tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business June 28, 2014 7:00pm-8:01pm EDT
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>> superrich by russell simmons. speak your thank you guys for wanting a every ni good evening, everybody. senior u.s. officials confirming to fox news that syria and iran have joined the fight in iraq. their governmentses are providing military assistance to iraq shia dominated government as president obama sends 300 u.s. military add sizers into iraq and ultimately the fight. nouri al-maliki rejected the call for a new inclusive government and i ignored secretary of state kerry's warning of the outside forces that look to determine iraq's future. here is secretary kerry from
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nato headquarters brussels. >> it's been widened in the last day thes with the reports of of irgc personnel, some people from -- engaged in iraq with perhaps even syrian activities therein. that's one of the reasons the it is urgent. so leaders of iraq can make decisions necessary to protect iraq without outside forces moving to fill the vacuum. >> those forces are already engaged in combat against the isil. the "wall street journal" reports syrian war planes struck targets in anbar province killing 50, injuring more than a hundred civilians by targeting isil strong hold this is the area. the new york times reports iran's quds forces deployed officers to baghdad to advise the iraqi army on intelligence
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and help mobilize 2000 shia militiamen from southern iraq. we'll talk with former pentagon official k.t. mac far land about why this president would send 300 military advisers into a region that's rapidly deteriorating into an all out sectarian war among what are, for the most part, u.s. enemies fluchltz al . also tonight the republican party with another disappointing result for the tea party. six-term senator thad cochran beating a spirited challenge from tea party-backed chris mcdaniel who has still to concede the election. >> there were literally dozens of irregularities reported across the state. [ cheers ] >> you know why. now it is our job to make sure the sanctity of the vote is upheld. before this race endses we have to be absolutely certain that
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the republican primary was won by republican voters. [ cheers and applause ] >> congressman james lankford beat back his own tea party challenger in oklahoma to secure the republican nomination for senate in his state. he'll join us in moments. senator jeff sessions says the homeland security department is advertising amnesty abroad and a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants in central america and mexico. >> the very fact that johnson are is advertising in foreign countries and earned path to citizenship for illegal immigrants really undermines his primary responsibility which is to enforce the law. >> the immigration reform legislation that is being considered in congress is for those, the earned path to citizenship in that legislation is for those who have been in this country since 2011.
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>> senator sessions will be joining us here exclusively this hour. as i mentioned, congressman james lankford beat off a tea party challenger to capture the republican nomination for oklahoma's open senate seat. the congressman netting 57% of the vote despite a well-funded challenge by former oklahoma state house speaker t.w. shannon. congressman lankford joins us now. he's chairman of the republican policy committee, a member of the house budget & over thesight committees. congressman, congratulations, first of all, on your victoria ary. >> thanks, lou. it's not much of a battle of the tea party versus the establishment. in oklahoma you have seven republican primary folks in the challenge. all of us in any other state in america would have been the kentucky voice. it's a conservative primary, very conservative state. >> i think perhaps senator cruz and sarah palin better understand that fact.
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>> it is interesting when you talk about national tea party groups which to me is an oxy moron. you can't have national tea party groups. by definition it's grassroots. the grassroots that were involved in oklahoma think different from are the national folks. we found the grassroots in oklahoma doesn't like people from outside of oklahoma telling them who to society fvote for. >> with your victoria are y. this is important for you. the state remains united as a solid red state. i don't know that there are states much redder than your own. >> i would say there's not. the seven of us that ran in the race remain friend at the end. it was important to us that it doesn't become divisive. that it splits us up in november. we are united. we have had the opportunity to talk since the election.
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everyone is very on track and on board together. we starts as friends and end as friends. >> you have a lot of friends back in washington in the republican party cheering you on as well. a republican party in the house led by speaker boehner who says he'll sue the president of the united states. your thoughts? >> something we have worked on for a while. . we are trying to get what's called standing in the courts. right now the united states house of representatives, if we passed a law with the senate sign bid the president. the president says, no, i won't enforce it. we have no standing in the courts. we have what i call the fly swatter and the hammer. the fly swatter cut off funding and the president moves money around, trying to figure out how to do it, or impeachment. we don't have anything in between. we have to compel him to follow the law. the constitution was written assuming honorable men would carry out their oath of office. we are facing a president that picks and chooses which parts of the oath of office he wantses to follow. that's a serious problem for us constitutionally as a nation and sets a toxic precedent for what
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comes after this. >> i'm sure that you are familiar with the laws brought by customs and immigration enforcement agents who sought the opportunity to do their job. while there is a sympathetic hearing in the court they were ruled not to have standing. are you confident at this point that you will have standing, that the house of representatives and the leadership of the house? >> first things first, we are going to test it out and push that. we believe we do. we believe that we are affected by that, the same as all americans are affected by nonformt of the law. step one is to walk through that this has not been tested before. we are going to put it to the test. >> the crisis on the border. the failure to enforce the security of that border. the failure to enforce immigration laws. now it's having are been many the state of oklahoma where we understand that 600 of the
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unaccompanied children are being housed and provided for. your thoughts? we heard from your governor today. i must say she put it rather directly. >> right. she should. she's gone to visit the facility. walked and talked to the children and people aexpect bid that. it costs 250 a day per child that's able to feed, house, take care of the surroundings. it's expensive. it's a humanitarian crisis that so many people talked about. two and a half years ago when he did this deferred action that he won't prosecute those that are minors he opened up the door and said, come in. we'll allow you to come. they see if they cross the border we are transitioning people in the united states rather than transitioning them home. the president using selective enforcement is creating a larger immigration crisis. my concern is he's saying if congress would pass something on
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comprehensive immigration reform, i will stop. now he's not enforcing the laws on the books. there is no confidence that if we pass something else he doesn't like he will enforce that either. when you have a president who enforces what he liex and ignores what he doesn't like you have a situation where it doesn't matter what congresses passes. that's not what the founders set up. we pass the law, he enforceses, the judicial branch interprets the law. everything works well when everybody does their job. >> the speaker has sounded as though he wanted to do a deal with this president. every time he walks up to the closest step to the president, the president responds by doing something, again, i think clearly dishonorable. we were just discussing it. >> right. >> is the speaker finally of a single mind on this issue? >> you would have to ask the speaker. i think the speaker's point he shared to us is he wants to work
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on border security first. we have said that's the right place to do it. it's clear we don't have a secure border though the president says he's securing the border. when 12-year-olds can walk across the border it's not secure. we have to do that. we have to do interior enforlt, the basics that need to be done. that's first. if we can't accomplish that, there is no way to move on the to another issue. you've got to resolve the issue of oh border security. >> congressman james lankford, congratulations again, on your victory. >> thank you. >> the internal revenue service isn't the only government agency having trouble with missing e-mails. now the environmental protection agency has lost e-mails. it's an epidemic of lost e-mails. at least in the obama administration they are unable to locate e-mails belonging to a former epa employee because, yes, this may seem familiar because his hard drive crashed.
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epa administrator gina mccarthy confirmed the problem at a house oversight hearing today. >> it sounds like we have another missing hard drive. >> having trouble getting the data off of it. we are trying other sources to actually supplement that. >> do you believe you can get the data? >> we are increasingly getting information in different ways. we are taking a look at it. >> the house oversight committee made up of very patient people. these new missing e-mails belong to a former epa employee in alaska. who allegedly decided with his colleagues to veto the proposed pebble mine near bristol bay back in 2009. even before the ep ara began researching the potential impact on the environment. very efficient and productive of that employee, wouldn't you say? congressional investigators have been trying to interview that worker for the past year.
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he's been in new zealand and effuses to cooperate. oversight committee chair han darryl issa said he's had enough of the stonewall and is threatening to hold the epa in contempt of congress if officials fail to turn over documents. his committee requested back in november. another missing set of e-mails. two major are rulings from the supreme court today. first the supreme court ruled the start-up internet company arial must pay broadcasters to take television programs from the air waves and sells them to subscribers who watch them on smartphones and tablets. the 6-3 ruling deals a potential fatal blow to aereo that charges customers as little as $8 a month in ten cities. the supreme court issued a strong defense of privacy in the digital age. in a unanimous ruling justices said police may not generally search the cell phones of those
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they arrest unsless they have a search warrant. we'll be right back. >> he pomsed to transform america. some say he's using a strategy with ties to 1970s communists. best selling author paul kenger joins us next on the obama presidency. are the largest targets in the world, for every hacker, crook and nuisance in the world. but systems policed by hp's cyber security team are constantly monitored for threats. outside and in. that's why hp reports and helps neutralize more intrusions than anyone... in the world. if hp security solutions can help keep the world's largest organizations safe,
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what we are witnessing today, whether it be in foreign policy, domestic policy or on the border is dr. paul kanger are, author of "the communists." he has a new book called "11 principles of a reagan conservative." good to have you with us, paul. >> good to be back. >> i want to first turn to what we are watching on the border. the national liberal media is trying to avert its eyes from what it seems to me is a clearly orchestrated event. one cannot imagine tens of thousands of children moving 1800 miles through the heart of mexico which has rigorous security under gut ma p la, al salvador. a quarter million mated over the next two years.
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>> it's a crazy situation and hard to figure out exactly to what degree the resident wants it. i don't want to say managing it or manipulating it. the one thing you know is that and this dove tails to the clouer, tiven strategy, redistributing change as he put it, is that he probably sees this as advantage wous. as beneficial to his political and ideological goals. democrats see these individuals as obviously far more likely democratic voters and republican voters. the strategy, columbia, columbia university, barack obama was at
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column in in the 1980s is if you overload the system, the welfare state, overload the nanny state eventually you can collapse the system and fundamentally transform the system. we know maybe obama sees an advantage in that. but to what extent is he pushing it or helping facilitate it. i don't know. i don't want to hazard a guess. >> i will put it this way. how difficult is it for you to imagine 60,000, a quarter million children traveling 1800 miles. >> right. >> are from honduras through the heart of mexico, climbing aboard trains without interference. el salvador, honduras among them. some mexican citizens as well. and to get to the united states with a government that refuses
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to secure the border. they know where they are. they are transferring from one border patrol sector say from the rio grande sector to the arizona sector. the tucson sector. this does not happen without the conscious willful collaboration of these governments. >> or maybe conscious willful neglect. you are talking hundreds of thousands of people over this year, next year. you're not talking about hundreds. 60,000 you said. upwards of a quarter million over two to four years. this is a mass movement of human beings. it's clearly i think obama sees this to his advantage that once the people come in, the ultimate goal is amnesty once they get
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here. for them to vote democrat. so it's a crazy situation. crazy. >> add to that the insistence of the business establishment in this country, particularly the u.s. multinationals as representatives by the chamber of commerce, the business round table and the willful neglect of 20 million americans seeking jobs and all americans are middle class. those who aspire to it, seeking higher pay which we found to be impossible as we see the levels of illegal immigration rise. >> you have 48 million americans on food stamps. 48 million. when reagan left the presidency in 1989 there were 18 million americans on food stamps. 18 million. you've got 48 million on food
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stamps. you start adding in 60,000 a year, a hundred thousand, 250,000 over the next two to four years and you will have are a lot more people here on food stamps, unemployment going to the welfare roles. it makes you wonder if this is fundamental tans formation or at least if they are coming in people of obama's ideology looking at this as a positive. as a net political positive for himself, his goals and his party. that's disturbing. >> i think the answer really to one question is irresistible. the question, of course, is why is this government not stopping. paul kangor are, great to have you. congratulations on "the 11 principles of a reagan conservative." on sale now online and bookstores everywhere. we recommend it to you highly.
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up next, my commentary on the often forgotten other obama scandals and how the white house has managed to keep them out of the headlines. or at least most of they will. that's next. my dad has aor afib.brillation, he has the most common kind...'s not caused by a heart valve problem. dad, it says your afib puts you at 5 times greater risk of a stroke. that's why i take my warfarin every day. but it looks like maybe we should ask your doctor about pradaxa. in a clinical trial, pradaxa® (dabigatran etexilate mesylate)...
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congress is holding hearings contemporaneously on three separate obama white house scandals. over the past three days, three hearings into the irs targeting of conservative groups and donors, the veterans affairs committee. last night convened to look into the manipulation of patient wait times. the homeland security committee holding its hearing into the illegal immigration crisis at our southern border. but those are only three of the scandals that embroil this white house. add to that benghazi that has prompted so much outrage that there will be hearings this fall. attorney general eric holder has been held in contempt and the
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case is now before a federal court. fliz the obamacare scandal cost kathleen sebelius her job. perhapses we'll never know because the congressional budget office has given up trying to calculate it in any fashion. the scandal plagued era is issuing job-kill iing regulatio but hopefully the new administrator isn't using private e-mails to conduct official business. the department of justice tightening rules on subpoenas and warrant ares involve aring journalists but attorney general holder still heads the department. it is no wonder that president obama's approval ating is under water for nines months now. with more than half of those surveyed by gallup disapproving of his conduct as president.
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it's an unprecedented parade of scandal. this president has yet to be held responsible for any of them. we close tonight with the quotation of the evening on the mindlessness of those who authored the obama scandal. this quote from philosopher eric hoffer, american thinker and author who said an empty head is not really empty. it is stuffed with rubbish. hence the difficulty of forcing anything into an empty head. we are not naming names tonight. we'll be right back. >> the president refusing to stop tenses of thousands of unaccompanied children crossing our border. senator jeff sessions says america's immigration system is unraveling.
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homeland security secretary jay johnson in arizona. a of facility there that houses hundreds of illegal immigrant children. his focus and that leads us to tonight's quotation of the evening. this from president ronald reagan who said a nation that cannot control its borders is not a nation. secretary johnson continuing his push for the sentence version of i will immigration reform and legislation nearly a year after it was passed in the senate. my next guest says johnson is undermining his ability to enforce the law by advertising a path to citizenship in foreign countries that simply does not exist. joining us now is senator jeff sessions, the rank aring member of the senate banking committee. senate veterans affairs committee member as well. senator, good to have you with us. senator johnson, for all the world sounding like a man trying
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to proselytize more illegal immigration. >> lou, what they are doing is encouraging illegality rather than discouraging it. there is no doubt about it. he's been meeting with immigration activists talking about reforming our system. what that meant is how to make it easier to come into the country unlawfully and how to be less willing to enforce law and deport people who entered unlawfully. the result is a huge surge in illegality, particularly children since the president and mr. johnson said children can come and stay. they are being allowed to come and stay. they have gone from 6,000 children coming in in 2011 to 90,000 this year and maybe 130,000 next year. it's unbelievable. >> do you think there is
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anything less than contrived about what the president refers to as a humanitarian crisis on our border? that is, do you believe there is a way in which this is not intentional, conscious strategy on the part of the administration in alliance with several central americans -- el guatemala and mexico to move these children some 1800 miles from their home countries to our border. >> you know, it's really -- i don't blame the children or their families so much as i blame our government for sending this message. it's predictable. i predicted that if this continues we'll see a surge in illegal entries. we have seen a virtual collapse in enforcement. more officers that need to be enforcing the law, baby sitting,
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changing diapers. it is an unbelievable tragedy. it should have been preventeded. we need to say the president, because he started this with a lot of his own statements. he needs to say clearly to the world, do not come. it's unraufl. you're taking risks. you will not succeed. when we ap hend you, we will deport you. that's the way to reduce the number of people attempting to come in unlawfully. >> senator -- speaker of the house john boehner talking about suing the president. to insist that he enforce our laws to enforce border security. your thoughts on that idea. >> immigration customs officers sued their supervisors and the secretary of oh homeland security from following their sworn duty to enforce the law
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several years ago. the court found merit in the proposal. just said they didn't have standing. a technical reason. i've got to say something needs to be done. i think the american people need to contact senators and congressmen and know explicitly from them -- not a general statement. will you take action to resist this kind of collapse of legality at our border? >> senator, thank you very much. senator jeff sessions. >> thank you. >> iraq's prime minister rebuffs president obama saying no to a kw unity government . the isil moving in on the biggest air base. k.t. mac far land on why u.s.
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several small oil fields in iraq. they have begun attacks on a large air base in the north as iranian and syrian forces are have now joined the fight in defense of the al-malaki government. joining us is k.t. mcfarland. let me ask you. surely there is some way for me to say this another way. are you kidding me? >> yeah. >> we are sending in u.s. military advisers to work shoulder to shoulder with the syrians of the government and bashar al assad who this government three years ago said had to go. with iran that is sponsoring terrorism and has, by some counts, been responsible for a third of american casualties in iraq. >> you got it right. that's what's so staggering. we are now in the middle of a
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civil war in the middle east. the civil war is between, on one side, al qaeda. we don't like them. on the other side, iran and syria and the iraqi government which is really -- i mean, al malaki is a sock puppet for iran. there are two enemies fighting each other. we are either in the middle of the fight or we'll weigh in on one side or the other. i think we are crazy to be there and we should understand middle east oil is no longer going to be available. they are already starting both sides targeting each other's oil fields. we better find a new place to get the world's oil and america's oil. it won't be available to us. >> let's under line that. iraq,s the number two producer in opec, 3 million barrels a day. compound that with what could happen within the region. we wouldn't be talking about doubling oil. >> who knows?
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the sky is the limit. we better figure out how to develop fast track development of american energy, build the keystone pipeline. fast track the permitses required to build new refinery. do the liquified natural gas terminals and speed up our efforts. we the united states, we the world can't rely on arab oil because it won't be available. >> where are our european friends who have so much to lose? they are quiet. putin has descended into quiescence here. >> i think putin has figured out it will fall in his lap in months anyway. i was in ukraine. the ukrainian government, well meaning as it is, is fighting two fronts. the russians are occupying eastern ukraine. the i economy of ukraine is in
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free fall. unless they get western investment or cheaper natural gas prices which russia controls it's not going to have an economic revival. six months from now, they are going to have to do what they have to do to get cheap russian natural gas. >> so much criticism of the administration for going slow and failing to know in the case of ukraine much the same thing happened with the isil. now comes word from various sources was there. in fact, intelligence agencies were telling the president this national security adviser to be on the watch for what's occurred a year ago. >> the intelligence community has been waving red flags for months about not only the situation in iraq but go back and look at what happened in benghazi. the intelligence community said al qaeda is on the run. they are on the march. they are after their own people. i think this administration decided we've got bin laden. that's it. al qaeda is on the run.
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no evidence to the contrary will make them change their mind. what are they doing now? they decided to have a little bit of the military involvement in the middle east. otherwise we'll wring our hands. they better understand the bad guys are coming to get us. get serious about developing our own energy sources. they will not be available to us. >> k.t. mcfarland. thanks a lot. >> thank you. >> sergeant andrew tahmooressi is locked up in prison. he's an active duty marine. his commander in chief has yet to mention his name. congressman matt salmon join ♪ [ female announcer ] we love our smartphones. and now telcos using hp big data solutions are feeling the love, too. by offering things like on-the-spot data upgrades -- an idea that reduced overcharge complaints by 98%. no matter how fast your business needs to adapt, if hp big data solutions
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84 days ago sergeant andrew tahmooressi was taken into custody. he's in a mexican jail sense. congressman matt salmon and ed royce visited him saturday. congressman salmon joins us today from the house committee on foreign affairs, education and the work force. your second visit down there. is he in good condition? how is his treatment, as best you can judge. >> it's actually a much nicer prison than the one he was in. he looks to be in good health and good spirits. as far as the circumstances will allow, he would rather be out, treated for his post traumatic stress disorder. all things considered he looked good. >> let me ask you this. this man, a marine sergeant being treated for ptsd in san
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diego. why is the u.s. government putting up with this nonsense from mexico? this is now an outrage of immense proportions. the president hasn't mentioned his name. i have to tell you, it is enough to make one physically ill to see what our commander in chief, this government is doing. >> there is a lot of double speak that comes from the commander in chief. he said last month that he would go to the ends of the earth to make sure we leave no soldier behind. he said he's responsible for every american's safety abroad. he said he would make sure the president was briefed on this before his conversation with president nieto. he didn't bring up one word about this hero when he spoke to the president of mexico. i'm disgusted.
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if he would invest anywhere near the kind of time and talent he did for this other guy, we'd get this young man out. i will tell you something. the members of congress are trying to be as forceful as we can to try to get this kid out to be home for the fourth of july. i hope and pray we can get it done. >> well, i thank you for your efforts and all of those in congress who are doing your best for this young man. what possible reason would there be for any president at any time, irrespective of ideology, partisan politics, to permit an american citizen, a decorated marine to sit in a mexican prison without a word. >> when we have spoken to some of this young man's colleagues, they have nothing but paz about him. he was po moted in theater.
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he's a brave young man. he served his country, two terms in afghanistan. he served with dignity, honor and valor. >> does anybody -- i'm sorry to interrupt. with all those going on with the v.a. administration -- >> this is a no-brainer. >> what in hell do you think the troops must be thinking and feeling in their hearts? >> right now they feel neglected. i have a son-in-law who is a captain in the army. the morale are with our troop thes and our customs and border patrol guys, the morale is low. their commander in chief, it's obvious he doesn't give a at's you know what. >> congressman, thank you for giving a damn and doing something about it and spending time with him. we hope this will come to a quick, quick -- well, it's too late for a quick resolution.
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at least a resolution quick from point. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> she may have the heart to run for president, but is she healthy enough? bombshell revelations about hillary clinton's health in the new book, "blood feud." ed cline with details next. we don't typically buy new, but with truecar...
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this is too good to be true. it was that good. saving you time and money is what we're all about. so when you're ready to buy a car, visit truecar. you are gonna need a wingman. and my cash back keeps the party going. but my airline miles take it worldwide. [ male announcer ] it shouldn't be this hard. with, it's easy to search hundreds of cards and apply online. our next guest details the outright hatred between two of the country's most powerful political families. joining me now, the "new york times" best selling author ed klein out with the with explosive new book entitled "blood feud, clintons versus obamas," already number three in books on amazon's best seller list. ed, congratulations.
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what a ruckus you have stirred up. first, hillary clinton's health. you make it seem it's impossible to go forward. >> i'm not a doctor. >> you're a hell of a writer. >> i tried her doctor. he wouldn't talk to me, naturally. my sources say she has a bad heart valve. think considered having an operation, a surgery to replace it, decided not to but she has to be carefully monitored for the rest of her life. >> and you detail incidents in which she has fallen, stumbled. >> several times. >> it is clear now she's going to have to square up with the american people on that issue. >> absolutely. she cannot go forward without releasing -- i have to imagine
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how angry she must be with you and otherses who still haven't released his health records. >> that's right. >> the inequity of it all. >> typical hillary. poor me. why are they after me? because i'm a woman or because i wear pantsuits. she's full of self-pity. >> and she barely has tens of millions of dollars to rub together. i don't know. what's that about? >> you know, i think when she's put in a corner and anybody asks her an uncomfortable question she gets irritable, combative. she's been combative since she was 7 years old, as you know. i'm not rich.
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i'm just an ordinary person. they are enormously rich. they are worth a couple hundred million dollars. >> the blood feud. the obamas. the most startling thing you learned about the obamas? >> i think the great scene in this book "the blood feud" is they are at the white house private dining quarterses in the residence. and bill is going on and on, lecturing obama. obama takes out his blackberry, puts it under the table and is playing with it and ignoring bill clinton which is a tremendous snub from one president to an ex-president. >> valerie variejarrett keeps c up. >> i devote a number of chapters to value aerie jarrett. she's one of the great underrated political figures of our time. i compare her to some of the great political operatorses in
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our past. >> and michelle? >> michelle obama had political ambitions. i'm not sure she has the temperament to really run for office. >> all right. what a blockbuster of a book you have put out there tr. as always. good to have you here. >> thank you, sir. >> congratulations and much, much more success. >> appreciate that. >> the book is blood feud, the author ed klein. on sale now online and in bookstores everywhere. time for a few comments. last night we asked which is the party of integrity in your opinion. al tweeted, none of the above. not a dime's worth of difference between the two. little to no integrity in either camp. howard in colorado e-mailed me to say, in my 64 years i have never seen corruption run as deep as it does with this administration, not even during the nixon years. a reminder the authorses of
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tonight's comments receive a copy of "border war." keep your comments coming. we'll share them with the audience. neil: a waste of time. a waste of time. >> what we need to do is the funnest executive branch number one. [talking over each other] >> come on. neil: the most youtube event of the week. and i'm still hearing the rumble. forget those who think i am cruel. one individual says you're an arrogant chauvinist
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