tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business July 7, 2014 7:00pm-8:01pm EDT
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show? >> home for a run. charles: love nordstroms, you guys have always been supportive. watch us every night or dvr the show if you can't see it. right now i leave you in the ever-capable hands of the man himself, lou dobbs. ♪ ♪ loor. lou: good evening, everybody. homeland security secretary jeh johnson flat out refuses to acknowledge whether the obama government will deport tens of thousands of illegal immigrant children who have crossed our borders this year. in a stunning new report straight from the government itself, proof once again the obama administration has tried to deceive the public about the number of deportations on the president's watch. here's homeland security secretary jeh johnson doing his absolute best to avoid answering a direct question on what will happen to the children who have entered our country illegally. >> they going to be deported or
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not? >> there is a deportation proceeding that is commenced existence illegal migrants including children. we are looking at ways to create additional options for dealing with the children -- >> trying to get an answer to will most of them end up staying. >> we need to find more efficient, effective ways to turn this tide around. lou: johnson went on to claim that the obama administration has already, quote: stemmed the tide. but new information released by immigration and customs enforcement contradicts that statement. the statement is similarly false. in 2008, the year before president obama took office, more than 8,000 illegal immigrants under the age of 18 were deported. last year that number dropped to just over 1600. in a statement from white house press secretary josh earnest today may reveal the true intent
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of the obama administration in this so-called humanitarian crisis. >> what we're seeking is additional authority that can be used by the secretary of homeland security to deal with this situation in a humanitarian way, in a way that's in line with our law which means that those who seek to stay in this country go through the due process that's afforded them through the immigration courts. lou: and we'll be joined here in moments by congressman blake who toured the mcallen, texas, facility and the rio grande valley that houses many of these minors. and.b> mayor alan long of mari, california, will also be here. he's the mayor of the southern california city whose residents have decided to fight back against the federal government's placement of hundreds of illegal children in their community without the approval of local officials. also tonight the leader of the terrorist group isil comes out of hiding to deliver a blistering sermon calling on all
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muslims to pledge allegiance to him. and prime minister nouri al-maliki becomes the latest middle east leader to refuse the obama administration's calls to go. we'll be talking with four-star general jack keane about the american mission now in iraq and the escalating violence between israel and hamas in the west bank and gaza. violence that's now resulted in one dead american, another beaten and jailed. we begin be tonight with someone who's seen firsthand the huge numbers of young illegal immigrant children piled into one of the border patrol facilities in texas. he says these kids are being held hostage by immigration reform zealots who are pushing amnesty or nothing, and they need to be repatriated, he says, immediately. joining us, congressman blake -- [inaudible] who certains on a number of committees including oversight and government reform and judiciary.
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congressman, good to have you with us. the children that are being piled, as i just said, into this facility, your reaction, your thoughts on what's happening in mcallen at least. >> it's unbelievable, the flood of children. the there's a facility built for 400 adults. it's like a jail, and they've got 2, 3,000 children crammed in the there. it's just absolutely horrible living conditions. lou: the number of illegal crossings has risen by 178% the rio grande border patrol sector in texas has taken the brunt of that, i think, as you know. let's take a look at the number of increases in young illegal immigrants flooding into the united states now. rio grande up 178 president, as i said, laredo, big bend up 59%, el paso, 33% higher n. arizona, the yuma sector up 39%.
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in california, up 59% in san diego and el centro up 41%. this is astounding. no one in this administration, so they claim, was aware of what was going on. congress, unaware. how could this be orchestrated, and when i say orchestrated, i'm not going to say necessarily that this administration orchestrated it, but the reality is someone is behind all of this, and is congress going to find out who? >> i think we're going to look at it. the real issue is that the people in central america, guatemala, honduras, think that ged states are going to get to stay. it's a his interpretation and a misreading -- a misinterpretation and a misreading of the president's policy. but here's the problem, once they get here, they ask asylum, claim a credible fear of violence when they go home, and they're stuck in our immigration
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courts for years. it's been taking three years to deal with a couple of thousand. now that we have 60,000, god knows how long it's going to take to work them through the system if we don't get some more judges to handle this and if we don't change the law to treat central americans the way we do children from mexico and deport them promptly. lou: and there is no reason in the world that children should not be treated precisely the same whether they come from guatemala, honduras, el salvador can, whatever the central american country and mexico. but congressman -- >> the law is different. lou: i'm sorry? >> the law is different. lou: i know it's difficult law. what i said is there's no reason for there to be a difference in their treatment by u.s. authorities, and secondly, the very idea that the secretary of the department of homeland security will not answer a straightforward question, a
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direct, straightforward question on what will happen with these children. you just said that you believe that they're going to be turned around and sent home. the administration now be is basically saying that isn't going to happen, they may be here to stay, and these numbers that we have just shared with the audience, these may be small in comparison to what we're about to experience. >> we need to change the law to allow them to be deported promptly. the administration, under current law, they get a hearing. and it could take years to get that hearing if they show up for the hearing. lou: they don't show up for the hearing, the vast majority of them don't. so all of this becomes a fiction. it becomes just one deception after another. sometimes purposefully perpetrated on the american people, other times i think many in congress might even know the laws themselves. obviously you do. and your colleagues on your committees. but when we look at, when we
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look at what's going on here, how can we tolerate, how can we tolerate an administration that has basically said after being criticized for wading these children in because they, in fact, are going to be allowed to stay in this country, it now appears. >> well, the only way to stop the flood is to send them back. we had a flat of brazilians a -- flood of brazilians a few years back. once we did expedited repatriation, that flood stopped. there's a proven way to stop this. i think congress can pass a law repealing that law that treated the central american kids differently than the mexican children, and we can get back on that. we're still going to be stuck with the ones that are here already, having to work them through the system. obama's original proposal for more judges is a good one, we've just got to figure out where we're going to caught to -- to cut to pay for it. lou lou all right. good to have you with us. >> good to be here.
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lou: violence in the gaza strip, that follows the kidnapping and killing of two israeli youths, an israeli-american and palestinian team. palestinians bombarding israel with more than 70 rockets and mortars today prompting israeli airstrikes that allegedly killed at least eight palestinian militants. the escalation comes after an israeli official says three suspects confessed to the killing of a palestinian teen last week. police say that murder was in revenn for the killing of two israelis and an american-israeli teen last month which israel blames on hamas. meanwhile, the state department can calls for an investigation into reports that a 1515-year-old palestinian-american high school student was brutally beaten by israeli police during riots in east jerusalem last week. and "the new york times" putting out a shocking editorial on what they say is the real internal revenue scandal.
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the article reads, quote: the real scandal is what republicans did to cripple the agency when virtually no one was looking. since the broad tea party-driven spending cuts of 2010, the agency's budget has been cut by 14% after inflation is considered. leading to sharply reduced staff, less enforcement of the tax laws and poorer taxpayer service. if i may point out to "the new york times," it was in the election of 2010 that the tea party came to somel#y influencen congress. it was certainly not the year in which that legislation was passed. needless to say, house republicans such as oversight chairman darrell issa disagree with "the new york times." congressman issa is indicating that upcoming testimony from irs commissioner john koskinen could further incriminate former irs official lois lerner in the targeting of conservative groups
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and donors. >> either lois lerner's attorney is outright not telling the truth -- which he's played fast and loose with the truth several times -- or the commissioner was inaccurate in his testimony before congress. now, the lawyers, mr. taylor is not under oath. the commission or is. so hopefully, he'll clarify it, support it, and it probably will make us understand that lois lerner's attorney continues to profess her innocence when we're long past the question of guilt. she broke rules, she broke the law. lou: issa referring to statements that lerner kept hard copies of her e-mails. lerner's attorney denies she did that. either way koskinen should clear that up. we're coming right back. lou: the head of the terrorist group isil showing no fear in iraq. al-baghdadi delivers a blistering sermon for the cameras in mosul.
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♪ lou: tsa's tightening security at foreign airports. any passengers flying in the united states now must power up their cell phones and mobile devices because of concerns they could be used as bombs. the new measure comes after recent intelligence reports suggest al-qaeda-linked terrorists in yemen and syria are plotting to blow up commercial aircraft. the state department can today announced it has no reason to doubt the authenticity of a video showing the head of isil, al-baghdadi -- the self-proclaimed ca leaf -- delivering a sermon in which he praised the victory of his 14,000 fighters spread all across iraq and syria.
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it is the first image of baghdadi that we've seen since he was in u.s. custody four years ago. and as the terrorist threat worsens, the iraqi government is in a state of political paralysis. iraq's parliament today postponed its next session until mid august. prime minister nouri alma lackey announcing over the weekend he still intends to run for a third term. joining us, former army vice chief of staff, general jack keane, fox news military analyst as well. general, good to have you with us. first, the iraqis can't even move ahead with their government, deferring for five weeks a decision that we thought would take place last week. >> yeah. yeah, absolutely. certainly very disappointing, not surprising given iraqié.g3/ politics and outing off until tomorrow -- putting off until tomorrow when anything gets tough. the fact of the matter is though, lou, there'll be a lot of discussion outside of that
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formal convening of parliament and hopefully in those end suing weeks they'll be able to put something together in terms of a coalition government without maliki. that's kind of the ideal. whether they can do it or not certainly remains to be seen. everything we have indication of so far puts that clearly in doubt. but that is the hope. be. lou: and the united states there along with other nations including prominently russia to bolster the shia government against the isil. but what is the presence of iran and the obvious escalation of russian engagement here, what is that doing to the united states' role in iraq now? >> yeah. well, it's not only affecting the united states' role in iraq, it's also affecting us in the region. the region is known for some -- has known for some time that the united states has been disengaging from the middle east, and they've been seeing that clearly in libya, in syria,
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etc. but the fact of the matter is the russians and the iranians, they know how to play be power politics. they played in a very consequential way in syria. assad is not in power without russian and iranian support. they propped him up. when, in fact, the op is decision force had -- opposition had clear momentum moving towards his demise. they changed that. now they're playing power politics, lou, in iraq. both of them. and the fact of the matter is, this gives maliki a hand to play, quite frustratingly, by saying to his constituents out there, political constituents and his political opponents, look, i've got international support here. i've got the russians, and and i've got the iranians who are helping us. and without them we're not going to be able to succeed. i stay in power because of that. and that's what's disappointing here. where is the united states in terms of consequential support? we are not providing that. lou: well, the consequences of
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the president's decision to send what are now estimated to be 800 advisers into iraq as russia is providing jet fighters, crews, pilots and further support and increasing it almost daily as are the iranians in terms of the number of troops coming in, we look timid, we look weak and drudging in our assistance. why with there at all if that is the case. >> yeah. i couldn't agree with you more. what i believe this administration is actually doing, lou, is they're using the political turmoil, the difficulty of establishing a coalition government in iraq, as an excuse for no action. and not seeing clearly what will happen eventually. and that is that isis, now is, is the new face of al-qaeda. you held al-baghdadi up there,
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i'm telling you, he's actually going to be the face of the entire radical islamic movement. hundreds and then thousands of fighters are going to come to assist him in syria and in iraq. this thing is a hen nays, and it is going -- menace, and it is going to grow. the united states with its allies will have to deal with this eventually because their threat will be indisputable and undeniable. lou: well, you mentioned allies, and we are given to understanding occasionally the administration, any american administration, talking about our allies, coalitions. for the life of me, i cannot think of a single country that has stood up to say we're shoulder to shoulder with the united states in its policies in the middle east. have i missed, have i missed something? >> no. no, you haven't. but the fact of the matter is the threat to the our allies in the region is real. to jordan, it's next. they say it's next, i believe them. saudi arabia and kuwait would be
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after that. and by the way, lou, people who say this is a sectarian war, this is just a civil war truly are not focused on what isis is, sunni-based terrorist organization, that intends to depose shia and sunni governments to establish a large caliphate in the middle east. those allies we have this jordan, in kuwait and in saudi arabia feel that threat. we should be working with them. i would assume our intelligence services are, but i think we can do far more than that. lou: general jack keane, good to talk with you. >> always good talking to you, lou. lou: time now for a look at our online poll results. we asked you last week if you believed the dhs should be allowed to put illegal detainees in communities without the knowledge or consent. 97% of you said, no. by the way, the constitution may say the same thing. be sure to vote tonight: do you
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believe president obama's foreign policy has isolated the united states from the rest of the world? cast your vote at now to the weekend box office. transformers: age of extinction, held on to the top spot for a second week in a row. the forty be installment inn"fxe para-- fourth installment in the plan chiez raked in more than 36 million. the r-rated comedy "tammy" debuted in second with 21 million for warner brothers and deliver us from evil opened in third place, 9.5 million for screen gems. overall in the weakest fourth of july box office in more than a decade, sales down more than 44% from a year ago. up next, my commentary on why this may not be the greatest generation for this country and the generation that is most to blame? well, that's next. we're coming right back. [ male announcer ] if you're taking multiple medications,
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administration's orchestration of this humanitarian crisis. and best-selling author joins us tonight with a sneak preview of his brand-new thriller, active or. we will be coming right back with all of that and more. for a nation so polarized, so fractured politically there seems to be precious little debate about the issues that may matter most to our future. as a nation and as a people. president obama seems to think the issues that matter most are somehow trivial. he is not want to bother with any questions about enforcing borders or deporting illegal immigrants. not when he is set on a course to effectively destroy them meaning of borders, citizenship and nationalists. we seldom see our military parades anymore , marching down the main streets of our
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communities as bands play even on the fourth of july. that's not an accident, of course, it's the result of decisions taken the past several decades by many of our elites whose purposes are often it at variance with the american people , with a american middle class and those who aspire to be a part of our middle class. all that countered to our american traditions and our american values. now as americans are about to enter a historic transition from the baby boomer generation to the succeeding generation x, well the new generation faces challenges that would have been unimaginable as baby boomers came of age. the greatest generation had one out over the impoverishment of the great depression. the violence of the nazis, of the japanese of world war ii and they would create the
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greatest industrial and military power in the history of the world. and all of that power and all of that wealth was bequeathed to my generation. few in the politics and media seem to want to talk about what we baby boomers have done with our inheritance and what we have achieved. it is certainly understandable if they are part of the baby boomer generation because we have taken the wealthiest nation on earth and rendered it the greatest debtor nation in history. there's a reason for that and it is quite simple. over the last 114 years the federal government has spent more than it received in tax revenue. for 109 of those 114 years only five years have resulted in a budget surplus and more than a century. the result is a national debt of almost 18 trillion dollars. we have one run trade deficits in each of the past
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39 years, soon to be 40 consecutive years of trade deficit. the baby boomers have left generation x and the millennial's, a nation whose leaders including this generation x president are more challenged and less equipped or less inclined to beat those challenges unless sure of themselves and less sure of national leadership. as they witness russia invade occupy an annex the crimean peninsula without consequence, china rapidly building of a military to meet that of the united states. and mexico simply dismissing our border and hour laws, but then so does the current administration. what is the succeeding generation think? perhaps that generation x deserves far better leadership than that which the baby boomers have tolerated or too long. we will becoming right back.
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>> the obama administration means to bring in as many illegal immigrants as a can. illegal immigrants being sent to processing centers all across the country without notice or community approval. a california town fights back, muriatic mayor alan long, our guest here next. my mother made the best toffee in the world. it's delicious. so now we've turned her toffee into a business. my goal was to take an idea
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joining us now is the mayor of murrieta. alan long, great have you with us. what is going on? has there been any communication between the federal government and you and local officials about what has transpired with illegal immigrants being brought into your community? >> know, very little information. that is part of prostration. any information we have gotten has either been through back channels or us reaching out to local border patrol officer who has been wonderful. the local office has given us information as they received it, but as of today we have never been part of planning process both in the short-term or long-term and term and it's frustrating. lou: you have demonstrations against the busing and of these illegal immigrants. we see the crowd. we hear the noise there, what is going on right now? >> will, right now there are two sides out here and you have a side that is pro- immigration and then you have a side that is anti- immigration, i'm assuming. bottom line is our responsibility is to make
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sure everyone can exercise their constitutional rights fairly and in peace and what i hear now is a lot of shouting back and forth. we don't have any buses arriving that we know of . however, murrieta still remains a destination point and the nations problem lands on our doorstep we have to deal with it. lou: how do you deal with it? isn't there a requirement of some kind that the federal government that this will affect the quality of life
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and disrupt your community that they work with you? i think it's fairly easy to say with some certainty this is a demonstration of arrogance in government. i see a mexican flag fly narrow very group. this looks like-- it really looks like fighting confrontation and a sound like ya. it really is and it has evolved and what started out to be a lot of local citizens with a lot of valid questions and a lot of unanswered questions there was with concern within that community. without information it's hard for us to know what to expect and what the plan is. what we have now is a lot of resources locally that have been diverted from their primary mission, their day to day operations to something completely different and operationally we just can't keep the same footprint we had before not to mention the financial resources to pay for everything. lou: and is the federal government offering you any federal assistance whatsoever? >> absolutely not, none. lou: what would you like to see happen here? are you just simply going to continue demonstrations against the buses? will you blocked buses? what is your vision here? >> well, everyone keeps asking me, that mayor of murrieta, a community of 6000, we need to ask washington dc what we you do?
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this is a federal problem and it needs to be addressed at a federal level and we are going to continue to maintain the safety of the residents here and those who pastorate. that's all we can do, but i'd say you what, we can only sustain this for so long and we would like to know what is the plan? what is the end point here? lou: i think it's pretty clear, mr. mayor, and i would like to get your sense of this, but i would think it's pretty clear that this border is now open and the president is inviting more unaccompanied children to enter the country illegally and be swept in to our society. it looks like we are going to have more, not fewer illegal immigrants crossing the border now. your thoughts. >> yeah, right now absolutely there is a crisis right now. they have a 50000 in taxes alone right now with more
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coming. at the concern we had from the beginning. we didn't see any end point and we were getting answers and we started researching why is this happening and we didn't see an end point and we cannot sustain that type of processing and long term stay here locally. remember, let's not forget these are human lives, people. this facility is not designed for long-term housing. this whole humanitarian part of this that was a very deep concern for residents here as well as the officials.
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lou: what would you say, mr. mayor, if i told you that there is evidence that the department of homeland security was advertising as early as january for escorts press many as 65000 unaccompanied children. let me read to you part of this. this is in the seeking of a contract. there will be approximately 65000 you ac in total 25% local ground support, 25% the ice charter and 50% via commercial air. this was in january. that is the number at 65000. that's exactly the estimate of the number of children who have moved into this country and are expected in this year that rises to 90000 and that your 120,000. estimates rise as high as a quarterback million coming into this country. your thoughts. >> it's unbelievable. to date like i said we have get to have any communication with homeland security. no master plan. lou: mr. mayor, i appreciate your calm leadership and we appreciate taking time to speak with us and we wish
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you the best as you try to contend with this crisis. thank you so much. >> thank you. lou: jailed marine sergeant says he's more hopeful he will be released after a hearing on gun charges wednesday. he has been in a mexican jail now, for 90 days without any public word from president obama to secure his release. his name not mentioned by our present. a reminder to vote in our poll tonight. do you believe president obama's foreign policy has isolated the united states from the rest of the world? vote at lou , tweet your response. we are coming right back. stay with us. >> up next, a new report that the president has chosen the democrat he wants to replace him in the white house. juan williams and carrie sheffield coming right up. dentures are very different to real teeth.
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stocks retreated from record highs last week. the dow down 44 points in the s&p lost eight and that nasdaq down four. join in a us now forbes contributor carrie sheffield and fox news political analyst, cohost of the five, jaun williams. thank you for being here. we just talked to the mayor of murrieta. he says it's a federal problem and he is the guy who has to deal with it. i admire his calm demeanor,
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but the frustration is only going to build here. your thoughts, kerry? >> i agree. that mayor is handling this with considerable the plum and i applaud him, but president obama is showing a lack of leadership. it is fast becoming his version of hurricane katrina and i think that the government of mexico is not stepping up. the government of mexico if obama was asserting adequate pressure they would step up. lou: for that analogy to be i guess perfect, george bush woodhead would have had to have invited hurricane katrina in. >> exactly. obama taught at the university of chicago and he should have been down the hall talking to the economist professors because when you increase the supply of something like something valuable like american citizenship you will get a lot more demand and that is what has happened. lou: did he orchestrate this? is his administration-- we showed homeland security was looking for bids for escorting children. >> the la times over the weekend got some numbers that indicated that as you have seen the dream act in going to affect that you have seen an increase in the number of these young people coming across. so, that is the closest you can make to the case that
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president obama has some direct response ability. contrary to what kerry was saying these are mexican kids, these are kids from central america from honduras, el salvador, nicaragua and these kids i think our escape in a crisis is not the president making. lou: you are a student of all current affairs. the reality is there is less violence right now it central america than there has been in decades. there is lower unemployment in many of these countries than the united states and for this to be promoted by this administration i find john dropping. >> you are saying there is lower employment in those claimant-- statement unemployment. >> if you look at the overall economic package there is no question you would rather live in the united states. you would say your child has
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a better chance. lou: there has been a surge. >> the mexican icon he has improved and that is why we see a slowdown in immigration from mexico. however, you have not seen an improvement to the level we have seen a mexico. we have seen major reforms and major reforms in the oil sector, education sector in mexico that you have not seen in central america and that his wife they are not motivated as they once were to come here. lou: for the mexican illegal immigrant they are motivated like everyone else, i assume , by economics. let's turn if we may to ed klein on president obama having chosen ms. warren-- elizabeth warren to be his successor rather than ms. clayton. your thoughts. >> find this interesting because the ulster journal today has hillary clinton separating or distancing herself from barack obama. so, what we see here on the
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right is that these two are not in lock step because i think the conservatives so worry about hillary being a snowball and kind of walking in and they are trying to make it clear that there are tensions within the democratic ranks that separate these two and open hillary or obama to attacks. >> let's not forget that warren was the one who created the you didn't build that meme. there is a vicinity with obama that claim does not have, so i think even though we know talk is cheap in politics and obama probably won't endorse anyone until the nominee process is completed. i think there is an affinity that you would not see end-- lou: an affinity between whom? >> obama and warren. heere's a closest there in sense that-- lou: i love the warmth you are creating around this.
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i appreciate it very much. >> i'm not saying i agree with that affinity . lou: that is always a good thing. >> it's a good thing. lou: think about. next, the brand-new thriller, active or, the story of a newly elected president forced to turn to a cia sorts that may not be so helpful. desolate author brad thorn joins us next. i'm only in my 60's.
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endorsed by aarp, an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. remember, all medicare supplement insurance plans help cover what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. call now to request your free decision guide. and learn more about the kinds of plans that will be here for you now -- and down the road. i have a lifetime of experience. so i know how important that is. lou: our quotation of the
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evening but this quote from economist political, so, immigration laws are the only laws that are discussed in terms of how to help people who break them. mr. soul is often that she had it in self without one. the latest thriller for my next guest export happens when the country is threatened with an explicit warfare. joining us now, brad thor, his latest thriller is entitled, "act of war", available tomorrow. brad is available to us tonight. congratulations on the book. i can't wait to read it. >> thank you. lou: the premise is obviously the war on terror and what with all the country. >> absolutely. i'm an entertainer and what people to get one of my books and go to the beach and be thrilled cover to cover, but with every book i write i try to outdo myself from the one before because i'm a small business owner. i want to get better with my product and it my goal was to put the oval office way out on a limb and have someone start selling behind them. the premise is that concept of unrestricted warfare, which was developed in the far east by a nation truly
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hostile to the us that was to collapse us from within and i thought what if the oval office came upon an attack in the only way was to go out on that limb and commit to ask of war by the united states. to covert operations. lou: kober in manner? >> yes. that is my recurring character and he is back again. lou: great. brad does what he says. he exceeds himself with each book. it's a delight to have summer fair. >> thank you. lou: i know it will be number one bestseller. let's turn to that issue that you are raising and what we are watching on our border. most people do not recognize -- most americans don't realize these children who are becoming that humanitarian crisis as the president put it-- their home countries are 1800 miles from the border.
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a great deal of help has to be provided to get the skits of that border who is providing it and why? could it be political exploitation of these children. >> absolutely. i spoke with a couple of my sources today and one of them had been on the ground in honduras after 1998 and said we didn't see any sort of mass exodus from honduras like we see now, after that terrible tragedy in which 10000 people died in honduras.
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so, i ask this person, your analyst had on and what are you seeing here and he said you have this strategy for your viewers that don't know it was developed in 1966 by two leftist sociologists in an ivy league school this is the best way to collapse the united states is to plug the entire welfare system and collapse the us from within and replace it with socialism. lou: and that is why this template comes up so often because this administration advertising for food stands, trying to bring more people and doing so successfully into the welfare system are creating even greater dependency on the federal government. but, that's interesting you would say that is the template being used inform policy, if you will. >> absolutely and one of the true tragedies that we see in the border is i got word via another contact of mine about a pilot who wants to come out and speak about the amount of children he is moving from our side of the border to southwestern states and the word that i got was these kids are being handed over to whomever claims to be a church organization without any back rent checks, so this is a child predators paradise going on. lou: audit lien up the very law that is permitting them to come into this country and not be deported immediately was designed to stop this trafficking of children and it's having the exact opposite effect potentially. >> absolutely and if you
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♪we love to work at nothin all day♪ ♪and we've been taking care of business♪ ♪it's all right whew! ♪taking care of business, saved the day! ♪ ♪ neil: well, as if the boarder crisis wasn't bad enough, now our own immigration agents are making it worse. some of these guys are giving them a heads up. welcome, everybody, i'm neil cavuto, and all this time i bet you thought agents helped, well, crack down on drug cartels. what if i told you a few of them work with those cartels? not to help us, but to help themselves. it's true. stunning reports first investigated by the washington times of immigration agents snooping into law enforcement databases and in the case of some mexican drug rings, even warning them if they were under investigation. does any of this
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