tv The Willis Report FOX Business July 9, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT
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argentina and netherlands is 0-0 at halftime. doesn't matter. gerri willis is coming up. i'm sure you have a great show and special guest coming up, right, gerri? gerri: that's right. thank you, adam and cheryl. guess what. we have the pilot of that frontier flight 719, the hero pilot who bought pizza for entire plainload of weary flyers. also coming up today, the summer heat is bringing out the bugs and ticks. we'll have important new information about backyard pets. also a new study says american teens don't score great when it comes to financial know how. we'll look at what is keeping this generation behind. news about the prices on generic drugs. they were supposed to be cheaper, right? the cost of generics is soaring. we'll find out what is going on. the "willis report" where consumers are our business starts right now. gerri: we begin tonight with the latest headwind affecting your bottom line. conflicting reports out on the u.s. economy, showing many
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americans are not better off years into a sluggish recovery. wall street is honing in on the fed's massive bond-buying program but consumers want to know what rising rates will mine for their wallets and when it will happen. we're gauging the u.s. economy and getting important advice from greg mcbride, chiefness r financial analyst at bank rate. com, and senior fox business correspondent peter barnes and. welcome to you all. great panel to start with. peter, i will go to you. everybody is interested in when interest rates are going to rise. you looked at the fed minutes from their most recent meeting, and, you've also talked to several fed officials. what are they telling you? >> well, the rates are not going up anytime soon. right now, gerri, most fed officials expect that they will start to raise short-term interest rates starting in the middle of next year. and the fed minutes today, for the last policy meeting in june, showed that once again, that
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they're sticking to that forecast but also it is very data dependent. depending how the economy unfolds they say in the minutes yet again that that will determine the course of interest rates down the road. gerri: lance, economists revising their forecast across the board. they're getting out ahead of the federal reserve. do you think they're right and what is your forecast for interest rates? >> i agree with peter, that interest rates are likely to remain long -- lower longer than people expect. interest rates are economic growth and real inflationary pressures and real inflationary pressures come from rising wages and stronger consumption capabilities from consumers. our economy is 70% driven by consumption. in order to get overall prices wages, production to rise which creates real inflation and allows businesses to charge more for their products and haven't alley allows lenders to raise
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interest rates, this simply doesn't exist right now. i think the fed may be hampered a lot longer than they believe. gerri: interesting. greg to you last year we saw interest rates go up full 100 basis points, one percentage point in the space after month. how fast can rates rise? >> last year's episode is indicator how quickly and volatile that interest rates can be and what they can do. that is not to say that will happen again. particularly for bond fund investors have to be prepared for this. you could get a rude awakening to interest rate risk. to borrowers, whether interest rates go up or suddenly or gradually,. 2014 is last hurrah to pay down variable rate debt, home equity lines of credit and adjustable rate mortgages while you have a tailwind of low interest rates rather than headwind of rising interest rates. gerri: absolutely terrific advice.
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i have to agree with that. peter, has fed anything to say about potential interest rate shock? that is it what we worry about. that rates turn around and suddenly spike. have they mentioned that? >> in the minutes they talked about as they try to normalize interest rates and get them back to normal levels, historically the short term federal fund rate which is key benchmark rate for mortgages and other types of loans has been about 4%. we're at zero now ox? as the fed tries to get back to normal and, unwind trillions of dollars on its balance sheets from all the quantitative easing bond purchases it says that it is worried about how it is going to manage that and it is very concerned about how to communicate its plans with the public so that the financial markets and the economy are not shocked. gerri: okay. you know, this makes me think about the economy. let's move on to the economy right now. i think we're sort of at an inflection point. people are arguing it is going great guns and expanding.
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people are arguing no, it is not. let me give you a couple of data points here. in terms of people who think it is doing better, we had 288,000 jobs added last month. unemployment rate dropped to 6.1%. that is good news. there is also troubling data out there. part-time workers, 19% of the workforce is not working full time. the labor participation rate is punk. lance, to you, what camp are you in, growing or shrinking? where are we? >> really what i call struggling along here. we're not really growing at accelerating rate. our growth rate is, right now, since 2000, the turn of the century, the average economic growth rate has been 1.49%. that is the lowest average rate of economic growth ever in the history of the united states going back to the 1700's. the reality the economy is struggling along and this is important about interest rates too. if you look at what interest rates did last year. as soon as interest rates
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spiked, housing dumped, the economy slowed down. everything begins to grind back because everything is tied to the cost of money. when cost of money goes up, it slows economic growth. so the worst thing that can happen to the economy, this is why when you go back in history, whenever there is spike in interest rates you always wind up with recession. gerri: that's why we're asking that question. >> that is real issue. yeah. gerri: i understand what you're saying. in terms of economy, we had the container store ceo weigh in today with earnings statements, greg. >> right. gerri: we saw sluggish sales of weather and calendar shifts that began last november, continued into the spring. now we come to realize it is more than the weather and calendar. he says that consumers are in a funk. there is retail funk out there. if things are guesting better, greg, maybe you don't believe that, why are consumers sitting on their hands? >> a lot of it boils down to the fact that their incomes haven't
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increased. we at polled consumers. tell us why you're not spending more each month. two most common responses? stagnant income panned worries about the economy. gerri: wow, okay. peter, i will end with you. a lot of ceos are launching major gimmicks. 7-eleven is giving away flee slurpees to celebrate its birthday -- free. walmart, change in strategy, they will downsize their stores. will these gimmicks work? can you squeeze blood from a stone? >> look at the holiday season that, holiday shopping seasons we've had last few years? it is all about promotion, promotion, promotion, to try to get consumers in the store, to buy something and then hope that they buy other stuff when they go in. the, retailers are adjusting, i think to this new, slow growth reality, that lance was talking about. and i agree with him.
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this, we're looking at 2% growth for the next few years here. and that is what is baked in the fed's forecast going forward. >> that's right. >> we're used to, more recent recessions coming out with much stronger economic growth and it looks like we've got these structural headwind and people still trying to unwind from awe the debt they took on during the crisis that will keep consumer, hold the the consumer back. gerri: more of the same. that's what i hear. thanks for coming on. greg, peter, lance. powerful panel. thank you so much. >> thank you. gerri: now we want to know what you think. here's our question tonight, given the state of the economy are you spending more or less? log on to and i will share the results at the end of tonight's show. consumer alert for you. honda and subaru are issuing new recalls due to faulty airbags. the airbags may explode, shooting shrapnel all over the inside of your car. these recalls which are separate
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from the gm recalls but more recalls are a reason you can't afford to miss our special investigation tomorrow, how safe are we in these cars. one of our guests, head of gm victim's compensation fund ken feinberg. will victims take the offer from gm? we'll hear from the families and consumer advocate ralph nader. tune in tomorrow for our special, the gm recall, how safe are we? during the show we want to you facebook me, tweet me,@wills will fbn. later on in the show i will read your comments. are awe delicious dish for mosquitoes. how to protect you and your family from these really painful pests. many of my patients still clean their dentures with toothpaste.
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it is wet. we're getting rain every 24 hours. this must be a perfect season for mosquitoes. >> it is perfect season, dawn and dusk they like to bite us. take simple steps. there is no way to prevent disease's from tick or mosquito. you need ton proactive in preventing bite. gerri: i want to ask before we get solutions. so mosquitoes like some people and don't bite others? i never get bitten. >> people in the family hyper bite victims. they get all the bites. in my family i get very few and my wife gets them all. why is that? one in 10 people have something to offer mosquito that is attractive. maybe scent. carbon dioxide. variety of theories. not 100% known. there are people if they have trouble with bites we're here to talk about survival strategies. gerri: we'll have survival strategies. tell me about dangers and downsides.
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what kind of diseases can you contract. >> in caribbean they're in in middle of chicken v virus. 200,000. gerri: chicken gunja. i have seen the word. i didn't know how to pronounce it. obviously you can get super sick from these guys. deet, everyone wants to use deet. how do you do that correctly. >> you want to follow label, whether child, adolescent and adult. concentration of deet, tells you how long. if you're in backyard different situation than hiking. you may be exposed to ticks and mosquitoes. you want to protect yourself and family. west nile, lyme disease are all on the rise including lone star tick which is new in our area. in about 50% of the united states. you get bitten by a tick, within a few days, couple weeks later you're allergic to red meat. that is something troubling. a delayed reaction to red meat.
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people pay not fifth it out. if you have tick bites or mosquito bites work with your allergist. gerri: i have seen people get so sick from ticks. it is really concerning. what are one, two, three things to do to keep yourselves from getting ticks embedded in your skin. >> very important to do tick check where you might be exposed. light colored clothing. insect propel ant it really works. designed to prevent a bite and tick. lyme disease, mosquito bites, deet and other chemical repellants are same things for both conditions to prevent them. gerri: long sleeves, pants, cover yourself up, especially if hiking. >> absolutely. gerri: any other ideas for people out there? you have a product that is brand spanking new. tell us about that. >> this is a product, over-the-counter. it is available on the internet. i have a lot of patient who is tried it and they really like the results. s&pes away itchiness and makes people feel comfortable. if somebody has mosquito
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allergy, warm soapy water to prevent infection. topical steroid cream and oral antihistamine and ice compresses work. if you have allergic to bee stings, have an eppy pen and be ready to treat yourselves if you have severe allergy. >> i used to have those. there is scientist i believe in great britain have the idea that they will breed a super mosquito that will kill other mosquitoes. how likely is that. >> i don't think that is here yet. i deal in real world. do prevention. if you have a child, follow directions. speak with pediatricians how to apply insect propellant. these things work well. oil of lemon, eucalyptus. they tend not to last as long. do your homework and be proactive to have a safe bite-free summer. >> dr. bassett. you're a rock star. >> thanks for having me. gerri: next time you go to the pharmacy you might be hit with
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thwarted desire. enter the sleep number bed. right now, you can save $400 on the all-new c4 mattress set. he's the softy: his sleep number setting is 35. you're the rock: your setting is 60. that works. he's the night owl. his side's up while you're in dreamland. you're the early bird. up and at 'em. no problem, because you're in it together... keeping the love alive. and by the way - snoring? sleep number's even got an adjustment for that. crazy? only if sleeping peacefully with your soulmate is crazy. you can only find sleep number at a sleep number store. head in for the final days of the lowest prices of the season sale. you'll find the all-new c4 mattress at just $1499.98. ends sunday! know better sleep with sleep number. gerri: generic drugs are supposed to help us save money over brand name medications but now, some generic drugs are
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skyrocketing in price. 600, even 1,000%. so how is that even possible? joining me now, dr. pat salber of the doctor weighs n. dr. pat, thanks for coming on. i appreciate your time. tell us, i thought generics were supposed to be cheaper, you know, full stop. what happened? >> well, you know, for many years generics have saved consumers and health plans and other payers a lot of money and they are still in many cases cheaper than branded drugs. but there has been a remarkable escalation in price over the last number of years and as you said, we're seeing prices be 50%, 100%, 1,000%, even 6,000% higher than they were prior to the escalation. gerri: well, i'll give you a specific example. there is a common heart medication out there went from 50 bucks to 1,000 bucks. that is just out of a lot of people's budgets right now. you simply can't buy that. what is the explanation out there?
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why is this happening? >> well, i think the drug you're take buck is digioxin. i think that is particularly shocking for physicians because it has been around for centuries. it is a plant-based drug. it is always a very inexpensive drug and now we're finding that the prices have gone up and people are seeing, $300 out-of-pocket expenses for a drug that used to be, you know, used to paying a dollar or pennies for. you ask why it is happening. you know it's, there is a number of reasons why it is happening. i think one of the most important reasons is there has been a lot of consolidation in the generic drug manufacturing industry. so there used to be a lot of different companies making these generics. now we find there are three companies that control about 50% of the market. gerri: 50%? >> and it isn't clear that there
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is actually a shortage of any of these drug. rather it appears that, the companies have thible to raise the prices and they are. gerri: wow. well, i know, you know, the anecdote in the "new york times" story was something like a doctor writings on an insurance form, are you kidding me? because of the big price rise. it impacts people at all levels. i know folks are having a hard time trying to fit this into their budget now. do you have any suggestions for people? >> well i do. i think that, in this day and age where high deductible plans are really the norm, that people are paying more and more money out-of-pocket, even if they're insured, every consumer needs to be an activist. they need to take control of what is going on. the moment the doctoring suggests righting prescription for you, doctor, do i really need that drug? for example if you have back
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pain and getting a prescription for a pain medication, ask the doc if there aren't some alternatives for that. how about yoga or stretching instead of, you know, having to spend money on a drug. so that is one thing that consumers can do. but not everybody can avoid taking their medications. so the other thing you need to do is be a very wise shopper. so instead of heading to the closest pharmacist, my suggestion is that you head to your computer or head to your cell phone and you shop around and try and find the best price for the drugs. because, not only have we seen an increase in the price from the manufacturers, but there's, a wide range of pricing at the retail level at the pharmacy level. gerri: i've heard that. go right ahead. >> pretty remarkable. third thing you can do, sometimes believe it or not, a drug with higher dose, costs less than a drug with a smaller dose. so if your doctor prescribes 150
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mill grabs, when you go to the -- mill grabs, when you get the prescription filled, chat with the pharmacist find out if the 150-milligram pill is more expensive than if you get 300-milligram pill and cut it in half. you have to be a wear, wise consumer. you have to be activist for yourself. gerri: great words of wisdom. thank you so much for coming on. good to see you. >> thank you. gerri: interesting stuff. well, later in the show we'll hear from the pilot who through an impromptu pizza party on his plane for stranded passengers. take a look at photos. go back to the monica boys choir for more music. ♪
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that monica boys choir in a flowing from the principality of the riviera last night. we are their first off in the us. michael used to be called the sunny place for shady people. it was a romantic and clamorous getaway for the rich, the famous and infamous. to tells more about monaco i'm joined by carlos who is the senior officer at the consulate general at monaco. >> thank you for having us. gerri: let's start talking about how expensive it is to fix-- vacation monaco. tell us what people can expect if they come to visit? >> it is a luxury destination, but you can still enjoy monaco without breaking the bank. there are lots of things to do. just walking around looking at the architecture like if you go up in the old town and you have it beautiful view. you have art deco and buildings throughout monte carlo.
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the weather is mild all year long. gerri: i have to ask about that. it is breathtaking. i read that the entire year is sunny. is that true? >> pretty much. gerri: is the weather that could? >> yes, it is mild so it doesn't get very cold in the winter and it doesn't get too hot this summer. it's pretty dry and mostly sunny. gerri: unbelievable and the pictures are just gorgeous. it looks like it would be a great destination. we'll talk about about what the choir is doing here. can you tells where you're going. >> they arrived at last night and they are on to her every summer and this year they are in the united states. it's their 40th anniversary. they were greeted in 1974, so they are starting with new york, which we are very happy about and friday we invite everyone to come to
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listen to them. there is room for everyone. gerri: is gorgeous. the mac i'm looking forward to seeing it. then they're going to move on to washington next week starting on monday. gerri: so, you are everywhere. >> they are. i'm going to follow that far. gerri: eighteen is that age range. >> yes, the oldest is 18. gerri: there is a new got called in monaco. can you tell us about that. >> it just opened. they had that an operation a couple weeks ago. several members of the priestly family. it's a brand-new building. it was created to look like a ship. gerri: wow. that is impressive. i had to tell you it is
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fantastic to have the choir here. now i would really want to go to monaco. >> everyone has to go to monaco. gerri: inc. you so much. the choir here is going to sing us to break, i believe. is that right? how sweet. thank you. in french, how lovely was that. thank you so much and thank you guys for coming in. we are going to have the choir sing us one more song. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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ke this. copd includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. spiriva is a once-daily inhaled... ...copd maintenance treatment... ...that helps open my airways for a full 24 hours. you know, spiriva helps me breathe easier. spiriva handihaler tiotropium bromide inhalation powder does not replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms. tell your doctor if you have kidney problems, glaucoma, trouble urinating, or an enlarged prostate. these may worsen with spiriva. discuss all medicines you take, even eye drops. stop taking spiriva and seek immediate medical help if your breathing suddenly worsens, your throat or tongue swells,... you can get hives, vision changes or eye pain, or problems passing urine. other side effects include dry mouth and constipation. nothing can reverse copd. spiriva helps me breathe better.
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gerri: when it comes to our financial literacy this country the knowledge is just average. that's according to an international study conducted by the organization for economic cooperation and development. so, why aren't american students making the grade? joining me now, so simon opera of simon says. saul, welcome back to the show. i had to stand up a surprise , but i think we are rated just above some countries in eastern europe, which is a sock-- soccer. >> i think it comes down to communication. i think it comes down to parents leading by example. to be able to share with your child, these young
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people, what your goals are, what you try to do, do you yourself first, do you use credit cards, your thoughts and feelings about money and happiness conversations at the dinner table. sometimes money is taboo and they don't want to discuss it. gerri: and i think that you look at the level at that americans have and you know something one is not doing things right. let's dig into the report itself and find out what it is these-- these teens didn't understand. 18.9% don't understand finance and they can't really just a wish between the two things. i want it, i need it, i have to have it. or something you just like to have a. >> right. one of the things i put in the book is are you teaching the children the money values, these skills? are you giving him an allowance? are you having them taking a portion of their money and i say the book 25% could go to something immediate for the eradication and 25% maybe for a video game or of skis, 25% for something like college. essay for the long-term and
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then lastly maybe 25% towards charity, to give it back and actually be humbled by i haven't maybe i can make a difference. gerri: mom and dad have to understand these things to be able to teach them to their kids and i think that is where we are behind in the eight ball. 51% have big accounts it doesn't change weather's girls we were talking about who is to blame, is it mom and dad, you should be taught in school? should we rely and the government to tell our kids what to do with the money?we deo start from the home because all values happen at the house. second, yes, it should be in school at various learning to 90s and i will take the story. i took my son to a play and i gave the man $100 and for change were a piece of candy i came back and i ended up getting $112 and i made money on the deal and i had see what happened so i got the money and i said come help me count the change. he starts counting it and what i'm doing is teaching him the value of that's what you take a math class and
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now you have too much money when you do, so we went over and return to the money and said thank you very much and actually offered to give him a free kit cat and we decided not to. gerri: i like that deal. >> it's about ethics, values and i have a savings plan for my children like a 4o1k plan that if you save a dollar i will match it by 25 cents, so we are in the corporate-- gerri: i like your numbers. >> that is right, that goes for the presence or other types of gifts and this is an opportunity to teach children their values about saving money because we don't save enough money. americans don't save enough money and we collect change and we put the change in the bank and then also when we get the statement i get to give the statement to my children and they get to open the statement and say look at me. with what we have accumulated. look, we made 2 cents in interest. i thought that was funny. gerri: want to tell people where we rank compared to other countries.
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so, at the top of the list shanghai, china. we have built them ahead of us. new zealand is ahead of us. and then here comes the united states followed by: via, israel, slovakia, italy and on and on it goes. i just think that if you want to be successful as a nation people need to understand money, how to use and people need to be taught how to do that. >> that is right and it would be interesting to see the statistics of the countries that are ahead of us and with her savings rate is because when i have a discipline in saving for my future i get to share that ensure that with my spouse, my significant other in my children. nothing happens overnight. don't get me started about entitlement. we live in a region where children and some adults think it is coming to them and very often we need to work hard, the students and they need to get some sort of a job. do they make their bad? that has to do with a question of do we give them an allowance.
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i have a daughter going off to college and hopefully i gave her the ability to understand what money is, so when she goes off to this institution that we are helping her pay for she's going to get the most value out of it and she will not only put her time in, but also be able to understand how to use the money. gerri: at the end of the day you really don't know how to manage money and tell you forced to manage money. >> that is right. gerri: you have to do it in order learn the mac absolutely and it's never too early or too late to start giving a child and allowance or giving them a certain amount of money to see what they do with it. when i work with wealthy families i actually tell children and the parents that lets give them an experiment and give them a certain amount of money to see what they do with it imus of then apparent can sit back and say did they make a mistake, it's a good lesson, let's talk about it. did they turn to me for these questions? to determine is this something i should do with my money? gerri: interesting. thank you for helping us sort that out. and now, we want to hear from you. here is what some of your
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treating me about our poll question time. given the state of the economy are you spending more and less? karen tweets, who has money to spend? ricky tweets, haven't really cut back on my buying habits, but i'm spending more because costs are going up breaking. i hear you. jonah my facebook page, things are more expensive. i'm spending the same and that he last. mark posts, compared to six years ago less, compared to last year about the same. here are some of your e-mails, jerry from oregon writes in, i'm spending more for the same things because of increases in everything food, gas, etc. vacation is unlikely this year. bill from kansas writes, about yesterday's poll question on what it takes to buy the american dream. he says the american dream is what is inside each person's heart and soul and should never be about material means but a higher power. jim e-mails, i briefly started watching your show and your excellent, keep reporting.
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i don't know of another tv show that reports on consumer topics and that is what we do here. we report on consumer topics all the time and you want to hear from you, so send me an e-mail. go to gerri time now, for a look at stories you're clicking on. wall street and in the name of green. after minutes from the federal reserve june meeting shows central banks plan to in a stimulus by this october. mortgage applications are on the rise despite higher rates. mortgage bankers association reporting mortgage applications to be rose nearly 2% last week. more flights on us airlines are running late or getting canceled. planes are writing-- subsequent to the new report by the transportation department. it's 77% of flights arrived on time, down 2% last year. the stunning loss against them in the world cup is the most single sports event ever on twitter. 35.69 tweets, many of which
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expressed shock. it beat the previous records by this year's super bowl. those are some the hot stories right on coming up next, a pilot orders pizza or stranded passengers and we will hear from the pilot and one of the passengers. here's your consumer gauge with the number is the to you and your wallet. we will be right back. ♪ i'm only in my 60's.
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[ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. call now and find out about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, it helps pick up some of what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. to me, relationships matter. i've been with my doctor for 12 years. now i know i'll be able to stick with him. [ male announcer ] with these types of plans, you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. plus, there are no networks, and virtually no referrals needed. so don't wait. call now and request this free decision guide to help you better understand medicare... and which aarp medicare supplement plan might be best for you. there's a wide range to choose from.
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we love to travel -- and there's so much more to see. so we found a plan that can travel with us. anywhere in the country. [ male announcer ] join the millions of people who have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp, an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. remember, all medicare supplement insurance plans help cover what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. call now to request your free decision guide. and learn more about the kinds of plans that will be here for you now -- and down the road. i have a lifetime of experience. so i know how important that is. gerri: a pizza party on a plane has gone viral.
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flyers heading to denver faced a flurry of headwinds from delays to detours that stretch for hours. passengers were left hot, frenzied and hungry, so the pilot came to the rescue. he ordered pizza for the entire plane on his own dime. we got one of the pastors tonight and the frontier airlines pilot, captain your heart brand her. , i will start with you first. it sounds like it was a situation from hell, pardon me, but you are delayed by weather. what was going on and i? >> it wasn't that bad. how is much worse. [laughter] believe me. no, we had a couple delays due to weather and then denver airport shutdown and i was told by air traffic control that they are not going to be (hour and a half to a couple hours and we decided to divert to cheyenne-- gerri: you went into cheyenne and didn't you have
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to get fuel, wasn't that part of the issue? >> we still had plenty of fuel, but we didn't have enough to hold for another two hours or so. we went to cheyenne, refueled and finished some housekeeping work with airplane and then when i was done with my chores i figured i'm hungry i'm sure the folks back there are hungry too, so. gerri: you made a lot of people really happy and i want to bring in logan to ask her how frustrated were people? well, you're so pretty. you are a beauty queen, right? >> yes, i mean, pageant queen. gerri: how nice. so, tell us a bit about what it was like, plane and what people were saying to. >> it was definitely a tense atmosphere. i think at that point anyone confined to a plane that long is definitely on edge and then once the engines shut down we didn't have cool air circulating through the plane, so that escalated
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things. gerri: i didn't realize that. so, the captain then at one point announces the fact that he is getting pizza for the entire plane. what was the reaction? >> the reaction was amazing. there was instant applause and people were hollering and whistling and people were so grateful because at that point we had gone hours without eating and no one had plans for that. gerri: captain, what struck you their? why did you decide to do that? >> we are a family and frontier airlines and we consider our passengers as part of our extended family and we take care of each other. you step but i might airplane your my response ability and i will take care of you and if that involves feeding you so be it. gerri: have you ever done that before cracks have you ever bought pizza port entire plane? >> no, not on that scale, but some of my friends have done it before. gerri: really? we have never heard that that is interesting. >> there was just someone there to report it, but it
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happens that frontier. gerri: that is interesting. apparently, what you set up in, his legs and german, frontier airlines is none for being one of the cheapest airlines in the us and your captain is not cheap. i just ordered pizza for the entire plane. apparently at dominoes it was a frenzy, i have to tell you. from the stories i read everyone had to pitch in and produce-- was at 35 or 50 pizzas the day you order? >> it was close to 50. half cheese and the other one was-- what was it? i forget. half pepperoni. i didn't have to any complaints, though. gerri: i didn't hear a single complaint. logan, i have it now you are the ms. colorado teen and that is why you are so famous. tell me commenting that the day did you meet anyone on the plane you will stay in touch with? was at that kind of experience? >> absolutely. i was actually really surprised to meet this incredible family's to me
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with that these children who were so well-behaved and honestly didn't even seemed to be fazed by the situation on the plane and they actually gave us some of their food to hold us over until it was announced that we were going to have a pizza, so i met some really cool people. gerri: i have to tell you it's so good to hear a good news story out of flying because it seems all the news is bad. logan, thank you and captain, thanks are coming on the show. appreciate your time. >> think so having me. >> thank you. gerri: well, that surprise pizza delivery for stranded passengers is great, but how does it rank on that list for us pizza delivery of all-time? that list makes up our top five tonight. number five, ellen g dennis surprising hollywood's a-list with pizza during this year's oscars. the oscar host asked harvey weinstein to take care of the tip. number four, the large order pizzas since capitol hill during the budget vote last your. at least both sides of the aisle can agree on pizza, but i bet they didn't agree
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on the topic. number three goes to papa john's in 2003, they sent 40 pizzas to us air troops stationed in iraq after one of the majors requested the order. number two, you just heard from him, the captain with his surprise delivery. it is sure nice to hear good news coming out of that industry. number one, best pizza delivery in our judgment wants to pizza for patriots. the nonprofit group which organizes the delivery of 30,000 pizzas to military personnel serving in afghanistan in 2013. the delivery was made by guinness world record, the world largest pizza delivery ever. 30,000. that's a lot. we will be back with my 2 cents more and my answer to our question of the day. given the state of the economy are you spending more or less? stay with us.
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>> we had an economy panel at the top of the show talking about where we're going next, now we want to hear from you? given the state of the economy are you spending more or less? 16% said more, 84% said less. 84%. log onto for online question every weekday. finally, a reminder to join us tomorrow as we delve deeper into the gm recall story. we'll show you the ignition switch at the center of the controversy, why the company didn't heed the warnings from inside and outside the company. you'll hear directly from a whistle-blower, victims and ken feinberg, running a victim compensation fund. what can you do if you're behind the wheel of a car when it stalls. it's a can't miss "the willis report."
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that's my "2 cents more." thank you for joining us. don't forget to dvr the show if you can't catch us live. have a great night. . charles: tonight on "making money," well, you heard me preach about how the things you buy and love are great way to begin your investment journey, investors that love crumb cupcakes got creamed. plus the market and the gender gap or should we say the confidence gap. many women think the stock market is too risky. i think women are better investors and better suited to finding winners than men. and speaking of risks, tonight's investing advice for everyone i'm answering ask payne questions, how to make the decisions for portfolio, whether you are six months old or 63 years old. the rules and the guideli
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