tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business July 8, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm EDT
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katie and emily return, feel free to tweet us questions now at independentsfbn, you can e-mail us. for matt welch and kmele foster, i'm kennedy, thanks for watching, good night. lou dobbs. >> good evening, everyone, breaking news tonight. the israeli military confirming just moments ago that one of a barrage of rockets fired into jerusalem from gaza made it through the so-called iron dome defense, and struck a heavily populated area. the rocket hit a home in an israeli settlement in the suburbs of jerusalem. the government will not divulge whether anyone was hurt or injured, air-raid sirens are ringing in tef -- tel aviv jerusalem and haifa. as you can see on the screen, they were intercepted, they were killed while trying to
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invade from the south of gaza. prime minister benjamin netanyahu receiving permission from his parliament to dispatch up to 40,000 ground troops for calling a ground invasion into gaza, quote, on the table. and public bomb shelters have been open throughout the jewish state. we'll be following this developing story throughout this hour. turning now to the humanitarian crisis on our southern border, the white house efforts to politically exploit the estimated 60,000 children who have illegally crossed our boarder this year appear to have backfired on the administration. democrats and republicans alike blasting president obama for planned trip to texas tomorrow. the white house saying at this hour that he will not visit the border nor the facilities overflowing with illegal immigrant children. instead, president obama will be spending his time fund-raising in dallas and austin.
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here is press secretary josh earnest trying to spin away the president's seemingly ambivalent attitude about the crisis that is largely of his own making. >> the president is well aware of exactly what's happening on the border, and what we're focused on right now are not political statements that would be made with an appearance, but rather with specific concrete action. lou: texas republicans claim the president is simply trying to avoid a negative photo-op, and the media maelstrom that would follow. >> this is president obama's katrina. if he's down there with pictures of thousands of children in jail cells designed for 400 people and you've got 2,000, there it's not a good image. >> if it's a national emergency which i agree that it is, why is the president raising money for two days in texas and refusing to come to the border and see it for himself? >> democrats are joining in the
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criticism of the president and the white house. house minority whip steny hoyer said the united states cannot be expected to give sanctuary to everyone in the world. i don't think it would hurt if he visited the border. that would send a signal that he is concerned. meanwhile, fox news today confirmed the white house will holdff in seeking legal changes that speed up their ability to deport these unaccompanied children. we'll take all of this up with congressman jim bridenstein of oklahoma. he was refused entry into fort sill, one that's housing many of these illegal immigrant minors. also tonight, president obama insults our steadfast ally in the middle east, the president praising palestinian leader mahmoud abbas in an op-ed during the most fierce
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fighting seen in nearly a decade. we'll talk to kt mcfarland and he survived a seven candidate field to force a runoff of the republican nomination in the state of georgia. david perdue will reveal how he overcame a double digit deficit with two weeks to go in the election. we begin with increasing tensions in the middle east. joining me fox news national security analyst kt mcfarland. the state of israel is under siege and responding, 40,000 men and women could be called up into the idf, where are we headed into this crisis? . >> the iron dome which the israelis developed on their own was supposed to protect them against incoming missiles. as you pointed out that failed.
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israel is in a different place than it was 48 hours ago, they are now in a position where they can be attacked and attacks can hit population centers, israel has no choice fwou respond. and as for president obama insulting israel and saying behind the scenes, in publicly in an op-ed piece in israeli newspaper he's implying it's all israel's fault and praising the palestinians. he's only enflaming the situation. lou: enflaming the situation that is now worsening by each passing hour. israel saying that they basically are going to go after hamas in no uncertain terms. do they have the capability to take the battle, this war, to them? >> sure, and they've done it before. there's a chronic level of violence in the middle east. the palestinians stir something up, the israelis respond. the palestinians lobmissiles, the israelis take out the missile launchers.
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we've had the cycle that continued over a decade. it gets heated up and have you an intefadah. a bigger conflict than intefadah. the thing i worry about is another war in the middle east, that's in iraq and syria, between shiites and sunnis. the leaders of the sunni radicals, the al qaeda, the isis, he has said we're going to jordan next, we're going to lebanon. we want to be in the sinai peninsula. guess what's in the middle? israel. if israel is faced not only with palestinians at the border, but if it gets amplified by the other countries, either unstable countries or deciding to go after israel as a scapegoat, we see a much bigger war. lou: much is touted for the administration which has little regard for allies or own foreign policy, but to put israel in absolute existential
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jeopardy here is incomprehensible, it wouldn't be tolerated. this president doesn't have much choice, does he? >> there will be ambiguity. israelis overreacted. the israelis should stay their hand. he's hoping for a measured response on the part of israel. lou: what he hopes for, why do we discuss this? >> this is what we don't understand. the president andecretary clinton and secretary kerry set out as major goal in the middle east was going to be israeli-palestinian peace. they were going to establish that. lou: they're not the first administration to be disappointed with that goal and the results. >> exactly. no. but they set it as their major goal. they spent a lot of time ignoring the bigger problem which is the iraq insurgency
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and iran's nuclear weapons program. israel doesn't want us to send boots on the ground. they want us to do resupplies. want us to help them pay for weapons system, sell us weapons systems. we need to give israel what it needs to protect itself. that's all israel wants. lou: kt, thanks for being with us. >> thank you. lou: president obama right now is on his way to colorado. there, he will give a speech and attend a fund-raiser tomorrow. top democrats in the state aren't exactly thrilled. in fact, governor john hickenlooper, senator mark udall and andrew romanof all will not be seen with the president. they have, it turns out, prior commitments. they won't be able to attend the president's speech on the economy, and apparently will be avoiding photo ops with him altogether. that's how popular this president is. udall does have time in his
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schedule to attend a closed-door democratic fund-raiser with the president, later in the day. up next, we'll talk with a congressman denied access to a detention facility on an oklahoma military base, fort sill, containing more than a thousand illegal immigrant children. he explains why this administration is behaving as he puts it much like the former soviet union? friday night, buddy.
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across of aerial assaults. in it intel aviv and jerusalem with 160 rockets fired at israel. , including the city for the first five tests in the iron dolan defense system. joining me our guest will give the story tomorrow. urging caution that the family is hopeful could judge will free them. he has been presented a mexican jail over gun charges over 99 days without any effort from the president publicly to read -- to secure his release. his attorney will be our guest on thursday.
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attorney to the approach of immigration with the trinitarian crisis it isolation for illegal immigrant children scattered all over the country as you have seen on the map. the white house has access as what happens to our recent guest who was barred from hhs facilities now closing up to 1200 children we have a member of the armed services committee also a former combat pilot good to have you with us. most people are shocked to learn you were denied access to any part of the military base to a facility that is a
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detention center, the shelter of the legal children who crossed the border by the tens of thousands. >> i tried to gain access to this facility. interestingly we finally got hhs to agree to a tour all on saturday but interestingly there have been immediate to work of the tenth to days before i get there. saying it is a 40 minute to work but you cannot ask questions, you cannot talk to the staff for the medical staff you cannot talk to the children or bring recording devices and you cannot take pictures if you want them we will send them to you. this is unacceptable we have human suffering the stories
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need to be told it is a direct result of the united states and the president who has announced to of the world for those to have citizenship to make it legal lou: with these unaccompanied children accompanied -- unaccompanied even by their families but the idea that they would deny a access as a private security force working for hhs and homeland security, have you ever encountered anything like this? >> no. this is unacceptable keeping with the first amendment of our constitution. and in keeping with the with the for house armed services committee. before i got to congress i
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did counter trafficking missions with the navy and also going to tell salvador. i can tell you that the crime and poverty is bad but it was bad two years ago and for three years ago and four years ago. the only difference is the president continues the open border policy and advertising he will give assistance if they make it here illegally. lou: what we be able to do that is the outright insult to the office in those constituents to put you there? >> of course i talked to the appropriate committee chairmen to make sure we have hearings on this issue. i will keep going back i made my intentions clear i'll take them but for their offer with a tour of the
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12th i will come back and announced if you want to have children then department of human services comes to your house and announced it is appropriate members of congress have access to this facility. lou: the president will be with governor perry we are assured after the governor insisted there will be a substantive meeting and the president relented and battery terret they met the terms. >> anything productive will come out of that? >> what i would encourage governor perry is really have operational control over 44 percent of the southern border. it requires the president to have 100 percent operational control over the southern border. it needs to enforce the of law and they have to spend a
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lot of their taxpayer dollars and down states like mine have the overflow. lou: and the burden. talking with the mayor from california he said to me and the audience last night, this is a federal problem and there's not much we can do about it. the reality is the it is oklahoma's problem and states and communities all across the country because they have the responsibility so is that a fair problem? >> yes. 85% of the children have a phone number if you call them some becomes to pick them up they become the
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custodian then they get a court day. we don't know who they are. that is a job as the senate armed services committee to are the custodians? of those children 85% are released, a 90 percent of those kids never come back for court dates. so these unaccompanied alien children facilities are illegal alien processing facilities and open up coming into use the facilities a democrat from texas native issue that they're not situated to deal with this type of the influx talking about schools and other challenges this will have a big impact of the local community. lou: this nation cannot afford to bring in unlimited numbers of impoverished
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asian and kitchen -- and educated people. and as the further burden it is an absolute mess and this president is largely responsible in my opinion. good to have you with us. we will talk again and good luck with your next appointment. >> do believe the policy has isolated from the rest of the world? 94 percent said yes. vote tonight coming to believe president with as president obama has said the allies?
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perhaps he will vote on that. up next my commentary what is driving across the southern border with the children. that is next. yeah. hi. final boarding call for flight 294. [ bells ring on sign ] [ vehicle beeping ] who's ready for the garlic festival? this guy! bringing our competitors' rates to you -- now, that's progressive.
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lou: tonight, businessman david purdue will join us to tell us how he intends to close what is a dental debit in the polls to become the republican senate on me for the of georgia. lease wheel joins us to take up the benghazi trial. both coming up here tonight. now, if you comments on the debate about what is really driving illegal immigrant children to make what is a hazardous, dangerous journey up to 1800 miles from el salvador, guatemala and honduras to the united states. the obama administration has been blaming it on poverty and rising byron's-- balance
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that groups of countries. the critics say his language seems to hold promises of amnesty, that those are the statements that are to blame for all that is happening. let's consider the fact, central america's violence, honduras has that the pious and guatemala six, sadly there's nothing new in those rankings. those countries have had the worst murder rates in the world for at least the past two decades now and yes, poverty levels are persistently high in those central american nations, but all three of them also have more on implement rates than the united states. honduras and also doors average and employment rate last year, 6%, while mall is about 4%. three years ago us border patrol agents were catching fewer than 4000 illegal immigrant children from el salvador quite mall and el salvador each year, but this
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year the number surged tenfold including children from mexico that number rises to more than 50000. why the explosion and the number of children crossing our borders and the principal change during that time period was the president's 2012 executive order to promise certain illegal immigrant children would not be deported for a period of two years now it's estimated that more than 200,000 children will be crossing the southern border within the next two years and what does president obama do in response? all but nothing. he refuses to secure our borders. he refuses to do for the minor illegal immigrants that he and the left are exploiting in order to open up the border into grant amnesty, the amnesty to have sought for the past decade. today mr. obama did ask congress for another $3.7 million to deal with the crisis of his own creation. by the way, 300 million of
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that 3.7 billion he wants would go to a central american country so they can improve their securities. 300million, about double of 160 million and eight we already give quite a mall, honduras nfl year. another 300 million to repatriate some of the children to central america. the white house is not much of how or how many. much of the remaining 3 billion plus dollars would go for more immigration judges, legal services for immigration proceedings, higher cost for the border patrol agents were spending more hours while allowing the tens of thousands of children and in many cases their families to enter our country illegally. i don't know how speaker boehner and the republican house leadership will respond to the president's request. but, this president in creating this crisis has made a mockery out of the office he holds an the constitutional duties he
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refuses to honor. this time, mr. speaker, please let the president go in the company he so strongly perverse, let him go it alone. we are coming right back. >> the latest poll have him trailing, jack kingston by double digits in georgia. businessman and now candidate david purdue tells us how he will close the gap back and become the republican senate nominee.
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the one an update now, israel tonight is carrying out airstrikes against 100 sites in the gaza strip as part of a new offensive. that offensive aimed at stopping the rocket attacks by palestinian militants. nearly 300 markets-- rockets and mortars have been filed in israel over recent weeks including a barrage of over a hundred projectiles over the past 24 hours. one of them striking a home in the suburbs of jerusalem,
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no report of casualties. we will have the latest for you as we learn more about what is happening now in jerusalem. a new study shows more more companies are bailing out on the united states and relocating to nations that have lower taxes. according to the congressional research service, 47 companies moved overseas to take advantage of lower tax rates over the past decade. compared to 29 who did so during the previous two decades. companies like fruit of the loom, tyco, accenture, sara lee and of course accenture was already over seas shipping their businesses to places like the cayman islands, ireland and bermuda, meanwhile more purchases of us residential real estate reaching new records. overseas buyers spending $92 million on home sales in the past 12 months, up 35%
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from the previous year. the increase driven by jumping activity by chinese buyers. the chinese accounted for 24% of all foreign sales last year. $22billion of american real estate bought up. the republican senator run-up in georgia heating up. my next guest launching a two or tomorrow. the latest pulltab him trailing his opponent, congressman jack kingston by double digits. we will talk about the campaign and what is ahead for the july 22 run-up. we're joined tonight by georgia republican senator candidate david purdue. they become a thing have you with us. 50 stops tomorrow? you are a tough, energetic fellow. >> that's over the next several days, but-- lou: why are you putting so much energy into the two are? is that obviously your best use of time right now? >> will, we did this in the primary the last seven or
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eight days of the primary. we went all around it georgia and met with people and listen and talk to them and in this runoff we are trying to get the vote out. we are trying to get our people to come out and hear the message again and bring new people and really listen to their concerns and right now, we trust the nerve just like we did in the primary about what is concerning people in georgia and it's the jobs, the economy and this debt. lou: jobs, the economy in debt and as a matter fact across the nation those seem to be the most -- those are the most heated topics and the subject that, of course, is greatest concern to most people is simply restoring prosperity to this country, creating jobs and those are two issues that we are hearing very little discussion about in washington dc. >> lou, it's why i got into this race a year ago. with fewer than 10 people in the united states state
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senate who have any free enterprise experience it's no wonder we have this mess, but all the government policies i have seen over the past six years has run in opposite directions of try to develop our country economically. you mention the tax structure, but one of the great problems we have had over the last 30, 40 years as we put our manufacturers at great disadvantage in an uneven playing the with the rest of the world and that's why you see some recoveries going to other countries. we have the highes corporate tax in the world and we are the only world that double taxes. i think to get this economy going that tax reform issue is one of the things that we have to face up to. lou: that is tough for some companies, but with a 17 perspective effective tax rate a lot of this smokescreen for these companies that are bailing on the united states-- frankly i couldn't give a hoot about the countries, those companies that are doing that. i do give a great deal of concern to the folks who are losing their jobs in this country. no discussion about how to get men and women working again, restoring vitality
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and vigor and growth to our middle class, which is the heart of this country and, of course, those who aspire to the middle class. >> no question. we lost our manufacturing base because of that government policies and we have decimated entire industries, but work on electronic even for-- furniture. what we need now is more focus on, read the tax reform, level the playing field and i think reform our regulatory environment. this administration has formed the fourth arm of our government at it is decimating industries we speak. i have been waiting 40 years for a copperheads of national energy policy and yet this in ministration is doing everything it can to just fritter away this god-given boom in natural resources we have regular for us. lou: david purdue we thank you for being with us and we will watch that rates are carefully and good luck to you. >> thank you. it's good to be here. lou: a reminder to vote in our online poll tonight. do you believe president obama has any significant
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allies other than the first lady and senior advisor valerie jarrett? we would like to hear from you on that. the first lady herself losing allies in her efforts to force schools to provide healthier lunches. the school nutrition association that initially backed the new federal standards is now lobbying congress to scale back those changes saying they are too rigid, too expensive. the group pointing out the amount of fruits and vegetables being thrown every year amounts to $684 million of it wastes. that is enough to pay for the lunches at more than 228 million students. we are coming right back. >> the same obama administration that told everyone that benghazi was caused by an anti- islam video doesn't mention that video in their case against alleged mastermind. leading attorneys lis wiehl and mercedes colwin take up the case.
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lou: on wall street today stocks finished lower with the dow down a hundred 50 points, that s&p down 14. volume on the big board pick it up 3.2 billion shares, the utilities is the only section to post gains of the day. telecom, the worst-performing sector, crew-- crude oil down 13 cents. gold downey fraction settling at $1317 an ounce. alcoa shares up in after-hours trading posting earnings that topped targets. be sure to listen to my financial reports three times a day coast-to-coast on the salem radio network for all of the days of biggest market and business. president obama asking congress for nearly $4 billion to deal with the massive influx of illegal immigrant children on our southern borders, but holding off on seeking legal
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changes to speed up the deportation process of those same children. only a fraction will go to the overburdened court system. 64million hiring immigration judges, expanding courtroom capacity, providing legal representation to the children and 300 million to read preacher eat and reentry into their home countries should that ever be possible. joining me now, lis wiehl, leading attorney and author of the new book a deadly business. attorney mercedes colwin, fox news analyst. let me start with you, try for. $3.7billion, could he make more of a shambles of his response abilities as president? >> of eager to the legalities. the problem i see with this is he has a due process sort of channel for all of these kids coming through, but what they have to show is if there are get to these deportation hearings, which we are paying all this money for is that if they go back to their home country they
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will be abused, there's a humanitarian concern. first of all, they will not even get to the deportation hearing. they will not show up. lou: you are saying that as a matter of fact that if they go home they will be abused? >> no, they have to make that point improve that point. >> they are seeking asylum in this country and they have to say they are in imminent harm in their country otherwise-- lou: the reality is this, those children are being handed over to custodians, a phone number often not a name. the don't have an address and secondly not having the address and name there is no way to pursue the whereabouts of those children therefore, they are not going to be part of this very fine legal system that you two-- >> all the money that goes into it if they don't show up for the hearing-- lou: why in the world do we continue to permit a sham like this by administration and president? this is pure political expectation that it
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shouldn't happen because these children actually at risk. aside from all the legalities they are risk for being exploited. we have no way of tracking the custodians of the children was enter. lou: turns over a child, a minor to someone who's name they don't have or an address? for god sakes there's no follow-up? >> they have been transported across the border to begin with and we transport them. lou: they move into the border and then they are hours response ability. >> we pay for them to go from texas to arizona and we have lawyers for them, but they won't show up. lou: do you understand what happening here? it's not simply transportation is a dispersal into our society, so they will be lost. >> when you look at the court system to give only $64 million to the court system, how many judges can you possibly have? lou: i thought you were going to say how many judges can you buy? [laughter]
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>> it would take a lot or that 64 million. that's part of the issue, if you truly want to have this due process in place, you don't put a fraction of what you are seeking to get that done. lou: we have andrew sitting in mexican jail for 101 days as of tomorrow, what in the world are we doing here? why are we messing with this? why aren't we demanding his release in the delicate? >> it's outrageous. >> you can't go into mexico and say x would i can. it doesn't happen very quickly mexico. his mother is going down there. >> wait a minute, how many billions of dollars does mexico get from the us government? there can't be some-- lou: let me put it this way. one president called the other president and says don't ever behave like this again. we want him free and we want it now. this is a private conversation, don't do it. >> there is a history of
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that. there is a history of this type of negotiation between the two countries. why has it taken three months? lou: think of the questions of that one out when it comes to visit ministration and why they did what they do. they pile up. the compound themselves. it is maddening to say the very least. what return to, if i may, i knew you are-- >> i was hoping you would do this. lou: there was a man who fell asleep and the announcer he claims were making fun of him. i can't imagine why because he looked perfectly comfortable there. 10million he is doing the yankees for. does he have a case? >> maybe someone should just wipe the drool off his face. come on. you fall asleep in a public place--
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>> is opinion, not fact that he's not getting a cent from this case. lou: we will come back with these attorneys-- these extraordinary esquires and we are going to find out about due process and how that is affecting abu khattala is our fine federal court system. of course this may call the sense in the world to try a
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back with us, lis wiehl and mercedes colwin. let's turn if e made to the benghazi terrorist suspect abu khattala. it is starting to look stupid that he is in a federal court right now. the judge ruling the case is so unusual and complex it's unreasonable. >> novel. lou: to expect the trial to proceed, but could he whine any louder about what he knew was coming down the path? >> the judges like to whine and the problem is what happened with the investigation is it was the fbi that did the investigation. lou: who dispatched the fbi to make ozzie? >> i'm trying to give you the legal analysis which is once the fbi's attached it becomes a federal court. lou: you put these in passive terms, the fbi was not attached. the fbi was ordered by the attorney general of the
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united states and for what reason? >> a federal civilian court and now they are dealing with this pickle that they are in because they have to bring-- how can you bring back witnesses? you cannot extradite these people. >> you can because-- lou: did you ever imagine this would make any sense? why not a military tribunal? why not, if you will, more direct responses to a person who is responsible for the deaths of four americans? why is it that a military intelligence operation, why in the world would it be law-enforcement? >> somehow this administration thinks there's more democracy or more due process and transparency in our judicial system, but that is not to because if you have a federal judge who is appointed by the president and has a lifetime appointment saying this is almost impossible to achieve an unreasonable because you have libyan witnesses and translators-- they don't
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have the reach to get these witnesses here. all they can get our documents. you're not going to have any-- you can't subpoena them. lou: wended our military and intelligence agencies stop killing terrorists in response to join americans? when did that and? with this administration ? >> it is certainly something a lot of people are questioning, but due process -- it's far better to do it in a military tribunal. >> but it's going to be in the federal court. lou: that is eight political not a legal decision. it's not in the interest of the country. >> that was it, it was over it had to be-- lou: they were ordered to investigate by this attorney general, the most political attorney general sense george mitchell, would you say? would that be fair? let's turn to darrell i sent indicating the upcoming testimony from the irs commissioner could further incriminate lois lerner.
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your take? >> it's amazing because he is going to come forward and say she had hard copies of these e-mails and frankly a public servant that has ever taken office generally has hard copies of critical documents. we were both public officials and we know that's the rule of thumb. lou: would he be incriminated himself because he was the one who set up their and basically misrepresented if not outright lied? >> let me back up for a second. lou: if you will answer by the time you get that thing out of reverse. >> can we were why mr. second. the excuse before was it was the dog ate my homework, we can find the e-mails. what i'm saying is now the fact is, of course, she made copies. these were critical documents. >> how could you not make hard copies? >> absolutely incriminating
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on all sides. lou: lis wiehl, mercedes colwin, think about we will do that in just about for five minutes. time now, for a few of your comments. kenneth tweeted to say very good commentary on baby boomers and generation x. i believe we boomers still have enough left in us to turn this ship around. i know we do. i just don't know whether we will. eric tweeted to say the president is not only isolated us all about coppermine is all about in the international community. precisely what he accused george bush and having that and exactly what he promised he wouldn't do. albert e-mailed me to say the president refusing to go to the border to see the state of emergency with firsthand while fundraising your by instead is proof of his arrogant attitude. i think most of the evidence was already there. a free copy of my new novel, border war will be shipped to the authors of tonight's comments.
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