envious politicians will say places in the caribbean i don't know you personally but i'm willing to bet you put most
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of the of profit back into the business which paul. >> i had an agricultural feed company that i did not take any money out of the candy business for the first eight or nine years. every bit of profit i made i put back into better employees i had an offshore manufacturing facility because i did not know what i was doing as a business owner of a manufacturing facility then i realized to be successful and then we became successful with a candy factory. is something that a big corporation cannot deliver?
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>> it is humanity with the ability to move quicker. in that is what big business's lack and we all start at the same spot. but in the growth they tend to lose humanity had. david: there is something with a family operated business that translates that camby perceived by the consumers. >> that you care about. >> that your family is well
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depend on how successful your business is. small businesses the backbone of the economy that creates the jobs. i am curious but joe are you congress of congress? seventy persons - - 70% to have congress do feel they're supporting you? >> not at this moment i don't feel the does very dysfunctional too much partisanship but the best thing floor business is to take all the unknowns and out of it if you do every year you have us certain cost for medical costs but uncertainty is what scares a lot of new entrepreneurs. david: i wonder if distrust of big companies and frankly big government as well translates into the of the year that people have too
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was stock market? that we have no control. >> the big guys push the little guys out and it is building things with your hands and that is why they seem to be so disconnected to spend the money on the lobbyist. david: day navy does associated but they cannot afford the lobbyist thorvald lawyers or the accounts. >> just like taxes as they get bigger you can afford to have the best tax attorney or accountant to pay less taxes but small businesses
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cannot to figure out the walpole's city end up paying all lot of taxes for a small business and eventually when you are a multinational you have all whole group of tax attorneys. david: all lots of regulations coming out of washington d.c. where the big corporations have their hooks they want to push out the smaller competition. >> writes. >> from favorability it standpoint it does. in with the lobbying combination but remember despite what americans said they do give confidence to do big business the biggest vote of confidence is to patronize it.
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they support small business but they do by microsoft, apple or wal-mart or starbucks. david: i think it is business. >> but what the american public needs to think is small business drives the economy. to not go overseas and big business has the part in this economy it is the driver but small business to buy america and those are the things that makes america agreed to again. david: you are great. good to have you here. does america have a world cup fever? some people say soccer is the next big thing. is that right?
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coming up next. [ male announcer ] if you suffer from a dry mouth then you'll know how uncomfortable it can be. [ crickets chirping ] but did you know that the lack of saliva can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath? [ exhales deeply ] [ male announcer ] well there is biotene. specially formulated with moisturizers and lubricants, biotene can provide soothing relief and it helps keep your mouth healthy, too. [ applause ] biotene -- for people who suffer from dry mouth.
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david: for the of moment america have soccer fever 25 million americans watched u.s. savers' says portugal and my guest says he has seen a huge jump of world cup sales what has happened? >> off the charts. nobody expected usa to get past the first round. we had a great shot to be germinate or portugal or if we score more goals. david: how much has it increased it? >> it has tripled from 2010. it is incredible. restaurants, bars, the fever is incredible.
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david: we have some jersey's your what you told there is this the biggest seller? >> the biggest that we have. usa. it is incredible. people just want to be a part of history. david: how much is that? >> $90 retail. david: you have to have it approved? >> the vendors nike or indeed is a car about which country that they have. david: we are i melting pot the other people are rooting for the home team's of those have increased as well. >> mexico brazil portugal colombia teams we would never think. david: can you respond to the increased demand? >> unfortunately we can we have to place these six
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months in the advanced usa and the bid italy. bills will go on markdowns soon but the best thing is if we don't have a particular jersey go on line david: 1994 we had the world cup here. i was thinking about to the biggest moment other than right now. how does this compare? >> every weekend it is building. >> i heard about them but kids and adults and it is hi-fis of baseball cards. >> and countries is a phenomenon. >> that is where we were
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leading than end up in a tie but what got to me but then they put on an extra five minutes it was that that the other team tied it up. the rule changes there is something european about soccer that will be tough for americans to accept. >> as someone would have told me what to do except to the time right now? to every american would not but to lose that way? that is what they're paid $34 million per year it was an incredible game. but. david: but again this thing with a softer to go back and forth. even hockey is that you don't have with soccer. >> that is what makes it so
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special. people wait three years for the teams to have been. we bought a ton of products for spain date -- said they would go further but they were knocked out but they love the knockdowns. david: continued success. mcdonnell's protesters will not love this while pushing for a hike in the minimum wage mcdonald's might be looking to replace them with the smart phone. next. when folks think about what they get from alaska, they think salmon and energy.
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but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. means keeping seven billion ctransactions flowing.g, and when weather hits, it's data mayhem. but airlines running hp end-to-end solutions are always calm during a storm. so if your business deals with the unexpected, hp big data and cloud solutions make sure you always know what's coming - and are ready for it. make it matter.
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david: pin two night for those protesting the height of minimum-wage mcdonald's reportedly will test the new mobile ordering and application to replace workers behind the counter. be careful what you wish for ? in a guest. but this could be a cover for those little like the minimum wage increase because i think it will happen anyway been the elected to casual dining look at the people buried in to their phones they love that social media so now they will just plain minimum-wage as a result. david: the imf has some goofy answers to the world's
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problems but then head of the imf said the way to get more people jobs is by raising the minimum wage. >> so if you raised minimum-wage to something that is so onerous that will hurt jobs? >> there could be some jobs lost relative to a significant increase of income that for the paid people will have it will be net positive for it the economy. >> it is not an exact science but there are very few that argument will create jobs and most wonder how many will be lost. >> exactly. i think that science is settled the fallacy is
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driven by consumer spending to show by a artificial increase but you cannot blame the mcdonald's to experiment with technology to give us our cheeseburger faster that is progress. like atms they are good for us have more productivity and innovation it is economic progress. i think it is great. david: the taxi drivers just had the strike. to plug in where you are in and what happened with us a taxi strike? then they use uber. the opposite consequence. >> the ride sharing app they
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are destructive markets coming in to fill a void it is destructive you can fight tipple look what wins out in the end. technology will play us all a lot of jobs in one day. >> and also make us richer. david: eventually the other businesses that, as a result first people lose their jobs in the end more people get jobs to make it should be celebrated their preserves the planet to create jobs so it is something that they should be promoted to innovate and. >> is the white house overstating pay inequality? the top paid cfo bring said
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a whopping $43 million in 2013. >> tickets is a great i like to see the people at the top are paid but the base salary is not even $1 million if it is the step in the right direction. >> i think the white house and media in general is terribly wrong and does not interpret the pace statistics within the context of women and men make but they have made a lot of sacrifices individually and that is what it boils down to. what trade-offs are you willing to make? buyer willing to maximize your salary? this is a conversation about when it is no work force --
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women in the workforce. david: when they talk about pay equality is not too far from legislation that affects all of reliance do think the argument is board to begin with will stop that ? >> this is washington. they love to interfere but the tech sector think of the jobs and technology. women are still grossly outnumbered. it is our leadership position so it is where women will make progress. david: there is a lot of women in key leadership roles. >> yes. a step in the right direction but small steps. and women are greatly outnumbered by men in
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silicon valley. david: will freeze cd barbara treatment to equalize what may not need to be? bennett make a distinction between parody and quality. but recognized at the end of the day people make different choices with male and female with every hour of the day. that is the beauty of it. david: the irs says law was lerner's emails are long gone but we have yours right here. your reaction after the your reaction after the break. while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, this can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain, and improve daily physical function so moving is easier.
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>> this is usually the time neil reads tweets and e-mails, even though neil isn't here, we want to give you a voice. a lot of you questioning president obama's priorities.
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especially after his latest announcement the creation of a pollenator health task force to help save honey bees. mrs. e. says never fear, president obama has a pen and phone and not afraid to use it. not to help a marine or a vet. jersey girl tweets, this is so difficult to believe, very sad, why can't the president deal with major things? then the irs, the most powerful government agency on the planet loses e-mails. a lot of you aren't buying. that beck says i wish everyone would stop dancing around the words they lost, they were deleted. aldo says it's a cover-up, plain and simple, textweets us commissioner proves the irs is out of control, arrogant and untouchable. shut it down. austin says i want the odds ratio on all of the irs computers crashing all at once, a billion to one? probably. david on facebook writes the irs is a den of liars and
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thieves, be gone with them. keep tweeting and don't forget to use hashtag cavuto whenever you do. thank you so much for watchin watching.. kennedy: who were these children ruling over the border? filling up warehouses, sleeping dozens to a room? how and why are they here? the stories and pictures are captivating and have to get to the bottom of influx, whether it's a way for cartels into the country, or tales of false amnesty have reached honduras guatemala and el salvador. the va scandal is still roiling and the world cup is a cannibal convention. we'll sink our teeth into all of it. this is "the independents."


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