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tv   Stossel  FOX Business  July 4, 2014 4:00pm-5:01pm EDT

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tomorrow. >> one damon continued in his way. >> john: hollywood knows, man is destroying the earth. and i exploited this woman who works at fox. and video games cause murder. >> i think that video games is a bigger problem than guns. john: new federal standard will fix education. >> as teachers we're on the frontline, we support common core. john: income ineqaulity is destroying america. "new york times" is not liberal. >> the news pages are not idea hropidealogical.
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john: popular nonsense, that is or show tonight. john: since we title the though popular nonsense we start with hollywood, when lives or dies based on top pop hraeurbty, a layerty. >> popularity, a new godzilla movie came out director politics are killing me, i planed to see godzilla but i read that director said movie is rail is really about global warming. our abuse of the planet. give my a break. hollywood makes some great movies with useful messages. some, "the hunger games" with an individual resisting a powerful
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central government that uses coercion to control people, "dallas buyers club," opposes entrepreneurs with over bearing fda rules. and all 3 movies are liberty and film award winners, good for them. but hollywood usually doesn't get it right, it is rare when a actor sees popular nonsense and has the never to speak out about it like the character dion does in the tv show clueless. >> that was stacey dash, a new contracfox contributor. >> hollywood is very opinionated. if you follow along the lines with them it is okay, if not it
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is not so okay. john: joining us christian toto, you call hollywood a bubble society. >> global warming ranks low on the priority list, yet it pops up again and again in a movie. there might be a reveren refere, it is not that important to voters in the way it flowers into a production, and powers a movie. john: but global warming is a better movie topic. it might not just be politics, good movie making. >> global warming is a lecture, that does not play well. john: this movie noaa is not a lecture, but i thought it was a religious story, somehow movie a global warming sry. >> you have to wrong. largest scene of film
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environmental. john: stacey you said it would have been smarter movie if they made it more are redemption. >> ifh they lined it more with biblical story of noah, they might have gotten more audience,. john: religion is not in their hearts, fear of global warming is. is. i mentioned godzilla earlier. >> what is really happening is you are hiding something out there, that will send us back to the stone age. >> you lose me, this is about giant lizards fighting, if we are trying to find deeper meaning in, that we all just need to chill out. john: it would be nice if movie makers got important issues right, people believe what they see in movies, but not godzilla or maybe they do. jimmy kimmel asked people this
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-- >> considering godzilla is based on a true story of the giant liz ar attack on tokyo that killed more than 100 thousand people, in 1954, do you think it wrong to hollywood glamorizes this for entertainment. >> like they glamourize their date. >> do you support bill before congress that would allocate 600 million to equip u.s. navy with antireptile capabilities. $$ yes. >> how come. >> anything that we can do to protect our nation we need to do. >> do you believe that the creatures are caused by global warming. >> i do, global warming, and pollution, we don't know there are so many mysteries under the sea? sea. john: the power of hollywood. christian mentioned snow pierceer. >> call. disorder. this is death. john: this movie will open in america this month, an attempt
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to stop global warm, has created a new ice age, this one segues from global warming into class warfare, you come from global warming alarmism,. john: a twofer. >> yes. johnn day after tomorrow the same thing. >> yes it is not random events there is theme. over and again, so, we'll see how this plays at the box office. but, could scare a few people away. john: final movie is about a future where machines do great things like curing cancer. >> cancer cells removed. >> christian what is wrong with that? >> i love a future they you can pop into a bed there is a machine, and all of the things that are wrong with you are cureed but it talks about class warfare 20 rich and fa poor. and movies with stars like jodie foster and matt damon, who are
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well to do, it might rub people the wrong way. john: stacey you said you would like to see a "disaster movie" about obamacare. >> i think that movie did that you have this magical spaceship, where you have a magical bed that heals everything, meanwhile the rest of the populous, live in a socialistic society runway robots. to me that is a wake-up call. really. john: maybe heading in that direct. before we let you both go, i want to ask but these billboards that have been put up in hollywood they appear to be part of a campaign to disourrage divorce. from the society from prevention of celebrity, celebrity divorce, they say things like, when you unconsciously uncouple millions unconsciously uncouple too. that is a river repbs to gwyneth repbs to -- that
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is reference to gwyneth paltrow and martin? >> yes. john: we thought that they were a campaign to discourage divorce, they are a promo for an upcoming show, reality show called marriage boot camp. >> private televisions most watched couples will fix their broken relationships the only way they know how on camera, in the end, they have to make the ultimate choice. >> make a decision on whether to stay with this person or move on. john: yeck. now stacey that looks stupid and gross to me, but idea to get couples to talk about their differences it might be useful? >> i think that is a very good idea, but i don't know that seeing a billboard telling you, you should not get divorced would help any, i have been divorced 3 times i am sure that bilbillboard would not have stod me. john: thank you, more popular
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nonsense, we expects it from hollywood but in the from my daily newspaper, i get it all the time, this one. "new york times," on this particular day, when united states and nigeria announce they agreed to share intelligence to find to try those kidnapped schoolgirls that story merited one tiny paragraph on bottom of page 10 but global warming got 3 huge scare stories. the big milt accelerates, and creepiest, howell 9oy middle east -- how emnin howell nino ce people's ideas on global warmi warming. like they are cheering on this destruction, they can't call
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themselves objective journalists can they? they do. listen to that interview from cnn to a times public editor. >> the loudet criticism we hear about new york time its has a liberal bias. does it? >> it is san urban paper, a new york city paper, that is a reasonable criticism. >> that is a yes? >> a modified, yes with a lot of nuance in it. john: please, not much nuance. listen to fired editor of times said in response to that question. she won't come on this show but she allowed actress marlow thomas to ask her about conservatives calling the times excessively liberal. >> i think that the news pages are not yell idealogical. opinion. john: give me a break, news page
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is too. for a year bill crystal was an op-ed columnnist for the times did you open their minds? >> i don't think so. john: you had a one year run, what was your experience they don't overtly try to sell a . of view, they just think that everyone should think their way. >> yeah right, i was treated professionaly, i e-mailed my column, fact check it, get o it the next day it waa professional relationship. but in terms of times, they are blinkered almost more than bias, new york time is house organ of contemporary american liberalism, they see the issues, they focus on issues that american liberals focus and obsess on like global warming and they report from a certain points of view, they see some of
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the faxes, they don't know anyone who does not agree with them, that is a huge problem, they are in a bubble that i think those who work at fox news for example are not, you spend a lot of time told, you are not being fair and balanceed, what about this and that. so, you're sensitive to the counter argument. this a free country, the times is a private entity, but they should not kid themselves we should not give them credibley to them their an objective news organ. john: like hollywood in that bubble. they used to matter. but now we have other alternative, number of people reading a story on page 16 are a cup hundred thousand, the media, copy the times. >> but they matter much less, when i came to washington there were three network "new york tid
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with something, you would be on abc, cbs that night it was ways then, there was no john stossel or others trying to provide balance, no choice, you could not go on-line in morning and read an article from you know, weekly standard or you or whatever, you were limited to what they chose to give you. john: since you run a political magazine, i assume you still subscribe to the times? >> no, i read stuff on-line, and evade the pay wall, and rare moments when i want to read more articles in a month than they give you free. john: thank you bill crystal. yelling, give me a break, that is the night hash tag. use this let me know, what you think. coming up, evil video games, they teach kids to be violent.
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that is what i'm told. >> also how i exploited this woman, more popular nonsense, next. shingles affected me tremendously as a pilot. the pain in my scalp area and down the back of my neck was intense. it would have been virtually impossible in that confined space to move to change radio frequencies. i mean it hurt. i couldn't even get up and drive let alone teach somebody and be responsible in an airplane. as a pilot that meant i was grounded.
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john: america is debateing the minimum wage. should it be raised? i say it should are zero dollars an hour, minimum should be whatever a worker wants to accept. that is illegal in america. wait, how could it be? i have hundreds of employees i paid zero dollars, they were interns, they worked for summer to learn something about journalism, some went to careers, this new york business anchor woman? jolene kent, her first tv job was working as an intern for me, when she was in college. i paid her nothing? because for years, government ignoreed the old rules imposed by department of labor, people understood that internships are educational, a lot of schools
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had deals with employers we tried people out, and studented got experience. win-win. but then came the obama administration, his bureaucrats said that unpaid internships are legal only if a employer gets no immediate advantage from the intern. who wants that? i got an advantage for my interns, that is why i amyed them, we both -- employed them, we both benefits, recently, some interns sued their employers. charlie rose was sued. word spread, unpaid internships are vanishing. >> this week company behind vogue, fant "vanity fair," and r magazines ended their internship
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programs, employers lose, and students lose, i say that is awful, but rafeal said that is good, you wrote in new york time, abolish this modern day coal mine. >> i did not choose the title. issue is that they are bad. john: how? >> you really look at, talk about unpaid, a system whose families are wealthy, they can afford to have their children work for no money over summer. john: hold on, not all. >> not all, there are going to be exceptions. john: i had one that worked as a translateer. >> always exceptions but harder for that person, many are not able to do it, we're looking at a sim people who do -- system people who get that leg up, and chance to get into the system, are the children of the richest. john: so, if the rich could
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benefit more, then it should be outlawed? >> americans have say we' work place protect, 75% of americans say, that there should be protects against employment discrimination. john: abrupt firing and result is more people are unemployed, people don't get opportunities with these rules. >> 3/4 of americans. john: i don't care what 3/4 of americans say,. john: this isay. >> this is a democracy. john: that is a tyranny? >> you talk about democracy. democracy is a system where people vote, on what they want. and america is a liberal democracy we have certain rights to protect minority groups. john: maybe i'm an old geezer, i don't know, let's hear from one of my former, exploited unpaid interns, she got a paying job here at fox after working for me, for almost nothing, a job with neil cavuto, did i elittle
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bii exploityou? >> if you mean give me a lot of valuable experience. john: i didn't pay. >> you not in money, but i got experience, when i got was priceless, it got me a job here to launch my career. john: it favors privilegeed people, you were going to wellsly? >> i worked hard to get to where i am. >> what do your parents do? >> a lawyer and a doctor. >> i supported myself, they did not contribute. >> i think we can all agree, we're similar, we both went to private college, we came from privilegeed back youngs and worked hard, but most people can't get a stol la scholarship, most are not like us. we have had all of the advantages in life, i'm in the saying -- >> if i remember a company hiring a intern, i would be much more likely to offer that
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internship who someone who is question abily qualified, to someone that came from somewhere that i didn't know of, i would be much more willing to offer them that opportunity to rise up, if it done cost me anything. that is -- it done cost me anything. >> they allow plow builty and peoplymo builtty theyallow peopo might be so edcated to come up with an opportunity to learn. john: we're not going to solve this, thank you so much, coming up, co common core, and popular nonsense from politicians. >> i will keep taxes low. >> bring peace and sta built to the united states
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. john: who decides when your kids learn in government schools? states have had different rules that has an advantage. it allows experiments so we can
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see what works better and what fails? school can adjust to what it teaches to meet local needs. but that's supposed to change. politicians in 45 states approved something called common core, the same goals for math and english. the same tests. it's a movement to standardize what's taught. >> they like a settle on see change in education, consistent strong benchmarks for english, arts and math. john: sounds like a good thing with one set of national tests we know what all american kids have learned. everyone held to equal standards. however, lots of people on the left and the right are furious. lindsey burke says it's a power grid. the states agreed to it. >> hard to say it wasn't imposed when you had billions of dollars, 4.35 billion dollars a nontrivial sum offered to states in the form
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of grants if and only if they adopt it. and now you have waivers from no child left behind. this is incredibly valuable. john: a waiver only if you adopt common core. >> so there are federal fingerprints all over common core. i think it would be very difficult for any objective observers to say this is totally voluntary and totally state led. john: suggested reading list epa regulation. >> yeah, yeah. i think there's how to make a brown bag on that as well. health care costs in texas. really exciting materials for ninth grade student to be reading. john: education secretary ari duncan says opposition to common core comes from white suburban moms who all of a sudden their child isn't as brilliant as they thought they were. >> not surprised that opposition is coming from moms. they are seeing children's homework, come home, common core aligned homework, tests
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and quizes that children are taking and they have so many questions. indiana just exited common core because two mothers wrote op-eds, called local radio stations, wrote into newspapers and said what we're seeing our kids bring home is total nonsense. john: and in fairness, these are not national standards, their states chose to do that. here's an example one of the few things we know about the national common core math rules. what do you get if you multiply 11 times 23? kids in third and fourth grade are used to use the aria model. this video explains it. >> i know that 11 is equal to 10 plus 1. first, i know that. john: i think it's clever they use a child's voice in the drawings to try to explain math but come on! this is 11 times 23. a fourth grader should be able to solve this in seconds, but the video goes on.
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>> 3 is equal to 30. now we have most of our rectangle filled in. john: and on! >> and our bottom portion here. john: everyone has to learn this way? >> times 20 is equal to 20. john: even more kids will go to sleep in school. >> finally fill in the last area. >> that's a great example why we're seeing kids send home common core cheat sheets to parents because they don't understand the way which their children are taught math now. and one of the cheat sheets which i thought was laughable it. said used to call your kid's homework word problems, now they're math situations. john: the comedian louis c.k. tweeted out my kids used to love math, now it makes them cry. thanks standardized testing and common core. and certainly nothing much good has come top down. but common core has received support from the los of people i respect, former florida
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governor jeb bush. michelle ree of students first. bill gates, his foundation gave 170 million dollars to common core. the u.s. chamber of commerce helped pay for this video. >> as teachers, we're on the front line, and we support common core. >> common core is not some washington mandate. that myth gets an f for misleading. john: maybe you just don't like change. >> well, i would argue to all of the proponents that the type of uniformity that common core or national standards creates assumes there is one best way for children to learn, and it assumes we know what that one best way is. but every child is different. every child has unique learning needs, and i think what we're seeing with common core is the standardization of mediocrity. john: standardized mediocrity. coming up, best-seller about income equality. why is it so popular? and video games that gross
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. >> i do think at a certain point you've made enough money. john: have you made enough money yet? what is enough? it's a big issue today because income inequality has increased. mostly because rich people got really rich, and our president is not happy about that. >> those at the top have never done better, but average wages have barely budged. >> i believe this is the defining challenge of our time. john: the defining challenge. is it? libertarians say people are free, some will get much richer than other, that's part of freedom. if markets are free, the rich don't get rich at the xeps of poor people. often create wealth that helps the poor. nevertheless, the wealth disparity is big.
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>> the top 1% than the bottom 90% of the country combined. take the heirs of sam walton, founder of walmart. none of them created walmart. the six of them have 140 billion dollars involved. it's money that keeps growing. that's the comment thomas piketty makes in his new book. john: piketty suggests a wealth tax plus an 80% income tax on rich people. i'd like to interview him about that, except he's a french economist, his english isn't so good. let's talk of mike konczal, and mike says a wealth tax is a good start. libertarian economist mark scousen says taxing capital is a terrible idea. why? >> why would you tax it at higher and higher rates? john: because the walton kids didn't earn it. >> it doesn't matter.
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the money is used for investments for expanding different products and so forth, and when you destroy that wealth through taxation, and where is the money going? it's used for boondoggles, government wars. john: roosevelt institute would have it go to poor people, i assume. >> do all kinds of stuff with it, health care, education, richer more broadly prosperous society. >> if the money would go there. unfortunately it is going to the welfare class, it is creating a dependent class that is very destructive and one of the reasons. john: john -- >> what the government does with the money, we make a broad education, health care, retirement. i assume you are in favor of growth, creative destruction. >> right. we're in a situation where most of the growth is captured by the 1%. john: but it's not the same
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people. oprah went from the bottom to the top. so did sam walton. >> farming. >> take steve jobs, one of the 1%. what did he create? what every one of us have in our pocket, a smartphone. everybody has this. this is a great equalizer. capital of the 1% is going into products like this that is helping everyone. why would you penalize that. i think there are serious problems here with the book. one for example he says the rich automatically get richer, and that is so much blowny. there are so many examples. he uses the forbes 100 richest list. those are changing constantly. >> basic compounding interests, if you have a lot of wealth, instead you spend a lot of it. john: why is that a problem? >> part of it is the legitimacy of capitalism. if capitalism is not generating. the reason people like capitalism is liberty,
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libertarian but the best system we have for generating broadly shared prosperity. if that is becoming less true going forward. if we see much more income going to capital owners, superman class that captures a huge amount of innovation in our society. >> but you're not focusing on the average worker who is having difficulty finding a job and so forth. and the reason is because you have these redistribution schemes that are taking all this money and giving it to the poor and creating a dependent class of fourth generation welfare recipients. this is a travesty in america. john: why is it a problem if the top 1% are filthy rich. income is up, this graph shows, it's way up, 230% for the top 1%. but the lowest quintile, income
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was up 1%. >> they will dominate the politics, and the economy. piketty talks about where people weren't so interested as becoming innovators, they were much more interested in marrying rich or finding a way to become a rentier and not necessarily becoming the person who starts the next start-up that may or may not be rich. >> one of the things about his book, he takes this 200-year history and says the only time when inequality and the gap shrunk between rich and poor was war and depression. and you don't want war, you don't want depression. so why would you want to change the inequality issue? john: on that note, none of us want war or depression. thank you, mike and mark. next, kids spend hours playing violent video games. did you know that this turns them into killers? more popular nonsense coming up. $
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. john: want to are horrified? watch some of the video games that kids play these days. so if you have young kids in the room, you may not want them to watch this. >> call of duty let's kids be
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soldiers. counterstrike let's you be a terrorist. manhunt shows you how to strangle people and break their necks. the producer wouldn't let me show this. and the best-seller grand theft auto invites you to be the bad guys. >> you maniac! >> creeps me out to see kids playing these games. what effect do they have on the kids? whenever there's a mass shooting or other violent crime, people say violent video games inspired it. jack thompson said that so often and forcefully that video game lovers made this parody. >> i am scared, man, the world is turning into grand theft auto. >> what are you saying? >> saying that jack thompson was right! >> i need your help, jack, the born cleveland, ohio, graduated vanderbilt, middle of his
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class. >> did you need my help when i sounded the alarm on flight simulators. >> filed first lawsuit in 1987. no one would listen. john: we'll plug his book, out of harm's way, one man's relentless crusade to save your kids from vo game madness. you don't have evidence, you are making this stuff up. you don't have evidence. >> a ton of evidence. the american psychological association has done at least three studies that talk about the deleterious effects of violent video games on the entire teenaged population. some of which become more aggressive in speech. some of them less empathetic. some of them go over the attorney general violence. john: 200 scholars signed a letter saying the relationship between the games and aggression has not been proven.
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the supreme court calls the research unpersuasive and countries that play the most video games have less crime. >> more video games, violence is going down. john, what you assume are all factors being static in that situation. what you have in america is decreased teen violence across the board. john: yeah. >> but have you more of these spree killings and mass killings than ever before. john: spree killings are not up. it's just more reporting on them. >> no, john. john: are you saying sandy hook is caused by a violent video game. >> tell you what the governor's study of connecticut found. they found that adam lanza had dozens of violent video games in his possession, one eyewitness said he would play all day and all night. including grand theft auto and call of duty. john: his favorite game was dance, dance revolution, which he played four to ten hours at
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a time. >> ted bundy may have liked strawberry ice cream. that's not to say that strawberry ice cream had a factor in it at all. he did consume three grand theft auto games. grand theft auto. you can impart killing skills to someone who wouldn't otherwise have the skills. that's why the u.s. military. john: i'm sure it makes them better killers, but they don't kill. >> they did in paducah, kentucky, michael carneal, age 13. i represented the six parents of the girls shot and killed there. john: there are fox commentators who believe what you say. ralph nader said video game makers are electronic child molesters. >> i would say that the video game industry, take 2, that makes grand theft auto mentally molests minors for money. i met with the chairman, and said i'll drop my criticism of you all if you stop marketing and selling your games to underaged kids.
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he said no, we'll destroy you rather than do that. john: he said we'll destroy you? >> yes, and he did vocationally. i'm no longer a lawyer. john: well, you're no longer a lawyer because the florida supreme court took your license away saying you abused of process with constant and numerous filings. >> i was disbarred for appearing on "60 minutes" at the request of ed bradley, to warn the american people that something like sandy hook was coming. john: whuld sue, you'd sue everybody. the retailer, the marketer. >> yes, that's what any good tort lawyer would do, you sue anybody with links in the causation chain. john: lamar alexander agrees with you, he said this about video games. >> i think video games is a bigger problem than guns. john: and after last year's navy yard shooting left the tv host ed schultz said this about
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grand theft auto. >> if you're a parent and you allow your son or daughter to watch this, even if they're beyond 18 years old, you're a lousy parent. john: really? 18-year-olds who can actually go war shouldn't be allowed to play them? >> the standard -- i'd say if you acted out grand theft autono afghanistan you'd be court-martialed and jailed. the bad guys killed the good guys, they run over people with the cars, they have sex with prostitutes. john: amazing. >> it is amazing, we have generations of teenagers filling hearts and souls up with violence which they do the violence which makes them more likely, some of them to act it out. john: thank you, jack, i want to remind you, violence, teen violence is down. he says it's for other reasons. next, more very popular nonsense. >> it's time for us to change
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america! we'll be here at lifelock doing our thing: you do your swipe from anywhere thing, watching out for your identity, data breach or not. get lifelock protection and live life free.
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john: dash this skeptic battle to think astrologers can predict my future or a government run health insurance can be cheaper or better or banning video games will reduce violence. i think the appeal that people want simple answers but that is popular nonsense the most dangerous nonsense
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is a belief when there is a problem the government is the solution. gasoline shortage created by government price controls then it politicians promise. >> praying us closer to energy independence for our country. >> 1980. >> 1985. >> 10 years. >> 2025. john: give me a break. there's no shortage today because individuals of discovered new supplies of oil and gas over coming government obstacles. central planners have failed most everywhere including the soviet union, cuba, post office and the obamacare website but yet despite all the failure when another crisis hits the natural human instinct is to say the government has to do something. >> i will keep taxes low. >> this is the moment when the rise of the ocean and the planets began to heal.
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>> i cannot wait for this man to be president. john: the first the supporters shouting guess we can as individuals working to common goals fired george bush employed people in and then things thug government cannot. now most people have begun to understand this president cannot fix anything but the truth is harder to grasp that no politician can that is what i wish more people would learn economics. federal kyack wrote the task of economics is to demonstrate to me and how little they really know about what they imagine they can design. politicians cannot design a betterñrñr world and they feel when they try. but individuals can that is why i wrote the book to give modern examples how government failed individual secede.
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most of the struggle to run our own lives we are busying cannot pay attention we're grateful for those who want to take charge after all they are so interested in our welfare. that is all they talk about some even went to harvard so they must me very smart it is logical to believe they should plan our e economy and people believe them when they say yes we can. this is popular nonsense government creates new problems without solving old ones but to say know they can and does not mean individuals can. recently reinvented lots of new ways to learn what is nonsense and many services are completely free. all are bad alert -- better than what government has offered because the entrepreneurship from individuals promise more choices.
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we will have more and more of that if government would just get out of our way. that is the show for tonight see you next week. ♪ ♪ gerri: we're heating up. we're helping students, parents, grandparents finance a college education. everything from appealing subpar aid packages to digging up free money. first we'll help youg get the bang for your college bucks with cal cheney, president of campus consultants. author of the book, "paying for college without going broke." thank you for coming on the show. always nice to have you o here. this is the time of year when mom and dad, get your acceptance letter,t money, how much money they're willing to give you. what should people think about in terms of affordability? what can c families afford? how do you d


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