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tv   The Willis Report  FOX Business  July 8, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT

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a lot going on tomorrow. we'll be back. don't get sick of us yet. >> germany-brazil is more interesting. "the willis report" is next. gerri is looking at summertime hazards that a lot of us aren't aware of. >> thanks, guys. gerri: sharks, great white sharks. there are more of them, numbers are surging off the eastern seaboard and as far north as canada. what does it cost to buy the american dream? we'll break it down. dead of a heart attack at 15. one family's tragic story and the new push for ekg's in high schools. and the big data dive on consumer habits is on. is it right that your health insurance company is snooping around and shopping where you eat. "the willis report," where consumers' business starts right now.
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♪. gerri: that was really lame. okay. thanks for that. just two notes and you've got the ultimate vacation villa. we begin with fresh reports revealing a resurgence of great white sharks brewing in the nation's water. do you know what to do in the event of a shark attack? life saving advice from the president of the wildlife conservation society and the director of the new york aquarium in brooklyn. thanks for coming in. so good to be with us. why are there more sharks. >> more sharks because we've had great conservation success two, factors at play, one is the marine mammal protection act which restored populations of prey and the second is since 1997, white sharks have been protected and fewer than being taken. gerri: so more numbers, and how far are they ranging these days? >> great whites from massachusetts to new jersey,
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down the coast and you'll find them off the coast of florida in the winter. gerri: seeing pictures of them right now. is that the density that you see, are there that many? scores running together. what would it look like to me? >> typically great whites are solitary animals, they hunt alone and found usually by themselves. aggregations would be extremely usual. gerri: how likely is it if i were swimming in the waters that i would be attacked? >> in fact, it's vanishingly small that you will encounter a shark. more likely that you will die from a jellyfish sting than a shark attack. since 1916, there have been 106 recorded unprovoked attacks on sharks by sharks on humans. so it puts it in perspective especially if you compare it with the 100 million sharks killed by humans every year. gerri: well, let's get people a real world estimate what you're talking about. we have great numbers. you are more likely to get
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bitten by uruguay's luis suarez, the soccer player biting people than a shark. shark bite's one in three million, luis suarez, one in 2,000. you mentioned jellyfish, a mosquito, hipos, deers, bees, dogs,ants and cows. i don't know how that happens. >> once we put the numbers into perspective. you have a calming effect and lets us enjoy our time in the water. the truth is, you are much more in danger of drowning than you are of being attacked by a shark. so really there are safety concerns but about being in the water in general. gerri: i got to tell you all the movies, we're obsessed with sharks, sharknado, tv shows dedicated to sharks, why are we interested in these? >> fascinating animals. apex predators.
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gerri: what is apex? >> on top of the food chain, big predators that take prey. in the same way we're fascinated with tigers or lions or bears, we are fascinated with the animals because they are predators, they are ancient animals, they've been around 250 years, and they're in real danger and we need to protect them. gerri: two questions, why do they attack when they attack? we had an example not too long ago, and what should i do if sw sharks? >> it's pretty clear the reason humans are attacked by the big sharks is they are mistaken for prey. gerri: i look like lunch. >> great whites feed on seals, sea lions, often surfers or anybody in the surf with wet suits, they are sill wetted, they are mistaken for marine mammals. avoid aggregations of seals or sea lions, do it from a boat.
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secondly, as always use common sense, be calm, if you see a shark, you should move away in a calm fashion, try not to be agitated as hard as that might be. don't splash, and also if you are on flotation whether it's surfboard or boogie board, don't let arms and legs dangle down, that is an attractant. gerri: great stuff, i'm now going to get on new york aquarium, you have me hooked. >> look forward to it. gerri: still to come, including your voice, during the show facebook me or tweet me on your thoughts on the show. are you interested in sharks? we want to know. and at the bottom of the hour i'll read your comments. coming up, new health warnings for high school athletes and hearts. next, should ekg's be the standard for teenagers before they play sports? stay with us. (vo) rush hour around here
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starts at 6:30 a.m. - on the nose. but for me, it starts with the opening bell. and the rush i get, lasts way more than an hour. (announcer) at scottrade, we share your passion for trading. that's why we've built powerful technology to alert you to your next opportunity. because at scottrade, our passion is to power yours. so this board gives me rates on progressive direct and other car insurance companies? yes. but you're progressive and they're them. -yes. -but they're here. -yes. -are you... -there? -yes. -no. -are you them? i'm me. but the lowest rate is from them. -yes. -so them's best rate is... here. so wherere them? -aren't them here? -i already asked you that.
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-when? -feels like a while ago. want to take it from the top? rates for us and them. now that's progressive.
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then you'll know how uncomfortable it can be. [ crickets chirping ] but did you know that the lack of saliva can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath? [ exhales deeply ] [ male announcer ] well there is biotene. specially formulated with moisturizers and lubricants, biotene can provide soothing relief and it helps keep your mouth healthy, too. [ applause ] biotene -- for people who suffer from dry mouth. . gerri: here comes the big fall season, high school athletes preparing for what's coming up. and reports continuing to surface about young adults suddenly collapsing during a
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game without any prior symptoms. it's called sudden cardiac death. tragic stories emerging from courts and fields across the country. cardiologist dr. kevin campbell, assistant professor the the university of north carolina is here with this information which is critically important to moms and dads and parents, and these kids as well. so describe to me what you mean by sudden cardiac death. what causes it? >> the most common cause of sudden cardiac death is abnormal electrical heart rhythm. this is ventricular fibrillation, the only thing that can save a person is electrical shock from external defibrillator like tv or in the movies. gerri: a lot of the schools have them onnand, right? but they don't always. so we've had many deaths, right? tell me what should be done? what should the kids be doing to make sure it doesn't happen. >> every high school athlete
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needs a preparticipation high school physical and exam. talk to your doctor, make sure you are safe to participate. there's a bit of controversy whether we should be adding ekg's or electrocardiograms to the evaluation, i say yes. gerri: it would be expensive but more money out there. but at the end of the day, it can save, how many lives a year? >> the most current data is 100 young athletes per year in the u.s. die suddenly, and a lot of this is preventable if you are able to identify they're at-risk or not allow them to participate in sports that put them at risk. the cost of ekg which is anywhere from 30 to 50 bucks if you have insurance is not prohibited. gerri: not too much. i don't understand what causes it, why do the kids have abnormal heart rhythms. >> most commonly, abnormal heart where the heart is very thick and it's called
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hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, you can develop the dangerous heart rhythms and have sudden cardiac deaths. having aed can be life saving. gerri: if you are able to diagnose this early, what would you tell the kids to do? would they have to stop playing? >> a lot of the kids have to stop playing and not be allowed to participate. if they have certain symptoms or meet certain criteria in terms of how thick their heart is or have a dangerous heart rhythm, they would need an implantable defibrillator implanted so they would stay safe. gerri: wow. they would always be safe, you wouldn't have to rely on the school to have one on hand and use it. isn't there an idea athletes are pushed too hard these days? >> i think athletics is very, very important in our society, and i think we're all former athletes, myself, i'm sure you as well. we always thought that telling the coach you didn't feel well was a sign of weakness and you would be pulled from the
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starting lineup. we make sure that our athletes are not only pushed to excel but pushed to the safe and smart. gerri: it's a scary thing, one of my friends had the very issue and died as a result, it's shocking. especially when it's someone so young. thanks for bringing us this important story. dr. kevin campbell. >> thanks for having me, gerri. gerri: are you guilty of hitting up your favorite pizza place or forgetting to fill that all-important prescription. some hospitals are starting to use detailed consumer data to see which patients are more likely to get sick? why are they doing this? patient privacy rights founder dr. debra peel. welcome back to the show. we talked about this before, now it seems like the big medical institutions really digging deep and looking at all the details of your life. what are the kinds of information that they're poring
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through to understand what the physical problems might be? >> they're poring through everything, gerri, from what you buy in the grocery store to how often you wear your fitness app to all kinds of financial information. who you write your checks to? they're poring through our entire lives. gerri: you put it well. give you a couple examples of the kind of data they might look at. hospitals, medical centers. and you tell me how they might use it. frequent fast food purchases, what is that going to tell you? >> they're going to wonder about diet, are you eating the right kind of foods, healthy food. gerri: weight control, diabetes risks. what if they see you make frequent purchases of large amounts of alcohol? >> we know what they're looking for there, right? liver disease, addiction. gerri: signs of depression. in the frequency of drug
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refills, which was interesting, if you don't refill your meds, what does it tell them? >> it might tell them that you're no longer take care of yourself properly. the other side is you might be having drug side effects and shouldn't take it anymore. it doesn't signal one thing but does signal something changed. gerri: the companies, what they do is buy data from data miners, the highly technically adept companies that are trolling through every bit of information, whether it's credit card information, buying habits, you name it, that's how they get their hands on the information. wouldn't it be easier to ask me in the doctor's office? >> no kidding! that's the really ironic part of this. if the physicians had time to talk with the patients and the patients could talk to us, those are the kinds of things that the physician wants to know so that they can treat you in the best way that fits with
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you and your lifestyle. this is the kind of thing that ought to take place in the office. gerri: well, you make a good point, and i can just hear some of the companies saying pushing back on that saying, well, the patient doesn't always tell us the truth or we don't get the full story from them. how would you respond to that? >> here's the thing, when patients find out you're surveilling them, sneaking around and getting all their electronic health data, prescription records, claims data, all the information about them off twitter and facebook, they're going to clam up and not even want to see you. it's really going to have a very, very detrimental effect on people's trust in electronic records systems and in their doctors and hospitals. gerri: here's my fear, a lot of the information isn't accurate, right? think about what's on social media. look, even medical records aren't always right. so talking to me about what i'm
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doing might be a good solution. >> that is absolutely right. the person that's most likely to tell you, the doctor, the truth, is the person sitting right in front of you. that relationship is the most important way to find out what's going on. not spying through people what they do online, what they search for or charge on their credit cards. gerri: there is no privacy. doctor, thanks for coming on. >> you're welcome. thanks, gerri. gerri: later in the show, what does it cost to buy the american dream? a new report puts a dollar figure on the answer. are the numbers skewed? we're going to show you the new rides that go higher and faster. are they safe? we'll have a story coming up.
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. gerri: it's one of the most exciting summers for theme parks in a long time. a host of new attractions, bigger thrills, faster rides and folks can't get enough. the new "harry potter" ride in orlando opened today, and we're told the wait time, six hours! well, you know what? there's real dangerous at six flags magic mountain last night. thrillseekers got more than they bargained for. a roller coaster derailed and luckily nobody was killed but two folks ended up in the hospital. for more, pete is here. i want to get to the eye candy which is to talk about the thrill rides that are brand spanking new, we mentioned the "harry potter" ride. it opened today at universal studios in orlando.
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>> absolute fantastic idea, always been so crowded, this is an extension to universal studios as well as the adventure. they have holograms now, so much going on there, and it's a lot more room for people. it could be three, four hours before you get on a ride, and now it's a little better, and universal was smart to do that. gerri: there was a dragon, a 60-foot fire breathing dragon, just like you're in the movie. banshee, this is a brand spanking new ride. tell us about that. >> the longest type of coaster. it is 68 miles an hour, amazing steel ride. 5 g's pretty much most of the ride. good ride to do, and it's definitely an extension to the rides they have there in cincinnati. great park to do a lot of different things. i rode it myself. enjoyed it. gerri: going upside down, i'm
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not with you on that. i'm a wuss when it comes to those things. goliath in six flags chicago on the list, a great ride people are enjoying. tell us about that, this video is fantastic. >> the world's tallest, fastest and steepest wood coaster at 170 feet. amazing ride, i think el toro and great adventure comes close, another amazing ride and one that a wood coaster fanastic, which is different than steel. gerri: what is the deal with wood? >> older, rickety, it's a great feeling. gerri: feels authentic, that's originals were made out of. made out of wood. zumanjaro in jackson, new jersey, tell us about that. >> imagine falling 415 feet at 90 miles an hour, just an
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amazing ride opened this weekend, and i rode it. gerri: tell me, good? scary? >> short but amazing, absolutely. gerri: like bam! look at these people. suddenly they are on the ground. that's like being in an elevator and having it just cut loose. that is a pretty awesome list. one more, right? or did i do them all? sky screamer, new england, world's tallest swing ride. now, okay, this isn't my speed. >> it is 400 feet up and gets stuck a lot. and they've had problems with it. i got stuck on a ride in montreal with that. it is a great ride but right now, having technical issues. gerri: no fun because you sit there, and sit there, and it would be hot after a while. okay, so we were talking before that people sometimes get hurt on on these, there's some 4400 injuries every single year. is this track record getting worse or better?
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>> very good when you consider 45,000 motorists suffer fatalities over the year. there's a handful of people, 250 million people will ride roller coasters out of the total amount here in the united states, and we're looking at a one in about 250 million chance of a fatality. so the record is good, not perfect but very good. gerri: the difference is you compare it to motorists. the difference is when i'm going to amusement park, i'm looking to have fun, not get hurt. injuries -- the key to that is to do what the people running the ride tell you to do. >> 95% is rider error on something like that. gerri: rider error. okay, pete, thanks for coming in. great stuff. appreciate your time. >> thanks for having me, appreciate it. gerri: the new ride at six flags great adventure in new jersey isso tall, you can see the tops of buildings in pennsylvania 50 miles away.
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what's it like to ride the tallest drop ride in the world at almost 90 miles an hour? take a look. >> oh, no! >> we're going [ laughter ] [ bleep ] [ screaming ] >> oh, man. >> that was incredible! >> wow! yeah! >> woo! >> why is that a good thing? i don't know, i'm a wimp. still to come, a man turns to kickstarter to make a batch of potato salad and ends up with nearly $40,000. he shares his story. house hunting goes high-tech. the hottest apps to help you find the perfect house. stay with us.
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>> >>
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gerri: if you have ever been in search of a new home you know that searching can be overwhelming, so why not get smarter and use-- do your search using your smart phone. there are loads of apps. dreaming as cofounder and ceo-- ceo of metaphor and the better homes & gardens real estate sherry chris. welcome to you about. i want to start with a big broad question about technology and real estate. sherry, you first because you are right there in the thick of the business, how is technology and apps change in your business way back technology is changing everything and real estate is no exception and today consumers go to apps and technology to look for restaurants, to look for
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hotels, to look for everything and now they are going to technology and apps to make the homebuying decision. gerri: mike, i want you to describe 3d showcase the second, but let's talk first about the problems technology is solving in the real estate industry. how do you think about it when you're coming out with new products? >> one of the things that we really look for is when people want to understand in their search what a house looks like, how that information actually is presented to them is so important. there are lots and lots of difference apps that can let you search, but it's not understanding enough of the home to make that decision because you have looked through more and more houses and you want to know if it's right before you waste your time looking at it. gerri: true, yet to get both mom and dad out there and it takes forever. sherry, can you go through a couple apps that you really like starting with doorsteps. which ones work, which was a good?
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>> well, there are a number about the other end, of course, to go a bit further on real estate and technology, today's consumer -- they're going to use apps like doorsteps. that's a new app that was launched recently and it has a gaming aspect to it as well, so you can have fun while you are searching for a home and searching for that lifestyle and community and that allows people to not just because of the house itself, but to think about what-- gerri: are people like a betting on with the house go for? how does gaming work? >> not really, but they are playing a game as they look for the home. it's it-- people like gaming today and that is the next generation, i guess, of apps to launch, but doorsteps is
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definitely one. gerri: you like jumpers? >> yes, i like that and build those that because we were all together recently at the forward technology summit, which congratulations on the win. this is an act that our gates things when you think about the low and julia and apps and companies like that , of course they have apps in the aggregate everything and in today's millennial's there are a hundred million 18-34 -year-olds out there and many are looking for rentals and they want to cut through the clutter. they don't want to have to look at everything and that is a great for the rental surge across the country nationally. gerri: mike, let's talk about your product-- i'm sorry, sherry. we have limited time and i went to get to mike's product, which is kind of-- it blew me away frankly. so, it's not an app per se,
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but product called 3d showcase, which has gotten big awards. telesat works. >> so, with the 3d showcase is is a photo perfect 3d model of the entire house. what you can do is walk to the house as if you were there and everything is photo perfect. you can look look around freely and also move from room to room and then all back and you see the whole house like it was a doll house in front of you. spin it around and see how all the rooms linked together and you could even put that into a floor plan. gerri: the thing that is amazing is that you can kind of look behind the sofa if you want to. you can go wide or narrow row, you can see every bit of that house and then zoom up above as well. you getting a lot of traction with this? >> yes, that is one of the most exciting parts that developing a product with an audience in mind. one of the thing that is nice is that it's better than video because you get
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to control your own movements and it gives you more context than a few photos. gerri: interesting stuff. i can't believe what's going on. you don't even have to be in town to find a how to like and i will quickly mention jerry's other pics, curb call and go connect, to other apps you might want to check out. the world is changing in real estate. mike and sherry, thank you for coming on. >> thank you. >> thank you. gerri: don't forget now this thursday we are airing a one-hour special on the massive gm recalls. during the broadcast we will hear from family members of crash victims. we last experts whether drugs are getting information they need about recalls and we will show you how to control your car if it loses power on the highway. big show. you will want to join us. after the break we have a panel discussion on usa today's estimate that it takes 100 30,000 dollars a year to live the american dream. what do you think it cost? here's what some of your treating.
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to me money doesn't make the american trip, to me it's faith, family and friends. that is the thing we heard a lot today. don tweets, a wise person once said there are two ways to be rich, get more want less, perhaps it's time to stop dreaming. aaron posted on my facebook page, where was the survey taken in michigan ask it cost much more, almost five times that california. that cannot even beat eight mean average represent in the country. another is the american dream is free. here are some of your e-mails, andrea writes in yesterday's the question which would you prefer the movie theater, cheaper tickets, luxury teeth are better movies. audrey writes a quick going to movies on the 30 years ago. and the new movies are essentially the same plot with different type. mac, actors and a slight change in the line, but in the end it still stinks. jen jen writes better movies. you can be as comfy and
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enjoy bigger burger, but if the movie is good then who cares. the semi and e-mailing her to gerri we will be right back to discuss how much it really costs by the american dream and here is your consumer gauge with the numbers that matter to you and your wallet. check it out.
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gerri: is the american dream dead? that's the question we hear a lot lately with stagnant wages and rising cost from everything with housing and help. usa today. nash picked figure. they save $130,000, 370 dollars is the price tag for the marketing. a lot of people talk about the story, so we thought we would bring in experts to discuss. g moore, the chief economist at the heritage foundation and thomas hershel, cornell university professor and author of the new book, chasing the american dream. tom, i'll start here. does usa today have it right? is $130,000 the magic
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number? >> i don't think there is a magic number. thank you for having me on. this is great to talk with you. i think-- we come up with a slightly lower number around 109,000 year, but the basic idea i think is that there is kind of a level at which some people are above that, his comfort level and i think probably the majority the workforce is actually below and they are not able to live without going into debt and that is the cause of financial stress for a lot of people. gerri: that is a great point because in this country credit cards, that is sort of the oil that greases the wheels with people wanting to you like they're in the middle class, but they really are. still, what do you think of this number? >> i think it's way too high, jerry. the average middle-class family has a much higher living standard that even a rich family a 1950, we just have more things and we want more things, so we think what used to be a luxury good is
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now kind of considered an essential, but only about three or 4% of americans make 100.5, 100 30,000 dollars year, so i reject the idea that 96% of americans are not achieving the american dream. as you said earlier, it's almost-- the american dream is more of a state of mind and how much income you make. gerri: had to tell you all at our viewers say it's more about personal relationships what about your attitude, your support system. i want to dig into some of the numbers they use. they say a sentence, cars, food is on the $60000 a year and extras like vacation, entertainment and dining almost 20000, taxes and savings, $54000. professor, you look at these figures and i have to say i believe it's completely different all over the country. what i would pay in rural america to have a very good lifestyle is completely different from what i.
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pay here in new york city. >> that's an excellent point. i think it is certainly true that this is highly variable from place to place. however, it is also the case of what people really want, sort of a bottom line is they want to feel economic security and what we found in our study chasing the market dream is that people's income vary from year to year. they might be above that level at some year and then they might be well below that level another year and that i think is the cause for concern. gerri: that's interesting. i thank you guys mentioned before the average household income is less than $60000 a year, so few americans really are making that usa today-- >> that number, $60000, that would make in terms of worldwide income the person who makes $60000 would be rich beyond comprehension in most countries, so we have a high bar that we are try to cross, but there is a question in the last four,
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five, six years we have seen a real struggle for-- financially for megan families and the anxiety just shows up in every single poll that we have seen for the last three years that americans are worried about can they pay their job with a see that it times for the future? that is the real american dream, do i feel like my kids will do better than i am? gerri: i saw a poll today that shows people don't even want to managing their money anymore. it's so, you know, frustrating to them and i want to ask you both quickly because we don't have a lot of time left, is this dream even achievable? bus, will start with you. >> i think we need to start and have a conversation about maybe reorganizing some of the ways we conduct our economy or something because people are feeling this insecurity and i think exactly what steve was famous concept of feeling optimistic about your life,
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wanted to have a better life for your children, those are the people-- things people are concerned about and i think they feel it's not really working and so there's a desire to change the rules. >> i would only add that we haven't been through this before. i remember the 1970s when people thought the american dream would never be resurrected and then we have 80s and 90s, the best decade ever for the middle class. gerri: we will leave it on that. i like that point. steve, thomas thank you so much for coming on. now, we went to know what you think. here's a question. what does it take to buy the american dream? $130,000, more? or less? log onto gerri and vote. i will show the results of the unit tonight show. 10 now, for storage or clicking on fox the aluminum, he reported better-than-expected earnings for the second quarter today. this bodes well for markets tomorrow. gm is resisting recalling
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almost 4.000000 pickups and sport utility vehicles from 1999 to 2003. according to the "new york times", gm maintains the minas issue despite national highway safety administration receiving over 1000 complaints from owners. walmart is turning away from their supercenters amid sluggish sales and traffic and instead the retail giant is planning to open more smaller groceries and convenience type stores issue. the chain went public three years ago at the height of the gourmet cupcake boom, but that quickly faded. those are some the hot stories now i'm still to come out my 2 cents and how one man's quest to make potato salad has left him $40000 richer. we will explain. i'm only in my 60's.
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so i know how important that is. gerri: a tongue and cheek kickstarter campaign. they're getting a ton of dough. eight ohio man one-- with a 10-dollar campaign to get this make himself a batch of potato saw. check it out now, over 4000 backers have pledged over $44000 and there is still 24 days to go, so question is this the sign of a market top when people are giving people money to make potato salad? the potato pioneer, zach brown of clovis ohio joins us now. i like your teacher, that is impressive. okay, let me point out that you don't even know how to make potato salad and people gave you $43000. why? >> so i could learn how to
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make potato salad. gerri: so, kickstarter is one of these places that entrepreneurs and serious business ideas go to raise money and get you came on and said, i'm thinking about making some potato salad for my friends, give me money and people did. why? >> i think that at first it was about helping me make potato salad. i think people genuinely wanted to have a guy out who had never made potato salad before and i think now it's become -- there's inertia anything that people can sort of unite around on the internet. gerri: so, you have become a phenom. >> yes. gerri: you are a star on kick starter. have your raise money for anything else or is this your first idea? >> this is my first idea. i have given to kickstarter in the past, but i have never done it with ma'am project.
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gerri: here you are, tell me do you think this is the sign of a market top when people want to give you $43000 to make potato salad? >> i think the potato salad future is strong and i don't know what that means. gerri: okay. do you have a real plans or are you just and winging it at this point? >> i think it's a bit it column a and a bit of colin p. when you set out to raise $10 per potato salad you have long-term goals. six days in, all i know is that what i want to do with this is do something that is for the greater good. i don't know what that is. i'm fielding ideas, so if you or your viewers have any ideas-- gerri: you have no plans? you have $43000. can you do anything you want with it? is it possible to just go to a get some photo? >> absolutely, but i won't do that. gerri: you could do that. >> i know i need to make
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enough potato salad to give each of my backers a bite. gerri: that is what you promised them. >> right and i want to give the things that are promised. after that this-- we will be in the black, touted as? gerri: not just remain on people to give you money. >> right. when i was do with the money is something that doesn't violate kickstarter service, and such as far as ago. gerri: you feel like you have to give back because on the ridiculous notion you made a 10 of dough? >> yeah, in part i want to get back because this is not me anymore. this is the internet. the internet came here made this happen. i posted three or four funny jokes and the internet turned that into $60000. so, i have a nomination to get back. gerri: that's interesting. what do you thank you will do with it? >> ideally, i would do a
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giant benefit concert in columbus, ohio and by the entire internet. gerri: that's a lot of people. >> you are invited. gerri: i love it. zack, thank you for being on the show. you have to keep us up to date on what you are doing. we will have you back and i will stop making of you. i will share my potato salad recipe with you. >> please. we need a good recipe. gerri: beat prices have hit record highs and that doesn't seem to be keeping consumers away. here to expand his foxbusiness jeff locke who joins us live from a meat market in chicago. jeff, what you have? >> i have potato salad here also, but actually more importantly, i think, we have a beef and nothing is running up like beef. though, you have been in the business and longtime? >> 30 years. reporter: in these prices? >> they are crazy. reporter: the price numbers and walk with me because you have to see this place, jerry.
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this is every piece of meat you could ever want known to man. if you look at prices, they say they're up 10-12%, what you say? >> for us they are well over 20%. i don't know where they are getting their figures, but it's well over 20 and we are not able to pass the all along. we can pass some of it, but not all of it. we are hoping prices come down. reporter: you have to look at the chart, if you look at the feeder cattle-- it's a boring thing to be invested it, but that with tesla and they look like him is the same performance. it's unbelievable. >> they are going like crazy, but i own tesla, so hopefully it will keep going up. reporter: went to take you if i can in the back and let the reasons for this. i have to watch the water because they are cleaning up. we have steam and very thing else. open the cooler and we will show what it looks like to have a whole side of beef in here. come on and if you would. we had huge demand all
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around the world. take a look at this. what is this? >> one quarter of our cattle-- like 750 pounds . reporter: in big drought honestly kept the cattle herds small and we have a academic virus keeping pork prices up there. what you think? >> i'm hoping we get through this and the prices start coming back. it's definitely important for us. we don't want to have to keep raising prices. reporter: at this point people have been going to pay the demand remains high. this is the back end-- the back quarter i think)-- hind quarter rate there. there is something to leave you with read we can bring a home and if you like. gerri: thank you for that. wow, i'm crying a river because i have to pay more for my stakes. we love that meet. reporter: everyone is willing to pay, so far they're willing to pay. good thing. gerri: thank you. we will be right back with
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my 2 cents more and answer to our question of the day, what does it take to buy the american dream? $130,000, more or less?
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gerri: but does it cost to buy that market dream? we asked the question on gerri tonight and 21% said $130,000, 54% said more than $130,000 and 25% said less. finally, i got an e-mail from folks at twitter. i have been tweeting for five years now, five years and it seems impossible it has gone this long. people's eight twitter is silly and cite the evidence that justin bieber has 52.7 million followers. what does he had to say? you have to think how much can you come pushing 140 characters. the truth is there haven't been memorable tweets like public relations putting back in 2010, we regretfully admit something has happened off the gulf coast, true enough. or-- i like twitter, tweet
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me at gerri willis fbn. at my 2 cents more and that is it for two nights "the willis report". we will see you back here tomorrow. ♪ charles: tonight on making money, stocks hit an all-time high. it ratcheted up speculation about when the party will come to an end. not content with stock investors an article today said all assets are in a bubble, everything you own will pop. plus, talk about superstar lebron james could this be based on the income not winning or losing? we will dig into the crazy tactics and their impact on an economic and your prosperity. and acting around the world the yankees fan-- he suing espn. talk about money for nothing, is this the new


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