tv The Willis Report FOX Business July 3, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT
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we will be back on monday night at 9:00 p.m. i am your host is kennedy, wishing her ♪ gerri: when it comes to flying, americans are so fed up with the hassles they're not flying at all. this according to roger dowd, president and ceo of the u.s. travel association. who joins me now with what is firing up flyers most. this story, i have to tell you, robert, really blew me away. i can really relate to it. what is it that is really ticking people off? why are they so, feeling so hassled and practices silled? >> gerri, we went out and had research now talk to thousands of flyers and asked them, what bothers them? and is it going to keep them from flying? it is good old-fashioned delays and hassles about cancellations. what they want, get me there and get me there on time.
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gerri: amen and amen. i will show folks exactly what you're talking about here. 39% of folks you surveyed, delays and cancellations are biggest problem. airport feels and security screenings for 8%. you came up with estimation here how many people are staying home and what the cost is to the economy. first let's talk about how many folks are not flying or traveling? >> when we asked people, do these delays and cancellations make you want to stay home? we extrapolate to 38 million avoided flights. what does that mean to the u.s. economy? $35 billion. what does that mean to jobs? over half a million jobs. this is killing the economy. it is how americans get to see each other. how they get to see america and how they do business. gerri: this is amazing to me. 9.5 billion on air fare lost. 5.8 billion on hotels lost. 45.7 on recreation. almost four on food services. three on car rentals.
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that is big load of cash remains unspent. how do you you come up with these numbers? you're doing opposite what most economists do? usually economists measure activity that happens, not activity that doesn't happen. how do you come up with that? >> well the good thing the travel industry is thriving with almost $900 billion but it could have another 36 billion more. we asked people, do these things keep you from flying. you multiply number of flyers you have and fairly simple to extrapolate that. the real challenge, gerri, we used to be one of the top air systems in the world. not one of our airports is in the top 25 of the world. gerri: you got to be kidding me. >> not one. gerri: that is amazing fact. sometimes when i fly i feel that way. i came into laguardia yesterday and i thought, this is horrible. talk about when it comes to delay. 2013 flight tracker for flights into and from the u.s., there were over 1.3 million delays.
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cancellations, 125,000. is this an acceptable level in your view? >> absolutely not. because those delays and cancellations translate to all sorts of things. billions of dollars lost in business productivity. missed connections that they can't make. they miss a cruise. miss seeing loved once. miss making pitch they will make to get business for their company. it is not acceptable. we have to get congress to act and help make our air traffic system number one in the world again. focus on our infrastructure. gerri: what will it take? >> what it will take, it is not that hard. takes guts to get up with the fortitude, we have a challenge. this is what built america. probably 5 billion a year. but when you're losing 36 billion a year, that is an investment that should be made. gerri: interesting argument. roger, thanks for coming on. appreciate your time. >> always, gerri. gerri: under a new tsa rule passengers will start paying
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more, more for tsa security as soon as next month. you know what that means? more fees tacked on to your airline ticket. will these added fees ever end? joining me to explain, travel expert mark murphy. what in the heck are they proposing here? what do they want to do and how are they going to get into my pocket again? >> at end. year congress packed this, they would take the fees up 2.50 for non-stop flight and $5 a connection to 5.$60 per segment. that is passed and get instituted. the hubbub right now they want to change definition of a connecting flight. now a connecting flight they can hit you twice as long as there is four-hour layover when you're traveling. then it becomes really two separate flights. now you're paying $11.20. if you start looking at multiple flights over course of a week or few days for a traveler, it could be four times what the fee would have been under the old rules. gerri: i got to tell you mark,
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this whole show has been about higher taxes practically tonight. >> exactly. gerri: we were talking about the gas tax, federal gas tax at top of the show. this is different to me. this is almost like taxation without representation. how can they get away with just boosting fees? >> you know what really stinks? the travel industry gets unduly harmed by tax. which means the economy gets harmed because of taxes. people getting taxed are coming from outside areas. for instance, somebody from texas goes to new york and stays at new york city hotel they will pay additional 20 plus percent in taxes that local people there, the local politicians and taxing authorities put into place. now that's, there is no representation. there is nothing they can do. they can't vote those people out. travelers are an easy target. congress and politicians have to understand the economic engine of this country, very much the world is driven by the travel industry. air travel, the way things get from point a to point b.
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transportation of all sorts of kinds impacts restaurants, taxis and tons of, billions of additional tax revenues that are generated. so you know, they're bending over to pick up pennies and penalizing the industry when billions of dollars are being impacted. jobs are being impacted. gerri: right. >> therefore much higher tax revenues. doesn't make a lot of sense. gerri: bending over to pick up the pennies. people see numbers like $2.50, five bucks, folks say, gerri, it is not that much. you should be happy to pay for it. look at this. the professed fees, these proposed fees would generate almost $17 billion. >> yes. gerri: what are we going to get for that money? >> they say they will continue to protect us as we fly and therefore we need it. when you look at number of flyers and reflect that against the tsa budgets, and you think, it is, forget about keeping up with airline growth. it has far outpaced it. kind of like when somebody says i'm trying to keep up with
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inflation and raising cost 20% a year. it is way out of whack, what in my opinion needs to happen. most private sector companies try to find efficiencies. why is it always about raising taxes to close deficit? when are we hearing from government officials they will cut costs in order to close the deficit? what a concept. gerri: never happens that way, mark. >> exactly. gerri: i noticed that myself. >> it is crazy. you're welcome. gerri: thank you so much. one man's decision to fly made him an internet star. richard dunne of georgia was stuck at las vegas maccachren internation airport overnight being bumped from several flights. an idea struck him how he pass the time at empty airport. using iphone, dunne shot himself lip-syncing to celine dion's all by myself. [laughter]. the video features dunne, different parts of the airport. escalator. in front of the lady's room. and on a moving walkway.
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listen to this. ♪ i want to be all by myself . ♪ anymore . gerri: is that not brilliant? amazing. the video has gone viral. guess what, celine dion is a fan. the singer invited dunne to her show next time he is stuck at las vegas airport. pretty good stuff. up next the consumer alert. don't let slick salesmen ruin your retirement. we'll tell you what they're trying to sell you. home inpeck -- inspection tips for buyers and sellers and what the home inspector won't tell you, all coming up. (vo) rush hour around here
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starts at 6:30 a.m. - on the nose. but for me, it starts with the opening bell. and the rush i get, lasts way more than an hour. (announcer) at scottrade, we share your passion for trading. that's why we've built powerful technology to alert you to your next opportunity. because at scottrade, our passion is to power yours.
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bring in financial planning advisor brandon cores sew. thanks for coming on the show. >> good to be with you, gerri. gerri: glad to have you here. it is a rollover boom out there. some $321 billion moving from 401(k)s, that is company accounts, your retirement at your company to iras. and somebody out there is thinking this is a great opportunity for big, fat profits. what is happening here and how are early retirees at risk? >> well, there are trillions of dollars in 401(k)s and 4403 bs type of investments. if financial advisors compensated on managing assets, guess what that is the place to look. that is the place to go to. too often the investor is being harmed. what we're seeing most frequently is where a broker typically is selling something that is high-risk, and high commission and that is really what the investor needs to look out for the most. gerri: what kinds of investments they are getting that maybe
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people should think twice before signing on the dotted line? >> well, some of the ones would raise a really big red flag, one a variable annuity. that makes zero sense but we still see it. some of the regulators like the sec and finra issued warnings about this. but, a variable annuity is more expensive in general and one of its main benefits is tax deferred growth. guess what? that is what ira or 401(k) already has. variable annuity almost in all cases terrible idea. municipal bonds, that also makes zero sense. muni bonds are taxed free interest. guess what? the ira or 401(k) is tax deferred. these are things that make no sense. i will add non-traded reits are bad idea. that is something with very high-end up-front commission. and it is illiquid. two things to look out for, illiquidity and high commission. gerri: other invests on the list that are often badly sold, sold to the wrong people, that is what we're talking about here. maybe some of these invests make
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sense in different scenario for different people at different time, but in this case, when you're putting your money into an ira, you need to know what you're investing in. so we know that finra is now investigating that. and that is financial industry regulatory arm. is that going to be enough? is that going to stop trouble here? >> it probably not. if you look back historically, when finra or any of the regulatory bodies issued rules, is not enough to protect consumers. first and foremost, the consumer has to be diligent and protect themselves. so, some level of education is a good idea. there is plenty of information out on the topic. ric edelman's latest back a national best-seller, truth about retirement plans and iras, it goes into tons of information how to build the right portfolio. the thing is, the right portfolio depends on what? depends on investor or individual. are you many years needing an income or is that tomorrow? gerri: brandon, as individual
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investor, what are red flags am i looking for? how much commission is too much commission to pay? what about the high pressure sales tactics, that i should be looking out for? >> you know, so much of it is quite frankly trusting your instinct because your instinct is usually right. a big promise about a big return, look, if you're a fiduciary and you're not going to be making promises because quite frankly nobody knows what the future holds. a big promise or push is a big red flag. how about a big up-front commission? today there are so many alternatives to invest in and good choices. there are lots that have no up-front cost to it. so that is what i look first and foremost, up-front cost and lastly, illiquidity. because again lots of good investment choices like etfs or low-cost funds that you can sell immediately. gerri: brandon? >> i'm sorry? gerri: you used a word i don't think everybody will know that is illiquidity. what you mean by that you can't get in and out right away.
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if somebody says sign on dotted line leave your money there for a long, long time, don't go there especially if you're on the cusp of retirement. brandon, thanks for coming on. >> exactly right. you should be able to sell your investment immediately. gerri: great job. great list of red flags. thank you. coming up personal finance celebrity suze orman said her debit card was greatest thing ever. suddenly it wasn't. we'll find out why she dropped it like a hot potato. insider secrets from a home inspector. what you need to know before any real estate deal.
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make a deal. how do you navigate the transaction without headaches? let's ask somebody who spent 20 years as a home inspector. national syndicated radio show host, founder of "the money pit".com. good to see you, tom, i love talking to you about the topic. can you trust a home inspector and will they get a real deal about the buyer. >> you can trust the home inspector if you get a good home inspector. a good pro, checks the heating system, structure, foundation. someone less experienced might focus on mine more less important things like chipped paint or squeaky floor. find experienced pro that puts information in proper balance and perspective. he knows what is important and what's not. >> i got once saved by a home inspector buying a total dive house. we went to look at beautiful farmhouse, the home inspector said, the siding looks dicey to me. they put flat head screwdriver
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into the house, and you know who the home inspector was? it was you. >> i was happy to save you from that money pit. if you find a good inspector will not have the problem. look for licensing. remember license something different from every state. in maryland you have to take 72 hours of a class. in new york, 140 hours. in california, you need nothing. and in virginia you're not required to have any experience. just because a guy is licensed, doesn't mean he does a good job as home inspector. check for membership in the american society 6 home inspectors. those guys have done 250 inspections. they have taken an examination. they have a code of ethics. generally if you put that much effort into the profession you will do a good job. gerri: the designation and good guys have it. that's what you're saying. you have something new here i have never seen before. there is trend getting inspection before the offer. i'm surprised. why are people doing that. >> they're doing that, because they want information before
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they are too deep into the transshuck with a hard time to get out f you're looking at house and want to know about the call condition, get the home inspection early before the offer put in. the risk you spend money on the inspection. san francisco, did research 21% of those that did inspection more likely to go through the transaction and close on it. more of an indication the you're serious as a buyer and. gerri: there was time when the market was booming, we won't do the home inspection. >> big mistake. gerri: disaster, right. >> absolutely. gerri: wrong thing to do. you miss big problems. >> it is. i will tell you could really make a very, very serious mistake by waving the home inspection contingency. get it done and get it done early. lookings, things can change from the time of inspection until the time you close. do reinspection right before you close to make sure nothing changed or new. look at winter we had. anything could happen in three months.
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gerri: sellers, what do they need to know about inspectors? >> first a lot more than painting house ready for inspection. check all the heating and cooling system. fix up service and mine more maintenance you're putting off. find out how your present will present in ice of professional home inspector. gives you opportunity to take shun without the buyer involved and emotion in the transaction. gerri: get things, somebody might get hooked up on and stomped on and take care of that ahead of time. tom, thanks for coming in. good to see you. >> thank you. gerri: why you need long-term care insurance. tips on buying it. suze orman's consumer credit card canceled. why is happened and we'll have warning about these these cards. ♪
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it was sold as a great way to build credit and manage the household budget. suze orman used her near-celebrity status to hawk it everywhere. with no explanation is was canceled. with more on this, john ulzheimer with. what happened, john? >> no one can get an answer. she has gone underground. i suspect it has something to do with the fact that since her card was rolled out, most of the large banks have now entered the prepaid debit card market and frankly have become the big fish in a fairly small but growing pond. and they're pricing structures were much more aggressive to the friendly side than not only miss orman's card but a lot of other cards on the market. while her card wasn't the most egregiously priced card from fees perspective, but compared to some cards issued by chase and amex there is not a very good comparison. >> you and i talked about many
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times just how onerous those fees were. the site that hawks the card is still active. you can hear suze still pitching this card online. listen to this. >> you can always bank on me because i have your best interests at heart. gerri: how do you react to that today? the card pulled with no explanation. does suze have our breast interests at heart. >> i'm not sure. i actually went to the website as well tried to cling on the link that allows to you sign up the card and link was dead. looks like someone got to the website and actually killed the link where you could sign up and try to purchase one of the cards. i think one thing that everyone should understand is there is lot of due diligence needs to be done before buying any celebrity endorsed financial services product. the prepaid debit card has only financial services product with long list of a and b level celebrities chosen to associate themselves with them. you don't see this with things
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like mortgages and auto loans of the just the prepaid debit card for some strange reason. so be very careful when you're buying something and you are buying prepaid debit card. it's a product. you're not applying for anything. do the due diligence and compare fee structures, what you will find that the big banks, love them or hate them will be much more competitive than some of these obscure prepaid debit cards. gerri: i will show you some obscure prepaid debit cards. from justin bieber, magic johnson. the list goes on and on. the kardashians had a card. these were ellen transso to the card. fees were out of controlled. they were celebrity endorsed product. they wanted to make money at end of the day. the playing field is even as you say by big banks coming in. they know a lot of young people really like cards. are these a good deal for young people? >> they are an okay for young people. there is not any prepaid debit
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card meets my definition of good. there are varying degrees of bad. cards issued on big banks are on better side of that than cards issued by small obscure celebrity endorsed types of products and service providers. the fee structures are much better, but, again at the end of the day, this is a fee to use your after-tax dollars when you can do the same thing for free just buy going out buying traditional gift card at mall. cost a couple of bucks. use it for nothing. how about this? you use a no annual fee credit card. use someone else's money. if you never pay interest, costs you grand total of nothing. gerri: i know at love our viewers do exactly that. i hear from them all the time. but, i want to get to one other point you and i talked about a lot. that is whether these cards, prepaid debit cards do they establish credit. let's remember that was one of suze's promises. ultimately young people could build credit. get known among big banks,
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anybody they wanted to borrow from, establish credit using a prepaid debit card. did it happen? >> it didn't happen and early on it was wild, wild west. these prepaid debit card providers were brazen with their promises that these products would help you build credit, re-establish credit, establish credit. it was a flat-out lie. around now it is still true, that prepaid debit cards do nothing to help your credit reports and credit scores. even the credit industry standards guideline, a 210-page book that thick, called credit reporting resource guide has verbiage in there that says, do not report prepaid credit cards to us because they are not extensions of credit. really nothing has changed. gerri: john, thank you. great story. appreciate you bringing it to us. >> yep. gerri: well the death after parent is a traumatic and stressful time for anyone. learning that your mom and dad might have left behind debt just
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adds more stress to the situation. is it possible to inherit your deceased parents debts? joining me now, personal finance expert vera gibbons. welcome to the show. go to the big question first. might i be responsible for my parents debts? >> the short answer is generally speaking no. you will not be personally liable for those debts. that a good question. a lot of parents assume a lot of debts and leave adult children with all sorts of problems. adult children think they are responsible for them. in many cases, in most cases they're not. gerri: there are exceptions. >> there are exceptions. if you could sign for example, a loan. guarantor, depends what type of debt we're talking about. state laws make matters all more complex. they might bet calls from creditors, i got to pay them back. emotions take them over, end up writing a big check which is a big mistake. gerri: consumer debt 11.4 trillion. money is washing through the system. you may feel like you owe part of that. walk one by one through some
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debt you will see. for example, credit card debt. >> credit card debt. you're not responsible for this. you shouldn't be responsible at all, unless you could sign, unless you have an account together. gerri: don't be cosigning. >> doesn't be cosigning. this comes out of the estate. not at top of the list. you have federal taxes. state taxes. administrative fees handling account. all sorts of things is not a priority. if your parent dies leaves $25,000 it is. $25,000 it is. that is not your problem. gerri: medical costs? >> medical costs are really complicated. if you have unpaid hospital bills or nursing home bills, that will come out of the estate more often than not. state will be responsible. in some states you may be personally liable depending on situation. want to check state laws. medicaid gets more confusions and more complex. gerri: from what i read you could be responsible, medicaid can come after your family for debts they paid out to your mom and dad over time.
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that can be a lot. >> go back to the time when your parent was 55 up until they actually died. in some cases sector of the estate negotiate with them and everything. in other cases they may go right after your parents house. so it is -- gerri: talk about the right way to do this. i think the question a lot of people ask themselves tonight is, what should i be doing to prepare for this? let's not talk about afterwards what to do. can we fix this? >> the preventative met sin is always bet. try to lose 10-pound rather than dealing with -- gerri: the weight later. >> i think you need to sit to have a conversation with your parents, long in advance while healthy and did. >> park cults. >> and they're sound. you is. are we on any loans together. right. do we have any obligations we're in this together? proper estate plan something really important. tough go through this process
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together. trust, estates planning, wills, the whole nine yards. gifting might work for your situation. because if you're in position where creditors are calling you and knocking on your door. you may panic and ultimately pay out-of-pocket which you don't want to if you don't have to. gerri: absolutely right. tough situation, vera. thanks for tackling it for us. appreciate it. coming up important new information about long-term care insurance and the right way to buy it. it is summer but don't fire up the grill until you watch our next segment with an executive chef. stay with us.
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[ shutter clicks ] hi there! [ laughs ] i'm flo! i know! i'm going to get you your rental car. this is so ridiculous. we're going to manage your entire repair process from paperwork to pickup, okay, little tiny baby? your car is ready, and your repairs are guaranteed for as long as you own it. the progressive service center -- a real place, where we really
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manage your claim from start to finish. really. ♪ easy as easy can be bye! gerri: look if you plan on staying in your own house as you get older you want to hear from our next guest, because you may need long-term care insurance. that could help you keep your house and your health. how much does it cost and is it worth it? we have saul simon, a certified
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financial planner with lincoln financial. saul, welcome back to the show. define this first. a lot of people are confused. is it medicare? is it something else? what does it cover? >> this is definitely not health insurance. it is not medical insurance at all. it is long-term care insurance. it is having a provider come into your house. gerri: health care provider, somebody help you get dressed in the morning? >> help you shower and cook for you, take care of your well-being with respect and dignity. for that expense. gerri: so a lot of people out there are interested in this. but when they get a look at prices, they are dismayed. that is because prices have gone up dramatically. why? >> years ago they were not budgeting properly expense of this coverage, number one. inflation for the past five years has been about 2%. the cost of inflation for health insurance, for long-term care insurance has been double. it has been 4% a year. so long-term care insurance companies have been increasing
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the expense of the coverage over the years, to the consumer. now granted, when you buy i, at your age it is locked in at that price. and there is still an opportunity for them to escalate costs. gerri: ah. so the price can change over time. tell me, so, when do you buy this? what age do you buy this at? what can you look for in terms of premiums? >> yeah, so, the sweet spot that i kind of speak with clients about, and i referenced in the book i had recently published, is age 55 to 60 is probably the most economical, efficient time to buy the cost. gerri: if you wait too long you're in trouble, right? >> number one, it is too expensive. two two you may not be insurable. they go through a medical examination but also a phone call to determine are you capable mentally, emotionally, or psychologically to answer those questions? so 200-dollars a day benefit for four years, for a 55-year-old,
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is approximately $3500 a year. and a 60-year-old is approximately $4400 as a year. gerri: i assume at some point i stop paying this. then i get the benefits. how does that work? >> so in the event one of the six, two of the six adls, activities for daily living gets triggered, i no longer pay for cost of insurance. now the insurance companies pays that bill. one of the things i've been seeing and sharing with clients, my peers, i'm 52. i have healthy parents, thank god that are alive, i'm having the children buy the product for the parents. gerri: wow. >> as a way of reducing the financial liability off of the child, and or children, because we're in a sandwich generation. we're taking care of our children. we will take care of our parents no matter what we have to do, number one. number two, most important, i want your viewers to look at long-term care insurance, i want
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to pay for this from my capital, from my net worth. because that is what i'm protecting. i don't want them to pay for this coverage out of the disposable income. gerri: income. huh. okay. one of the questions i have, because this will be a long-term arrangement i have with a company, i'm concerned, i get worried, a, it might get repriced, which you said it can happen. >> yes. gerri: and b, will the company be around when i need it? >> great comments. other insurance companies in the past have gone under and other insurance companies have purchased those liabilities or those intangible promises. isn't that what insurance is? almost -- gerri: another company will come in buy the policy and pay it out? >> should you need the coverage, that is corrects. been our experience so far -- gerri: still ahead, the last word on the best supermarkets in the country. "consumer reports" is here with its annual list of top grocery where do you shop? and summertime means it is
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grilling time. executive chef is here to share some of his hottest barbecue tips. stay with us. ♪ i had no idea i had shingles. there was like an eruption on my skin and burning. i'd lift my arm and the pain back here was excruciating. when i went to the doctor his first question was "did you have chickenpox?"
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gerri: welcome back to "the willis report.." we finally made it outside to grill. today as a special guest i have liran mezan, executive chef for the one group. you will make us good stuff to eat. >> good and healthy. gerri: good and healthy. we have to get into a bathing suit and eat healthy. first things first. i want to start with the chile rub and steak tell me what you
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did. >> took a barbecue rub. this is summer, chile and spices are rubs are good for steak. gerri: is that what this is? >> we have four types of chile. it brings out interesting flavor. these are three different types of chillies. cory ander and that can all go in hire. gerri: want me to do that? >> this is the actual finished product. let's make something for everybody else to see. dump it in. gerri: see how food i am. >> sort of. gerri: i take direction well. >> that will go on the steak. no oils or butter. gerri: no olive oil? >> no, nothing. gerri: really? >> the rub in the salt pull out -- gerri: can i do that? >> yeah. right on the steak. just like that. gerri: you want it to kind of go in, right? >> yeah. gerri: i love it. >> you could do it ahead of time. do it the morning before you start so kind of creates a nice crust on the steak. gerri: you know what i like to do? get it on the sides. >> get it everywhere. gerri: this is great.
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this is our finished -- >> this was on the grill. we could put this one on too. gerri: excellent. good job. the other thing i wanted to talk about grilling fruit, topical fruit. gerri: how do you do that? >> literally put salt on it, throw it on the grill. gerri: really. >> i cook watermelon just like a steak. that goes right on -- gerri: how long do you leave it? >> doesn't need to cook medium rare. put a little of a char on it. puts sweetness and more flavor. more interesting that way. gerri: tastes better than it does on a grill. reallies brings out the sugars. >> you put salt on it, with a sweet-salty flavor. what i did i stirred up papaya and mango with chicken and marinated with a healthy version of vinaigrette which is meso and ginger. gerri: yes you did. yes, you did. >> it is really good. tropical. i added onions and peppers. gerri: this is great. >> everything works together
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really well. >> i will not eat this but i love this. >> this is a classic sort of take on mexican grilled corn. so we used, instead of spicy mayonnaise, we'll use a spicy yogurt. we'll roll it in some of this mexican qeso. gerri: this is wonderful. >> this -- gerri: i had this many times. what is this called again? >> cotilla. gerri: very good. >> steakhouse asparagus. this is something you can put on the steak as well. this is chill lee lime salt. you can put it on everything but the doughnuts -- chile. themly options. a pair gas is grilled. this is sort of chopped herbs and citrus and olive oil. drizzle on top. this goes well on the steak and other grilled type vegetables.
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that is sort of a nice platter. >> asparagus is simple too. do you throw it on? >> salt, pepper, throw it on the grill. give it nice color. give it garnish and good to go. gerri: what do i hear about dunkin' donuts. >> other than national steakhouse month which it is june apparently national steakhouse month. we're running this promotion at all of the stks across the country. gerri: i like it. >> one down the street as well. gerri: okay. i'll be there. >> go there. it is national doughnut day. so we're -- gerri: look at that. >> we're promoting a thing we're calling drunken doughnuts. gerri: is that chocolate. >> a chocolate with a rum glaze and filled with jelly. so -- there is lot of drunkenness going on there. this is happy hour doughnut. gerri: i'm not supposed to drink on the job, did you know that? >> yeah. get the blame for that one. gerri: what is that one? >> mint citrus rum. gerri: wow, this is fantastic
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job on this. you can come back anytime. >> that is sweet. everything on this dish has some sort of liquor or alcohol. gerri: wow, that is good. i have it all over me. >> we have it for people to try as well. gerri: what is that? >> that is grilled type salad. grilled watermelon we saw earlier. cheese and healthy options. balsam mick vinaigrette. gerri: looks the great and sound great. everything i had tasted great belief me. thanks for coming on. i got that all over you. sorry. if you are having a great barbecue you have to have the best ingredients. "consumer reports" is here with the annual list of top grocery stores in the country. we'll be right back. ♪ [ male announcer ] if you suffer from a dry mouth then you'll know how uncomfortable it can be. [ crickets chirping ] but did you know that the lack of saliva can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath?
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readers of "consumer reports" is todd marks. he will tell us who the best grocery stores are in the country. todd, tell us what you found in your survey? >> well, gerri, the interesting thing when we came out with the survey, and we surveyed hundred of thousands of "consumer reports" subscribers in the past few years about their supermarket experiences. we rated 55 chains on key parameters you or i why. cleanliness, competitive prices, freshness of the food and service and only six chains out of 55 earned exemplary mark for quality of its perishables. the vegetables, the fruit, the meat, the poultry. it is as standing. gerri: tell us who the winners were. who were the best scorers. >> if you're interested in food and food alone, top six are whole foods, most of us are familiar with them. they have 370 stores nationwide. they get great scores except for price. if you pay the high gas taxwatch your pennies at supermarket,
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whole foods had one of the worst pricing hierarchies of any chain in our survey. gerri: you have we man, that is important chain. >> wegmans is the important chain. mostly in the east. a lot in new york. only 83. they're the top supermarket store in the country. model excellence in terms of everything they do. a newcomer made the list. sprouts farmer's market. they are out in the west. they have 160 scores. exemplary scores for price, cleanliness. if you're into produce, sprouts stood head and shoulders of the top snoop publix, perennial powerhouse in the south, over a 1,000 stores. it if you have a chance to shop at publix, take it. they have been at top the of our ratings. gerri: what about israeli's? >> israeli's. they have been at the -- rally's
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they are at top of perishables and service. price so so. costco, ever present costco. people like make fun of them. we make jokes about them but they score on everything we rate them on. exceptional quality of staples. people think of five pound can of tuna fish and giant jug of mayonnaise, if you look at fruit and vennables you can't beat them. their prices are superb. gerri: fantastic list. really interesting to see what people like. i have to tell you when i say this is my favorite grocery stores i have problems with them. why is it hard to find the best, the perfect store? >> perfect store is really very elusive shall we say. stores that offer exemplary quality, really high-quality service, service service and great quality, it costs money! invariably they have kind of an extreme position on other hand,
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chains that have great price structure tend not to be so good when it comes to quality of meat, fish, seafood. it's a delicate balance. we're seeing it closely. look at store like wegmans and publix. publix is so-so with prices. look at costco. really very good. wheel foods was only exception to the rule -- whole foods where you had superb quality but horrible prices. we're getting closer. gerri: people call that whole paycheck. not whole foods. >> i heard that. gerri: what do people think are more important? are people focused on prices or quality right now. >> depends on what kind of shopper you are. we know prices are important and quality is too. there are new markets specializing in natural, organic, whole foods type grains upped bar for performance. we see a lot of fresh markets coming on to the landscape right now which is win/win for consumers. again we're getting away from awful packaged goods we
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shouldn't be eating for the most part around moving towards a fresh model. when you have good chains upping their game and coming on to the market at such a high level, it forces other players to up their own game or perish. so it is good for everybody. gerri: good for everybody. final quick question here. a lot of these grocery stores are putting in almost a restaurant. >> yes. gerri: is this a way to boost margins in industry historically had very narrow margins? >> people, eating out is no longer a treat. it is part and parcel to our lifestyle. restaurants want to get their share of stomach as they say. instead of people going to places like red lobster and olive garden, casual restaurants that are not doing very well and trade upfrom fast-food which is doing well, they're saying come to us. we will give you tremendous quality, restaurant quality food at supermarket prices. people are paying attention to that. gerri: todd, one of the smartest people i know on grocery stores.
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thanks for coming in. >> my pleasure, gerri. take care. gerri: you as well. are you loyal to your supermarket chain? that was our question tonight. i got to tell you we got nothing left in the show. charles payne is next. that's "the willis report." charles: tonight on "making money." market at record highs, my greatest worry? the doom and gloom cloud is too quiet. when pessimism pops, that is time to head for the his. people that take risk and make investments they deal with all sorts of fear and anxiety. the last thing they need to feel bad about their success. ownership society is answer to closing income inequality gap. plus one thing our elected officials, one thing to come up goofy ideas and backward medicine for the economy and another thing when they simply cook the books. i call it reckless and lazy. italians have better name for it. get ready. time to make some money. ♪
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